Oracle ESSBase Implementation Guide Book Download:
Preface 1
Chapter 1: Installing Oracle Essbase 13
Installing the Essbase analytic server 13
Installing Essbase Administration Services 20
Starting the EAS 23
Installing the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel 25
A typical network setup 28
Summary 29
Chapter 2: Essbase Data and Design Considerations 31
Introduction to OLAP 31
Determining the data requirements 32
Determine data storage options 35
Types of Essbase applications 38
Aggregate Storage Option (ASO) 39
Block Storage Option (BSO) 40
Unicode and Non-Unicode applications 42
Creating your first Essbase application 43
Essbase Application Properties 45
Startup section 46
Security 46
Minimum access level 46
Types of Essbase databases 47
The normal (non-currency) database 47
Essbase currency database 47
Database components 47
The database outline 48
Linked Reporting Objects 48
Partitions 48
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Table of Contents
[ ii ]
Calculation scripts 49
Report scripts 50
Database load rules files 50
Allowing duplicate member names 50
Create your first Essbase database 51
General tab 53
Dimensions tab 54
Statistics tab 54
Caches tab 55
Transactions tab 56
Storage tab 56
Currency tab 57
Modifications tab 58
Types of Essbase users 58
Summary 61
Chapter 3: Building the Essbase Outline 63
Before we begin 63
The Essbase outline—the foundation 64
Dimensions and members 64
Outline member descriptors 66
Generations and Levels 68
Generation 68
Level 69
Types of dimensions 70
Standard dimension 70
The Account dimension type 70
The Time dimension type 70
The Country dimension type 70
No dimension type or general dimension 71
The Currency Partition dimension type 71
The Attribute dimension 72
Dense and Sparse dimensions 72
Build your first outline 75
Member properties 78
Member consolidations 78
Valid consolidation operators 78
Member storage 80
Member formulas 82
Member alias 84
Alias table 86
Build your first data rules file 86
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Table of Contents
[ iii ]
Step 1: Start the Data Prep Editor 87
Step 2: Associate the Dimension Build Rules file 88
Step 3: Open data load file or the SQL data source file 89
Step 4: Set the Data Source Properties 91
Step 5: Set the View to Dimension build fields 92
Step 6: Select Dimension build method 93
Generation reference 93
Level reference 94
Parent-child reference 94
Step 7: Format file 98
Step 8: Associate fields with dimensions 101
Step 9: Validate the Dimension Build rules file 103
Update your outline using a rules file 104
Update your outline using the EAS Outline Editor 104
Update using MaxL Shell 106
Executing MaxL from EAS editor 106
Executing MaxL from command prompt 108
Attribute dimensions 109
User Defined Attributes (UDA) 111
Dynamic Time Series 113
Shared members 115
Summary 116
Chapter 4: Loading Data into Essbase 119
Make your data Essbase-friendly 120
Essbase-friendly thoughts 120
Essbase-friendly example 121
Types of data sources 123
Type of data 123
Types of files used for data loads 124
Relational databases 125
Data load methods 125
Data file freeform (no load rule) 125
Essbase export and import (no load rule) 126
Structured data load (load rule used) 130
Microsoft Excel Lock and Send (no load rule) 130
Building your first data load rules file 131
Step 1: Starting the Data Prep Editor 132
Step 2: Associating the data load rules file 132
Step 3: Opening data load file or the SQL data source file 133
Step 4: Setting the View to Data Load Fields 135
Step 5: Setting the Data Source Properties 135
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[ iv ]
Step 6: Updating the Data Load Settings 136
Step 7: Setting the Data Load Values 136
Clearing Data Combinations 139
Header Definition 140
Step 8: Associating fields with Data Load Properties 141
Global properties 142
Data Load Properties 142
Step 9: Validating the data load rules file 145
Step 10: Saving the data load rules file 146
Loading data into your database 147
Using the EAS to load data into your Essbase cube 147
Loading data using MaxL 151
Data Load vs. Dimension Build 152
Summary 153
Chapter 5: Calculating your Essbase Cube 155
Calculating your database 156
The Essbase calculation script 156
Essbase outline member formula 158
Calculation types explained 159
Calculation Scripts 160
Stored data member formula 161
Dynamic Calc and Dynamic Calc and Store 161
Essbase calculation terminology 162
Default database calculation script 163
Calc All 165
Calculate/Aggregate dimension 166
Essbase Calc commands and functions 167
Data declarations 167
Control flow 168
Functional 173
SET command functions 173
Conditionals 176
Boolean 178
Relationship functions 179
Operators 181
Member set 182
Range (Financial) 183
Forecasting 184
Statistical 185
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[ v ]
Date and Time 186
Miscellaneous 186
Order of calculation 187
Two-Pass Calc 189
Using Substitution Variables 191
Substitution Variables using EAS 192
Substitution Variables using MaxL 194
Create variables at the server level 195
Create variables at the application level 195
Create variables at the database level 196
Displaying the Substitution Variable and its value 196
Displaying the Substitution Variable in the SQL editor 198
Building your first Calculation Script 199
Writing and saving a Calculation Script 200
Executing your Calculation Scripts 201
Running Calculation Scripts manually using EAS 201
Running a Calculation Script using an Essbase
Command Script (EssCmd) 203
What the EssCmd script looks like 204
Running a Calculation Script using a MaxL Script 205
Running a Calculation Script using the Essbase API 208
Running a Calculation Script from Microsoft Excel 209
Running a Calculation Script through the Essbase Add-In 210
Running a Calculation Script using Microsoft Excel VBA 211
Summary 212
Chapter 6: Using your Essbase Cube 213
Using your Essbase database 213
How do you use your data in the real world 214
Ad hoc data 214
Canned reporting 214
Export data 215
Forecast analysts 215
Planning analysts 216
Budget analysts 217
Financial analysts 218
The real target users of your Essbase data 218
Ways to extract your Essbase data 218
The Essbase Report Script 220
How to create an Essbase Report Script 221
Report script commands and functions 223
Report layout commands 224
Data range commands 225
Data ordering command 226
Member selection and sorting commands 226
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Table of Contents
[ vi ]
Format commands 227
Column or row calculation 228
Member names and aliases 230
Building your first Essbase report script 230
Executing your report scripts 234
Run reports using EAS 235
Running a report script using an Essbase command script 236
Running calc using a MaxL script 238
Previewing data in EAS 239
Cubeview 240
Properties 241
Summary 242
Chapter 7: Getting the most out of the Microsoft Excel Add-in 243
Reporting with the Microsoft Excel Add-in 243
Connecting to Essbase 246
Connecting to Essbase from Microsoft Excel 246
Disconnecting from Essbase 248
Launching the Essbase Query Designer 249
Retrieving data from Essbase 249
Setting the add-in spreadsheet options 250
Display tab 251
Zoom tab 253
Mode tab 254
Global tab 256
Selecting Essbase members for your query 258
Using the Keep Only function 263
Using the Remove Only function 264
Zooming in on your data 264
Zooming out on your data 265
Pivot Essbase members on your spreadsheet 265
Flashback: The Essbase Add-in Undo 266
Locking the data and retrieving 266
Locking the data 267
Unlocking the locked data 267
Sending your data to the database 267
Running a database calculation 268
Retrieving your sheet without data 269
Zooming in on sample data 270
Linking objects to your data 270
Creating graphical data representations 271
Using the currency conversion tool 272
Custom Microsoft Excel workbook reporting 272
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Table of Contents
[ vii ]
A final word on the Essbase add-in 274
Using the Essbase Query Designer 274
Where do I find the Essbase Query Designer 274
Creating a query with Essbase Query Designer 278
Page dimensions 281
Row dimensions 281
Column dimensions 281
Sample query 281
Report script by-product 288
Summary 290
Chapter 8: Automating your Essbase Cube 291
Essbase command scripts (EssCmd) 292
Creating an Essbase command script 293
EssCmd commands and categories 295
Coding a basic EssCmd 297
Always remember EssCmd logging 297
Connecting to an Essbase server 298
What about error checking 298
Adding some functional commands 299
The finished script 300
Executing an EssCmd 301
Essbase MaxL scripts 304
Logging on to the Essbase server 305
Working with an Essbase application in MaxL 306
Creating an application 306
Altering the application 307
Display application 311
Drop application 311
Working with an Essbase database from MaxL 311
Creating or replacing a database 312
Altering a database 313
Display database 315
Drop database 315
Working with data in MaxL 315
Working with database calculations in MaxL 317
Create calculation 317
Display calculation 317
Execute calculation 317
Drop calculation 318
Working with user privileges in MaxL 318
Create user 319
Alter user 319
Display user 320
Drop user 320
Grant user 320
Working at the System level with MaxL 321
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Table of Contents
[ viii ]
Alter system properties 321
Display system properties 321
Substitution variables 322
Executing a MaxL statement 323
Executing MaxL from Command Prompt 324
Executing MaxL from EAS 325
Essbase Application Programming Interface (API) 326
Installing the Essbase API 327
What you should know to use the Essbase API 327
What functions are available in the Essbase API 328
Essbase API programming tips 329
Essbase nested coding style examples 330
Essbase API function declarations 331
How to code an API function 332
Essbase API code sample blocks 333
The sample API subroutine explained 336
Summary 337
Chapter 9: Advanced Techniques 339
Performance tuning your database 339
The shape of your database outline 340
The hourglass outline 340
Database block size 342
Database configuration settings 343
Data retrieval buffers 343
Data cache settings 344
Data load and storage settings 345
Partitioning databases 347
Analytic server configuration file 352
Configuration categories 355
Configuration settings to consider 356
Ports and connections 356
Logging and error handling 356
Calculation 357
Data import/export 358
Memory management 359
essbase.cfg memory settings 360
Summary 362
Chapter 10: Essbase Analytics Option 365
What is ASO 366
Creating an aggregate storage Application|Database 366
Hierarchies 370
Stored hierarchies 371
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Table of Contents
[ ix ]
Dynamic hierarchies 372
Outline paging 372
Aggregation 373
MDX query language 373
MDX functions for ASO 374
MDX function examples 375
MDX query syntax 376
Executing an MDX query 376
Tuples and Sets 378
Pros and cons of ASO and BSO 378
Pros and cons of BSO 379
Pros 379
Cons 379
Pros and cons of ASO 380
Pros 380
Cons 380
Summary 382
Chapter 11: Essbase System 9 Components 383
Overview of System 9 components 383
Essbase Analytic Services (Essbase agent) 384
Essbase Planning 384
Essbase analytics 385
Hyperion Application Link/Oracle
Application Link 385
Oracle Business Rules 386
Oracle Reports 387
Essbase Shared Services 387
Oracle Essbase Provider Services 388
Essbase Smart Office 388
Oracle Essbase Financial Reporting 389
Smart View for Microsoft Office 390
Summary 391
Appendix: A New Essbase Companion—Oracle Smart View 393
Reporting with Oracle Smart View 394
Adding a data source with the connection manager 395
Retrieving data using Smart View in Microsoft Excel 400
POV Manager 402
Submitting data and calc scripts in Smart View 404
Using Smart View in other Microsoft Office products 406
Index 409
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Thank you for selecting this book. We assure you we will do our very best to
make it entirely worth your while. The goal is to demystify the multidimensional database world and have you comfortable with designing, building, and coding Essbase systems.
Always remember, Essbase is an art not a science!
A brief history on Essbase
Essbase is a multidimensional database management system. The name Essbase stands for Extended Spread Sheet dataBASE. Using the custom add-in provides the end-user with near seamless compatibility in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program.
Essbase as we know it today evolved from software components developed by Arbor Software Corporation and through the acquisition of additional components or tools from other OLAP and Business Intelligence product development companies. In some cases Arbor Software Corporation purchased the entire company to acquire the needed components as was the case with App Source in late 1997. It is generally agreed that the release of Essbase version 3.2 in 1995 set Essbase as the standard for OLAP and Business Intelligence and Analytics enterprise software.
Rapid growth and popularity of the Essbase product led to the merger of Arbor Software Corporation and Hyperion Software becoming Hyperion Solutions Corporation in 1998. This new company achieved near global leadership in the OLAP and Business Intelligence (BI) software arena and ultimately attracted the attention of Oracle Corporation. Oracle completed the purchase of Hyperion Solutions in 2007 for $3.3 Billion. Hyperion Solutions is now a subsidiary of Oracle Corporation and offers a complete line of integrated Business Intelligence and Business Performance Management products.
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Why Essbase
In addition to being the leading global provider of OLAP and Business Intelligence
software, Essbase also offers incomparable value as a RAD (Rapid Application
Development) tool. As will be demonstrated in the following pages the complete
cycle from concept to design to build to implement can be only a fraction of what
a traditional system may require. Further, enhancements to reporting or other
functionality are fast, accurate and easy to code.
What this book covers
Chapter 1 guides you through a typical Essbase installation which includes the
Essbase Agent on an analytic server, the Essbase API on the server, the Essbase
Administration Services, and the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel.
Chapter 2 covers Essbase database design considerations and how to apply them
to a multidimensional database as opposed to the traditional row and column
relational database.
Chapter 3 we begin to build in Essbase (hooray!). Using the information learned in the
previous chapter we build the Essbase outline which is the foundation of the Essbase
database. Instead of rows and columns an Essbase database contains dimensions and
members in a hierarchical parent-child structure.
Chapter 4 dives right into loading data into your Essbase database. From user
inputted data to flat file data manipulation and loading to direct database access
all forms of data loading are explained and demonstrated.
Chapter 5 explains the varied and simple ways to calculate your data. Once data
is loaded it is time to demonstrate one of the largest benefits of Essbase. Unlike
relational databases, Essbase data can be calculated in many different ways. Instead
of writing complex programs to calculate and derive data elements from existing
elements or loading excessive amounts of data to derive the needed elements Essbase
can calculate and derive data from a minimal amount of loaded data. Essbase has
powerful yet simple to use tools that calculate the data
Chapter 6 goes over the use of the data for reporting, presentation, or data extracts
to feed other systems. Simple steps explain how to create dynamic reporting abilities
or user interfaces with a minimum of effort.
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Chapter 7 jumps feet first into the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel. As Microsoft
Excel seems to have become the dominant spreadsheet program used by business
today the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel has evolved into a very powerful tool
indeed. This is one of the main reasons Essbase is so popular today. Even the most
novice end user can quickly create professional and dynamic reports with relative
ease. We explain these features as well as how the addition of very little code can
make the spreadsheet very powerful.
Chapter 8 we cover automating your Essbase cube. Depending on the requirements
of your user community it is possible to design, build, and automate an Essbase
application to where there is virtually no need for IT intervention.
Chapter 9 explains advanced techniques that can be used to keep your Essbase
application running at peak performance. You know, those little things not usually
covered in the user guide but learned with experience. Cache settings, server
configuration, memory management are just a few topics covered.
Chapter 10 explains the Block Storage Option (BSO) and the Aggregate Storage
Option (ASO) for storing data in its database cubes. For the most part this book
deals with the BSO. Since the release of version 7.x Essbase has also offered the
ASO. As this method of storing the data has substantial differences we felt it needed
its own chapter to explain it.
Chapter 11 gives a high level view of the optional Essbase System 9 components that
are available in the System 9 Suite with the Essbase database the common foundation
for all the other components to launch from. With components like Essbase Planning
or Hyperion Smart Office there's enough to make even the stodgiest accountant's
head spin.
Appendix explains the significance of Oracle's new product Smart View.
Who this book is for
This book is aimed at the IT professional who has an understanding of typical
client-server applications but is new to Essbase and the concept of multidimensional
database management systems.
Occasionally explaining the concept of a multidimensional database to someone who
only has experience with traditional row/column relational databases can make their
head explode! This book will show you the common sense approach to designing,
building, and most importantly understanding Essbase and the cube concept.
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Versions covered in this book
As of this writing, Essbase System 9.x is the latest offering from Oracle Corporation.
Essbase System 9.x itself is an integrated suite of Business Intelligence software.
The Essbase module in System 9.x is substantially similar to Hyperion Essbase 7.x.
Hyperion Essbase 7.x is still widely used and supported.
Since this book primarily covers the Essbase component where screen captures are
used, they will be version 9.x however most all examples in this book will work in
versions 7.x and 9.x unless otherwise noted.
Before we drill down into Essbase let us quickly take a minute to refresh some
accepted data warehousing concepts.
Data warehousing concepts
Data warehousing is not a new concept. In fact, it has been around for many
years now. Traditionally a data warehouse has been constructed with some sort
of relational database structure. What is relatively new is the addition of the
multidimensional database architecture to data warehousing family.
The following information is designed to give you a high level understanding of
data warehousing and how it can be used in your business. Once you understand
the basic principles and concepts of data warehousing it will be easier to understand
where Essbase fits into the picture.
The fathers of the data warehouse
We guess we shouldn't tell you about the data warehousing concept without
first telling you who is widely recognized as the creator or father of the modern
data warehouse.
Bill Inmon is a world-renowned expert on data warehousing and is also widely
recognized as the Father of Data Warehousing. With 35+ years of experience in the
Information Technology field and more specifically database technology management
and data warehouse design, Bill has been a highly sought after speaker for many major
computing associations and industry conferences, seminars, and tradeshows.
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Another widely recognized name in the data warehousing arena is Ralph Kimball.
Ralph Kimball is an author on the subject of data warehousing and business
intelligence and received a Ph.D. in 1972 from Stanford University in Electrical
Engineering specializing in man-machine systems. He is widely regarded as the
Guru of Data Warehousing and is known for long-term convictions that data
warehouses must be designed to be understandable and fast. Ralph's methodology
is also known as dimensional modeling or the Kimball methodology.
The similarities between Mr. Inmon and Mr. Kimball are many and so are the
differences. The following paradigm statements illustrate just how Mr. Inmon
and Mr. Kimball are perceived in the world of Data Warehousing.
Bill Inmon's paradigm: The enterprise data warehouse is one part of the overall
business intelligence system. An enterprise should have just one data warehouse and
one to many data marts. The data marts then source their information from the data
warehouse. In the data warehouse, information is stored in third normal form.
Ralph Kimball's paradigm: The enterprise data warehouse is the conglomerate
of all data marts within the enterprise. Information is always stored in the
dimensional model.
There is no right way or wrong way between either of these two ideas. They
each represent different data warehousing philosophies. In reality, the data
warehouse philosophy used in most enterprises is closer to Ralph Kimball's
idea. This is because most data warehouses started out as department level
efforts, and as such they originated as an activity specific data mart. Only
when more data marts are built later do they evolve into a data warehouse.
What is a data warehouse
Just what is a data warehouse really? According to Bill Inmon, you know, the
famous author of several data warehouse books, "A data warehouse is a subject
oriented, integrated, time variant, non volatile collection of data in support of
management's decision making process."
A data warehouse is typically a relational database that is designed using
dimensional modeling and is used for querying and data analysis rather than
business transaction processing. It usually contains relevant historical data that
is derived from transactional data. The data warehouse separates data analysis
overhead from transactional overhead and enables an enterprise to consolidate
its data from several sources or activities.
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In simpler terms an enterprise-wide data warehouse is a centralized data store
where integral and mission critical data that is relevant and necessary to the decision
making processes of the different business units can be stored and accessed real-time
by the various business activities.
One of the primary benefits of the enterprise data warehouse is the use of—One
Number—across the enterprise. This means that what is called a part in one activity
is the same part in another activity. Everyone is speaking the same language and is
on the same page.
Different types of data warehouses
In addition to the relational database, an enterprise data warehouse environment
often consists of an Extract Transform and Load (ETL) solution, an OLAP engine
(hooray Essbase), client analysis tools, and other web or desktop applications that
manage the gathering of data and delivering it to business users.
There are three types of data warehouses:
1. Enterprise Data Warehouse: An enterprise data warehouse provides
a central database for decision support throughout the enterprise. It is
recommended that there is only one data warehouse across the enterprise.
2. Operational Data Store: This has a broad enterprise wide scope, but unlike
the real enterprise data warehouse, data is refreshed in near real time and
used for routine business activity. One of the typical applications of the
Operational Data Store (ODS) is to hold the recent data before migration
to the data warehouse. Typically, the ODS are not conceptually equivalent
to the data warehouse albeit do store the data that have a deeper level of
the history than that of the OLTP data.
3. Data Mart: The data mart is a subset of the data warehouse and it supports
a particular region, business unit, or business function. The data mart
receives its source data from the data warehouse. There can be many data
marts sourcing data from the one data warehouse.
In case you're wondering, here are a few words about an OLAP solution and
an OLTP solution. An OLAP solution stands for On-Line Analytical Processing,
which in a nutshell means that the data you are using for your analysis is mainly
considered reporting or presentation data and any updates or write-backs are
solely for analytical purposes. The source data is rarely updated in this method.
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The OLTP solution stands for On-Line Transactional Processing which means that
the base or source data is directly updated with factual and historical data as an output
of the analysis or data entry processes. Conventional straight line reporting can be
performed and there is very little, if any, slice-and-dice analysis or what-if scenarios.
Data warehouses and data marts are usually built on dimensional data modeling
where fact tables are connected with dimension tables. This is most useful for users to
access data since a database can be visualized as a cube containing many dimensions.
A data warehouse and its smaller, more specific data mart provide an opportunity for
slicing and dicing that visualize cube along any one of its dimensions.
Data warehouse data modeling
As mentioned above, even the so-called masters of the data warehouse have
differing ideas as to the data modeling methodology that should be used in a
data warehouse. There is general agreement that seem to have the choices
narrowed down to just two popular architectures. There is the Third Normal
Form and the Dimensional Data Model.
Of the two main types of data modeling most popularly used in data warehousing
the more common of the two is the Dimensional Data Model. Read on as we briefly
explain the differences between the two.
The Third Normal Form (3NF)
The Third Normal Form or 3NF method of database modeling in a nutshell is all
about the primary key. What this means is there is no data element in the database
that cannot be referenced by the primary key. To achieve 3NF a database must also
pass the first levels on normalization.
In the First Normal Form or 1NF the theory is that all of the data in all of the columns
must be atomic. This means there can be no sets of data in one column. For instance,
a name column that contains both first and last names has sets of data. It is better to
have one column for the first name and a separate column for the last name.
To pass the Second Normal Form or 2NF the data must be 1NF compliant and now
must also be more key dependent. Where the 1NF model focuses on the atomic
nature of the data the 2NF model is more key dependent. What this means is that
data in non-key columns cannot depend on the composite or primary key.
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Finally there is the Third Normal Form or 3NF which now, on top of organizing
the data at the atomic level as well as identifying the data in conjunction with other
supporting data, must now be completely primary key dependent. To be 3NF all
data in non-key columns must be dependent on the primary key. No more can the
data in one column or table be dependent on data in another column or table that
is dependent on the primary key.
As we said earlier, there is no right or wrong reason to use either data modeling
methodology. Both have their merits and their demerits.
Being the least popular of the data warehousing data models, the 3NF model
is actually the most popular data modeling methodology used in active online
transactional processing systems.
Ironically, when data is exported from an Essbase cube to a flat file for load to a
relational database, it more closely resembles a 3NF data model than a Dimensional
Data Model.
The Dimensional Data Model
The Dimensional Data Model is the data modeling methodology most commonly
used in data warehousing systems. The Dimensional Data Model differs
substantially from the Third Normal Form, more commonly used for transactional
systems. As you can imagine, the same data would then be stored much differently
in a dimensional model than in a 3NF model.
The Dimensional Data Model consists of Fact and Dimension tables. The Fact
tables store the numerical values of the business unit and contain numerical or
additive measures of the business like Gross Sales, Gross Units. The Fact table
also contains columns which link to the Dimension table. The Dimension table
stores the descriptive information about the dimension and some times these
are joined to other dimension tables to define the hierarchy of a dimension like
Market (Geographical information) or Time information.
To understand Dimensional Data Modeling, we'll define some of the terms
commonly used. Pay attention here as you may notice a definite similarity here
with the terms used to describe data in an Essbase database
• Dimension: A category of information, for example, the Time dimension.
The Time dimension would contain data relative to time periods such as
days or months or years.
• Attribute: A distinct level within a dimension. For example, Year is an
attribute in the Time dimension.
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• Hierarchy: The specification of levels that represents relationship between
different attributes within a dimension. For example, one possible hierarchy
in the Time dimension is Year | Quarter | Month | Day.
When the data in the data warehouse is modelled using the Dimension Data Model
method instead of being organized like the 3NF method, which is in neat rows and
columns with primary keys to identify everything, it usually follows the line of the
dimensions that are included as necessary components of your data. The resultant
structure of the dimensional data method resembles more of a multidimensional
cube than two dimensional rows and columns.
Where does Essbase fit in this
Okay, now for the big question. Where does Essbase fit in with all this data
warehouse mumbo jumbo?
Well if you were paying attention a few paragraphs back you would notice that we
mentioned that a necessary tool in your enterprise data warehouse toolbox included
an OLAP solution. Well, Essbase is it!
Essbase is the perfect multidimensional OLAP database tool to use as your function
specific reporting and analysis data mart tool. Consider this, if your data is stored
in your relational database data warehouse under the Dimensional Data Model
methodology what better tool is there that has the power and capability to perform
in the multidimensional arena. Essbase is a natural.
Consider this, with the proper hardware, Essbase is designed to support even the
largest cubes with vast numbers of users so scalability is not an issue. Essbase is also
the superior real time analysis and reporting tool that performs complex calculations.
It can also be updated from the source database, in this case the data warehouse,
quickly and effortlessly and depending on the technology you use for your data
warehouse, Essbase can also connect directly to the data warehouse database to draw
its data.
Knowing all this what other choice is there besides Essbase?
In this book, you will find a number of styles of text that distinguish between
different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles, and
an explanation of their meaning.
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Code words in text are shown as follows: "Note that the Time dimension contains
the calendar periods used in the EssCar system"
A block of code will be set as follows:
When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block,
the relevant lines or items will be shown in bold:
[Thu Sep 11 00:40:45 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051061)
Application Demo loaded - connection established
[Thu Sep 11 00:40:45 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1054027)
Application [Demo] started with process id [4744]
[Thu Sep 11 00:40:45 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1056090)
Any command-line input or output is written as follows:
New terms and important words are shown in bold. Words that you see on the
screen, in menus or dialog boxes for example, appear in our text like this: "clicking
the Next button moves you to the next screen".
Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.
Tips and tricks appear like this.
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Let's get started
If you're still holding onto this book then you are ready to embark on your journey
towards Essbase Nirvana.
We begin by covering the installation of Essbase on both the client and the server
and end with you having created a fully functional Essbase cube. This is where you
usually read some form of good luck statement. With this book you don't need it!
Let's GO!
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Installing Oracle Essbase
Welcome to the exciting world of Oracle Essbase! You have bought this book so you must be anxious to get started, and you can hardly wait. Well, not until you install the software. Yes, this is where we actually get going. This chapter will assist you in installing Oracle Essbase server (aka the Essbase agent), Essbase Administration Services (EAS), and the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel.
Oracle Essbase server can be installed on several platforms like Unix, Windows,
and Linux. For the most part, this book discusses a typical Windows installation.
Installing the Essbase analytic server
In this book, we will be focusing on version 9.x of Oracle Essbase. For your Windows installation, the minimum recommended system requirements are shown.
Operating system and processor requirements:
Operating system
Windows 2003 SP1
Windows 2000 SP4
Windows 2003 SP1
Server Enterprise Edition
Itanium 2
Disk space and RAM requirements:
Disk Space
Essbase Server
256MB (minimum)
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Installing Oracle Essbase
[ 14 ]
You now know the recommended system requirements to install Essbase and
we assume you have the software in hand, therefore, let's install Essbase.
1. Double-click the setup file for Oracle Essbase. After installing the Java
Runtime Environment and initializing the install wizard, you will be
presented with a screen asking you to select a language to be used by
the installation wizard. This is the language that the rest of the installation
screens will display. We recommend English as it is the only choice
available in the list box.
2. The next is the Oracle Essbase welcome screen. As welcome screens go
it's fairly tale and contains the standard blah blah blah, read it and then
click Next whenever you are ready.
3. On the next screen, you are asked to select a country. Please select
the appropriate country for your application, as this selection sets
the country variable in the system. This country variable is used for
currency calculations.
4. The next step is the license agreement screen, which you should read
very carefully. When you have finished, select I AGREE, then click
Next to proceed.
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5. In this step, you need to specify the Hyperion home directory which
defaults to c:\Hyperion. It is in this folder that all of the required and
optional Essbase System 9 common components will be installed. If you
choose to select a different path, please do so here.
Whenever possible, accept and install in the default
recommended paths and directories across all hardware
components involved in the system. This will greatly
simplify the maintenance and support.
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Installing Oracle Essbase
[ 16 ]
6. In this step, you need to specify the Essbase server directory. If you do nothing,
it will default to the home directory you selected in the previous step.
7. In this step, you are asked to select either the Typical or Custom installation.
The Custom installation includes all of the components and allows you to
pick which ones are required for your installation. We suggest you select
the Typical installation for now as you can add other components at anytime
in the future.
8. In this step, you are asking the wizard to update your system environment
variables with the new Essbase system variables you have chosen in the
previous two steps. The new environment variables, PATH and ARBORPATH,
will be set in the system and the Essbase server configuration file. We will
discuss this file and the settings later in the book. By default, the installer
wizard is set to update the environment variables. Please leave it as is and
click Next.
9. In this step, you are required to select the ESSLANG. The ESSLANG language
variable defines the locale of the computer. For example, for US English, it
is ENGLISH (LATIN1). This is to ensure proper communication with other
applications and is the Unicode setting.
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10. This step summarizes all of the components that are to be installed during
this present installation. Check the information carefully to confirm you
have the locations correct, as well as the selected Oracle Essbase components.
If there are any corrections that need to be made, use the Back button to go
back and fix what is needed. This is your last chance before the wizard begins
the actual installation.
11. This step basically tells you that the Essbase installation is in progress.
Take a break, read the install notes as they flash on the screen. Of course,
you could click Cancel to halt the process, but why would you ever do that?
12. Upon successful installation (you'll know it's successful because you will see
the following screen), you are now asked if you want to launch the system
configuration tool. The default is selected and it is recommended you use
it now to confirm your configuration one more time (it doesn't hurt to be
careful here). This tool can also be used to configure any optional System 9
components you may have elected to install now or at anytime in the future.
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Installing Oracle Essbase
[ 18 ]
13. Yes, another one of these screens. This is now the configuration tool wizard.
You are again asked to select the language for the wizard. Even though it is
part of the Essbase analytics server software, what the heck, you may want
to use a different language. Select English or the system will select English
for you. Once again, this will determine what language the installation
screens are presented in.
14. On the screen below, you are presented with the Essbase System 9 components
you have installed on your server and their configuration status. Place a check
mark next to all of the components that are flagged as pending, as now is the
best time to set up your components and verify their proper configuration.
Looking at the following screenshot, you can see that all choices are pending.
Since shared services has not been installed, you will only want to place a
check on Essbase Server, Product Options and Register Analytic Services
Server as Windows Service at this time.
Clicking Next will open screens to you which will walk you through the
configuration steps for the components you've selected. This is also where
you will enter your initial supervisor account ID and password, so make
sure you do not forget it.
15. After successful installation and configuration, you will see the following
screen. Congratulations! You now have a fully functioning Essbase service
installed on your server, complete with full Essbase API functionality. See
the next step for what to do at the initial start up.
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16. After the successful installation of Essbase server, please click on the START
| Programs | Hyperion | Essbase | Essbase to start the service for the very
first time. You will be asked for the ID and password you supplied in the
configuration tool for Essbase installation. When the service starts, you want
to see the line on the following screen—Waiting for Client Requests….
This is the money line. Your Essbase analytic server is installed correctly
and ready to go to work.
That was not bad. The software practically installed itself. We will now install
the EAS.
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Installing Oracle Essbase
[ 20 ]
Installing Essbase Administration
Now that you have installed the Essbase analytic server, you need a tool which will
enable you to play with your Essbase databases (commonly referred to as cubes)
as you create, configure, and maintain them. The tool used for this purpose is called
Essbase Administration Services. In earlier versions of Essbase, this tool is known
as the Application manager or just App manager.
Essbase databases are commonly called cubes after
the Rubik's Cube style structure of how the data is
conceptually stored.
The EAS user interface runs on any client and that is where you will install the
software. The EAS talks to the Essbase service using TCP/IP and a web-based server.
The servers recommended by Oracle are Tomcat, WebLogic, WebSphere, and Oracle
Application Server. To simplify matters, Oracle includes a small Tomcat server with
the installation package of the EAS service. In our example, we will be installing
Tomcat as our administration server on the client with the EAS installation:
1. To get started, double-click the EAS executable file setup which is supplied
by Oracle. Wouldn't you know that the very first screen to pleasure your
eyes is the familiar old language selection screen. As always, this is where
you select the language to be used with the installation wizard. Again, as
always, select English as it is the only language option available. Click OK
when you are ready.
2. As in the server software installation, you are now treated to the setup
program welcome screen. Read this as you usually would and then
click Next.
3. You may be noticing several similarities by now. This screen prompts
you to select a country where, ideally, the software will be used.
It is extremely important that the installation of all components
of a system be installed using the same country selection.
The primary benefits being the assurance of accuracy of the
calculations and the ease of possible future root cause analysis.
For our example, we are using the United States. Select the country of your
choice and click Next.
4. This step asks you to read and agree to the End User License Agreement
(EULA). Read it carefully, and if you agree and wish to continue, click Next.
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[ 21 ]
5. This step will ask you to accept or select the location for the Hyperion home
directory (folder). Even though this software is being installed on a different
physical machine than the Essbase analytics, ideally, it is a good idea to
always install to consistent locations across the individual machines involved
in the construction of the system.
Whenever possible, accept and install in the default
recommended paths and directories across all hardware
components involved in the system. This will greatly
simplify maintenance and support.
Make your selection and click Next.
6. Here, you are asked to select your path for EAS. As suggested in previous
steps, make your selection and then click Next.
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Installing Oracle Essbase
[ 22 ]
7. Here again, it will be best to accept the Typical installation to get you
started. If you realize there is some feature missing that you must have, you
can always reinstall the software at a later date and select the Custom option.
For the most part, the difference between the Typical and the Custom
installation is the ability to select sample scripts. The actual Essbase
administrative functionality is the same.
8. Just like Step 9 of the Essbase analytics installation, this requires you to
select ESSLANG. The ESSLANG variable defines the locale of the computer.
For example, for US English it is ENGLISH (LATIN1). This is to ensure
proper communication with other applications and is the Unicode setting.
9. This step summarizes the current installation. Check the information
carefully to confirm you have the locations correct as well as the selected
Hyperion components. If there are any corrections to be made, use the
Back button to go back and fix what is needed. This is your last chance
before the wizard begins the actual installation.
10. This step basically tells you that the EAS installation is in progress.
Take a break, read the installations notes as they flash on the screen.
Seems like Déjà vu.
11. Now, here's another one we've seen before. In this case, there is no need for
the configuration tool, since you are only installing the EAS tool. Do not check
the box on the screen labeled Launch Configuration Tool. Simply click Finish.
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Your EAS is now installed and ready for use. The next few steps briefly describe
how to start the EAS and login for the first time.
Starting the EAS
Your EAS tool requires the use of a web server to communicate with the Essbase
agent on the analytic server. You can install EAS on a bona fide web server, but in this
example, we will use the small web admin server included with the Essbase set up
package. This small web server allows you to install the EAS directly on your client.
The starting of the Tomcat administration server and the EAS tool is a two
step process:
1. Locate the admin server start executable (the location is dependent on system
paths chosen by you during installation). The server executable is located in
the Hyperion\EAS\Server\Bin path. Start the server by double-clicking the
executable (it's handy to create a shortcut to this file on your desktop).
2. Locate the EAS console executable (again, the location is dependent on
the installation paths you have chosen). This path is usually located in
the Hyperion\EAS\Console\Bin path. Start the console by double-clicking
on it (it's also handy to create a shortcut to this file on your desktop).
When the EAS console opens, you will see the following screen. Initially you
will need to supply the server name (network name of client), the default ID
of admin, and the default password of password. It is highly recommended
you immediately use the User Setup Wizard to create a supervisor account
for yourself.
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Installing Oracle Essbase
[ 24 ]
Following the documentation, connect to the Essbase server to test the installation.
Using your mouse, right-click on Add Essbase Server. In the text boxes of the login
screen, enter the Essbase server name as it is known on the network, the initial user
ID (in our case Hypuser) and the initial password (ours is password, all lower case).
This is the password that you have provided to the
Essbase server upon the completion of the installation
(Please refer to Step 14 of the Essbase Installation steps).
If your connection is successful, you will see the Essbase server listed in the left
pane. You should be able to expand the server to see many options that are available.
We now have the Essbase analytic server software installed on the analytic
server. We also have the EAS tool that is needed to create, maintain, and support
Essbase databases installed on the desktop PC. On top of that, they are able to
talk to each other.
There is only one tool left to install!
In the next series of steps, we will install the much heralded Essbase Add-in
for Microsoft Excel to complete the toolbox. Once that is accomplished, we will
be ready to begin building and programming in Essbase.
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[ 25 ]
Installing the Essbase Add-in for
Microsoft Excel
We have installed Essbase analytic server and EAS and we are left only with the
reporting tool. It's well known that most financial analysts are also Microsoft Excel
experts (or believe they are). When you tell them the reporting tool they will be
using is Microsoft Excel-based, you are almost certain to get your budget approved.
1. To get started, double-click on the Essbase client executable file supplied
by Oracle. Huh? This screen looks familiar from the previous component
installations. You know which language to select. Click OK when you
are ready.
2. This step welcomes you to the installation of the Essbase client software, also
known as the Essbase add-in. As usual, there are some recommendations and
warnings, please click Next after you finish reading it.
3. In this step, as we have suggested before, please select the same country that
you have chosen in the Essbase analytics server and EAS installations. In case
you have forgotten, keeping the country variable consistent across all installed
components will make your life easier. Once done, please click Next.
4. This step asks to read and agree to the EULA. Read it carefully, and if you
agree and wish to continue, click Next.
5. This step has already detected the Hyperion home directory from a previous
installation. If your home directory is different, select your home directory
and then click Next.
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Installing Oracle Essbase
[ 26 ]
6. In this step, you are creating a directory for the Essbase client installation.
Please choose c:\Hyperion and click Next when you are done.
7. We recommend that you select Typical and click Next. As stated earlier,
the Typical installation gives you all of the tools included with the software.
Choosing Custom will really only provide more choices for samples.
8. This step requires you to select ESSLANG. The ESSLANG variable defines
the locale of the computer. Just like before, please feel free to select English.
9. This step summarizes all of the components required for the client installation
as well as the path. Please look them over carefully. Most importantly, verify
the path and that it is correct with consideration to the other components
installed on this machine. Click Next when you are satisfied that everything
is correct.
10. This steps shows that the Essbase client installation is in progress and we
recommend you not to take any more coffee breaks since you have already
taken a lot of breaks in the previous installations.
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[ 27 ]
Too much coffee drinking is injurious to health!
When the installation wizard finishes installing the software, the Next
button will be enabled. Please click Next to continue.
11. This step tells you that the Essbase client installation is completed. Click
Next when you are ready.
12. Now, open Microsoft Excel. As it loads you should briefly see a HYPERION
ESSBASE SPREADSHEET ADD-IN splash screen (shown below). Once
Microsoft Excel has finished loading, you should see a brand new menu
pick named Essbase that is usually located between the Window pick and
the Help pick. This tells you that the Essbase client is successfully installed.
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Installing Oracle Essbase
[ 28 ]
A typical network setup
In the following diagram, we show you a high-level image of the Essbase installation
you have just completed. This is a very typical set up for most operations.
Essbase Server
Agent installed on
network server
Network client PC workstations
with Microsoft Excel and the
Essbase Add-In for Microsoft
Excel installed
Various sources of data for your Essbase database
Essbase Lockand-
Send via
Excel Add-In
Data flat files
sent from
databases 1
Essbase Administration
Services (EAS) installed
on network client PC
To help you understand and recognize your creation, the network diagram is
divided into four sections which are explained below:
1. Raw data: Loading data from a little to a lot is easy in Essbase. Data can be
sent directly to the database using the "Lock and Send" feature of the Oracle
Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel. Flat files received from other systems
can be easily rendered Essbase-friendly, using convenient and easy to use
data load rules. Finally, vast amounts of data can be loaded using SQL data
load rules that interface directly with relational databases.
2. The Essbase server: Running on the Essbase server is also something known
as the Essbase agent. Depending on your needs, it is always best to try and
use a dedicated server for your Essbase service. But don't worry, if that's
not possible, we've found that Essbase does integrate nicely with other
applications that have been installed.
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3. The developer client: This is on the desktop workstation that EAS is installed
on. You will also want to have Microsoft Excel and the Oracle Essbase Add-in
for Microsoft Excel installed on this machine as well. A setup like this allows
the developer to quickly create and test many pieces of an Essbase application,
such as calculation results, data load validations, and so on.
4. End-user PC: This is your typical networked workstation that has decent
computing power and storage. Having Microsoft Excel and the Oracle
Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel installed are all that is necessary to
provide the end-user with an extremely capable analysis and reporting tool.
You did it! You've made it this far and haven't run away. While the individual
installations have probably seemed routine or even mundane at times, we wanted
to give you the benefit of our experience. This should have helped you avoid small
mistakes now that can cause big problems later.
What we have created is a very capable basic Essbase installation. Very basic in
Oracle Essbase terms means a very powerful set up. Of course, there are many
optional configuration settings and tweaks that can make your Essbase system
virtually limitless. All this and more, will be discussed in future chapters.
Now that we have successfully installed Essbase, it is time for us to dive deeply
into the world of Essbase. In our next chapter, we will talk more about Essbase
cube design consideration, Essbase application and database types, data storage
options. By the end of the next chapter, you will be able to create your first Essbase
application and database.
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Essbase Data and Design Considerations
We have successfully performed the installation of Oracle's Essbase software and it is functioning correctly. Let's cross-check for a minute, we have the server agent installed and running, the EAS installed on our client and operating correctly, and the Oracle Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel is also installed on our client in Microsoft Excel. We are now ready to begin learning and exploring Oracle Essbase!
In this chapter, we will discuss how to use the data elements required by the customer and transform them from the usual row and column relational schema
into Essbase-friendly meta-data dimensions and data members.
Moving ahead, we will use the Esscar Motor Company as the fictitious business customer for all of our examples throughout this book. The Esscar Motor Company is a traditional multinational automobile manufacturing enterprise.
Introduction to OLAP
OLAP is the common term for Online Analytical Processing and is generally known to be a multidimensional, client-server computing environment.
The differences between OLAP analytical solutions and traditional data analysis applications containing backend relational databases are stark. The most obvious being an OLAP analytical application's ability to provide speedy analysis of broad slices of data. Programs which are complex and expensive to write would be required to perform even a fraction of the functionality provided by a simple
Oracle Essbase OLAP application.
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Essbase Data and Design Considerations
[ 32 ]
Another notable difference is OLAP's ability to drill-down to the lowest level
of granularity with ease. You will even hear phrases like, slice and dice, and
multidimensionality, which means having the ability to view the data from virtually
any perspective. Finally, the ability to calculate large amounts of data on the fly gives
users a superior advantage over traditional applications with relational databases
when it comes to "what if" and "cause-and-effect" data analysis and reporting.
Oracle Essbase is widely known as a financial analytical tool. We
want to change the mindset just a bit, right here and now. Oracle
Essbase absolutely is a superior financial OLAP tool, but it is an
equally superior OLAP tool for just about any type of data analysis.
Determining the data requirements
One of the most important factors for any successful Essbase database design is
to determine up-front what data elements and attributes are required.
Our business customer is the director of sales forecasting and production planning
for the Esscar Motor Company. What if our customer would like to have the ability
to create a monthly sales forecast for the vehicles manufactured by Esscar Motor
Company and then sold in the various markets they compete in? The customer also
needs to see the effects of the sales forecast on the planned production volumes and
the required stock of vehicles. In addition, with regard to future monthly planning,
the data needs to be robust enough to provide historical looks at the data and year
over year comparisons. As you can see in the following screenshot, you can use
Oracle Essbase for predictive analysis for future or forecast periods:
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[ 33 ]
Let us see what we have learned about data requirements from our customer. What
data elements are important and must be included in the database? Our customer
has indicated that they need to track vehicle sales, vehicle production, gross stocks,
and profits. Chances are that there will be more data elements, but because we are
working with Essbase, they can be added quickly and easily at anytime in the future.
The elements listed in the previous paragraph will become members under a
dimension, which we will call Measures. These elements are what the customer
is using to measure his business. It is the attributes of these data elements which
will help us determine the rest of the necessary dimensions in the Essbase outline.
The dimensions described in an Essbase outline can best be
described as a category of information used to organize your
data. For example, Calendar Periods can be a dimension in
an Oracle Essbase database and can also be used to describe the
frequency of your data. Dimensions will be discussed in depth
in the next chapter.
The Measures dimension is included in most databases as it
contains the customer-required measurables. The other dimensions
can be thought of as the necessary descriptors of the measurable
data, such as Calendar Periods, product lines, markets.
When we talk about the data elements and their categories, we ask many questions.
Typically, each critical data descriptor or data member category, needs to be created
as a dimension in the Essbase database outline. Keep reading to see how this plays out.
Although we go into great detail on exactly what a database outline is and the
purpose it serves, for the time being, consider the Essbase database outline to
be similar to a logical data model you create for a standard relational database.
One use of your new system is to track the company's performance based on sales
and profits. What is the frequency of the data? Is it safe to figure that we need
a Calendar Periods dimension in the database outline? Depending on how we
build the Calendar Periods dimension, we will be able to work with the data on
a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis.
What is it that our customer produces? Why, it's automobiles of course! Wouldn't
our customer want to track the company's performance in many ways? We are
probably safe in assuming that we need to create a Total Vehicle dimension
that allows us to look at the data by an individual vehicle line or by the total of
all vehicles.
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Essbase Data and Design Considerations
[ 34 ]
One feature or characteristic of our customer's product that may not be applicable
to all types of manufacturing companies is the model year. Typically, automobile
manufacturers produce the same vehicle line year after year, but introduce a new
model year for every calendar year. It's a pretty safe bet that our customer would
like a Total Model Year dimension in the database.
Another consideration with our customer's data is the type of customers. You will find
this to be true in many situations when dealing with an enterprise that manufactures
and sells a product. In the case of the Esscar Motor Company, vehicles are marketed
to retail customers and fleet customers. Retail customers are the typical private
consumers who buy one car at a time and the fleet customer is usually another
company or entity, that purchases many vehicles at once. The customer agrees he
needs a Total Customer dimension.
The Esscar Motor Company produces and markets vehicles in several countries.
Would it be safe to say we need a Total Market dimension? If we structure the
Total Market dimension properly, we can look at company performance by
individual country (Market) or by total country (Total Market).
Now that we have gathered the data attributes necessary for reporting, we have
one last requirement to fulfill. Our customer has asked if there is a way he can have
his data "as is", and prepare different versions of the data to help with analyzing
and strategizing. In other words, our customer needs to have the ability to create
full looks at the data with many different versions or scenarios. Thus, we provide a
Scenario dimension. The customer can now create a forecast that has several looks
at the same data with only "what if" changes made and see the effects side-by-side
with the other scenarios. It's a beautiful thing!
The following is a quick visual that, we hope, gives you an idea of how the Essbase
outline will look. Please study it carefully. Understanding the hierarchical or
parent-child relationship between the members of the outline is critical with respect
to successful programming with Oracle Essbase.
Notice that the high level names are the data members or categories or as you will
soon come to know them, the dimensions, in the database outline that we have
discussed previously. Observe how the children members of the Total Market
dimension will be added to summarize the value in the Total Market database
outline member.
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[ 35 ]
Study carefully how the MYR 2009 number can be easily added to the MYR 2010
number to give us the Total Model Year number.
This is a highly simplified example of an Essbase database outline, its structure, and
relationships. In the next chapter, we will go over the Essbase database outline much
more thoroughly.
In the next section, we shall use what we have learned here to make decisions on
the best methods to store data in our Essbase database.
Determine data storage options
Get ready to toss out everything you've ever learned about storing data in a typical
relational database with tables, rows, and columns. Keeping the above example of
the Essbase outline in mind, we will now begin covering how the data is stored in
Essbase and the various options available to you (the Essbase programmer).
An Essbase cube usually stores less physical data than a typical relational
database must store to deliver the same results to the user. Usually,
the greatest saving is in the expense of data retrieval times. The results
returned from a typical Essbase database require less processing overhead
than the similar results being delivered as the result of queries performed
against relational database tables.
Essbase stores data in what is commonly referred to as a multidimensional array.
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Essbase Data and Design Considerations
[ 36 ]
Inside the multidimensional array are the data cells. It is these data cells where the
data is actually stored.
The smallest vehicle that Essbase uses to store data is a cell. A data cell however,
cannot stand alone. The smallest usable vehicle to store data, contained in an
Essbase database, is the data block (see the following figure). These data blocks
are the building blocks of the Essbase cube:
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Jan Feb Mar Apr
A simplified explanation is that the data blocks are made up of data cells.
The number of data cells are, for the most part, in direct relation to the number
of dimensions in the Essbase outline (the data attributes explained previously),
and the number of possible data combinations or intersections that can be created.
Relational Sales Table
Vehicle Model Year
Relational Stock Table
75 75
45 155
Model Year
In a traditional relational database, one new element of data may require an entire
new row of data in one to many tables. Looking at the previous screenshot, you can
see that if you need to add stock information on a vehicle, you will need to insert
a new row in the Stock table of your relational database.
In Essbase, that same new piece of data is plugged into the waiting data cell that was
created in the data block, when the database outline was structured or restructured.
You can add a new dimension to the database outline or add new members to an
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Chapter 2
[ 37 ]
existing dimension at any time. By adding dimensions to the database outline, you
are actually increasing the size of the data block. When a data block is created by
Essbase, it contains cells for all of the various dimensions whether you have the
data at that point or not. In our example, the data block created by the database
would already contain a cell for stock, even if you did not yet have a value to store
there. When you have a value for stock, it just gets plugged into its data cell and
the size of the database is unaffected.
When you add or remove information from the outline and save the outline,
Essbase will automatically restructure the database and modify the data blocks
(add/remove data cells) to incorporate the new outline information as necessary.
In Oracle Essbase there are two distinct storage options that can be used when
creating a database. These storage options are known as the Block Storage
Option (BSO) and the Aggregate Storage Option (ASO). These storage options
are discussed in greater detail later in this book. For most transactional Essbase
applications, the more suitable of the two options is the BSO. For our example
in this book, we will create an Application|Database using the BSO.
It should be mentioned that the size of the data blocks can have a
dramatic effect on the performance of the system. It is always best to
try and avoid extremely large and complex database outlines. As we
explained previously, the data blocks are structured roughly in relation
to the possible combinations of data based on the number of members in
the database outline.
More members = larger data blocks.
Less members = smaller data blocks.
Oracle Essbase offers an extremely valuable option to help keep block
sizes to a minimum in order to help keep your database running at peak
performance. The dynamically calculated database member!
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The dynamically calculated member is a measure typically derived from other
data elements in the database. It is not physically stored in the database. Instead,
it is only created (calculated) at the time you ask for it. There are three great
benefits for building your database with dynamically calculated members:
1. There is a huge potential to create many new measures without adding
new sources of data or writing expensive programs to derive the values.
2. While the dynamically calculated member occupies a place in the database
outline, it does not affect the block size in the database, therefore, it does
not affect performance.
3. The resultant measure is always accurate to the other measures in the
database and will always tally (the derived number will always equal
the result of the stored component numbers). There is never a question
of "where did this number come from?".
Types of Essbase applications
A nice feature of Oracle Essbase is that it allows you to create high level
umbrella applications under which you can group similar databases.
The similarity in databases means they are either similar in function or purpose.
When we speak of an Essbase application, it must be noted that all
databases are created under an umbrella application. You may have one
or many databases under an application, but you cannot create a database
without a parent application. Likewise, an application is virtually useless
without dependent databases.
Oracle recommends that we have only one database for an application.
The reason for this is that when you restructure a database, the entire
application is locked and you will not be able to perform any other
actions on the application or dependent databases.
This Application|Database structure allows for a more organized layout
and design and also allows for better data and security management.
As mentioned, an Essbase application can be one of two types:
1. Aggregate Storage Option
2. Block Storage Option
Let's discuss them in detail.
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Aggregate Storage Option (ASO)
In Essbase 9.x versions, the ASO is also called Essbase analytics. The ASO is most
suitable for the sparser data sets of high dimensionality, allowing a greater number
of dimensions and members. The ASO model is not a replacement for the BSO, but
it is an alternative for the business users depending on the needs of the customer.
In an Essbase Application|Database built using ASO, the data is loaded into the
leaf nodes or lowest levels, but are not aggregated into the upper levels using typical
Essbase calc and store methods. Rather, they are calculated dynamically on the
fly (per user request).
It must also be mentioned that the ASO is best suited as a Read Only application.
It is best used when analysis on large amounts of data is necessary for presentation,
analysis, or reporting purposes.
We will talk more about ASO, and the differences between ASO and BSO, in
Chapter 10.
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Block Storage Option (BSO)
The BSO is best suited for denser concentrations of data. The BSO also supports write
back or update capabilities from Microsoft Excel using the "Lock and Send" method
within the Essbase add-in or from automated batch data load operations. The
Essbase add-in has built-in functionality that allows the user to update data directly
in the database by simply selecting the Lock and then Send selections from the
Essbase add-in menu. When selected, the Lock function will lock all the data blocks
affected by the range of data contained in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The
Send function will then send the data values back to the database. After a successful
update, the locked data is automatically unlocked. This database model is best suited
for Financial Applications where the users can perform complex calculations. In BSO,
each dimension is tagged as either a dense or sparse data concentration. In a dense
dimension, the data cubes have the likelihood that all the cells in a data block will
be populated with data. In a sparse setting, the opposite is true, there would likely
be empty data cells. For example, in your database, the Calendar Periods
dimension would most likely be a dense dimension, since there would be data for
most items for each time period. The Market dimension would probably be sparse
as chances are that not all of your products are sold in all of the countries.
Shown below is a snapshot of the sample BSO application provided with the Essbase
installation. You will note (as indicated by the pink number in braces) that each
dimension has a relatively low number of children. As mentioned in the ASO section,
a BSO database is best suited for moderate amounts of data complexity where features
like updatability tend to have a higher priority to the user than high performance.
The Essbase server agent installation is equipped to handle multiple applications
that can be all ASO, all BSO, or any mix of ASO and BSO applications.
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When an Essbase application is started on the server, all the database objects
pertaining to the application are loaded into the server's memory. For every Essbase
application that is loaded, the server will launch a process named ESSSVR with a
unique process ID. If a particular ESSSVR process agent is stopped, all the databases
under the application will be stopped, and the memory that is being used by this
process will be released.
Typically, batch data load or cube build operations that use large
amounts of resources are best performed during off-peak or even
weekend hours. Wherever possible, we strongly recommend that all
non-essential application and/or databases on the server be stopped
during large processes to further increase performance.
We have just started an application and a snippet from the server log file can be seen
below. Note the highlighted text below and how it depicts that Essbase has made a
log entry for the application Demo being started. The process ID listed is the server
operating system process ID.
[Thu Sep 11 00:40:44 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051001)
Received client request: Get App and Database Status (from user
[Thu Sep 11 00:40:44 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051001)
Received client request: MaxL: Execute (from user [hypuser])
[Thu Sep 11 00:40:45 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1054014)
Database Basic loaded
[Thu Sep 11 00:40:45 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051061)
Application Demo loaded - connection established
[Thu Sep 11 00:40:45 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1054027)
Application [Demo] started with process id [4744]
[Thu Sep 11 00:40:45 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1056090)
System altered
[Thu Sep 11 00:40:45 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051001)
Received client request: MaxL: Execute (from user [hypuser])
[Thu Sep 11 00:40:45 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051001)
Received client request: MaxL: Describe (from user [hypuser])
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It should be noted that occasionally, when there is a disruption to an Essbase process
(like an external database failure or a file server down), and the process has passed
the point of no return (Essbase term), the instance of ESSSVR that was running the
interrupted load process may place it into terminating mode. In spite of this, the
process never really gets terminated.
To terminate this process, you either need to reboot the Essbase server causing
interruption to the all other applications that reside on the server, or by using
the above process ID, you can kill only the offending ESSSVR process on the
Essbase server.
The following screenshot shows how to terminate the process in a Windows
server environment. Highlight the process and click on the End Process button.
Unicode and Non-Unicode applications
Before we go further, let us explore the definition of Unicode. What is Unicode?
According to, Unicode provides a unique number for
every character, irrespective of the platform, the program, and the language used.
Essbase supports Unicode encoding. When you create an application, you define
it as either a Unicode or Non-Unicode application. If you are dealing with customers
across the globe and want to support different languages, then you would choose
the Unicode setting for your application. The Unicode setting in Oracle Essbase
uses the accepted standard UTF-8 character encoding.
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Let us say our Esscar cube is being used by our Financial Analysts in the European
Union and they want to see the sales information in their language, using Essbase's
alias table ability you achieve this functionality.
The default Essbase setting is Non-Unicode for applications, databases, and related
scripts, etc. Essbase Non-Unicode applications only support one character set which
is defined by the locale value chosen at the time of installation. It must be the same
across all Essbase components used in the installation.
You cannot convert a Unicode application into
a Non-Unicode application but you can convert
Non-Unicode to a Unicode application.
Now that we have learned a little bit about Essbase applications, let's start building
our first Essbase application.
Creating your first Essbase application
When viewing information in the EAS, you will notice that it is setup in a similar
fashion to Windows Explorer, with a graphical hierarchical tree structure.
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To create an Essbase application, click on the File menu in EAS and select New.
You then have the choice of selecting either the BSO or the ASO storage options.
For our Esscar Motor Company example, we have selected BSO as our storage option.
This is where you also have the option to choose either Unicode or Non-Unicode. We
will be using Non-Unicode for our application. Now, give a name to your application,
say, ESSCAR.
In a Non-Unicode application, Essbase supports upto 8 characters for the names
of all Essbase objects like application names, database names, data load rules file
names, and calculation script names.
Very important!
In Windows-based installations, using spaces in database object
names and their associated directory paths should be avoided at all
costs. Coding can sometimes be challenging when spaces are used.
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Click OK. Hurray! you have now created your first Essbase application. Now that
you have created your Essbase application, let us take a quick look into the Essbase
application properties.
Essbase Application Properties
As the name suggests, Application Properties will allow you to set the properties for
an application. You can update the name of your application, set the start up options,
and also set the initial security levels. These properties can only be changed using
the EAS by any user who at least has an access level of Application Designer to the
application being updated and by automated scripts like Essbase command scripts
or Essbase MaxL scripts. These scripts are explained completely later in this book.
There are two ways to get to the Application Properties:
1. Click on the name of the application to select it, then click on the Action
menu on the EAS menu bar. Now, click on the Edit Properties for "Esscar".
2. Click on the name of the application to select it and right-click over the
application name. Here, you will also see Edit Properties for "Esscar" as
one of your choices.
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Startup section
This property is used to tell Essbase how to automatically start the application.
There are two ways you can start an Essbase application:
• Allow users to start application
• Start application when Essbase Server starts
By default, Allow users to start application is selected and we advise you to leave
it as it is. Only select the second option when it is absolutely necessary for the
Essbase server to start your application. As you have previously learned, if an
inactive application is started it will unnecessarily consume system memory.
One of the only times it may be necessary to have an application start (when the
Essbase server is started) is if you have an automated batch process which starts
immediately following a server restart. This might be performed during routine
server maintenance or housekeeping.
There are several different types of security commands. They are listed as follows:
• Allow commands: If checked, this allows users to run commands on the
database in the application. This option is selected by default.
• Allow connects: If checked, this allows all users with proper access to connect
to the application. When unchecked, only the Application Designer, or higher
users, are allowed to connect to the database. This option is selected by default.
• Allow updates: If checked, this allows the users with appropriate access
to update the data in the databases. This option is selected by default.
• Enable security: If this option is unchecked, then Essbase ignores all of the
security settings and gives Application Designer access to all of the users.
This option is selected by default and we recommend you keep it that way.
Minimum access level
This setting sets the minimum access level for all databases within an application,
and grants this access level to all valid IDs created on the server. The setting can
be overridden at the database level, but it's really a good idea to leave it set to none
at the application level. This property will be discussed further, in detail, in the
database properties section of this chapter.
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[ 47 ]
Types of Essbase databases
Essbase offers two types of databases that can be created. The first and most
important choice is the normal or standard database. This database will be used
in 100 percent of the applications you build in Essbase.
The normal (non-currency) database
The normal non-currency database is the cube you have heard so much about. All
data dimensions and members are defined in the outline of this cube. The normal
Essbase database is widely used for most data analysis where conversion of currency
values is not required. In our Esscar Motor Company example, we could track and
forecast vehicle production, sales volumes, trends, stocks, and all quite nicely with
a simple to use non-currency database.
Essbase currency database
The currency conversion database is a great tool for analyzing data across
international markets, which employ differing currencies. The currency conversion
database stores the currency conversion values for each individual country. When
currency data is requested by the user in his local currency, the normal cube will
dynamically access the currency cube and convert the data on the fly.
The symbiotic currency cube can be conceptually
thought of as the currency dimension of the primary
normal cube.
Database components
Let's now go through some of the most important components in every database.
• The database outline
• Linked Reporting Objects
• Partitions
• Calculation scripts
• Report scripts
• Rules files
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The database outline
The database outline defines the structure of the multi-dimensional database,
including its hierarchies, member formulas, and child to parent consolidations
(data rollups).
Once a database is created, an Essbase outline is also created with the same name.
This file is saved on the Essbase server with the .otl extension. In the next chapter,
we talk in-depth about the Essbase outline.
Linked Reporting Objects
Using the Linked Reporting Objects (LRO), you can attach an object to a cell.
For instance, you could have a flowchart attached to a specific value in a cell
alerting the user when the value was requested.
This object can be any of the following items:
• Cell note
• An externally created file like Microsoft Word, an image, or another
Microsoft Excel file
• Another Essbase database
Simply put, a partition is a slice of information from one database that is shared
with another database. There are three options for partitioning data in Essbase.
• Transparent partition: Allows the users to access data from the source
database as though it were stored in the target database. The source can be
another database in another application or even on another Essbase server.
• Replicated partition: Is a copy of a slice of data from the source database
that is stored in the target database.
• Linked partition: A linked partition points users from a cell in one database
to a cell in another database. A linked partition can give users a different
perspective of the data.
We will talk more about Essbase partitions in Chapter 8.
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Unless otherwise specified by you, the user, all Essbase file objects,
including calculation scripts, report scripts, data load rules files, database
index and page files, and database control files are stored on the Essbase
analytic server using the server's own operating system's resident file
system and are located in the default %Arborpath%/App/Database path.
When you install Oracle Essbase on your server and your client, the installation also
creates new environment variables on your machines. The ARBORPATH environment
variable is basically the path name all the way down to the Essbase folder itself. In the
following screenshot, you can clearly see how the Essbase folder structure is laid out:
Calculation scripts
Essbase calculation scripts (Essbase file objects with the .csc extension) contain
specific calculation instructions, written by you, that Essbase will use to perform
specific calculations on the data. Essbase calculation scripts are actually ordinary
ASCII text files which can be edited in a simple text editor, like Notepad, or which
can be edited using the calculation script editor in the EAS. Essbase database
calculation scripts are discussed in full detail in Chapter 4.
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Report scripts
Essbase report scripts contain Essbase proprietary and cryptic instructions and
commands. These are typically used in some sort of automated process to generate
actual output reports which are extracted from the cube. Alternately, a report script
can be used to extract data into a flat file, to export to a downstream system. These
report scripts can be run manually from the EAS, or from an Essbase command
script (MaxL script in later versions), or even from an API call inside a VB or COM+
application. Essbase report scripts are saved with the .rep file extension and they
too are ASCII text files. Cursory knowledge is needed for creating or editing Essbase
report scripts as they are actually coded in a symbolic Essbase pseudo-language.
Essbase report scripts are discussed in detail in Chapter 6.
Database load rules files
Raw data from an ASCII text file, Microsoft Excel, or from an RDBMS database
will be loaded into your Essbase cube using Essbase rules file objects.
Essbase rules files can be used in two ways:
• To dynamically build dimensions in the outline and add members
(so you won't need to do it manually).
• To load data where you can define how the data is loaded, determine what
data to skip or load, perform concatenations of separate columns into one,
and even add business rules.
As with the Essbase report script objects, the rules file can be invoked from the EAS
from an Essbase command script (MaxL script in later versions), or even from an API
call inside a VB or COM+ application. The rules file objects are saved with the .rul
extension and must be created, viewed, and edited through EAS. In Chapter 3, we will
modify the Esscar database outline using the dimension build rules file functionality.
In Chapter 4, we will discuss the data load rule file further.
Allowing duplicate member names
In Essbase 7.x and earlier versions, each outline member had a unique name and
duplicate member names were not allowed. But in System 9, duplicate member
names are allowed. If you want to have duplicate member names in your system,
please make sure you check the ALLOW DUPLICATE MEMBER NAMES while
creating the Essbase database.
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Many people scratch their heads and wonder why you would want to allow
duplicate member names in your database outline. Well, one example would be
the city of New York and the state of New York. You may want to have New York
in your outline as one state of the United States and then you may want to have
New York in your outline as a city of New York state.
A standard existing database outline can be converted to allow
duplicate member names, but an outline that allows duplicate
member names cannot be converted back to a standard outline.
Exercise great care when using this option, as it is much like having
data in a relational database table with a duplicate primary key.
Create your first Essbase database
You have your first Essbase application created and waiting. You have a good high
level understanding of the types of Essbase databases that can be created. Let's now
create your first database using EAS.
Select the Esscar application and right-click on it to bring up the application menu.
From the menu, click on Create Database to bring up the following screen:
On the screen above, make sure you have the correct analytic server selected. Select
the correct application (Esscar). Give a name to your database. In this case we will
name the database ESSCAR (it's the same name used for the application).
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Remember, Oracle Essbase only supports
object names upto 8 characters.
Leave the default setting of Normal and do not check Allow Duplicate Member
Names. Click OK and you now have a bouncing Essbase database. Congratulations!
Next, click on (expand) the ESSCAR database name shown under the ESSCAR
application in EAS to reveal the database object selections that were added when
the database was created.
Right-clicking the ESSCAR database reveals several more menu options that
are available to you. Click on the Database Properties selection to bring up
the Database Properties screen shown as follows:
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In the Application Properties screen as discussed previously, you see many database
level options or properties that can be set or adjusted to suit your own computing or
performance needs. We will take a moment to briefly discuss each available tabbed
option on this screen, and the choices contained therein.
General tab
On this tab, the database name and description are displayed. Only the description
field is editable and can be changed at will. The database name can be changed
through another function not found on the properties screen (right-click on the
database name in EAS and the Rename Database option will be available).
There is also startup information as shown on the Application Properties screen.
In order to have optimal performance, leave the Allow users to start database
checked and uncheck the Start database when application starts selection.
There is usually no need to have a database start when its parent application starts.
The default calculation settings are best for now. The Aggregate missing values and
Create blocks on equations both have database block size implications and should
be used with extreme care. There will be much more on this topic in Chapter 5 on
database calculation scripts. We leave the Two-Pass calculation option checked,
because it allows you to code a member to use two-pass calculation functionality.
You are not forced to use it just because the option is checked on this screen.
It is highly recommended you set Minimum Access Level to None, as all users must
then be granted specific access to each database. The other choices are Read, Write,
Calculate, and Database Designer.
Data retrieval buffers are settings that help with the performance of the spreadsheet
add-in, and data being extracted with a report script object. More on these will be
discussed in detail later.
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Dimensions tab
In the Dimensions tab, you are presented with information on your database
outline, with regard to the individual dimensions and their designation as either
sparse or dense and the number of members contained. Much more about this
is discussed in Chapter 3.
Statistics tab
The Statistics tab is a Read-only tab, but is very handy as it displays a wealth
of useful information. The following screenshot illustrates this:
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Its better to look at the real screen for yourself through the EAS. When it comes
to performance tuning, the settings on this screen will be invaluable!
Caches tab
Correctly set caches can make the difference between your business partner wanting
to fire you or wanting to adopt you. We will discuss these important settings later on,
but for now, just know that the default settings will be adequate for most moderate
sized cubes with moderate sized calculation or reporting needs.
One suggestion on caches, unless you are using the direct I/O data load option
which we will discuss in detail later, is to never check the Cache memory locking
option . The Cache memory locking option locks the maximum amount of memory
for each cache, whether the database uses it or not. If your system is running that
close to maximum capacity, you better purchase some more memory in a hurry!
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Transactions tab
Boring! Oh, sorry, this is a necessary option, but it's a setting that makes adjustments
which never really help or hinder performance all that noticeably. Committing data
after a certain number of transactions and not locking the entire database, when
calculating does have merit. We have never really had to play with these settings
on large or small databases. You would need to have some sort of extreme situation
involving conflicting and concurrent processes to facilitate any adjustment to
these settings.
Storage tab
Here is one database property that definitely has merit! These settings affect how
and where Essbase stores your database page and index files, the compression used,
and the type of I/O used to read/write the data.
For starters, the I/O method can have a noticeable impact on performance when
large data loads or transactions are involved. Buffered I/O uses the operating
system's file system and is the default setting. When more performance is needed,
the direct I/O setting can be used. The direct I/O setting provides asynchronous
overlapped I/O that gives the user less waiting time.
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The Storage tab also has choices for data compression. The setting for bit-mapped
compression is the default setting and is also the most efficient because it only stores
cells that contain data. Any null values are not stored. There are several compression
methods supported and Essbase can even run with no compression. However, it
must be noted that Essbase will expand, to full uncompressed file size, any data
page file it needs at the time of the request for data.
Currency tab
If you recall from the previous discussion on the normal and currency cubes and
their uses, this tab is where you would create the symbiotic relationship by defining
what currency cube the normal cube will be using for its currency conversions.
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Modifications tab
Within this tab, Essbase will record any changes or modifications made to the
database, the data, and the outline in log form. This screen is useful if you need
to check when a recent event occurred, possibly for debugging.
Types of Essbase users
Yes, you'll meet all kinds of Essbase users. There are good Essbase users, and
there are less than good Essbase users. The beauty is you get to control them.
Okay, so it's not a control issue, but at the same time you cannot have people in
your databases running willy-nilly over anything they please. For starters, Essbase
has some of the most comprehensive database access filters available. Each filter
is completely customizable for a specific database.
All access filters can be applied to either a single user
or to an access group where multiple users are added
when necessary.
If you recall, we recommended that you create yourself a Supervisor account at your
first login. This will be your account to administer the entire Essbase server. For data
security and data integrity reasons, it is a good idea to put a limit on the number of
supervisor access accounts and instead make use of lesser developer type accounts.
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When you create a new user, you can also add the user into an already existing
group by clicking on the Groups tab. In this way you do not need to set the
Application|Database properties for each and every user. When you create a
new user group you can select all the properties for that group.
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Developer access can easily be controlled with standard access level settings and a
typical developer never needs access to more than the database he or she is working
on at that time. The database designer level provides the developer with unrestricted
access to the Application|Database you have created for the project. The database
designer will be able to modify the outline, create and run calculation scripts, and
create and run data loads using load rules. There is also an optional setting to allow
the database designer the ability to grant new user accesses and reset passwords on
the database(s) they have their designer privileges on.
In the previous screenshot, we see the sub-screen App/Db Access, which is a tabbed
screen selection reached from the Create User screen. As we mentioned earlier,
this is where you can quickly add broad developer access at the database level.
The options are few but sufficient for the type of user or developer you are granting
access for. We will discuss in more detail, specific user access control, including the
use of security filters, later in the book.
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[ 61 ]
We made it this far and your head hasn't exploded, has it? Thank goodness! Oracle
Essbase or for that matter, any OLAP or analytic application, seems to have a certain
aura or mystique about them. Some people automatically shy away, thinking they're
just beyond normal comprehension. This is just not true.
We're confident the information has been presented in a manner that allows you
to grasp the concepts of Oracle Essbase and OLAP. We're also confident that you
are beginning to think Oracle Essbase is no big deal and wondering what all the
fuss is about.
It probably seems like this chapter has flown by. You have now built an Essbase
application to house your newly built Essbase database. You've been given a high
level view of some of the more important features and aspects of Essbase application
and database properties. You've also created users for your databases.
In the next chapter, we go all out. We build a complete Essbase database outline
for our Esscar Motor Company example, which we will use for the rest of this
book. Starting with the base outline Essbase automatically creates when you build
a database, we take you through adding data dimensions, adding data members
to the dimensions, determining data storage options, loading data, and much more.
A veritable cornucopia of Essbase database outline information awaits you!
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Building the Essbase Outline
We know that any true technology geek gets impatient, at the very least, when
made to suffer through too much reading and page turning. We too feel the same way, but it was absolutely necessary to give you everything we did in the previous two chapters. Likewise, it is also necessary to give you every detail in this chapter.
You are aware of the fact that the Esscar Motor Company is hunting for a new system to provide their production and sales planning department with the ability
to quickly create sales and production forecasts, profit forecasts, scenario over scenario what-if analysis, and more.
Armed with what you have learned in the previous chapters and using the Oracle Essbase Esscar application and database you created in Chapter 2, we will now
guide you through building an honest-to-goodness real and usable database outline.
We will show you how to build the dimensions necessary to describe the data using a step-by-step approach. We will add members to the dimensions that organize and store the data. We will also show you how to determine the best storage methods for the data. Finally, we will show you the different ways to load the data.
If you haven't done so yet, we recommend getting yourself near to a PC that has Essbase Administration Services (EAS) properly installed and connected to an active Essbase server. You’ll want to perform the tasks we will be taking you through.
Before we begin
Before we get too deeply involved with the Essbase outline, we just wanted to be clear that the information and examples presented in this chapter assume that you have created your database using the BSO.
We devote most of the future chapter to explaining the BSO and the ASO options,
both their similarities and their differences.
So remember, the BSO is the flavor of this chapter.
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The Essbase outline—the foundation
Think of the Essbase database outline as the air traffic controller of the database
or a planning and logistics manager or even a traffic cop. For those of you who are
relational database fans, you can think of an Essbase database outline as a logical
database model. It can be thought of as a tool that gives you a visual reference to
how the data is stored in the database and how the different elements relate to
each other. Think of the Essbase database outline as all of these things and more.
As the very foundation, the Essbase database outline is the framework or base
platform, upon which the entire database is built. If you remember, when you
created your first Essbase database in the previous chapter, a shell or empty
Essbase database outline was automatically created.
This newly created shell outline has no dimensions or members, does not contain
any data, and is just a place holder or starting point. Let us now learn about the
various components and features that make up an Essbase database outline and
then build one!
Dimensions and members
We have previously discussed that the Essbase database outline is comprised of
components called dimensions and members. To quickly review, remember that
the outline dimensions are best described as the categories of your data that is,
model year, calendar periods, and so on. For you die-hard relational database types,
dimensions loosely translate into the columns you use in your tables. Database outline
members are the children of the dimensions. The database members and dimensions
enjoy a hierarchical parent-child relationship with the dimensions at the highest level.
Dimensions are best used to describe the data in the data warehouse system.
Dimensions are the top-most members in the hierarchy. A dimension can represent
the summarized or consolidated data for all its children members. In the following
screenshot TOTAL VEHICLE is the parent dimension.
Members are children of the parent dimensions. A parent dimension can have
an infinite number of child members. The member can either store the data or
dynamically calculate the data upon request.
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The screenshot below shows the listing of the parent dimensions. The parent
dimensions can be considered the root dimension members as there are no higher
members in the hierarchical structure. The parent dimensions only have descendent
or children members. Look closely, the number in the braces, like the <4> indicates
the number of children under that dimension.
Take a look as we expand the TOTAL VEHICLE dimension. In the following
screenshot we see the TOTAL VEHICLE dimension expanded to reveal its
four child members:
Now you can clearly see the child members of the TOTAL VEHICLE dimension.
Notice how each child member has two of its own children as evidenced by the
<2> next to each member name.
In the following screenshot, you can see the TOTAL VEHICLE dimension
expanded completely:
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With the Total Vehicles dimension completely expanded, we see all of the child or
descendent members. We now know that we have reached the bottom level of the
dimension because there is no child indicator (<n>) next to the member names.
An Essbase outline dimension is the upper-most member in the
multidimensional hierarchical database structure. The dimension member
can have unlimited child members but has no parent member. The child
member can be a child member of the dimension parent and can also be
a parent or child to other members. Members, those of which are not at
the top level as dimension members, can have virtually unlimited child
members while at the same time being a child member themselves.
Outline members that share the same parent are called siblings. Essbase
is just one big happy family!
Outline member descriptors
Here, we have listed the Oracle Essbase database outline members' descriptors.
Please read this section carefully. Just about everything you do that pertains to
loading data, calculating data, and dimension building with data will depend
on your firm grasp of these key data relationship elements:
• Parent
• Child
• Siblings
• Ancestors
• Descendants
• Root
• Leaf
• Generation
• Level
Let's use the Time dimension as the outline example used to help in describing
the definitions for these member descriptors. Please note that the Time dimension
contains the calendar periods used in the Esscar system.
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• Parent: A Parent is an outline member which has a child member or many
children members below it. For example: QUARTER 1 is a parent of JAN,
FEB, and MAR.
• Child: A Child outline member is an outline member that has a parent.
For example: JAN, FEB, and MAR are the children of QUARTER 1.
• Siblings: Sibling outline members are members that are at the same level
in the outline and share the same parent. For example: JAN, FEB, and MAR
are siblings.
• Descendants: Descendant outline members are all members below a parent,
which include any children and their children. For example: QUARTER 1,
QUARTER 2, JAN, and APR are the descendants of YEAR.
• Ancestors: Ancestor outline members are all members preceding a particular
member, including the parent, the parent's parent, and so on. For example,
QUARTER 1 and YEAR are ancestors of JAN.
• Root: The Root outline member is the top-most branch of a member tree.
For example, YEAR is the root member for QUARTER 1, QUARTER 2, JAN
and APR. All upper-most outline members are the root members of their
respective dimension. To put it another way, the root member has no parent.
• Leaf: Leaf is an outline member that has no children. The leaf member is also
called the Level 0 member. For example: JAN, FEB, APR, and JUN are the
Leaf members or nodes or the lowest level member in its part of the outline.
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Generations and Levels
Although the previous member descriptor definitions are very important, you will find
that as you gain more experience, the use of the generation and level descriptors are by
far the most commonly used and the most useful method of referring where a member
is in the database outline. This is true for loading, calculating, and retrieving data.
The term Generation refers to the location of a member in a dimension relative to the
root member. The upper-most generation is the outline itself which is Generation 0.
Consider Generation 0 as the parent of the data dimensions. The root members are
the actual dimensions and are called Generation 1.
The Generation approach to traversing your database outline is a
top-down approach. For example, Generation 1 is the highest
level or the root level and the Generation 2 would be the next
level down towards the leaf node or member which is the bottom
member of the dimension.
Just like a family tree, the next level down in the outline from the Year level
(the Quarter level) is Generation 2 in this example.
In the example below, YEAR is Generation 1 (also called GEN 1), and Quarter 1,
Quarter 2, Quarter 3 and Quarter 4 are Generation 2 (GEN 2) whereas JAN,
FEB, MAR, APR, and so on, are Generation 3.
GENERATION 2 9 Quarter 1
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Level also refers to the location of a member in the outline dimension, but it's
counting starts from the leaf node all the way upto the root. The leaf node is called
Level 0, the parent of the leaf node is Level 1, and its parent is Level 2, and so
on until we reach the root member.
Looking at the example above, you can ask the question,
"In this outline, can the Quarter 4 member be considered
a Generation 2 member and a Level 1 member and can
the DEC member be considered a Generation 3 member
and a Level 0 member?" The answer is a resounding yes!
The Level approach to traversing your database outline
is a bottom-up approach. For example, the Level 0 is
the lowest level or the leaf node level. The Level 1 would
be the next level higher towards the root member.
In the example below, JAN, FEB, MAR, and APR are all Level 0. QUARTER 1, QUARTER
2, QUARTER 3, QUARTER 4 are Level 1 members, and YEAR is a Level 2 member.
LEVEL 2 Years
LEVEL 1 9 Quarter 1
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Types of dimensions
In Essbase, there are two types of dimensions, the first and most common dimension
type is the Standard dimension. The other less common dimension type is called an
Attribute dimension. Both are explained here.
Standard dimension
Standard dimensions are derived from the main business data components (or data
categories we described earlier) and are then defined in a database cube. Some of
the Standard dimensions in our example database are: TOTAL VEHICLES, MEASURES,
dimensions can be tagged as Accounts, Time, and Country types. Some dimensions
are not associated with any type of special dimension types and are considered
general dimensions.
Briefly, let's explore the different ways you can tag a Standard dimension and
their uses.
The Account dimension type
When you tag a dimension as an Account type, you are telling Essbase that this
dimension will be used for your financial measures or metrics.
Available to the Account dimension are several accounting specific tags such as
the Time Balance option that uses the Time dimension to calculate period specific
data or the Two Pass Calculation option which will calculate the data in two
passes when components of that data must be calculated first from the existing data.
The Time dimension type
The Time dimension type is the dimension where you define the periods used to
calculate and report your data. This would typically be the dimension where you
store calendar periods. The Time dimension also supports several of the Accounts
dimension functions.
The Country dimension type
A dimension tagged as a Country dimension allows you to analyze your data across
multiple countries, if you desire. You can also set the currency for each country to get
true and current financial data analysis for each local market defined in your database.
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No dimension type or general dimension
Not all dimensions need to have a specific identifier tag. You can always create
a general dimension that you can use for any variety of data descriptor purposes.
Most of your dimensions will be general dimensions.
The Currency Partition dimension type
This type of dimension is used for currency conversion in your database.
The database would contain all financial data represented in a base currency.
The Currency Partition dimension is used to allow local currencies from
other regions to be brought in from a separate Essbase database.
The Currency Partition dimension is specifically designed for currency
conversion applications and is not always necessary to achieve your desired
results. Careful preparatory investigation upfront is always recommended.
Below is a sample screenshot showing an outline containing dimensions that
are tagged with the various available dimension types. Once the dimensions are
properly set, you will see the dimension type listed in the database outline next
to the dimension name.
The specific dimension tags are for convenience and enhanced functionality. However,
many of these options were not available in earlier versions of Essbase so you would
have needed to code your own functionality.
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The Attribute dimension
There is a dimension type known as an Attribute dimension type. The Attribute
dimension is not a full blown standard dimension and in fact must be associated
with a standard dimension. The Attribute dimension allows you to analyze your
data with even finer granularity by adding data characteristics (for example, color)
to your Total Vehicle dimension.
If it is not an Attribute dimension type then it is
some form of Standard dimension.
Dense and Sparse dimensions
As we described before, the data stored in an Essbase database is stored in a manner
conceptually similar to that of a Rubik's Cube. Because of this structure, the folks at
Oracle have devised a method of defining your outline dimensions and their data
density to Essbase. Therefore, your database can be more efficient in the way it loads,
stores, calculates, and retrieves your data.
The distinction between Dense and Sparse dimensions allows Essbase to efficiently
handle large amounts of data that is not evenly spread across the data blocks. It
is this efficiency that allows Essbase to offer the slice and dice style of data access,
while still maintaining high performance for fast data processing and retrievals.
Correctly set Dense and Sparse dimension attributes have a
dramatic effect on overall memory usage and system performance!
• In a Sparse dimension, the data does not exist for the better
part of the member combinations. For example, all vehicles
may not be sold in all of the countries
• A Dense dimension has a very high percentage of available
data cells filled with data.
First of all, you will need to consider whether a database dimension is Dense
or Sparse in an Application|Database that has been created using the BSO. All
dimensions in an ASO database are Sparse by default. When you have an Essbase
database created using the BSO, Essbase allows you to describe your dimensions as
either Dense or Sparse with the following understanding. Some data cubes, created
roughly by dimension, are not fully populated with data. In fact, for the most part,
the typical Essbase multidimensional database's cube always has a relatively Sparse
concentration of data at the overall database level. It would be an extreme rarity to
find your data densely populating every available cell with a stored value.
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When you first start out, you can let Essbase automatically configure the Dense
and Sparse dimension settings in your database. You do this using the EAS Outline
Properties tab. Essbase will do this fairly well initially, based on the data already
existing in the database.
Notice in the preceding screenshot that there is an Auto configure option on the
outline properties screen. If set to true, this option will let Essbase automatically
set the Dense/Sparse settings of the dimensions in your database.
As time goes on and as both your knowledge of your system's data grows and your
experience with Essbase increases, you will find that you can usually do a better job
of configuring the Dense and Sparse settings yourself rather than let Essbase handle it.
You can, at any time, change the Dense and Sparse attribute of any dimension.
You will do this using the EAS at the database properties screen.
One of the best features of Essbase is the outline or database restructure. Anytime
you make a change to the database outline, you are offered the choice of saving the
changes when you attempt to close the outline. The restructure choices available are
Outline Only and Outline and Data.
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When you make changes to your database outline, the changes may also affect the
way the data itself is stored. Changes such as moving a member or changing a Dense
setting to a Sparse setting will always require you to perform an Outline and Data
restructure. When the restructure is called for, Essbase will actually perform what
could be best compared to in the relational world as database reorganization. All of
the existing data is unloaded and then reloaded into a structure that is most efficient
for the new database outline configuration and settings.
When Essbase is performing an Outline Only database restructure, the database
page files are not touched as only the database outline file is reorganized and resaved.
An Outline Only restructure is triggered by making simple changes to the database,
including adding or updating an alias table or adding or updating a member property.
When Essbase deems it necessary to restructure the entire database, it will completely
rebuild the database's page and index files. This type of database restructure is
sometimes referred to as a Dense restructure. What triggers a Dense restructure is
actually moving around the members in the database outline, adding new members
to the outline, or changing the Dense and Sparse setting on a dimension.
Very Important
When performing a database restructure, Essbase actually rebuilds
new temporary database page files from the existing page files. When
finished, Essbase will delete the old page files and rename the new ones.
Prior to any database restructure always make sure you have extra
storage on your server. If the database you are restructuring is 30GB and
you only have 20GB of space available Essbase will keep on going with
the restructure until the disc space runs out and crashes the server!
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As you can see in the preceding screenshot, most of your data will have Calendar
Periods associated with it, so it would most likely be tagged as a Dense dimension.
The Vehicles dimension would more than likely be tagged as Sparse. You may
want to tag the Vehicles dimension as Sparse because while you have vehicles for
sale in all markets and probably have vehicle sales for all calendar periods, you will
not have all vehicle models for sale in all markets. You may also not have sales for
all vehicle models in all calendar periods.
For example, not all of Esscar's vehicles sell in all markets listed in the outline.
The data is sparsely distributed across the data blocks. On the other hand, all of
the data in your database ties to the Scenario dimension, so that data is densely
populated across data blocks. You would set the Market dimension to Sparse
and the Scenario dimension to Dense.
Build your first outline
That's it! Your brain is just chocked full of Essbase database outline knowledge.
Let's build an Essbase database outline using the EAS.
Within EAS, perform the following tasks:
Double–click, to expand in the EAS, on ESSBASE Severs then Applications then
ESSCAR (Application) then ESSCAR (database) and finally Outline. The ESSCAR
database outline is opened in the Essbase Outline Editor as shown in screenshot
below. Remember, as we said before, this is basically a placeholder outline created
for you by Essbase when you created the new database.
Your job is to now build this outline into a fully functioning Essbase database outline
that will support a real database.
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The steps to add dimensions and members to an Essbase database outline are:
1. Begin by right-clicking on Outline, and then click on Add Child.
2. Enter CALENDAR PERIODS to name this new member and create
your first Essbase database dimension.
Remember, any child member that is added to the main outline is considered
a data dimension in the Essbase outline. When you right-click on the data
dimension, you will see an entirely new set of options. If your preference is to
left-click (right and left mouse click, assumes right-handed mouse operation)
you will activate an assortment of Easy Access Menu buttons where you can
choose the types of dimensions as shown in the following screenshot:
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Since CALENDAR PERIODS is supposed to be our time dimension, we will tag this
dimension as the Time dimension type. Right-click on the CALENDAR PERIODS,
click on Add Children, and enter Year 2009. To add another year, right-click on Year
2009, click on Add Sibling, and enter Year 2008 and so on. Keep going until you add
year members to Year 2006.
Following this same procedure, you can right-click on the year members you have
just added and now add quarter periods as children to them. Once you have the
quarter periods added (use the screenshot below as a guide) you will then add the
month members to the quarters. While this may seem to be an inefficient and tedious
task, it is necessary that you learn to be comfortable with manually editing an
Essbase database outline.
Never fear! Editing a database outline manually is not the only way to update it.
Shortly, we will explain the use of data Load Rules that can be used to load data into
the database and automatically update the outline. These automated processes can
be used for a variety of tasks from adding new members to the outline to performing
database maintenance.
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[ 78 ]
Member properties
Member properties are characteristics, set by you, that determine the behavior of
the data stored in your database. For example, it is quite natural to want to know
the value of sales for a quarter. If you set the consolidation property of each month
member to (+) and calculate the database, the calendar quarter value will be the sum
of the three child members under it which are the individual months. There is no
need to load data at the calendar quarter's level since you can calculate it from the
individual month's level.
There are also storage properties that Essbase uses to determine how the data is
stored in the database. The following is a detailed explanation of member properties
and their uses.
Member consolidations
When you define a new child member of a dimension, you need to tag that member
with a consolidation operator. A consolidation operator will tell Essbase how this
member will be calculated along with its sibling member(s) upto the parent member.
Get familiar with the term rolled up because you will hear that term a lot when
discussing how you are calculating your data. The term rolled up means summing
children members to a parent member. When you sum the months of a quarter
member, you are rolling up the months. Think of rolling up the same as adding up.
The default property setting is the addition (+) operator.
Very important!
Depending on the dimension selected and the method of calculation,
Essbase will either perform a top-down or a bottom-up calculation. What
this means is that when setting up your database outline, the physical
placement of members can be equally as important as the property settings.
This will be explained in more detail later in this section. Looking at the
Calendar Periods dimension, the path of calculation for Quarter
1 would be January then February, if (+) is selected as the operator for
February, add February to January then look at March, again if March is
tagged with the (+) operator, then add March to February which is already
the total of January and February. This is rolling up the data!
Valid consolidation operators
The proper setting of the database member consolidation operators is critical
to the correct calculation of your data. A complete list of the available member
consolidation operators with a brief explanation of their function is listed as follows:
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• Addition (+)—adds this member to the result of the previously calculated
sibling member calculation
• Subtraction (-)—multiplies the member by (-1) then adds the product
to the result of the previously calculated member.
• Multiplication (*)—multiplies this member by the result of the previously
calculated member
• Division (/)—divides the result of the previously calculated member
by this member
• Percent (%)—divides the previously calculated member result by this
member and multiples it by 100
• Exclude from consolidation (~)—do not consolidate (ignore) this member
• Never consolidate (^)—do not use this member in any consolidation in
any dimension
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For example:
In the above formula:
Member storage
When you create a member in Essbase, you need to tag the member with a storage
property on how the data is stored for this member. By default, when a member is
created, it is tagged as Store Data. You can change the member storage option in
Member Properties | Data Storage.
The different storage options available to you are explained as follows:
• Store Data: Stores the data value with the member. The data can be the result
of a calculation, data load from an external source, or an Essbase "Lock and
Send" directly from Microsoft Excel using the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft
Excel. The data is physically stored in the database.
• Dynamic Calc and Store: The first time the data is requested, Essbase will
dynamically calculate it and then store it with the member. Essbase will
automatically recalculate the data and update the stored values on the next
request for data if a component value used in the member formula changes.
At the first call for a dynamically calculated and stored member's data value,
the data is dynamically calculated and physically stored in its proper cell in
the database. Unless a component value of the now stored data value has
changed, the data is not dynamically calculated again.
• Dynamic Calc: Essbase does not physically store the calculated data value
at all and only calculates it on demand. This is a good option if database size
is an issue as it helps keep the database smaller. Some care must be exercised
because dynamic calculations tend to consume large amounts of resources.
Balance is the key here.
• Never Share: Does not allow Essbase to implicitly share this member. What
this means in Essbase is when you have a member that only has one child
member that member implicitly takes the value of the only child. There are
times when you do not want this to occur. You can still share this member
explicitly by creating another member of the same name and selecting
Shared Member as its storage option.
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• Label Only: Members you create as placeholders only. The Label Only
option is a way to help organize your database outline without affecting
database size. Label Only members do not contain any data. No data is
physically stored in this member.
• Shared Member: For convenience, you may want to have a member appear
in different groups take values from different groups or simply use a
member's data somewhere else in the outline. The Shared Member allows
you to do this with relative ease. Yes, the same effect could be achieved with
specific calculation coding, but that can be complex and confusing. Look at
the following screenshot to see how you would use a shared member:
In the following screenshot you will see how easy it is to set the outline member
properties using the EAS tool.
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Member formulas
One of the coolest things in Essbase is that you can create a formula which will be
attached to a member in the database outline. If the member is tagged as Dynamic
Calc, the formula will execute when the user is trying to retrieve the data for that
member. If the member is tagged as Store Data, the formula will execute when a
calculation script is executed against that member.
Member formulas can be constructed by using some of the available commands
and functions of which a few are listed here:
• Conditional coding functions like IF, ELSEIF, and ENDIF
• Boolean (true or false) functions like ISMBR, ISCHILD, and ISDESC
• Relationship functions like @LEV, @GEN, and @CURGEN
• Mathematical operators like +, -, *, and /
• Math functions like @ABS, @SUM, and @MOD
The steps to add a formula to the member TOTAL NET REVENUE are as follows:
1. Select the TOTAL NET REVENUE member and click on Edit the
formula for the selected member as shown in the following screenshot:
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2. Enter the formula as shown below in the formula editor. The formula states
that the member TOTAL NET REVENUE is calculated as GROSS REVENUE less
The member TOTAL NET REVENUE is tagged as Dynamic Calc. When a
database user executes a retrieve for the data stored in the TOTAL NET
REVENUE member, the TOTAL NET REVENUE value will be dynamically
3. As shown below in the Formula editor screen, once you have entered
the formula, you can click on Verify to verify it and then click on OK to
save the formula. It should be pointed out that the formula is only saved
in a temporary buffer until the database outline has been saved.
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After you have clicked OK in the Formula editor, you can see the new formula in
the Essbase outline next to the appropriate outline member. The following screenshot
shows the formula attached to the outline member TOTAL NET REVENUE:
Member alias
As the name implies, a member alias, is an alternate name for a database outline
member. This is a very useful feature for several reasons.
For instance, let's say there is an Esscar car dealership whose member name in the
database outline is Hood Esscar Best Dealers with the dealer ID code set up as
an alias (03030-USA). The dealership is purchased by a person named Robin and
he has decided to change the name of the dealership to Robin Hood Esscar Best
Dealers. This dealership, for all Esscar purposes is the same dealership, so a simple
outline change to the member name is all that is required while leaving the alias
the same to identify the dealer to the system.
As a best practice, it is always advisable, wherever possible, to load data using the
aliases and not the descriptions. If the aliases are left alone, any cosmetic naming
changes to the database outline will only consist of the outline change. If the aliases
are also changed, any special mappings must also be changed.
When constructing an Essbase database, it is always advisable for you
to plan appropriately and consistently. When setting up your outline,
you must decide if the member names will reflect the full text name of
the data element, or will you use alias tables for this purpose. Report
generation, data loading, and data calculation can depend heavily on
member names or aliases. To avoid confusion and simplify things, it is
best to develop a strategy on how to use member's names and aliases
and stick to it consistently!
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The steps on how to add an alias name to the outline member TOTAL NET REVENUE
properties are explained as follows:
1. From EAS, open the Esscar database outline.
2. Drill down to the member name GROSS REVENUE.
3. Right-click on the member name and click on Edit Properties, or click
the button Edit Properties for the selected member in the outline editor.
4. Under Aliases, default alias table, add the code TOTREV as shown in
the screenshot below.
5. Click OK.
6. That's it! You have just added an alias to the GROSS REVENUE member.
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Alias table
Another use of an outline alias table is as a cross-reference table when interfacing
with other systems. Experience has shown that even within the same company,
but in different departmental activities, it is not uncommon for a different system
to use a different name or code for the same model, unit, or part. Just like having a
conversion or cross-reference table in a relational database, you can add a new alias
table to your database outline any time.
A new alias table can contain the product names or codes as they are represented
in another system, yet they are aligned to the correct members in your system. For
example, if your system is part of the marketing activity and you receive data from
the finance activity (who by the way calls everything by a different name than you
do), you can execute a data load that specifically calls for and uses the Finance alias
table you have specially created to handle the differences in product names.
Build your first data rules file
Before we start building a data rules file, let us talk about the purpose of the
Essbase data rules file.
The Essbase data rules file is one of the smartest features available to you as an
Essbase database programmer! Whether you are using data with a rules file to
dynamically add members to your outline (dimension build setting), or loading
data into the database (data load setting), the Essbase data rules file can prove to
be an invaluable tool.
Data rule files can be used to maintain your Essbase database outline or load data
into your Essbase database. In this section, we will talk about using the data rules
file to update the Essbase dimensions. In the next chapter, we will talk about how
to use the data rules file to load data into your database or cube.
You can run your data load or dimension build data rules file with accompanying
data manually from the EAS tool or you can run it by executing an Essbase
Command or Essbase MaxL script.
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What are we talking about? Why use an Essbase data load rules file? Because we
want to make input data Essbase-friendly, of course. Here are some the reasons
why we use data rule files:
• Automatically cleanse the input data to filter out any errant values
• Remove the header and trailer from the input files
• Reject invalid data records
• Concatenate two fields into one field
• Dynamically add new members to the database outline
• Add aliases or update other member properties
• Transform or manipulate data
• Concatenate two fields or any other cleansing operations
• And many more
Data load rules files are something very special as you can see. You can practically
build a complete Essbase database outline from scratch using nothing more than
a properly configured data load rules file and your input data.
Next, we take you through the steps required to create a Dimension Build data
rules file.
Step 1: Start the Data Prep Editor
The Data Prep Editor is the tool with which you will create your custom Essbase
data load rules files. The tool is built right in to the already amazing Essbase
Administration Services tool.
1. In EAS, click on the File menu pick.
2. Select Editors and click on the Data Prep Editor or Click on New, on the
New dialog go to the Scripts tab and select Rules File and click on OK.
3. The Data Prep Editor will open as shown in the following figure.
4. The moment the Data Prep Editor is opened, the menu items in the EAS
will change.
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Step 2: Associate the Dimension Build
Rules file
In order for you to successfully validate the rules file, you need to associate the
rules to the database outline. This association of the rules file to the outline is saved,
however, Essbase will ask you to associate the rules file again when you open this
rules file the next time.
To associate an outline, open the Data Prep Editor again using EAS.
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Click on Options and click on Associate outline or click on the Associate button in
the Data Prep Editor.
Step 3: Open data load file or the SQL data
source file
To update the database outline using the rules file, we need to have a data source
file. To build a rules file, we need to acquire an exact representative sample of the
actual data in order to map the data to our Essbase database outline.
The data sources can be files like text (.txt) files, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets,
or from relational database sources using a SQL query defined in the load rule.
To open a data source file or SQL data source in EAS, with the Data Prep Editor open.
After you've clicked on File, you should see the options Open data file or Open SQL
shown as follows:
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In our example, we choose a Microsoft Excel file as our data source.
1. Click on the Open data file option
2. Select the file system and browse to the file (for example: c:\data\market
.xls) and the data in the excel file is as shown in the following screenshot:
3. Select the above excel file and click on OK. You will see the Data Prep
Editor as shown in the following screenshot:
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In this screenshot, the upper screen frame shows the data source file in its original
form. The lower screen frame shows how Essbase will interpret the data before
it gets loaded into your Essbase database.
In the example above, we discussed updating the outline from the input data
source file. In the next chapter, we will talk about how to import data using
the second method which is directly loaded from the RDBMS SQL Data Source.
Step 4: Set the Data Source Properties
While plenty of your data will be entered manually from user interaction, a good
deal of it will likely come from external systems. Before Essbase can process any
data file, we need to define the data to Essbase in the rules file.
Is the data in a comma separated file or tab delimited file? For some feeds, we need
to ignore the header records which are usually the first row in the input file. These
settings can be set in the Data Source Properties.
Delimiter: Data delimiters are used to separate individual fields in the data source.
The types of delimiters available in Essbase are given as follows:
• Comma: This is for a comma separated data source file.
• Tab: This is for a tab delimited data source file.
• All spaces: The fields will be delimited by empty white spaces.
• Custom: The common delimiter which is agreed with the source systems.
For example, colon (:) or any other single character.
• Column width: The data columns have specific widths. For example,
the rules file will separate the data into columns based on all columns
being ten characters in width.
To open an input data source file in EAS, with the Data Prep Editor open:
1. Click on Options, and then click on the Data Source Properties.
2. The first tab is the Delimiter tab as shown in the following screenshot:
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3. Select or create the appropriate data delimiter. The appropriate delimiter
is the character or set of characters that are used to separate the columns of
your data. Essbase offers you a few of the most common delimiters and gives
you the option of setting your own delimiters based on what is being used in
your data file.
Step 5: Set the View to Dimension build fields
In this step, we need to define if this rule is used for Dimension build fields view
or Data load fields view. By default, Data load field view is selected.
• Dimension build field: You will select this option when you are using the
rules file with your data file to add new members to the outline or to update
existing members in the outline.
• Data load field: This option is for loading data with a data load rules file
and will be discussed in more detail later.
To set the Dimension build fields view in EAS, with the Data Prep Editor open:
• Click on View and then select the checkbox Dimension build fields as
we are currently doing a dimension build. We will talk in-depth about
the Data load fields view in the next chapter.
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Step 6: Select Dimension build method
Build dimensions methods are basically used for adding, removing, or updating
a member, an alias, or a property of an Essbase outline member. These are defined
in the build rule files.
There are three ways you can build an Essbase outline:
• Generation reference
• Level reference
• Parent-child reference
Let us talk about how each method can be used to update the Essbase outline.
Generation reference
With the generation reference set, the data source should be arranged or organized
from top to bottom as it pertains to the database outline structure. We consider the
dimension name itself as Generation 1. Each record in the rules file contains the
parent name as Generation 1, the child names are Generation 2, children of the
child name are Generation 3, children of that child name are Generation 4, and
so on. For example: Year | Quarter | Month.
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Level reference
With the level reference set, the data source should be arranged or organized from the
leaf node or bottom level to the top level or the dimension name. We consider the leaf
node to be Level 0, the next record is called Level 1, the next record is Level 2, and
so on, until we reach the top dimension level. For example: Month | Quarter | Year.
Parent-child reference
In the parent-child reference, the parent is followed by the child. Each record will
have a parent and then its child. For example, the YEAR member is the parent and
the QUARTER member is the child. The QUARTER level is also a parent since its
child members are the months.
For this example, we have used the generation reference.
Motor City EssCar
Motown EssCar
Phord City EssCar
East Side EssCar
Midwest EssCar
Soldier Field EssCar
Capone EssCar
St. Valentines EssCar
As shown in the figure above, we can see two things:
• First, we see that the first record in the data file is a header record, which
usually describes something about the data file itself such as the column
names. This can be skipped by setting 1 in the Number of lines to skip in
the Header section of the Data Source Properties as shown in the screenshot.
Then click on OK.
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• Second, you can see that the data is starting from the top to the bottom,
meaning we are going from the Total Markets to all the way down to the
individual Dealer information. Remember, the best top-down data load
method is the generations setting. We will need to choose the generation
build method.
To choose the build dimension method, in EAS, with the Data Prep Editor open:
1. Click on Options, and then click on the Dimension Build Settings
2. Select the second tab which is the Dimension Build Settings, and you will
see the Dimension Build Settings screen as shown in the following screenshot:
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These are the actions you can do in the Dimension Build Settings:
• Select the Dimension Name: In this section, you can chose the dimension
name for which this rule is being built—in our example, we have chosen
Total Market as the dimension name
• Existing Members: If you are updating the outline quite often, you can
chose these options.
°° Allow Moves: This property should be set to true if you think
the member would move from one parent to another parent.
When this move happens, the data will also move along with the
member. If the parent of this member is a stored member, the roll
up information will show the incorrect number.
Let us say, in our example INDIANA is in the EAST region. Profit on
INDIANA is 1 million dollars, profit on EAST is 5 million dollars and
profit on WEST is 8 million dollars.
During our market reorganizing the top management decides that INDIANA
should be moved into the WEST region from the EAST region. After we run
the Market rules file with the corrected data file, the Market dimension is
updated with the new structure shown as follows:
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INDIANA moves to WEST along with its profit, but the EAST still shows 5
million dollars, and WEST still shows 8 million dollars. In order to show the
right numbers, the data needs to be recalculated as the parents WEST and
EAST are stored data. In our example, we will enable this property for the
Total Market member.
°° Allow property changes: This allows the rules file to update
the data storage properties, and consolidation operators.
For example, changing the Dynamic Calc setting to Dynamic
Calc and Store, or from (+) to (–) consolidation on a member.
If this option is disabled, the rules will not allow the member
properties to be updated. In our example, we will enable the
Allow property changes. And yes, in your data file, the column
that you designate as the member properties will actually contain
the characters used in the database outline editor to indicate the
specific properties. For example, if the member you are adding
will have a consolidation of add, there will be a plus character (+)
in the data. When this column is tagged as the member properties
column during the build, Essbase will set the consolidation
property to +.
°° Allow formula changes: This allows the rule file to update
the formula on a member, if a formula exists. If this property
is disabled, you will not be allowed to change the formula from
the rules file. In our example, we do not have a new property
for Total Market so we are not enabling this property.
• Select the Build method: This is where you specify which method is used
by this rules file to update the outline. There are three main methods in
this section from which you can choose. We have previously chosen the
Generation method as our source file is in the top to bottom hierarchical order.
• Member sorting: This property will set the sorting order while updating
the outline using this rule. This sorting is applied to all of the members
under this dimension.
These are the three sorting choices you can make:
°° None: No sorting order is selected
°° Ascending: Updates the outline in the ascending sort order
°° Descending: Updates the outline in the descending sort order
For our example, let's select the Ascending order (A to Z).
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• Member Update: There are two ways you can update members in the outline.
Either adding a new member to the outline when a new member is included
in the data file, or by completely replacing the outline with a new outline.
°° Merge: This will add new members into the outline whenever a
new member comes in with the data. New members are added in
alongside existing members.
°° Remove unspecified: This will delete all of the members in the
outline and update the outline with the new members specified
in the rules file and the accompanying data file.
Step 7: Format file
When necessary, Essbase allows you to manipulate or transform input data in
order to make the data Essbase-friendly. To open an input source file in EAS,
with the Data Prep Editor open:
1. Click on Options and then click on the Data Source Properties.
2. Go to second tab which is File Edits tab
These are things that you can edit in the input data file:
• Move: Changes the order of the fields in the input data. For example, if you
want to move Field 3 into Field 2's place, you can click on the Move button
and then move Field 3 up as shown and click on OK. Field 3 has now traded
positions with Field 2. This is helpful when ordering data for dimension
building purposes.
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If you change your mind, you can always delete (undo) the column that was
moved. Once you delete the moved column, it goes back to its original place.
• Join: Joins two or more fields to make a new unique column.
In the example below, we have joined Field 9 and Field 10 together:
• Split: Splits the field at a given number of characters into two fields.
In the following example, we split Field 12, which has the dealer code,
into two fields as shown:
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• Create Using Join: This function is used to join two or more fields to
create a new field.
In this example, we have joined the field containing the value of United
States of America and the field containing the value USA, into a new
field which looks like: United States of AmericaUSA, as shown in the
following screenshot:
• Create Using Text: Creates a new field based on the text you have entered.
This is particularly helpful when you need to make Essbase-friendly data
that is repeatedly sent from the same source.
As shown in the following example, a field is added between Field 6 and
Field 7 called US:
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Step 8: Associate fields with dimensions
Now that our source data file transformation is complete, we are ready to proceed
with the outline update. Before we update the outline, we need to set the Dimension
Build Properties, meaning we need to define the attributes of each column. In other
words, how Essbase will interpret the data in each column.
Since our market data source is to be a generation build method, let us define
each column and how the outline must be updated according to the data.
Open the Dimension Build Properties in EAS, with the Data Prep Editor open:
1. Click on Fields and then click on the Field Properties
2. Since this is Dimension build rule file, go to the tab Dimension
Build Properties
The following screenshot shows the Dimension build settings:
In the Dimension Build Properties screen, you need to define the dimension
name, and the corresponding field that the data will load to. Some of the
available options are Generation, Alias, Property, Level, Parent, and Child.
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You can also ignore a field by selecting the option Ignore field during dimension
build. There may be times when an entire column or field is not needed for you
to load the data into Essbase. For example, the file you are loading has a column
for cities in it. Your database outline is only set up for countries and states. Cities
are not needed so there is no need to even look at them.
In our example, the Field 1 input data field is the Generation 2 member name
(Generations always start from Generation 2 as the Generation 1 level is the
dimension name itself) and the next field will be the member alias.
Click on Field 1, then assign the Field Definition | Dimension as TOTAL MARKET,
in the Field | Type select Generation and in the Field | Number enter 2 and click OK.
The input data Field 1 is now set to load to Generation 2/Member Name. If you were
finished, you could click OK now, with more fields to define, you can simply click on
Next. Did you see how the cursor has automatically moved to Field 2. Select TOTAL
MARKET as the dimension name and click on Alias field type. When you select Alias
the Field | Number is set to Generation 2 as shown:
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Repeat the above steps by clicking on Next and choosing the Dimension name and
Field | Type until you reach the end of the file. The Generation number will be
incremented by one for each new field in the data that you define as a new member.
Finally, all of the fields in the input data file are defined in the Essbase rules file.
The rules file should look like this:
Step 9: Validate the Dimension Build rules file
Now that all of the input data fields are assigned to the appropriate outline members,
we need to validate the rules file against the database outline. With the rules file
open, click on the validate button (the quick select button says Validate when you
hover over it). The validate function validates if the rules file is properly defined for
the specific database outline. If the validate is successful, you will receive a validate
successful message. If the rules file is not properly defined to the database outline, you
will receive a message stating the validation was unsuccessful. One common example
of a rules file validation failing is if you have two fields defined as building members in
the same dimension. When you set the dimension build to use the generation method,
you must be careful that you define the fields correctly. The field that is going to build
Generation 2 members must be the only field set upto do so.
Upon successful rules file validation, click on File | Save and give the rule file
a name (preferably something meaningful but remember, upto 8 characters in
the name). The rules file can be saved on either the Essbase server or as a local file.
Where you save it depends on your specific architecture.
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Update your outline using a rules file
Now that you have completed your first rule file, you need to update the outline
using this rules file.
There are several ways you can update an outline using a data rules file and
a data file:
• Updating the outline from the EAS Outline Editor
• Executing MaxL commands
• Making your own API calls
• Running Essbase command scripts
We will discuss the first and second points now, and the third and fourth points
will be discussed with examples provided, in the next chapter.
Update your outline using the EAS Outline
One of the easiest ways the outline can be updated is manually by using
the EAS Outline Editor.
The steps to update the outline are:
1. In the EAS, open the Application | Database for which the outline
needs to be updated.
2. Double-click on the Outline, the outline editor is opened for editing.
3. Or, you can click on the Outline in the Menu option and then click on
the Update outline. The following screen will then be displayed:
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As you can see from the previous screen, you would be able to select either the
SQL data source or the Data Files. If you choose to select SQL, then you will need
to provide the SQL user name and SQL password.
1. We have a Microsoft Excel file as our data source so we have selected
the Data files option.
2. Click on the Find Data File. Browse through the directory and select
the data source file. You have the choice of a local file or a server file.
3. Click on the Find Rules File and select the rule file that you have built
and saved on the server.
4. For the error file, you can give a different error file path and name, or you
can use the default error file. If you think the error file already exists, please
select the option Overwrite. If not, you will get an error message.
5. Click on OK.
6. Essbase will load the data per the instructions in the rules file you selected.
If it is a dimension build rules file (as is this case), the outline itself will
be updated.
7. The outline will be updated, saved, and restructured. The new outline
is shown in the following screenshot:
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Update using MaxL Shell
In the earlier versions of Essbase, EssCmd (Essbase Command Script) was
widely used as the shell script of choice. In the newer versions of Essbase, Oracle
recommends using MaxL Shell scripts. Using the MaxL Shell statements, you will
be able to perform most of the Essbase functions like dimension building, importing
data, and calculating data.
A MaxL Shell script can be executed three different ways:
• Through the EAS editor
• From the DOS Command Line
• Shelled from within another scripting language
Executing MaxL from EAS editor
The steps to execute MaxL from EAS editor are:
1. Within EAS, click on File |Editor | MaxL Script Editor
2. The MaxL editor will be opened as shown in the screenshot below:
• In the MaxL editor, you can write a MaxL statement and then execute it.
MaxL is the multidimensional database access language for
Essbase analytic services. MaxL is an easy to use interface for
Essbase database administration.
The IMPORT DIMENSION statement would be used to build the outline. The syntax in
the example MaxL statement shows when we use a data file to update the dimension.
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Syntax of Import Dimension statement
We will show you some actual code that can be used in the MaxL editor to execute
database commands. As we will present in much greater detail later in this book,
MaxL is a command-based scripting language that you can use for automating
maintenance and routine tasks:
FROM (input data file information)
LOCAL | SERVER /* Location of the data file
FILE TYPE /* Type of data source whether a Text files, Excel File,
or Lotus File
FILE PATH ' Path of the file like c:/book/chapter3/rules/market.xls
USING (Information about the Rule File)
LOCAL | SERVER ' Location of the rule file
RULE FILE NAME ' Name of the rule file like Markt
ON ERROR APPEND TO (error File information)
ERROR File name ' Path for error file
' c:/book/DimError.log
The following screenshot shows the code that was entered into the EAS MaxL editor
and then executed by pressing the F5 button or clicking on the MaxL | Execute button:
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As shown in the previous screenshot, the script has executed without errors.
Let's modify the script to force an error message.
We have changed the reserve word database to data. This is a glaring syntax error
and will immediately generate an error message as shown in the following screenshot:
This script can also be saved with the extension .mxl for later use.
Executing MaxL from command prompt
You can use MaxL statements from the DOS command prompt as well.
The essmsh.exe file is located in the $Arborpath/bin which, in our case,
is C:\Oracle\AnalyticServices\bin.
From the command prompt, go to this directory and enter the word ESSMSH
as shown:
In the EAS editor, you need not log on to the Essbase server as EAS is already
connected to Essbase. When using the command prompt, you need to log in
to Essbase. Using the following syntax in a MaxL statement, you log in to the
Essbase server:
Login 'UserID' 'Password' on 'ServerName';
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The following is an example of logging in through the command line:
Now, that you are logged on to the Essbase server, you can execute any MaxL
statement using the command line to update the Essbase outline. The following
screenshot shows how you can achieve this. Notice how the syntax is very easy
to read. Almost like a spoken sentence.
Our Esscar outline is now updated with the new Market structure.
Hooray! You have built your first outline using an Essbase rules file and you have
also learned how to execute the script manually and also by using MaxL to run a
script that uses your load rule file.
Attribute dimensions
Attribute dimensions are dimensions associated with standard dimensions. Attribute
dimensions are useful in describing a standard dimension member's attributes. For
example, in our Esscar database, we have the Vehicles dimension. If we wanted
to differentiate between a two or four door car of the same model, we could use an
attribute dimension to accomplish this. We could also use an attribute dimension to
track color.
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Attribute dimensions are always dynamically calculated, which
means they do not store the data. This is always a benefit as they
do not affect the size or performance of the database.
Attribute dimensions must always be associated with a
standard dimension.
Earlier, we briefly saw the differences between standard dimensions and attribute
dimensions. Sometimes, your data has attributes that make it desirable to perform
further analysis on it. In the case of the Esscar Motor Company, it may be desirable
to track a certain vehicle model by its color. You may wish to compare how that model
sells in markets based on population size. Essbase database attribute dimensions can
help you with this type of analysis.
One of the most notable features of an attribute dimension is the fact that the entire
dimension is a dynamically calculated dimension. Previously, we told you about
dynamically calculated members in a standard outline. In an attribute dimension, all
members are dynamically calculated. What this means is that Essbase does not need
to store the data for an entire dimension! All of the data is calculated on the fly when
requested and goes away when the user is finished. This, as previously mentioned, is
a huge benefit when considering CPU performance and storage options.
Here are a few facts about attribute dimensions:
• An attribute dimension is a dimension that must be associated with a
standard dimension.
• An attribute dimension can only be associated with one standard dimension,
but a standard dimension can be associated with many attribute dimensions.
• An attribute dimension can only be associated with a Sparse standard
dimension. This is an important point.
To create an attribute dimension and associate it to a standard dimension, you need
to do the following:
1. Create a new dimension and tag it as an attribute dimension.
2. Next, create an association between this new attribute dimension and
the standard dimension you wish to track attributes from.
3. Add the zero level members to the attribute dimension that correspond
to the zero level members of the standard dimension.
4. Lastly, associate the members from the standard dimension to the zero
level attribute dimension members.
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As this is an advanced Essbase function, we have provided a high-level look at
attribute dimensions and their set up and use. For complete details, please refer
to the documentation which was provided when you purchased your version
of software.
The following screenshot shows the TOTAL VEHICLES dimension with the
new COLORS attribute dimension added:
User Defined Attributes (UDA)
An Essbase UDA is a descriptive word or tag about an outline member. Similar
to an alias, the main difference is that an alias may only be attached to one member.
A UDA can be attached to many members.
What the UDA offers is a way to simplify and make the ongoing operations of
your database more efficient.
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[ 112 ]
For example, because forecasting analytics is one of the most common uses for an
OLAP system, the users deal with time periods that fall into three distinct categories.
In any Essbase database outline, you will have historical time periods, actual time
periods, and forecast time periods. Typically, the data you have previously loaded
for historical time periods, and the data you just loaded for actual time periods, does
not need to be fully calculated since it is real data and does not need to be derived or
changed. On the other hand, your forecast data still needs to be calculated whenever
you make a change to a component piece of data. If you tagged your calendar
periods in the outline with UDAs of Forecast for the future periods, LatestActual for
the first month back, and History for all historical periods in the outline. If you move
the UDAs once a month to compensate for the new month in time, you could code
a calculation script that would never need to be updated since you would write the
script to calculate forecast periods by looking at the Forecast UDA.
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Some UDA rules to keep in mind:
• You can assign many UDAs to a single member, but you cannot assign the
same UDA to a member more than once.
• You can use the same UDA on many different members.
• A UDA cannot be the same name or word as a member name or alias name.
• UDAs cannot be used on Shared Members or members in an
attribute dimension.
• UDAs run with the dimension they were created in and can only be assigned
to other members in that same dimension.
• UDAs are member specific and only apply to the single member they are
attached to. Parents, children, and so on, of a member assigned a UDA are
not covered unless they also have the UDA assigned to them as well.
UDAs are added to the database outline members in much the same way as adding
an alias or updating any other outline member property. When adding a UDA to an
outline member, Essbase will display a list of UDAs available for the dimension in
which the member resides. If the desired UDA does not exist, you may simply add
it the first time.
Dynamic Time Series
Once again, Essbase gives us a feature so cool that it makes us wonder how we lived
without it! The Dynamic Time Series function is one of those features.
We can't think of anyone who wouldn't use this functionality. Likewise, we can't
think of anyone who wouldn't need this functionality.
What the Dynamic Time Series does for you is automatically calculate period-to-date
data based on your Time dimension. Using our example database for the Esscar Motor
Company, we see that it is probably a good idea to know our year-to-date vehicle
production, by both calendar year and model year. The Dynamic Time Series function
does this for you. You can easily calculate period-to-date data for any period as defined
in your Time dimension.
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In other words, Essbase can automatically calculate a cumulative number based on
how you have the Time dimension set up. If you want to track how many vehicles
you have built from the beginning of the year through the current month, the
Dynamic Time Series can do this for you. If you were to build 1,000 units in January
and 1,000 units in February, and 1,000 units in March, you would expect to see 1,000
units as your net number for each month's data pulled. But, if you want to know
the total units through each month, you would expect to see 1,000 for January, 2,000
for February, and 3,000 through March. This is what a period-to-date calculation will
give you.
The Dynamic Time Series member is actually created for you when you associate a
predefined Dynamic Time Series member with the appropriate outline Generation.
For example, to use the year-to-date Dynamic Time Series functionality, you would
associate a year member with the Generation 4 (month's level) Calendar Periods
dimension. When you request the data at the Dynamic Time Series member,
Essbase will automatically sum the Generation 4 level members within the given
year and return the results to you.
Essbase has provided the following predefined Dynamic Time Series functions.
As always, if you have a special need, there are plenty of calculation functions
available to allow you to code even the most complex custom calculation:
• H-T-D (History-to-date)
• Y-T-D (Year-to-date)
• S-T-D (Season-to-date)
• P-T-D (Period-to-date)
• Q-T-D (Quarter-to-date)
• M-T-D (Month-to-date)
• W-T-D (Week-to-date)
• D-T-D (Day-to-date)
Here is an important item to consider when coding Dynamic Time Series
functionality. Your Dynamic Time Series member can be associated with any
Generation in your time dimension, except the zero level Generation (you cannot
have months adding upto a month-to-date value).
The steps to add a Dynamic Time Series member to the Time dimension of
our Esscar database outline are:
1. In EAS, open the Esscar outline in the outline editor
2. Click on Outline | Dynamic Time Series.
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3. On the Dynamic Time Series screen, select Y-T-D and GEN 3 as shown
in the following screenshot:
4. Once you click OK, the outline will be updated to reflect to the changes
that you have made as shown in the following screenshot:
Shared members
Shared members are another great tool offered by Essbase to help you increase
your data and reporting versatility in a simple and extremely efficient manner.
In a nutshell, a shared member is another occurrence of an already existing member
in the outline. The shared member only stores a pointer to the existing outline
member, thereby giving serious space and processing efficiencies in the database.
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Building the Essbase Outline
[ 116 ]
The benefits do not end there either. What you can do is have the shared member
/original member be a child to many different parents. For example, if you have a
product that is available in several markets, you can organize your outline with the
child members as needed for each market. The shared member can appear in several
places simultaneously and be selectively calculated with relative ease.
In the preceding screenshot, notice how we have the individual vehicles located in
three different groups in the database outline. The vehicles under the Total Vehicles
parent are the original members and the vehicles located under Total US Vehicles
and Total Canada Vehicles are the shared members. By doing this, we can create
different group totals from the same pool of members in the outline.
There are only two main rules for Essbase shared members. You cannot tag a
member as a shared member unless the same member already exists as a non-shared
member and the shared members need to be the lowest members, or the Level 0
members, of their respective dimensions.
Well, that wraps up the chapter on the Essbase outline. We know you've been hit
with a lot of information upto this point. There is a lot to know about the Essbase
database outline.
You have learned how to add dimension level members to the database outline and
you've learned how to make decisions on how to best determine what categories of
your data best fit as Essbase database outline dimensions.
You have learned the myriad available properties that a database outline member
can have. For instance, how the child members consolidate their values to the parent
member, or do the individual members store data or have it dynamically calculated.
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You have also learned that there are several ways to actually update an Essbase
database outline. You can perform any necessary task manually by using the
EAS, but you can also perform most routine tasks automatically by either using
a dimension build load process or by executing a MaxL command script.
You are now at a point where you should have a good hold on Essbase applications,
databases and outlines. You should also have a good understanding
of multidimensionality as it pertains to Oracle Essbase.
Going forward the amount of information presented to you will not decrease but
the use and/or purpose of the information will as what will be presented to you
now will assume you have a good base to build on.
The coming chapters will now be your guide to enhancing what you know while
at the same time enhancing your ability to efficiently maintain and support your
Essbase database whether it be loading data (many different methods shown in
next chapter), calculating data, or using your data.
In other words, by now, you know what to do. The rest of the book will show
you how to do it better and with more options!
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Loading Data into Essbase
You have learned how to perform an installation of Oracle Essbase on your server and client, and to install the Essbase Administration Services on your client as well. You have learned how to look at data in a multidimensional sense and make decisions on how to best build an Essbase database based on your data. You have also learned how to build an actual Essbase application and database, layout and build the database outline, and then experimented with some basic methods of
data loading and outline building.
In this chapter you will learn, hands-on, how to perform several methods of loading data into your Essbase database. You will also learn how to use the many optional data load settings and attributes that assist you with loading data into your Essbase database. Along with manually loading data, you will also learn how to automate data loads for repeated data loading from interfacing systems.
Most importantly, you will learn that no matter how seemingly incompatible or dirty the input data is, Essbase provides many tools and utility option settings that allow you to convert, transform, filter, and clean your input data. Using these tools' functionality your data can quickly and easily be made ready to load into your Essbase database.
A term you will become very familiar with is Essbase-friendly. Essbase-friendly data or, making your data Essbase-friendly, simply means fixing up any data intended for loading into your Essbase database in such a way that you successfully load the maximum amount of data with the fewest number of rejections.
Let's start making your data Essbase-friendly and then loading your friendly data into your Essbase database.
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[ 120 ]
Make your data Essbase-friendly
The reason this subject is something worth discussing here in Essbase is because
unlike traditional relational database packages, Oracle Essbase includes many
easy to use tools to quickly transform, alter, modify, or otherwise turn questionable
data into good, usable data that can be fully and correctly loaded into your Essbase
database. Creating Essbase-friendly data can be accomplished with a minimum
amount of effort and expense, both on the Essbase side and the data source side,
which is sure to please even the toughest business customer who no doubt is aware
of how creating an extract of data from a traditional system sometimes means a
lot of effort and even the writing of a complex program or two.
First, to make sure you understand, when loading data in Essbase the data must
contain a representative element of data for each dimension in the target Essbase
database's outline. For example, our Esscar database outline contains seven
dimensions, so the data you intend to load must contain an element for each
dimension plus the data value itself, for a total of eight elements of data. The
following figure shows you how your data would look in a perfect world:
Notice there are eight columns of data, one column for each dimension in the
Esscar database outline and the data value itself. Now, as mentioned, this would
be the perfect way to receive data from an outside source. It's too bad this is rarely
the case when receiving data from another department or business activity, even
within your own company. Heck, sometimes data from within the same company
is the most inconsistent.
In the real world, you are lucky when you get the bare minimum of the data
elements you need to satisfy your Essbase requirements from sources external
to your Essbase database. This is not a great concern most of the time with Essbase
and we'll tell you why, then we will take the rest of this chapter to show you how.
Essbase-friendly thoughts
Consider that you have constructed your Essbase database outline to be as flexible and
detailed as possible for your business customer. You know very well that you won't
always get clean data from an external system that will load right into your database.
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There are many reasons why you may not get data sent to you just the way you
would like it. First and foremost is the expense of writing a complex program to
extract the data from one system and pretty it up for the receiving system. Second,
it takes time to write such a program.
With Essbase, you have tools designed specifically to pretty up or make
Essbase-friendly, even some of the most objectionable data.
In other words, with the tools that Essbase provides you and a little bit of your own
creativity, there isn't much data out there that you would have a good reason to say
no to making Essbase-friendly.
Here is a real world example of making your data Essbase-friendly that shows just
what can be accomplished with very little effort. The data load rule you are about
to see was developed in less than two hours.
Essbase-friendly example
The following screenshot shows an input data file that has been opened in the Essbase
Data Prep Editor. The upper pane displays the data in its raw form and the lower pane
shows you what the data will look like to Essbase during the actual data load.
The first column in the raw data view is the month column in numeric format.
The second column in the raw data view is the calendar year in four digit format.
Unfortunately, our month/year values in the database outline are formatted as MMM
YYYY (for example, Jan 2009), with the month as a three character abbreviation then a
space then the four digit year. You will also need them all in one column.
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Next we join the month and year columns using the column join option in the
Data Source Properties screen as shown:
Observe how we told Essbase to join columns 1 and 2 into a new single column.
But wait, the date format is still wrong. What do we do next? Easy enough, all we
need to do now is set up the replace function to convert the date column into an
Essbase-friendly date format. Watch how easy it is:
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Notice in the Field Properties screen how we replace the wrongly formatted date
column with the correct format. There are other options as well depending on your
specific needs.
Finally, looking at the data in the first column, we see that what were once two
separate columns with the wrong date format is now one column of correctly
formatted data which will successfully load into our Esscar database. Total
development time for this column was about 15 minutes. This is how you make
your data Essbase-friendly!
Types of data sources
A typical data source for your Essbase database can contain many bits of
information. Unlike traditional relational databases, Essbase data sources can be
actual data values or they can be metadata. Because you can update your database
outline dynamically with the same data that you ultimately load, data sources in
Essbase take on a completely different meaning than in other types of systems.
When talking about data sources in Essbase, any of the following can be considered.
Type of data
The data loaded into Essbase can be of two types, one is to load the data into
the cube and the other is to update the outline of the cube:
• Data loads: These are the actual data values. This would be the numeric
value of one of the existing measures in the database. This type of Essbase
data source is usually the only usable type of data source in a traditional
relational database.
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• Dimension build loads: Information in the data that can actually be used
to update the outline's member names, member aliases, member attributes,
and more.
The Essbase data rules file can be used both as a data
load rules file, to load data values into the database and
also as a dimension build rules file, to update or add new
members to the database outline.
Types of files used for data loads
The data that is loaded into Essbase can come from different types of files like
Microsoft Excel files, Text files, Comma Separated files or directly from a relational
database. Let us talk about these file types and see how we can use each of them
in Essbase.
Microsoft Excel files
Microsoft Excel files can be used as data sources in a couple of ways. First, they can
be used to perform a "Lock and Send" of the data from the Microsoft Excel worksheet
directly into the Essbase database. A Microsoft Excel workbook can also be used as
an attached file or Linked Reporting Object (LRO).
Text files
There are two types of text files:
• Delimited text files: Delimited text files are files that use a certain character,
typically a comma or a semi-colon to delimit the data fields. This delimiter
is used by the Essbase load rule to determine where one data field ends and
another data field begins. Also, not all rows will be of the same length.
• Fixed column width text files: The fixed width type of text file has all rows of
data the exact same length. Also, all of the data fields are the same length and
in the same position and do not vary from row to row.
Essbase data export text files
One type of data source that loads without any intervention, in the form of data
manipulation, or even without the aid of an Essbase data load rule is the Essbase
database export text file. Essbase offers you the option of exporting the data from
your database into text files (some do this for database backup purposes). When
loading an Essbase exported file into an Essbase database with a similar outline,
Essbase can automatically interpret the data fields and determine how to correctly
load the data. This process is used in a database performance enhancing tip, which
we will talk about later in this book.
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Relational databases
We have saved the best for last! Without the time or expense of writing complicated
interfacing programs, Essbase allows you to create a data load rule that automatically
connects directly to an external relational database such as, Teradata or SQL Server,
just to name a few. Using a load rule with connection information specified, you
actually write an SQL query using the source database's own Structured Query
Language (SQL) commands. You can use this data source to build the outline itself
or to load the data values.
By now, you should be telling yourself just how cool you think
Essbase is and what did you ever do before you learned about it.
Data load methods
We have discussed the types of data you can load into your Essbase database.
We have also discussed how these types of data can be loaded as just the data
values themselves, or that they can be used to build your Essbase database outline
by dynamically adding dimension members and then loading the data values.
Here, we will discuss some of the various methods you can use to load data into
your Essbase database.
Data file freeform (no load rule)
This method is quite possibly the most worry free and easy way to load data into an
Essbase database. When you have a properly formatted (Essbase-friendly) data file,
all you need to do is drag-and-drop the file onto the EssCmd/MaxL executable files
or their desktop shortcuts. Essbase will automatically determine what delimiter you
are using and correctly load the data.
Here are just a few words of caution on using this data load method. The reason it is
so easy at the load step is because the harder work has already been done at the front
of this process to create an Essbase-friendly data source. If you were to create such a
program, it would need to construct your data source file in such a way as to match
the structure of the database outline. Each field, in every row of data in the file,
would need to contain a representative member from every dimension in the Essbase
database outline. The data in the file would also need to be ordered in the same order
as the members in the outline from top to bottom.
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Without a load rule, you do run the risk of either having an invalid character in one
of your data fields or an incorrect or missing member name included in a row of data.
When this happens, Essbase will successfully load the data file up until it reaches the
invalid row. At this time, the load will halt without loading the remainder of the data,
leaving you with an incomplete load.
To be honest, the best time to use this no load rule method of data loading is
when your data source file is created from an Essbase database data export.
Essbase export and import (no load rule)
This method is fantastic for extracting data from your Essbase cube and loading it
into another cube or just plain saving it off for backup. Start off with the EAS tool
and right-click on your database and select the Export… option to begin the export
of the desired data from the database.
Upon selecting the Export… option, you will be presented with a small Export
Database screen (seen in the next screenshot). On this screen, you have options
on how you want to export your data from the database. There are many reasons
why you will need to export data from your Essbase database (backup, send
downstream). However, in this case, the data is exported so that you can import
the data into another database or even into the same database at a later date.
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Because of this reason, you will do the following:
1. Give a name to your export file including an extension. When loading the
data, Essbase will only look for a file with a .txt extension, so it is always
best to add it now. Also, when exporting your data, Essbase will only
build files upto 2GB each. If your database is larger than 2GB, Essbase will
automatically create new files with the name you have chosen and append
the number of the file to each one, for example, EssCar01.txt, EssCar02.
txt, EssCar03.txt, and so on. Finally, very important, remember that
Essbase object names must be upto 8 characters. This means your file name
in this example must be upto 6 characters before Essbase appends the
number to it.
2. Next, your export options are self explanatory. Select the level of the data
you wish to export. If you are exporting the data for a complete restore,
then obviously you will select the All data option.
3. Finally, the Export in column format option is very important. If you
select this option, Essbase will export the data in a format compatible
with spreadsheet applications using field delimiters. If you do not select
this option, Essbase will export your data into a format that it will easily
recognize and will be able to load back into the database without a rules
file. The Export in column format is not supported in ASO cubes.
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Okay, that should get your data exported quite nicely. When you are ready to import
your data back into your database or into another database with a similar database
outline you will do the following:
1. On the selection screen provided, when you right-click on the database in
Essbase Administration Services, you will choose Load data… instead of
the Export… option you were instructed to choose earlier.
2. Once you have selected the Load data… option, you will be presented with
the following screen. It is in this screen that you define to Essbase how to
load a particular data file.
3. To load your newly exported data files, simply select the Data files radio
button, then select the Load data and Interactive checkboxes.
4. Next, click on the Find Data File button which will open a file selection
dialog box (seen in the following screenshot). Along the top, you will see
tabs that allow you to choose from locating your file in the server file system
or the analytic server file system. The data files can be on your local machine
or on the Essbase server. If your file is on the server and it is stored in the
Application|Database path, you should see this file in the Essbase Server
tab. If the file is on your local PC, you need to click on the File System
tab and search for the data file. Even if your data files are loaded onto the
Analytic server (Essbase server), it is best to use the File System tab and
select your data files through the operating systems file system.
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5. Once you have located and selected your file(s), you can click OK to return
to the previous screen.
If you hold down the Ctrl key, you can select
multiple data files in one operation.
6. In this case, we are not using a rules file, so there is no need to select the
Use rules checkbox. If you were to use a rules file (and this is a great method
to manually test load rules files), you would check the Use rules checkbox.
This in turn would allow you to click on the Find Rules File button, which
will open another file selection dialog box exactly like the one for data files
including the same choices and actions. You can add one or more data files
at the same time. Simply click on the Insert button to add another row like
the one shown here:
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[ 130 ]
7. Finally, you can accept the default output for the log which will be generated
by the data load or you can type a new path.
8. Click OK to load your data. There you have it! You have just loaded data
without a rules file.
Structured data load (load rule used)
In Essbase, you can create a load rule file to load data into an Essbase cube. In this
rule file, you need to define the data source. This data source can be a flat file or an
SQL query, you can also write the queries in the load rule. Using the rule file, you
can cleanse the data before it gets loaded into the cube. Let us quickly see the types
of the load rules file:
• Flat file load rule: As explained earlier in this chapter, and will be
demonstrated shortly, probably the most common method of loading data
into your Essbase database is by a data flat file and Essbase data load rule
method. Inside the data load rule, you define to Essbase what fields in the data
file relate to what dimensions in the database outline. The database load rule
is also where you can perform data transformations, data substitutions, data
manipulations, or pretty much any other task you need to perform to get your
data Essbase-friendly. Then either manually or automatically, you perform
a data load into your Essbase database using the data file and the load rule
created for it.
• Relational database SQL load rule: This data load method is essentially
identical to the flat file load rule method, except for one huge difference.
Instead of the input data contained in the form of a flat file, the data is
being selected directly from a relational database's table or tables. Real SQL
statements are used and an ODBC connection is used behind the scenes by
the load rule to connect to the relational database. After this, the creation
of the load rule is identical to the flat file method when it pertains to data
handling, and so on.
Microsoft Excel Lock and Send (no load rule)
This method is perhaps the quickest, down and dirty, method of loading data into
an Essbase database. While it is fast and easy, there are limitations and precautions.
Since Microsoft Excel is the natural front end for Oracle Essbase, they do work rather
seamlessly together. However, you do need to remember, that what you are doing
with a spreadsheet's "Lock and Send" function is updating existing data as there are
no provisions for adding new members to the database outline through Microsoft
Excel. Also, Essbase seems to have difficulty locking too many data cells when asked
by Microsoft Excel. Due to performance issues, you may want to consider splitting
spreadsheets that contain a considerable amount of rows.
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As this is typically how the business users will update the data, it is a more than
acceptable method. This method is also ideal for tweaking specific data values prior
to calculation.
Finally, this method is ideal for data validation when writing and executing new
Essbase calculation scripts. You can retrieve data into your spreadsheet, execute
your Essbase calculation script, and retrieve the data into another sheet to compare
the changes. If the results are not what you expected, then simply "Lock and Send"
the data in the first sheet back to the database, make adjustments to the calculation
script, and run it again, then retrieve the data once more to validate. The "Lock and
Send" method is explained in detail in the later chapters.
That was easy!
Building your first data load rules file
Actually, we should have said build your second data load rule file, as we have built
one rules file already. The first one you built, in the previous chapter, is a dimension
build rules file. Now, in this chapter, we are discussing how to load data into your
Essbase cube so this is a data load rules file.
In the previous section, we talked about how to load data without a data load rules
file. We will now learn how to cleanse the data, make the data Essbase-friendly and
then load the data into the Essbase using an Essbase data load rules file.
Once you have created a data load rules file, just like the dimension build rules
file, you can use it to manually load the data from the EAS or use EssCmd or MaxL
(Essbase scripting languages), to load the data into your Essbase database. You
can even write your own program that makes its own API call to load the data
into Essbase.
Here are some of the advantages of using the data load rules files:
• Makes the data Essbase-friendly
• Ignores the data fields that do not need to be loaded into Essbase
• Specifies whether to overwrite the existing data, add to existing data,
or subtract from existing data
• Trims out spaces
• Changes the scaling of decimal numbers
• Converts case from upper to lower and vice versa
• And much more
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Loading Data into Essbase
[ 132 ]
Next, we take you through the steps required to create a rules file you will use to
load data into your Essbase database. Always remember, no matter how you load
the data, through EAS, EssCmd or MaxL, or programmatically, you will always use
the same rules file in your load process. That's simple and convenient!
Step 1: Starting the Data Prep Editor
Follow the given steps to start the Data Prep Editor:
1. In EAS, click on the File menu pick.
2. Select Editors and click on the Data Prep Editor, or click on New, and from
the New dialog click the Scripts tab and select Rules File, then click on OK.
3. The Data Prep Editor will open as shown in the following screenshot.
4. Once the Data Prep Editor is opened, the menu items in EAS will change.
Step 2: Associating the data load rules file
In order for you to successfully validate the rules file to the database and outline
for which it is intended, you will need to associate the rules file to the correct
database outline. This association of the rules file to the database outline is saved
the first time. However, Essbase will ask you to associate the rules file again to the
proper database outline every time you reopen this rules file. You do not need to
re-associate the database outline if you do not wish to as the rules file will remember
the initial association.
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To associate your data load rules file to a database outline:
1. Again, using EAS, open the Data Prep Editor.
2. Click on Options | Associate Outline or click on the Associate button
in the Data Prep Editor.
Step 3: Opening data load file or the SQL
data source file
The source data which needs to be loaded into the Essbase cube can be a data file
(Comma separated files like a .txt file, or a .dat file) or a relational database which
can be retrieved using the relational databases own SQL statements. The following
screenshot shows the Esscar data in the relational database system (Oracle):
To open a data source file or SQL data source:
1. In EAS, open the Data Prep Editor.
2. Once you've clicked on File you should see the options Open Data File
or Open SQL.
In the previous chapter, you saw how to use the Data File. In this chapter,
we will see how we can achieve the same thing using the SQL data source:
1. Click on the Open SQL selection.
2. A new window will open asking you to select the Server name, Application
name, and Database name. Please select the appropriate names and click OK.
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3. You will see the Open SQL Data Sources window as shown in the
following screenshot:
As shown in the previous screenshot, you can write your own SQL query. However,
you are somewhat limited to what you can write. Here is how to write your own
SQL query:
1. SELECT, FROM, and WHERE are already declared.
This is a great feature for writing most queries, but if you are
unable to write any particularly complex queries, you can always
create an Essbase temporary table in your relational database that
contains everything you need (data values, columns, and so on).
Then, your data load rule SQL statement only needs to be a simple
SELECT <column names> FROM, WHERE….
2. Write your query and click on Retrieve.
3. Enter the SQL user ID and password and click on OK and you should
see the data populated as shown here:
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Step 4: Setting the View to Data Load Fields
As you recall, in the previous chapter we used the Rules File to update the database
outline. In this chapter, we are using, but this time, we are using it for loading data
into the Essbase database. Please select Data Load Field View in the Rules File.
By default Data Load Field View is selected.
To set the Data Load Field:
1. In EAS, open the Data Prep Editor.
2. Click on View and then select the checkbox Data Load Fields.
Step 5: Setting the Data Source Properties
As discussed in the previous chapter, the Data Source Properties are also the
same where you can set the column delimiter as Tab delimited or Comma delimited.
The input columns from a relational database are Tab delimited which is selected
by default.
To set the Data Source Properties:
1. In EAS, open the Data Prep Editor.
2. Click on Options and then click on Data Source Properties.
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3. The first tab is the Delimiter tab.
4. Select or create the appropriate data delimiter.
Step 6: Updating the Data Load Settings
With this load rule setting, you can tell Essbase how to load the new data into
the Essbase database and also, if necessary, how to load the new data in relation
to the data that already exists in the database. In some cases, you need to load on
a day-to-day basis. If there are adjustments to the data, how you will handle them?
In the rules file data load setting, you can tell Essbase how to load the data into
the Essbase cube, define the headers, flipping of the numeric signs, clear specific
data combinations, add to existing values, subtract from existing values, and so on.
Step 7: Setting the Data Load Values
To set the Data Load Values:
1. In EAS, open the Data Prep Editor.
2. Click on Options and then click on the Data Load Setting.
3. The first tab is the Data Load Values tab.
4. There are three things that can be achieved in this tab setting:
Data values, Sign flip, and Global select/reject Boolean.
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Data values
There are three options you can choose from for loading data into an Essbase
database as shown in the preceding screenshot.
• Overwrite existing values: Select this option if you want to load the new
data completely and overwrite the existing data in the database.
This will only overwrite the data included in the new feed. If
there is an existing value that is not included in the new data, it
will not be overwritten.
Let us say you are building or rebuilding your Essbase cube everyday.
On Monday, you loaded data into the database that shows revenue
generated as $40,000 and when you load new data on Tuesday the total
revenue generated to date as $60,000. So, when you loaded the new data into
the Essbase cube, the revenue from Monday's data feed is overwritten by
Tuesday's revenue data. By default, in Essbase, the setting is set to Overwrite
existing values.
• Add to existing values: Select this option if you want to add your data to
the existing data.
While this is a great feature, you must be very careful while using it. If
you ever need to reload the same data, due to an interruption or some
other issue, you need to restore the data to its original state before the
first instance of the load. Otherwise, you will add to the values again
resulting in erroneous data.
As in the example above, you are building data loads on a day-to-day basis.
You have a TOTAL VEHICLES SOLD member in your database outline. The
data load rules file you are using is set to Add to existing values. If the TOTAL
VEHICLES SOLD member on Monday is 100 units and Tuesday's data shows
20 more units sold, when you load this data the TOTAL VEHICLES SOLD will
get updated to 120 units (100 + 20) since you have set this data load rules
setting to Add to existing values.
• Subtract From existing values: Select this option if you want to subtract
the new data values from the existing data values.
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[ 138 ]
Let us say you have a member called TOTAL VEHICLES IN STOCK and when
you are loading data you need to subtract the daily sold quantity in the data
feed from the quantity that already exists in the TOTAL VEHICLES IN STOCK
member. If there are 1,000 units in the TOTAL VEHICLES IN STOCK member
and you sold 100 vehicles today, when you load the daily data the 100 sold
units will be subtracted from the 1,000 units in the TOTAL VEHICLES IN
STOCK member. This will leave 900 as the new value in the TOTAL VEHICLES
IN STOCK member.
Sign flip
Flipping the numeric sign is one of the features of the Essbase data load that can
be accomplished in the data load rule. Sometimes it is necessary for us to flip the
numeric sign of a set of values as they are being loaded into the database.
Consider that the basic profit calculation is Sales – Discounts = Profits. The
data elements you receive from the corporate finance department are all in positive
numbers. Sales and Costs are provided as positive numbers. Depending on how you
have your database outline structured and to keep things simple (simple is good)
for you to create a Profit member in your database outline, you would need it to
have two children. One child would be Sales and other would be Costs. When you
calculate the outline, the values would roll up correctly to a total Profit.
Another way would be to just have a Profit member to load the data values to and
use the Add to existing values setting so you would add a positive Sales value and
a negative Costs value to the Profit member as the data is being loaded. The only
drawback to this method is you would not have the component data handy and
loaded into the database in the event there are issues or questions with the data.
Debugging would also be more complicated as you would need to go back to the
input data for any validations.
There are two ways, during a data load to flip a numeric sign on a data value.
They are as follows:
1. Flip the numeric sign value based on an outline member UDA. For instance,
you can only flip the numeric sign on members that are tagged with the UDA
of Costs in the database outline. As you can see in the previous screenshot,
there is a UDA called NegSign. While we are doing the Dynamic Calc,
we check the UDA, if UDA is NegSign, we can do a negation. This is just
an example.
2. Arbitrarily flip the numeric sign on all data values in a particular column
or field by multiplying the number with a minus (-) sign.
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[ 139 ]
Clearing Data Combinations
Depending on the circumstances, it may be necessary for you to clear the existing
data values before loading the new data. To achieve this functionality you need to
set all of the members that need to be cleared in Clear Data Combinations tab of
the Data Load Settings.
This can be an extremely valuable setting when loading data that
may have holes in it. For example, you are loading data values for all
months of a particular calendar year, but the new data load has no data
values for the months of May and August, the result will be the old
values mixing in with the newly loaded values. This happens because
Essbase will only load or overwrite data values for specific values
received in the data. If no new data is received for the months of May
or August, the old data values will remain.
To set the Clear Data Combinations:
1. In EAS, open the Data Prep Editor.
2. Click on Options and then click on the Data Load Setting.
3. Click on the second tab, Clear Data Combinations tab.
In the Dimension list, double-click on the members you need to clear the data
and they will appear in the Combinations to clear as shown here:
If you are using Overwrite existing values, then Clear Data Combinations may
not be necessary as every time you load the data the old data will be cleared for
the values you receive. However, if you are using Add to existing values or Subtract
from existing values, you may need to clear the data values prior to the very first
data load to this scenario just to make sure all of the data has been cleared.
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[ 140 ]
Header Definition
As mentioned earlier, Essbase requires a representative of all of the dimensions
in the database outline to be included in the data you are attempting to load.
Obviously, this is not always possible or even practical. Never fear, the Essbase
data load rules file once again has turned this potential issue into a non-issue!
While creating the data load rules file, one of the first things you do is map the different
fields in the data to the appropriate dimensions the data will load to. If even one of the
dimensions is missing, you will get an error when you try to validate the Essbase data
load rules file. This is where the Header Definition function comes into play.
For example, the monthly file you receive from the marketing department contains
sales information for the company. The data values are always in U.S. dollars, but
there is no column or field in the data that specifically says US DOLLAR like you
have defined in the database outline. All you need to do is quickly and easily add
the US DOLLAR member in the Header Definition and Essbase will load data as
if every record in the file contains US DOLLAR data values.
To set the Header Definitions:
1. In EAS, open the Data Prep Editor.
2. Click on Options | Data Load Setting.
3. Specify US Dollar in the Header Definition tab as shown here:
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Step 8: Associating fields with Data Load
In order to correctly load the data into the Essbase cube, we need to map each field
in the data, using the data load rules file, to their specific database outline
dimensions. This way, while Essbase is loading the data into the database, the data
fields are correctly aligned to the right members in the database outline. Essbase
will only use the fields you have mapped in your data load rules file. If the data file
contains more fields than necessary, Essbase can simply ignore them if you have
them tagged as Ignore.
This is the key step while setting up the data load rules file.
To open the Data Field Properties:
1. In EAS, open the Data Prep Editor.
2. Click on Fields | Properties.
3. As shown below, Data Field Properties option has three tabs: Global
Properties, Data Load Properties, and Dimension Build Properties.
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[ 142 ]
Let us talk about the Global Properties and Data Load Properties as Dimension
Build Properties were already covered in an earlier chapter.
Global properties
As the term global applies to everything, in this context, global means both
the Dimension Build Properties and Data Load Properties.
These are the settings that can be used in the Global Properties tab:
1. Case: There are three types of Case present: Original, Lowercase, and
UpperCase. While updating the dimensions, you sometimes want all
of the members to be upper case or lower case, or it can be left as originally
sent in the data file. Original is selected by default. This is particularly
important when you are working with Essbase installed on a Unix platform
as it is case sensitive by default.
2. Prefix or Suffix: This is to add a prefix or suffix to the member so that
the member name is unique. You can add your own prefix or suffix.
3. Drop leading/trailing spaces: This is used to trim the member before it
gets loaded into database outline. This is selected by default.
4. Convert spaces to underscores: In the earlier versions of Essbase, spaces
were not allowed. Therefore, this property was used to convert spaces to
underscores. This is no longer a problem in newer versions of Essbase, but
this property setting is carried over to allow upgraded systems to continue
operation without major rework.
Data Load Properties
In the previous section, you learned how to set the global properties for your data
load or dimension build. In this section, you will learn how to add only the data load
field properties. Each field in the rule file can be an outline member, data member, or
data that can be ignored. In the Data Load Properties, we will define each field and
how it is related to the Essbase outline.
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[ 143 ]
The settings that can be set in the Data Load Properties tab are as follows:
1. Field name: This is where you map your data element to the outline member.
You are currently seeing MARKET_ID, which is the column name in the
relational database where our data is coming from. The outline member
name is different from this column name so you need to select the field name,
clear the information that already exists, and then double-click on the correct
outline dimension. You should then see the member name in the Field name
(wrapped with double quotes if you have space in the member name). If
you do not see the outline and its members, click on the Outline… button
to associate this rule to the correct Essbase database. Click the OK button to
complete this, or click the Next button to go to the next field.
2. Data field: The Data field can be defined in two ways, one is by defining
the field name like in step 1. If all of the data you are loading is for the
same value, Sales, then you can label this column as Sales. If this data value
column will represent values for more than one member, that is Sales and
Stocks, and the data source contains another column that identifies the data
member, then the data values column can be named only Data.
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[ 144 ]
As shown in the following screenshot, on field 7 we have defined the
Account dimension name, Total Revenue, and on field 8 we have defined
it as simply Data:
3. Ignore field during data load: For any fields that are not required to
successfully load the data from the file you have received, all you need
to do is check the Ignore field during data load option in the Data Load
Properties tab.
4. Scale: Depending on the size of your company or the size of the egos of the
company executives, you may find yourself gathering data that has been
scaled to varying degrees. Because of this, Essbase offers you the option to
scale your data as you load it. Typically, a busy executive may feel that the
number 10,500,000 is too large and bothersome to look at. So, he will ask
that his report have the data values scaled into the thousands (1/1000th).
This would give the report the presentation value of 10,500 which would
represent 10,500,000. To do this, select the Scale option and enter the
appropriate scaling value you wish to use on the data being loaded
(10, 100, 1,000, and so on).
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Repeat the steps above for all of the fields contained in the data source for which you
are creating the data load rule, until all of the fields are defined to Essbase.
Now that you have updated the property settings on all of the fields, it would be a
good idea to validate all of the field definitions and properties against your database
outline. In the very next step, we will see how to validate the data load rule file.
Step 9: Validating the data load rules file
In this step, we will validate the correctness of the definition that you have provided
to the rule file. Please make sure you validate after making changes to the rule file.
If there is any error, you will get errors while loading the data.
To validate the data load rules file:
1. In EAS, open the Data Prep Editor.
2. Click on the Validate button (last button on the Data Prep Editor window),
or you can click on Options and then click on Validate.
3. You should see a message, The rules file is correct for data loading, as
shown here:
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[ 146 ]
4. Let us actually remove the field definition for the Field6 (go to Field, then
Properties, then to Field 6 and remove the Field name) and now click on
the Validate button. You should see an error message stating Field6 is
not defined as shown here:
Step 10: Saving the data load rules file
Now that you have validated the data load rules file, and there are no errors, you
can save the rules file. Remember to use the proper Essbase 8 character naming
convention while saving the rules file. You can save the rules file in your local file
system or on the Essbase server using the Essbase file system. We prefer to save
all of the files on the Essbase server. The rule files will be saved with the .rul file
extension in Application|Database directory on the Essbase server.
Whatever place you choose to save your data load rules files, always
try to be consistent to make things easier. Consistently saving files in
the same location, or consistently naming Essbase database objects,
only makes sense and provides easier and less costly support.
To save the data load rules file with the Essbase default extension of .rul:
1. In EAS, open the Data Prep Editor.
2. Click on File | Save button to save the file.
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[ 147 ]
Loading data into your database
In the steps above, you learned how to create an Essbase data load rule. Now let
us learn how to use this data load rules file to actually load data into your Essbase
database. As with the Dimension Build, there are several ways to load data into
an Essbase database.
A few of the ways you can load data into an Essbase cube:
• Using the EAS Outline Editor
• Using EssCmd or MaxL script commands
• Using your own API calls
In the next few sections, let us discuss how you can achieve it using the EAS
and MaxL statements.
Using the EAS to load data into your
Essbase cube
Using EAS is the manual way of loading data into the cube. This method will
probably look very familiar because it is almost identical to the Import Data step
of the Export/Import Data process, which we discussed earlier in this chapter.
To load data into an Essbase database, using EAS:
1. Navigate to your Application|Database.
2. Then click on Actions | Load Data for "ESSCAR".
3. The Data Load screen will be opened as shown here:
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[ 148 ]
The different fields present on the previous screenshot are:
• Data Source Type: There are two types of data sources: Data File and SQL.
If you have a comma or tab delimited data source file, you need to select
Data File. If you are connecting to a relational database to use SQL
statements, you need to select SQL. We will be selecting SQL as we will
be loading the data from a relational database data source.
• Mode: There are three options in mode: Load only, Build only, or Both. Here,
you need to mention what you are going to do with this data source. Whether
it is used to load data only, update the database outline only, or used for both
database outline updates and data loads. Occasionally, as per our business
requirement, if a new member value arrives in the data file and does not
already exist in the Essbase database outline, you can specify Essbase to update
the outline with the new member value and then perform the data load. See
how smart Essbase is! This scenario can be achieved by selecting Both. In the
Esscar cube we want to load only the data, so we select Load only.
• Data Source (Data File): If you are using a data file instead of a relational
database data source, you may need to specify the location of the data source
file. The data source file can be on your Local System or on the Essbase Server.
To select a data file, click on the button Find Data File and follow the prompts.
Faster data loading
In case of extremely large data files, if possible, deliver the data file
to the Essbase server so the data load will process faster, since you
will eliminate the network response time from the load process.
• Rules File: If you have chosen the SQL option you must select a rules file
name, as your SQL is embedded in the data load rules file. To select the data
load rules file, click on the button Find Rules File and select the appropriate
data load rules file.
• Abort on Error: If this box is checked, the data load will abort on any data
load error. This is not always the best choice because, depending on where
the error is in the data, you may end up with a partial load.
• Error File: This allows you to specify the error file location. Remember,
there should not be any spaces in the path of the error file.
• Overwrite: When the checkbox is selected, the data load process will
overwrite the existing error file if any. If the named error file does not
already exist, Essbase will create a new error file.
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• SQL Username and Password: Here, you need to enter a valid username
and password for the relational database you will be connecting to. Since
we are using a relational database in this example, we need to provide a
valid username and password.
• Insert: This button in the data load form inserts another line so you can
define one more set of data load rules. This allows you certain flexibility as
it is sometimes necessary to load the same data source more than one time
to get the desired load results.
• Delete: This button in the data load form deletes the line that you have
selected. Remember, once you click on the Delete button, it will not prompt
you for confirmation, it will delete the line. Use carefully!
• Save: It will save information you have for future use. The file will be saved
in the standard XML format.
• Open: It will open the existing XML file.
• Execute in background: If this checkbox is selected, the data load will
execute in the background and you can perform other tasks in EAS.
• OK: Once you click on the OK button, the data load will commence using
data load rules file you selected. The data will be loaded into the Essbase
cube. If there are any errors loading the data, a warning message is displayed
in the Data Load pane that states the data was only partially loaded into your
Essbase database. The error log you have defined will contain information on
any rejected data values.
After you click on the OK button, the Data Load Results window will be opened
as shown here:
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[ 150 ]
Oops! There is a warning message indicating there was an issue with some of the
data and that some or all of the data did not load into your Essbase database. In
order to debug the issue, you need to look into the error file generated by the data
load process.
As you can see in the previous screenshot, the member name ES440 is not found
in the data base outline. This means this member does not exist in the database
outline. Just to be sneaky, we removed the alias for the 4 X 4 PICKUP member from
the outline on purpose to force this error. Essbase will attempt to load data into the
database using the actual member names or aliases. You can even select a specific
alias table to use.
Anytime if you see the Member Not Found in database message, it means this member
does not exist in the Essbase outline.
Let us add the alias code ES440 back into the outline and rerun the data load.
Hooray, we did it! As you can see in the following message, the data has successfully
loaded into your Essbase database without any error messages:
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[ 151 ]
Loading data using MaxL
By now, you must be familiar with the MaxL scripting language and its statements.
We used MaxL to update the Essbase outline in the previous chapter. As you know,
there are three ways you can execute a MaxL script. First, using EAS and the MaxL
editor, second, you can execute MaxL scripts from the Command Prompt, and third,
MaxL scripts can be executed from shell commands within another program.
Let's use the EAS and the MaxL editor to create a MaxL script and then execute
the script to load data into the Essbase database.
Steps to execute MaxL from the EAS editor:
1. Within EAS, Click on File|Editor | MaxL Script Editor.
2. The MaxL editor will open.
3. Import Database MaxL statement should be used to load data.
Syntax for the Import Database MaxL statement:
The various fields present in the MaxL statement are:
• DATA: We need to say data since we are loading data into the database.
• CONNECT AS <Database Username>: Please specify the user name here since
we are loading the data from the relational database.
• IDENTIFIED BY <Database password>: Specifies your database password.
• USING <LOCAL SERVER NAME>: Location of the rules file.
• RULES_FILE <RULE FILE NAME>: Name of the rule file like dSales.
• ON ERROR WRITE TO <PATH FOR ERROR FILE>: Error file information.
The Path for error file c:/book/dataload_chap4.err
The complete MaxL statement with correct syntax:
import database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' data
connect as 'hypuser' identified by 'password'
using server rules_file 'dSales'
on error write to c:/book/dataload_chap4.err
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[ 152 ]
Move the above syntax into the MaxL editor, and execute the MaxL statement.
The statement should run without any error messages being generated. The next
screenshot shows that the data has loaded successfully into the Essbase cube using a
MaxL script statement:
Now that you have successfully loaded the base data into your Essbase database,
we now need to calculate the data in order for the data to be rolled up in the
hierarchies described in the database outline. Parent values need to be summed
from children values. Derived values need to be calculated from the newly loaded
data component values.
All of this and more is performed using the Essbase calculation scripts, known
simply as Calcs. Calcs will be discussed in much greater detail in the next chapter,
but before we continue, let us quickly recap the differences between a Data Load and
a Dimension Build.
Data Load vs. Dimension Build
First, an Essbase data load is very similar to an Essbase dimension build. Second,
an Essbase data load is very different from an Essbase dimension build.
How can we make a contradictory statement like that? This is Essbase, that's how!
Remember, Essbase is an art, not a science.
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Loading data into an Essbase database is the process of loading specific data values
into your Essbase database, based on a predefined database outline. This predefined
database outline contains all of the necessary data attributes to organize the data into
a logical and recognizable format.
Building dimensions in an Essbase database outline is the process of loading data
as data attributes, instead of data values, into the database in the form of adding
new dimension members to the database outline. The missing data attributes in
the database outline that are contained in the data are added by the dimension
build process so that the accompanying data values can be loaded and not rejected.
Wow, who knew Essbase was such an easy to use and versatile tool when it came
to loading data and maintaining your outline?
Let's see, we have covered the how and why of making your data Essbase-friendly.
We have also learned what it means to make data Essbase-friendly and what you
need to do to make it so.
As if that wasn't enough, you've also learned all about what are referred to as data
sources for Essbase. You now know that a data source can be merely data values
you load into your Essbase database, based on a predefined database outline and
data attributes accompanying the data values.
You have learned about the various types of data sources, how Essbase deals with
them, and what you need to do to filter, manipulate, or cleanse them before use.
After all of that, we took all what you've learned about data and data sources and
applied it by creating your first data load rules in Oracle Essbase. You then used
that load rule to load some honest to goodness real data into your Esscar database.
That was easy, wasn’t it?
In the next chapter, we get into the handy dandy Essbase calculation script. This
small tool is pretty much singularly responsible for the vast differences between
Oracle Essbase and any typical relational database. Not only can you calculate
data on the fly, you create new data elements that are derived from component
data elements that exist in the database, without loading large amounts of data if
the results you want can be derived from the data already existing in your database.
Turn the page and let's get started on calcs!
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Calculating your Essbase Cube
Let's take a minute and review what we have completed so far. We now have a fully functioning Essbase operation set up. The server software is installed, the client software is installed, a real application and a database are built, and the database is loaded with data. It's all there and ready for the heart of the system. If the database outline is the foundation of an Essbase database then the calculation scripts are the heart of an Essbase database.
Although you can calculate both an ASO database and a BSO database, unless otherwise noted, the instructions in this chapter pertain primarily to the BSO.
In this chapter, you will learn about one of the most important pieces of functionality in Oracle Essbase. It is one of the main reasons why Oracle Essbase, with its cube technology is so vastly superior to any relational database when it comes to data analytics, analysis, and reporting. This important functionality is the Essbase database calculation.
To help you put the power of the Essbase database calculation to work for you, we will take you through the steps needed to be able to create and run an Essbase database calculation script. We will also show you the various types of database calculation scripts. Essbase database calculation scripts can be in the form
of an Essbase database calculation script file, a database member formula written in the database outline and executed by a database calculation script, or a database outline member formula executed by Essbase only when the data is needed (dynamically calculated member).
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One thing to keep in mind, some Oracle affiliates have offered a three day database
calculation class that only covers how to write Essbase effective database calculation
scripts. We have mixed feelings on the real value of such a class. With the information
we provide in this chapter, combined with a little patience, practice, and common
sense, there is absolutely no reason you cannot code your own robust database
calculation scripts.
Read on, to continue this exciting calculation journey.
Calculating your database
In any Essbase database, the data can be grouped into two distinct categories. First,
there is data that has been entered or loaded into the database. This data can be from
some type of data load from an external source or from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
with the Essbase add-in "Lock and Send" functionality.
Second, there is data that can be derived or calculated from the existing data
elements which were entered, loaded, or input into the database. This data can be
as simple as the total value at a parent level that has been added from the children
values. It can also be the result of a complex calculation that has taken advantage
of Essbase's extensive and powerful mathematical functions that are available to
you in the calculation function library.
As we explained in the previous chapter, the input or loaded data that resides
in your Essbase database can come from many and varied sources and, using
the wide array of data load tools and options, can be quickly and easily prepared
(made Essbase-friendly) and loaded into your Essbase database. This in itself is
reason enough to become an Essbase believer.
The Essbase calculation script
The Essbase data calculation script has the same characteristics as any other Essbase
file object. The script name can be no longer than eight characters and has a .csc
extension. The calculation script file is actually an ASCII text format and can be
opened and edited in any text editor.
The ideal way to create and edit an Essbase database calculation script is to use
the built-in Calculation Script Editor found in the EAS tool. The benefits of using
this provided tool includes reserve word coloring, much like the Microsoft Visual
Basic editor, and a comprehensive syntax checker. These features make creating
Essbase database calculation scripts a rather easy task.
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To access the Calculation Script Editor, in EAS and with the tree structure expanded
at the Application|Database you are working on, right-click on the Calculation
Scripts heading and then click on Create calculation script. This will open the
EAS database Calculation script editor. Follow these steps if you wish to create a
new database calculation script from scratch. If you have already created one or
more database calculation scripts and have stored them in the Essbase file system,
they will be listed under the Calculation Scripts branch (shown below) and all
you need to do to open the calculation script in the editor is to double-click the
calculation script name. When asked if you want to lock the file object, select Yes
to give yourself exclusive alter access to the script.
By default, Essbase will store your Essbase application file objects in the
Application|Database path set up by Essbase, unless you specify otherwise.
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Looking at the preceding screenshot, you should notice two things. First, you can see
how there are several different file types in the directory or folder and second, the
path of the folder.
The files are placed by default into this folder by Essbase. It is not always practical
to keep your calculation scripts, database page and index files, report scripts, and so
on, all together in the same folder. Practicality aside, this arrangement may not even
pass some installation's security and controls requirements. Luckily, Essbase allows
you to save these files in any location that works for you.
The next screenshot shows the Essbase database calculation script editor opened to
a blank and unsaved calculation script:
Essbase outline member formula
On any database member, there is the option to access the member's properties
(as previously shown). One of the options on the Member Properties screen is
the Formula tab. In the following screenshot, you will notice the member formula
editor looks very much like the database Calculation Script Editor. Except for an
occasional syntax difference, the member formulas you write for a database outline
member are identical to the code used to write a database calculation script.
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Member formulas can be written for all types of database outline members. The
method used to execute a member formula is the only thing different. Member
formulas can be executed when the database outline is calculated using the Calc
All command or when attached to a dynamically calculated member and the user
has requested data from that member.
For the script executed formula, you will set the Data Storage option to Store Data.
For the dynamically calculated member, you will set the Data Storage option to
Dynamic Calc or Dynamic Calc and Store.
Calculation types explained
As mentioned earlier in this chapter, there are three ways to calculate data in your
Essbase database. There is the infamous Essbase database calculation script, the
regular outline member formula, and the outline member formula written on a
member tagged as Dynamic Calc or Dynamic Calc and Store. We will now give
you an explanation of each calculation type along with its pros and cons.
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[ 160 ]
Calculation Scripts
Mentioned already, but only briefly, was the venerable Essbase database calculation
script. The database calculation script is an ASCII text file containing a series of
precise commands and functions which are used by Essbase to perform calculations
on the data stored in an Essbase database.
Essbase database calculation scripts are highly versatile and can be written, stored,
and executed in a variety of ways.
To write an Essbase database calculation script, known as a calc script or calc, the
easiest method is to use the Calculation Script Editor provided in EAS. This custom
editor provides many features for coding database outline member selections, syntax
checking, and function or command choices and their use.
The storing of an Essbase database calculation script is something that is entirely
upto you—as the programmer/administrator. When you use the EAS Calculation
script editor, it will default to saving the calculation script file object in the default
Essbase database file structure, which is basically the database folder on the server.
This is an acceptable place to leave the scripts, but it is not the best idea to allow
access to a secure folder on a database server to too many people.
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Again, executing an Essbase database calculation script can easily be performed
from just about anywhere. You can execute a calculation script manually through the
EAS tool, or through the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel (provided your ID has
calculation access), or programmatically using a shelled MaxL script or an API call.
The benefits of using a painstakingly written Essbase database calculation script
are that you can specify the exact subset of data you wish to calculate.
Believe it or not, as amazing as an Essbase database calculation script is, there are a
couple of drawbacks too. One drawback is that sometimes, because of all the power,
an Essbase calculation script can be difficult to control. What we mean is that we can
sometimes write a calc that will calculate too much data or take too long to execute.
Also, when you create data using an Essbase database calculation script, the newly
created data is created as stored data which can be a problem if you are creating
too much of it. These are minor concerns which will be handled as you acquire
more experience.
Stored data member formula
The outline member formula on a stored member is one way to create the data
values you need in an Essbase database. It is very simple and easy to write, what
can be thought of as a snippet of a full blown calculation script in the member
formula editor located on the Member Properties screen.
Outline member formulas on stored members are also easy to execute as they
may execute anytime when the dimension in which they reside is calculated.
Dynamic Calc and Dynamic Calc and Store
Dynamic Calc and Dynamic Calc and Store are database outline member property
settings. Like we told you in the previous section, data created by an Essbase
database calculation script is stored in the database. When you set the storage
properties on a database member in the Accounts dimension to Dynamic Calc
or Dynamic Calc and Store, the member formula will only execute when there is
a request for the data.
In the case of a dynamically calculated member, the resultant data is not stored in
the database, but is recreated every time there is another request for the data. With
a dynamic calc and store member, the data is created the first time there is a request,
then stored. On subsequent requests, the data will only be recreated if one of the
component values has changed or has been updated.
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These two data calculation options give you the benefit of always producing the
freshest data based on the component values. They also help keep the database size
small by not storing data or only small amounts of data. What we mean here is that
with the use of dynamic calc and dynamic calc and store members you can help keep
the size of your database smaller because you are not storing all of the possible data
values for these members. A dynamic calc member stores no data in the database
and a dynamic calc and store member only stores the data as it has been calculated.
Stored members will store all data every time as it has been loaded or calculated,
regardless of if anyone ever actually requests it from the database or not.
There are several ways to request data from an Essbase database which will trigger a
dynamic calc member to create data. One is by performing a Retrieve of data using the
Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel, another way is executing an Essbase report script.
Yes indeed, dynamically calculated data is a nice thing to have, but you must also be
careful with its use. While dynamically calculated data offers greater accuracy, it can
also be a performance hog depending on the amount of data being requested and the
status of the component data involved in the calculation.
A good rule of thumb for dynamically calculated data is to make
sure you never calculate data whose component values are also
dynamically calculated. This situation can cause drastic performance
issues by hogging large amounts of memory to perform all of the
necessary calculations.
Essbase calculation terminology
Yes, we're at it again! In the previous chapter, you learned a new term that was
related to data intended for loading into an Essbase database. That term was
In this chapter, there are more terms you need to learn so you can sound like an
Essbase professional and also impress your co-workers. The new terms you will
learn in this chapter are Essbase calculation-related terms.
In the following sections, we explain the Essbase calculation script commands so
it will be helpful for you to become familiar with the calculation jargon first.
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• Calc: You will use this word quite often. This is a very versatile word
since you will use it as a noun as well as verb. Calc is Essbase lingo for
any database calculation, but it can also describe a calculation action.
For example, you could say, "I have written a new calc for gross stock."
However, you could also say, "I need to calc the database." Both usages
are correct.
• Push down: This term is used to describe what happens when you use
a calculation function to populate the values of children members with
the values of their parents. The time for doing this would be when your
data is only loaded at the parent level but the same values should be
applied to the children members.
• Rollup: This term is used to describe what happens when you add or
sum the children members upto their parent level or it can mean the
parent level of a group of children. As with calc, this term can be used
as a noun or a verb. For example, "I'm writing a calc to rollup the regions
to the Total Region level." You could also say, "Total Region is the rollup
of the individual regions."
• Stomp-on: This is a good one and is mainly used to describe any data that
you have unintentionally whacked or overwritten with a calc script. There
are times when a parent member's value is not necessarily the rollup of its
children. If you execute a calc that inadvertently rolls up the children to the
parent, you have just stomped on the parent's data.
Because Essbase is an art and not a science and because this is a family book, there
are several other terms you can frequently hear around an Essbase installation. We
prefer that you learn these terms on your own.
Default database calculation script
While an Essbase database calculation script can be an extremely powerful tool, it
can also be used for more routine database calculating. Whether you need complex
calculations or outline rollups, a nice feature in your Essbase database toolbox is
the ability to assign a default calculation script to each database.
A Default Calc is a database calculation script you would typically find yourself
running repeatedly. To simplify your life, you set the script as the database's Default
Calc. As you can imagine, you can set the Default Calc to any database calculation
script you have created. By default, Essbase assigns the Calc All database function
as the Default Calc. The Calc All function, in simple terms, calculates your database
according to the outline member formulas and the consolidations you have specified
in your parent-child relationships.
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To set a calculation script to be your database's Default Calc, start by right-clicking
on your database name in EAS and selecting the Set | Default calculation….
You should now see the screen depicted below. As you can see, this screen
provides you with several choices regarding how to setting your database's default
calculation script.
The first choice you have is a radio button which, when selected, allows you to
choose any of the database calculation scripts you have written and stored with the
database within the Essbase file structure on your server. Calculation scripts stored
elsewhere cannot be chosen as the default calc.
If you select the second choice, Use calculation string, you can actually enter your
own small set of calculation commands in the text box provided. This is where you
will see the Calc All function set by Essbase as the database's Default Calc until you
decide to change it.
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Your Default Calc can be executed manually by selecting it from the available
choices on the screen that is displayed when you choose Execute calculation… from
the list of choices that appear after right-clicking on your database name in EAS.
You can also programmatically execute your Default Calc using the appropriate
command in your MaxL script or API call.
Calc All
The Calc All database calculation function can be executed in two different ways
but will perform the same function. You can code the Calc All function in a database
calculation script that is either executed manually or through a program. You can
also set Calc All to be your database's default calculation string.
The Calc All command tells the Essbase to calculate the database according to the
consolidations (parent-child rollups) and Store Data tagged member formulas that
are set up in the database outline and members' properties.
There are occasions when you will create an Essbase database outline that is fairly
simple and straight forward with regard to parent-child relationships. This database
is more than likely used for presentation and reporting purposes only and the users'
access is typically Read Only. With this type of arrangement, the only calculation that
needs to be performed is usually after a data load or database/outline restructure.
The Calc All command is perfect for this type of scenario.
When you initiate a Calc All function, Essbase attempts to determine the best order
of calculation for the database, so you must be careful to verify the results of a Calc
All. If your database requires complex or unusual calculations, you would be better
served using a specifically written calculation script.
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Very Important!
Since this is your first calculation function that you are learning
about, we should give you this tip right now. The correct syntax
for all calculation functional statements, in both scripts and
formulas, is to end the statement with a semi-colon (;). Some
statements are not required to end with a semi-colon, like
conditional statements (if, else, endif), but all actionable
statements are.
Calculate/Aggregate dimension
With an understanding of the Calc All function, we can now be comfortable
describing the two very useful and related database calculation script functions.
Where the Calc All function is used to calculate the entire database based on the
outline (consolidations and stored member formulas), the CALC DIM and AGG
functions are used to perform almost the same function with dimension level precision.
The CALC DIM function performs exactly like the Calc All function in that it will
execute calculations based on the database outline and Store Data tagged member
formulas, with one huge difference. In calculating, functionality is constrained to
only the database dimensions you list with this function. The following is an
example of how you would code a CALC DIM statement to calculate only the
Calendar Periods dimension.
To CALC DIM one dimension:
CALC DIM("Calendar Periods");
To CALC DIM more than one dimension in one command:
CALC DIM("Calendar Periods","Model Year","Market");
To make sure a specific order is followed:
CALC DIM("Market");
CALC DIM("Model Year");
CALC DIM("Calendar Periods");
The parameter section of this function can contain a comma separated list if you
wish to calculate more than one dimension.
If you need to ensure a specific order of calculation for the dimensions, it is best
to code individual CALC DIM statements containing only one dimension name
in the order you need them to be calculated for each dimension.
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Essbase Calc commands and functions
As discussed earlier, database calculations are very important features in the
Essbase world. For some situations, you may need to write complicated calculation
scripts, in other situations, they will be fairly simple. In order for you to become
proficient in writing calculation scripts you need to have an understanding of some
of the predefined commands and functions that can be used in an Essbase database
calculation script. Let's discuss some of the more commonly used commands and
functions in detail.
Data declarations
When you are writing some of the more complex calculation scripts, you will find it
necessary to manipulate the data while calculating. For manipulating the data, you
need to create variables.
In an Essbase calc, you can create temporary variables or global variables (also called
substitution variables, which are discussed in greater detail later in this chapter).
The temporary variables are only available when the calculation script is running
and they do not exist after the calculation script has completed. In order to use these
variables in a calculation script, you need to declare them.
It is always best to declare all of the variables you
will be using at the top of the calculation script.
There are two types of temporary variables that can be used in an Essbase database
calculation scripts:
• VAR: A variable containing only one value
• ARRAY: A one dimensional array declaration
The allowable naming convention for the VAR and ARRAY variables are similar to one
another, you can use alpha characters "a through z", numbers "0 through 9", and
special characters "$ (dollar sign), # (pound sign), and _ (underscore)". Remember,
you cannot use the & (ampersand) as this is reserved for the substitution variables.
VAR cRevenue;
VAR cRevenue = 10,000;
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The array size would be the total number of members in this dimension.
Control flow
Control functions control the flow of the data being calculated. As you will see,
some functions help select the data while some help restrict the selected data.
All in all, they are used to help you calculate your data quickly and efficiently.
When we talked earlier about Essbase database calculation control, we meant the FIX/
ENDFIX command. These are the control gate keepers of the database calculation script.
The FIX/ENDFIX commands are for use only in an Essbase database calculation
script. When you code a member formula, the formula only applies to the member
in which it is coded, hence, there is no need for FIX/ENDFIX commands.
Using Essbase's full complement of calculation functions and commands, for precise
calculation purposes, it hardly matters what your outline looks like, or how it is
laid out. In terms of dimension order, Sparse or Dense settings, whether or not
you have an Accounts or Time dimension, or pretty much any other way you have
your database set upto fit your own needs, the calculation script can be coded to
do exactly as you wish. With the FIX/ENDFIX command, you can zero in with razor
sharp precision on only the data values you wish to calculate.
When you employ a FIX/ENDFIX command you are telling Essbase to select a subset
of data from the database for calculating. In this way, you will not calculate too much
data at any given time. You also will not calculate data that you do not intend to
(the definition of Stomp-on).
What you will realize by using the FIX/ENDFIX command, besides the benefits
described above, is keeping your database calculation scripts running at
peak performance.
The FIX command selects data from the database by blocks. Due to this fact, and
also because you want to ensure the highest possible performance while executing
calculation scripts, it is recommended that wherever possible, you FIX only on
members that are in Sparse Dimension. When you FIX on a Dense Dimension,
Essbase needs to pull all of the data blocks affected by the FIX statement into the
system's memory, thus potentially affecting performance. This is because dense
members have a greater potential to populate across more blocks.
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Of course, you can fix on any database member(s) you wish, and sometimes you will
have no choice. However, if calculation script performance becomes an issue, this is
one of the first places to look to make improvements.
For example:
FIX(Sparse Dimension)
IF(Dense Dimension)
Any Calculation Function;
There is one caveat to this. Essbase will only FIX on members in blocks
that have been previously created. You can solve this by using the
CREATEBLOCKONEQ command in your calculation script. This command
will create the necessary missing blocks for your sparse members.
When you use the FIX/ENDFIX command, you are basically turning on, and then off,
the data filtering that you incorporated using the FIX/ENDFIX command in the first
place. In a typical calculation script, you may have many separate instances of
FIX/ENDFIX commands that enclose a wide variety of calculation functions. The
FIX/ENDFIX commands can also be nested inside one another, much like nested
IF/ENDIF statements. For every FIX statement, there must be a matching ENDFIX.
There is one critical thing you must know about nesting FIX/ENDFIX
commands. Never fix on one level of a dimension, then fix again on a
different level of that same dimension in a nested FIX command.
Always attempt to FIX to the specific level you intend to for a dimension in one
FIX command. The reason for this is because even though the next FIX command
is nested within the first FIX command it will still pull the entire dimension into
the calc pool for filtering. In the example of a bad implementation below, the first
FIX command will select all members from the Calendar Periods dimension.
The second FIX command will select all of the zero level members from the
Calendar Periods dimension. This will actually result in all members of the
Calendar Periods dimension being calculated.
Do not do this:
FIX("Calendar Periods")
FIX(@LEVMBRS("Calendar Periods",0))
Any Calculation Function;
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Do this instead:
FIX(@IDESCENDANTS("Calendar Periods" AND
@LEVMBRS("Calendar Periods",0))
Any Calculation Function;
In the following examples, we will show you how to narrow down the amount
of data you will calculate in your database for various scenarios.
Basic FIX and ENDFIX examples
To begin with, as mentioned earlier, FIX and ENDFIX commands can be nested. We
have also given you some tips regarding when to use the FIX and ENDFIX commands
and what to avoid when nesting them, like the same dimensions named in separate
FIX commands.
For starters, this is how you would code the simplest of FIX and ENDFIX commands:
FIX(@IDESCENDENTS("Calendar Periods"))
"Gross Stock" = "Production" – "Sales";
Notice how the FIX command has an area to list selection dimensions. Within the
parenthesis you can list multiple dimension names separated by commas, member
names, or a list of member functions that returns member names. There are also
functions that return members at specific levels in the outline. You can even use basic
structuring similar to a mathematical formula with AND/OR statements bracketed by
extra parenthesis.
In the example immediately above, notice how we are calculating the value for
Gross Stock for all Calendar Periods. If your database was extremely large, with
several years of historical data in it, this would be inefficient to always calculate the
entire Time dimension.
Now, suppose you added User Defined Attributes (UDAs) to the periods in the time
dimension and only wanted to calculate current periods? Here is what you would do:
1. Add UDAs of Historical, Current, and Forecast to the individual year
members and their children in the database outline. For example, if the
current calendar year is 2009, then 2009 and all of its children would have
the UDA of Current added to them in the outline. All years and their
children prior to 2009 would get the UDA of Historical. All years and their
children later than 2009 would get the UDA of Forecast added in the outline:
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2. Decide that you only want to calculate Gross Stock for the Current
and Forecast time periods.
3. Recode your FIX and ENDFIX command statements to look like this:
FIX(@UDA("Calendar Periods","Current") OR
@UDA("Calendar Periods","Forecast"))
"Gross Stock" = "Production" – "Sales";
Aren't FIX and ENDFIX commands the greatest?
Always remember with FIX and ENDFIX, you
want to Fix on Sparse dimensions and IF on
Dense dimensions.
Well there you have it! With the release of Essbase version 9.x we now have EXCLUDE
and ENDEXCLUDE commands to compliment the FIX and ENDFIX commands.
Now, without confusing you, we can tell you to consider the FIX and ENDFIX
commands as an include statement that tells Essbase what data to keep for calculating.
And, if including data proves difficult (and there are times it will), then you now have
the EXCLUDE and ENDEXCLUDE commands to tell Essbase what data to leave out when
selecting data for calculating. See examples in the next section.
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When we talked earlier about Essbase database calculation control, we meant the
FIX and ENDFIX commands. Well, we also mean the EXCLUDE and ENDEXCLUDE
commands. These commands complete the data control gate keeper job in the
Essbase database calculation script.
The EXCLUDE and ENDEXCLUDE command is only for use in an
Essbase database calculation script. When you code a member
formula, the formula applies only to the member in which it is coded,
there is no need for EXCLUDE and ENDEXCLUDE commands.
Because these database calculation commands are coded exactly like the FIX and
ENDFIX commands, we do not believe that we need to spend a great deal of time
explaining what should be obvious as far as the syntax is concerned.
Remember the following points while using the EXCLUDE/ENDEXCLUDE command:
• You can nest EXCLUDE and ENDEXCLUDE command statements. However,
make sure you only code arguments for a dimension in one EXCLUDE
statement no matter how many nested levels you have similar to the
FIX command.
• You can code many instances of EXCLUDE and ENDEXCLUDE commands in
the same calc script.
• You must have an ENDEXCLUDE for every occurrence of the EXCLUDE command.
• You do not need to end an EXCLUDE or ENDEXCLUDE statement with a
• You code a comma separated list of members or functions that return a list
of members between the parentheses on the EXCLUDE command.
• The EXCLUDE statement tells Essbase what data to leave out of the calculation.
To begin with, as mentioned earlier, EXCLUDE and ENDEXCLUDE commands
can be nested. We have also given you tips regarding when to use the EXCLUDE
and ENDEXCLUDE commands and what to avoid when nesting them, like the
same dimensions named in separate EXCLUDE commands.
For starters, this is how you would code the simplest of EXCLUDE/ENDEXCLUDE
"Gross Stock" = "Production" – "Sales";
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Notice how the EXCLUDE command has an area to list dimensions. Within the
parenthesis you can list dimension names separated by commas, member names,
or a list of member functions that return member names. There are also functions
that return members at specific levels in the outline. You can even use basic
structuring similar to a mathematical formula with AND/OR statements bracketed by
extra parenthesis.
In the example immediately above, notice how we are calculating the value for
Gross Stock for all markets except Canada.
There has not been a tremendous amount of feedback regarding the
use and performance of EXCLUDE and ENDEXCLUDE as they are new in
version 9.x. We can only assume that the EXCLUDE and ENDEXCLUDE
commands function exactly like the FIX and ENDFIX commands, except
to exclude the referenced data instead of including the referenced data.
Aren't EXCLUDE and ENDEXCLUDE commands the greatest as well?
In Essbase database calculation scripts, you may be required to perform certain
functional commands like Set functions, Cleardata functions, or the Datacopy
function that is used to copy data from one member to another member, all before
you start the execution of your database calculation.
SET command functions
SET command functions are used to tune the calculation and database factors
that affect calculation performance and are initially coded at the beginning of a
calculation script. SET commands stay in effect for the duration of the calc script
unless coded again mid-script.
Let's take a look at some of the widely used SET command functions:
• SET AGGMISSING ON/OFF: This command specifies if Essbase should turn
the consolidation of the # missing values ON or OFF. This is only applicable
to Sparse dimensions.
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• SET CACHE HIGH/DEFAULT/LOW/OFF/ALL: In the Essbase configuration file,
if you have specified values for the CALCCACHELOW, CALCCACHEHIGH, and
CALCCACHEDEFAULT, then when you run a database calculation script you
set the calculator memory cache to HIGH, LOW, or DEFAULT. When you preset
these values in the script (as needed), you can realize a better performance
while the script is executing.
The Essbase configuration file is stored in the Essbase program directory
on the server. This file can contain many entries for tweaks and adjustments
that help your Essbase system perform better. The Essbase Configuration
file is explained in more detail in Chapter 9 of this book.
Let us say the following are the settings for the calc cache in the Essbase
configuration file. Oops! We introduced a new term here. The Essbase
configuration file is new and we have not talked about it yet. Well, we
will discuss the configuration file in the coming chapters. However, for
now know that it is a file where you can set up your server settings and
adjustments which improve the overall performance of data loads
and data calcs.
Now, where were we? Oh yes, the server calc cache settings:
In the Calculation Script you have defined:
This command sets the calculator cache to 150,000,000 bytes.
This command sets the calculator cache to 100,000,000 bytes.
This command sets the calculator cache to 50,000,000 bytes.
• SET CALCTASKDIMS n: Specifies the number of Sparse dimensions that can
run in parallel, where n is maximum number of Sparse dimensions. This
command can help speed up the performance of a calculation script by
identifying tasks or transactions that can be run in parallel instead of serially.
In the above command, the last Sparse dimension is identified as the task
that can run in parallel.
• SET CALCPARALLEL n: Enables the calculation tasks to run in parallel, where
n is number of threads. The value of n can be 1 to 4 for 32 bit and 1 to 8 for 64
bit servers.
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The command above enables four threads to run in parallel. This means that
upto four threads can be used by the system to calculate the data instead of
the default one thread.
• SET FRMLBOTTOMUP ON/OFF: This command enables you to do bottom-up
calculation on the formulas. The command can help speed up the processing
of complex formulas on Sparse Dimensions when the associations and
dependencies are straight forward. When there are a lot of range type
functions used, there may be inconsistent results achieved.
• DATACOPY membername1 to membername2: This command copies data from
one member to another member.
This example above will copy the values in TOTAL REVENUE to BILLED
REVENUE across all levels.
DATACOPY "TOTAL REVENUE"->@LEVMBRS("Calendar Periods", 3) to
"BILLED REVENUE"->@LEVMBRS("Calendar Periods", 0);
This example above will copy TOTAL REVENUE from the YEARS level to
BILLED REVENUE at the month level.
In a database calculation script, member names which have a space in
them must be in double quotes. If there is no space in a member name,
there is no need to have a double quote.
It is not a bad idea to always wrap member names in double quotes,
whether they contain spaces or not. This makes them easily identifiable
when reading a calc script.
the blocks and sets "#missing" in the blocks. You need to clear blocks before
data refreshes to clear off all of the old data. Remember, this is not entirely
removing the blocks, these blocks still exist and when you do a data load it
will be a little slower. If a block had no data already, meaning it is already
#missing, it will be removed.
°° ALL: Clears and sets "#missing" to all data blocks.
°° UPPER: Clears and sets "#missing" to all of the consolidated
level blocks.
°° NON INPUT: Clears and sets "#missing" to all of the non-input
members, the members to which data is not directly loaded.
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°° DYNAMIC: Clears and sets "#missing" to all of the data which has
been created by a Dynamic Calc and Store member.
°° EMPTY: Removes all of the blocks which are already
"#missing" blocks.
• CLEARDATA MemberName: Removes all of the data for the member name
specified, replacing it with "#missing". The "#missing" symbol is Essbase
speak for null values.
The functions discussed above are just some of the more widely used calculation script
functions available to you. We will discuss more functions in the coming chapters.
In the Essbase database calculation script, like most other programming languages,
you can test data situations with conditional statements. Without a doubt, the IF
and ENDIF statements are the most common.
Ah yes, the IF and ENDIF commands, the partners to the FIX and ENDFIX commands.
As stated earlier in this chapter, these tools have been provided to allow you to write
high performing and efficient calculation scripts and to precisely calculate your data
without stomping on other data.
If the FIX and ENDFIX commands are the gate keeper of the data, the IF and ENDIF
commands are the ushers directing you (your data) to the correct seat. Just like the
IF and ENDIF commands in any programming language, the IF and ENDIF commands
you use in Essbase for calculating, perform conditional checking or testing of the data
to help decide if or how it gets calculated.
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Remember the FIX and ENDFIX commands are best used on Sparse
Dimension due to the physical construction of the Essbase cube. Well,
the opposite is recommended for the IF and ENDIF commands. Because
the IF statement needs to test every occurrence of the data brought to it,
it is best to use the IF and ENDIF commands against a Dense Dimension
because there will be fewer cells of data that need to be tested since the
original subset of data was pulled in as a Sparse Dimension.
For example:
FIX(Sparse Dimension)
IF(Dense Dimension)
Any Calculation Function;
Again, while this is not always possible, it is a good idea to follow this
recommendation whenever possible.
Just like the FIX and ENDFIX commands, the IF and ENDIF commands can be nested.
We have never been able to determine if there is a limit, but we have also never
hit a limit when coding either. For every IF statement, there must be a matching
ENDIF statement. When using ELSE or ELSEIF, you will still need one ENDIF for
every IF statement.
For example:
IF(Conditional Argument)
Any Calculation Function;
Or this:
IF(Conditional Argument)
IF(Conditional Argument)
Any Calculation Function;
ELSEIF(Conditional Argument)
Any Calculation Function;
Any Calculation Function;
Also, like the FIX and ENDFIX commands, the IF and ENDIF command statements
do not need to be terminated with a semi-colon. Only the actionable calculation
function statements need to be terminated by a semi-colon.
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Unlike the FIX and ENDFIX commands, the IF and ENDIF commands can be used
in Essbase calculation scripts as well as database outline member formulas.
Much like the FIX command, the IF command accepts a comma separated list
of conditional arguments, of which a full compliment is included in Essbase.
Always remember with IF and ENDIF, you
want to Fix on Sparse and IF on Dense.
As you know, Boolean tests are used to check for either a true or false condition.
In an Essbase calc script, you can make good use of the Boolean test functions.
Some of the more widely used Boolean functions are @ISUDA, @ISMBR, @ISLEV,
@ISGEN, @ISPARENT, @ISCHILD, and many more.
Some of the most widely used Boolean functions are discussed here:
• @ISMBR: This function is used to test if the current member being calculated
is a member specified by the parameter(s) entered into the function.
@ISMBR (membername, rangelist, mbrlist)
°° membername—a single member name
°° rangelist—a range of members returned by a member function
°° mbrlist—a comma separated list of members
@ISMBR("DETROIT")—returns true if the current member is DETROIT.
• @ISLEV: Returns true if the current member being calculated is in the same
level as the member specified in the @ISLEV parameter.
@ISLEV(dimname, levelname, level number)
@ISLEV("TOTAL CUSTOMER",0)—returns true if the current
member is in the zero level in the database outline.
• @ISCHILD(mbrname): Returns true if the current member is child of
the member specified in the @ISCHILD parameter.
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@ISCHILD("DETROIT")—returns true for all members that are children of
the DETROIT member.
These are just a few of the many Boolean functions that Essbase has provided to
you to allow for the increased performance of customized database calculations.
You should now have a good understanding on their use and the parameters
required to make them perform as designed.
Relationship functions
As you know, an Essbase cube is lot like a family. In fact, this is a family that has
a lot of relationships. The relationship functions are used to fetch data for the
current member position from a different member's position. The most widely
used relationship functions are @PARENTVAL and @ANCESTVAL.
• @PARENTVAL (dimension, membername): This function returns the value
of the parent of the current member being calculated for the listed member.
SALES for the parent of the current member.
This is the product structure of our Esscar Database:
If the current product member being calculated is "2 DOOR SEDAN",
then the output of this:
for the CARS outline member which is the parent of "2 DOOR SEDAN".
• @ANCESTVAL (dimension, genlevNum, [membername]): This function
returns the value of the parents, grandparents, great grandparents using
either the generation or level reference from the current member selected.
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If GenlevNum (the specific generation or level number) is:
°° > 0 then it is using Generation reference
°° <+ 0 then it is using Level reference
being calculated is the STINGER COUPE, then the returned member is
TOTAL SALES at the CARS level.
@PARENTVAL and @ANCESTVAL are used for one dimensional value swapping.
If you want to return values from another member based on multiple
dimensions, then you will use the @MDPARENTVAL and @MDANCSETVAL
functions. For more information, refer to the online technical reference
included with your EAS software.
@XREF: This function is used to reference data in another Essbase database.
The XREF requires you to define a location alias to another database. The
other database can be similar to the original database or should at least
have some similar dimensions.
@XREF(LOCATION ALIAS, [MEMBERLIST]): For more information,
refer to the online technical reference included with your EAS software.
LOCATION ALIAS—you need to set a location alias as shown in the
steps below.
MEMBER LIST—this is optional, you can give the list of the member
names for which you need the data.
The following are the easy steps required to create the very useful location alias:
1. In EAS, select your application and click on Action.
2. Select Edit and click on the Location Alias for "ESSCAR" (Your Application).
3. In the Location Aliases screen, give an Alias name. Select the Essbase
Server, Application, Database, User name, and Password and click on
the Test button.
4. Once you click on the Test button, it will verify your existence on that Server
or Application and the verified checkbox will be checked. Now, click on the
SET button to save the information as shown in the following screenshot.
5. You can click on the Delete button to delete an existing Location Alias.
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In calc scripts, you can use all of the routine arithmetic operators like +, -, *, /,
logical operators like =, >, >=, <=, ==, <>, !=, and cross dimensional operators
-> (minus sign with Greater than symbol). Since you are reading this book, we
assume that you are very familiar with Arithmetic and logical operators. Of course,
probably much better than we are!
Cross Dimensional Operator: This operator fetches the data by joining members of
different dimensions. You should only pick one member from each dimension. This
formula can be used in calc scripts and can also be used in outline member formulas.
For example:
"TOTAL REVENUE" -> "TOTAL VEHICLE" ->"YEAR 2009" – The output of this
command returns the Total Revenue for all Vehicles sold in the year 2009.
Basically, you have said, "Give me the TOTAL REVENUE value at the TOTAL VEHICLE
level at the YEAR 2009 level." All in one statement!
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In addition to the operators previously described, Essbase has provided you with
a comprehensive set of functions used to perform mathematical calculations in your
database calc script. These functions return values to the calculation data based upon
the specific mathematical function you have chosen. Some of the more widely used
mathematical functions are @SUM(), @AVERAGE(), and @VAR().
• @SUM(): This function is used to return the sum of the members in the
comma separated member list or the sum of the members returned from
a member function.
This means the sum of CHICAGO + DETROIT.
For more information, refer to the online technical reference included
with your EAS software.
• @VAR(): This function returns the variance (difference) between the two
members listed as parameters. The variance is calculated by subtracting
the first member from the second member.
• @VARPER(): This function is used to return the percent variance (percent
difference) between the two members listed. The percent values are
calculated by dividing the first member by the second member.
• @ROUND(): This function will round the value of the expression parameter to
the number specified by the NUMDIGITS parameter to the right of the decimal.
If the Sales value = 1000.926, then after rounding, it would be 1000.93.
Member set
Member set functions typically return a list of database outline members. Depending
on the function you have selected for use, it can dynamically generate a list of
members that are needed in the calculation. Member set functions are widely used
in conjunction with the FIX() statement to help specify a list of outline members
for calculation.
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Let's take a look at some of the commonly used member set functions:
• @CHILDREN(): Returns the list of all of the children of the member named
in the parameter.
Returns all members that are children of the member Detroit.
• @SIBLINGS(): Returns the list of all siblings (members at the same level
and with the same parent) for the member specified in the parameter.
Returns all siblings of the member Illinois.
Range (Financial)
In the Range functions, you can code a range of members as an argument. You can
then SUM or AVERAGE the range for a new value.
• @SUMRANGE(): Used to sum the values for a given range of members
where mbrname is the member which will contain the summed values.
Syntax :
@SUMRANGE(mbrname, Rangelist)
Returns the sum of Sales for all descendants of the year = 2009.
• @AVGRANGE(): Used to calculate the average values for a specified range.
As you remember in the @AVG function, we talked about SKIPNONE,
SKIPMISSING, SKIPZERO, and SKIPBOTH parameters and their purpose
holds true for the @AVGRANGE() function as well.
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Returns average Sales value for all sales in the 2009 periods. SKIPMISSING
will exclude any periods that contains a #missing (NULL) value.
• @NEXT() and @PRIOR(): As the functions' names imply, their use will either
the PRIOR value from a specified dimension or the NEXT value from a
specified dimension.
@NEXT(mbrname[, n, Rangelist])
@PRIOR(mbrname[, n, Rangelist])
For the @NEXT() function, the example returns Sales for the year member 2
periods ahead of the member currently being calculated. Likewise, for the
@PRIOR() function, it returns the Sales for the year member 2 periods ahead
of the member currently being calculated.
Forecasting functions can be used to estimate values for a certain period of time.
A couple of the forecasting functions available to you are @MOVAVG() and the
@MOVSUM() functions.
• @MOVAVG(): This function applies a moving n-term mean to an input data
set. Each term in the set is replaced by a trailing mean of n terms. @MOVAVG()
modifies a data set for smoothing purposes.
@MOVAVG(mbrName [, n [, XrangeList]])
In this example, the @MOVAVG() function smoothes sales data for the first
six months of the year on a three month term.
• @MOVSUM(): This function applies a moving sum to the specified
number of values in an input data set. @MOVSUM() modifies a data
set for smoothing purposes.
@MOVSUM (mbrName [, n [, XrangeList]])
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In this example, the @MOVSUM() function smoothes sales data for the first six
months of the year on a three month term.
Statistical functions are used to compute descriptive statistics. Some of the statistical
functions are @COUNT(), @RANK(), and @MEDIAN(), just to name a few.
• @COUNT: Returns the number of values available in the specified member list.
You have the option to exclude the #MISSING, ZEROS, BOTH, or NONE.
MEMBERLIST is a comma separated list of members or you can use any
of the provided member set functions.
This example will return the number of children of the CARS member that
have a value in the TOTAL REVENUE member.
• @RANK(): This function returns the rank of a specified member. The rank
of a value is equivalent to its position (its rank) in the sorted data set.
value is the position (rank) of the member who's value you wish to return
from expList.
In this example, we return the rank of products based on Sales as Essbase
loops through the member list returned by the @RANGE() function.
• @MEDIAN(): Returns the median (middle number) of the specified data
set (expList). Half of the numbers in the data set are larger than the median,
and half are smaller.
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This example returns the median (middle value) of the Product dimension
based on the value of Sales.
Date and Time
The date and time category only has one function, and it is new for Essbase
version 9.x. That function is called @TODATE().
@TODATE(): Coverts a date string into numbers of seconds elapsed
since midnight, January 1, 1970.
@TODATE (FormatString, date)
Format of String can either be "mm-dd-yyyy" or "dd-mm-yyyy".
Finally, we have a few miscellaneous calculation functions which do not belong in
any of the other categories. There are only three miscellaneous functions which are
• @CALCMODE(): This function tells the calc script how the formulas need to be
calculated. The @CALCMODE() function can tell Essbase to toggle between two
different calculation modes. First, you can toggle between CELL and BLOCK
modes, then, in a second statement, you can toggle between formulas being
calculated in TOPDOWN or BOTTOMUP modes.
What a handy function!
The two statements above will place Essbase in the CELL mode for
calculating and also calculate member formulas from the bottom up.
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• @CONCATENATE() and @SUBSTRING(): These functions are used to manipulate
the string values in member names as the calculation script is running.
°° @CONCATENATE(): This is used to concatenate to two given
strings. These strings can also be member names.
This example returns a string value of aWest which can be used elsewhere
for testing member names.
@SUBSTRING(): This is used to return string characters from
the specified string from given starting and ending positions.
°° STRING: Can be a String or a member name.
°° STARTING POSITION: The position from where you want to select
the first character of the substring. The first position in the string
is zero (0).
°° ENDING POSITION: The last position you wish to select for your
substring. If omitted, @SUBSTRING() will stop at the last character
in the string being evaluated.
In this example, the function returns the string value of TOTAL.
Order of calculation
By now, you have a good understanding of what an Essbase calculation is. You
have learned about a head-spinning number of database calculation functions and
commands. We now need to describe for you another one of those conceptual ideas
that Essbase is famous for.
As we've said many times before, Essbase is an art, not a science! The idea of how
to determine the order of calculation is made up of equal parts of scientific blah,
blah, blah about, "Well this is how Essbase is written so this is how it works",
and generous portions of, "I kept tweaking the script or the outline until I got
the results I needed."
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Isn't that great? How do I figure out something like that? Well, here is how
it's supposed to work:
1. During a CALC ALL database calculation, Essbase will calculate your
dimension tagged as Accounts first.
2. Next will be the dimension you have tagged as Time.
3. Then, Essbase will calculate the remaining Dense dimensions in the order
they appear in the EAS outline viewer (top to bottom).
4. Finally, Essbase will calculate the remaining Sparse dimensions again,
in the order they appear in the EAS outline viewer (top to bottom).
5. If you do not have a Time dimension or an Accounts dimension, Essbase
seems to calculate the Dense Dimension (top to bottom) first.
6. Then, Essbase will finish up with the Sparse dimensions (top to bottom).
Now, within each dimension, the order of calculation is supposed to work like this:
1. First, consolidations are performed as per the Member Properties settings
(formulas and rollups) for the level zero members of all of the branches in
the dimension currently being calculated.
2. The calculations continue rolling up the data to Level 1, then to Level 2,
and so on, until the entire dimension has been calculated.
Notice the different levels in the TOTAL MARKET dimension in the preceding
screenshot. On expanding the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA market, you see
the lowest or zero level members appear to be states. Then, next up are regions,
and finally the United States market itself. When we talk of rolling up data, this is
what we mean. The database outline is set up so the states add up into the regions
and the regions add upto the market.
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What's that you say? This ordering of calculation will never work for us because
we need to have the Model Year dimension and the Market dimension rolled up
first before we calculate the Accounts dimension. Plus we do not want to mess
with the ordering of the dimensions in the outline! What do we do?
Well, that is why you write yourself a custom Essbase database calculation
script and control the order of calculation exactly the way you want it.
Two-Pass Calc
Because of how Essbase stores the data and the order it is calculated, there is an
occasional need for this cool function.
You see, sometimes, a data component in the calculation of one data value has not
been calculated at the time the system needs it. This is because some component
pieces of data are dependent on other data values being calculated prior to their
use in another calculation. Essbase has recognized that the data may need to be
calculated once to produce the correct values at one level, and then the component
data is calculated again to produce the correct values at another level.
The option to set the Two-Pass attribute is only available on Outline members
in the Accounts dimension that are tagged as Dynamic Calc or Dynamic Calc
and Store.
As usual, Essbase has a good reason why this is available on Dynamic Calc and
Dynamic Calc and Store members. It is because when you write your own custom
database calculation script, you are in complete control of the order of calculation.
Dynamic calculation members also follow a slightly different methodology when
calculating than calculation scripts and database calculations. Dynamic calculation
members, in general, do not follow the dimension order of the outline as non-dynamic
database members do.
A good tip to remember when writing calcs is to pay close attention to,
and code for, the correct order the data needs to be calculated in.
For example, if you want to see how many total vehicles were sold in
a given market and across time (months, quarters, years), you want to
make sure you have rolled up sales across the Vehicles dimension as well
as the Market dimension, before you rollup the Calendar Periods
dimension. See how easy that is?
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In the following screenshot you can see how the vehicle totals are correct because
the vehicle dimension has already been calculated:
Jan 2009 Feb 2009 Mar 2009 Qtr 1 2009
2 Door Sedan
4 Door Sedan
4X2 Pickup
4X4 Pickup
Total Vehicles
Now that we have the sales rolled up in the vehicle dimension, we can now calculate
the Calendar Periods dimension which will roll up the values of the months to the
quarters, and then to the years. Can you imagine how the numbers would look if we
rolled up the Calendar Periods dimension first?
Jan 2009 Feb 2009 Mar 2009 Qtr 1 2009
2 Door Sedan
4 Door Sedan
4X2 Pickup
4X4 Pickup
Total Vehicles
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Looking at these examples can also give you a good idea of why it is so important
to correctly set up your dimensions with regards to the Dense and Sparse settings.
You can take solace in the fact that this only applies to BSO databases and there are
no Dense or Sparse considerations for ASO databases. ASO databases only contain
Sparse dimensions.
Using Substitution Variables
One of the coolest things in Essbase is the substitution variable. Substitution variables
are like global variables that can be defined once and then used anywhere in Essbase
you want to. The main use for substitution variables is to create a dynamic, easy to use
variable which will change with time. Each variable name will have a value associated
with it which can be changed (recreated), displayed or deleted.
For example, let's say you have a batch job that runs every day. In this daily job you
are loading data, calculating it, and creating a unit report for the current month.
Now, can you guess what should be the value of the substitution variable? You got
it, it is the Month value from the database time dimension. You set the value of the
time variable once and you can use it in the SQL statement in your data load rule
file. You can also use its value in the FIX statement in a calc script, and in an Essbase
database report script. When you code any one of these scripts, you use the name of
the substitution variable in the statement in place of the actual value.
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In Essbase, you can use substitution variables in the following places:
• Dimension Build or Data load Rules File (used in the SQL interface)
• Calculation Scripts
• Report Scripts
• Outline Formulas
• MDX Queries
• Partition Definitions
Substitution variables can be defined on a server level, application level, or database
level. These variables can be created using EAS, MaxL scripts, or using API calls and
Essbase EssCmd scripts.
Some rules while creating the variables are:
• The value of a substitution variable should not exceed 256 bytes or characters.
• The substitution variable value should not begin with the ampersand [&]
character, although all other characters are allowed.
• The user should have READ access to the application or database which
has the variable and should have ADMINISTRATOR access to read a
variable at the server level.
Substitution Variables using EAS
We have talked a lot about the substitution variable, let us now see how to create
a substitution variable using the EAS.
1. In EAS, scroll down to your Essbase server and select it.
2. Click on Actions | Variables | Variable for <YOUR SERVER NAME>.
3. You should see the New Variable screen as shown:
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4. For a Server level variable you need to select All Apps from the Application
drop box and all dbs from the database drop box.
5. For an Application Level variable you need to select your application
from the Application drop box.
6. For a Database Level variable, you first need to select your application
from the Application drop box and then select your database from the
Database drop box.
7. To give a Name to the variable, enter sCurMonth and set the Value
to 200801. Click OK.
8. The substitution variable is now created on the server. In order to view the
substitution variable, select your Server, Click on Actions | Edit | Variables.
You will see the Substitution Variables screen as shown:
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9. To edit a variable which is already created, on the Substitution Variables
screen, select the value on the variable you want to change, update the Value
and then click on the Set button.
10. To copy a variable, click on the Copy button and the Copy Substitution
Variables screen will be displayed (shown below). Select your Application
then Database from their respective drop-down boxes. Next, select the
Variable name checkbox, check on the Overwrite Exiting value and click OK.
To reference a substitution variable from your calc script, you must use the
substitution variable's name preceded by an ampersand (&).
Substitution Variables using MaxL
Now that you are familiar with how to create, drop, and copy a substitution variable
using the EAS, let us learn how we can set up a substitution variable at Application,
Database, and Server level using the MaxL statement.
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Steps to Execute MaxL from the EAS Editor:
1. Within EAS, click on File | Editor | MaxL Script Editor.
2. The MaxL editor will be opened.
3. Variables can be defined at the Server, Database, and Application level.
Create variables at the server level
Server level variables can be created by the use of ALTER statement.
• VARIABLE-NAME: Name of the variable
• STRING: Value for the variable
• Create Variable: alter system add variable 'varSystem' '200801';
• Edit Variable: alter system set variable 'varSystem' '200802';
• Delete Variable: alter system drop variable 'varSystem';
Create variables at the application level
Using the ALTER command at the application level, we can create, edit, or delete
a substitution variable.
• VARIABLE-NAME: Name of the variable
• STRING: Value for the variable
• Create Variable: alter application ESSCAR add variable 'varAppl'
• Edit Variable: alter application ESSCAR set variable 'varAppl'
• Delete Variable: alter application ESSCAR drop variable 'varAppl';
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Create variables at the database level
Using the ALTER command at the database level, we can create, edit, or delete
a variable.
• VARIABLE-NAME: Name of the variable
• STRING: Value for the variable
• Create Variable: alter database ESSCAR.ESSCAR add variable
• Edit Variable: alter application ESSCAR set variable
• Delete Variable: alter application ESSCAR drop variable
Using Maxl, if you want to create a variable which has a double
quote in it, define it as shown below:
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' add variable
'varDQ' '"TestDQ"';
Displaying the Substitution Variable and its value
To display a substitution variable, the display MaxL statement will be used.
display variable
variable name
on application APPLICATION-NAME
on database DATABASE-NAME
on system
all: Displays all existing substitution variables on the server.
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display variable all;
• variable name: Displays the variable with the Variable Name statement.
For Server level Variables, you should just give the Variable-Name statement,
for Application level variables, you should code Application-Name.
Variable-Name and for variables declared at the database level only, you
should code Application-Name.Database-Name.Variable-Name.
display variable 'VARSYSTEM';
display variable 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR'.'VARAppDB';
display variable 'ESSCAR'.'varAppl';
• on application: Displays all of the variables which are defined for
that application.
display variable on application 'ESSCAR';
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• on database: Displays all of the variables which are defined on the Database.
display variable on database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR';
Displaying the Substitution Variable in the
SQL editor
As we have discussed earlier, substitution variables can be used in most of the
Essbase editors or API programming statements.
We would quickly like to demonstrate how we can use the substitution variable
in the Essbase SQL interface. As you know, sometimes you are required to build a
cube only for a particular month and the month may vary depending on the user's
request. Instead of changing the SQL code for every request we can actually create
a varMonth variable and pass this variable in the SQL.
To call this variable in the SQL interface, you need to say &Substitution-variable
(@VarMonth) as shown:
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Check it out, you can use the substitution variable from the Calculation Script
Editor, or any other script or object that executes in Essbase.
Building your first Calculation Script
The name of this section gives you the impression that we will be discussing Essbase
database calculation scripts, exclusively. What you learn here is also about 95%
applicable to coding database outline member formulas as well. As mentioned earlier
in this chapter, aside from a few member set functions and the FIX and EXCLUDE
commands, almost everything that you can code in a database calculation script can
be coded in a database outline member formula.
To begin with, open the Calculation Script Editor in EAS by drilling down to your
Essbase database like Essbase Server | Application | Database, then right-clicking
on Calculation Scripts and then selecting the Create calculation script option. You
will now see the Calculation Script Editor as shown earlier in this chapter.
Take a close look at the editor itself. Notice the various options that help simplify the
calculation script writing process on the left side. First up is a checkbox allowing you
to view the database outline using the database outline member aliases instead of the
database outline member names. There is also a list box that allows you to select the
outline alias table, should you have more than one created for your database outline.
The next feature is a great help when writing a calculation script. What you see
under the alias table selection area is a simplified representation of the database
outline. When you click on an outline member, its name is placed in the script
wherever you placed the cursor.
Underneath the outline feature are two check boxes. If you check Insert arguments,
when you click on an argument, listed near the bottom it will place the calculation
argument into the calculation script wherever you place the cursor. If you check
the Enable Auto-completion, the editor will offer you the choice of automatically
completing the statements you are typing, much like a Microsoft Visual Basic editor.
Finally, at the bottom is a visual tree representation of all of the available database
calculation functions and commands. If you have the Insert arguments checkbox
checked, the editor will place the argument you click into your calculation script
wherever you have placed your cursor.
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Writing and saving a Calculation Script
For starters, we will begin by entering the example code we used earlier to
demonstrate the FIX and ENDFIX command. We will then save the file
(Essbase calculation script object).
As you can see above, we have entered a basic FIX statement wrapped around a
simple GROSS STOCK calculation where GROSS STOCK = PRODUCTION –
SALES. The way this calculation script is written, Essbase will calculate a value for
GROSS STOCK at descendents of the Calendar Periods level (all child members of
the Calendar Periods member). This is an actual executable database calculation
script which will really calculate a value for the GROSS STOCK member. It is also
an excellent calculation script that is perfect for illustrative purposes.
Members not selected by the FIX command are not included in the calculation.
Although very brief and simple, it is a valid and executable Essbase database
calculation script. We can now save this script to the server.
To save your database calculation script, do the following:
1. Make sure you are in EAS, then, simply click on File | Save.
2. A standard file save dialog box will open.
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3. You are given the option of selecting a file system to save your script to or
letting Essbase save the file in its own file system. EAS defaults to the Essbase
file system and for this and future examples, please allow Essbase to choose
the location of the file.
For most Essbase functionality including EssCmd, MaxL, and so on, the
Essbase command or function will look in the default location, which is
the Application or Database folder located on your analytic server for the
named calculation script. In most cases, all you need to provide is the name
of the calculation script instead of the complete location (path) of the object.
4. Give your calculation script a name, but remember, no more than
eight characters!
5. Click Save and your Essbase database calculation script is now saved
to the Essbase analytic server. Congratulations!
Now, get ready as we take this script and use it as an example of the many
different ways you can execute an Essbase database calculation script.
Executing your Calculation Scripts
After all that work, you do you would want to actually run your database calculation
script, don't you? Ha, of course you do!
Because the database calculation is such an important part of the entire Essbase
experience, Essbase provides you with many different methods for executing a
database calculation script. As you will learn, there are coding options that give you
great flexibility when you are automating the database calculation process. There is
also generous flexibility given too which allows users to execute database calculation
scripts without the time and expense of coding some elaborate process. The best
part is that you, the Essbase database administrator/programmer, can make the
determination as to the best method to employ for you particular situation.
Running Calculation Scripts manually
using EAS
EAS should be your best friend by now. This tool is your one-stop source of Essbase
administration tools. This is why it should be no surprise that after you have coded
your new Essbase database calculation script using the EAS tool, you can also
execute the script using the EAS tool. This ability facilitates effortless testing of
database calculation scripts or easy running of maintenance calculation scripts.
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There are several ways to execute a database calculation script from EAS.
For starters, if you have a script to run that you already know is ready to go
without changes, all you need to do is drill-down to the calculation script name
and right-click on it then select Execute….
A small dialog box will open which will contain the name of the script you have
selected with buttons to Cancel, get Help, or click OK to execute.
This dialog box will also offer you the choice to select Execute in the background.
If you select the Execute in the background option, Essbase will run the calculation
script in the background, thus freeing up the EAS tool and allowing you to work on
something else while the calculation script is running.
If you do not select the Execute in the background option, the EAS tool it will
continue to display the small Execute Calculation Script screen while the calculation
script is running and you will not be able to perform any tasks in this session of EAS
until the calculation script completes.
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The other method of executing a database calculation script through the EAS tool
is when you have the script itself opened in the Calculation Script Editor (shown
above). By opening the database calculation script in the editor you activate three
more ways to execute an Essbase database calculation script:
1. Click on the menu pick, Options | Execute Script.
2. Click on the button on the EAS toolbar that has the small downward
pointing arrow.
3. Press the F5 function key on your keyboard.
All three of these options perform the exact same task of executing the active
database calculation script currently opened in the Calculation Script Editor of
your EAS tool.
Something you must consider is when a calculation script is running against a
database, it is a good idea to refrain from attempting to perform database maintenance
or update tasks to the database itself. For example, if you make changes to the outline
and attempt to save the outline while a calc script is running, the outline save will fail
due to portions of the database being locked by the calculation process.
Running a Calculation Script using an
Essbase Command Script (EssCmd)
As discussed in previous chapters, Essbase offers you several coding options that
you can use to automate many Essbase tasks and functions. The Essbase Command
Script, or EssCmd, is one of these options.
The EssCmd is an ASCII text file that contains Essbase-specific commands. The
EssCmd database command script, like all Essbase objects, must be named using
no more than eight characters. The extension used is .scr.
The EAS tool does not provide an official editor for writing EssCmd scripts
so in Windows for example, you would use any text editor such as Notepad.
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We discuss in-depth task automation for your Essbase system in future chapters.
Here, we will show what a basic EssCmd script should look like to execute your
Gross Stock database calculation script.
What the EssCmd script looks like
The basic coding of an Essbase Command Script (EssCmd) is shown below.
We would enter the code for the EssCmd as shown and then save it as GrsStk.scr
on the Essbase analytic server in the Application or Database folder:
OUTPUT 1 "c:\Esscmd.log";
LOGIN "EssServerID" "EssID" "EssPass" "ESSCAR" "ESSCAR";
We will cover in-depth Essbase command scripts and how to write and use them in
a future chapter. In the meantime, for more information, refer to the online technical
reference included with your EAS software.
• The first command statement you see is the OUTPUT statement. This
statement, followed by the number 1 and a path and filename, tells Essbase
to begin logging the execution of this script and where to put the log.
• Next, the LOGIN statement, followed by a space separated list, will remotely
connect to the Essbase server. The list includes the server name or IP
Address, the Essbase ID, the password for the Essbase ID, the application
name you want to connect to, and the Essbase database name.
• Here is the command we are now using! The RUNCALC command statement
is followed by a number and the calculation script name. In this case, the
number 2 tells Essbase that the calculation script is an analytic server stored
Essbase object. The calc type is followed by the calculation script name.
• Next up is the OUTPUT statement again. This time, we have coded a 3 after
the command which tells Essbase to turn off the logging output.
• Finally, we code the LOGOUT and EXIT commands. The LOGOUT statement
disconnects the script from Essbase and the EXIT command exits the script
from the Essbase session.
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Well, now that you know how to code a basic Essbase Command Script, we will
describe the various methods for executing it. They are as follows:
1. EssCmd Drag and Drop: Your client software should have come with a file
called Esscmd.exe. If you have this file, it will be located wherever your
Essbase client software was installed. On a Windows machine, the path is
typically C:\Hyperion\AnalyticServices\bin. All you need to do is create
a desktop shortcut to this executable file, then drag any EssCmd.scr file onto
the shortcut and the script will execute. If you do not have the EssCmd.exe
file on your machine, you can always get it from the *\Essbase\Bin folder
on your Essbase analytic server.
2. DOS Command Line: All you need to do is navigate to the DOS command
prompt from your desktop. Then, type in a typical command line action at
the command prompt. This will tell Windows to run the EssCmd.exe with
the Gross Stock EssCmd script:
"esscmd.exe EssCmd.scr"
3. Shell Command in Code: You can easily use the Shell function in code
to run your EssCmd Essbase Command Scripts. The Shell function can be
used in languages like Microsoft Visual Basic or Microsoft Visual Basic for
Applications to name a few:
Shell "esscmd.exe EssCmd.scr", vbNormalFocus
If you register the EssCmd.exe on your PC, like you would register
any DLL using the regsvr32 function, you will be able to call the
EssCmd.exe in a command line or shell command without having
to include the entire path in the command.
This is particularly useful to know because the EssCmd.exe itself
only accepts paths with a length of upto 128 characters.
Running a Calculation Script using a
MaxL Script
Here we have another command scripting facility for you to use to automate
functionality in Essbase. The MaxL command script operates in much the same
way as the EssCmd script, although MaxL is supposed to be a much easier and
more efficient scripting language.
While the EssCmd scripting language has been around since the earliest versions
of Essbase, the MaxL scripting language was introduced in Essbase version 7.x.
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[ 206 ]
Running a calculation script using MaxL can be accomplished in three different
ways. The first method is through the EAS tool, from the MaxL Script Editor.
The second method is from the DOS command prompt, or command line execution.
The third method is to use the Shell command from a coding language like Microsoft
Visual Basic or Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications.
While we will explain how to use MaxL in-depth in a later chapter, we will give
you a basic explanation here. The code for a basic MaxL command script to run
a calculation looks like the following:
login 'UserID' 'Password' on 'ServerName';
execute calculation 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR'.'GRSSTK';
This code, when run from MaxL, will login to the Essbase server and then execute
the against the ESSCAR application/ESSCAR database.
To create a MaxL script file object, simply open the MaxL Script Editor in the
EAS tool by clicking the EDITORS menu pick, then clicking on MaxL Script Editor.
The MaxL Script Editor is shown as follows:
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After you enter the appropriate commands to execute your database calculation
script, you can save the MaxL script by clicking File | Save and giving a name to
your file object. Just like with the Calculation Script Editor, the default location the
EAS saves your MaxL file to is the Analytic Server | Application | Database folder.
Consequently, this is where the MaxL function will look for the file when you call it.
The MaxL command script file object is saved with an .mxl extension.
Now that you know how to code a basic MaxL Command Script, we will describe
the various methods for executing it:
• Through the EAS Tool: Just like executing a calculation script from the EAS
tool, you have virtually identical options for executing a MaxL script through
the EAS tool when the MaxL script editor is open.
i) Click the menu pick MAXL and then click Execute to run the MaxL
script currently open in the editor.
ii) Click on the button on the EAS toolbar that has the small downward
pointing arrow.
iii) Press the F5 function key on your keyboard.
• DOS Command Line: All you need to do is navigate to the DOS command
prompt from your desktop. The next step is to type in a typical command
line action at the command prompt. This will tell windows to run the
essmsh.exe with the Gross Stock MaxL script:
"essmsh.exe MaxL.mxl"
• Shell Command in Code: You can easily use the Shell function in code to
run your EssCmd. The Shell function can be used in languages like Microsoft
Visual Basic or Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications to name a few.
Shell "essmsh.exe MaxL.mxl", vbNormalFocus
If you register the essmsh.exe on your PC, like you would register
any DLL using the regsvr32 function, you will be able to call the
essmsh.exe in a command line or shell command without having
to include the entire path in the command.
This is particularly useful to know because the essmsh.exe itself only
accepts paths with a length of upto 128 characters.
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[ 208 ]
Running a Calculation Script using the
Essbase API
The Essbase API is a comprehensive set of tools that allow you, the Essbase
programmer/database administrator, to automate many Essbase tasks and
functions through code in several popular languages.
For the sake of consistency, our examples in this book will mainly focus on the use
of Microsoft Visual Basic, or COM+, in a Microsoft Windows environment. The
following is an example of the code required to execute the database
calculation script using a call to the Essbase API from Microsoft Visual Basic.
In your program, your typical Essbase calculation call would be in a sub-routine
like the following:
Declare Function EsbCalc Lib "ESBAPIN" (ByVal hCtx As Long, ByVal
Calculate As Integer, ByVal Script As String) As Long
Sub ESB_Calc ()
Dim sts As Long 'Essbase process return code
Dim Script As String 'Variable to hold calc script
Dim Calculate As Integer '1 = Yes, 0 = No
Dim ProcState As ESB_PROCSTATE_T ' Test if calc still running
Script = "CALC ALL;" 'Calculation script passed as a string up to
'64 KB in length
Calculate = ESB_YES 'Set API calc function to Yes meaning to
'Execute the calc script
sts = EsbCalc (hCtx, Calculate, Script) 'Actual call to the
'calculation function
sts = EsbGetProcessState (hCtx, ProcState) 'Test the process
Do Until ProcState.State = ESB_STATE_DONE
sts = EsbGetProcessState (hCtx, ProcState)
Loop 'Perform this loop until the calc script has completed
End Sub
What you see here is a basic VB sub-routine. We will explain it using the Essbase API
in greater detail later in this book, but to demonstrate the many ways to execute a
database calculation script it is necessary to go over this briefly:
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• You will notice how the first task performed is to declare the API function
in the program.
• Next, the variables are dimensioned.
• Set the Script variable to contain the actual calculation script. To simplify
matters, you can use the program to open your existing calculation script
and read it into the Script variable. A maximum length of 64KB is allowed.
• Set the Calculate variable to Yes, which for this command means to actually
calculate the data. Setting this variable to No would have Essbase validate
the calc script instead.
• Execute the EsbCalc function passing it the hCtx variable (context variable
explained later), the Calculate variable, and the Script variable. At the same
time placing the Essbase process return code into the sts variable.
• Finally, perform a loop that checks the state of the process until the
calculation script process has completed. This loop will hold up further
program executions until the calculation script has completed. The benefit of
this is that another routine in your program will not inadvertently grab data
that has not been calculated yet.
Running a Calculation Script from
Microsoft Excel
Yes, after all that, there are still a couple of ways to execute a calculation script
against your Essbase database!
Of course you would have had to assume that since Microsoft Excel is the natural
front end for an Essbase database, that there would be a way to fire off a calculation
script from it. Well, honestly, there are a couple ways you can do it.
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Running a Calculation Script through the
Essbase Add-In
When you install the Essbase Add-In for Microsoft Excel on your PC you get a new
menu pick on the standard menu bar called Essbase (you knew this already).
Provided your ID has Calculate access to the database you login to all you need to
do from Microsoft Excel is click on Essbase | Calculation....
Once you click on the Calculation… option from the Essbase menu, you will see
the following screen:
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[ 211 ]
On this screen, you are presented with a list of database calculation scripts that
your ID has access to run. You are also presented with buttons for the options to
Calculate, Cancel, and the option to access Help. It should be pretty obvious to you,
what each of these buttons will do when clicked!
Finally, there is a Stop button on this screen. While we never recommend stopping
a database calculation script, doing so by letting Essbase determine when it is safe,
is at least the best way. Keep in mind that Essbase will interrupt the calculation
script when it deems it is safe and this could leave your data partially calculated.
Also, Essbase has what is known as the point of no return where it will decide to
let the process complete rather than interrupt it.
Running a Calculation Script using Microsoft
Excel VBA
This example is only for Microsoft Excel Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).
Yes, it's true, you can code functionality in VBA almost exactly how it would be
done in Microsoft Visual Basic (VB), and if that is what you want to do, then see
the VB example.
The reason we get excited about this is because Essbase provides a full library
of functions for Microsoft Excel's VBA, including specific macro functions that
automate all of the menu choices contained in the Essbase Add-In for Microsoft Excel.
This is a nice feature is because the macros can quickly and easily be coded to allow for
RAD (Rapid Application Development) on your Essbase/Microsoft Excel project.
To begin with, much like declaring an API function in VB, you will need to declare
the macro function using the example below. This declaration statement can be
anywhere in your project:
Declare Function EssVCalculate Lib "essexcln.xll" (ByVal SheetName
As Variant, ByVal calcScript As Variant, ByVal synchronous As
Variant) As Long
The actual command you code in your sub-routine looks like the following statement:
Application.Run macro:=EssVCalculate(SheetName, calcScript,
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This command can be run at any time from your VBA program. The following
parameters are used by passing them to the function:
• SheetName: This is supposed to be the Microsoft Excel workbook worksheet
that was active at the time the EssVCalculate command was executed.
Essbase does not require the sheet name for this function, so you can simply
enter the vbEmpty verb.
• calcScript: This variable is the name of the database calculation script
you wish to run. If there is a drawback to using this function, it is that the
calculation script must reside in the default Application|Database folder
location on the analytic server. To run the default database calculation script,
assign the value of [Default] to the calcScript variable.
• synchronous: This tells Microsoft Excel whether to wait for the calculation
script to finish or not, before executing the next line of code in your
program. It is always a good idea to wait for the calc to complete, if you
may need the calculated data elsewhere in the program. Running a calc
with synchronous = True means the program will wait for the calc script
to complete before it resumes execution.
Whew! Knowing that the Essbase database calculation script (calc) is such an integral
part of the Essbase machine, are you surprised there are so many ways to execute it?
We didn't think so!
Yes, there was a lot to digest in this chapter! Essbase database calculations are very
complex and powerful tools. It takes time and experience to really get good at
writing a database calculation script and you may never meet someone who has the
nerve to introduce himself as an Essbase database calculation expert.
Like anything else, you now have a good foundation to build on. You know the
differences between member formulas and calc script functionality. You've learned
about the various ways you can accomplish a database calculation. You’ve also been
provided with some insights into the calc topic that can only be gotten from someone
who has laughed and cried over Essbase database calculations.
So go ahead and start building. Try to remember, at first, baby steps are good!
Up next, we cover actually using your Essbase database or cube for the purpose
which it was intended for; data analysis and reporting. What are you waiting for?!
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Using your Essbase Cube
Wow, after that last chapter on database calculation scripts, who could blame you if you wanted to take a break and try to fully digest just what it is that you learned back there!
Do you ever get the feeling that the information in this book is coming at you like a snowball rolling down a hill, with every chapter building onto the previous chapter, and your Essbase knowledge growing ever larger? Well, you're right! That is exactly what it is like.
After your little rest and once you realize that you are now proficient in writing and executing Essbase database calculation scripts, it's time to learn how to actually use your Essbase cube to present your data for analysis, report your data, and extract your data for export to downstream users and systems.
Using your Essbase database
So, here you have this nice Essbase database that you know how to load with data. You also know several different ways to calculate the data in the database once it
has been loaded.
Okay, what do you do with your Essbase database now? You can't cook dinner on it, can you? Maybe you can cook dinner on your Essbase database after all. It does have plenty of delicious ingredients. We're pretty sure though, that that's not what you really want to do with it.
There are lots of ways to use your Essbase database and the data contained in it. When we talk about using your Essbase database, we are talking about the real life uses for which it was intended. The Essbase database or cube, itself is just the vehicle used to collect, organize, and deliver the actual data. The data is the cargo in the cube that you've taken all this time upto now to handle properly.
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Using your Essbase Cube
[ 214 ]
How do you use your data in the real world
In the real world, you will have many different people using your Essbase database
and its accompanying data for many different reasons or purposes. Whether the
users of the database and its data are big shot executives, data analysts, or simply
an IT support person charged with ensuring a consistent and reliable feed of data
to a downstream system, they all require a smooth running system that delivers
the data as needed.
Ad hoc data
As the name implies, ad hoc data is your on the fly retrieval and interpretation of
the data in your Essbase database. This type of data usage is one of Essbase's biggest
strengths. As we will explain in greater detail in Chapter 7, the Essbase Add-in for
Microsoft Excel can and will be one of your most useful and used Essbase tools.
By simply starting the Microsoft Excel program on your PC, with the Essbase
add-in installed, you have the ability to quickly and easily create useful and
informative spreadsheets. With a little more experience, there is no reason why you
wouldn't be able to also create very professional looking reports quickly and easily.
No matter the Essbase add-in skill level, you can be assured that at any given time
someone, somewhere, may need to quickly pull some data from your Essbase cube.
This simply cannot be done with traditional databases.
Canned reporting
Canned reports are used with a little more forethought than ad hoc reports are
however, they can be pulled anytime the user decides they need to be refreshed.
When we talk of canned reports, we mean pre-created reports or system generated
report templates, usually in Microsoft Excel worksheet format, that the user can
refresh with new data whenever they see fit.
One thing you'll never get tired of seeing in this book is the fact that a system created
with Oracle Essbase and Microsoft Excel is an amazingly easy to use and equally
easy to develop system. You can use the superb programming abilities already
included in Microsoft Excel VBA to develop easy to use, yet powerful, reporting
functionality. One method of this is the canned reports method. Another method is
the Essbase report script.
The Essbase report script is a script that is generated as a by-product of the Essbase
Query Designer which you access through the Essbase add-in. This script can be
pasted into a Microsoft Excel worksheet and retrieved to populate the data into a
respectable looking report.
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Another method is the reporting of your data using the MDX query language that
has been included with Oracle Essbase since version 7.x. MDX queries can be written
in a similar way to an SQL query and executed in batch or through the EAS MDX
query editor screens.
Export data
What always happens when you have a good system with good data, which is
in demand by other departments in your company? Why, it seems as though
everybody has to get some of it loaded into their own system, that's what happens.
If there is anything that could be remotely described as a drawback to an Essbase
system, it would be the data exporting functionality. Where traditional RDBMS
systems allow the selection of data for export to meet almost limitless criteria,
the Essbase method is a bit less robust.
First of all, instead of an interfacing system establishing a connection with your
database and fetching data into something like a recordset or a cursor, with Essbase,
you are limited to using an Essbase report script and extracting the required data
into a flat file. The flat file can then be sent to the downstream system so they can
load it into their tables as needed. Unfortunately, the selection arguments available
when building an Essbase report script are somewhat limited. We'll get more into
report scripts in a moment!
Forecast analysts
The forecast analyst is one person who takes full advantage of Essbase's unique data
calculating abilities. For starters, a forecast analyst wants to see what the data looks
like out into the future. When we say "future" we mean future periods based on what
is most commonly tagged as the Time dimension in the database outline.
The forecast analyst has data which, on a period to period basis, is dependent on
the previous period's numbers. Consider that a Gross Stock number for the current
month is the result of the prior month's Gross Stock number, plus the current month's
production (units produced), less the current month's sales (units sold). If we would
like to know the resulting Gross Stock numbers for the next six months, all we need
to do is update the forecasted sales numbers and the forecasted production numbers
in the database, run a small database calculation script, and we now have forecasted
Gross Stock numbers.
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[ 216 ]
This type of data analysis can be performed over and over with the results
repeatedly retrieved into the same Microsoft Excel worksheet until the forecast
analyst is satisfied with the resulting data.
In the preceding screenshot, notice how changing just one Sales value has affected
all of the future Gross Stock values. All you had to do was send back the new value,
calculate your data, and then retrieve into your worksheet. You literally get your
results immediately. Just try that with a typical relational database.
Better still, you could add a member formula to the Gross Stock
member and tag it as a Dynamic Calc member. Then all you would
need to do is send the data back and retrieve the new values.
Planning analysts
Planning analysts perform many of the same data analysis tasks as forecasting
analysts, but there are some noticeable differences.
Because of Essbase's dynamic data calculating abilities, Essbase is the perfect tool
for planning analysts who not only need to look at forecasted data like a forecast
analyst, but also need to look at several versions of forecasted data and the variances
between them. With a Scenario dimension in your Essbase database outline, you can
enter different forecast data for the same time periods at the same time. You can then
calculate the data and almost immediately look at several different strategies for your
business' planning activity.
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How is that for results? As you can see in the previous figure, a planning analyst
can easily see three or more different scenarios that represent the same market
conditions, yet allow differing factors to display long term effects.
Budget analysts
Yes, most of these different analysts seem like they perform somewhat similar
tasks. That is true for the most part and budget analysts are not very different
from the others, at least in terms of procedure.
An Essbase database is ideal for a budget analyst, as it is for most any type of
data analyst. Essbase's ability to dynamically calculate large amounts of data
is a key factor in the successful budget analyst's job to provide the company's
decision makers with powerful, accurate data. It is this data that helps them
make intelligent business decisions.
The primary job of the budget analyst is to combine the data created by the
planning and forecast analysts with actual historical data to establish baseline
data. This baseline data will be used to gauge the company's performance going
forward against the actual data as it occurs and the forecasted data as planned.
Good, accurate data can have an effect on the very course a company travels. By
using the wide assortment of analytical calculation commands in conjunction with
the unparalleled flexibility of the Essbase database outline, a good budget analyst
can create reports that show:
• How the company actually performed compared to the long range
budget forecast
• How the company continues to perform compared to the monthly
revised forecast and the long term budget forecast
• How the company needs to perform to meet its goals and objectives
Hey, they don't call it business intelligence for nothing!
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Using your Essbase Cube
[ 218 ]
Financial analysts
Okay, these are the guys you need to watch out for. What the financial analyst does
is take in everything all of the other analysts do and crunch it into money numbers.
It seems as though a financial analyst in a company typically carries a lot of weight.
Well, lucky for you and for your programming in Essbase.
Once again, Essbase comes through for you and your customer. Essbase provides
a full complement of financial calculation functions which will satisfy the most
discriminating number cruncher. From such computations as compound interest,
discounts, and growth, you can be sure that the financial picture of your company
is in good hands.
The real target users of your Essbase data
As an IT person you may ask, "Why do I need to know who the Essbase data
user is?" Well, because of the usefulness and versatility of your Essbase data to
the decision makers in the company, the real end-user of your Essbase data is
usually an executive or some other big shot. In fact, you may not even know it,
but the data in a typical Essbase database system usually shows up in reports
that are used at the highest levels of the company.
Your job is to make these people happy. Thankfully, Essbase makes your job
easy in so many ways.
Ways to extract your Essbase data
There are many different ways to extract data from an Essbase database. We have
described several of them at different times in this book, depending on the topic
being covered. For the sake of organization, we will list the various methods of
extracting data from your Essbase database here:
• Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel: It seems like we can't say enough about
this particular tool. Designed to work seamlessly with the world's most
popular spreadsheet program, the Essbase add-in is the tool of choice of data
analysts everywhere. Yes, you can pull data out of your Essbase database with
the add-in and load up an Excel worksheet. Even though Microsoft Excel has
a limit of 65,536 rows through the 2003 version and many more rows available
in Microsoft Excel 2007, it seems that Essbase can have a hard time handling
spreadsheets that contain more than 1,000 rows. Performance rapidly degrades
and you can even experience timeouts. We highly recommend that you pay
attention to this and at the first signs of trouble with large spreadsheets, you
split them into smaller subset spreadsheets.
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[ 219 ]
• Oracle Smart View: This tool is separate from the Essbase add-in and in fact,
must be purchased as a separate component to be used with the Essbase suite
of applications. As will be discussed at great length in the Appendix, Smart
View is a dynamic data retrieval tool that allows the user to pull data directly
from an Essbase database into any of the Microsoft Office components. This
allows for the creation of Microsoft PowerPoint presentations that never need
data updating as fresh data can be retrieved in real time into the slides. The
same holds true for Microsoft Outlook emails and Microsoft Word documents.
Oh yes, and it also works with Microsoft Excel.
• Essbase Query Designer: This tool is a part of the Essbase add-in and
is a menu pick from the Essbase menu in Microsoft Excel. The Essbase
Query Designer tool allows you to create simple to complex Essbase
queries. This is accomplished through the use of an easy to use visual
query wizard. The saved query can be opened and retrieved in Microsoft
Excel to return your data.
• Essbase Report Script: The Essbase report script will be discussed in great
detail in the next section. An Essbase report script can be created from
scratch as an ASCII text file or conveniently, a report script can be created
by Essbase, as a by-product of the Query Designer function. Essbase
report scripts can be executed within a Microsoft Excel worksheet, Essbase
command script or MaxL script, or from an Essbase API call.
• Essbase MDX Query Language: Essbase MDX can be easily described as
a structured query language for multidimensional databases. MDX queries
for the most part use simple and easy to understand statements to extract
data from your Essbase database. MDX queries can be executed in much
the same manner as Essbase report scripts or MaxL scripts.
All of the above mentioned methods are used to report or extract the data that is in
your Essbase database or cube. Some of the above mentioned tools go beyond the
scope of the Microsoft Excel add-in and can be used by the other Microsoft Office
products as well like Oracle Smart View. The Essbase add-in is the most complete
tool in terms of functionality and ease of use. Included with the Essbase Add-in for
Microsoft Excel is the Essbase Query Designer (EQD), which allows you to visually
design custom reports from Essbase. The downside to the EQD is that
the reports are only usable in Microsoft Excel.
The Essbase report script can be used to run reports from a batch program and
automatically send a morning report to key persons. While the formatting can be
orderly, the report is still an ASCII based report without the pretty colors or graphs.
And then there's MDX, which is a nice option, but the scripts do tend to require
a bit of maintenance. However, the resultant output is in a very usable format.
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[ 220 ]
The Essbase Report Script
Just like other Essbase file objects, Essbase database report scripts are actually ASCII
text file objects with an extension of .rep. As with other similar Essbase file objects,
they must also follow the same naming convention of upto 8 characters, and the
directory path must not contain any spaces.
An Essbase report script may be stored anywhere in the file system, but is considered
to be in its default location when saved into the database folder on the analytic
server, much the same as a database calculation script. The benefit of storing the
report script file objects in their default location comes when you are coding an API
or EssCmd function, you only need to mention the name of the report script and not
the fully qualified path to that particular object.
Okay, so what exactly is an Essbase report script? Well, an Essbase report script
is an ASCII text file that contains commands or instructions for data retrieval,
formatting, and output that Essbase uses to extract data from an Essbase cube into
either a formatted report or an ASCII text flat file that can be sent to downstream
systems as a data feed.
While report scripts are certainly capable of creating reports, hence the name,
an Essbase report script is more than likely used to extract data into flat files.
Most Essbase users seem to prefer reports created in Microsoft Excel as opposed
to free standing plain paper reports.
Although most report scripts are created to extract data from
a database for export to other systems, a properly written
Essbase report script can be pasted into a blank Microsoft
Excel worksheet and then retrieved. Essbase will interpret the
commands and dump the data into the worksheet.
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[ 221 ]
How to create an Essbase Report Script
There are three ways to create an Essbase report script. Because a report script is
really an ASCII text file with a .rep extension, the first way to create one would
be to open a new text file in any text editor and begin typing the report script
commands. We really do not recommend this method as you would have to be
highly skilled in the Essbase report script area. A text editor like Notepad that is
included with Windows, is best suited for editing an already existing report script.
To access a complete listing of all available Report Writer commands, get to your
EAS screen and click Help | Information Map | Technical Reference | Report
Writer Commands. Here you will find an overview as well as each report writer
command function explained with coding examples. This information is included
with your EAS installation.
The second way to create an Essbase report script is to use the Essbase report script
editor supplied with the EAS. The report script editor can be accessed in much the
same way as accessing the calculation script editor.
You should know this drill by now. In EAS, drill-down to the database for which
you wish to create an Essbase report script.
Double-click on the database name to expand the selections and right-click on the
report scripts heading. The set of options displayed will offer you the choice of
editing an existing report script or creating a new one. Selecting either choice will
open the Essbase report script editor.
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[ 222 ]
The use of the built-in Report Script Editor is exactly like the Calculation Script
Editor described in detail in Chapter 5. As shown in the following screenshot,
the Report Script Editor window is divided into three basic sections:
Just like the Calculation Script Editor, the upper left section of the Report Script
Editor contains a smaller version of the outline editor. This section allows you to
drill-down to desired members. When you click on a desired member in the outline
representation, the member name will automatically be pasted into the script editor
where you have the cursor placed. This reduces typing effort and also the potential for
typographical errors in your script caused by misspelled command or function names.
The lower left section of the editor contains a listing of all of the report script
commands and functions. Just like the Calculation script editor, when you click
a desired command or function, it is pasted into your script at the position of
the cursor.
Finally, the third and best method of creating an Essbase report script is to
use the Essbase Query Designer function contained in the Essbase Add-in
for Microsoft Excel.
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We actually recommend this as the primary method of report script creation while
keeping the other two methods for editing existing scripts.
We will discuss the Essbase Query Designer in-depth in the next chapter. So, for
now, we will go over just briefly why we like this method.
For starters, the Essbase Query Designer allows you to visually select database outline
members you wish to include in your report or extract. It also allows you to decide the
placement of the column members and the row members. While the resultant query is
designed to be used with a Microsoft Excel worksheet, when you save the query, you
also have the option of having Query Designer create an Essbase report script from the
parameters and selection criteria you specified in your query.
With very little modification, an automatically generated Essbase report script can
be executed from EssCmd scripts, API calls, or MaxL command scripts.
Another benefit of using the Query Designer to generate a report script is that it will
properly code complex functionality for you. Therefore, there are no elusive syntax
errors for you to debug.
Report script commands and functions
Well, just like the calculation scripts, there are several different categories of Essbase
report script commands and instructions. Unlike the calculation commands and
functions, the report script commands and instructions basically deal with data
selection and formatting.
As we said earlier, the arsenal of data selection commands and instructions is perhaps
not the most robust when compared to the specific commands available to a user of
SQL for instance. This can occasionally result in more data than is required being
returned. This is hardly an issue that is worth fretting over.
We will list for you here the complete report script command and instruction
categories. For each category, we will give examples of a couple of the most commonly
used commands or instructions. For a complete list of all Essbase report script
commands and instructions, please refer to the EAS Online Help that is supplied with
each installation of EAS.
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[ 224 ]
Report layout commands
The report layout commands tell Essbase how you are setting up your report page
with regards to what members will be row members and what members will be
column members. Some members will also be page members, where their attribute
applies to all of the data selected and does not need to be represented in either a row
or column.
The syntax of these members is discussed below:
<COLUMN(comma separated dimension list)
<COLUMN("Calendar Periods", "Scenario")
This example will place members from the Calendar Periods and
Scenario dimensions into the report output as column members.
<ROW(comma separated dimension list)
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<ROW("Total Vehicles", "Model Year")
This example will place members from the Total Vehicles and Model Year
dimensions into the report output as row members.
<PAGE(comma separated dimension list)
<PAGE (Market)
This example will place members from the Market dimension into the report
output as page members.
Data range commands
The data range commands are a good example of the limitations in data selection we
mentioned earlier. As of this writing, there are only three commands available to you.
After you look at the coding examples, you will see why we spoke of limitations.
<BOTTOM ([<rowgroupDimension>,]<rows>, <column>)
<BOTTOM (100, @DATACOL(2))
With the BOTTOM command, the returned data is sorted in descending order by
the data values and the bottom number of rows, as specified by parameter two
for the column specified in parameter three is returned.
In the example, the bottom 100 rows of data would be sorted according to
the values in data column number two.
The TOP command is identical, but returns the top number of rows specified.
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[ 226 ]
Data ordering command
Yes, it says data ordering command because there is only one command. Although
this command has a name similar to a command used in relational databases, the
difference, and to some a limitation, is that the data returned by the Essbase report
script is ordered by data value columns only. Columns that contain metadata or
member names, cannot be sorted using this command, since only columns containing
numeric data values are considered for ordering.
<ORDERBY ( [<rowgroupDimension>,] <column> [<direction>]{,<column>
This example will sort the rows of data returned with the member name of Sales
on data column one in descending order (data value order):
Member selection and sorting commands
To compensate for the limitations we mentioned previously, Essbase provides us with
several dozen member selection and sorting commands. You have already seen many
of these commands in the previous chapter on calculation scripts and they perform
the same functions. The only difference is that the syntax for the report script
commands is different than it is for the calculation and member formula commands.
Here are a few examples so you can get the idea.
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[ 227 ]
<CHILDREN "Calendar Periods"
This example will return data rows for all children of the Calendar Periods
member, but no data for the Calendar Periods member itself. Notice we said
member when Calendar Periods is actually a dimension too. We did this to show
you that in this command, you can enter any member name that has its own children
and want only to return its children.
Keep in mind that Essbase will do exactly as you instruct it to do. When you say to
return the children of the Calendar Periods dimension, you will get the Quarter
values. Other dimensions not mentioned will be at the highest level unless specified.
<ICHILDREN "Calendar Periods"
This example will return data rows for all of the children of the Calendar Periods
member and for the Calendar Periods member itself. Notice that here too we said
member when Calendar Periods is actually a dimension as well. We did this to
show you that in this command, you can enter any member name that has its own
children and want to return those children and their parent.
Format commands
The format commands tell Essbase how your report output will look. Unless
otherwise specified in the command itself, these commands can be used multiple
times in a script, and will only affect the rows of data returned by other commands
that are written after the format commands in the script.
There are many more of these formatting commands available to you. Some have
almost overlapping abilities, so they can be somewhat confusing. If you are using
your report script to extract data for a flat file, you will not need too many of these
formatting commands. If you are trying to create really fancy looking reports, you
will need plenty of practice and patience.
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[ 228 ]
This example will return numeric data rows with no commas delineating
the numbers for values over 999.
This example will return numeric data rows with commas delineating
the numbers for values over 999.
{ WIDTH number [ column1 [ column2 [ columnN ] ] ] }
{ WIDTH 20 }
This example will truncate all column widths to 20 spaces wide, regardless
of their actual width.
Column or row calculation
While these are some pretty cool commands, we recommend that you be very careful
with their use. As you must know by now, we have repeatedly stated the benefits of
Essbase's dynamic data calculating abilities and there is no arguing that.
When you use these row and column calculation commands, you are artificially
creating data that does not actually exist in the Essbase database.
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We say to be cautious because if there is ever a question about the report script
generated data, it will not always be the easiest to track down or debug. Again,
nice functionality, but use it very carefully.
All calculation commands must be enclosed in
curly braces as shown.
{CALCULATE COLUMN "newColumn" = expression }
{CALCULATE COLUMN "Actual YTD" = 1 + 2}
This example will create a new column called Actual YTD which will be the sum
across of columns 1 and 2. Again, if the Actual YTD value does not exist in Essbase,
it may be difficult to debug the data displayed on the report, unless you are
intimately familiar with the report script itself.
This command must be used in the script prior to coding the CALCULATE COLUMN
command to turn on the column's calculating ability.
This command must be used in the script after coding the CALCULATE COLUMN
command to turn off the column's calculating ability.
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[ 230 ]
Member names and aliases
This set of commands allows you to pick and choose what member alias tables to use
for the display of member names. Again, if you are extracting the data from Essbase
with your report script simply for flat file export purposes, you do not need to worry
much about member names.
This command tells Essbase to output the data from this point forward in the script
using the member names from the Display alias table. All rows of data returned will
have member alias names that are stored in the Display alias table.
Building your first Essbase report script
Hopefully your brain hasn't fallen out yet. There's still so much to do. We are now
going to build a simple Essbase report script from scratch. As described previously,
navigate your way to the Essbase Report Script Editor in your EAS console.
Go ahead and open a new and empty Report Script. Click on File | Save and let
Essbase save your report script in the default location with the name of test.rep.
The first thing we need to know is the comment identifier. In any Essbase report
script, a double forward slash // tells Essbase to ignore that line. This is how you
begin a comment line. The double forward slash must begin in column 1 of the
file with multiple rows all beginning with the //.
For example, a single line comment would look like this:
// This is a comment line.
A comment block with multiple lines would look like this:
// This is a comment block.
// It has several lines in it
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[ 231 ]
Also, it must be noted that if you are using a report script to create an actual report
which will be printed and viewed by others, then your report script can be long and
complicated and perform several tasks at once. If you recall, we mentioned earlier
that some types of commands can be used more than once is a script. Well, the
exclamation point is the delimiter that tells Essbase that a series of commands is over,
and the next set of commands begins a new part of the report. You also end a report
script with !, also known as a bang. This lets Essbase know it has finished.
Of course, if you're using the report script to generate a flat file extract to ship
downstream somewhere, then you will only use ! once and only at the end of
the report script.
Let's begin writing our simple Essbase report script. If you have your Esscar database
outline set up the way we instructed you earlier in this book, you should be able to
code the test.rep report script exactly as shown. Please enter into the report script
editor the following code and comments:
//Define page members
<PAGE ("Total Market","METRIC")
//Define column members
<COLUMN ("Calendar Periods")
//Define row members
<ROW ("Total Vehicles")
//Select specific members to include in report Sales
<CHILDREN "Total Market"
<CHILDREN "Calendar Periods"
<CHILDREN "Total Vehicles"
// Always end your script with a !
Now, if you execute this simple script, you will get a report file that when opened
looks like this:
United States Sales Model Year
2009 2010
======== ========
2 Door Sedan 20,400 40,800
4 Door Sedan 20,400 40,800
4X2 Pickup 20,400 40,800
4X4 Pickup 20,400 40,800
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[ 232 ]
Canada Sales Model Year
2009 2010
======== ========
2 Door Sedan 20,400 40,800
4 Door Sedan 20,400 40,800
4X2 Pickup 20,400 40,800
4X4 Pickup 20,400 40,800
Mexico Sales Model Year
2009 2010
======== ========
2 Door Sedan 20,400 40,800
4 Door Sedan 20,400 40,800
4X2 Pickup 20,400 40,800
4X4 Pickup 20,400 40,800
Not too shabby for an amateur, eh? Notice that the output actually looks fairly
presentable and professional and we haven't even taken advantage of any of the real
report script functionality. Now look at what happens to the output when we add a
few commands to the same report script that turns it from a report file into a flat file.
First, you will notice this line added to the top of the report script file:
//ESS_LOCALE English_UnitedStates.Latin1@Binary
It is just a comment line added by Essbase to identify what language setting is being
used by the system so you do not attempt to run with the wrong setting. You can
delete the line, but Essbase will put it back again the next time you open and save
the report script through the Essbase report script editor.
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[ 233 ]
//ESS_LOCALE English_UnitedStates.Latin1@Binary
//This block of commands will turn a report script that create a
//report into a report script that creates an ASCII text flat file.
//If you look closely you should be able to recognize what some of
//the commands will do. For instance, the first one will suppress
//the page heading if any. The second command will suppress any
//column headings. The third command will suppress any page feeds that
//would have been sent to the printer had this been a multiple
//page report
//This line tells Essbase how to set up the output data. For example,
//the first command tells Essbase to Tab delimit the output data
<SETUP {TabDelimit} {decimal v} {IndentGen -5} <ACCON <SYM <END
//Define page members
<PAGE ("Total Market","METRIC")
//Define column members
<COLUMN ("Calendar Periods")
//Define row members
<ROW ("Total Vehicles")
//Select specific members to include in report
<CHILDREN "Total Market"
<CHILDREN "Calendar Periods"
<CHILDREN "Total Vehicles"
//Always end your script with a !
We have not altered the original script in any way except to add the commands we
explained at the top of the script. When we execute the same script now, we get
vastly different output results that are more suitable for a data extract than a report.
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[ 234 ]
2 Door Sedan 20400 40800
4 Door Sedan 20400 40800
4X2 Pickup 20400 40800
4X4 Pickup 20400 40800
2 Door Sedan 20400 40800
4 Door Sedan 20400 40800
4X2 Pickup 20400 40800
4X4 Pickup 20400 40800
2 Door Sedan 20400 40800
4 Door Sedan 20400 40800
4X2 Pickup 20400 40800
4X4 Pickup 20400 40800
With a little rearranging of the row and column commands, we could easily add
the Model Year, Market, and Sales member names to the rows of data, so each
row in the output file would contain all of the necessary data attributes.
Yes, there is a lot to learn when it comes to Essbase but it doesn't need to frighten
you. Like we said about the calculation scripts in the previous chapter, take baby
steps, and practice.
Executing your report scripts
Now that you have created your own report script, pat yourself on the back
and tell yourself that you are going to be a good and successful Essbase
administrator/developer. You have overcome the difficult part which is creating
the report script. Now comes the easy part, running the report script.
Just like executing an Essbase database calculation script, Essbase offers several
methods for executing a database report script.
Some of the ways that you can run Essbase database report scripts are:
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[ 235 ]
• Run reports from EAS
• Run reports using EssCmd
• Run reports using MaxL
• Run reports using API calls (as discussed in Chapter 8)
Run reports using EAS
Upto now you have learned many tasks that an Essbase developer or administrator
can do through EAS. Running report scripts is just one more better example of how
you can effectively use EAS. Like we discussed running calc scripts from EAS before,
there are also many ways to execute report scripts from EAS.
From EAS, drill-down to your Application | Database | Report Scripts and you
will see your report script test. Right-click on the test report script and then click
on the Execute button as shown:
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[ 236 ]
Once you click the Execute button a dialog box will open which asks if you want
to execute the script in the background and send the results to the Console or to
the Printer. You can also specify if you want to send the retrieved results to an
output file. Isn't this the coolest feature? You can then send this output file to your
customers to tell them that your data load and calc are completed and here is what
your data now looks like. The output file can be .rpt or .txt file. These are the
two options that are provided through EAS. If you wish to save an output file, just
provide an output file path and file name and click OK, as shown and the report
will then be executed:
There are also other ways you can execute a report script from within EAS. For
instance, you can open a report script and then click on the Execute button of the
Report menu or you can click on Options | Execute in the EAS menu or by pressing
the F5 button on your keyboard.
Running a report script using an Essbase
command script
As we have discussed in previous chapters about being able to execute calculation
scripts using Essbase command scripts, you are also able to run database report
scripts from an EssCmd as well. When you run a report from an EssCmd, you
have the option to save the output in an ASCII text file or a formatted report file.
EssCmd Syntax:
RUNREPT numeric reportscript outputfile
• numeric (possible 1, 2, or 3)—specifies the physical location of
the report script.
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i) Local/Client based report script.
ii) Remote/Server report script.
iii) Specifies that the file is not an Essbase default object and you need
to provide the fully qualified path with the name of the report script.
• reportscript—name of the report script. This parameter will depend on
the numeric value chosen for the first parameter.
• Outputfile—fully qualified name and path for the output file. If no path
is specified, Essbase will place the file in the default database folder.
OUTPUT 1 "c:\EsscmdReport.log";
LOGIN "EssServerID" "EssID" "EssPass" "ESSCAR" "ESSCAR";
RUNREPT 2 "test" "c:/book/test.dat"
Once you have executed the above EssCmd at the DOS prompt (as shown in the
following screenshot), the output data will be saved in the text file called test.dat,
which will be created in the path described. As you can see, we have created a file
with a .dat extension, instead of creating an .rpt or .txt file. We just want to make
you aware that when you are saving an output file from an EssCmd, you are not
obligated to use any particular file extension and may choose any one you wish.
Upon the execution of the command, you will see the return code in the form of
sts (Status code). If sts is 0, that means there is no error. If the return code is not
zero, it will provide you an error message as shown:
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[ 238 ]
Running calc using a MaxL script
How can we forget MaxL? There is no way we can forget MaxL. MaxL is the new
generation of command scripting language used by Essbase. If you look closely
at the MaxL statements, you will see that they are very close to your typical SQL
statements. Since you will be exporting data, you will use the EXPORT MaxL
statement to run the report script.
script name TO DATA_FILE output data file name.
export database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' using server report_file 'Test' to
data_file 'c:/book/test.rpt';
This code, when executed from MaxL, will execute the Test.rep against the
ESSCAR application/ESSCAR database.
To create a MaxL script file object, simply open the MaxL Script Editor in the EAS
tool by clicking the Editors menu pick, then click on MaxL Script Editor. The MaxL
Script Editor is shown in the following screenshot:
You can execute the script by clicking on the Execute Script button on the MaxL menu
or on the EAS | Execute on the EAS menu or press F5 to execute the script. Once the
script is executed, you will see the validation_6.rpt file in the location specified.
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[ 239 ]
Previewing data in EAS
Until now you have used EAS to create users, update the outline, load data, calculate
the data, and so forth. You will now see how EAS can also be used to preview the data
in an Essbase cube. You can preview data for both aggregate storage and block storage
databases. You can preview the data in spreadsheet format or in HTML format.
Here are the steps to preview data in EAS:
1. In EAS, select the database and click on Actions | Preview data or right-click
on the database and select Preview data.
2. On the right side of the EAS frame, you will see the Data Preview Grid
screen with two tabs, a Cubeview tab and a Properties tab as shown here:
Here, you can see there are two tabs, one is for the Cubeview and other tab is for the
Properties. The Cubeview is the view that shows the data and is always defaulted to
the Dimension level view. In order for you to look at the lower levels, you will need
to drill-down. The properties for the Cubeview can be set in the Properties tab.
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[ 240 ]
In the Cubeview, you are provided with a Tool bar which allows you to drill-down,
retrieve data, and have an HTML view of data. The following is an example of the
tool bar. For an explanation of each button available to you, simply hover over the
button with the mouse.
When the member selection button is clicked, the standard member selection
screen will be displayed as shown in the following screenshot:
In the Member Selection screen (shown above), you can see that all of the members
are in the usual tree format. You also have the ability to Find… the members and
also to see the Member Info… for a selected member. There are options for you to
Select All of the members at one time and to Add specific members to your selection
rules. Using Member Info…, you will get the dimension name of the member, the
Generation number and Level number of the selected member and you can also
see the Member Formula if any. You can also view the member names by alias by
checking the Use Aliases checkbox.
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When you click the Preferences button, you open the Preferences screen. In the
Preferences screen (shown below), you can set the preferences for the current cube
view. You can set up the number of Undo steps and also format the Member cells
and Data cells by clicking on the Format Cells tab. The Format Cells checkbox is
checked by default.
Selecting this tab in the Cubeview screen allows you to set up the data formatting
properties for the current cube view grid. These properties are only applicable to
the current session and cannot be saved. Some of the properties that can be set are
as follows:
• Drill level: When you perform a drill-down on the data, you can choose
whether you want to do a drill-down to the Next level, Bottom level, or
Sibling Level. By default, the drill level is set to Next level.
• You can choose to Suppress Zeros, Suppress Missing and Suppress
Underscores from being displayed in your report.
• Selecting Display Alias Names will display member names using the
alias table selected by you.
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[ 242 ]
• On the bottom of the Properties screen you will see two buttons, Refresh and
Save. The Refresh button retrieves the last saved properties and refreshes the
Properties screen with them, and the Save button will save the properties you
have updated for this session. The next screenshot shows the Properties screen:
Well, we have certainly covered a lot of ground, especially in the last couple of
chapters. By now you should have a good understanding of the what, when, how,
and who, when it comes to installing, designing, building, loading, and now using
an Essbase database system.
Next up, we cover the incredible Oracle Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel. If ever
there was a super tool, this is it! The Essbase add-in, seamlessly installed in your
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program, gives the user one of the most powerful
tools for data analytics available today. Nowhere else can you start with a blank
spreadsheet and end up creating, updating, calculating, analyzing, and reporting
data. All of this in just minutes, without ever leaving your seat. Wow!
Oh, and because we want you to be right there on top of the world of Essbase, we
are also including a full section in the Appendix on Oracle Smart View. Although
not a replacement for the Essbase add-in, Smart View has many similar qualities,
as well as many new and exciting features.
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Getting the most out of the Microsoft Excel Add-in
In the real world it is no secret that a very large percentage of data and financial analysts do their jobs using Microsoft Excel. It is also no secret that a very large percentage of these same analysts actually like Microsoft Excel very much and
enjoy using it.
This is probably why, after you tell them that they can continue to use Microsoft Excel to do their jobs even with the addition of Essbase, you will see a large smile spread across their faces. Just wait until you tell them they can continue to use Microsoft Excel but can now perform complex data analytics and create professional looking reports by taking advantage of the easy to install and use Essbase add-in. Our guess is that you will be peeling them off of the ceiling.
Get ready, because after all of the prior instruction, it is now time to actually learn how to use Essbase and the Essbase add-in to connect to the Essbase database, analyze data, modify or create data, create reports, run database calculation scripts, use the really cool Query Designer function included in the add-in, and a whole lot more.
Reporting with the Microsoft Excel Add-in
Assuming you have the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel installed on your PC you will see the Essbase menu pick available on the main Microsoft Excel menu toolbar.
If you read how to install the add-in but did not do it, please install it now for you will need it in this chapter.
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Getting the most out of the Microsoft Excel Add-in
[ 244 ]
If you have installed the add-in but do not see the Essbase menu pick there is no
need to re-install the add-in. Occasionally the Essbase add-in will not load when
you open a new instance of Microsoft Excel. If this happens you can simply re-load
the add-in by following the steps below.
Steps to reload the Essbase Add-in into Microsoft Excel:
1. In Microsoft Excel, with at least the default blank workbook open, navigate
to the Add-Ins screen by clicking on Tools | Add-Ins in Microsoft Excel
version 2003 and earlier or by clicking Add-Ins directly in Microsoft Excel
version 2007.
2. From the Add-Ins screen select the Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server DLL
(non-Unicode) by checking it's box and click on OK.
3. You should see the Essbase menu pick as the add-in loads and now you
are again ready to use Microsoft Excel for Essbase reporting.
If, in the Add-In selection screen, you do not see the Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server
DLL(non Unicode) add-in, then follow these steps to locate the add-in xll file:
1. Click on the Browse button on the Add-Ins screen.
2. Browse to where you have the Essbase add-in installed. Typically
this file will be in your local drive in a path similar to: C:\Hyperion\
3. Select the essexcln.xll file and click OK.
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4. In the Add-Ins screen you should see the Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server
DLL(non Unicode) selected. Now click OK on the Add-Ins screen.
5. You should see Essbase menu in Microsoft Excel as shown in the
following screenshot:
That's it! You now have the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel installed, loaded,
and ready to use.
When you click on the Essbase menu pick from Microsoft Excel's main toolbar you
will have approximately two dozen choices. There are a couple of choices that we
feel must be explained without regard to the order of their appearance on the menu.
However, for the most part we will be starting at the top and working our way to
the bottom of the menu.
The Essbase menu looks like the following screenshot with all of the choices
available. Please note that the order in which they appear is somewhat different
than the order in which we will be discussing them.
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[ 246 ]
Connecting to Essbase
Obviously, connecting to the Essbase database is one of the first tasks you should
perform. Otherwise there isn't much you can do, except the regular old, boring
Microsoft Excel tasks. To establish a connection to the appropriate Essbase database,
simply follow the steps here.
Connecting to Essbase from Microsoft Excel
What could be easier than connecting to your Essbase database right from your
favorite data analysis tool? Does it get any better? Once you become familiar with
the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel and all of its myriad features, we just know
you will agree.
1. From the Microsoft Excel main menu bar click on Essbase | Connect….
2. The Essbase System Login screen will appear as shown:
3. Enter the appropriate Server name, your Username, and the Password
assigned to your ID. Once completed, click OK.
4. If your password has expired, the system will inform you of that fact and allow
you to choose a new password. You may also change your password at any
time by clicking on the Change Password button after any successful login.
5. Once you have entered the correct password, you will then be shown
the list of Essbase Application/Database that your ID login has access
to on the server you selected.
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6. Select the Application/Database you wish to work with and click on OK.
The active Microsoft Excel worksheet is now connected to the Application/
Database you selected. You are ready to go to work with Essbase on
this worksheet.
In Microsoft Excel, once you have logged into an Application|Database,
Essbase will automatically connect any other worksheets in the same
Microsoft Excel workbook to the Application|Database you logged into,
on the first worksheet.
If you need to connect different sheets in the same workbook to different
Application|Databases, you will need to activate those sheets and
perform another Essbase | Connect… as needed.
Some of the buttons present in the previous screenshot are explained as follows:
• Change Password: Allows you to change your password whenever you
deem necessary. After entering a valid user ID and password, the button
will become active and allow you to use this function.
• Update: Refreshes the database list in your login screen. If for some reason
a database was offline when you first connected you would not see it in
the login screen. Use the Update button to refresh the list.
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• Note: This is a note that resides with the Essbase database and is also called
a Database Note. This note can contain information left by the administrator
about the current state of the database and its data. This can be a very useful
feature for the end-users or current production support staff.
Disconnecting from Essbase
There are three main reasons to get very familiar with this function:
1. Once you are working with Essbase, your connections will remain open, even
if you close the Microsoft Excel workbook. The connections to the Essbase
server are only terminated when you close Microsoft Excel or explicitly
disconnecting each sheet manually or with code. To avoid potential connection
issues, it is always advisable to disconnect all Microsoft Excel worksheets when
you are finished with them.
2. If you need to retrieve data into the same sheet from a different database,
it is good to disconnect it first before you connect it to another database.
3. The Essbase Disconnect screen is the best way to monitor what sheets
are connected to what Application|Databases and even servers. It is not
uncommon to have multiple sheets in the same workbook connected to
databases from different applications across different servers.
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To disconnect a worksheet from a database perform the following steps:
1. From the Microsoft Excel main menu click on Essbase | Disconnect….
2. At the disconnect screen you will see a listing of all of the Microsoft Excel
worksheets that have active connections to Essbase Application|Databases.
3. Select the sheet which you want to disconnect and click on the Disconnect
button. The connection for that worksheet will be terminated.
4. Click on the Close button to close the Essbase Disconnect screen.
5. As with any Essbase screen, the Help button when clicked, will provide
help information about the current screen and its functions.
Launching the Essbase Query Designer
Although included in the Essbase add-in, this menu choice almost qualifies as
its own reporting tool. The Essbase Query Designer (EQD) is quite powerful,
therefore we have dedicated a full section to it later in this chapter.
To launch the EQD, simply click Essbase | Query Designer….
Retrieving data from Essbase
In one way this can be a dual function task. If you perform an Essbase | Retrieve
and are not logged into a database, Essbase will automatically bring up the Essbase
login screen and allow you to connect to an Application|Database of your choice
before you continue.
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Also, if you perform a retrieve on an empty worksheet, Essbase will do a generic
retrieve that brings in all of the high level database dimensions and drops them on
the Microsoft Excel worksheet (as shown in the following screenshot). You can now
take this generic retrieve and by performing various Essbase spreadsheet functions,
like the Zoom In or the Pivot, you will have yourself a fine looking report in no time.
Quite possibly the Retrieve add-in function will be the Essbase function you use
most often. When you click Essbase | Retrieve, Essbase will populate the active
Microsoft Excel worksheet with data, fresh from the database. Many times there
will be data loads or database calculations occurring throughout the day and you
will always want to make sure you are looking at the latest and greatest version
of the data. A simple Essbase | Retrieve takes care of it for you.
Setting the add-in spreadsheet options
Here is a vital piece of the Essbase add-in. Setting the Essbase add-in options
correctly can dramatically affect how you and the add-in perform. The options
screen contains four tabs containing user settable options that affect the add-in's
behavior at the individual worksheet level and also global options, which affect
the add-in's behavior at the Microsoft Excel level. Access these screens by clicking
Essbase | Options….
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As shown in the previous screenshot, the Essbase Options screen on the Display
tab contains settings that affect how Essbase will display your data. The settings
on this tab are sheet level settings and only affect the Microsoft Excel worksheet
that was active when the options screen was opened and the settings applied.
You can select a different sheet in the workbook and set different options for it.
Display tab
The first group of available options is the Indentation setting. The Indentation
setting is a row heading setting and only affects how the row members' names
are justified in their rows. The available settings are explained here:
• None: All data retrieved will maintain the same column justification
• Subitems: The children members of a parent would indent on the report
• Totals: Parent members would be indented
Only one of these options can be selected at a time.
The next option group is the Suppress options. Here you can tell Essbase what
values or lack of values you wish to prevent from showing up on the report:
• #Missing Rows: These are Essbase NULL values
• Zero Rows: This means the entire row of data has zero values
• Underscore Characters: This could be rows that contain invalid data values
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You can choose one, all, or none of the Suppress options.
Next up are the Cells options. Here you have four choices that you can
choose between:
1. Use Styles: This option will use any styles that have been defined for
this member in Essbase
2. Adjust Columns: This option when checked, will automatically adjust
the Microsoft Excel columns to fit the member names being retrieved
3. Auto Sort Row: This option tells Essbase to sort the member data according
to the structure of the database outline and is only available if you have the
Free Form setting checked
4. Repeat Member Labels: This setting will populate every row of the
retrieved data with the member name or label
In the Replacement section of the Essbase Options screen, you have two choices:
1. #Missing Label: This allows you to tell Essbase what value to substitute
for null values that are returned in your report
2. #No Access Label: This allows you to substitute a value in cells that you
do not have the proper access to view
In the Aliases section, you have the choices of:
1. Use Aliases: This option will return the data using the member names
stored in an alias table. If you select this option, the Alias table combo-box
is available for you to choose the alias table from.
2. Use Both Member Names and Aliases for Row Dimensions: This setting
will fill two columns as row headers with both the member names and the
names stored in the selected alias table.
The Query Designer option will only affect you if you are using EQD. If checked,
it will apply the sheet options to the resultant report created from an Essbase query.
Lastly, the Dynamic Time Series option, when checked, allows you to choose
the last date from the time dimension to be used in dynamic time calculations.
As you can see in the next screenshot, we have indented the sub or children items by
checking the Indent SubItems selection, the columns are automatically adjusted to
fit the column names by checking the Adjust Columns checkbox, and the #Missing
and Zero values have been suppressed because only the calendar periods with data
have been displayed. You can tell this because the value for Quarter 1 is the same as
the value to 2009. If there were values for the subsequent calendar periods, the total
for 2009 would be different than the Quarter 1 2009 value.
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Zoom tab
The functions found on this tab are page or sheet level options that aid the user
in quickly drilling up or down to desired levels of data.
The first section on the Zoom tab allows you to control how the add-in reacts when
you use the Zoom In function. You may be wondering what zoom in and zoom out
means? As you all know, on a camera there is a function that allows you to zoom in
on your subject. What does it do? It will give you a closer look at the object for which
you are trying to take a picture. In a similar way, when we use the Zoom In function
in Essbase, its gives you a closer look at the data by drilling down either one level
down or several levels down. There is an entire range of choices but you are allowed
only one at a time.
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Your Zoom In choices are explained as follows:
• Next Level: The zoom will go to the next level down from the selected
member from which you zoomed.
• All Levels: The zoom will go all the way down to the bottom
of the dimension and include all of the levels in-between.
• Bottom Level: This option will skip all intermediate levels and return
only the lowest level from the dimension that was zoomed on.
The rest of the choices are self-explanatory here and perform similarly.
The Member Retention section gives you options that tell Essbase what to do
with the member(s) that you selected for your zoom:
• Include Selection: This will zoom from the selected member to the
level determined by the previous set of options and also include the
selected member.
• Within Selected Group: When checked, the add-in will keep all members
if they are from the same logical group as the selected zoom member.
• Remove Unselected Groups: This will not return the members that are not
in a selected group. Be careful with this one because you can lose members
from your report and may need to start over.
The Hybrid Analysis option allows you to look at lower levels of data that is available
in the back-end relational database and not in your Essbase database. The outline
members are tagged as Enable Hybrid Analysis. In order to know which members are
hybrid analysis enabled you need to check the option Enable Hybrid Analysis. Unless
you are intimately familiar with your outline, this is probably best left unchecked.
In the Sampling section, you can type an integer from 1 to 100 which will tell Essbase
what percentage of the retrievable data to use when returning zoom data. Unless
your zooms are causing you memory or performance issues you can leave this at 100.
Mode tab
The Mode tab allows the user to select the mode that Essbase will use to deliver the
data to the Microsoft Excel worksheet. There is also an option on this tab that allows
the user to control the read access mode that Essbase will use against the data while
a user is connected to a database and is actively retrieving data.
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The Retrieval section of this tab allows you to tell Essbase how you want to
configure your Microsoft Excel worksheet for retrieves:
• Advanced Interpretation: This choice allows you to layout your spreadsheet
any way you like, as long as you are following the basic Essbase rules for
report formatting with regard to row and column member placement.
• Free Form: This option will try to determine the best way to layout your
report and it may not be the format you like. Also, this option allows you
to check the Template Retrieve option, which will allow you to enter
Essbase report script commands directly onto the spreadsheet for retrieval.
The center section is the Update Mode option. Be careful with this option because
when checked, if you have the proper database permissions, Essbase will exclusively
lock all of the data cells and/or blocks that contain the data represented in your
spreadsheet, whether you used it for data Retrieves or data Sends. The blocks will
remain locked by you until you perform an Essbase | Unlock using the spreadsheet
you originally locked the cells with. When the cells or blocks are exclusively locked
by you, other users or processes cannot access the locked data and will fail.
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In the next screenshot you see a spreadsheet with data from an Essbase database. If
you perform a data retrieve with the Update Mode box checked, all of the data blocks
that contain any piece of the data represented by the sheet would remain exclusively
locked in the database by your ID. For example, the Sales, Production, and Gross
Stock for the U.S. market, for model year 2009, for the months of July 2009 through
December 2009, would be locked. Until unlocked by you, any attempts to read or
update these data values, either by another user or a calculation script, would fail.
If you no longer have the spreadsheet that you used to lock the data blocks and cells,
you will need the database administrator to unlock the cells for you.
The third section is the Formula Preservation section. This section contains options
that tell Essbase how to treat Microsoft Excel formulas embedded in the cells of
the spreadsheet:
• Retain on Retrieval: If checked Essbase will keep the formula, even if there
is data available in the database for this cell
• Retain on Keep and Remove Only: This setting tells Essbase to keep any
Microsoft Excel formulas that are included during the use of a Keep Only
or Remove Only function.
The Mode tab contains options that are worksheet level and
may not apply across all open workbooks.
Global tab
As the name of this tab implies, the options set here apply globally to all Essbase
related activity within Microsoft Excel on the current machine. There is an
assortment of option types here, from mouse button control to error messaging
and Essbase session logging.
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It is always good to check your Essbase Options
before beginning any serious work just to make sure
they are set the way you like them.
The first section on this tab is the Mouse Actions option:
• Limit to Connected Sheets: Will tell Essbase to apply the Mouse Actions
option settings to only the Microsoft Excel worksheets that are connected
to an Essbase database.
• Enable Secondary Button: Gives your mouse Essbase functionality options
while right-clicking.
• Enable Double-Clicking: This gives you Essbase drill-down capability right
in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet cell. You simply double-click a member
and it will perform a Zoom In. If you also check the Enable Linked Object
Browsing option, Essbase will open a Linked Object dialog box, if a cell you
double-click has a linked object.
The Memory section allows you to enable the Flashback function. This performs
exactly like an undo. You only get one Flashback but it can be a lifesaver. You will
want to keep this option checked.
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The Display Save Dialog in the Member Select section, when checked, will open
a dialog box that allows you to save your member selections, so you do not need
to go through reselecting them if you need to recreate your report.
Next up is the Mode section. Here you can choose the option of Navigate without
Data. This will allow you to layout your report and retrieve into it to see how it
works without waiting for the actual data. This can be particularly helpful if you
have large amounts of data or many dynamically calculated members.
Display Messages contains error reporting options. Essbase logs everything you do
in the system logs, so it is really upto you how much information you wish to receive
while you are working in Microsoft Excel. Your choices range from there being
virtually no error messaging (not a good idea), to having a small alert box appear with
a message for everything you do (also not a good idea). The best option is the Errors
option which will only bother you if there are fatal errors in what you are trying to do.
Also, there no need to check the Display Unknown Members option because Essbase
will tell you if you are trying to retrieve data into a member that does not exist.
In the Log File section you have two options:
• Route Messages to Log File: This option will often create large log files
on your client and is not very helpful or necessary
• Purge Log File Every Session: A good idea so you do not create huge,
system slowing log files on your client.
Lastly, the Add-Ins button allows you to load custom Essbase add-ins. These can
be API calls, custom coded functions, or any other repeated functionality that has
an add-in format.
Selecting Essbase members for your query
This menu pick is probably the next most used tool after the options screens.
The Essbase Member Selection screen allows you to quickly and easily set up
and populate Microsoft Excel worksheets with your Essbase data.
The basics for this tool are simple. First, make sure you are logged into the
appropriate Essbase Application|Database. Second, always remember to select
the cell on the Microsoft Excel worksheet where you want the member data to
begin populating with your member selections. Third, always remember that you
can only select members from one dimension at a time with the Essbase member
selection tool.
Select the cell on the worksheet where you want to begin populating report criteria
data. To load the Essbase Member Selection screen click Essbase | Member
Selection… from the Microsoft Excel main menu toolbar.
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Looking at the preceding screenshot, you will see in the upper left area of the screen
a Dimension list box. You may select the dimension from which you wish to select
members from this list box. The dimension name will then be placed in the Members
area of the screen where you can click on it to drill down to the levels you need to
be at.
If the cell you have selected on the Microsoft Excel worksheet
already contains the name of a dimension or member, the
dimension name will automatically be displayed in the
Members area of the Member Selection screen.
When you click to select a member you can move it to the Rules section of the
screen by clicking the Add button. Or you can simply double-click the member itself.
Below Members section of the screen are four buttons. The Find button allows you
to search the database outline if you are unsure of where a member is in the outline.
This function also allows pattern searches so you only need to know part of the
name. This is very useful for large dynamically built outlines.
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The Expand to Descendents button will do just that. It will drill-down on the member
you have selected and expand your view all the way to the zero level members. The
Clear button will clear your selections and the Member Information button, when
clicked, will open a small display window containing information such as UDAs,
and so on, as shown in the following screenshot:
Finally, on the bottom of the left side of the Member Selection screen are the options
for setting the View Method. By now, you should be able to recognize the different
choices. For simplicity's sake we will stick with the By Member Name setting.
On the right side of the Member Selection screen is the Rules section. This is where
the members you select are moved to so you can verify your selections or apply
advanced selection rules to the members.
Once again, Essbase is full of little tricks that make your life easier. If you remember,
from the prior screenshot, the METRIC dimension is shown in the Members area of
the screen. The four children of METRIC are also shown because the view has been
expanded to show this. Let's say you want all four children selected and moved to
the Rules section of the screen. You could accomplish this in several ways:
• Double-click each individual member to move it to the Rules section
• Hold down the Ctrl key and click on each individual member to highlight
it, then click the Add button
• Double-click the METRIC member to move it to the Rules section,
then apply advanced selection rules
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Let's go for the third option from the above choices. Double-click the METRIC
member to move it to the Rules section of the Member Selection screen.
Then right-click to open a small advanced selection rules menu as shown:
Notice the choices you are offered. You can pick from All Children, All Children
and Member, and more. The one we want to see now is the Subset option. Please
click on Subset… to open the Subset Dialog box.
It is in this Subset Dialog box that you can really narrow down the member selection
criteria. You can use AND/OR operators and parenthesis, as well as pointing to level
names, generation names, or any combination.
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When you are finished defining your selection rules, you may click the Preview
button on the Subset Dialog box, or click OK to return to the Essbase Member
Selection screen where there is also a Preview button.
Looking at the above screenshot of the Member Preview screen, you can see that the
selection rule defined in the Subset Dialog box returns the four zero level members
of the METRIC dimension.
Continuing with the Member Selection screen, on the far right side, in addition
to the Preview button are an Open and a Save button. Believe it or not, for your
convenience, Essbase allows you to save your selections for repeated use. When
saving a selection rule you must follow the usual naming conventions for Essbase
file objects and limit the file name upto 8 characters. When opening a saved selection
rule make sure you have the Microsoft Excel worksheet cell selected before you open
the Member Selection screen, open the desired saved selection rule file and click
OK. It's that simple!
The four buttons immediately under the Rules pane are for selection manipulation
while the selected members are still in the Rules pane. You have the options of
moving members up or down to change the order in which they are displayed
on your worksheet. You also have the options of removing erroneously selected
members or removing all of the selected members if it's easier to just begin again.
Finally, there are the Output Options checkboxes. These options affect the way
Essbase drops the selected members onto the Microsoft Excel worksheet.
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If you decide to display your member names using Essbase member aliases, you
will also have the option of choosing which alias table to use. Simply check the
Use Aliases box.
If you choose to Suppress Shared Members, Essbase will not return any members
that would normally be returned by your selection if they are tagged as Shared
Members in the database outline. This option is only available if you are viewing
the outline in Level or Generation mode.
If the Place Down the Sheet checkbox is checked, Essbase will place the selected
members downward vertically, beginning with the active cell on the worksheet. If
the box is unchecked Essbase will place the selected members horizontally across
the worksheet from left to right, beginning with the active cell.
If you check the Insert List Before Active Cell box, Essbase will place the selected
members opposite of how they would be placed with the preceding option.
Using the Keep Only function
The Essbase | Keep Only function is really great. When you click this function,
Essbase will automatically keep all members on the sheet, that are in the same
dimension as the members in the selected cells on the worksheet.
This function is perfect if you have selected all cars and pickup trucks for your initial
report. You have the zero level members of the Total Vehicles dimension as your
row header values, as shown in the previous screenshot. If you decide to only show
cars (Sedans) on the report, then select the cells with the car member names in them,
and click Essbase | Keep Only. You can also select multiple rows at the same time
and click on Keep Only. The report now only contains data for cars as shown in the
following screenshot:
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Using the Remove Only function
After just reading about the Essbase | Keep Only function it should be pretty
obvious what the Essbase | Remove Only function does.
The Remove Only function removes only the members you have selected on your
Microsoft Excel worksheet. If we look at the example in the Keep Only function, we
see that Essbase removed all unselected members of a row or column in the worksheet.
Remove Only will only remove the members that are selected. Therefore, to keep all
of the 4 door car data as in the example above, you would select the 2 Door Sedan and
click on Essbase | Remove Only. This will remove the 2 Door Sedan, leaving you
behind the data for the 4 Door Sedan as shown in the following screenshot:
Zooming in on your data
Here is a nice function to get familiar with. Before we explain how this function
works, please remember the setting of the Essbase Options screens where there
are options to set the Zoom function's behavior.
To use the Essbase | Zoom In function simply select any parent level members of
a dimension listed on your Microsoft Excel worksheet and click Essbase | Zoom In.
It's that easy.
Let's say your Essbase Options for the Zoom functions are set to Bottom Level and
Keep Selection. You select the Total Vehicles member on your worksheet and click
on Essbase | Zoom In. Your sheet now has all of the Zero level members from the
Total Vehicles dimension, as well as the Total Vehicles member itself as shown in
the following screenshot:
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Essbase | Zoom In is a nice, convenient way to add new members to your report
without a lot of effort.
Zooming out on your data
Perhaps you have noticed a pattern here. We have a pair of functions that basically
perform similar, but opposite tasks. The Essbase | Zoom Out function performs
exactly the opposite task as the Essbase | Zoom In function.
Once again, how you have your Essbase Options set for the zoom function,
will determine how Zoom Out behaves.
If you have your Zoom options set to Next Level and you select a Zero Level member
on your worksheet, then click Essbase | Zoom Out, and Essbase will replace the
selected member with the member next up in the outline. Typically this would be
a Parent member of the selected member. As seen in the following screenshot, if
you select Pickup truck and click on Essbase | Zoom Out, you update the Microsoft
Excel sheet with the parent level member of the Pickup, which in this case is the Total
Vehicles member as shown:
Pivot Essbase members on your spreadsheet
The Essbase | Pivot function is another nice tool in your toolbox. This function
pivots members that you have placed on your worksheet as row headers upto
columns headers and vice versa. To use this function all you need to do is to select,
for instance, a group of row members and then click Essbase | Pivot and Essbase
will pivot them upto be column members.
Another handy task that Pivot will perform for you is to transpose column or row
members with another column or row grouping. You will need to have the secondary
mouse button functionality enabled in your Essbase | Options for this to work.
With the secondary mouse button enabled just click and hold on the member you
want to swap and drag it on top of the member you want to swap with. While you
are not actually clicking the Essbase | Pivot for this functionality Essbase considers
it to be a part of the pivot functionality.
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Flashback: The Essbase Add-in Undo
Flashback is your Essbase undo function. To use this functionality you need to have
the Enable Flashback option checked in the Essbase | Options.
Immediately after using most of the available Essbase functions in the Essbase add-in,
and especially after an Essbase | Retrieve, if you are not happy with the results of the
task you just executed, all you need to do is click on Essbase | Flashback to reset your
worksheet back to the way it was prior to the most recent task you performed.
Sadly, you only get one flashback, but it can be a life saver.
We have found that one of the best times to have the flashback
functionality is right after this unfortunate event.
You have just spent a bit of time setting up your worksheet, just the
way you want it. You have the row members and the column members
set up. You click Essbase | Retrieve and the sheet re-arranges itself
and wrecks your entire layout. What happened? Well, more than
likely, you have the Essbase Mode options set to Free Form instead
of Advanced Interpretation.
Not to worry though, just click Essbase | Flashback and all of your
hard work is restored back to the way it was before your little mishap.
Didn't we say, it's a good idea to always double-check your Essbase |
Options prior to getting heavily involved in your work?
Locking the data and retrieving
This function is exactly like the Essbase | Retrieve function with one huge
difference. On top of retrieving the data into your Microsoft Excel worksheet,
when clicked, this function will also lock all of the data blocks relative to the
member information on the worksheet.
You need to be careful with Essbase | Retrieve & Lock, because the locked blocks will
remain locked by your ID, until you unlock them with the Essbase | Unlock function.
If there are other users of the system that may need to access data locked by you and
your worksheet, they will be unable to access it until it is unlocked by you. Also, any
background processes, like database calculations or report scripts, will fail when they
cannot access the locked data.
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Locking the data
We wonder if you can't guess what this function does.
Well, when you click Essbase | Lock, Essbase locks all of the data blocks in the
database that are needed to represent the data on your Microsoft Excel worksheet.
Again, be careful as the data will remain locked by your ID until you unlock it
by clicking on Essbase | Unlock.
Essbase will remember a database lock, even if you logout of the
system. You will either need to remove the lock yourself or have
an administrator manually remove the database lock using the
EAS tool.
Unlocking the locked data
The Essbase | Unlock function is used to unlock data blocks in the database
that have been locked by you.
Always remember, the Essbase | Unlock function will only unlock
data blocks for the data represented on the immediately active
Microsoft Excel worksheet. If you have other data blocks that have
been locked by you, you will need to open the worksheet you used
to lock them and use it to unlock the locked cells.
Sending your data to the database
This function sends data back to the database. In a relational database this would
be known as an Insert or an Update.
To insert or update data in an Essbase database it is as easy as pulling data into your
formatted Microsoft Excel worksheet by performing an Essbase | Retrieve, then
adding new values or updating existing values. When finished, perform an Essbase
| Send to save the new values to the database.
It is very important to note that the actual steps to use the Essbase | Send function
are follows:
1. Perform an Essbase | Lock. Essbase will not write to data blocks that are
not previously locked.
2. Perform an Essbase | Send. The only time that Essbase will automatically
unlock the data cells you have locked is after an Essbase | Send.
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Running a database calculation
To be able to make use of the Essbase | Calculation function, your Essbase ID must
at least have calculation privileges on the database you are connected to. If you do
have the proper database permissions, when you click Essbase | Calculation, you
will see the small screen shown here:
This little screen is actually pretty useful. On top of showing you your current
database connection and a little state of the database message, you are allowed to
select the specific calculation script you wish to execute and you can click Calculate
to run it.
There is a Cancel button which will close the small screen without executing any
calc scripts. There is also a Stop Calc button that allows you to attempt to halt
an executing database calculation script. The reason we say the Stop Calc button
attempts to halt the calculation script is because Essbase determines when it is a
good and safe time to halt an executing database calculation script.
There is also what is known as the point of no return, where Essbase will decide if
it is safer to complete the execution of the calculation script rather than interrupt it.
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Retrieving your sheet without data
This is a nice little function, especially if you're just setting up a worksheet and
do not really need to look at the resultant data. It is also good if you are worried
about large queries and system performance. When you retrieve a worksheet
with the Essbase | Navigate Without Data function turned on your query will
perform exactly as it is supposed to, except that it will not return any data to
the spreadsheet. For instance, if you perform an Essbase | Zoom In, the sheet
will update as far as the member names being displayed, but no data values
will be returned.
To use Essbase | Navigate Without Data simply click it. The function toggles back
and forth when clicked and is either on or off as indicated by a check mark next to
the function name on the Essbase menu, as shown in the following screenshot:
Most of the other functions are one time uses so they do not need an indicator letting
you know whether they are active or not. In the case of the Essbase | Navigate
Without Data function, if it is active you will see a little orange box with a check
mark in it next to the function name in the left margin of the Essbase add-in menu.
Click the function name again to turn it off.
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Zooming in on sample data
This function allows you to return only sample subsets of the actual data that a
retrieve may return. The Essbase | Sample Data (Zoom In) function depends on
how you have two Essbase | Options set. First, is the sampling percentage setting
on the Zoom tab of the Essbase | Options screen. Whatever percentage this is set to
is the amount of data which will be returned when you Zoom In using this function.
How much you Zoom In is determined by the Zoom setting, also on the Zoom tab of
the Essbase | Options screen.
For example, if you click on a member name on your spreadsheet and then click
the Sample Data (Zoom In) function, your data will be returned as follows: Let's
say there are 200 children members under the member you selected for the Sample
Data (Zoom In) function and your Zoom In function is set to Bottom Level, and
your Sampling setting is set to 100%. This Zoom In will return all 200 children
members into your spreadsheet.
Let's now say that you have the Zoom In function still set to Bottom Level but this
time you have the Sampling setting set to 10%. This Zoom In will only return the
first 20 children members into your spreadsheet. These 20 members are 10% of the
200 that are available.
The Sample Data (Zoom In) function works very well for Zoom Ins on particularly
large dimensions if you are just checking the data and do not need to see all of it.
Linking objects to your data
In Essbase it is possible to link an object, such as a file object, to a specific data cell
in the database. This object can contain information or explanations on or about
the data or it can be whatever you want it to be.
The Essbase | Linked Objects… command displays the Linked Objects Browser
dialog box. The Linked Objects Browser allows you to create or access linked
objects and displays the objects currently linked to the data cell you have selected.
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[ 271 ]
You cannot create linked objects for member combinations containing attributes.
Also, you cannot use the Linked Objects Browser dialog box in Free Form mode.
Creating graphical data representations
When you click on Essbase | Visualize & Explore… it will launch the Hyperion
Visual Explorer (HVE). This option does require a separate license but is about as
close to an off-the-shelf data dashboard as you can get.
The HVE helps you explore and analyze data in an Essbase database. But more
specifically, it provides an easy to use interface for creating graphical summaries and
reports of your data in a highly interactive user interface. These graphical summaries
answer questions about market totals, scenario versus scenario comparisons, regional
rankings, and buying trends. You can answer with visual representation, any questions
there may be regarding the data stored in your company's Essbase databases. The
results are high impact and impressive. The biggest difference between the Microsoft
Excel add-in and HVE is the Microsoft Excel add-in uses the traditional native
connection, where as the HVE uses the specialized multidimensional database query
language known as MDX. We will explain MDX in greater detail in a future chapter.
Best of all you will look like a hero using this tool and no one but you will know
how easy it was to use.
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[ 272 ]
Using the currency conversion tool
To use the Essbase | Currency Report… function you must purchase a separate
license for the Essbase currency conversion tool. Unless you have extensive currency
conversion needs there are ways to create financial data without it.
The Essbase | Currency Report… function enables you to perform ad hoc currency
conversions during data retrieval. When you select Essbase | Currency Report…
the Essbase Currency Report dialog box is displayed. If you have implemented
a currency conversion application you can use the Currency Report command to
dynamically perform currency retrievals and currency conversions.
Custom Microsoft Excel workbook reporting
The Essbase | Cascade… command allows you to replicate Microsoft Excel
worksheets using member combinations. You can have retrieved data flow across
multiple Microsoft Excel worksheets in the same Microsoft Excel workbook, or you
can create multiple cascaded Microsoft Excel workbooks stored in different locations.
When you select Essbase | Cascade… the Essbase Cascade Options dialog box
is displayed.
The Essbase Cascade Options dialog box has three tabs that allow you to set
the formatting and storage options for the cascaded reports you will create:
• Cascade Information: On this tab, you select what outline members
you want to cascade on and the zoom level you wish to zoom to.
• Destination Options: On this tab, you can choose where to store the
newly created Microsoft Excel workbooks.
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[ 273 ]
There are options for either opening existing files or overwriting them
with new ones. You can make your choices as to creating worksheets in
a workbook or creating new workbooks themselves.
Finally, there are naming options for you to take advantage of, including
prefix and suffix designations, to be used while naming your workbooks.
• Format Options: This tab allows you to choose your workbook
formatting options.
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[ 274 ]
The formatting options include choosing whether to copy the existing
workbook formatting, adding custom page headers and footers,
suppressing rows that don't contain data from your reports, and including
a table of contents with each workbook.
A final word on the Essbase add-in
After reading all of this you can see that the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel is
an incredibly powerful tool. The only thing more amazing than how powerful the
Essbase add-in really is is how easy it is to use.
Except for a few functions which require a bit of practice to become good at, every
function included in the Essbase add-in is intuitive and has comprehensive help that
is readily available.
It's also a good idea to keep in mind that as seamless as the add-in is with Microsoft
Excel, the Essbase add-in can be controlled that seamlessly using Microsoft Excel's
built-in and powerful Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). You can create powerful
applications quickly and easily with nothing more than a basic Essbase installation
and Microsoft Excel.
Using the Essbase Query Designer
The EQD is a wonderful tool within a tool that allows you to set up reports and
spreadsheets with the aid of an easy to use visual interface tool. Once you have
a query designed just the way you want it you can save it off and use it over and
over again to retrieve your data.
As mentioned earlier, one huge side benefit of the EQD is that when saving your
custom designed query, you have the option to tell the EQD to also save the query
as an Essbase report script file. Like we mentioned in the previous chapter, this
option lets you utilize the powerful and easy to use data selection functionality
of the EQD to create complicated and specific report scripts as well. Apart from
the complicated selection criteria, you can also sort the data in either ascending
or descending order, rank your data, and also filter your data based on your own
needs. It is with these report scripts and a little editing that you will find yourself
in possession of complex data extraction abilities which will allow you to feed
data to downstream systems efficiently and reliably.
Where do I find the Essbase Query Designer
The EQD can be found as a selection on the Essbase add-in menu pick that is added
to the Microsoft Excel menu toolbar when you install the add-in as shown:
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As you can see, finding and accessing the EQD was easy enough. By clicking on the
Query Designer… selection you are presented with the primary EQD screen shown
as follows:
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[ 276 ]
One look at the preceding screenshot and you will see that while the EQD is a very
powerful tool, it is also a very user-friendly tool. Oracle has made great strides in
creating tools that are intuitive and packed with instructions and help.
Now, looking at the previous screenshot, you see the screen is divided into three
panes. Each pane has its own purpose.
• The upper-right pane will always contain information, tips, or even
step-by-step instructions, pertinent to the area of the EQD you are currently in.
• The lower-right pane, on the main screen, contains brief instructions on how
to open a new query. The lower-right pane on other screens accepts input
from you as you build your query. In other words, it is in this area that you
make your selections.
• The left pane is your organizational pane and it shows you information about
the entire scope of your current Microsoft Excel session. For instance the left
pane shows you, in tree format similar to the Essbase Administration Services,
what workbooks you have open, what worksheets are available to you in
each workbook, and important database outline dimension and member
information relative to the queries you are building and the Microsoft Excel
workbooks you are building them in.
The active Microsoft Excel workbook that was open is selected in the left pane
when you start the EQD. Anytime you select a workbook in the left pane it will
display the initial, or main EQD screen.
The three other EQD screens are displayed based on what selection you have
made in the left pane.
• By clicking on any worksheet available to EQD, a tree view is displayed
in the query information screen as shown in the following screenshot:
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[ 277 ]
The query information screen contains information about the query itself
like its name, location, the database connection, and so on.
• The next screen in the EQD is the Messages and Confirmations screen.
This screen allows input from you in the form of checkbox selections.
The selections on the Messages and Confirmations screen can be
very helpful depending on how you select them. As you can see in
the preceding screenshot, the selections on the Messages and
Confirmations screen are fairly intuitive.
For example, the very first checkbox, Dimension move deletes member
selection rules, will remove member selection rules on a dimension
if you move it from a row member to a column member or vice versa,
when checked.
Likewise, the second selection, Dimension move deletes sorting
and filtering rules, will remove any sorting and/or filtering rules on
a dimension if you move it from a column member to a row member
or vice versa, when checked.
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[ 278 ]
When you read through the rest of the choices you will see they offer similar
choices that you can select, depending on how comfortable you are using the
EQD. For the most part the Messages and Confirmations selections give you
the option of message boxes popping up asking for confirmation when you
are attempting to perform a function in the query designer.
• There is the query help screen which is shown below. Again, this screen is
divided into three panes, as are the rest of the EQD screens. When you click
on the Help icon in the left pane, the screen will change to the Help screen.
Referring to the usual upper-right pane on the screen, you will see tips on
how to use the EQD help. In the lower-right pane are two buttons. These
buttons offer you the choice between stepping through an EQD tutorial or
activating the EQD online help. This screen is pretty much an intuitive screen
that you can best learn how to use by exploring on your own.
Creating a query with Essbase Query Designer
Essbase queries are associated with individual worksheets in a Microsoft Excel
workbook. This is not to say that a query cannot be used in several worksheets, it's
just that the development of a query must be associated with an individual worksheet.
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From any of the EQD screens all you need to do to begin a query is to right-click with
your mouse on any worksheet listed in any workbook that is displayed in the left or
organizational pane of any of the EQD screens. When you right-click on an available
worksheet it will display a menu as seen in the following screenshot:
From this menu you will be offered several selections. If you click on New, you
will be offered three options:
• Create a new Microsoft Excel workbook
• Insert a new worksheet into the active Microsoft Excel workbook
• Create a new Query
There are also options to Select Active Sheet, which selects the active worksheet
in the workbook. You can choose to Open Query, Retrieve data into the active
worksheet, or most importantly, Connect or Disconnect to and from the desired
Essbase database. If you are already logged in to Essbase through the active
workbook, there is no need to login again through EQD.
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[ 280 ]
Make sure you are logged in one way or another then select New | Query to begin
creating your Essbase query. The following screenshot shows how the designer will
look when you are actually creating or editing an Essbase query:
Notice how your EQD screen has changed. There are still three panes common to
all EQD screens, but while the left pane is still the organizational screen and the
upper-right pane is still the tips and tutorial pane, the lower-right pane now displays
a relational view of your database's dimensions. Essbase will drop in place the
database dimensions as it thinks they should be. Obviously you will set up your
query the way you want to.
There are three sections involved with setting up a query which are identical to
how the dimensions are selected when setting up an Essbase Report Script.
Remember, when saving an Essbase query created with EQD, you can
also have Essbase save a matching Essbase report script at the same
time. This can be a huge help in the creation of a quickly needed Report
Script which will need little, if any, additional editing to be used as
described at length in the previous chapter.
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[ 281 ]
Page dimensions
Page dimensions are members that only need to be mentioned once on the page
header and the resultant report will only contain data for that member. For example,
if you were to place the member Canada from the Total Market dimension as a page
dimension, all of the data in the report will be for the Canada market.
Row dimensions
Row dimensions are members that populate the report's row headings. For example,
if you wanted to create a report that has all of the vehicles listed on the left as row
headings, you would drag-and-drop the Total Vehicles dimension tile from the Page
Dimension section to the Row Dimension section and tell it to extract the children
of the Total Vehicles dimension.
Depending on your other choices, the resultant report will contain data displayed
with the individual vehicles listed as row headings.
Column dimensions
Just like the row dimensions, column dimensions are the members you use for the
column headings on your report. For example, a common way to set up a report that
shows a year's worth of data is to have the individual months placed horizontally
across the top of the columns. What you would do is drag-and-drop the Calendar
Periods dimension tile into the Column Dimensions section and setup the rule that
selects the desired range of months you need.
Sample query
By looking at the previous screenshot you will see that if you were to retrieve
data based on the default dimension placement, you would not get a very
informative report.
For starters, the page dimensions listed are Total Vehicles, Total Market, and Model
Year. Without any changes this will give you a report where all of the data returned
would be at the Total Vehicle, Total Market, and total Model Year level. Not a very
granular report to say the least. The fact that the Measures dimension is placed in
the Row Dimensions section and the Calendar Periods dimension is placed in the
Column Dimensions section, is the only thing saving this query.
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[ 282 ]
What if we wanted a report that showed us two years of data for all of the vehicles
Esscar builds, for all of the markets Esscar sells in, and the most current model years.
Here is what we would do:
1. Rearrange the dimension tiles into the sections (as shown in the following
screenshot). Also, notice how the left pane now shows the database dimensions
listed under the active worksheet that you are creating the query in.
2. We now define selection rules to the dimensions so they return the data we
want. Let's begin with the Page Dimensions. Double-click on the METRIC
tile in the Page Dimensions section to move to the member selection and
selection rules screen. This screen is the same as the screen shown in the
previous screenshot. However, now the lower-right pane is divided into two
sections, the Members section and the Selection Rules section. Notice how
the Members section displays the name of the dimension you double-clicked
and all of the children members. Double-click the Gross Stock member to
place it in the Selection Rules section.
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[ 283 ]
3. Next, click on the Calendar Periods dimension listed under the Column
heading in the left pane. This will populate the Members section with
the Calendar Periods dimension and its immediate children, which are
the YEAR's members.
4. Double-click on each year member to have it placed into the Selection
Rules section of the screen.
5. Right-click on each of the year members. Here you are offered a small menu
with available member selection rule criteria. The various member selection
rules criteria are as follows:
i) New Member Filter: Brings you to a new area in the EQD screens
where you are allowed to refine your data selection criteria by Level
or Generation and also add And and Or clauses.
ii) Preview…: When clicked, Preview… brings up a small window
which will display all database outline members which will be
selected by the current rule set.
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[ 284 ]
iii) Select >: This option allows you to select a definite rule, such
as all children of the given member or all descendents of a
given member.
iv) Delete Selection Rule: By clicking this option you will delete
the currently selected member selection rule.
v) Delete All Rules: By clicking this option you will delete all
rules for the active query and need to start over adding rules.
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[ 285 ]
6. Select New Member Filter as this option can give you the most control when
filtering outline members. Notice how the lower right pane of the EQD screen
changes again. This time you are allowed to create a member selection rule
based on where the members are in the outline. You can choose between Level
selection and Generation selection and also can use And or Or clauses as well.
7. In this case we will select Level 0 members for our criteria, which will return
to us all of the month members for the years we have selected.
Once you have made your selection(s) click on one of the YEAR members in
the left pane to return your screen to the previous configuration. In the next
screenshot, you will notice that the lower-right pane has the Members section
and the Selection Rules section.
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[ 286 ]
Notice in the Selection Rules section how the selected YEAR members
now have the member selection rule you applied to them.
8. Just to verify that the EQD has the correct members selected simply right-click
on either one of the year members in the Selection Rules section and click on
Preview…. You will see the following screenshot, showing you exactly which
members will be selected in this query using the rules you have defined.
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9. Well, we have our Page Dimensions and Column Dimensions set up.
All we need to do now is set up the Row Dimensions. Looking at the
organizational pane, pay attention to how we have the dimensions that are
selected as the Row Dimensions arranged. We want to create a report that
contains row information for the individual Markets, then the individual
Model Years, and finally the individual Vehicles. We do not want to display
any data at the total levels for the Row Dimensions. Using what you have
already learned about Essbase, you know that you want the data to appear
top-down in the organizational pane, much like the database outlines. Thus,
we want the Total Market dimension first, then underneath it we want the
Model Year dimension, and lastly we want the Total Vehicles dimension.
10. Begin row selection by clicking on the Total Market dimension in the left
pane of the screen. This will place the Total Market dimension into the
Members section of the lower-right pane.
11. Double-click on the Total Market dimension to place it into the Selection
Rules section of the member selection pane.
12. Right-click on the Total Market dimension in the Selection Rules section
and choose Select then Children. This will give you all of the children of the
Total Market dimension without giving you the Total Market member itself.
13. Now do the same as in the previous three steps for the Model Year and Total
Vehicles dimensions.
14. Once completed your query should look like the following screenshot:
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15. Now to test your query you simply right-click on the Microsoft Excel
worksheet that you are designing the query under and click on Apply Query.
The data with the layout you defined will be pulled into the Microsoft Excel
worksheet. Remember to also save your query with the same rules as any
Essbase file object. You now have a reusable query that you can use anytime
by simply opening through EQD and running it.
16. Oh yes when you save the query, Essbase saves it with an .eqd extension
and at the same time saves the query as the equivalent Essbase report script
with a .rep file extension. The actual query can only be opened by the EQD
but the report script can be opened by any ASCII text editor and modified
for use with any report script execution method described earlier.
Report script by-product
Previously, we explained the Essbase report script and its usefulness as a reporting
tool or as a method of creating extract data from your Essbase database. A desirable
and welcome by-product of an Essbase query created with the EQD is a matching
Essbase report script.
One of the easiest ways to create an Essbase report script is to use the EQD to
design what you would like your report or extract file to look like, then use the
simultaneously generated report script file to use and modify as needed. This
is your basic Essbase report script:
// This Report Script was generated by the Essbase Query Designer
<SETUP { TabDelimit } { decimal 13 } { IndentGen -5 } <ACCON <SYM
<COLUMN("Calendar Periods")
<ROW("Total Market","Model Year","Total Vehicles")
// Page Members
// Selection rules and output options for dimension: METRIC
"Gross Stock"
// Column Members
// Selection rules and output options for dimension: Calendar
<Link ((<LEV("Calendar Periods", "Lev0,Calendar Periods")) AND (
<Link ((<LEV("Calendar Periods", "Lev0,Calendar Periods")) AND (
// Row Members
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// Selection rules and output options for dimension: Total Market
<Link (<CHILD("Total Market"))
// Selection rules and output options for dimension: Model Year
<Link (<CHILD("Model Year"))
// Selection rules and output options for dimension: Total Vehicles
<Link (<CHILD("Total Vehicles"))
// End of Report
In this case, we see by looking at the script, that the page dimension is the METRIC
dimension, the column dimension is the Calendar Periods dimension, and the
row dimensions are Total Market, Model Year, and Total Vehicles. This will give
us a report where the column headings are members from the Calendar Periods
dimension, the row headings will be members from the Total Market, Model Year,
and Total Vehicles dimensions.
Reading further we also see that since the page dimension is the METRIC dimension,
the exact member used is the Gross Stock member.
Continuing down we see that the column headers will be the zero level members
of the Calendar Periods dimension and the children of 2009 and 2010.
Lastly, the row headings will consist specifically of the children of Total Market,
the children of Model Year, and the children of Total Vehicles.
You can execute this script in Microsoft Excel by simply pasting the code directly
into a Microsoft Excel worksheet or you can execute it from an Essbase command
script or a MaxL script or even an Essbase API call.
Now any modifications can easily be made to a script that you know works perfectly.
As with all of the other Essbase features that we have gone over in this book, the
EQD is intuitive and easy to use. We highly recommend you take the time to play
with it and create many queries.
Always pay attention to the informational pane on the EQD screens as it will
always adjust to the area you are working in and provide pertinent tips and help.
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[ 290 ]
Well, there you have it! In this chapter we have learned how you can generate
reports using the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel or Visual Explorer or Essbase
Query Designer, as well as the capabilities of each type of reporting. What we
recommend now is to just start playing with the add-in. Try creating custom data
sheets by first performing simple retrieves. Then, as you become more comfortable
and confident, you can begin setting up advanced row and column headings by
using the double-click and pivoting functions or by using the fully functional Essbase
Member Selection tool to populate your spreadsheet's row and column headings.
Once you've become adept at setting up good looking spreadsheets and reports,
you can start playing around with retrieving data into your sheets, then Locking
and Sending the data back to the database.
Next up, is how to automate your Essbase database system. We will show you
an assortment of functionality options included in your Essbase package that
allow you to automate routine tasks, from the very basic and menial, to the large
and complex. You can turn everyday chores into automatically running batch jobs
that do everything from dynamically adding dimension members to the database
outline, to loading and calculation data, to actually building presentation and
analysis cubes.
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Automating your Essbase Cube
If you've made it this far and you're still coherent, congratulations! Upto now there has been a tremendous amount of information for you to absorb, all of it necessary. With all that we have presented to you to this point you should be able to take your Essbase journey from a complete installation to a fully functioning Essbase database.
Complimenting your fully functioning Essbase database is your knowledge of the many ways to load and calculate the data in your Essbase database. You also have a good understanding of how to utilize the powerful Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel, allowing you to interact with your database and the data contained in it.
In this chapter you will learn that many of the routine tasks required to keep
your Essbase system functioning at its best can be automated. Further, many
of the routine administrative tasks can be automated and the functionality then provided to your business customers so they can perform for themselves many
of the administrative duties that pertain to their business operations. Some of
these types of tasks include adding new users, granting permissions, executing
data loads, and running database calculations.
This chapter is divided into three main sections and each section speaks to a
different method that can be used to automate Essbase functions and commands.
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[ 292 ]
In the first section, we discuss the Essbase command scripts, or Ess-Commands, or
simply EssCmds. The Essbase command scripting functionality is a holdover from
the very earliest versions of Essbase and was rumored to be phased out completely
in Essbase versions higher than version 9.x. We have since found out that Essbase
version 11.x will now contain EssCmd functionality to give you more time to
convert your scripts to the newer MaxL scripting language. The new MaxL scripting
language has replaced EssCmd and provides superior functionality and ease of use.
Although we are covering Essbase command scripts here we recommend you use
the new MaxL scripting language and the Essbase API instead, especially if you are
developing a new system.
The second section is where we discuss the Essbase MaxL scripting language
which has been developed to not only replace the aging Essbase command
scripting language, but also offer enhanced functionality while providing less
cryptic and easier to use command words.
In the third section, we discuss the Essbase Application Programming Interface or
API. The Essbase API has evolved over the successive versions into a very powerful
set of tools for the developer. What top of the line application package does not
include a complete array of API tools? You just have to figure that Essbase would
have one of the best available.
The Essbase API can be accessed from Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications,
known as VBA, and included with all Microsoft Office components. The API
can also be accessed from Visual Basic and COM+ applications, and the API can
also be accessed from Java programs. All in all it is a very versatile and extremely
useful tool to have in your Essbase toolbox!
Essbase command scripts (EssCmd)
EssCmd is a command-line Essbase interface that can perform operations interactively
through a command-line window or through a batch or script file. EssCmd operates
independently of any other Essbase analytic services interface, including the EAS tool,
the Essbase add-in, or any custom-built application programs.
The Essbase command scripting language, affectionately known as Ess-Command or
just EssCmd, is a highly functional set of tools that are used to automate many tasks
in the world of Essbase. Although EssCmd has been phased out in the latest versions
of Essbase it's still a good idea that you become familiar with EssCmd and what
you can do with it. If you ever inherit an existing system that is still using an older
version of Essbase chances are that it will have lots of EssCmds in use.
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For starters an Essbase command script file object is actually an ASCII text file with
a file extension of .scr. As with all Essbase objects you must follow the naming
conventions we have previously discussed.
All Essbase file objects can be named using upto 8 characters,
can have no spaces in the name, and must be located in a
folder or directory path that does not contain spaces.
Creating an Essbase command script
There is only one way to create a usable EssCmd. Because an EssCmd file object
is actually an ASCII text file you can open any text editor and begin entering
commands. The text editor is also how you would modify an existing Essbase
command script.
Although there is no formal EssCmd script editor supplied with Essbase there is
comprehensive help included in the online help that is supplied with the EAS tool.
To access this excellent EssCmd resource simply click Help | Information Map
to open your web browser and bring up the following screenshot:
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From the Essbase Administration Services Information Map screen, click
the Technical Reference link under the Reference column, to bring up the
following screenshot:
On the Technical Reference Overview screen you will see help topics listed for most
of the technical aspects of Essbase, its peripheral functions, and its services. From this
screen you can click on the EssCmd link to access step-by-step instructions on how
to create, edit, and execute an Essbase command script.
Begin by opening a blank text file and saving it with the .scr file extension.
Please use these files with caution. In a Windows-based
system, a file with the .scr extension is usually associated
with a screensaver file type.
When opening an EssCmd file, it is best to open your text
editor and use the File | Open method to open an Essbase
command script.
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EssCmd commands and categories
There are over 120 distinct EssCmd commands that do everything from running
report scripts and calculation scripts to database outline maintenance and security.
The following screenshot shows a complete listing of available EssCmd commands:
The command list can be rather intimidating to look at but we assure you that all
of the EssCmd commands are easily understandable and simple to use. To help you
become familiar with the commands and their function, Essbase also groups them
by category.
The basic categories of the EssCmd commands are as follows:
• Using EssCmd: These commands are used to log in and out of EssCmd, view
command lists, pause EssCmd execution, and direct command script output.
• Application and database administration: These commands are used
to perform database creations and routine administration, and to get
information about existing applications and databases.
• User/Group security: Use these commands to perform user ID and
access group maintenance and administration.
• Security filters and locks: These commands can list, copy, and
rename database security access filters, and also remove database locks.
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• Database objects: These commands are used to list database objects and
their lock statuses, if any. Also, you can copy and rename database objects,
and view or remove URLs, cell notes, or database partitions linked to
the database.
• Outline/Attribute information: Use these commands to view outline
member information, member attribute information, current attribute
naming specifications, and to view the outline paging information.
• Dimension building: This group of commands can be used to build
one or more dimensions from data files or SQL sources. You can
build multiple dimensions incrementally and decide how you want
the database restructured after the dimension build is complete.
• Data loading, clearing, and exporting: Use these commands to load
your data from files or from individual records or to clear all data
from a database or to export and import data to and from text files.
• Calculating: These commands can be used to run calc scripts, execute
one or more calc strings, run or change the default database calculation,
and view information about calcs associated with outline members.
• Reporting: Use these commands to execute report scripts or to run one
or more report strings individually.
• Partitioning: This group of commands can be used to load or unload
data from a database partition or even produce a text file version of a
partition mapping.
• Outline synchronization: These commands are actually used in conjunction
with partitioned databases to keep the target database outline synchronized
with changes made to the source database outline.
• Error and log handling: Use these commands to set conditional or
unconditional error branching from EssCmd scripts, redirection of process
information output, specifying what level of detail messages are displayed
in, and clearing the application log file when necessary.
• Currency conversion information: These commands are used to get
information about currency databases linked to the currently selected database.
• Location aliases: These commands manage location aliases used in a
distributed analytic services environment. Location aliases are names
that are used in place of server addresses, applications, databases, user IDs,
and passwords.
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• Substitution variables: Use these commands to manage any substitution
variables. Substitution variables are placeholders for information that
changes regularly. Use them in calc scripts, report scripts, and the
spreadsheet add-in to avoid hard coding.
• Aliases: These commands manage and, display the values of alias tables
for database outlines. Alias tables contain a listing of member names and
their alternate names, or aliases.
• Integrity and performance: These commands are used to check database
statistics and validate databases against possible corruption.
• Backing up: Use these commands to place one or more
Application|Databases into Read Only mode in preparation for archiving
or backup.
Well, there you have it! In a nutshell you have all of the Essbase command script
categories. For complete details on how to code each function and what task it
performs please refer to the Essbase Administration Services Information Map
that you access from the EAS Help menu pick. There you will find a complete
command list with specific details on how to code each function.
Coding a basic EssCmd
Even though you should no longer be writing new Essbase command scripts we
would remiss if we did not at least go over the basics. The following instructions
will guide you through writing a basic Essbase command script so you will have
at least a working knowledge level in case you need it.
Always remember EssCmd logging
First and foremost, in any EssCmd script is the inclusion of script logging. A good
output log is invaluable for helping to debug any problems.
The first line in any EssCmd script should be the OUTPUT command. This command
toggles on or off the script logging and also allows you to specify where to put the
log as shown here:
OUTPUT 1 "c:\EssCmd.log"; /* The 1 specifies turning job log output
on and then you code the log's location */
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Connecting to an Essbase server
Obviously, you will need to be connected to an Essbase server to perform any tasks
or functions. In EssCmd there are two ways to login to the server. If your script will
only be accessing one specific Essbase database you can code your login command
as follows:
LOGIN ServerName userID Password appName dbName;
This command will log you into a specific Essbase Application|Database, and you will
need to log out before you can connect to another Application|Database. The appName
and dbName parameters are optional however, and if you plan on performing tasks
against several Application|Databases you would login like this:
LOGIN hostNode userName password;
SELECT appName dbName;
The term hostNode refers to the specific server name or IP address of the Essbase
server you wish to connect to.
Using the LOGIN then SELECT method to login allows you to change the
Application|Database at any time in your script by using another occurrence
of the SELECT command.
Your EssCmd script should now look like this:
OUTPUT 1 "c:\EssCmd.log"; /* The 1 specifies turning job log output
on and then you code the logs location */
LOGIN hostNode userName password; /* Connect to Essbase server */
SELECT appName dbName; /* Connect to specific application/database */
What about error checking
Before we go too much further, we should stress the importance of error checking.
Lucky for us the EssCmd library includes an IFERROR command that acts as a GOTO
for errors. This can be very important if the next command in a script is dependent
on the successful completion of the previous command. Having your script halt
execution on an error can prevent all kinds of grief.
It is a good idea to follow all commands in the script with the IFERROR command
and you can add your error checking as shown:
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
:ERROR /* Script skips to here and resumes execution */
EXIT; /* In this case we exit the script */
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Once you have added your error checking, your fledgling script should look like
the script below:
OUTPUT 1 "c:\EssCmd.log"; /* The 1 specifies turning job log output
on and then you code the log's
location */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
LOGIN hostNode userName password; /* Connect to Essbase server */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
SELECT appName dbName; /* Connect to specific application|database */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
*** Add functional commands here ***
OUTPUT 3; /* Turns off script logging */
LOGOUT; /* Logs out the script and exits */
:ERROR /* On an error the script branches to here and
resumes execution */
EXIT; /* In this case we exit the script */
Adding some functional commands
So now you have an EssCmd script that when executed, will turn on logging, log in
to a specified Essbase server, select a specified Essbase Application|Database, turn
off logging, and log out, all the while checking for errors in the command execution.
You now need to add some commands to the script which will actually do some work!
How about if we load a specific Essbase application and database into memory? We
will then run the default calculation script against that database. Next, we will unload
the database and the application from server memory to conserve system resources.
And finally, we will log out and the script will terminate.
To the example script above, we want to add the following commands:
LOADAPP appName; /* Loads the specified application into memory */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
LOADDB appName dbName; /* Loads the specified database into memory */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
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CALCDEFAULT; /* Executes the default calculation on the selected
database */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
UNLOADDB appName dbName; /* Unloads the specified database
from memory */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
UNLOADAPP appName; /* Unloads the specified application from memory */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
Now, let's add these lines to the rest of the script and see what a complete EssCmd
script looks like.
The finished script
Here is what your EssCmd script should look like with all of the commands added.
It is ready to execute and in the next section, we will discuss the ways to execute an
Essbase Command script.
OUTPUT 1 "c:\EssCmd.log"; /* The 1 specifies turning job log output
on and then you code the log's
location */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
LOGIN hostNode userName password; /* Connect to Essbase server */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
SELECT appName dbName; /* Connect to specific application/database */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
LOADAPP appName; /* Loads the specified application into memory */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
LOADDB appName dbName; /* Loads the specified database into memory */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
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CALCDEFAULT; /* Executes the default calculation on the selected
database */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
UNLOADDB appName dbName; /* Unloads the specified database
from memory */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
UNLOADAPP appName; /* Unloads the specified application from memory */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
OUTPUT 3; /* Turns off script logging */
LOGOUT; /* Logs out the script and exits */
:ERROR /* Script branches to here and resumes execution on error */
OUTPUT 3; /* Turns off script logging */
EXIT; /* In this case we exit the script */
Remember, all command lines must end with a semi-colon. If you wish to add
comments to the script, you would follow the example below using a /* to begin a
comment and a */ to end a comment:
/* This is an EssCmd comment line */
Executing an EssCmd
There are two easy ways to execute Essbase Commands. First, there is the interactive
command line processing where you are logging in and executing commands from
the DOS command prompt. Second, is the batch processing method, where you
actually launch a batch job from either your desktop PC or on an application server.
Let's continue and learn a little bit more about each method.
EssCmd processing from command prompt
Interactive Essbase command prompt mode lets you interactively enter commands
at the EssCmd command line and receive short responses. Interactive command line
mode is convenient and preferable for short operations that require few commands,
no checking for information on the fly, and little error checking.
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In interactive mode you manually enter commands on the command line and
respond to returned prompts. This is useful when you are performing simple tasks
that require few commands. If you are performing more complex tasks that require
many commands as well as error handling, consider creating an EssCmd script file
to run in a batch job. To launch the EssCmd command line application simply open
a DOS command line window and enter the fully qualified path and file name for
the esscmd.exe as shown in the following screenshot:
If you have Essbase installed on a Windows client you can register
the esscmd.exe file as you would a DLL. The registration process
alerts you that is has failed yet it still registers the executable.
The benefit here is that you can now call the esscmd.exe by its
name only. No extension or path needs to be included. This makes
starting a command line session easier and if you register it on your
application server as well, then it makes coding batch jobs and shell
commands easier too.
Once you have entered the esscmd.exe command in the command line screen
you will see the following:
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You now have opened the Essbase Command Mode Interface. At the command
prompt, you can begin entering commands. We suppose the first thing you should
do is log in to an Essbase analytic server or else you will just sit there.
You enter your commands exactly as you would type them into an EssCmd script
file as illustrated previously in this chapter. Also, remember to always terminate
a command line with a semi-colon, just as is required in an EssCmd script file.
EssCmd processing in batch mode
Essbase command batch processing mode lets you automate your routine analytic
services maintenance and diagnostic tasks for the server, applications, and databases.
You can write a script or batch file and run it from the command line. Or you can call
a script from a batch job and run it fully automated.
Batch processing mode is convenient if you frequently use a particular series of
repeated commands or if your tasks require many commands and the ability to
test for processing errors.
A batch file is an operating system file that can call EssCmd scripts and can also
include operating system commands. You can use one batch file to run multiple
sessions of EssCmd. This can be a licensing consideration since multiple EssCmd
connections connected through the same EssCmd session count as only one license
port, thereby saving on potentially expensive system licensing.
You can run a batch file on the analytic server from the operating system command
prompt and the file is processed by the operating system. On Windows and Windows
NT systems, batch files have .bat file extensions. These files can also be scheduled to
run automatically from the Task Scheduler, thus fully automating your processes.
To run an Essbase EssCmd script from the DOS command line prompt, simply
enter the fully qualified path to the EssCmd script file as shown:
The line above will execute the EssCmd script file named Batch.SCR.
To have a batch file execute an Essbase EssCmd script, you would place a line
like the following line in a .bat file and execute the batch file:
Well there you have it! You may be wondering why such a relatively easy to use
set of powerful tools would be getting phased out but just wait until you read the
next section on Essbase MaxL scripts. The MaxL scripts are replacing the Essbase
command scripts and are a more powerful, easier to use, intuitive, and interactive
scripting tool for Essbase.
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Essbase MaxL scripts
MaxL is a Multidimensional Access Language developed for Essbase analytics. MaxL,
as it is known, is a powerful scripting tool developed for the system administrator of
Essbase to perform administrative tasks from the creation of a new user, to adding
new security filters, to updating the database outline, to importing data, to executing
calculation scripts, and finally to the deletion of a database or an application.
These tasks are very important to do, but remember, if you make a mistake in one
of these scripts your entire database cube and all of the data can be lost. Please use
extreme caution while executing MaxL statements.
MaxL statements are case sensitive and must always end with a semi-colon.
MaxL supports most of the tasks and functions that you can perform in the EssCmd
scripting language and it also supports all of the new functionalities that have been
added to the newer versions of Essbase. EssCmd is used extensively in the older
versions of Essbase and MaxL is highly recommended for the newer versions of
Essbase. EssCmd does not support some of the newer features like ASO and Essbase
database security filters.
The MaxL scripting language uses a statement construct syntax which has its
own grammar. Every MaxL statement consists of verbs and objects.
Some of the verbs used in a typical MaxL statement are:
• Alter
• Create
• Display
• Drop
• Execute
• Import
• Export
• Grant
• Query
• Refresh
Some of the objects used in a MaxL statement are:
• Application
• Database
• Dimensions
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• Calculation
• Data
• Filter
• Location Alias
• Aggregate Build
• Aggregate Process
• Calculation
• Outline
• Partitions
• Tablespace
• Session
The following screenshot shows you the list of all of the available MaxL statements:
Let's walk through some of the MaxL statements which will be used in the
day-to-day life of an Essbase administrator.
Logging on to the Essbase server
Obviously, the first step that is required to use MaxL is to log on to the Essbase
server. Here is a step-by-step demonstration of how to log on to an Essbase analytic
server using MaxL statements.
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<USERNAME> /* enter your user name or batch id */
Identified by
<PASSWORD> /* enter your password or batch password */
<HOSTNAME> /*enter the server name */
Code Sample:
login <USERNAME> identified by <PASSWORD> on <HOSTNAME>;
Guess what? You have just written your first MaxL statement. Did we say something
new here? Well, we have learned a little bit about a few MaxL statements in earlier
chapters of this book, but here we are discussing MaxL for the sole purpose of learning
how to use the MaxL scripting language and all of the benefits these commands can
bring to the Essbase administrator.
Working with an Essbase application in MaxL
As a part of your weekly or monthly maintenance, you may have routine tasks to
perform on the application level. Guess what? You can easily execute repetitive tasks
using the MaxL scripting language. A word of caution, the user who performs these
MaxL actions should have System Designer access or higher.
At the application level you can do some very important actions with MaxL. You can
create a new application on the analytic server or you can create a copy of an existing
application. You can also alter an application, display an application, and finally
even drop an application. Let us see how we can use each of these actions in
a MaxL script.
Creating an application
Using the MaxL scripting language you can either create a new application or copy
an existing application. You may wonder why we would need to create an application
by using a MaxL script. Well we may need to create a yearly MaxL job which requires
you to copy an existing application to a new application as a backup, but also you will
need to create a new application to replace the old application for the new year's cycle.
Both of these tasks, creating a new application and copying an existing application can
be done using the MaxL Create statement as shown in the syntax and code sample
as follows:
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create application 'Application_Name' type 'Mode' as 'Application_
Name ' comment 'Comment-String';
'Application_Name': Name of the new application should be upto 8 characters
long as with all Essbase database objects.
type: Indicates whether this application is to be Unicode or not with the default
being is non-Unicode mode. Unicode is a system of assigning a unique number to
each character regardless of the language or platform. When a database is created
using the Unicode convention, users from all parts of the globe, using all different
character sets can use your Essbase system without worry of data corruption.
As 'Application_name' [optional]: Name of the existing application which
will be copied to the new application.
comment 'Comment-String' [optional: This is a comment which is given to
the application and can be viewed in the application properties screen.
Example 1: In the following example, we are creating a new application. Since we
did not mention the Unicode mode, by default, it will be created as a non-Unicode
Create application ESSCARNW comment 'New Esscar Application';
Example 2: In the next example, we are creating a new application which is same
as the existing application and will be for the purpose of an application backup.
Create application ESSCARBK as ESSCAR comment 'Back up of Esscar
Now that you have seen how we can create an application using a MaxL statement,
let us see how we can use the alter application statement in MaxL.
Altering the application
With the alter statement, you can set the properties for an application, add, modify,
or drop a substitution variable, load or unload an application, enable or disable
application start up commands, add an application comment, or clear an application
log file.
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Keep the following screenshot in mind when you are looking at the MaxL alter
application command examples that follow. For reference, whatever that is
performed in the script can also be performed through the Application Properties
screen accessed through the EAS tool.
Let's look at a few more commonly used alter statements.
Using the SET properties statement
You can set an application's properties using the alter and set statements. Some
of the set commands are:
• set minimum permission: Grants all authorized users a minimum
application permissions level which is valid for all of the databases under
this application. This command directly corresponds to the Minimum access
level setting in the Application Properties screen on the General tab.
alter application <App-Name> set minimum permission <READ |
Code Sample:
alter application 'ESSCAR' set minimum permission read;
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• set lock_timeout after: This is the maximum time a user can maintain
a database lock if idle. The default lock time out is 60 minutes.
alter application <App-Name> set lock_timeout after integer
Code Sample:
alter application 'ESSCAR' set lock_timeout after 75 minutes;
• set max_lro_file_size: You can set a maximum file size of an LRO.
This can be either unlimited, or you can specify a file size.
alter application <App-Name> set max_lro_file_size
Code Sample:
alter application 'ESSCAR' set max_lro_file_size 32768b;
This code sets the maximum LRO file size to 32KB.
• set type unicode_mode: You can convert a non-Unicode into a
Unicode mode.
Remember, you cannot convert a Unicode application
to a non-Unicode application. However, you can
convert a non-Unicode application to Unicode.
alter application <App-Name> set type unicode_mode;
Code Sample:
alter application 'ESSCAR' set type unicode_mode;
Using load/unload database
These commands will load and unload the databases into or out of system memory.
alter application <App-Name> load database <Db-Name>;
alter application <App-Name> unload database <Db-Name>;
Code Sample:
alter application 'ESSCAR' load database 'ESSCAR';
alter application 'ESSCAR' unload database 'ESSCAR';
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Clear application log
A good practice for an Essbase administrator would be to clear the application log as
often as possible. If the application log file is allowed to get too large users, a marked
decrease in system performance is seen. The good news for the Essbase administrator
is that there is no need to log on to the Essbase server through EAS to clear the log
file. The system administrator can write a MaxL script and use it to clear the log file
on a weekly basis. Be sure to back up the log file for audit trails according to your
company's standards.
alter application <App-Name> clear logfile;
Enable/Disable start up/auto startup
In an application's properties you can set the application to start whenever the
Essbase server is started or you can start an application at the first user request
to log on. These properties can be set by the administrator with a MaxL command.
startup /* Allow user to start Application */
If startup is enabled, the users can start the application upon log on. If startup
is set to disabled, the users will not be able to log on, if the application is not
already started.
alter application <App-Name> enable startup;
alter application <App-Name> disbale startup;
autostartup /* Start Application when Essbase Analytical Server
starts */
If autostartup is enabled, the application will start as soon as the Essbase analytic
server is started. If autostartup is disabled, the application will not start when
the Essbase analytic server is started.
alter application <App-Name> enable autostartup;
alter application <App-Name> disable autostartup;
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The MaxL alter statements are some of the more commonly used MaxL statements.
Do not let this give you any indication as to the usefulness of every single available
MaxL command. You may go for years and never use a command that someone else
uses every day. As an Essbase administrator it is upto you to decide what works best
in your individual situation.
Display application
This statement displays all of the information about all of the applications on
the server or you can specify a specific application.
display application all;
display application <app-name>;
Drop application
The drop application command will drop an empty application. To remove an
application that has databases in it, use the cascade option and if some of the objects
are locked, then you can use the force option.
drop application <App-Name> cascade;
drop application <App-Name>cascade force;
Working with an Essbase database from MaxL
In the Database MaxL object, you can use the same verbs like Alter, Create, Display,
and Drop as you have used in the alter application statements, but these are at the
database level.
Just like the MaxL statements that are used for altering an Essbase application,
there are many MaxL commands that are used to alter an Essbase database as well.
And, just like the application level MaxL commands, the database level commands
directly correspond to the settings available to you through the EAS tool.
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As you are reading through the examples we have used in the following section,
keep in mind the details from the following screenshot that shows the Database
Properties screen.
Let's see how each of these MaxL verbs will be used in the Essbase database object.
Creating or replacing a database
Using a MaxL statement you can create a new standard database or a new
currency database. With the create statement you can also make a copy of
an existing database.
This statement is for a standard Essbase database:
create database <app-name.db-name>;
This statement is for a currency Essbase database:
create currency database <app-name.db-name>;
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Code Sample:
create database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSNEW';
replace database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSBKP' as 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR';
create database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSBKP' as 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR';
Altering a database
Just like the application alter command there is an alter command for the databases.
How about we walk through some of the more commonly used ALTER commands?
Enable/Disable commands
These MaxL commands are used to enable or disable some of the more commonly
updated Essbase database properties.
This syntax shows how to enable/disable Essbase database properties:
alter database <Dbs-name> enable | disable two_pass_calc |
aggregate_missing | startup | autostartup | compression >;
Code Sample:
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' enable autostartup;
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' enable two_pass_calc;
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' disable startup;
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' disable aggregate_missing;
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' enable autostartup;
Archive commands
An Essbase database can be archived to a file. These MaxL commands are used for
archiving a database. Use the begin archive to file to begin the archive export
and end archive to end the archive export of the database. We will talk more about
archiving in the next chapter.
alter database <db-name> begin archive to file <File-name>;
alter database end archive;
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Set commands
In MaxL, you can also use the set commands. Some of the most widely used set
commands are retrieve_buffer_size, data_cache_size, index_cache_size,
currency_conversion minimum permission, compression, lock_timeout,
implicit_commit_after n blocks, and many more.
Some syntax and code samples are listed below for the set commands.
alter database <Db-name> set <SET-COMMAND>;
Code Sample:
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' set data_cache_size 4096;
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' set retrieve_buffer_size 15360;
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' set currency_database
'ESSCAR'.'ESSCURR'; /* This links a Standard database to its
currency database */
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' set compression zlib;
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' set note 'DATA IS UPATED on
Reset database
In MaxL, you can clear the data, LRO objects, and the entire outline in one single
statement. Use extreme caution while using this command as there is no undo
function to save you.
alter database <Db-Name> reset <all | data>;
Code Sample:
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' reset all;
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' reset data;
Rename database
Using the alter statement, you can also rename the database to a new name.
alter database <Db-name> rename to <new Db-name>;
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[ 315 ]
Code Sample:
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' rename to 'ESSCARN';
These are some of the commands that you can perform using the ALTER database.
Display database
With MaxL you can display all of the pertinent information about a database in one
easy command.
display database <all | Db-Name | on application App-name>;
Code Sample:
display database;
display database all;
display database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR';
Drop database
This command is used to delete Essbase databases and if a database has some of
its objects locked, then also use the FORCE parameter to unlock those objects.
drop database <Db-Name>;
Code Sample:
drop database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSNEW';
drop database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSNEW' force;
Working with data in MaxL
With MaxL statements you can also import data into an Essbase database or export
data from the Essbase database to a text file. These two statements are powerful
statements and are very widely used.
The import statement not only imports data into the Essbase cube, it is also used t
o update dimensions in the outline.
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import database <app-name>.<db-name>
data | dimension: data is used when we are loading data into the cube. Use
dimension for updating dimension in the outline.
connect as <Database Username>: Since we are loading the data from a relational
database, please specify the user name here.
IDENTIFIED BY <Database password): Specify your relational database password.
USING (Information about the Rules File)
LOCAL | SERVER: Location of the rules file
RULE FILE NAME: Name of the rule file
ON ERROR APPEND TO (error File information)
ERROR FILE NAME: Path for error file C:/book/dataload.err
Code Sample:
import database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' data
connect as 'hypuser' identified by 'password'
using server rules_file 'dSales'
on error write to 'C:/book/dataload.err';
The export MaxL statement is used to export the level 0 data, all of the data, or just
the input data from the Essbase cube into a text file. This function is mainly used for
data retention as per company policy or backing up critical data.
export database <app-name>.<db-name>;
all | level 0 | input: all indicates all levels of data, level 0 indicates only leaf
node data which excludes the aggregated data, and input indicates only input data.
data in columns to data_file <File-name>;
Code Sample:
export database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' all data to data_file 'C:/book/
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Working with database calculations in MaxL
Using MaxL you can also create database calculation files, display the list of calc files,
drop calc files, and execute calc files.
Create calculation
MaxL statements let you create a new calc file or copy an existing calc file from
another application on the server.
create calculation <Calc-name> <Calc-string | as calc-name>
Code Sample:
Upon execution of the above code a new calc script named ESSCALC will be created
within the ESSCAR application.
Display calculation
The display MaxL statement will display the calculation scripts on the
analytic server.
display calculation <all | <Calc-name> | on application <App-name>
| on database <Db-Name>>;
Code Sample:
display calculation all;
display calculation on application 'ESSCAR';
Execute calculation
The execute calculation MaxL statement will run the specified calc script.
execute calculation < Calc-name > | Calc-name on database Db-String
| Calc – String on Db-Name | default.;
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Code Sample:
execute calculation 'ESSBCAR'.'ESSCAR'.'ESSCALC';
execute calculation 'CALC DIM(PRODCTS,MARKET)' on 'ESSACAR'.'ESSCAR';
Drop calculation
The drop calculation MaxL statement will delete the existing named calc script.
drop calculation < Calc-name >;
Code Sample:
drop calculation 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR'.'ESSCALC';
Working with user privileges in MaxL
Using MaxL statements, the database administrator can create, edit, display, drop,
and grant privileges to user IDs.
The basic accesses you can grant to a user ID are the same as defined in either
the application properties or the database properties.
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Looking at the previous screenshot you can see the choices provided to you for
default access to the Essbase applications or databases. The only difference is if you
set the access at the application level, the user will have the selected level of access
for all databases within the application. If you grant this same level of access at the
database level the ID will have this level of access only at the database level for
which it was given.
Create user
Using the MaxL statement, you can create a new user, assign a default password,
and associate the user with a database access group.
create user <user-name> identified by <password> as <EXISTING
USERNAME> | member of group <group-name>;
Code Sample:
create user essuser identified by essinit member of group esssales;
Alter user
The alter MaxL statement lets the administrator edit a user such as: change the
group, remove the user from a group, enable the password, disable the password,
and reset the user.
alter user <user-name> add to group <Group-name>; /* Adds an
existing user to an access group */
alter user <user-name> remove from group <Group-name>; /* Removes
an existing user from an access group */
alter user <user-name> rename to <new user-name>; /* Renames an
existing user to a new user name */
alter user <user-name> enable; /* Reactivate the user's ID */
alter user <user-name> disable; /* Disable the user ID */
alter user <user-name> set_password <new-password>; /* Set a new
password for a specified user ID */
alter user <user-name> set_password_reset_days <integer> days | none
| immediate | exact; /* Set the password time to live in days */
alter user <user-name> reset; /* This statement resets the user
ID. If the user ID is locked then it will be unlocked.
Unsuccessful password attempts will set to 0 */
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Code Sample:
alter user 'HYPUSER' add to group ESSPROFIT;
alter user 'HYPUSER" RESET;
Display user
The display user MaxL statement will display the user information like username,
last logon date, enables, and password reset days remaining.
display user all | <User-name> | in group (all | <Group-name>);
Code Sample:
display user all;
display user in group all;
display user in group ESSPROFIT;
Drop user
The drop user MaxL statement will delete the existing user.
drop user <user-name>;
Code Sample:
drop user ESSUSER;
Grant user
The grant user MaxL statement will grant permissions to the user.
| FILTER <Filter-name> | EXECUTE <Calc-name> TO <User-name> | <Groupname>;
Code Sample:
grant user administrator to Sarma;
grant user no_access to Joe;
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Working at the System level with MaxL
The database administrator is sometimes required to clear the Essbase log, unload
all the application from the memory, or kill a process which is running. All of these
statements can also be performed by the system MaxL statement. The system MaxL
statement has only two actions to alter or display information.
Alter system properties
Using the alter system MaxL statement, you will be able to load and unload
an application on the server, clear the Essbase log file, set invalid login limit, set
password reset days, enable/disable Unicode, log out all or a specific user session.
These changes are all updated at the analytic server level.
Let's see some of the alter system statements in use.
alter system load application all | <App-Name>;
alter system unload application all | <App-Name>;
alter system clear logfile;
alter system logout session all | <Session-id> | by user <User-name>
| on application <App-Name> | on database <Db-Name>;
alter system enable unicode;
alter system disable unicode;
Code Sample:
alter system load application 'ESSCAR';
alter system logout session by user 'SARMA';
Display system properties
The display system MaxL statement displays the information about
the Essbase server.
display system version | ports_in_use | expost_directory
| license_info;
Code Sample:
display system all;
display system ports_in_use;
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Substitution variables
Substitution variables can also be updated by using MaxL statements and
commands. The following commands adding, updating, and dropping the
substitution variables can be at the application, database, or the server level.
• add variable: This is used to create a new Substitution Variable.
Adding variables at Application level—these can be accessed by only
the application specified.
alter application <App-Name> add variable <variable-Name>
Adding variables at Database level—these can be accessed by only
the database specified.
alter database <App-Name>.<db-name> add variable
<variable-Name> <variable-value>;
Adding variables at the System level – these can be accessed by all of
the applications that reside on the Essbase server
alter system add variable <variable-Name> <variable-value>;
Code Samples:
alter application 'ESSCAR' add variable 'sCurrMonth' '200902';
alter database 'ESSCAR'. 'ESSCAR' add variable 'sCurrMonth'
alter system add variable 'sCurrMonth' '200902';
• set variable: This is used to update the value of an existing Substitution
Variable. If the variable is not defined, then use add variable first to create
a new Substitution Variable.
Setting variables at the application level
alter application <App-Name> set variable <variable-Name>
Setting variables at the database level
alter database <App-Name>.<db-name> set variable <variable-Name>
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Setting variables at the System level
alter system set variable <variable-Name> <variable-value>;
Code Samples:
alter application 'ESSCAR' set variable 'sCurrMonth' '200902';
alter database 'ESSCAR'. 'ESSCAR' set variable 'sCurrMonth'
alter system set variable 'sCurrMonth' '200902';
• drop variable: This command is used to delete an existing
Substitution Variable.
Drop a substitution variable at the Application level
alter application <App-Name> drop variable <variable-Name>;
Drop a substitution variable at the Database level
alter database <App-Name>.<db-name> drop variable
Drop a substitution variable at the System level
alter system drop variable <variable-Name>;
Code Samples:
alter application 'ESSCAR' drop variable 'sCurrMonth';
alter database 'ESSCAR'. 'ESSCAR' drop variable 'sCurrMonth';
alter system drop variable 'sCurrMonth';
Executing a MaxL statement
Now that you have learned how powerful the MaxL statements are, let's see how
we can execute the statements. The MaxL statements can be written in any text
editor like Windows Notepad and you then save the file with the .mxl extension.
How do we run a MaxL statement? There are a couple of ways this can
be accomplished. They are as follows:
• Run MaxL from the command prompt using the MaxL shell
• Executing a MaxL statement from the MaxL editor in EAS
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Executing MaxL from Command Prompt
When you install the Essbase client, by default, the MaxL shell executable is provided
and is named essmsh.exe. This executable will be located in the bin folder of the
Oracle client home install folder, typically as shown:
The extension for a MaxL file is .mxl, and the files are ASCII text files, which you
can write statements and edit in any common text editor like Windows Notepad.
To execute your script you go to the bin folder path and fire off the MaxL script
as shown below.
Open a blank Notepad text file and type in these MaxL statements:
spool on to 'C:\book\MaxlOutput.txt'; /* This sends all the Maxl
outputs to the File
mentioned */
login hypuser password on localhost; /* Log in to the Essbase
Server */
create application 'EsscarN'; /* This Step creates the
Application called EsscarN */
create database 'EsscarN'.'EsscarN' as 'Esscar'.'Esscar';
/* This creates the copy of the Database Esscar and new Database name
is EsscarN */
alter database 'EsscarN'.'EsscarN' reset data;
/* This statement will clear all the Pre-existing data */
alter database 'EsscarN'.'EsscarN' set variable 'sCurrMonth' '200902';
/* Sets a variable called sCurrMonth */
import database 'EsscarN'.'EsscarN' data connect as 'hypuser'
identified by 'password' using server rules_file 'dSales' on error
write to 'C:/book/dataload.err'; /* This statement loads the
data into the Cube */
logout; /* logs out users session */
exit; /* Exits from Maxl */
Save the file with the.mxl extension then open the Command Prompt and run
your MaxL script from the prompt as shown in the following screenshot.
If you type ESSMSH in the command prompt and the MaxL prompt
does not show up, then go to the Environment Variables and add
the path below:
After you add this into the path, you will be able to run MaxL from
anywhere in the DOS prompt.
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Oops! There is an error and it looks like we have a wrong password in there.
But if there is an error message this is how you will see the error message.
Now let us change the password and rerun the script.
In the previous screenshot, you can now see that the script ran successfully without
any error messages. In the next section let us see how we can do the same while
using the EAS tool.
Executing MaxL from EAS
The EAS comes with plenty of tools and utilities. Believe it or not EAS also has a
MaxL editor where you can type all of the MaxL statements and execute the MaxL
scripts. In the EAS MaxL editor you do not need to specify the login commands as
you are already logged onto the Essbase analytic server through EAS.
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Here are the steps to execute MaxL from the EAS MaxL editor:
1. Within EAS, click on File | Editor | MaxL Script Editor. The MaxL script
editor will be opened.
2. The import database MaxL statement should be used to load the data,
as shown in the following screenshot:
This is how you can execute your MaxL scripts from within EAS. In the next section
we will discuss how you can make use of the powerful Essbase API to write highly
functional backend programs for your Essbase applications.
Essbase Application Programming
Interface (API)
The Essbase Application Programming Interface or API, is a programmatic interface
between your client or your application server and the Essbase analytic server.
The Essbase analytic server manages the transfer of data between client and analytic
server or the application server and analytic server over your network.
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Using programs coded by you to make calls to functions within the Essbase API, data
or results are returned from the Essbase servers you are connected to. The Essbase API
contains much of the same functionality that the Essbase software included with your
system contains.
Typically you don't need to be concerned with where the physical Essbase server
machine is located on the network when writing a program that uses API calls.
Locating the server and transferring the data, is all handled by the API through
TCP/IP connections.
Installing the Essbase API
The API functionality is automatically installed and available to clients and application
servers from the Essbase analytic server when you install the Essbase analytic software
on your server.
To install the API software on a client machine, you simply need to make sure the
API selection is checked during your routine installation of the Essbase add-in. If
the desktop machine in question has the Essbase add-in already installed, but not
the Essbase API libraries, you can perform a complete reinstallation of the Essbase
add-in without harming your current add-in installation. When you get to the
installation step where it asks if you want to perform a routine or custom installation,
select Custom. Then, on the next screen, select only the Essbase API.
For application server installation, the process for older versions would be just like
the steps for a client PC for the API only. Simply perform a custom installation and
select only the Essbase API for installation. Newer versions of Essbase (6.x and higher)
are shipped with an Essbase Runtime Client which will install all of the required API
libraries onto the target machine and support Essbase API functionality.
You now have the Essbase API on all of the machines in your network and can
begin programming Essbase functions from the Essbase API.
What you should know to use the
Essbase API
As you are already aware, this entire book is intended for use by IT professionals
that have at least some level of experience and understanding of database usage and
programming. Basic programming knowledge and experience with object-oriented
programming is required to really understand how to code effective programs that
take full advantage of the Essbase API functionality.
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There are three distinct sets of API programming libraries for your programming
convenience. There is a full Visual Basic library of API functionality, a full C library
of API functionality, and a full Java function library as well.
For the sake of consistency throughout this book and the usability in Microsoft Excel
VBA, we will discuss the Visual Basic or VB API library of functions. Complete
documentation can be found in the online technical reference included with and
accessible from the EAS tool.
Oracle Essbase also supports a complete Java API framework with a vast array of
predefined packages and functions that allow the Essbase installation to exist on a
distributed server environment that supports a full web-based application. Custom
functions and controls are also supported. In order to run the Java API you need to
install the Hyperion provider services. Much more information about the Java API
can be found in the N-tier Application Programming Interface guide included with
your Oracle Essbase installation package.
Remember that COM+ objects are written in VB code, and
any API functionality can be written into one as easily as
into a formal Visual Basic program.
The benefit of COM+ objects is that their functionality can
be available on a server to support client calls, as well as
web-based calls.
What functions are available in the
Essbase API
There is a vast array of functionality available in the Essbase API. In the easily
available Essbase API documentation the API functions are divided into two
functional group categories.
The first category is the Visual Basic Main API group of functions. These
functions perform tasks that you would perform during day-to-day operations.
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As you can see from the previous list, the main API functions offer quite an assortment
of functions that can make your life easier. There are functions for setting all kinds of
application and database properties and attributes. There are functions for database
maintenance and user maintenance. There are even file functions, security functions,
and database object functions. There are also many database related functions.
The second category of Essbase API functions is the Visual Basic Outline API group
of functions. As the name suggests, this category of API functions is more specifically
targeted to the Essbase database outline.
From the previous list you can see that the Outline API functions allows you specific
Essbase database outline functionality.
With the combined functionality of both API categories written into a comprehensive
enough of a program that you can practically build, populate, and use an Essbase
application/database without ever touching the actual EAS tool.
Essbase API programming tips
A good coding style to adopt when writing code in any programming language is
the indented or nested coding style. This style is recommended the world over for
writing easy to follow written code instructions. The indented or nested coding style
allows for easier debugging and enhancing of your code, now and in the future. The
nested coding style also helps ensure that you will remember to follow the opening
of a function with the closing of a function.
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Essbase nested coding style examples
Here is a representative example of the nested coding style and the obvious benefits
of employing such a method or style.
Begin action 1
Begin action 2
Begin action 3
Perform action 3
End action 3
Begin action 4
Perform action 4
End action 4
End action 2
End action 1
This example should illustrate nicely why the nested style is the preferable code
writing style. The next example will now put the previous example into Essbase
functionality context so it makes sense for you. Most Essbase API functions usually
must be started or opened and after completion of the task they must be ended
or closed.
Initialize the API
Login to a server
Connect to a database
Open a database outline
Browse the outline
Close the outline
Open a report
Modify & save the report
Close the report
Disconnect from a database
Logout from the server
Terminate the API
Typically, the group of Essbase API calls or functions illustrated in the previous
example would be embedded in a VB subroutine so that it would actually look
more like this:
Sub BrowseOutlineAlterReport()
Initialize the API
Login to a server
Connect to a database
Open a database outline
Browse the outline
Close the outline
Open a report
Modify & save the report
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Close the report
Disconnect from a database
Logout from the server
Terminate the API
End Sub
As you can see each Essbase API call has an ending or terminating call that must
be executed when the desired function has completed.
Many code editors support the nested coding style by automatically
indenting the next line of written code to the same indentation
as the previous line making nested code writing even easier. The
Visual Basic editor supports nested code writing and Oracle Essbase
recommends you use the nested coding style when coding Essbase
API functions.
Essbase API function declarations
For your convenience your Essbase package comes with a VB code module that has
all of the Essbase API functions and declarations already coded for you. All you need
to do is add the module to your VB/VBA/COM+ project then start coding the API
calls and functions. The file's name is esb32.bas and is a wonderful time saver.
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As you can see in the previous screenshot, the Essbase supplied API declaration
module includes all of the necessary global variables and other API related
structures, as well as all of the API function calls. What a nice thing to have!
How to code an API function
In the following example, we will code an Essbase API function that returns
database information into an Essbase private type structure named DBINFO:
Sub GetDataBaseInfo(Appname as String, DBName as String)
'Pass Application name and Database name to VB subroutine
Dim sts as ESB_STS_T 'Dimension return code variable
Dim hCtx as ESB_HCTX_T 'Dimension API handle context
Dim DbInfo as ESB_DBINFO_T 'Dimension DB information variable
sts = EsbGetDatabaseInfo (hCtx, Appname, DBName, DbInfo) 'Execute
'API function
If sts = ESB_STS_NOERR ' Test API function return code
Call DisplayDatabaseInformation 'Branch to new subroutine on
'satisfactory return code
End If
End Sub
After a successful call to the Essbase API EsbGetDatabaseInfo function, the DbInfo
structure will be populated with a variety of database information for the database
that was passed to the function. The following is an example of the variable structure
showing what database information is returned.
ElapsedDbTime As Long 'Elapsed database time
DataFileCacheSetting As Long 'Data File Cache size database
DataFileCacheSize As Long
DataCacheSetting As Long
DataCacheSize As Long 'run-time size of the Data cache
IndexCacheSetting As Long
IndexCacheSize As Long 'size of the Index cache
IndexPageSetting As Long
IndexPageSize As Long 'run-time size of an Index Page
nDims As Long 'number of dimensions
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AppName As String * ESB_APPNAMELEN 'application name
Name As String * ESB_DBNAMELEN 'database name
Country As String * ESB_MBRNAMELEN 'country dimension
Time As String * ESB_MBRNAMELEN 'time dimension
Category As String * ESB_MBRNAMELEN 'category dimension
Type As String * ESB_MBRNAMELEN 'type dimension
CrPartition As String * ESB_MBRNAMELEN 'curr partition member
DbType As Integer ' Database Type
Status As Integer 'database load status
nConnects As Integer 'number of users
nLocks As Integer 'number of blocks locked
Data As Integer 'data loaded flag
End Type
There sure is a lot of information passed back from this call. Now do you remember
back a little bit that the variable name used in this API call is DbInfo? Yes, the
variable DbInfo, dimensioned using the variable structure above, now contains all
of the data that is listed in the ESB_DBINFO_T structure.
To read any of the information returned in this structure, the steps are very easy.
For instance, if you want to read how many users are connected to the database you
returned the information from just code: variable = DbInfo.nConnects and your
variable will now contain the number of users connected to the database. You can
also use DbInfo.nConnects elsewhere in your program depending on how you
dimensioned it.
Essbase API code sample blocks
It seems that for most good programmers, the only difference between programming
languages is the syntax of the code itself. Let's face it, logic is logic, and If means
If and End If means End If in all programming languages. The syntax may vary
though, as we've all seen End If or End-If or ENDIF.
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[ 334 ]
You have probably sensed that Oracle has created quite a product with Essbase and
you are correct. You have probably also gotten the idea that Oracle is very thorough
and has prepared well written and easy to understand system documentation. Well,
we'd have to say you are correct once again. The following is a picture of a typical
API function reference found in the Oracle Essbase API Reference that can be found
online or accessed through the EAS tool.
The following example is an exact representation of how the Essbase API Function
Reference looks, when accessed through EAS. It also looks very similar when
accessed through the Internet.
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As you can see from the actual Essbase API Reference images, the guidance and
instructions are very helpful. You get a complete explanation of the function and
tasks it can perform. You get an example showing exactly how to code the function.
Many times we will just copy and paste the example into an actual subroutine and
modify as needed. You also get information on any special requirements the function
may have. For instance the Init function must be performed before any other
Essbase API function. Best of all you get a list of any related functions that are either
required to accompany the subject function or are similar and may be a better fit for
what you are trying to accomplish.
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The sample API subroutine explained
What we will do now is take the VB subroutine from the previous example
and show you how it would look in a real program.
Sub BrowseOutlineAlterReport()
ESB_Init 'Initialize the API
ESB_Login(Server, UserID, Password, hInst) 'Login to server
ESB_SetActive(hCtx, ApName, DbName) 'Connect to a database
ESB_OtlOpenOutline 'Open a database outline
ESB_OtlRestructure 'Restructure the outline
ESB_OtlCloseOutline 'Close the outline
ESB_ClearActive 'Disconnect from a database
ESB_Logout 'Logout from the server
ESB_Term 'Terminate the API
End Sub
You have just completed our instruction for the Essbase API section of this chapter.
We know that you now feel confident that you can take advantage of the Essbase
API functionality and make your life a lot easier.
Because the Essbase API functions execute on the
analytic server, the same tasks or functions that could
be performed through EAS or the Microsoft Excel add-in
will almost always execute substantially faster than on
the client.
Systems built with extensive use of automated Essbase API functionality are usually
more reliable since there is no need for a human to be in there messing things up.
This same reason also seems to make the automated systems more stable as well.
All in all, it is better to plan for the long haul and do some of the hard work up front
in terms of writing code. This method of system development does nothing but keep
paying you back with long term dividends.
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Well that should just about put you over the top. You have a system built with the
best multidimensional OLAP software available and now it's nearing a lights out
operation with you automating the majority of your routine database maintenance
and administration tasks. How can you contain yourself?
As with the other chapters in this book we can honestly tell you that even if this
book were one thousand pages long, we would be barely scratching the surface of
the knowledge and experience you can gain from plain old tinkering around with
Essbase. Do yourself a real favor and play!
Next up in Chapter 9, is a comprehensive array of Essbase system tips and tricks.
These items will help you when it comes to performance tuning your application,
database and server configuration, memory management for server and client and
much more.
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Advanced Techniques
Well here we are at a place in this book where the information being presented to you is not so much mandatory as it is optional, and it can be used as needed. In actuality, the default settings with your Essbase installation are perfectly adequate for most applications. It is only when your needs start to expand beyond the ordinary that you will find yourself looking for ways to tweak your Essbase system performance.
In this chapter you will find a variety of database and system settings and adjustments that will help you keep your Essbase database running at top performance.
While we highly recommend that you actually read this entire chapter the first time through, it can also be used as a handy reference if and when you feel you may need to enhance your current system's performance or make improvements that will allow for trouble free growth in your system.
Performance tuning your database
Unlike many of the more typical relational database applications, Essbase has many more database administrator options that can drastically affect the performance and reliability of your Essbase database system.
Perhaps it's time to repeat what we've said before, "Essbase is an art, not a science." There, we'll let that sink in a little bit.
What we mean by the previous and often repeated statement is that most of
the time your experience and good judgment can be far more valuable when
giving consideration to tuning your Essbase database than any stale old list of
hard-coded formulas.
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[ 340 ]
When you actually get to tuning your system always keep in mind that what you
read here, learn from others, or even glean from Oracle system documentation, is
in most cases to be taken as guidelines for your own individual situation.
The actual actions you'll be performing, when you are tuning your database, are
items like adjusting several optional cache sizes through both the EAS and in the
Essbase system configuration file or Essbase.cfg. You may also be taking steps
to alter the order of the dimensions in the database outline.
We know this isn't really performance related but it is very important! If
there were anything that could be considered as a weakness anywhere
in Essbase, it would be the Essbase security file or Essbase.sec.
Because this file is more or less open all the time for system I/O
operations, there is a high potential for the file to become corrupted
in the event of a power outage or other serious event.
If you do encounter a situation where the server needs to be rebooted
unexpectedly, we highly recommend that before you restart the server
or the Essbase service, you make a backup copy of the Essbase.sec
file. The file itself can be found in the Essbase\bin folder.
The shape of your database outline
What are they talking about when we refer to the shape of an Essbase outline?
How can an Essbase database outline have a shape? Well conceptually every
Essbase database outline has a shape. What you want to be concerned with is
what shape your outline has.
Believe it or not, the shape of your outline is one of the most important considerations
for overall database performance, but it is still a guideline. There will be times when
this guideline simply will not work for you.
Everyone knows what an hourglass looks like, right? An hourglass is wide at the
ends and narrow in the middle. Well in most cases, you want your Essbase database
outline to have the shape of an hourglass, really.
The hourglass outline
Here is what we mean by all of this shape nonsense. The shape is determined by
the size and storage type of the dimensions in the Essbase database outline. It is
generally recognized in the Essbase community that the optimal arrangement for
your database outline is as follows:
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• Largest Dense dimensions Ñ Most members
• Smallest Dense dimensions Ñ Least members
• Smallest aggregating Sparse dimensions Ñ Least members and
usual consolidations
• Largest aggregating Sparse dimensions Ñ Most members and
usual consolidations
• Non-aggregating Sparse dimensions Ñ Can have many or few
members but little to no consolidations
By looking at the following screenshot, you will see the recommended dimension
structure, as seen in the EAS Database Properties screen:
Notice how even with relatively few members, the database outline has the
dimensions structured as recommended, wide at the ends and narrow in the
middle. Just like an hourglass.
The reason for this is the same as was given in Chapter 5 on calculation scripts. The
structure of the database is extremely important to the functioning of the database.
What the hourglass shape will tend to do is help keep the database block size down
to manageable levels for optimal performance during calculations and data loads.
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While this database outline shape methodology will work for most situations,
there are times when it will not. For example, in a large parts database, you may
need to place your parts dimension last, regardless of the fact that it may have many
parent/child consolidations.
Database block size
As previously mentioned, database block size is an important and integral part of
overall database performance. From calculating the database, to retrieving data into
a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, bigger data blocks in an Essbase database usually
mean slower performance. Of course, the number and type of dimensions directly
affect the database data block size.
The suggested ideal database data block size is between 50KB and 200KB. The
really ideal block size is less than 100KB or in the 50KB to 80KB range. The number
of dense dimensions in the database greatly affects the data block size, so the ideal
recommended number of data dimensions in an Essbase database should be from
5 to 7. Of course, there are times when these recommendations are just not possible,
but most applications will fit within these parameters.
Looking at the previous screenshot you can see the Statistics page of the Database
Properties screen from the EAS tool. This screen tells you all there is to know about
your database data block set up. It will be on this screen you will verify if the changes
you have made to your Essbase outline have actually helped with block size, block
usage, or block density.
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Database configuration settings
There are many database caches and settings available to help you with optimizing
your database.
As you know, optimally storing your data is the job of a properly configured
database outline. A properly configured outline can also have an effect on
calculation performance, data load performance, and data retrieval performance.
Data retrieval buffers
When it comes to loading, retrieving, calculating, and extracting your data,
performance optimizing is the job of caches and buffers. During reporting, data
retrieval cache and buffer settings are used to obtain optimal retrievals of the data.
One pair of settings that you cannot go wrong with is the Data retrieval buffers
settings, found on the General tab of the Database Properties screen (seen below).
The memory used by these buffers is only allocated when an Essbase retrieve is
executed from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or when an Essbase report script is
executed. Because of this you can increase the retrieval buffer and the retrieval sort
buffer sizes until you get the results you need, all the way upto the maximum size of
100,000 KB, which is 100MB. Best of all you will not rob the system of memory when
they are not in use. These data cache settings are particularly useful when you are
reporting on or retrieving larger amounts of dynamically calculated data.
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Data cache settings
On the Caches tab of the Database Properties screen (seen below), you will find
an assortment of database cache settings that are configurable by the administrator
through EAS.
The first option, Cache memory locking, will actually retain the memory needed for
the database caches at all times. In order to set the Cache memory locking to true, you
should use the Direct I/O memory setting on the Storage tab. The Direct I/O setting
uses the memory set by the File Cache and does not consume Essbase server memory
when not in use. By default, this is set to false. While this may give slight improvement
during data loads, we have never noticed any real difference in day-to-day operations
by checking this option. You may as well let the system enjoy the use of the memory
until it is needed by one of these caches.
One thing you will notice about Essbase is that it is certainly not bashful. Essbase
will almost always use as much of the system resources that you allow.
For the Index cache setting, you might as well use the maximum of 10240KB, which
is 10MB. The Index cache setting sets the size of the buffer that is used to hold index
page files in memory. The system will only grab this extra memory when it needs it
and it will certainly use it, especially during large data loads.
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The Data file cache setting is the size of the buffer used to load the database page files
into memory. This setting is only relevant if you have your database set to Direct I/O.
Buffered I/O is the default and on all but the largest of data loads has tweaking this
setting made any noticeable difference. The Data file cache setting can be set as large
as the combined total size of all of the database page files. On a 30GB database setting,
the page file cache size may not be practical, or even possible, especially if you only
have 16 GB of system RAM!
For the Data cache setting, it is usually fine left where it is at the default setting of
3072KB. The recommended maximum size is 0.125 times the size of the Data file
cache setting. Only change this setting if you are experiencing performance issues
and have many concurrent users accessing the database.
The Index page setting is a static number and cannot be set by you. Oracle
has determined that 8KB is sufficient for a database index page size.
For better performance, Oracle advises to keep all of
the databases set to use Buffered I/O or Direct I/O,
and not a combination of both settings on the same
physical server.
Data load and storage settings
We will now briefly cover the available options for optimizing your system's data
loading and data storage capabilities. As is always recommended, the default
settings are in most cases, more than adequate, so you should make any changes
carefully and test each one fully to determine if the change is warranted or not.
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On the Transactions tab of Database Properties screen (seen in the previous
screenshot), you will see options for Committed access and Uncommitted access.
If you select Committed access Essbase will hold all of the data blocks involved in
a transaction until the changes or updates are committed to the system. This can be
a problem for you because Essbase will keep duplicates of the data blocks until the
time they are committed and you will temporarily need double the actual space that
you really need for data storage. Essbase does this in case of the need for a rollback.
The default setting for transactional access is Uncommitted access. As is true with
most Essbase settings, the default setting in this case is more than adequate for most
systems, and the default setting of 3000 for Commit Blocks works well too. Even in
larger systems, we haven't been able to notice measurable differences when playing
with this setting.
The 3000 Commit Blocks setting means that Essbase will commit or make permanent
updates to data blocks for three thousand data blocks at a time. This means that
if a calculation is interrupted, for example, that all of the work upto the point
of interruption will not be lost. All work that has completed, in 3000 data block
increments, will actually be saved to the database.
Finally, on the Storage tab of the Database Properties screen (seen above), we
are allowed to configure the data loading I/O method and the data compression
for storage.
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As usual, the default Essbase setting for data load I/O, Buffered I/O, is more than
adequate for most data load operations. Buffered I/O takes advantage of the file
cache settings discussed earlier and only in cases where there is an extremely large
amount of data to load will it be noticeable that the system needs to swap in and out
of virtual memory.
The Direct I/O setting is best for extremely large data loads. Direct I/O bypasses the
cache and accesses system memory directly. If your system has lots of extra memory
available, this option can provide a real boost to the data loading performance.
Data compression can also be a factor in system performance and once again Essbase
has several options for you. Obviously, the No Compression setting can be the
quickest for I/O because there is no extra process time required to compress or
uncompress the data as it is read. This is not recommended at all because the size of
even an average database would grow to unmanageable proportions very quickly.
Can you guess what the best all-around compression setting is? Yes, it is the Essbase
default setting for Bitmap encoding, what else? Overall, this setting uses space the
most efficiently when compared to other available compression types and has a
lower than average I/O cost as well.
Essbase does offer Run-Length encoding as well, and this setting may be preferable
for databases that have very low block density. Of course, you will need to do some
experimenting to see if this type of data compression is right for your situation.
Lastly, Essbase offers you the choice of ZLIB compression. ZLIB compression can
be useful if the density of your data blocks is extremely high. Again, you will need
to experiment with this setting.
Partitioning databases
If you are at all familiar with database terminology, you know that partitioning
a database, either relational or multidimensional, is almost always done as a
performance consideration. In the relational database world, you are usually taking
one very large database and partitioning it into smaller, more manageable databases.
In the Essbase multidimensional world, there are several reasons for partitioning:
• To split a large, cumbersome database into smaller, more manageable
pieces or slices
• To create, in one database, selected pieces or slices of data from several
similar but unrelated databases
• To provide a consolidated look at an overall enterprise process
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• To control data level security more effectively
• To increase system performance when retrieving high use data
Partitioning databases is a very real method of improving performance.
You must be very careful not to get carried away and have too many
source databases included in your partitioned target database. Essbase
will load into memory all source databases in a transparent partition
and this can actually have a negative effect on system performance!
Essbase offers three types of database partitioning options. They are:
• Replicated: A replicated database partition copies a portion of the
source database to be stored in a target database. Users can access the
target database as if it were the source. The database administrator must
occasionally refresh the target database from the source database.
• Transparent: A transparent partition allows users to manipulate their data
that is stored in a target database as if it were part of the actual source
database. The remote data is retrieved from the source database each time
the users of the target database request it. Write backs to the target database
also flow through back to the source database.
• Linked: A linked partition enables users to navigate from one data value in
one database to a subset of the data in another database. The two databases
may contain very different outlines.
As you can see there are three very different partitioning methods available to you
with your Essbase system. This may sound tired by now, but truly, even partitioning
your databases is something that is really only needed on the largest of systems.
Partitioning is a valid performance tuning consideration for sure but its use should
be governed more by your Essbase knowledge and experience than by any sort of
formula that says if your database is this size it should do this or that.
Let us consider the first scenario, where the database is large and cumbersome and
you need to split the data. In this scenario we have 5 years worth of data in the
database. For the earliest 3 years of the data, the users do not need to use it on a
day-to-day basis for analysis but only need it once in a while. This scenario seems to
be best suited for the transparent partition where we partition the data by the time
dimension. We are going to have the Current and Prior years in one cube and the
remaining 3 years in a different cube. Let us call the Current and Prior year cube our
ESSCAR cube and the Prior cube the ESSCARP cube. Current and Prior year data
will be loaded into the ESSCAR and the prior 3 year's data will be loaded into the
ESSCARP cube. In this example, the ESSCARP database or cube is the source data
and ESSCAR database is the target database. Now, let's see step-by-step how we set
up the transparent partition.
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1. Using EAS, open the ESSCAR application and expand the ESSCAR database.
Select the Partitions menu pick and then click on the Action | Create new
partition on "ESSCAR". You will then see the Create Partition for Block
Storage Application screen as shown below.
On the Type tab, select the Partition type. In this case select, Transparent
partition and then click on the Connection tab.
2. On the Connection tab, you will need to enter the information about the
server, source database, target database, username, and password. We
suggest that for current separation of duties policies, you create a separate
batch id for this process. In the source database, we have selected EsscarP
as target database and Esscar as the source database.
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3. Click on the Areas tab to link members between the target and the source.
On this screen, you can add data selection information in three different
methods that we describe here:
i) Use member selection tool: If you double-click on the Source
heading, or the Target heading you will see the Area Mapping
Member Selection screen where you can select the source outline
members and the target database outline members for which you
want to map together.
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ii) Use text editor: In the text editor screen, you can type in the source
or target member names. You can also select the Show Cell Count
checkbox which will help you validate your database outline
selections by allowing you to verify matching cell counts between
the source and target database outlines. Verifying that the cell counts
match is how Essbase determines you have correctly defined the slice
of data that is to be used by the source and target databases. If the cell
counts do not match there is reason to believe you have a data
mismatch and will need to re-examine your data mappings.
iii) Use inline editing: Inline editing allows you to enter more than one
member name to map between the source and target members as
shown in the following screenshot:
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4. On the Mappings tab you can mention the member name if the outline
contains different member names or the same member name with different
names. The source and the target members can be defined in this screen.
5. After you have completed the four steps to set up a partition definition,
you can click on the Validate button. If you have successfully set up your
partition you will see a message box saying your partition is valid and you
can then save the partition. If there is an error it will prompt you with an
error message as shown in the following screenshot:
The error message in the previous screenshot says that the area mappings are
incomplete. You must go back and click on the Areas tab and correct the error
by ensuring you have matching source and target partition definitions and
then you can click on the Save button. If there are no errors the partition will
then be saved and you will be able to make use of the partitions. To create a
Replicated partition or a Linked partition you would follow these same steps.
Analytic server configuration file
This is the big one! The essbase.cfg file is where most of your advanced techniques
will come into play. The essbase.cfg file is an ASCII text file and can be edited
using any standard text editing tool. Found on the Essbase analytic server in the
essbase\bin folder, the heart and soul of your performance tuning will be in there.
In fact, many of the performance tuning settings the you will set through the EAS
will have a counterpart setting in the essbase.cfg file.
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A word to the wise:
Always make a backup copy of the essbase.cfg file before you
make any changes to it. The essbase.cfg file is a critical system
file used by the Essabse analytic server, and there are entries in there
that affect whether the service will start or not. Just in case.
First of all, there are literally dozens of optional statements that can be used in the
essbase.cfg file as shown in the screenshot below. However, do not be alarmed,
if you do not have each of the available statements represented in the essbase.cfg
file. As usual, Essbase has a default setting for almost all of them.
That is quite an impressive list of configuration settings. You may even recognize
some of them based upon our earlier discussions. Keep in mind that the essbase.
cfg file can contains settings that have no real effect on system performance
management, but they do set configurations for other aspects of system control.
The proper syntax and use of each statement can be found in the Essbase Technical
Reference, but we will show you a few of the more important ones.
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Following we have an example of an actual essbase.cfg file. As you can see, you
can place comments anywhere in the file by beginning the line with a semi-colon.
Multiple comment lines require each line to begin with a semi-colon. Statement
lines are simply the statement itself, followed by a space, then the parameter. The
statement line itself does not need to be terminated by a period or semi-colon as
other scripts in Essbase need to.
Although it does not say this is mandatory anywhere in the Essbase documentation,
we have always kept the statement entries in the essbase.cfg file all uppercase so
there is no confusion as to what character is what.
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; Begin Essbase configuration file for the ESSCAR server
; Dynamic calc support for the ESSCAR application
; due to large numbers of members being dynamically calculated
; Sets the max number of error rows to be written from
; any single data load or process
; Allows the use of DIRECT I/O when possible
; Sets the number of blocks locked by a database calculation
; and corresponds to the setting in the calc script itself
; Sets the delay time and number of retries allowed for a connection
; to the analytic server
; Allows the use of a database calculator cache
; Sets the size of the calculator cache for high, default and low
; cache sizes. Use of cache size determined in calc script
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; Sets up the analytic server to use multiple threading during
; data loads
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Configuration categories
As you can see, making entries into the essbase.cfg file is a relatively easy task.
However, making good entries is where your Essbase knowledge and experience
pays off.
The following is a listing of the configuration categories and their general usefulness:
• Ports and connections: Most of these settings are obviously to help your
Analytic Server manage itself on the network and with other components.
• Logging and error handling: These settings help Essbase determine things
like the level of detail in an output log or the maximum number of lines
written during a process.
• Calculation: The calculation settings category has many settings that help
with system performance, mainly during calculation execution.
• Hybrid analysis: These settings do more for the configuration of Essbase's
interaction between itself and a backend relational database. This type of
data querying is known as hybrid analysis.
• Query management: These settings help with the special needs of
installations that make use of partitioned databases and heavy hybrid
analysis methods. There is not a lot here for overall system performance.
• Memory management: Now, here is a good category! We like this one so
much that we have given it its own separate section in this chapter. A definite
positive impact on system performance can be gleaned from these settings.
• Data import/export: Like the category name indicates, you can help improve
the overall performance of your data loading and data exporting processes.
• Miscellaneous: While some of these settings will end up being necessary for
your own installation, there really isn't any performance enhancing settings
in the miscellaneous category.
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Configuration settings to consider
Here are a few essbase.cfg file settings you should consider using when first
having concerns about system performance.
Always remember, you can add a new statement to the
essbase.cfg file at any time by simply opening it in any text
editor. After you have added or removed the necessary statement,
you save and close the file.
The new settings will take effect the next time the Essbase service
is started or restarted on the server.
Ports and connections
In this section, we will talk about the server agent threads, net delays, and
agent delays. These settings, added to the Essbase server configuration file,
can help improve the performance of your system as well as to help improve
the network connectivity:
• AGENTTHREADS: Specifies how many threads the server may spawn
for connections. If you have a low number of paid licenses, you would
set this setting a little higher than average. The default is five for
maximum performance.
• AGENTDELAY: The higher you set this setting the longer the Essbase service
will wait to process requests from connections. Obviously, the higher the
AGENTTHREADS setting, the higher you should set this setting.
• AGTSVRCONNECTIONS: Specifies the maximum number of concurrent
connections to the analytic server. A lower number usually means faster
system response time.
• NETDELAY: Specifies the delay in milliseconds, of how long the analytic
server will wait between retries on failed network requests.
• NETRETRYCOUNT: Specifies the number of times the analytic server will
retry a failed network request.
Logging and error handling
In this section, we will talk about how you can set the limits for data load errors
as well as the level of detail captured in the output error messages.
• DATAERRORLIMIT: Specifies the maximum number of rows written to
the log for individual processes. The default is 1,000 and the maximum
is 65,000. Your experience will help you decide how much information
you need in the log.
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• AGENTLOGMESSAGELEVEL: Specifies to Essbase what level of detail is to be
written to system logs. The more knowledgeable you become, the less
information you will require to monitor your system, thereby keeping the
logs smaller and improving system performance.
Here we will talk about the settings that will best help improve the run-time and
overall performance of your Essbase calculation scripts.
• CALCCACHE: Tells the analytic server whether to use a calculator cache. When
set to true, you can also set the CALCCACHELOW, CALCCACHEDEFAULT, and
CALCCACHEHIGH settings that can be used in any database calculation scripts.
• CALCLOCKBLOCK: Specifies how many data blocks Essbase will lock at one
time during a calculation. There are mixed feelings on the setting because
a higher number of locked blocks seems like it would finish faster, but does
more and smaller chunks actually finish quicker? This is where testing and
experience come into play.
• DYNCALCCACHEONLY: Specifies to the analytic server if Essbase can use
memory outside of the dynamic calc memory to complete its tasks. This may
not be a good idea because Essbase may tend to wait if allowed for more
memory causing the process to actually slow down.
• CALCPARALLEL: This specifies how many parallel threads are allowed at one
time while calculating the data. Essbase recommends that the maximum
number of parallel threads be one less than the total number of processors on
your server. For example, if your server has 8 processors you would code 7
as your maximum number of threads to use.
°° For 32 bit: Block storage option, you can select between 1 to 4
°° For 64 bit: Block storage option, you can select between 1 to 8
°° For Aggregate Storage option, you can select in between 1 to 8
with 2 being the default.
• EXCLUSIVECALC: This specifies if concurrent calculations are allowed on
the same database.
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• UPDATECALC: This specifies if intelligent calc is turned on or off by default.
Data import/export
In this section we will walk through the settings you can use to improve the
system's performance while loading data into your cube or while extracting
data from your cube.
• DLSINGLETHREADPERSTAGE: This setting tells Essbase to use Single Thread
or use the number of threads specified in the DLTHREADSPREPARE and
DLTHREADSWRITE. This can be set for an individual application or for the
entire analytic server.
• DLTHREADSPREPARE: This setting tells Essbase how many threads to prepare
to use for a data load. This is a definite performance enhancer and it is
recommended you specify a number that is one less than the total number
of processors on your server.
• DLTHREADSWRITE: This setting is used with the DLTHREADSPREPARE setting
and specifies the number of threads to actually use during a data load. Again,
the number should be one less than the number of processors on your server.
Code Sample:
In the above example, DLSINGLETHREADPERSTAGE is set to TRUE, so this tells
the Essbase server to use a single thread for the Esscar application for data
loading and the DLTHREADPREPARE and DLTHREADSWRITE will not used.
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In the above example, DLSINGLETHREADPERSTAGE is set to FALSE, so this tells the
Essbase server not to use single threaded data loading on the Esscar application
and the DLTHREADPREPARE and DLTHREADSWRITE settings are used.
These settings will improve the performance of the Essbase data loads.
Well, there you have it. What was going to be a little bit about the essbase.cfg
file has turned into quite a long-winded affair. That's okay, because there is a lot
to know, and a lot that can have a positive effect on your operations.
Memory management
Oh look, here is more information that could be in the essbase.cfg section. Yes,
that is true, but memory management is probably the most important task you can
perform to keep your Essbase system running smoothly and efficiently.
It's no secret that everything in life is a give and take. With Essbase, it gives you
unparalleled capacity for slicing and dicing large amounts of data, all the while
performing real time calculations on the fly. What Essbase takes for this is unbelievably
large amounts of memory to deliver this functionality with anywhere near acceptable
response times.
Before we talk about some of the essbase.cfg settings you can use to help control
your system's memory usage we want to discuss a few other things you can do:
1. Make sure all of your applications and databases are set to only start when
there is a request for data and not when the analytic service starts. For every
started database, Essbase will reserve the memory necessary for that database
and there will be that much less memory available for the rest of the system.
2. Create a small job that will run periodically and stop applications and
databases that are not actively in use, because in Essbase, once the
application or database is started, the only thing that stops it is a server
shutdown, the administrator, or by a command from a script or job.
3. Monitor and adjust all caches and buffer settings, since they all use memory.
4. Make judicious use of the config.mem file located in the ArborPath\Bin
folder. This file allows you to set a maximum amount of memory to be used by
either specific applications or by all applications on the server. If an application
uses its maximum allotment of memory, it will either shutdown or slow way
down and attempt to process with what it has. This is a very important setting
because you do not want one application sucking all of the memory out of the
system and halting the other databases and their processes.
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One of the single largest users of system memory is the database
outline itself. By its very nature, the larger the outline, the more
server memory is consumed just to load the database into memory.
We highly advise using extreme care in determining the data
elements and data categories you will use for your database outline.
Fewer dimensions are always preferable to more dimensions. For
every new dimension in the outline the potential size of the data and
the actual size of the outline grow exponentially. It is always better to
have fewer dimensions with lots of members, than it is to have more
dimensions with less members. Think about it!
essbase.cfg memory settings
Let's now take a look at those essbase.cfg memory specific settings that will
directly affect the performance of your Essbase system:
• MULTIPLEBITMAPMEMCHECK: Tells analytic services to enforce the size limit
for the amount of memory that is used for the calculator cache when analytic
services selects the multiple bitmap cache option.
• VLBREPORT: Tells Essbase to dynamically determine the retrieval buffer
size, between 100KB and 10MB, for retrievals from databases without
Dynamic Calc, Attribute, or Dynamic Time Series members. This memory
is only used when needed, so it does not take away from continuous
system resource availability.
• TRIGMAXMEMSIZE: This setting tells Essbase how much memory it can use to
perform the trigger function. While the triggering function is a great feature,
it can be very memory intensive at the expense of other system operations.
This memory is reserved by the application that has the trigger set up and is
no longer available to the rest of the server.
• SSPROCROWLIMIT: Controls the maximum number of spreadsheet rows
analytic services processes on an individual user spreadsheet request from
Microsoft Excel. The default is 250,000, which is extraordinarily high for
a spreadsheet request. You do not want a spreadsheet retrieval slowing
down your entire server, so we recommend starting with 5,000 rows, and
increasing as needed from there.
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• CALCLIMITFORMULARECURSION: Now here is a little known setting. What it
does is prevent the server from executing calculation scripts that perform
recursive operations deeper than the system specified number of 31 levels.
If you add this setting to the essbase.cfg file with a TRUE parameter, the
system will enforce the 31 level rules. If you add this setting with a FALSE
parameter, there will be no limit, and a lowly database calculation script
could actually be responsible for bringing down your analytic server. Try
explaining that to your boss! Besides, rarely do you code a calculation script
that even uses half that many levels.
• DATACACHESIZE: This sets the data cache size for all of the new databases
that are created on the server. This cache holds the data blocks in memory.
This cache setting is not applied to all of the existing databases that are
already created on the server. The data cache size can be specified in Bytes (B),
Kilobytes (K), Megabytes (M), or Gigabytes (G). This will take place after
the analytical service is restarted or after the server reboot.
n is an integer value in B, K, M, or G
Code Sample:
This sets the data cache size to 4 Megabytes for all new databases that are
created after the service is restarted with this setting.
• DATAFILECACHESIZE: This sets the data file cache size for all of the new
databases that are created on the server. This cache holds the data files in
the memory. The data file cache size can be specified in Bytes (B), Kilobytes
(K), Megabytes (M), or Gigabytes (G). This will take place after the analytic
service is restarted or after a server reboot.
n is an integer value in B, K, M, or G
Code Sample:
This sets the data file cache size to 400 Megabytes for all of the new databases
that are created after the service is restarted to have a data file cache size
of 400 MB.
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[ 362 ]
• INDEXCACHESIZE: This sets the index cache size for all of the new databases
that are created on the server. This cache holds the index pages in the
memory. The index cache size can also be specified in Bytes (B), Kilobytes
(K), Megabytes (M), or Gigabytes (G). Again, this setting will take effect
after the analytic service is restarted or after a server reboot.
n is an integer value in B, K, M, or G
Code Sample:
This sets the index cache size to 400 Megabytes for all new databases that
are created after the service is restarted.
Well, that wraps it up for the system memory and its management. We know
you've heard this before, but here it goes. Always buy the most memory you can
afford at the time you are purchasing it. If you believe you will do fine with 32 GB,
then buy 64GB.
Goodness, you must be an Essbase expert by now! No, there is no such thing
as an Essbase expert. In real life, maybe an Essbase Guru would most accurately
describe someone who is more proficient with Essbase than others.
By now, we believe that you now realize that Essbase is not all about reading
and memorizing recommended settings and sizes, but instead Essbase is more
about using what resources you have available to you to get the job done. A Guru
is someone who possesses far more than just the so-called technical knowledge.
A Guru is also someone who possesses intelligence and wisdom.
Yes, someone could create a test for Essbase to gauge your overall technical
knowledge, but what really counts is your good judgment based on your experience.
Figuring out how to accomplish the same task several different ways based on the
situation is how you advertise your Essbase Guru-ability (is that even a word).
Here is an example of Essbase Guru-ability. Consider that you are a reasonably capable
technical person who now has Essbase knowledge added to his repertoire of skills. You
are performing a large data load from a relational database (we're talking Gigabytes). It
seems like the load is taking much too long to complete. What do you do?
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Well, you know that a multi-threaded process will execute faster than a
single-threaded process. You also know that there are specific data load settings
that you can use in the essbase.cfg file that may help alleviate this performance
issue. Then, you remember that you read about the DLSINGLETHREADSPERSTAGE,
DLTHREADSPREPARE, and DLTHREADSWRITE settings that can be coded in the
essbase.cfg file. These settings allow you to set up your data loads to use
multiple-threading while processing. You quickly make the appropriate entries
in the essbase.cfg file, restart your server, and start your data load process
again. You are now amazed and happy that the data load processes to completion
significantly faster.
Just remember these now familiar words on your long and exciting Essbase journey,
"Essbase is an art, not a science."
Next up, we jump into a discussion on a relatively new database structure concept.
First rolled out with Hyperion Essbase version 7.x, the Aggregate Storage Option
(ASO) is an option that is gaining considerable ground as a means to provide your
business customer with superior system performance, while still delivering the
expected Essbase level of data quantity, quality, and integrity.
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Essbase Analytics Option
Welcome to the exciting world of Essbase Analytics known as the Aggregate Storage Option (ASO).
In the first nine chapters of this book, we have taken you from being a competent IT professional that is an Essbase novice, to that same competent IT professional who is now a capable Essbase programmer/administrator as well. All along this journey, we've been using the Block Storage Option (BSO) database architecture.
We have presented all of the instructions, teachings, and examples based on the
BSO, in Essbase. All of the efficient methods of processing, performance tuning,
and database design have been geared towards using the BSO. In fact, prior to Essbase version 7.x, your only option was the use of the BSO architecture for building Essbase applications.
Well, now you're ready to take everything one step further. You see, the BSO architecture used by Essbase is the original database architecture as the behind the scenes method of data storage in an Essbase database. Remember, we have already discussed that the block construction can be conceptually compared to a Rubik's Cube for how the data is stored in the cells of a data block, like the cells of color on
a Rubik's Cube. The ASO method is entirely different.
Let's learn all about the ASO which is now also used to store data in an Essbase database. We will learn exactly what ASO is, how it works, and when to use ASO instead of BSO. We will explain the use of the special industry standard multidimensional data query language known as MDX that is employed by Essbase, and is particularly effective with ASO. Finally, we'll go over the pros and cons of ASO and BSO.
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What is ASO
ASO is Essbase's alternative to the sometimes cumbersome BSO method of storing
data in an Essbase database. In fact, it is BSO that is exactly what makes Essbase
a superior OLAP analytical tool but it is also the BSO that can occasionally be a
detriment to the level of system performance demanded in today's business world.
In a BSO database, all data is stored, except for dynamically calculated members.
All data consolidations and parent-child relationships in the database outline are
stored as well. While the block storage method is quite efficient from a data to size
ratio perspective, a BSO database can require large amounts of overhead to deliver
the retrieval performance demanded by the business customer.
The ASO database efficiently stores not only zero level data, but can also store
aggregated hierarchical data with the understandings that stored hierarchies can
only have the no-consolidation (~) or the addition (+) operator assigned to them
and the no-consolidation (~) operator can only be used underneath Label Only
members. Outline member consolidations are performed on the fly using dynamic
calculations and only at the time of the request for data. This is the main reason
why ASO is a valuable option worth consideration when building an Essbase
system for your customer.
Because of the simplified levels of data stored in the ASO database, a more simplified
method of storing the physical data on the disk can also be used. It is this simplified
storage method which can help result in higher performance for the customer.
Your choice of one database type over the other will always depend on balancing
the customer's needs with the server's physical capabilities, along with the volume
of data. These factors must be given equal consideration
Creating an aggregate storage
Believe it or not, creating an ASO Essbase application and database is as easy as
creating a BSO application and database. In case you have forgotten how to do it
from the information we've given you in earlier chapters, all you need to do is
follow these simple steps:
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1. Right-click on the server name in your EAS console for the server
on which you want to create your ASO application.
2. Select Create application | Using aggregate storage as shown in
the following screenshot:
3. Click on Using aggregate storage and that's it. The rest of the steps are
easy to follow and basically the same as for a BSO application.
To create an ASO application and database, you follow virtually the same steps
as you do to create a BSO application and database. However, there are some
important differences, and here we list a few:
• A BSO database outline can be converted into an Aggregate Storage database
outline, but an Aggregate Storage database outline cannot be converted into
a Block Storage database outline.
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Steps to convert a BSO application into an ASO application:
°° Open the BSO outline that you wish to convert, select the Essbase
database and click on the File | Wizards | Aggregate Storage
Outline Conversion option. You will see the first screen Select
Source Outline. The source of the outline can be in a file system
or on the Essbase Server. In this case, we have selected the OTL
from the Essbase Server and then click Next as shown in the
following screenshot:
°° In the Next screen, the conversion wizard will verify the
conversion and display a message that the conversion has
completed successfully. Click Next.
°° Here, Essbase prompts you to select the destination of the ASO
outline. If you have not yet created an ASO application, you
can click on the Create Aggregate Storage Application on the
bottom-right corner of the screen as shown in the next screenshot:
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Enter the Application and the Database name and click on OK. Your new
ASO application is created, now click on Finish. Your BSO application is now
converted into an ASO application. You may still need to tweak the ASO
application settings and outline members to be the best fit for your needs.
• In an ASO database, all dimensions are Sparse so there is no need to
try to determine the best Dense/Sparse settings as you would do with
a BSO database.
• Although Essbase recommends that you only have one Essbase database
in an Essbase application, you can create more than one database per
application when you are using the BSO. When you create an ASO
application, Essbase will only allow one database per application.
There is quite a bit to know about ASO but have no fear, with all that you know about
Essbase and how to design and build an Essbase system, it will seem easy for you.
Keep reading for more valuable information on the ASO for things like, when it is
a good time to use ASO, or how do you query ASO databases effectively, or even
what are the differences between ASO and BSO. If you understand the differences,
you can then understand the benefits.
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Dimensions can have one or more hierarchies of the members. Included with your
installation of Essbase, you get the sample ASO application called ASOsamp to use
as a guide when learning about ASO.
In ASO, there are two types of hierarchies:
• Stored hierarchies
• Dynamic hierarchies
An outline dimension in an ASO database can have any number of members and
these members can only be set as either stored members or dynamic members.
They can even have both of the hierarchies. In order to set the dimension to have
both types of hierarchies, you need to enable Multiple Hierarchies Enabled. If no
hierarchy is defined, then by default it is tagged as Stored hierarchy.
To enable multiple hierarchies, follow these steps:
1. Right-click on the dimension or member name you wish to enable
the multiple hierarchies on. Click on Edit member properties….
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[ 371 ]
2. On the Member Properties screen, under the Hierarchy section,
select Hierarchies Enabled from the Hierarchy list box:
Stored hierarchies
Using Stored hierarchies, the data is aggregated based on the outline structure.
The data aggregation and data retrieval is faster. There are a few restrictions
when using Stored hierarchies:
• Stored hierarchies cannot have member formulas.
• Stored hierarchies can have the no-consolidation (~) operator for Label-only
members. A member that is label only is merely in the outline as a place holder
or to be informational and does not store data. A good example of this is our
Calendar Periods dimension. While the root member Calendar Periods is
useful to have for information, the data would make no sense rolled upto
this level.
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Dynamic hierarchies
Using Dynamic hierarchies, the data is not aggregated but is calculated at the time
of the data retrieval. Since the data is calculated at the time of retrieve, the response
time for the output is longer. The account dimension is always tagged as Dynamic
hierarchies and you cannot change the account dimension to stored hierarchy. The
advantages of the Dynamic hierarchies are:
• Dynamic hierarchies can have formulas.
• Dynamic hierarchies can have any consolidation operator.
The following screenshot shows an example of how the Dynamic and Stored
hierarchies are used in the sample ASO database. In the sample ASO database's
case, you can see that the Time dimension has MultipleHierarchies Enabled:
Outline paging
This is one major difference between a Block Storage application and an Aggregate
Storage application that provides a noticeable boost in performance. Unlike a BSO
application, where the database outline must be loaded into memory as a single
element, the database outlines in ASO databases are created and stored in what
can be considered a page-able format. This means that instead of Essbase loading
the entire database outline into memory, the page-able outline can be loaded into
memory either one page or section at a time. This can free up resources and can help
make data retrieval and data aggregations faster by reducing the amount of memory
consumed by large database outlines.
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There is no need for complex calculation scripts in an ASO database. Now, you may
be wondering how the data gets aggregated without performing any calculated
aggregation? How fast will my data get retrieved? In an ASO database, the data gets
loaded only into the level 0 (leaf node) cells. When the user attempts to retrieve data at
a level higher than the zero level, the data is dynamically aggregated. Also, remember
a good portion of this aggregated data is not physically stored in the database. As the
database size increases, the dynamic aggregation consumes more time. In order to
improve the database performance, you may need to pre-aggregate the data.
MDX query language
So is now a good time to spring a new scripting language on you? Of course it is!
Okay, so it's not really a whole new language, it's just a piece of the MaxL scripting
language we haven't gone over with you yet.
You may recall how we've gone over the MaxL scripting language previously.
Well, the MaxL scripting language actually has two pieces. These MaxL pieces
are known as MaxL DDL for Data Definition Language, which is the piece you
are already familiar with and MaxL MDX for Multidimensional Expressions.
Why have we not explained something like MDX in-depth already? The reason
is that while the DDL piece of MaxL contains many powerful functions that are
written in relatively easy to understand syntax and it can easily replace the Essbase
Command scripting language (EssCmd) as your primary tool for automating database
maintenance and support processes, the MDX piece of MaxL is more of a data
querying language. Yes, MDX is very powerful as is DDL, but its usefulness can be
debated since there are several other methods of querying data in Essbase that are
just as effective and easier or more convenient to use. The Essbase Reports scripting
language with the aid of the Essbase Query Designer, is one example that comes to
mind as an effective data querying tool. MDX also supports the XML for Analysis
MDX however, has its place and its place is where it is best suited. The place
for MDX is querying ASO Essbase databases.
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[ 374 ]
MDX functions for ASO
As we said earlier, the MDX data query language is a useful tool in its own right.
In most cases, the MDX language has equivalent functions for each member set
function found in the Essbase Calculation Script language or the Essbase report
script language. The following screenshot shows the complete list of MDX data
query functions available:
Now, look at the functions listed here. They look like a hybrid between
Essbase member selection functions and typical SQL functions found in
any relational database.
Unfortunately, after all of the hard work we've been through getting you to think
and act like an Essbase programmer/administrator, we don't want you to slip back
into the relational way of thinking. This is only acceptable when querying an ASO
database, because it is indeed set up somewhat similar to a relational database in
terms of data structure.
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Take a close look at the functions, most of them are intuitive as to their function and
you will also notice a complete array of functions that are suspiciously similar to the
column functions in relational SQL. Again, this is because an ASO database does not
store the complete set of data like a BSO database does. ASO only physically stores
the data at the lowest levels and is a lot like a relational database where you depend
heavily on functions such as SUM, MAX, and ABS to massage the data as it is delivered
to you.
MDX function examples
Here, we will show you the same data query function twice. One will be in the
format used by the Essbase Calculation Script language and the other example will
be in the MDX data query language. The reason for this is to illustrate how vastly
different each language is.
The @ANCEST function is a very commonly used function. In an Essbase database,
where the data is stored at all levels, you can easily ask for the ancestor member. In
an ASO database however, the data in most cases is dynamically calculated, so you
have to ask for it in a different way so Essbase can interpret your request properly.
• Essbase Calculation Script
@ANCEST (dimName, genLevNum, [ mbrName])
• MDX Query Language
The command above assumes you are keying off of the member currently
selected. What will be returned is the value of Sales from the ancestor of
the member in the product dimension and the Generation level 2.
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MDX query syntax
To make querying an ASO database more relational and SQL like, you can actually
write your queries like you would in a relational database using SQL.
Looking at the following examples, you can see that the SELECT statement is almost
identical to that of a query written in SQL. Because the data is stored similarly, the
query language is similar. That way, you won't forget when you're querying an
Essbase BSO database or an Essbase ASO database.
Typical MDX query structure:
SELECT [<member_name>,[ <member_name>]]
FROM [<Essbase_database_name>]]
WHERE [<dimension_name.member_name>
[, <dimension_name.member_name>]]
SELECT Sales,Stocks
WHERE Calendar Periods.June, Model Year.2010
Typical SQL Query Structure
SELECT column_name>[, <column_name>...]
FROM table_name
WHERE value = value [and value = value]
SELECT Sales, Stocks
WHERE Month = June and ModelYear = 2010
Well, this should put you in a good place for querying an ASO database. The Essbase
Technical Reference included and installed with the EAS on your client PC contains all
of the information you need on the actual query functions and member set functions.
As with everything else in this book, the only way you will get proficient is to play
around in the database.
Executing an MDX query
Now, here is a question that is begging to be asked. How do we execute an
MDX query?
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The answer is easy enough. You execute an MDX query in exactly the same fashion
as you execute any MaxL statement. Remember, both DDL and MDX are really
MaxL scripts. The only difference between MaxL DDL and MaxL MDX is the editor
used through the EAS tool.
In the previous screenshot, we showed you the MDX editor that you can access from
the EAS tool by clicking on the Editors menu selection and then selecting MDX.
When you are using the MDX editor, you have the same nice features as the other
editors that are included in the EAS tool. It is through the editor that you can also
execute your MDX statements.
The other way to execute your MDX statements is through the command line prompt.
This is exactly like you were shown earlier in this book for the MaxL DDL statements.
Honestly, if it wasn't for the major outline differences between an ASO database
and a BSO database, you could travel through your entire Essbase career and not
really need the MDX piece of MaxL. Because the ASO database structure can
actually be at least conceptually compared with a relational database more than
a multidimensional database, it's a good idea to get friendly with MDX.
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[ 378 ]
Tuples and Sets
A Tuple is a collection of members from different dimensions that represent a slice
of data from the database. A tuple can contain one member from each dimension.
A tuple should be wrapped in parentheses when written. In theory, each cell in the
Essbase cube is defined by a tuple with one member from each dimension. A single
member is also considered a tuple.
A tuple is an easy way to describe a slice of data from an Essbase database.
A correctly written tuple can contain very few actual words, but can describe
a large amount of data.
Here is an example of a tuple:
(Total Market. United States)
The tuple above will return all data at the Total Market level for the United States.
Null Dimensions or Null member
references are not valid tuples.
Sets are an ordered collection of tuples. A set can be empty, have one tuple,
or it can have more than one tuple. Duplicates of tuples are allowed. Sets
are enclosed in curly brackets.
Here is an example of a set:
{CALENDER PERIOD.2008}—defines one Tuple
{CALENDER PERIOD.2008, CALENDER PERIOD.2007}—defines sets of two Tuples
Pros and cons of ASO and BSO
As you have seen earlier in the chapter, there are some differences between the ASO
and the BSO. Even though there are differences, we would like the reporting output
to be the same and the analyst who is running the report should not even know to
which type of database he is connected. Let us take some time to look at a few of
the pros and cons between these two types of databases.
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Pros and cons of BSO
The Essbase BSO is the original format of the Essbase database technology. The BSO
is also the mainstay for Essbase as it offers robust, full-featured functionality. Here
we will describe what we feel are some of the positive features of the BSO as well
as some of the not so positive features for you.
Listed below are just a few high-level features that we feel makes the Essbase BSO
a good choice:
• Several databases stored in one application.
• No reserved names for application and database names.
• Account dimension supports all types of calculations and attribute members.
• Calculation scripts are supported.
• Uncomplicated write back ability.
• Formulas are allowed in all dimensions with no restrictions.
• Outline changes do not automatically clear data values, even if a data source
is used to both modify members and load values. Therefore, incremental data
loads are supported for all outlines.
• Currency conversion is supported.
Listed below are a few high-level features that we feel you may need to be wary
of when using the Essbase BSO:
• For better performance, the outline dimensions must be defined as Dense
or Sparse, based on data density, which can sometimes be difficult to get
exactly right.
• Database calculation—calculation script or outline consolidation.
• Calculation order will need to be defined in the calc scripts and is
predetermined in a default outline calculation.
• Unrestricted write back ability which can be dangerous if care is not exercised.
• No automatic update to values after data load. Necessary calculation
scripts need to be specially executed, including any default calculations.
• Sometimes requires large amounts of resources.
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Pros and cons of ASO
The ASO is fast becoming the standard for extra large Essbase databases. Where
the need for high speed data retrieval for reporting and analysis can eclipse the
need for full-featured functionality, ASO fills in nicely. Here we will describe
what we feel are some of the positive features of the ASO as well as some of the
not so positive features for you.
Listed below are just a few high-level features that we feel makes the Essbase ASO
a good choice:
• Easy optimization, massive data scalability, reduced disk space, and
upto 100 times faster.
• Database creation is accomplished by either migrating a BSO outline or
defined as new after application creation.
• Outline dimensions will not need to be designated as dense or sparse.
• Outline is validated every time a database is started.
• Database calculation or aggregation of the database can be predefined
by defining aggregate views.
• Calculation order is not relevant for database calculation, but is relevant
for dynamic calculation formulas.
• Limited write back ability.
• At the end of a data load, if aggregation exists, the values in aggregation
are recalculated and updated automatically.
• Aggregate storage database outlines are page-able. This feature significantly
reduces memory usage for very large database outlines.
Listed below are a few high-level features that we feel you may need to be wary
of when using the Essbase ASO:
• Aggregate storage applications have some limitations that do not apply to
block storage applications with regard to consolidations, calculations, and
overall robust functionality.
• Can store only one database per application.
• Names reserved for table spaces cannot be used as application
or database names.
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• Accounts dimension does not support time balance members and association
of attribute dimensions.
• On non-account dimensions, there are restrictions on label only members and
dynamic time series members. Members tagged as dynamic hierarchies have
no restrictions on the consolidation settings. Stored hierarchy members can
only be tagged as label only or (+) addition.
• Non-account dimensions support only consolidation operator (+) addition
• Calculation scripts are not supported.
• Formulas are allowed only on account dimension members and allowed
with certain restrictions.
• Only Level 0 cells whose values do not depend on formulas in the outline
are loaded.
• Data values are cleared each time the outline is structurally changed.
Therefore, incremental data loads are only supported for outlines that
do not change.
• Currency conversion is not supported without the use of special MDX
queries. This method can have a negative effect on performance.
As you can see, there are some substantial differences and some very good reasons to
use one type of database over another. To give you our idea of the ideal application of
ASO and BSO, read below:
• ASO Database: The ASO database is ideal for dynamically built Essbase
cubes that are usually Read Only and used for reporting, presentation, and
analysis. This type of database would also tend to have a rather large outline
where at least one dimension has a significant amount of members. A parts
dimension or product dimension comes to mind.
Behind this ASO database would be a large BSO parent Essbase database,
from which the dynamic ASO databases are built on the fly.
• BSO Database: The BSO database is ideal for virtually any size cube, but
where performance is not necessarily the number one priority. Accuracy
and completeness of data would be the main consideration.
The BSO database is ideal as the large parent database where users from
many different departments can trigger jobs which will dynamically build
ASO reporting cubes on an as needed basis. The typical BSO database is
ideally suited for financial analysis applications.
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Of course, these are just one possibility or scenario. The beauty of Essbase is that you
can do most anything with it. Heck, you could easily have a large Oracle relational
database as the backend data source for your ASO cubes.
The possibilities are endless!
We hope you have found the information in this chapter as fun, exciting, and useful
as we have. As we've said repeatedly throughout this book, it should be no wonder
to you why Oracle Essbase is the number one data analytics tool in the world! It's
almost as though Essbase is a product that is never finished, because just when you
think it can't get any better, it gets even better!
You should now have a good understanding of the two very different but
complimentary Essbase database architectures. The BSO is the old standby
foundation in the world of Essbase, and the ASO is the streamlined speedster.
The differences in many cases between ASO and BSO are minor, but their affect
can be dramatic. The BSO utilizes the standard data block method of storing data,
while the ASO uses the aggregate method. The BSO is built for rugged and robust
computing and analysis. The ASO is built for high speed, high volume data analysis
and reporting.
We're sure you see by now that whether you use ASO, BSO, or both together,
you can be confident you have made the right choice.
Yes, there are several imitators out there. There are some that are even pushing their
product for free. We are confident you will agree with us that when all is said and
done, Essbase is the clearly superior tool. Read on in fact, for an introduction to some
of the new components available in what is now a suite of Essbase applications.
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Essbase System 9 Components
Here we are at the last chapter of this outstanding book. It has taken ten, occasionally long, chapters to get you to a point where you are proficient and capable in the exciting world of Oracle Essbase.
A lot has changed with Essbase since the early days back in the 1990's. Essbase itself has grown and flourished into the world's leading OLAP analytic software and now includes all of the bells and whistles you'd expect and more.
The purpose of this chapter is to go over some exciting new additions to the Essbase family. No longer is it just Essbase, the multidimensional OLAP database. The future of Essbase, beginning with Essbase version 9.x, is now Essbase System 9.
Essbase System 9 is now a suite of analytical applications or components of which Essbase is the cornerstone. Some of the components enhance the overall abilities of the suite and some are targeted more to specific computing purposes.
Overview of System 9 components
When Oracle purchased Hyperion and several other companies, they set out to organize their product catalog and bring together a standardized naming convention as well as standardized software versioning. The Essbase suite of tools and applications is no exception as Essbase version 9.x has become Essbase System 9, and there never really was a commercially released Essbase version 8.x. Oracle now has plans to further integrate the Essbase suite of tools and components into their product catalog and we'll just need to wait and see how this plays out with version 11 and beyond.
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Essbase System 9 Components
[ 384 ]
What we are giving you in this chapter is a high level look at each new Essbase tool
or component and also a slightly lower level look at the hot new additions to the
Essbase family. Not to detract from any of the other Essbase family members, but
the new Oracle Smart View, for one, is an awesome tool to have in your toolbox.
Essbase Analytic Services (Essbase agent)
The term Essbase analytic services, while commonly thought to refer to the Essbase
suite of applications, actually refers to the common Essbase system structure that is
built around the Essbase analytic database engine technology.
We know this sounds confusing, but here is how it works. In your Essbase toolbox,
you can have many different tools. Some of them are optional and can be added at
an additional expense and some of them must be included from the beginning for
proper system installation. No matter what tools you want to add to your Essbase
toolbox, the Essbase agent or Essbase analytic services must be included and it is
the cornerstone of the Essbase suite of applications.
The Essbase agent is what you install on your server in order to make it an Essbase
analytic server. The Essbase agent is what you use to build, deploy, and maintain
your Essbase databases.
In a nutshell, Essbase analytic services is the heart and soul of your Essbase system.
Essbase Planning
Also known as Hyperion Planning or even Oracle Planning, Essbase Planning is
a centralized Microsoft Excel and web-based planning and forecasting tool that
combines data from various internal business activities such as finance, marketing,
and so on, into one integrated tool. Planning uses the data to provide a closer
look at the company's overall business operations and helps improve the forecast
predictability accuracy.
Planning makes use of Essbase in an ingenious way. The data for each business
activity is stored in its own custom Essbase database or cube. Several business
activities can share the same cube and have their own set of dimensions and
members. Therefore, Essbase must be started and running in the background so
Planning can access the cubes. The various Planning functions are then supported
by Planning's seamless accessing of the data from the Essbase cubes and by using
the stored business rule feature to apply the customer defined business rules to the
data for planning and analysis purposes.
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[ 385 ]
The storing of complex business rules to facilitate proper analysis of the data is a
huge benefit of Oracle Planning and is accomplished within the module by utilizing
a small space on a relational database such as an Oracle or SQL server database.
With the aid of pre-packaged process modules, Essbase Planning can also greatly
shorten the length of time typically required for budget and forecast cycles, thus
lowering the total cost of ownership for this product.
Essbase analytics
It's funny, but the word analytics is being tossed about rather often these days.
Pretty much anything you do with OLAP or multidimensional database tools,
can be termed analytics.
In Essbase however, Essbase analytics, to some, usually refers to Essbase's other
database engine, the ASO database engine. The reason given for this is that the
typical Essbase ASO database is primarily used for presentation, analysis, and
reporting which are all analytic functions. The Essbase BSO database, while
analytic itself, can also be considered transactional as well.
The Essbase analytics nickname dates back to the advent of the ASO database
architecture when all you had was the BSO architecture. The new ASO architecture
was the analytic tool.
Yes, it's funny how Essbase is an analytical package and inside that package is
an analytic piece but that's just how it is.
Try not to get hung up on the terminology here though. When considering your
options, you need to look at all of the same things you have always looked at. How
large will the system be? What are the business customer's requirements? What type
of system am I building here?
When you answer these questions, it will matter less what you call what you are
doing than choosing the right tools.
Hyperion Application Link/Oracle
Application Link
The name pretty much says it all. Hyperion Application Link is a suite of ETL tools
that allows the user or programmer to integrate Oracle products, like Essbase, with
other third party software packages, especially transactional database packages.
Hyperion Application Link (HAL) can integrate all of your data loading and ETL
functions into one place and offer improved performance.
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[ 386 ]
When gathering data for your Essbase application, you may encounter data from
many different sources. HAL allows you to set up a link to your favorite Oracle
database using an ODBC connection. HAL will also allow you to load data from
conveniently delivered flat files too. In fact, you can usually accomplish just about
all of your data loading needs for your Essbase System 9 installation by using HAL.
Oracle Business Rules
This tool can be a tremendous time saver. The Oracle Business Rules tool allows
the programmer to create, store, execute, and manage complex business rules as
specified by the business customer and as it relates to the business process and the
data. All of this is accomplished by using an easy to understand user interface with
graphical depictions of the various elements that go into a rule.
Imagine a business process that dictates the values for next month's sales
commitments as follows:
• If the actual sales for the prior month are not received by the 15th of the
current month, then the committed sales for the current month are to equal
the sales number that was forecasted from the prior month.
• If the actual sales for the prior month are received by the 15th, then the
number used for the current month's committed sales will be equal to the
prior month actual sales * 1.15.
This is just one example of a business rule being automatically executed against
the data for the users of the system. There are endless possibilities on how to make
good use of this tool.
The advantages of the Oracle Business Rules tool are clear, especially in today's
fast-paced business world where static structures in data load and calculation
scripts need almost continual modifying. With the Hyperion Business Rules tool,
the dynamic nature of the business can more effectively be supported with the
creation of minimal maintenance dynamic rules.
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[ 387 ]
Oracle Reports
Oracle Reports is a powerful new tool for creating reports that presents complex
financial analytic data in an easy to read, professional looking, graphical format.
The reports you create can contain many elements such as colorful charts, graphs,
and even text box objects.
Creating reports is quick and easy and objects embedded in one report can be
linked to appear in another report.
Essbase Shared Services
Essbase Shared Services or Shared Services is a component of Oracle's Essbase
Foundation Services. Shared Services is a standardized infrastructure framework
that facilitates the deployment of other Essbase System 9 components and also
simplifies the ongoing system maintenance of those components.
Shared Services provides a central framework for creating and maintaining users.
It can also be used for managing user security across all Oracle Essbase modules,
including external authentication.
One nice feature of Shared Services is that you can build your applications for easy
user ID set up and maintenance. If you are able to use external authentication or
network authentication, where Essbase allows the network to authenticate the user
ID, your password maintenance is all but eliminated and a user who has access to
the network can also access any Essbase application that you have given him or her
access to. If you plan to use Essbase authentication, the user ID is authenticated by
the Essbase analytic server at login time.
Finally, Essbase Shared Services provides the capability of managing the migration
of components from your test environments to your production environments.
You perform the development and testing in the Dev environment and then use
the Shared Services tool to copy the objects to the Prod environment.
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[ 388 ]
Oracle Essbase Provider Services
Oracle Essbase Provider Services is a middle tier data source provider between
an Essbase Server and Smart view, XMLA, and/or Java API. The following figure
shows the Provider Services architecture:
Client Tier
XMLA Clients
Middle Tier
Hyperion Provider
Database Tier
As you can see, Provider Services is a three-tiered architecture. One of the other special
features is that you can configure Oracle Provider Services from the EAS tool. When
you are working with Smart View for Microsoft Office, you will have the option of
selecting Oracle Provider Services to connect to the Essbase analytic server.
Essbase Smart Office
Essbase Smart Office or more commonly known as Essbase Smart Space, is a unique
new tool in the world of real-time analytic analysis and reporting.
The most amazing feature of Essbase Smart Office is that it offers the first
gadget-based user interface. Smart Office consists of a set of configurable gadgets
that run on the business customer's PC desktop and provide continuous access to
financial, operational, and performance related data. Additionally, Smart Office
contains a toolkit that can be used for creating additional gadgets and data services
that constantly keep the user upto date.
The following screenshot says it all for this tool. Can you imagine how happy your
customers will be with this scene on their desktop? You will probably have many
new co-workers which will call you friend.
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[ 389 ]
Here comes the awesome part. Smart Office can also act like a sort of desktop
instant messenger tool or collaboration tool, where users can notify one another
on the fly of changes in business processes, task completions, or anything else that
can affect their performance.
Oracle Essbase Financial Reporting
This tool can be easily compared to a conductor in an orchestra. With it's easy to use,
user friendly graphical user interface, Oracle Essbase Financial Reporting gets high
grades on its usability factor.
While advanced users will enjoy the intuitive, quick and easy, drag-and-drop
method for creating impressive reports, even the most computer illiterate users
can produce high level, executive quality reports with just a little practice.
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[ 390 ]
Take a look at the following screenshot to see an example of how easy and intuitive
using Oracle Essbase Financial Reporting really is:
On top of the reporting capabilities, Oracle Financial Reporting also has functionality
that allows the user to schedule batch report generation, distribute reports, and
divert reports to a holding area. Then, to complete the process, Oracle Financial
Reporting can be used to send notifications to specified recipients when their reports
are ready.
Smart View for Microsoft Office
As you know, Oracle Essbase comes with an Add-in tool designed to be used in
Microsoft Excel. It is this add-in that is one of Essbase's biggest strengths and also
makes all of the various data analysts very happy.
Oracle, being the industry leader that they are, did not stop with the Essbase Add-in
for Microsoft Excel. Oracle realized that in addition to making the data analysts very
happy, it would probably be a good idea to make the flashy sales people and the big
shot executives very happy as well.
With Essbase version 9.x and higher, Oracle has introduced a new product called
Smart View. Oracle Essbase Smart View, simply put, is like an Essbase Add-In for
the entire Microsoft Office suite of applications.
In today's world of on demand this and real time that, just imagine a tool that allows
you to go into a meeting with your beautifully prepared Microsoft PowerPoint
presentation that itself is now directly connected to the Essbase database. Your
presentation will always have up-to-the-second and accurate data. Also, imagine that
you need to send a quick email to your team alerting them to some data condition
that needs immediate attention. Well, your email can also connect directly to the
database and will contain up-to-the-second data.
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[ 391 ]
In the following screenshot, you can see how Smart View will dynamically update
values in a Microsoft Excel object embedded in a Microsoft Word document. You
can do this with PowerPoint and Outlook email as well.
Wait, there's more. No more trying to hastily update Microsoft Word documents in a
pinch either. You guessed it, embedded into your document is a dynamic connection
to your Essbase database.
Oracle Smart View also works effortlessly with Microsoft Excel.
As you can see, the Oracle Essbase family is about as complete as one could possibly
want or need it to be. It seems that if there is ever a need that is unfulfilled in the
Business Intelligence arena, Oracle will fill it and fill it better than anyone else.
One stop shopping has never been true than it is with Oracle. Whatever your
Business Intelligence, OLAP, or Analytic computing needs, there is an Oracle
Essbase product that will satisfy your requirements better than any other product.
When multiple products are used together as part of the Essbase System, they are
truly unbeatable.
Just remember, it all started with Essbase and Essbase is still the OLAP, Business
Intelligence, and Analytic foundation today.
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A New Essbase Companion—Oracle Smart View
As you know, Oracle Essbase comes with an add-in tool designed to be used in Microsoft Excel. It is this add-in that is one of Essbase's biggest strengths. As you
also know, it is this add-in that makes all of the various data analysts very happy
as well.
Oracle, being the industry leader, they are, did not stop with the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel. They realized that in addition to making the data analysts happy, it would probably be a good idea to make the flash and dash executives happy as well.
Oracle has introduced, with Essbase version 9.x, a new product called Smart View. Oracle Smart View, simply put, is like an Essbase Add-in for the entire Microsoft Office suite of applications.
In today's world of on demand this and real time that, just imagine a tool that allows you to go into a meeting with your beautifully prepared Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that is directly connected to the Essbase database. Your presentation will always have up-to-the-second and accurate data. Also imagine that you need to send a quick email to your team alerting them to some data condition that needs immediate attention. Well, your email can also connect directly to the Essbase database and will contain upto the second data!
Wait, there's more! No more trying to hastily update Microsoft Word documents in a pinch either. You guessed it, embedded into your document is a dynamic connection to the Essbase database!
Oh, and in case you are wondering, Oracle Smart View works effortlessly with Microsoft Excel too! Does it get any better than this?
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A New Essbase Companion—Oracle Smart View
[ 394 ]
Smart View is like having your cake and being able to eat it too! Now, let's jump in
and see how we can make the best use of Oracle Smart View for reporting your data.
Reporting with Oracle Smart View
The installation of Smart View is very easy. Along with Oracle Smart View, you
will also need to install Oracle Shared Services, formerly the Oracle Hub, or Oracle
Provider Services. Smart View can be used with all Oracle products, such as Essbase,
Oracle Planning, and Financial Reporting.
When installing Oracle Smart View in Microsoft Excel, there is no need to uninstall the
Essbase Add-In, you can simply install right on top of it. After Smart View is installed
you should see an Hyperion menu pick on the main toolbar in Microsoft Excel, this
will be in addition to the Essbase menu pick. You should now also see the Hyperion
menu pick on the toolbars for Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and on any of
the other Microsoft Office components you have installed on your computer.
By clicking on the Hyperion menu pick added to your toolbar, you see a listing
of the entire menu available to you as shown in the following screenshot:
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[ 395 ]
Adding a data source with the connection
Before you can even begin to retrieve data from your Essbase database or through
your Oracle Planning module, you will need to define a data source to Smart View
for each connection. This needs to be done individually for each Microsoft Office
application in which you will be using Smart View.
To add a data source, click on Hyperion | Connection Manager.
You will then be asked to connect using either Shared Services Provider or URL
Provider. In this example, we have chosen URL Provider and in the next screen
you see a list box with several URL locations.
In the list box, you will see Hyperion Provider and Hyperion Reporting and Analysis.
To connect to Essbase, Oracle Planning, or Oracle Financial Management use URL
Provider and for Financial Reporting, Production Reporting, or Web Analysis use
Hyperion Reporting and Analysis. Since we are connecting to Essbase, we have
selected URL Provider.
For URL Location, you need to provide the location where Hyperion Provider
is actually running. If your Hyperion Provider is installed on your client, then
it would be running on your localhost and you need to provide the URL address.
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[ 396 ]
For Essbase, the default URL location is:
For Oracle Planning, the default URL location is:
Once the Provider and URL Location are entered, please click on the Next button
to proceed.
On the next screen you will see the Essbase server. When you click on the server
the system will prompt you to enter your Essbase user name and password to
connect to the Essbase server as shown in the following screenshot:
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[ 397 ]
After you have entered your user ID and password click on the Connect button
and in the next screen you will see a list of the available applications and databases
on the Essbase server. Select the application and database to which you want to
establish the connection and click on Next.
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[ 398 ]
On the next screen, you will be prompted to enter a Name and Description for
the data source. When you have entered this information click on the Finish button
and you are now done. You have successfully added a new data source for Smart
View. To connect to this data source click on the Connect button as shown in the
following screenshot:
In order to establish a connection to the Essbase server, you will be asked to enter your
user name and password. Once you have entered the correct information, you can click
on the Connect button and you will be successfully connected to the Essbase cube. You
are now ready for happy reporting. The following screenshot shows the connection
manager after the connection is established:
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[ 399 ]
If you have the Essbase Add-in installed on the same PC, we need to remove
the Enable Double-Clicking option from the Essbase | Options | Global tab
in Microsoft Excel.
Steps to update the Essbase Add-in option:
1. Open Microsoft Excel and click on Essbase | Options.
2. Click on the Global tab.
3. Uncheck the Enable Double-Clicking checkbox.
4. Click on OK.
The next screenshot shows the Essbase | Options | Global tab and I assume you
are quite familiar with this screen, as we have discussed it in the add-in section of
this book:
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[ 400 ]
Retrieving data using Smart View in
Microsoft Excel
Now that you have established a connection with the Essbase server, you are ready
to retrieve data. With Smart View, you can generate reports using the Free Form or
you can do your own Ad-Hoc reporting. Using the Free Form reporting option, like
we talked about for the Microsoft Excel Add-in, you can define the row and column
member names and click on the Hyperion | Refresh button and you will see the
data as shown in the following screenshot:
If you notice in the previous figure, you see a small box called [Book1]Sheet that
is nothing but a POV (Point of View). The POV has all of the page dimension
information for the data you are currently looking at. Right now, you are viewing
data for TOTAL MARKET and you decide that you would like to see the data at
a specific market level. On the POV screen, you can click on the TOTAL MARKET
drop-down box and then click on the … and you will see the following Member
Selection screen:
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[ 401 ]
In the Member Selection screen, you can see all of the available members for the
dimension you have selected listed in the Members list box (which is on the left
hand part of the Member Selection screen) and you can see all of the members you
have selected in the Selection list box (right-hand side of the Member Selection
screen). In the Member Selection screen, you can also select different dimensions by
clicking on the Dimension drop-down list. You can also set Filters for the members
you have selected to narrow your selection further. The filter can be at the Children,
Descendants, Level, or Generation of the member you have selected.
In this example, we have filtered the selection by the Generation and displayed the
report of all of the members in Generation 5. Select all returned members by clicking
on the select all button and then click on the add button to add the members
into the selection list. Click on OK to return back to Microsoft Excel.
On the Microsoft Excel sheet, click the refresh button on the POV. The data will
then be refreshed.
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[ 402 ]
As you can see in the selection above, we have selected three members from the
market dimension. This will not report the data in three separate sheets, but the
members are stored in the POV and you can change the member in the POV
anytime and click on the refresh button to refresh the data.
The Free Form reporting is the same as the Free Form reporting that we have talked
about previously in the chapter on the Essbase Add-In. However, the difference is
that in Smart View, you will have a POV selection through which you can change
your other member selections. In the next section, we will learn little more about the
POV Manager.
POV Manager
You can also report the data in Microsoft Excel using the POV Manager. Once you
have established a connection to the Essbase database, click on Hyperion | POV
Manager. The POV Manager screen will be opened and you will see two folders,
one is called Active and the other is called Saved.
If you click on the Active folder you will see the current active connections. If you
are connected to two data sources you will see two connection names in the Active
folder. If you select a connection now in the right side of the POV Manager, you
will have two selections, one is the Connection and the other is POV (seen in the
following screenshot). In the Connection block you will see information about the
data source that this connection is associated with and in the POV block you will
see all of the dimension information along with the default members selected. On
the POV block the left side is the dimension information and right-hand side is the
selected member information. If you double-click a member in the POV, the Member
Selection screen will be displayed and you can change the member information.
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[ 403 ]
In the Saved folder, you have a folder which has the same name as the Microsoft
Excel workbook name and inside that folder there are three folders called Sheet
1, Sheet 2, and Sheet 3. These folders correspond with the number of sheets in
your workbook. Inside each individual sheet folder you can save the connection
information and POV for that sheet. Once you save the Microsoft Excel file the
connection information is also saved and this can be used by the business user
to save and then share their queries with other users.
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[ 404 ]
Submitting data and calc scripts in Smart View
Like the "Lock and Send" data update method in the Essbase Add-in, you can also
send data to the Essbase database by clicking on the Hyperion | Submit Data
button. Let's say we have a member called Dealer Adjustments in our Measures
dimension and we allow the business analysts to enter adjustments to this member
using Microsoft Excel. All they need to do is click on Submit Data to send the
data to the Essbase database. The moment the business analyst enters the January
2009 Dealer Adjustments data in Microsoft Excel, the spreadsheet cell shows the
information in yellow, indicating that this information has been edited and needs
to be sent to the server, as shown in the next screenshot:
The moment the user clicks on the Hyperion | Submit Data, the information
is submitted to the Essbase database as shown:
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[ 405 ]
As you can see from the previous screenshot, the data is submitted to the
database server but the data has not been rolled upto its parent which is TOTAL
DISCOUNTS. In order to roll up the data, you need to execute a calc script.
Click on the Hyperion | Calculation Options | Calculate and you will see
the calculation scripts screen as shown:
In this screen you can see all of the available Calculation Scripts for the Essbase
database you are connected to. In this case we select the default calc and click on
Launch. When the Calc has completed, the data is rolled upto the higher parent
levels. If you run the report for the TOTAL DISCOUNTS now, you will see the
data is rolled up as shown in the following screenshot:
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[ 406 ]
Using Smart View in other Microsoft Office
This is one of the coolest features in Smart View. When you install Smart View, it will
be integrated into all of the Microsoft Office products loaded on your PC. If you open
Microsoft Word you will see a Hyperion menu item, open Microsoft PowerPoint and
you will see a Hyperion menu pick, what the heck, you will even see the Hyperion
menu pick in your Microsoft Outlook mail program.
Let's say you are meeting with the Finance Director monthly, to show how good or
bad the company is doing in the current market. This is never a fun task. Chances are
you will create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. With Smart View, all you need
to do is just click to refresh the data every month and you will get the most current
data from the Essbase database into your presentation.
Let's see how we can do this in Smart View. There are a couple of ways to do it.
You can copy the data point from Microsoft Excel and paste it into the Microsoft
PowerPoint presentation or just create a new data point in the Microsoft
PowerPoint presentation. It's that easy!
1. First, explore how we can do it by copying the Data Points from Microsoft
Excel to Microsoft PowerPoint.
2. Select the cell whose data point you want to copy and click on Hyperion
| Copy Data Points.
3. Open the Microsoft PowerPoint in the menu item and click on Hyperion
| Paste Data Points.
You will now see a message on the Microsoft PowerPoint screen saying NEED
REFRESH as shown in the following screenshot:
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[ 407 ]
If you look closely at the previous screenshot, you will see the connection detail
which tells you all of the information about the members that are chosen for this
Data Point. Since your connection is already established in Microsoft Excel, you
do not need to reconnect in Microsoft PowerPoint. In order to see the new data,
click on Hyperion | Refresh, you will see the data in Microsoft PowerPoint
(as seen below) and you are now ready for the meeting.
Another way of calling the Essbase data from other Microsoft Office products
is by using the Smart Tags option. These Smart Tags are turned off by default
but you can always turn them on.
On the Tools menu, click on the Auto Correct Options, and then click on the
Smart Tags tab and select the Label Text with Smart Tags checkbox to enable
the Smart Tags.
Now that the Smart Tags are enabled, let's modify our Microsoft PowerPoint
presentation to show the data by Market. In Microsoft PowerPoint, just enter
SmartView and you will see a small i on the top of the Smart View as shown
in the following screenshot:
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A New Essbase Companion—Oracle Smart View
[ 408 ]
Click on the "i" tag and then click on the Functions | Connection Name (Esscar)
| HsGetValue option. This function is used to return a data point for all of the
members you have selected. Upon clicking on this, you will see a Member Selection
screen where you can make all of the selections as shown in the next screenshot:
Click on OK after you have made all of the selections you need and you will
see the data pulled into your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (as seen below):
Well that wraps it up for Hyperion Smart View. With the already outstanding
Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel and now the addition of Smart View there
is virtually no limit to what you can do in the world of Business Intelligence.
Stay tuned as Oracle has even more new and exciting products coming down
the pipe.
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@ANCEST function 375
@ANCESTVAL (dimension, genlevNum, [membername]) 180
@ANCESTVAL (dimension, genlevNum, [membername]) function 180
@AVGRANGE() function 183
@CALCMODE() function 186
@CHILDREN() function 183
@CONCATENATE() function 187
@COUNT function 185
@ISCHILD(mbrname) function 178
@ISLEV function 178
@ISMBR function 178
@MEDIAN() function 185
@MOVAVG() function 184
@NEXT() function 184
@PARENTVAL (dimension, membername) function 179
@PRIOR () function 184
@RANK function 185
@ROUND() function 182
@SIBLINGS() function 183
@SUBSTRING() function 187
@SUM() function 182
@SUMRANGE() function 183
@TODATE() function 186
@VAR() function 182
@VARPER() function 182
account dimension type, standard dimension 70
add-in spreadsheet options, setting
about 250, 251
display tab 251, 252
global tab 256-258
mode tab 254-256
zoom tab 253, 254
addition (+) operator 79
AGENTDELAY, essbase.cfg file settings 356
AGENTLOGMESSAGELEVEL, essbase.cfg file settings 357
AGENTTHREADS, essbase.cfg file settings 356
Aggregate Storage Option. See ASO
AGTSVRCONNECTIONS, essbase.cfg file settings 356
alias table, member alias 86
alter statement 307
alter system statement 321
alter user 319, 320
analytic server, configuration file
calculation, settings 355
configuration, categories 355
data import/export, settings 355
essbase.cfg file 352-354
hybrid analysis, settings 355
logging and error handling, settings 355
memory management, settings 355
miscellaneous, settings 355
ports and connections, settings 355, 356
query management, settings 355
settings 355
ancestors, outline member descriptors 67
application properties, Essbase
about 45
getting, ways 45
minimum access level 46
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[ 410 ]
security 46
startup section 46
about 39, 366, 380
aggregate storage application/database,
creating 366-369
and BSO, differences 372
cons 380, 381
database 381
dynamic hierarchies 370, 372
hierarchies 370
MDX functions 374
multiple hierarchies, enabling 370
pros 380
stored hierarchies 370, 371
ASO database
about 366
aggregation 373
outline paging 372
ASOsamp 370
attribute dimensions
about 72, 109
creating 110
facts 110
Block Storage Option. See BSO
boolean functions
@ISCHILD(mbrname) 179
@ISLEV 178
@ISMBR 178
about 40-42
about 366
aggregate storage application/database,
creating 367, 368
and ASO, differences 372
cons 379
database 381
pros 379
BSO database 366
caches tab, Essbase database 55
Calc All, database calculation function 165
CALCCACHE, essbase.cfg file settings 357
calc commands and functions
about 167
boolean function 178
conditionals 176
control flow 168
data declarations 167, 168
date and time function 186
forecasting function 184
functional 173
math 182
member set 183
member set function 182
miscellaneous calculation function 186
operators 181
range (financial) function 183, 184
relationship function 179, 180
statistical function 185
CALC DIM function 166
essbase.cfg memory settings 361
CALCLOCKBLOCK, essbase.cfg file
settings 357
CALCPARALLEL, essbase.cfg file settings
calculate/aggregate dimension 166
calculation 187, 189
calculation, essbase.cfg file settings
calculation function 268
calculation script
about 156-158
building 199
Calc command 163
commands 163
EssCmd script 204, 205
executing, Essbase command script (Ess-
Cmd) used 203
executing manually, EAS used 203
push down command 163
rollup command 163
running, Essbase API used 208, 209
running, from Microsoft Excel 209
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[ 411 ]
running manually, EAS used 201, 202
running, MaxL script used 205-207
running, Microsoft Excel VBA used 211
running, through Essbase Add-in 210, 211
saving 200, 201
stomp-on command 163
writing 200
calculation script, executing
calculation script running, Essbase API
used 208, 209
calculation script running, Essbase
Command Script (EssCmd) used 203
calculation script running, from Microsoft
Excel 209
calculation script running manually, EAS
used 201, 202, 203
calculation script running, MaxL script
used 205, 207
calculation script running, Microsoft Excel
VBA used 211, 212
calculation script, running through Essbase
Add-in 210, 211
calculation types
about 159
calculation scripts 160, 161
dynamic calc 161, 162
dynamic calc and store 161, 162
stored data member formula 161
Calendar Periods dimension 33
child, outline member descriptors 67
components, Essbase database
calculation scripts 49
database load rules files 50
database outline 48
Linked Reporting Objects (LRO) 48
partitions 48
report scripts 50
IF/ENDIF command 176-178
connection manager
data source, adding 395-398
control flow
ENDEXCLUDE command 172
ENDFIX command 168, 169
EXCLUDE command 171
FIX command 168, 169
FIX/ENDFIX, examples 170, 171
country dimension type, standard
dimension 70
create calculation 317
create user 319
Cubeview 240
currency database, Essbase database 47
currency partition dimension type, standard
dimension 71
Currency Report… function 272
currency tab, Essbase database 57
calculating 156
partitioning 347, 348
performance tuning 339, 340
database calculation script
ARRAY, temporary variables 167
temporary variables 167
VA, temporary variables 167
database calculation script. See also
calculation script
database configuration settings
data cache settings 344, 345
data load and storage settings 345-347
data retrieval buffers 343
database partitioning, options
about 347, 348
linked database partition 348
replicated database partition 348
transparent database partition 348
DATACACHESIZE, essbase.cfg memory
settings 361
data calculation, MaxL
calculation, creating 317
calculation, displaying 317
calculation, dropping 318
calculation, executing 317
data delimiters 91
DATAERRORLIMIT, essbase.cfg file settings
data export text files 124
memory settings 361
data file freeform (no load rule), data load
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[ 412 ]
method 125, 126
data import/export, essbase.cfg file settings
data load
versus dimension build 152, 153
data load, file types
data export text files 124
excel files 124
text files 124
data loading, EAS used
Abort on Error 148
Data Source (Data File) 148
data source, types 148
Delete 149
Error File 148
Execute in background 149
fields 148
Insert 149
mode 148
OK 149
Open 149
Overwrite 148
Rules File 148
Save 149
SQL Username and Password 149
data, loading in Essbase database
EAS used 147, 148, 150
MaxL used 151, 152
data load methods
data file freeform (no load rule) 125, 126
Essbase export and import (no load rule)
excel lock and send (no load rule) 130
structured data load (load rule used) 130
data load rules file
advantages 131
associating 132
building 131
Data Load Settings, updating 136
Data Load Values, setting 136
Data Prep Editor, starting steps 132
Data Source Properties, setting 135, 136
fields, associating with Data Load
Properties 141, 142
opening 133, 134
saving 146
SQL data source file, opening 133, 134
validating 145
View to Data Load Fields, setting 135
Data Load Settings, updating
data combinations, clearing 139
header definition 140
data load, types
data loads 123
dimension build loads 124
Data Load Values, setting
Data values 137, 138
Sign flip 138
Data Prep Editor, starting with 87
data, previewing in EAS
Cubeview 240, 241
properties 241, 242
steps 239
data requirements, Essbase database
determining 32-34
data rules file, building
about 86, 87
data load file, opening 89-91
data prep editor, starting 87
data source properties, setting 91
dimension build method, selecting 93
dimension build rules file, associating 88
dimension build rules file, validating 103,
fields, associating with dimensions 101-103
format file 98-100
SQL data source file, opening 89-91
view to dimension build fields, setting 92
data source, types
data file 148
data loads 123
dimension build loads 124
SQL 148
data storage options, Essbase database
database building, benefits 38
determining 35-37
Essbase cube 35
Essbase data cell 35
in traditional relational database 36
date and time function
@TODATE() function 186
dense dimension 72
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[ 413 ]
descendants, outline member descriptors 67
dimension build
versus data load 152, 153
dimension build field 92
dimension build settings, steps
build method, selecting 97
dimension name, selecting 96
existing members 96, 97
member, sorting 97
member, updating 98
merging 98
remove unspecified 98
about 64
types 70
dimensions tab, Essbase database 54
dimensions, types
attribute dimension 72
dense dimension 72
sparse dimension 72
standard dimension 70
display calculation 317
display system statement 321
display tab, Essbase options
aliases section, 252
aliases section, use aliases 252
cells options, adjust columns 252
cells options, auto sort row 252
cells options, repeat member labels 252
cells options, use styles 252
indentation setting, none 251
indentation setting, subitems 251
indentation setting, totals 251
query designer option 252
replacement section, #missing label 252
replacement section, #no access label 252
suppress options, #missing rows 251
suppress options, underscore
characters 251
suppress options, zero rows 251
display user 320
division (/) operator 79
essbase.cfg file settings 358
DLTHREADSPREPARE, essbase.cfg file
settings 358
DLTHREADSWRITE, essbase.cfg file settings
drop calculation 318
drop user 320
dynamic calc and store 161, 162
dynamic hierarchies, ASO 372
Dynamic Time Series function
about 113
D-T-D (Day-to-date) 114
H-T-D (History-to-date) 114
M-T-D (Month-to-date) 114
P-T-D (Period-to-date) 114
Q-T-D (Quarter-to-date) 114
S-T-D (Season-to-date) 114
W-T-D (Month-to-date) 114
Y-T-D (Year-to-date) 114
DYNCALCCACHEONLY, essbase.cfg file
settings 357
about 20, 31
data previewing, steps 239
installing 20-22
starting 23, 24
used for data loading 147-150
ENDEXCLUDE command 172
ENDFIX command 168-170
End User License Agreement. See EULA
about 274
messages and confirmations screen 277, 278
query, creating with 278
screens 276, 277
searching for 274-277
EQD, query creating
column dimensions 281
page dimensions 281
Report Script, by-product 288, 289
row dimensions 281
sample query 281-288
calculation function 268
Cascade… command 272
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[ 414 ]
cascade options, dialog box 272-274
currency conversion tool, using 272
Currency Report… function 272
database calculation, running 268
data calculation script 156-158
data, locking 267
data rules files 86
data, sending to database 267
default database calculation script 163-165
default URL location 396
dimension, types 70
Dynamic Time Series 113-115
graphical data representations, creating 271
Hyperion Visual Explorer (HVE) 271
Keep Only function, using 263
linked objects browser 270, 271
linked objects… command 270
lock function 267
navigate without data function 269
outline member formula 158
Pivot function 265
Remove Only function, using 264
retrieve function 266
retrieve & lock function 266
sample data (zoom in) function 270
send function 267
sheet, retrieving without data 269
UDA 111
unlock function 267
zoom in function 264, 265
zoom out function 265
Essbase 7.x
duplicate member names, allowing 50, 51
Essbase add-in
about 274
add-in spreadsheet options, setting 250, 251
add-in xll file, locating 244, 245
data, retrieving from database 249, 250
Essbase, connecting to 246
Essbase, connecting to from Microsoft Excel
247, 248
Essbase, disconnecting from 248, 249
Essbase member, selecting for query 258
Essbase Query Designer (EQD), launching
flashback 266
installing, for Microsoft Excel 25, 26, 27
reporting with, Microsoft Excel add-in 243,
Essbase Administration Services. See EAS
Essbase agent. See Essbase Analytic
Essbase Analytics 385
Essbase Analytics. See also BSO
Essbase Analytic server
installing 13
installing, steps 14-19
Windows installation, minimum
requirements 13
Essbase Analytic Services 384
Essbase API
about 326
calculation script, running 208, 209
functions 328, 329
installing 327
necessities 327, 328
programming, tips 329
Visual Basic Main API function group 328
Visual Basic Outline API functions 329
Essbase API, programming tips
about 329
API function, coding 332, 333
Essbase API code, sample blocks 333-335
Essbase API function, declarations 331, 332
Essbase nested coding style, examples 330,
sample API subroutine 336
Essbase application
creating 43-45
properties 45
types 38
Essbase application, MaxL
application, altering 307, 308
application, creating 306, 307
application, displaying 311
application log, clearing 310
drop application command 311
load/unload database, using 309
SET properties statement, using 308, 309
start up/auto startup, disabling 310, 311
start up/auto startup, enabling 310, 311
working with 306
Essbase Application Programming Interface.
See Essbase API
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[ 415 ]
Essbase applications, types
ASO 39
BSO 40, 41
Unicode applications 42
Essbase ASO. See ASO
Essbase BSO. See BSO
Essbase calculation script commands
calc 163
push down 163
rollup 163
stomp-on 163
Essbase cascade options, dialog box
cascade information 272
destination options 272
format options 273, 274
Essbase cell 36
essbase.cfg file
about 352-355
configuration, categories 355
configuration, settings 356-359
essbase.cfg, memory settings
Essbase Command Script
calculation script, running 203
coding 204
DOS command line 205
EssCmd drag and drop 205
shell command in code 205
Essbase Command Script. See also EssCmd
Essbase command scripts. See EssCmd
Essbase cube 35
Essbase cube. See also Essbase database
Essbase data
Ad hoc data 214
analyst, planning 216, 217
canned reporting 214, 215
data, exporting 215
forecast analyst 215, 216
target users 218
using 214
Essbase database
budget analysts 217
calculating 156
components 47
creating 51-53
data, loading 147
data load, types 123
data requirements, determining 32-35
data sources, types 123
data, types 123
financial analysts 218
using 213
Essbase database, creating
caches tab 55
currency tab 57
dimensions tab 54
general tab 53
modifications tab 58
statistics tab 54, 55
storage tab 56, 57
transactions tab 56
Essbase database, MaxL
commands, archiving 313
commands, setting 314
database, altering 313
database, creating 312, 313
database, displaying 315
database, dropping 315
database, renaming 314
database, reseting 314
MaxL commands, disabling 313
MaxL commands, enabling 313
working with 311, 312
Essbase database outline
database block size 342
hourglass outline 340-342
shape 340
Essbase database outline, building
about 75
members/dimensions, adding steps 76, 77
Essbase databases, types
currency database 47
normal (non-currency) database 47
Essbase data cell 36, 37
Essbase export and import (no load rule),
data load method 126-130
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[ 416 ]
Essbase-friendly data
about 120, 121
example 121-123
Essbase MaxL scripts 304
Essbase Member Selection screen 258-263
Essbase options
display tab 251
Essbase outline 64
Essbase outline dimension 66
Essbase outline, updating methods
generation reference 93
level reference 94
parent-child reference 94
Essbase Planning 384, 385
Essbase Query Designer. See EQD
Essbase Report Script
about 220
building 230-234
creating, ways 221-223
executing 234
Report Script commands and functions 223
Essbase Report Script, executing
calc running, MaxL script used 238
report running, EAS used 235, 236
report running, Essbase command script
used 236, 237
Essbase shared members
rules 116
Essbase Shared Services 387
Essbase Smart Office 388
Essbase Smart Space. See Essbase Smart
Essbase System 9 Components. See System
9 Components
Essbase users, types
database designer 60
developer type account 58
groups tab 59
supervisor account 58
ESSCAR database outline 75
Esscar Motor Company 31
about 292
coding 297
commands, categories 295
creating 293, 294
EssCmd, categories
aliases 297
application and database administration
backing up 297
calculating 296
currency conversion information 296
database objects 296
data loading, clearing, and exporting 296
dimension building 296
error and log handling 296
integrity and performance 297
location aliases 296
outline/attribute information 296
outline synchronization 296
partitioning 296
reporting 296
security filters and locks 295
substitution variables 297
user/group security 295
EssCmd, coding
error checking 298, 299
Essbase server, connecting to 298
EssCmd logging 297
finished script 300, 301
functional commands, adding 299, 300
EssCmd, executing ways
processing, from command prompt 301-303
processing, in batch mode 303
Ess-Commands. See EssCmd
excel files 124
Excel Lock and Send (no load rule), data
load method 131
EXCLUDE command 172
Exclude from Consolidation (~) operator 79
EXCLUSIVECALC, essbase.cfg file settings
execute calculation 317
export data, MaxL 316
fields, associating with Data Load Properties
Data Load Properties 142-145
global properties 142
FIX command 168-170
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[ 417 ]
flashback, Essbase add-in undo command
flat file load rule 130
forecasting function
@MOVAVG() function 184
@MOVSUM() function 184
general dimension type, standard dimension
general tab, Essbase database 53
generation 68
generation 0 68
generation 1 68
generation 2 68
generation reference 93
global tab, Essbase options
display messages section 258
log file section, purge log file every session
log file section, route messages to log file
member select section, display save dialog
memory section, enable flashback function
mode section, navigate without data 258
mouse actions option, enable double-clicking
mouse actions option, enable secondary
button 257
mouse actions option, limit to connected
sheets 257
grant user 320
HAL 385
hierarchies, ASO 371
HVE 271
Hyperion Application Link. See HAL
Hyperion Essbase Query Designer. See
Hyperion Essbase - System 9, release 9.3.1
installing 14-19
Hyperion Planning. See Essbase Planning
Hyperion Provider 395
Hyperion Visual Explorer. See HVE
import data, MaxL 315
INDEXCACHESIZE, essbase.cfg memory
settings 362
Essbase add-in, for Microsoft Excel 25, 26
Essbase Administration Services 20-22
Essbase Analytic server 13-19
Join 99
Keep Only function 263
leaf, outline member descriptors 67
level 69
level reference 94
linked objects browser 270, 271
linked partition 48
Linked Reporting Objects. See LRO
load rules file, types
flat file load rule 130
relational database SQL load rule 130
Lock and Send method 40
lock function 267
logging and error handling, essbase.cfg file
LRO 48
market dimension 75
math functions
@ROUND() function 182
@SUM() function 182
@VAR() function 182
@VARPER() function 182
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[ 418 ]
about 304
MaxLapplication, altering 307
MaxLapplication, creating 306, 307
CONNECT AS <Database Username> field
database calculation, working with 317
data, working with 315, 316
DATA field 151
fields 151
Essbase application, working with 306
Essbase database, working with 311, 312
Essbase server, logging on to 305
IDENTIFIED BY <Database password>
field 151
ERROR FILE> field 151
statement, executing 323
substitution variables 322, 323
system level, working at 321
user privileges, working with 318, 320
used for data loading 151
MaxL script
calculation script, running 206, 207
executing, DOS command line 207
executing, shell command in code 207
executing, through the EAS tool 207
methods 207
MaxL script. See also Essbase MaxL scripts
MaxL statement. See also MaxL
about 304
alter statement 307
alter system statement 321
alter user 319
create calculation 317
create user 319
displaY calculation 317
display system statement 321
display user 320
drop calculation 318
drop user 320
execute calculation 317
executing 323
export data 316
grant user 320
import data 315
list 305
objects 304
verbs 304
MaxL statement, executing
from command prompt 324, 325
from EAS 325
MDX query language
about 373
MDX functions, examples 375
MDX functions, for ASO 374
MDX query, executing 376, 377
MDX query, syntax 376
sets 378
tuples 378
MDX query language, syntax
Typical MDX query structure 376
Typical SQL query structure 376
Measures dimension 33
member alias
about 84, 85
alias table 86
member consolidations 78
member formulas 82-84
member properties
about 78, 158
member alias 84, 85
member consolidations 78
member formulas 82- 84
member storage 80, 81
valid consolidation operators 78, 80
members 64
member set function
@CHILDREN() function 183
@SIBLINGS() function 183
member storage
about 80
storage options 80
member storage, options
dynamic calc 80
dynamic calc and store 80
label only 81
never share 80
shared member 81
store data 80
memory management
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[ 419 ]
about 359, 360
essbase.cfg, memory settings 360-362
Microsoft Excel
calculation script, running 209, 211
Microsoft Excel add-in
add-in spreadsheet options, setting 250, 251
add-in xll file, locating 244, 245
calculation function 268
Cascade… command 272
currency conversion tool, using 272
Currency Report… function 272
data, retrieving from Essbase 249, 250
data, sending to database 267
Essbase add-in 274
Essbase add-in, reloading 244
Essbase cascade options, dialog box 272-
Essbase, connecting to 246
Essbase, connecting to from Microsoft Excel
247, 248
Essbase, disconnecting from 248
Essbase members, selecting for query 258-
Essbase Query Designer (EQD), launching
flashback, Essbase add-in undo command
graphical data representations, creating 271
Keep Only function, using 263
lock function 267
navigate without data function 269
Pivot function 265
Remove Only function, using 264
reporting with 243
retrieve function 266
retrieve & lock function 266
send function 267
unlock function 267
worksheet, disconnecting from database
zoom in function 264, 265
zoom out function 265
Microsoft Excel VBA
calcScript parameter 212
calculation script, running 211
parameters 212
SheetName parameter 212
synchronous parameter 212
miscellaneous function
about 186
@CALCMODE() function 186
function 187
mode tab, Essbase options
formula preservation section, keep only or
remove only 256
formula preservation section, retain on keep
and remove only 256
formula preservation section, retain on
retrieval 256
mode section, update mode 255
retrieval section, advanced interpretation
retrieval section, free form 255
modifications tab, Essbase database 58
Multidimensional Access Language. See
cfg memory settings 360
multiplication (*) operator 79
navigate without data function 269
NETDELAY, essbase.cfg file settings 356
NETRETRYCOUNT, essbase.cfg file settings
network setup
developer client 29
end-user pc 29
Essbase server 28
raw data 28
Never Consolidate (^) operator 79
no dimension type, standard dimension 71
Non-Unicode applications 42, 43
normal (non-currency) database, Essbase
database 47
OLAP analytical solutions
and traditional data analysis applications,
differences 31, 32
Online Analytical Processing. See OLAP
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[ 420 ]
cross dimensional operator 181
Oracle Application Link 385
Oracle Business Rules
about 386
advantages 386
Oracle Essbase 32
Oracle Essbase Financial Reporting 389, 390
Oracle Essbase Provider Services 388
Oracle Planning
default URL location 396
Oracle Planning. See also Essbase Planning
Oracle Reports 387
Oracle Smart View
about 394
calc data, submitting 404, 405
data, retrieving using Smart View in Microsoft
Excel 400, 401
data source, adding with connection manager
data, submitting 404
Essbase Add-In option, updating steps 399
POV Manager 402, 403
using, in other Microsoft Office products
Outline and Data restructure 73, 74
outline member descriptors
about 66
ancestors 67
child 67
descendants 67
leaf 67
parent 67
root 67
siblings 67
outline menber formula 159
Outline Only restructure 73, 74
outline, updating
EAS editor used 104, 105
MaxL Shell used 106
rule file used 104
outline updating, MaxL Shell used
import dimension statement, syntax 108
MaxL executing, from command prompt
108, 109
MaxL executing, from EAS editor 106
parent-child reference 94
parent, outline member descriptors 67
partitions, Essbase
linked partition 48
replicated partition 48
transparent partition 48
percent (%) operator 79
Pivot function 265
Point of View. See POV Manager
ports and connections, essbase.cfg file settings
POV Manager 402, 403
properties 241, 242
query designer option, display tab 252
creating, with query designer 278
range (financial) function
about 183
@AVGRANGE() function 183
@NEXT() function 184
@PRIOR () function 184
@SUMRANGE() function 183
relational database SQL load rule 130
relationship functions
@ANCESTVAL (dimension, genlevNum,
[membername]) 179
@PARENTVAL (dimension, membername)
Remove Only function 264
replicated partition 48
Report Script
commands and functions 223
executing 234
Report Script commands and functions
column or row calculation 228, 229
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[ 421 ]
data ordering command 226
data range commands 225
format commands 227, 228
member name and aliases 230
member selection 226, 227
report layout commands 224, 225
sorting commands 226, 227
retrieve & lock function 266
rolled up 78
root, outline member descriptors 67
sample data (zoom in) function 270
scenario dimension 34, 75
send function 267
SET command functions
about 173
CLEARDATA MemberName 176
DATACOPY membername1 to membername2
SET commands
set lock_timeout after 309
set max_lro_file_size 309
set minimum permission 308
set type unicode_mode 309
sets 378
shared members 115
Shared Services. See Essbase Shared
siblings, outline member descriptors 67
Smart View
for Microsoft Office 390, 391
Smart View. See also Oracle Smart View
sparse dimension 72
Split 99
SSPROCROWLIMIT, essbase.cfg memory
settings 360
standard dimension
about 70
account dimension type 70
country dimension type 70
currency partition dimension type 71
general dimension type 71
no dimension type 71
time dimension type 70
statistical function
@COUNT() function 185
@MEDIAN() function 185
@RANK() function 185
statistics tab, Essbase database 54, 55
storage tab, Essbase database 56, 57
stored hierarchies, ASO 371
structured data load (load rule used), data
load method 130
substitution variable
about 191, 322, 323
creating, EAS used 192-194
EAS used 192
rules, for creating 192
using 192
substitution variable, MaxL used
about 194
displaying 196, 197
displaying, in SQL editor 198, 199
variable, creating at application level 195
variable, creating at database level 196
variable, creating at server level 195
subtraction (-) operator 79
System 9 components
about 383, 384
Essbase Analytics 385
Essbase Analytic Services 384
Essbase Planning 384, 385
Essbase Shared Services 387
Essbase Smart Office 388, 389
Hyperion Application Link 385
Microsoft Office, smart view for 390, 391
Oracle Application Link 385
Oracle Business Rules 386
Oracle Essbase Financial Reporting 389, 390
Oracle Essbase Provider Services 388
Oracle Reports 387
system level, MaxL
alter system, properties 321
display system, properties 321
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[ 422 ]
text files
delimited text files 124
fixed column width text files 124
Time dimension 66
Time dimension, EssCar database outline
Dynamic Time Series member, adding 114
time dimension type, standard dimension
Total Customer dimension 34
Total Market dimension 35
Total Vehicles dimension 33, 65, 66
traditional data analysis applications
and OLAP analytical solutions, differences
31, 32
transactions tab, Essbase database 56
transparent database partition, setting up
transparent partition 48
TRIGMAXMEMSIZE, essbase.cfg memory
settings 360
tuple 378
Two-pass Calc 189-191
about 111-113
rules 113
Unicode applications 42, 43
unlock function 267
UPDATECALC, essbase.cfg file settings
User Defined Attributes. See UDA
user privileges, MaxL
user, altering 319, 320
user, creating 319
user, displaying 320
user, dropping 320
user, granting 320
working with 318, 319
valid consolidation operators
addition (+) operator 79
division (/) operator 79
multiplication (*) operator 79
Never Consolidate (^) operator 79
percent (%) operator 79
subtraction (-) operator 79
valid consolidation operators (~)
Exclude from Consolidation (~) operator 79
Visual Basic Main API group, functions
328, 329
Visual Basic Outline API functions 329
VLBREPORT, essbase.cfg memory settings
worksheet, Microsoft, Excel add-in 249
XMLA 373
XML for Analysis. See XMLA
zoom in function 264, 265
zoom out function 265
zoom tab, Essbase options
hybrid analysis option, enable hybrid
analysis 254
member retention section, include section
member retention section, remove unselected
groups 254
member retention section, within selected
group 254
sampling section 254
zoom in section, all levels 254
zoom in section, bottom level 254
zoom in section, next level 254
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Preface 1
Chapter 1: Installing Oracle Essbase 13
Installing the Essbase analytic server 13
Installing Essbase Administration Services 20
Starting the EAS 23
Installing the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel 25
A typical network setup 28
Summary 29
Chapter 2: Essbase Data and Design Considerations 31
Introduction to OLAP 31
Determining the data requirements 32
Determine data storage options 35
Types of Essbase applications 38
Aggregate Storage Option (ASO) 39
Block Storage Option (BSO) 40
Unicode and Non-Unicode applications 42
Creating your first Essbase application 43
Essbase Application Properties 45
Startup section 46
Security 46
Minimum access level 46
Types of Essbase databases 47
The normal (non-currency) database 47
Essbase currency database 47
Database components 47
The database outline 48
Linked Reporting Objects 48
Partitions 48
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[ ii ]
Calculation scripts 49
Report scripts 50
Database load rules files 50
Allowing duplicate member names 50
Create your first Essbase database 51
General tab 53
Dimensions tab 54
Statistics tab 54
Caches tab 55
Transactions tab 56
Storage tab 56
Currency tab 57
Modifications tab 58
Types of Essbase users 58
Summary 61
Chapter 3: Building the Essbase Outline 63
Before we begin 63
The Essbase outline—the foundation 64
Dimensions and members 64
Outline member descriptors 66
Generations and Levels 68
Generation 68
Level 69
Types of dimensions 70
Standard dimension 70
The Account dimension type 70
The Time dimension type 70
The Country dimension type 70
No dimension type or general dimension 71
The Currency Partition dimension type 71
The Attribute dimension 72
Dense and Sparse dimensions 72
Build your first outline 75
Member properties 78
Member consolidations 78
Valid consolidation operators 78
Member storage 80
Member formulas 82
Member alias 84
Alias table 86
Build your first data rules file 86
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[ iii ]
Step 1: Start the Data Prep Editor 87
Step 2: Associate the Dimension Build Rules file 88
Step 3: Open data load file or the SQL data source file 89
Step 4: Set the Data Source Properties 91
Step 5: Set the View to Dimension build fields 92
Step 6: Select Dimension build method 93
Generation reference 93
Level reference 94
Parent-child reference 94
Step 7: Format file 98
Step 8: Associate fields with dimensions 101
Step 9: Validate the Dimension Build rules file 103
Update your outline using a rules file 104
Update your outline using the EAS Outline Editor 104
Update using MaxL Shell 106
Executing MaxL from EAS editor 106
Executing MaxL from command prompt 108
Attribute dimensions 109
User Defined Attributes (UDA) 111
Dynamic Time Series 113
Shared members 115
Summary 116
Chapter 4: Loading Data into Essbase 119
Make your data Essbase-friendly 120
Essbase-friendly thoughts 120
Essbase-friendly example 121
Types of data sources 123
Type of data 123
Types of files used for data loads 124
Relational databases 125
Data load methods 125
Data file freeform (no load rule) 125
Essbase export and import (no load rule) 126
Structured data load (load rule used) 130
Microsoft Excel Lock and Send (no load rule) 130
Building your first data load rules file 131
Step 1: Starting the Data Prep Editor 132
Step 2: Associating the data load rules file 132
Step 3: Opening data load file or the SQL data source file 133
Step 4: Setting the View to Data Load Fields 135
Step 5: Setting the Data Source Properties 135
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[ iv ]
Step 6: Updating the Data Load Settings 136
Step 7: Setting the Data Load Values 136
Clearing Data Combinations 139
Header Definition 140
Step 8: Associating fields with Data Load Properties 141
Global properties 142
Data Load Properties 142
Step 9: Validating the data load rules file 145
Step 10: Saving the data load rules file 146
Loading data into your database 147
Using the EAS to load data into your Essbase cube 147
Loading data using MaxL 151
Data Load vs. Dimension Build 152
Summary 153
Chapter 5: Calculating your Essbase Cube 155
Calculating your database 156
The Essbase calculation script 156
Essbase outline member formula 158
Calculation types explained 159
Calculation Scripts 160
Stored data member formula 161
Dynamic Calc and Dynamic Calc and Store 161
Essbase calculation terminology 162
Default database calculation script 163
Calc All 165
Calculate/Aggregate dimension 166
Essbase Calc commands and functions 167
Data declarations 167
Control flow 168
Functional 173
SET command functions 173
Conditionals 176
Boolean 178
Relationship functions 179
Operators 181
Member set 182
Range (Financial) 183
Forecasting 184
Statistical 185
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[ v ]
Date and Time 186
Miscellaneous 186
Order of calculation 187
Two-Pass Calc 189
Using Substitution Variables 191
Substitution Variables using EAS 192
Substitution Variables using MaxL 194
Create variables at the server level 195
Create variables at the application level 195
Create variables at the database level 196
Displaying the Substitution Variable and its value 196
Displaying the Substitution Variable in the SQL editor 198
Building your first Calculation Script 199
Writing and saving a Calculation Script 200
Executing your Calculation Scripts 201
Running Calculation Scripts manually using EAS 201
Running a Calculation Script using an Essbase
Command Script (EssCmd) 203
What the EssCmd script looks like 204
Running a Calculation Script using a MaxL Script 205
Running a Calculation Script using the Essbase API 208
Running a Calculation Script from Microsoft Excel 209
Running a Calculation Script through the Essbase Add-In 210
Running a Calculation Script using Microsoft Excel VBA 211
Summary 212
Chapter 6: Using your Essbase Cube 213
Using your Essbase database 213
How do you use your data in the real world 214
Ad hoc data 214
Canned reporting 214
Export data 215
Forecast analysts 215
Planning analysts 216
Budget analysts 217
Financial analysts 218
The real target users of your Essbase data 218
Ways to extract your Essbase data 218
The Essbase Report Script 220
How to create an Essbase Report Script 221
Report script commands and functions 223
Report layout commands 224
Data range commands 225
Data ordering command 226
Member selection and sorting commands 226
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[ vi ]
Format commands 227
Column or row calculation 228
Member names and aliases 230
Building your first Essbase report script 230
Executing your report scripts 234
Run reports using EAS 235
Running a report script using an Essbase command script 236
Running calc using a MaxL script 238
Previewing data in EAS 239
Cubeview 240
Properties 241
Summary 242
Chapter 7: Getting the most out of the Microsoft Excel Add-in 243
Reporting with the Microsoft Excel Add-in 243
Connecting to Essbase 246
Connecting to Essbase from Microsoft Excel 246
Disconnecting from Essbase 248
Launching the Essbase Query Designer 249
Retrieving data from Essbase 249
Setting the add-in spreadsheet options 250
Display tab 251
Zoom tab 253
Mode tab 254
Global tab 256
Selecting Essbase members for your query 258
Using the Keep Only function 263
Using the Remove Only function 264
Zooming in on your data 264
Zooming out on your data 265
Pivot Essbase members on your spreadsheet 265
Flashback: The Essbase Add-in Undo 266
Locking the data and retrieving 266
Locking the data 267
Unlocking the locked data 267
Sending your data to the database 267
Running a database calculation 268
Retrieving your sheet without data 269
Zooming in on sample data 270
Linking objects to your data 270
Creating graphical data representations 271
Using the currency conversion tool 272
Custom Microsoft Excel workbook reporting 272
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[ vii ]
A final word on the Essbase add-in 274
Using the Essbase Query Designer 274
Where do I find the Essbase Query Designer 274
Creating a query with Essbase Query Designer 278
Page dimensions 281
Row dimensions 281
Column dimensions 281
Sample query 281
Report script by-product 288
Summary 290
Chapter 8: Automating your Essbase Cube 291
Essbase command scripts (EssCmd) 292
Creating an Essbase command script 293
EssCmd commands and categories 295
Coding a basic EssCmd 297
Always remember EssCmd logging 297
Connecting to an Essbase server 298
What about error checking 298
Adding some functional commands 299
The finished script 300
Executing an EssCmd 301
Essbase MaxL scripts 304
Logging on to the Essbase server 305
Working with an Essbase application in MaxL 306
Creating an application 306
Altering the application 307
Display application 311
Drop application 311
Working with an Essbase database from MaxL 311
Creating or replacing a database 312
Altering a database 313
Display database 315
Drop database 315
Working with data in MaxL 315
Working with database calculations in MaxL 317
Create calculation 317
Display calculation 317
Execute calculation 317
Drop calculation 318
Working with user privileges in MaxL 318
Create user 319
Alter user 319
Display user 320
Drop user 320
Grant user 320
Working at the System level with MaxL 321
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[ viii ]
Alter system properties 321
Display system properties 321
Substitution variables 322
Executing a MaxL statement 323
Executing MaxL from Command Prompt 324
Executing MaxL from EAS 325
Essbase Application Programming Interface (API) 326
Installing the Essbase API 327
What you should know to use the Essbase API 327
What functions are available in the Essbase API 328
Essbase API programming tips 329
Essbase nested coding style examples 330
Essbase API function declarations 331
How to code an API function 332
Essbase API code sample blocks 333
The sample API subroutine explained 336
Summary 337
Chapter 9: Advanced Techniques 339
Performance tuning your database 339
The shape of your database outline 340
The hourglass outline 340
Database block size 342
Database configuration settings 343
Data retrieval buffers 343
Data cache settings 344
Data load and storage settings 345
Partitioning databases 347
Analytic server configuration file 352
Configuration categories 355
Configuration settings to consider 356
Ports and connections 356
Logging and error handling 356
Calculation 357
Data import/export 358
Memory management 359
essbase.cfg memory settings 360
Summary 362
Chapter 10: Essbase Analytics Option 365
What is ASO 366
Creating an aggregate storage Application|Database 366
Hierarchies 370
Stored hierarchies 371
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[ ix ]
Dynamic hierarchies 372
Outline paging 372
Aggregation 373
MDX query language 373
MDX functions for ASO 374
MDX function examples 375
MDX query syntax 376
Executing an MDX query 376
Tuples and Sets 378
Pros and cons of ASO and BSO 378
Pros and cons of BSO 379
Pros 379
Cons 379
Pros and cons of ASO 380
Pros 380
Cons 380
Summary 382
Chapter 11: Essbase System 9 Components 383
Overview of System 9 components 383
Essbase Analytic Services (Essbase agent) 384
Essbase Planning 384
Essbase analytics 385
Hyperion Application Link/Oracle
Application Link 385
Oracle Business Rules 386
Oracle Reports 387
Essbase Shared Services 387
Oracle Essbase Provider Services 388
Essbase Smart Office 388
Oracle Essbase Financial Reporting 389
Smart View for Microsoft Office 390
Summary 391
Appendix: A New Essbase Companion—Oracle Smart View 393
Reporting with Oracle Smart View 394
Adding a data source with the connection manager 395
Retrieving data using Smart View in Microsoft Excel 400
POV Manager 402
Submitting data and calc scripts in Smart View 404
Using Smart View in other Microsoft Office products 406
Index 409
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Thank you for selecting this book. We assure you we will do our very best to
make it entirely worth your while. The goal is to demystify the multidimensional database world and have you comfortable with designing, building, and coding Essbase systems.
Always remember, Essbase is an art not a science!
A brief history on Essbase
Essbase is a multidimensional database management system. The name Essbase stands for Extended Spread Sheet dataBASE. Using the custom add-in provides the end-user with near seamless compatibility in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program.
Essbase as we know it today evolved from software components developed by Arbor Software Corporation and through the acquisition of additional components or tools from other OLAP and Business Intelligence product development companies. In some cases Arbor Software Corporation purchased the entire company to acquire the needed components as was the case with App Source in late 1997. It is generally agreed that the release of Essbase version 3.2 in 1995 set Essbase as the standard for OLAP and Business Intelligence and Analytics enterprise software.
Rapid growth and popularity of the Essbase product led to the merger of Arbor Software Corporation and Hyperion Software becoming Hyperion Solutions Corporation in 1998. This new company achieved near global leadership in the OLAP and Business Intelligence (BI) software arena and ultimately attracted the attention of Oracle Corporation. Oracle completed the purchase of Hyperion Solutions in 2007 for $3.3 Billion. Hyperion Solutions is now a subsidiary of Oracle Corporation and offers a complete line of integrated Business Intelligence and Business Performance Management products.
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[ 2 ]
Why Essbase
In addition to being the leading global provider of OLAP and Business Intelligence
software, Essbase also offers incomparable value as a RAD (Rapid Application
Development) tool. As will be demonstrated in the following pages the complete
cycle from concept to design to build to implement can be only a fraction of what
a traditional system may require. Further, enhancements to reporting or other
functionality are fast, accurate and easy to code.
What this book covers
Chapter 1 guides you through a typical Essbase installation which includes the
Essbase Agent on an analytic server, the Essbase API on the server, the Essbase
Administration Services, and the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel.
Chapter 2 covers Essbase database design considerations and how to apply them
to a multidimensional database as opposed to the traditional row and column
relational database.
Chapter 3 we begin to build in Essbase (hooray!). Using the information learned in the
previous chapter we build the Essbase outline which is the foundation of the Essbase
database. Instead of rows and columns an Essbase database contains dimensions and
members in a hierarchical parent-child structure.
Chapter 4 dives right into loading data into your Essbase database. From user
inputted data to flat file data manipulation and loading to direct database access
all forms of data loading are explained and demonstrated.
Chapter 5 explains the varied and simple ways to calculate your data. Once data
is loaded it is time to demonstrate one of the largest benefits of Essbase. Unlike
relational databases, Essbase data can be calculated in many different ways. Instead
of writing complex programs to calculate and derive data elements from existing
elements or loading excessive amounts of data to derive the needed elements Essbase
can calculate and derive data from a minimal amount of loaded data. Essbase has
powerful yet simple to use tools that calculate the data
Chapter 6 goes over the use of the data for reporting, presentation, or data extracts
to feed other systems. Simple steps explain how to create dynamic reporting abilities
or user interfaces with a minimum of effort.
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Chapter 7 jumps feet first into the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel. As Microsoft
Excel seems to have become the dominant spreadsheet program used by business
today the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel has evolved into a very powerful tool
indeed. This is one of the main reasons Essbase is so popular today. Even the most
novice end user can quickly create professional and dynamic reports with relative
ease. We explain these features as well as how the addition of very little code can
make the spreadsheet very powerful.
Chapter 8 we cover automating your Essbase cube. Depending on the requirements
of your user community it is possible to design, build, and automate an Essbase
application to where there is virtually no need for IT intervention.
Chapter 9 explains advanced techniques that can be used to keep your Essbase
application running at peak performance. You know, those little things not usually
covered in the user guide but learned with experience. Cache settings, server
configuration, memory management are just a few topics covered.
Chapter 10 explains the Block Storage Option (BSO) and the Aggregate Storage
Option (ASO) for storing data in its database cubes. For the most part this book
deals with the BSO. Since the release of version 7.x Essbase has also offered the
ASO. As this method of storing the data has substantial differences we felt it needed
its own chapter to explain it.
Chapter 11 gives a high level view of the optional Essbase System 9 components that
are available in the System 9 Suite with the Essbase database the common foundation
for all the other components to launch from. With components like Essbase Planning
or Hyperion Smart Office there's enough to make even the stodgiest accountant's
head spin.
Appendix explains the significance of Oracle's new product Smart View.
Who this book is for
This book is aimed at the IT professional who has an understanding of typical
client-server applications but is new to Essbase and the concept of multidimensional
database management systems.
Occasionally explaining the concept of a multidimensional database to someone who
only has experience with traditional row/column relational databases can make their
head explode! This book will show you the common sense approach to designing,
building, and most importantly understanding Essbase and the cube concept.
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Versions covered in this book
As of this writing, Essbase System 9.x is the latest offering from Oracle Corporation.
Essbase System 9.x itself is an integrated suite of Business Intelligence software.
The Essbase module in System 9.x is substantially similar to Hyperion Essbase 7.x.
Hyperion Essbase 7.x is still widely used and supported.
Since this book primarily covers the Essbase component where screen captures are
used, they will be version 9.x however most all examples in this book will work in
versions 7.x and 9.x unless otherwise noted.
Before we drill down into Essbase let us quickly take a minute to refresh some
accepted data warehousing concepts.
Data warehousing concepts
Data warehousing is not a new concept. In fact, it has been around for many
years now. Traditionally a data warehouse has been constructed with some sort
of relational database structure. What is relatively new is the addition of the
multidimensional database architecture to data warehousing family.
The following information is designed to give you a high level understanding of
data warehousing and how it can be used in your business. Once you understand
the basic principles and concepts of data warehousing it will be easier to understand
where Essbase fits into the picture.
The fathers of the data warehouse
We guess we shouldn't tell you about the data warehousing concept without
first telling you who is widely recognized as the creator or father of the modern
data warehouse.
Bill Inmon is a world-renowned expert on data warehousing and is also widely
recognized as the Father of Data Warehousing. With 35+ years of experience in the
Information Technology field and more specifically database technology management
and data warehouse design, Bill has been a highly sought after speaker for many major
computing associations and industry conferences, seminars, and tradeshows.
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[ 5 ]
Another widely recognized name in the data warehousing arena is Ralph Kimball.
Ralph Kimball is an author on the subject of data warehousing and business
intelligence and received a Ph.D. in 1972 from Stanford University in Electrical
Engineering specializing in man-machine systems. He is widely regarded as the
Guru of Data Warehousing and is known for long-term convictions that data
warehouses must be designed to be understandable and fast. Ralph's methodology
is also known as dimensional modeling or the Kimball methodology.
The similarities between Mr. Inmon and Mr. Kimball are many and so are the
differences. The following paradigm statements illustrate just how Mr. Inmon
and Mr. Kimball are perceived in the world of Data Warehousing.
Bill Inmon's paradigm: The enterprise data warehouse is one part of the overall
business intelligence system. An enterprise should have just one data warehouse and
one to many data marts. The data marts then source their information from the data
warehouse. In the data warehouse, information is stored in third normal form.
Ralph Kimball's paradigm: The enterprise data warehouse is the conglomerate
of all data marts within the enterprise. Information is always stored in the
dimensional model.
There is no right way or wrong way between either of these two ideas. They
each represent different data warehousing philosophies. In reality, the data
warehouse philosophy used in most enterprises is closer to Ralph Kimball's
idea. This is because most data warehouses started out as department level
efforts, and as such they originated as an activity specific data mart. Only
when more data marts are built later do they evolve into a data warehouse.
What is a data warehouse
Just what is a data warehouse really? According to Bill Inmon, you know, the
famous author of several data warehouse books, "A data warehouse is a subject
oriented, integrated, time variant, non volatile collection of data in support of
management's decision making process."
A data warehouse is typically a relational database that is designed using
dimensional modeling and is used for querying and data analysis rather than
business transaction processing. It usually contains relevant historical data that
is derived from transactional data. The data warehouse separates data analysis
overhead from transactional overhead and enables an enterprise to consolidate
its data from several sources or activities.
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[ 6 ]
In simpler terms an enterprise-wide data warehouse is a centralized data store
where integral and mission critical data that is relevant and necessary to the decision
making processes of the different business units can be stored and accessed real-time
by the various business activities.
One of the primary benefits of the enterprise data warehouse is the use of—One
Number—across the enterprise. This means that what is called a part in one activity
is the same part in another activity. Everyone is speaking the same language and is
on the same page.
Different types of data warehouses
In addition to the relational database, an enterprise data warehouse environment
often consists of an Extract Transform and Load (ETL) solution, an OLAP engine
(hooray Essbase), client analysis tools, and other web or desktop applications that
manage the gathering of data and delivering it to business users.
There are three types of data warehouses:
1. Enterprise Data Warehouse: An enterprise data warehouse provides
a central database for decision support throughout the enterprise. It is
recommended that there is only one data warehouse across the enterprise.
2. Operational Data Store: This has a broad enterprise wide scope, but unlike
the real enterprise data warehouse, data is refreshed in near real time and
used for routine business activity. One of the typical applications of the
Operational Data Store (ODS) is to hold the recent data before migration
to the data warehouse. Typically, the ODS are not conceptually equivalent
to the data warehouse albeit do store the data that have a deeper level of
the history than that of the OLTP data.
3. Data Mart: The data mart is a subset of the data warehouse and it supports
a particular region, business unit, or business function. The data mart
receives its source data from the data warehouse. There can be many data
marts sourcing data from the one data warehouse.
In case you're wondering, here are a few words about an OLAP solution and
an OLTP solution. An OLAP solution stands for On-Line Analytical Processing,
which in a nutshell means that the data you are using for your analysis is mainly
considered reporting or presentation data and any updates or write-backs are
solely for analytical purposes. The source data is rarely updated in this method.
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The OLTP solution stands for On-Line Transactional Processing which means that
the base or source data is directly updated with factual and historical data as an output
of the analysis or data entry processes. Conventional straight line reporting can be
performed and there is very little, if any, slice-and-dice analysis or what-if scenarios.
Data warehouses and data marts are usually built on dimensional data modeling
where fact tables are connected with dimension tables. This is most useful for users to
access data since a database can be visualized as a cube containing many dimensions.
A data warehouse and its smaller, more specific data mart provide an opportunity for
slicing and dicing that visualize cube along any one of its dimensions.
Data warehouse data modeling
As mentioned above, even the so-called masters of the data warehouse have
differing ideas as to the data modeling methodology that should be used in a
data warehouse. There is general agreement that seem to have the choices
narrowed down to just two popular architectures. There is the Third Normal
Form and the Dimensional Data Model.
Of the two main types of data modeling most popularly used in data warehousing
the more common of the two is the Dimensional Data Model. Read on as we briefly
explain the differences between the two.
The Third Normal Form (3NF)
The Third Normal Form or 3NF method of database modeling in a nutshell is all
about the primary key. What this means is there is no data element in the database
that cannot be referenced by the primary key. To achieve 3NF a database must also
pass the first levels on normalization.
In the First Normal Form or 1NF the theory is that all of the data in all of the columns
must be atomic. This means there can be no sets of data in one column. For instance,
a name column that contains both first and last names has sets of data. It is better to
have one column for the first name and a separate column for the last name.
To pass the Second Normal Form or 2NF the data must be 1NF compliant and now
must also be more key dependent. Where the 1NF model focuses on the atomic
nature of the data the 2NF model is more key dependent. What this means is that
data in non-key columns cannot depend on the composite or primary key.
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[ 8 ]
Finally there is the Third Normal Form or 3NF which now, on top of organizing
the data at the atomic level as well as identifying the data in conjunction with other
supporting data, must now be completely primary key dependent. To be 3NF all
data in non-key columns must be dependent on the primary key. No more can the
data in one column or table be dependent on data in another column or table that
is dependent on the primary key.
As we said earlier, there is no right or wrong reason to use either data modeling
methodology. Both have their merits and their demerits.
Being the least popular of the data warehousing data models, the 3NF model
is actually the most popular data modeling methodology used in active online
transactional processing systems.
Ironically, when data is exported from an Essbase cube to a flat file for load to a
relational database, it more closely resembles a 3NF data model than a Dimensional
Data Model.
The Dimensional Data Model
The Dimensional Data Model is the data modeling methodology most commonly
used in data warehousing systems. The Dimensional Data Model differs
substantially from the Third Normal Form, more commonly used for transactional
systems. As you can imagine, the same data would then be stored much differently
in a dimensional model than in a 3NF model.
The Dimensional Data Model consists of Fact and Dimension tables. The Fact
tables store the numerical values of the business unit and contain numerical or
additive measures of the business like Gross Sales, Gross Units. The Fact table
also contains columns which link to the Dimension table. The Dimension table
stores the descriptive information about the dimension and some times these
are joined to other dimension tables to define the hierarchy of a dimension like
Market (Geographical information) or Time information.
To understand Dimensional Data Modeling, we'll define some of the terms
commonly used. Pay attention here as you may notice a definite similarity here
with the terms used to describe data in an Essbase database
• Dimension: A category of information, for example, the Time dimension.
The Time dimension would contain data relative to time periods such as
days or months or years.
• Attribute: A distinct level within a dimension. For example, Year is an
attribute in the Time dimension.
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[ 9 ]
• Hierarchy: The specification of levels that represents relationship between
different attributes within a dimension. For example, one possible hierarchy
in the Time dimension is Year | Quarter | Month | Day.
When the data in the data warehouse is modelled using the Dimension Data Model
method instead of being organized like the 3NF method, which is in neat rows and
columns with primary keys to identify everything, it usually follows the line of the
dimensions that are included as necessary components of your data. The resultant
structure of the dimensional data method resembles more of a multidimensional
cube than two dimensional rows and columns.
Where does Essbase fit in this
Okay, now for the big question. Where does Essbase fit in with all this data
warehouse mumbo jumbo?
Well if you were paying attention a few paragraphs back you would notice that we
mentioned that a necessary tool in your enterprise data warehouse toolbox included
an OLAP solution. Well, Essbase is it!
Essbase is the perfect multidimensional OLAP database tool to use as your function
specific reporting and analysis data mart tool. Consider this, if your data is stored
in your relational database data warehouse under the Dimensional Data Model
methodology what better tool is there that has the power and capability to perform
in the multidimensional arena. Essbase is a natural.
Consider this, with the proper hardware, Essbase is designed to support even the
largest cubes with vast numbers of users so scalability is not an issue. Essbase is also
the superior real time analysis and reporting tool that performs complex calculations.
It can also be updated from the source database, in this case the data warehouse,
quickly and effortlessly and depending on the technology you use for your data
warehouse, Essbase can also connect directly to the data warehouse database to draw
its data.
Knowing all this what other choice is there besides Essbase?
In this book, you will find a number of styles of text that distinguish between
different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles, and
an explanation of their meaning.
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[ 10 ]
Code words in text are shown as follows: "Note that the Time dimension contains
the calendar periods used in the EssCar system"
A block of code will be set as follows:
When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block,
the relevant lines or items will be shown in bold:
[Thu Sep 11 00:40:45 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051061)
Application Demo loaded - connection established
[Thu Sep 11 00:40:45 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1054027)
Application [Demo] started with process id [4744]
[Thu Sep 11 00:40:45 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1056090)
Any command-line input or output is written as follows:
New terms and important words are shown in bold. Words that you see on the
screen, in menus or dialog boxes for example, appear in our text like this: "clicking
the Next button moves you to the next screen".
Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.
Tips and tricks appear like this.
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[ 11 ]
Let's get started
If you're still holding onto this book then you are ready to embark on your journey
towards Essbase Nirvana.
We begin by covering the installation of Essbase on both the client and the server
and end with you having created a fully functional Essbase cube. This is where you
usually read some form of good luck statement. With this book you don't need it!
Let's GO!
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Installing Oracle Essbase
Welcome to the exciting world of Oracle Essbase! You have bought this book so you must be anxious to get started, and you can hardly wait. Well, not until you install the software. Yes, this is where we actually get going. This chapter will assist you in installing Oracle Essbase server (aka the Essbase agent), Essbase Administration Services (EAS), and the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel.
Oracle Essbase server can be installed on several platforms like Unix, Windows,
and Linux. For the most part, this book discusses a typical Windows installation.
Installing the Essbase analytic server
In this book, we will be focusing on version 9.x of Oracle Essbase. For your Windows installation, the minimum recommended system requirements are shown.
Operating system and processor requirements:
Operating system
Windows 2003 SP1
Windows 2000 SP4
Windows 2003 SP1
Server Enterprise Edition
Itanium 2
Disk space and RAM requirements:
Disk Space
Essbase Server
256MB (minimum)
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Installing Oracle Essbase
[ 14 ]
You now know the recommended system requirements to install Essbase and
we assume you have the software in hand, therefore, let's install Essbase.
1. Double-click the setup file for Oracle Essbase. After installing the Java
Runtime Environment and initializing the install wizard, you will be
presented with a screen asking you to select a language to be used by
the installation wizard. This is the language that the rest of the installation
screens will display. We recommend English as it is the only choice
available in the list box.
2. The next is the Oracle Essbase welcome screen. As welcome screens go
it's fairly tale and contains the standard blah blah blah, read it and then
click Next whenever you are ready.
3. On the next screen, you are asked to select a country. Please select
the appropriate country for your application, as this selection sets
the country variable in the system. This country variable is used for
currency calculations.
4. The next step is the license agreement screen, which you should read
very carefully. When you have finished, select I AGREE, then click
Next to proceed.
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5. In this step, you need to specify the Hyperion home directory which
defaults to c:\Hyperion. It is in this folder that all of the required and
optional Essbase System 9 common components will be installed. If you
choose to select a different path, please do so here.
Whenever possible, accept and install in the default
recommended paths and directories across all hardware
components involved in the system. This will greatly
simplify the maintenance and support.
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Installing Oracle Essbase
[ 16 ]
6. In this step, you need to specify the Essbase server directory. If you do nothing,
it will default to the home directory you selected in the previous step.
7. In this step, you are asked to select either the Typical or Custom installation.
The Custom installation includes all of the components and allows you to
pick which ones are required for your installation. We suggest you select
the Typical installation for now as you can add other components at anytime
in the future.
8. In this step, you are asking the wizard to update your system environment
variables with the new Essbase system variables you have chosen in the
previous two steps. The new environment variables, PATH and ARBORPATH,
will be set in the system and the Essbase server configuration file. We will
discuss this file and the settings later in the book. By default, the installer
wizard is set to update the environment variables. Please leave it as is and
click Next.
9. In this step, you are required to select the ESSLANG. The ESSLANG language
variable defines the locale of the computer. For example, for US English, it
is ENGLISH (LATIN1). This is to ensure proper communication with other
applications and is the Unicode setting.
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10. This step summarizes all of the components that are to be installed during
this present installation. Check the information carefully to confirm you
have the locations correct, as well as the selected Oracle Essbase components.
If there are any corrections that need to be made, use the Back button to go
back and fix what is needed. This is your last chance before the wizard begins
the actual installation.
11. This step basically tells you that the Essbase installation is in progress.
Take a break, read the install notes as they flash on the screen. Of course,
you could click Cancel to halt the process, but why would you ever do that?
12. Upon successful installation (you'll know it's successful because you will see
the following screen), you are now asked if you want to launch the system
configuration tool. The default is selected and it is recommended you use
it now to confirm your configuration one more time (it doesn't hurt to be
careful here). This tool can also be used to configure any optional System 9
components you may have elected to install now or at anytime in the future.
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Installing Oracle Essbase
[ 18 ]
13. Yes, another one of these screens. This is now the configuration tool wizard.
You are again asked to select the language for the wizard. Even though it is
part of the Essbase analytics server software, what the heck, you may want
to use a different language. Select English or the system will select English
for you. Once again, this will determine what language the installation
screens are presented in.
14. On the screen below, you are presented with the Essbase System 9 components
you have installed on your server and their configuration status. Place a check
mark next to all of the components that are flagged as pending, as now is the
best time to set up your components and verify their proper configuration.
Looking at the following screenshot, you can see that all choices are pending.
Since shared services has not been installed, you will only want to place a
check on Essbase Server, Product Options and Register Analytic Services
Server as Windows Service at this time.
Clicking Next will open screens to you which will walk you through the
configuration steps for the components you've selected. This is also where
you will enter your initial supervisor account ID and password, so make
sure you do not forget it.
15. After successful installation and configuration, you will see the following
screen. Congratulations! You now have a fully functioning Essbase service
installed on your server, complete with full Essbase API functionality. See
the next step for what to do at the initial start up.
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16. After the successful installation of Essbase server, please click on the START
| Programs | Hyperion | Essbase | Essbase to start the service for the very
first time. You will be asked for the ID and password you supplied in the
configuration tool for Essbase installation. When the service starts, you want
to see the line on the following screen—Waiting for Client Requests….
This is the money line. Your Essbase analytic server is installed correctly
and ready to go to work.
That was not bad. The software practically installed itself. We will now install
the EAS.
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Installing Oracle Essbase
[ 20 ]
Installing Essbase Administration
Now that you have installed the Essbase analytic server, you need a tool which will
enable you to play with your Essbase databases (commonly referred to as cubes)
as you create, configure, and maintain them. The tool used for this purpose is called
Essbase Administration Services. In earlier versions of Essbase, this tool is known
as the Application manager or just App manager.
Essbase databases are commonly called cubes after
the Rubik's Cube style structure of how the data is
conceptually stored.
The EAS user interface runs on any client and that is where you will install the
software. The EAS talks to the Essbase service using TCP/IP and a web-based server.
The servers recommended by Oracle are Tomcat, WebLogic, WebSphere, and Oracle
Application Server. To simplify matters, Oracle includes a small Tomcat server with
the installation package of the EAS service. In our example, we will be installing
Tomcat as our administration server on the client with the EAS installation:
1. To get started, double-click the EAS executable file setup which is supplied
by Oracle. Wouldn't you know that the very first screen to pleasure your
eyes is the familiar old language selection screen. As always, this is where
you select the language to be used with the installation wizard. Again, as
always, select English as it is the only language option available. Click OK
when you are ready.
2. As in the server software installation, you are now treated to the setup
program welcome screen. Read this as you usually would and then
click Next.
3. You may be noticing several similarities by now. This screen prompts
you to select a country where, ideally, the software will be used.
It is extremely important that the installation of all components
of a system be installed using the same country selection.
The primary benefits being the assurance of accuracy of the
calculations and the ease of possible future root cause analysis.
For our example, we are using the United States. Select the country of your
choice and click Next.
4. This step asks you to read and agree to the End User License Agreement
(EULA). Read it carefully, and if you agree and wish to continue, click Next.
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[ 21 ]
5. This step will ask you to accept or select the location for the Hyperion home
directory (folder). Even though this software is being installed on a different
physical machine than the Essbase analytics, ideally, it is a good idea to
always install to consistent locations across the individual machines involved
in the construction of the system.
Whenever possible, accept and install in the default
recommended paths and directories across all hardware
components involved in the system. This will greatly
simplify maintenance and support.
Make your selection and click Next.
6. Here, you are asked to select your path for EAS. As suggested in previous
steps, make your selection and then click Next.
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Installing Oracle Essbase
[ 22 ]
7. Here again, it will be best to accept the Typical installation to get you
started. If you realize there is some feature missing that you must have, you
can always reinstall the software at a later date and select the Custom option.
For the most part, the difference between the Typical and the Custom
installation is the ability to select sample scripts. The actual Essbase
administrative functionality is the same.
8. Just like Step 9 of the Essbase analytics installation, this requires you to
select ESSLANG. The ESSLANG variable defines the locale of the computer.
For example, for US English it is ENGLISH (LATIN1). This is to ensure
proper communication with other applications and is the Unicode setting.
9. This step summarizes the current installation. Check the information
carefully to confirm you have the locations correct as well as the selected
Hyperion components. If there are any corrections to be made, use the
Back button to go back and fix what is needed. This is your last chance
before the wizard begins the actual installation.
10. This step basically tells you that the EAS installation is in progress.
Take a break, read the installations notes as they flash on the screen.
Seems like Déjà vu.
11. Now, here's another one we've seen before. In this case, there is no need for
the configuration tool, since you are only installing the EAS tool. Do not check
the box on the screen labeled Launch Configuration Tool. Simply click Finish.
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Your EAS is now installed and ready for use. The next few steps briefly describe
how to start the EAS and login for the first time.
Starting the EAS
Your EAS tool requires the use of a web server to communicate with the Essbase
agent on the analytic server. You can install EAS on a bona fide web server, but in this
example, we will use the small web admin server included with the Essbase set up
package. This small web server allows you to install the EAS directly on your client.
The starting of the Tomcat administration server and the EAS tool is a two
step process:
1. Locate the admin server start executable (the location is dependent on system
paths chosen by you during installation). The server executable is located in
the Hyperion\EAS\Server\Bin path. Start the server by double-clicking the
executable (it's handy to create a shortcut to this file on your desktop).
2. Locate the EAS console executable (again, the location is dependent on
the installation paths you have chosen). This path is usually located in
the Hyperion\EAS\Console\Bin path. Start the console by double-clicking
on it (it's also handy to create a shortcut to this file on your desktop).
When the EAS console opens, you will see the following screen. Initially you
will need to supply the server name (network name of client), the default ID
of admin, and the default password of password. It is highly recommended
you immediately use the User Setup Wizard to create a supervisor account
for yourself.
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[ 24 ]
Following the documentation, connect to the Essbase server to test the installation.
Using your mouse, right-click on Add Essbase Server. In the text boxes of the login
screen, enter the Essbase server name as it is known on the network, the initial user
ID (in our case Hypuser) and the initial password (ours is password, all lower case).
This is the password that you have provided to the
Essbase server upon the completion of the installation
(Please refer to Step 14 of the Essbase Installation steps).
If your connection is successful, you will see the Essbase server listed in the left
pane. You should be able to expand the server to see many options that are available.
We now have the Essbase analytic server software installed on the analytic
server. We also have the EAS tool that is needed to create, maintain, and support
Essbase databases installed on the desktop PC. On top of that, they are able to
talk to each other.
There is only one tool left to install!
In the next series of steps, we will install the much heralded Essbase Add-in
for Microsoft Excel to complete the toolbox. Once that is accomplished, we will
be ready to begin building and programming in Essbase.
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Installing the Essbase Add-in for
Microsoft Excel
We have installed Essbase analytic server and EAS and we are left only with the
reporting tool. It's well known that most financial analysts are also Microsoft Excel
experts (or believe they are). When you tell them the reporting tool they will be
using is Microsoft Excel-based, you are almost certain to get your budget approved.
1. To get started, double-click on the Essbase client executable file supplied
by Oracle. Huh? This screen looks familiar from the previous component
installations. You know which language to select. Click OK when you
are ready.
2. This step welcomes you to the installation of the Essbase client software, also
known as the Essbase add-in. As usual, there are some recommendations and
warnings, please click Next after you finish reading it.
3. In this step, as we have suggested before, please select the same country that
you have chosen in the Essbase analytics server and EAS installations. In case
you have forgotten, keeping the country variable consistent across all installed
components will make your life easier. Once done, please click Next.
4. This step asks to read and agree to the EULA. Read it carefully, and if you
agree and wish to continue, click Next.
5. This step has already detected the Hyperion home directory from a previous
installation. If your home directory is different, select your home directory
and then click Next.
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[ 26 ]
6. In this step, you are creating a directory for the Essbase client installation.
Please choose c:\Hyperion and click Next when you are done.
7. We recommend that you select Typical and click Next. As stated earlier,
the Typical installation gives you all of the tools included with the software.
Choosing Custom will really only provide more choices for samples.
8. This step requires you to select ESSLANG. The ESSLANG variable defines
the locale of the computer. Just like before, please feel free to select English.
9. This step summarizes all of the components required for the client installation
as well as the path. Please look them over carefully. Most importantly, verify
the path and that it is correct with consideration to the other components
installed on this machine. Click Next when you are satisfied that everything
is correct.
10. This steps shows that the Essbase client installation is in progress and we
recommend you not to take any more coffee breaks since you have already
taken a lot of breaks in the previous installations.
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Too much coffee drinking is injurious to health!
When the installation wizard finishes installing the software, the Next
button will be enabled. Please click Next to continue.
11. This step tells you that the Essbase client installation is completed. Click
Next when you are ready.
12. Now, open Microsoft Excel. As it loads you should briefly see a HYPERION
ESSBASE SPREADSHEET ADD-IN splash screen (shown below). Once
Microsoft Excel has finished loading, you should see a brand new menu
pick named Essbase that is usually located between the Window pick and
the Help pick. This tells you that the Essbase client is successfully installed.
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Installing Oracle Essbase
[ 28 ]
A typical network setup
In the following diagram, we show you a high-level image of the Essbase installation
you have just completed. This is a very typical set up for most operations.
Essbase Server
Agent installed on
network server
Network client PC workstations
with Microsoft Excel and the
Essbase Add-In for Microsoft
Excel installed
Various sources of data for your Essbase database
Essbase Lockand-
Send via
Excel Add-In
Data flat files
sent from
databases 1
Essbase Administration
Services (EAS) installed
on network client PC
To help you understand and recognize your creation, the network diagram is
divided into four sections which are explained below:
1. Raw data: Loading data from a little to a lot is easy in Essbase. Data can be
sent directly to the database using the "Lock and Send" feature of the Oracle
Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel. Flat files received from other systems
can be easily rendered Essbase-friendly, using convenient and easy to use
data load rules. Finally, vast amounts of data can be loaded using SQL data
load rules that interface directly with relational databases.
2. The Essbase server: Running on the Essbase server is also something known
as the Essbase agent. Depending on your needs, it is always best to try and
use a dedicated server for your Essbase service. But don't worry, if that's
not possible, we've found that Essbase does integrate nicely with other
applications that have been installed.
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3. The developer client: This is on the desktop workstation that EAS is installed
on. You will also want to have Microsoft Excel and the Oracle Essbase Add-in
for Microsoft Excel installed on this machine as well. A setup like this allows
the developer to quickly create and test many pieces of an Essbase application,
such as calculation results, data load validations, and so on.
4. End-user PC: This is your typical networked workstation that has decent
computing power and storage. Having Microsoft Excel and the Oracle
Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel installed are all that is necessary to
provide the end-user with an extremely capable analysis and reporting tool.
You did it! You've made it this far and haven't run away. While the individual
installations have probably seemed routine or even mundane at times, we wanted
to give you the benefit of our experience. This should have helped you avoid small
mistakes now that can cause big problems later.
What we have created is a very capable basic Essbase installation. Very basic in
Oracle Essbase terms means a very powerful set up. Of course, there are many
optional configuration settings and tweaks that can make your Essbase system
virtually limitless. All this and more, will be discussed in future chapters.
Now that we have successfully installed Essbase, it is time for us to dive deeply
into the world of Essbase. In our next chapter, we will talk more about Essbase
cube design consideration, Essbase application and database types, data storage
options. By the end of the next chapter, you will be able to create your first Essbase
application and database.
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Essbase Data and Design Considerations
We have successfully performed the installation of Oracle's Essbase software and it is functioning correctly. Let's cross-check for a minute, we have the server agent installed and running, the EAS installed on our client and operating correctly, and the Oracle Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel is also installed on our client in Microsoft Excel. We are now ready to begin learning and exploring Oracle Essbase!
In this chapter, we will discuss how to use the data elements required by the customer and transform them from the usual row and column relational schema
into Essbase-friendly meta-data dimensions and data members.
Moving ahead, we will use the Esscar Motor Company as the fictitious business customer for all of our examples throughout this book. The Esscar Motor Company is a traditional multinational automobile manufacturing enterprise.
Introduction to OLAP
OLAP is the common term for Online Analytical Processing and is generally known to be a multidimensional, client-server computing environment.
The differences between OLAP analytical solutions and traditional data analysis applications containing backend relational databases are stark. The most obvious being an OLAP analytical application's ability to provide speedy analysis of broad slices of data. Programs which are complex and expensive to write would be required to perform even a fraction of the functionality provided by a simple
Oracle Essbase OLAP application.
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Essbase Data and Design Considerations
[ 32 ]
Another notable difference is OLAP's ability to drill-down to the lowest level
of granularity with ease. You will even hear phrases like, slice and dice, and
multidimensionality, which means having the ability to view the data from virtually
any perspective. Finally, the ability to calculate large amounts of data on the fly gives
users a superior advantage over traditional applications with relational databases
when it comes to "what if" and "cause-and-effect" data analysis and reporting.
Oracle Essbase is widely known as a financial analytical tool. We
want to change the mindset just a bit, right here and now. Oracle
Essbase absolutely is a superior financial OLAP tool, but it is an
equally superior OLAP tool for just about any type of data analysis.
Determining the data requirements
One of the most important factors for any successful Essbase database design is
to determine up-front what data elements and attributes are required.
Our business customer is the director of sales forecasting and production planning
for the Esscar Motor Company. What if our customer would like to have the ability
to create a monthly sales forecast for the vehicles manufactured by Esscar Motor
Company and then sold in the various markets they compete in? The customer also
needs to see the effects of the sales forecast on the planned production volumes and
the required stock of vehicles. In addition, with regard to future monthly planning,
the data needs to be robust enough to provide historical looks at the data and year
over year comparisons. As you can see in the following screenshot, you can use
Oracle Essbase for predictive analysis for future or forecast periods:
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[ 33 ]
Let us see what we have learned about data requirements from our customer. What
data elements are important and must be included in the database? Our customer
has indicated that they need to track vehicle sales, vehicle production, gross stocks,
and profits. Chances are that there will be more data elements, but because we are
working with Essbase, they can be added quickly and easily at anytime in the future.
The elements listed in the previous paragraph will become members under a
dimension, which we will call Measures. These elements are what the customer
is using to measure his business. It is the attributes of these data elements which
will help us determine the rest of the necessary dimensions in the Essbase outline.
The dimensions described in an Essbase outline can best be
described as a category of information used to organize your
data. For example, Calendar Periods can be a dimension in
an Oracle Essbase database and can also be used to describe the
frequency of your data. Dimensions will be discussed in depth
in the next chapter.
The Measures dimension is included in most databases as it
contains the customer-required measurables. The other dimensions
can be thought of as the necessary descriptors of the measurable
data, such as Calendar Periods, product lines, markets.
When we talk about the data elements and their categories, we ask many questions.
Typically, each critical data descriptor or data member category, needs to be created
as a dimension in the Essbase database outline. Keep reading to see how this plays out.
Although we go into great detail on exactly what a database outline is and the
purpose it serves, for the time being, consider the Essbase database outline to
be similar to a logical data model you create for a standard relational database.
One use of your new system is to track the company's performance based on sales
and profits. What is the frequency of the data? Is it safe to figure that we need
a Calendar Periods dimension in the database outline? Depending on how we
build the Calendar Periods dimension, we will be able to work with the data on
a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis.
What is it that our customer produces? Why, it's automobiles of course! Wouldn't
our customer want to track the company's performance in many ways? We are
probably safe in assuming that we need to create a Total Vehicle dimension
that allows us to look at the data by an individual vehicle line or by the total of
all vehicles.
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Essbase Data and Design Considerations
[ 34 ]
One feature or characteristic of our customer's product that may not be applicable
to all types of manufacturing companies is the model year. Typically, automobile
manufacturers produce the same vehicle line year after year, but introduce a new
model year for every calendar year. It's a pretty safe bet that our customer would
like a Total Model Year dimension in the database.
Another consideration with our customer's data is the type of customers. You will find
this to be true in many situations when dealing with an enterprise that manufactures
and sells a product. In the case of the Esscar Motor Company, vehicles are marketed
to retail customers and fleet customers. Retail customers are the typical private
consumers who buy one car at a time and the fleet customer is usually another
company or entity, that purchases many vehicles at once. The customer agrees he
needs a Total Customer dimension.
The Esscar Motor Company produces and markets vehicles in several countries.
Would it be safe to say we need a Total Market dimension? If we structure the
Total Market dimension properly, we can look at company performance by
individual country (Market) or by total country (Total Market).
Now that we have gathered the data attributes necessary for reporting, we have
one last requirement to fulfill. Our customer has asked if there is a way he can have
his data "as is", and prepare different versions of the data to help with analyzing
and strategizing. In other words, our customer needs to have the ability to create
full looks at the data with many different versions or scenarios. Thus, we provide a
Scenario dimension. The customer can now create a forecast that has several looks
at the same data with only "what if" changes made and see the effects side-by-side
with the other scenarios. It's a beautiful thing!
The following is a quick visual that, we hope, gives you an idea of how the Essbase
outline will look. Please study it carefully. Understanding the hierarchical or
parent-child relationship between the members of the outline is critical with respect
to successful programming with Oracle Essbase.
Notice that the high level names are the data members or categories or as you will
soon come to know them, the dimensions, in the database outline that we have
discussed previously. Observe how the children members of the Total Market
dimension will be added to summarize the value in the Total Market database
outline member.
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[ 35 ]
Study carefully how the MYR 2009 number can be easily added to the MYR 2010
number to give us the Total Model Year number.
This is a highly simplified example of an Essbase database outline, its structure, and
relationships. In the next chapter, we will go over the Essbase database outline much
more thoroughly.
In the next section, we shall use what we have learned here to make decisions on
the best methods to store data in our Essbase database.
Determine data storage options
Get ready to toss out everything you've ever learned about storing data in a typical
relational database with tables, rows, and columns. Keeping the above example of
the Essbase outline in mind, we will now begin covering how the data is stored in
Essbase and the various options available to you (the Essbase programmer).
An Essbase cube usually stores less physical data than a typical relational
database must store to deliver the same results to the user. Usually,
the greatest saving is in the expense of data retrieval times. The results
returned from a typical Essbase database require less processing overhead
than the similar results being delivered as the result of queries performed
against relational database tables.
Essbase stores data in what is commonly referred to as a multidimensional array.
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Essbase Data and Design Considerations
[ 36 ]
Inside the multidimensional array are the data cells. It is these data cells where the
data is actually stored.
The smallest vehicle that Essbase uses to store data is a cell. A data cell however,
cannot stand alone. The smallest usable vehicle to store data, contained in an
Essbase database, is the data block (see the following figure). These data blocks
are the building blocks of the Essbase cube:
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Jan Feb Mar Apr
A simplified explanation is that the data blocks are made up of data cells.
The number of data cells are, for the most part, in direct relation to the number
of dimensions in the Essbase outline (the data attributes explained previously),
and the number of possible data combinations or intersections that can be created.
Relational Sales Table
Vehicle Model Year
Relational Stock Table
75 75
45 155
Model Year
In a traditional relational database, one new element of data may require an entire
new row of data in one to many tables. Looking at the previous screenshot, you can
see that if you need to add stock information on a vehicle, you will need to insert
a new row in the Stock table of your relational database.
In Essbase, that same new piece of data is plugged into the waiting data cell that was
created in the data block, when the database outline was structured or restructured.
You can add a new dimension to the database outline or add new members to an
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Chapter 2
[ 37 ]
existing dimension at any time. By adding dimensions to the database outline, you
are actually increasing the size of the data block. When a data block is created by
Essbase, it contains cells for all of the various dimensions whether you have the
data at that point or not. In our example, the data block created by the database
would already contain a cell for stock, even if you did not yet have a value to store
there. When you have a value for stock, it just gets plugged into its data cell and
the size of the database is unaffected.
When you add or remove information from the outline and save the outline,
Essbase will automatically restructure the database and modify the data blocks
(add/remove data cells) to incorporate the new outline information as necessary.
In Oracle Essbase there are two distinct storage options that can be used when
creating a database. These storage options are known as the Block Storage
Option (BSO) and the Aggregate Storage Option (ASO). These storage options
are discussed in greater detail later in this book. For most transactional Essbase
applications, the more suitable of the two options is the BSO. For our example
in this book, we will create an Application|Database using the BSO.
It should be mentioned that the size of the data blocks can have a
dramatic effect on the performance of the system. It is always best to
try and avoid extremely large and complex database outlines. As we
explained previously, the data blocks are structured roughly in relation
to the possible combinations of data based on the number of members in
the database outline.
More members = larger data blocks.
Less members = smaller data blocks.
Oracle Essbase offers an extremely valuable option to help keep block
sizes to a minimum in order to help keep your database running at peak
performance. The dynamically calculated database member!
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The dynamically calculated member is a measure typically derived from other
data elements in the database. It is not physically stored in the database. Instead,
it is only created (calculated) at the time you ask for it. There are three great
benefits for building your database with dynamically calculated members:
1. There is a huge potential to create many new measures without adding
new sources of data or writing expensive programs to derive the values.
2. While the dynamically calculated member occupies a place in the database
outline, it does not affect the block size in the database, therefore, it does
not affect performance.
3. The resultant measure is always accurate to the other measures in the
database and will always tally (the derived number will always equal
the result of the stored component numbers). There is never a question
of "where did this number come from?".
Types of Essbase applications
A nice feature of Oracle Essbase is that it allows you to create high level
umbrella applications under which you can group similar databases.
The similarity in databases means they are either similar in function or purpose.
When we speak of an Essbase application, it must be noted that all
databases are created under an umbrella application. You may have one
or many databases under an application, but you cannot create a database
without a parent application. Likewise, an application is virtually useless
without dependent databases.
Oracle recommends that we have only one database for an application.
The reason for this is that when you restructure a database, the entire
application is locked and you will not be able to perform any other
actions on the application or dependent databases.
This Application|Database structure allows for a more organized layout
and design and also allows for better data and security management.
As mentioned, an Essbase application can be one of two types:
1. Aggregate Storage Option
2. Block Storage Option
Let's discuss them in detail.
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Aggregate Storage Option (ASO)
In Essbase 9.x versions, the ASO is also called Essbase analytics. The ASO is most
suitable for the sparser data sets of high dimensionality, allowing a greater number
of dimensions and members. The ASO model is not a replacement for the BSO, but
it is an alternative for the business users depending on the needs of the customer.
In an Essbase Application|Database built using ASO, the data is loaded into the
leaf nodes or lowest levels, but are not aggregated into the upper levels using typical
Essbase calc and store methods. Rather, they are calculated dynamically on the
fly (per user request).
It must also be mentioned that the ASO is best suited as a Read Only application.
It is best used when analysis on large amounts of data is necessary for presentation,
analysis, or reporting purposes.
We will talk more about ASO, and the differences between ASO and BSO, in
Chapter 10.
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Block Storage Option (BSO)
The BSO is best suited for denser concentrations of data. The BSO also supports write
back or update capabilities from Microsoft Excel using the "Lock and Send" method
within the Essbase add-in or from automated batch data load operations. The
Essbase add-in has built-in functionality that allows the user to update data directly
in the database by simply selecting the Lock and then Send selections from the
Essbase add-in menu. When selected, the Lock function will lock all the data blocks
affected by the range of data contained in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The
Send function will then send the data values back to the database. After a successful
update, the locked data is automatically unlocked. This database model is best suited
for Financial Applications where the users can perform complex calculations. In BSO,
each dimension is tagged as either a dense or sparse data concentration. In a dense
dimension, the data cubes have the likelihood that all the cells in a data block will
be populated with data. In a sparse setting, the opposite is true, there would likely
be empty data cells. For example, in your database, the Calendar Periods
dimension would most likely be a dense dimension, since there would be data for
most items for each time period. The Market dimension would probably be sparse
as chances are that not all of your products are sold in all of the countries.
Shown below is a snapshot of the sample BSO application provided with the Essbase
installation. You will note (as indicated by the pink number in braces) that each
dimension has a relatively low number of children. As mentioned in the ASO section,
a BSO database is best suited for moderate amounts of data complexity where features
like updatability tend to have a higher priority to the user than high performance.
The Essbase server agent installation is equipped to handle multiple applications
that can be all ASO, all BSO, or any mix of ASO and BSO applications.
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When an Essbase application is started on the server, all the database objects
pertaining to the application are loaded into the server's memory. For every Essbase
application that is loaded, the server will launch a process named ESSSVR with a
unique process ID. If a particular ESSSVR process agent is stopped, all the databases
under the application will be stopped, and the memory that is being used by this
process will be released.
Typically, batch data load or cube build operations that use large
amounts of resources are best performed during off-peak or even
weekend hours. Wherever possible, we strongly recommend that all
non-essential application and/or databases on the server be stopped
during large processes to further increase performance.
We have just started an application and a snippet from the server log file can be seen
below. Note the highlighted text below and how it depicts that Essbase has made a
log entry for the application Demo being started. The process ID listed is the server
operating system process ID.
[Thu Sep 11 00:40:44 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051001)
Received client request: Get App and Database Status (from user
[Thu Sep 11 00:40:44 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051001)
Received client request: MaxL: Execute (from user [hypuser])
[Thu Sep 11 00:40:45 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1054014)
Database Basic loaded
[Thu Sep 11 00:40:45 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051061)
Application Demo loaded - connection established
[Thu Sep 11 00:40:45 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1054027)
Application [Demo] started with process id [4744]
[Thu Sep 11 00:40:45 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1056090)
System altered
[Thu Sep 11 00:40:45 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051001)
Received client request: MaxL: Execute (from user [hypuser])
[Thu Sep 11 00:40:45 2008]Local/ESSBASE0///Info(1051001)
Received client request: MaxL: Describe (from user [hypuser])
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It should be noted that occasionally, when there is a disruption to an Essbase process
(like an external database failure or a file server down), and the process has passed
the point of no return (Essbase term), the instance of ESSSVR that was running the
interrupted load process may place it into terminating mode. In spite of this, the
process never really gets terminated.
To terminate this process, you either need to reboot the Essbase server causing
interruption to the all other applications that reside on the server, or by using
the above process ID, you can kill only the offending ESSSVR process on the
Essbase server.
The following screenshot shows how to terminate the process in a Windows
server environment. Highlight the process and click on the End Process button.
Unicode and Non-Unicode applications
Before we go further, let us explore the definition of Unicode. What is Unicode?
According to, Unicode provides a unique number for
every character, irrespective of the platform, the program, and the language used.
Essbase supports Unicode encoding. When you create an application, you define
it as either a Unicode or Non-Unicode application. If you are dealing with customers
across the globe and want to support different languages, then you would choose
the Unicode setting for your application. The Unicode setting in Oracle Essbase
uses the accepted standard UTF-8 character encoding.
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Let us say our Esscar cube is being used by our Financial Analysts in the European
Union and they want to see the sales information in their language, using Essbase's
alias table ability you achieve this functionality.
The default Essbase setting is Non-Unicode for applications, databases, and related
scripts, etc. Essbase Non-Unicode applications only support one character set which
is defined by the locale value chosen at the time of installation. It must be the same
across all Essbase components used in the installation.
You cannot convert a Unicode application into
a Non-Unicode application but you can convert
Non-Unicode to a Unicode application.
Now that we have learned a little bit about Essbase applications, let's start building
our first Essbase application.
Creating your first Essbase application
When viewing information in the EAS, you will notice that it is setup in a similar
fashion to Windows Explorer, with a graphical hierarchical tree structure.
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To create an Essbase application, click on the File menu in EAS and select New.
You then have the choice of selecting either the BSO or the ASO storage options.
For our Esscar Motor Company example, we have selected BSO as our storage option.
This is where you also have the option to choose either Unicode or Non-Unicode. We
will be using Non-Unicode for our application. Now, give a name to your application,
say, ESSCAR.
In a Non-Unicode application, Essbase supports upto 8 characters for the names
of all Essbase objects like application names, database names, data load rules file
names, and calculation script names.
Very important!
In Windows-based installations, using spaces in database object
names and their associated directory paths should be avoided at all
costs. Coding can sometimes be challenging when spaces are used.
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[ 45 ]
Click OK. Hurray! you have now created your first Essbase application. Now that
you have created your Essbase application, let us take a quick look into the Essbase
application properties.
Essbase Application Properties
As the name suggests, Application Properties will allow you to set the properties for
an application. You can update the name of your application, set the start up options,
and also set the initial security levels. These properties can only be changed using
the EAS by any user who at least has an access level of Application Designer to the
application being updated and by automated scripts like Essbase command scripts
or Essbase MaxL scripts. These scripts are explained completely later in this book.
There are two ways to get to the Application Properties:
1. Click on the name of the application to select it, then click on the Action
menu on the EAS menu bar. Now, click on the Edit Properties for "Esscar".
2. Click on the name of the application to select it and right-click over the
application name. Here, you will also see Edit Properties for "Esscar" as
one of your choices.
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Startup section
This property is used to tell Essbase how to automatically start the application.
There are two ways you can start an Essbase application:
• Allow users to start application
• Start application when Essbase Server starts
By default, Allow users to start application is selected and we advise you to leave
it as it is. Only select the second option when it is absolutely necessary for the
Essbase server to start your application. As you have previously learned, if an
inactive application is started it will unnecessarily consume system memory.
One of the only times it may be necessary to have an application start (when the
Essbase server is started) is if you have an automated batch process which starts
immediately following a server restart. This might be performed during routine
server maintenance or housekeeping.
There are several different types of security commands. They are listed as follows:
• Allow commands: If checked, this allows users to run commands on the
database in the application. This option is selected by default.
• Allow connects: If checked, this allows all users with proper access to connect
to the application. When unchecked, only the Application Designer, or higher
users, are allowed to connect to the database. This option is selected by default.
• Allow updates: If checked, this allows the users with appropriate access
to update the data in the databases. This option is selected by default.
• Enable security: If this option is unchecked, then Essbase ignores all of the
security settings and gives Application Designer access to all of the users.
This option is selected by default and we recommend you keep it that way.
Minimum access level
This setting sets the minimum access level for all databases within an application,
and grants this access level to all valid IDs created on the server. The setting can
be overridden at the database level, but it's really a good idea to leave it set to none
at the application level. This property will be discussed further, in detail, in the
database properties section of this chapter.
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[ 47 ]
Types of Essbase databases
Essbase offers two types of databases that can be created. The first and most
important choice is the normal or standard database. This database will be used
in 100 percent of the applications you build in Essbase.
The normal (non-currency) database
The normal non-currency database is the cube you have heard so much about. All
data dimensions and members are defined in the outline of this cube. The normal
Essbase database is widely used for most data analysis where conversion of currency
values is not required. In our Esscar Motor Company example, we could track and
forecast vehicle production, sales volumes, trends, stocks, and all quite nicely with
a simple to use non-currency database.
Essbase currency database
The currency conversion database is a great tool for analyzing data across
international markets, which employ differing currencies. The currency conversion
database stores the currency conversion values for each individual country. When
currency data is requested by the user in his local currency, the normal cube will
dynamically access the currency cube and convert the data on the fly.
The symbiotic currency cube can be conceptually
thought of as the currency dimension of the primary
normal cube.
Database components
Let's now go through some of the most important components in every database.
• The database outline
• Linked Reporting Objects
• Partitions
• Calculation scripts
• Report scripts
• Rules files
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[ 48 ]
The database outline
The database outline defines the structure of the multi-dimensional database,
including its hierarchies, member formulas, and child to parent consolidations
(data rollups).
Once a database is created, an Essbase outline is also created with the same name.
This file is saved on the Essbase server with the .otl extension. In the next chapter,
we talk in-depth about the Essbase outline.
Linked Reporting Objects
Using the Linked Reporting Objects (LRO), you can attach an object to a cell.
For instance, you could have a flowchart attached to a specific value in a cell
alerting the user when the value was requested.
This object can be any of the following items:
• Cell note
• An externally created file like Microsoft Word, an image, or another
Microsoft Excel file
• Another Essbase database
Simply put, a partition is a slice of information from one database that is shared
with another database. There are three options for partitioning data in Essbase.
• Transparent partition: Allows the users to access data from the source
database as though it were stored in the target database. The source can be
another database in another application or even on another Essbase server.
• Replicated partition: Is a copy of a slice of data from the source database
that is stored in the target database.
• Linked partition: A linked partition points users from a cell in one database
to a cell in another database. A linked partition can give users a different
perspective of the data.
We will talk more about Essbase partitions in Chapter 8.
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Unless otherwise specified by you, the user, all Essbase file objects,
including calculation scripts, report scripts, data load rules files, database
index and page files, and database control files are stored on the Essbase
analytic server using the server's own operating system's resident file
system and are located in the default %Arborpath%/App/Database path.
When you install Oracle Essbase on your server and your client, the installation also
creates new environment variables on your machines. The ARBORPATH environment
variable is basically the path name all the way down to the Essbase folder itself. In the
following screenshot, you can clearly see how the Essbase folder structure is laid out:
Calculation scripts
Essbase calculation scripts (Essbase file objects with the .csc extension) contain
specific calculation instructions, written by you, that Essbase will use to perform
specific calculations on the data. Essbase calculation scripts are actually ordinary
ASCII text files which can be edited in a simple text editor, like Notepad, or which
can be edited using the calculation script editor in the EAS. Essbase database
calculation scripts are discussed in full detail in Chapter 4.
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Report scripts
Essbase report scripts contain Essbase proprietary and cryptic instructions and
commands. These are typically used in some sort of automated process to generate
actual output reports which are extracted from the cube. Alternately, a report script
can be used to extract data into a flat file, to export to a downstream system. These
report scripts can be run manually from the EAS, or from an Essbase command
script (MaxL script in later versions), or even from an API call inside a VB or COM+
application. Essbase report scripts are saved with the .rep file extension and they
too are ASCII text files. Cursory knowledge is needed for creating or editing Essbase
report scripts as they are actually coded in a symbolic Essbase pseudo-language.
Essbase report scripts are discussed in detail in Chapter 6.
Database load rules files
Raw data from an ASCII text file, Microsoft Excel, or from an RDBMS database
will be loaded into your Essbase cube using Essbase rules file objects.
Essbase rules files can be used in two ways:
• To dynamically build dimensions in the outline and add members
(so you won't need to do it manually).
• To load data where you can define how the data is loaded, determine what
data to skip or load, perform concatenations of separate columns into one,
and even add business rules.
As with the Essbase report script objects, the rules file can be invoked from the EAS
from an Essbase command script (MaxL script in later versions), or even from an API
call inside a VB or COM+ application. The rules file objects are saved with the .rul
extension and must be created, viewed, and edited through EAS. In Chapter 3, we will
modify the Esscar database outline using the dimension build rules file functionality.
In Chapter 4, we will discuss the data load rule file further.
Allowing duplicate member names
In Essbase 7.x and earlier versions, each outline member had a unique name and
duplicate member names were not allowed. But in System 9, duplicate member
names are allowed. If you want to have duplicate member names in your system,
please make sure you check the ALLOW DUPLICATE MEMBER NAMES while
creating the Essbase database.
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Many people scratch their heads and wonder why you would want to allow
duplicate member names in your database outline. Well, one example would be
the city of New York and the state of New York. You may want to have New York
in your outline as one state of the United States and then you may want to have
New York in your outline as a city of New York state.
A standard existing database outline can be converted to allow
duplicate member names, but an outline that allows duplicate
member names cannot be converted back to a standard outline.
Exercise great care when using this option, as it is much like having
data in a relational database table with a duplicate primary key.
Create your first Essbase database
You have your first Essbase application created and waiting. You have a good high
level understanding of the types of Essbase databases that can be created. Let's now
create your first database using EAS.
Select the Esscar application and right-click on it to bring up the application menu.
From the menu, click on Create Database to bring up the following screen:
On the screen above, make sure you have the correct analytic server selected. Select
the correct application (Esscar). Give a name to your database. In this case we will
name the database ESSCAR (it's the same name used for the application).
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Remember, Oracle Essbase only supports
object names upto 8 characters.
Leave the default setting of Normal and do not check Allow Duplicate Member
Names. Click OK and you now have a bouncing Essbase database. Congratulations!
Next, click on (expand) the ESSCAR database name shown under the ESSCAR
application in EAS to reveal the database object selections that were added when
the database was created.
Right-clicking the ESSCAR database reveals several more menu options that
are available to you. Click on the Database Properties selection to bring up
the Database Properties screen shown as follows:
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[ 53 ]
In the Application Properties screen as discussed previously, you see many database
level options or properties that can be set or adjusted to suit your own computing or
performance needs. We will take a moment to briefly discuss each available tabbed
option on this screen, and the choices contained therein.
General tab
On this tab, the database name and description are displayed. Only the description
field is editable and can be changed at will. The database name can be changed
through another function not found on the properties screen (right-click on the
database name in EAS and the Rename Database option will be available).
There is also startup information as shown on the Application Properties screen.
In order to have optimal performance, leave the Allow users to start database
checked and uncheck the Start database when application starts selection.
There is usually no need to have a database start when its parent application starts.
The default calculation settings are best for now. The Aggregate missing values and
Create blocks on equations both have database block size implications and should
be used with extreme care. There will be much more on this topic in Chapter 5 on
database calculation scripts. We leave the Two-Pass calculation option checked,
because it allows you to code a member to use two-pass calculation functionality.
You are not forced to use it just because the option is checked on this screen.
It is highly recommended you set Minimum Access Level to None, as all users must
then be granted specific access to each database. The other choices are Read, Write,
Calculate, and Database Designer.
Data retrieval buffers are settings that help with the performance of the spreadsheet
add-in, and data being extracted with a report script object. More on these will be
discussed in detail later.
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Dimensions tab
In the Dimensions tab, you are presented with information on your database
outline, with regard to the individual dimensions and their designation as either
sparse or dense and the number of members contained. Much more about this
is discussed in Chapter 3.
Statistics tab
The Statistics tab is a Read-only tab, but is very handy as it displays a wealth
of useful information. The following screenshot illustrates this:
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[ 55 ]
Its better to look at the real screen for yourself through the EAS. When it comes
to performance tuning, the settings on this screen will be invaluable!
Caches tab
Correctly set caches can make the difference between your business partner wanting
to fire you or wanting to adopt you. We will discuss these important settings later on,
but for now, just know that the default settings will be adequate for most moderate
sized cubes with moderate sized calculation or reporting needs.
One suggestion on caches, unless you are using the direct I/O data load option
which we will discuss in detail later, is to never check the Cache memory locking
option . The Cache memory locking option locks the maximum amount of memory
for each cache, whether the database uses it or not. If your system is running that
close to maximum capacity, you better purchase some more memory in a hurry!
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Transactions tab
Boring! Oh, sorry, this is a necessary option, but it's a setting that makes adjustments
which never really help or hinder performance all that noticeably. Committing data
after a certain number of transactions and not locking the entire database, when
calculating does have merit. We have never really had to play with these settings
on large or small databases. You would need to have some sort of extreme situation
involving conflicting and concurrent processes to facilitate any adjustment to
these settings.
Storage tab
Here is one database property that definitely has merit! These settings affect how
and where Essbase stores your database page and index files, the compression used,
and the type of I/O used to read/write the data.
For starters, the I/O method can have a noticeable impact on performance when
large data loads or transactions are involved. Buffered I/O uses the operating
system's file system and is the default setting. When more performance is needed,
the direct I/O setting can be used. The direct I/O setting provides asynchronous
overlapped I/O that gives the user less waiting time.
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The Storage tab also has choices for data compression. The setting for bit-mapped
compression is the default setting and is also the most efficient because it only stores
cells that contain data. Any null values are not stored. There are several compression
methods supported and Essbase can even run with no compression. However, it
must be noted that Essbase will expand, to full uncompressed file size, any data
page file it needs at the time of the request for data.
Currency tab
If you recall from the previous discussion on the normal and currency cubes and
their uses, this tab is where you would create the symbiotic relationship by defining
what currency cube the normal cube will be using for its currency conversions.
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Modifications tab
Within this tab, Essbase will record any changes or modifications made to the
database, the data, and the outline in log form. This screen is useful if you need
to check when a recent event occurred, possibly for debugging.
Types of Essbase users
Yes, you'll meet all kinds of Essbase users. There are good Essbase users, and
there are less than good Essbase users. The beauty is you get to control them.
Okay, so it's not a control issue, but at the same time you cannot have people in
your databases running willy-nilly over anything they please. For starters, Essbase
has some of the most comprehensive database access filters available. Each filter
is completely customizable for a specific database.
All access filters can be applied to either a single user
or to an access group where multiple users are added
when necessary.
If you recall, we recommended that you create yourself a Supervisor account at your
first login. This will be your account to administer the entire Essbase server. For data
security and data integrity reasons, it is a good idea to put a limit on the number of
supervisor access accounts and instead make use of lesser developer type accounts.
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When you create a new user, you can also add the user into an already existing
group by clicking on the Groups tab. In this way you do not need to set the
Application|Database properties for each and every user. When you create a
new user group you can select all the properties for that group.
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Developer access can easily be controlled with standard access level settings and a
typical developer never needs access to more than the database he or she is working
on at that time. The database designer level provides the developer with unrestricted
access to the Application|Database you have created for the project. The database
designer will be able to modify the outline, create and run calculation scripts, and
create and run data loads using load rules. There is also an optional setting to allow
the database designer the ability to grant new user accesses and reset passwords on
the database(s) they have their designer privileges on.
In the previous screenshot, we see the sub-screen App/Db Access, which is a tabbed
screen selection reached from the Create User screen. As we mentioned earlier,
this is where you can quickly add broad developer access at the database level.
The options are few but sufficient for the type of user or developer you are granting
access for. We will discuss in more detail, specific user access control, including the
use of security filters, later in the book.
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Chapter 2
[ 61 ]
We made it this far and your head hasn't exploded, has it? Thank goodness! Oracle
Essbase or for that matter, any OLAP or analytic application, seems to have a certain
aura or mystique about them. Some people automatically shy away, thinking they're
just beyond normal comprehension. This is just not true.
We're confident the information has been presented in a manner that allows you
to grasp the concepts of Oracle Essbase and OLAP. We're also confident that you
are beginning to think Oracle Essbase is no big deal and wondering what all the
fuss is about.
It probably seems like this chapter has flown by. You have now built an Essbase
application to house your newly built Essbase database. You've been given a high
level view of some of the more important features and aspects of Essbase application
and database properties. You've also created users for your databases.
In the next chapter, we go all out. We build a complete Essbase database outline
for our Esscar Motor Company example, which we will use for the rest of this
book. Starting with the base outline Essbase automatically creates when you build
a database, we take you through adding data dimensions, adding data members
to the dimensions, determining data storage options, loading data, and much more.
A veritable cornucopia of Essbase database outline information awaits you!
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Building the Essbase Outline
We know that any true technology geek gets impatient, at the very least, when
made to suffer through too much reading and page turning. We too feel the same way, but it was absolutely necessary to give you everything we did in the previous two chapters. Likewise, it is also necessary to give you every detail in this chapter.
You are aware of the fact that the Esscar Motor Company is hunting for a new system to provide their production and sales planning department with the ability
to quickly create sales and production forecasts, profit forecasts, scenario over scenario what-if analysis, and more.
Armed with what you have learned in the previous chapters and using the Oracle Essbase Esscar application and database you created in Chapter 2, we will now
guide you through building an honest-to-goodness real and usable database outline.
We will show you how to build the dimensions necessary to describe the data using a step-by-step approach. We will add members to the dimensions that organize and store the data. We will also show you how to determine the best storage methods for the data. Finally, we will show you the different ways to load the data.
If you haven't done so yet, we recommend getting yourself near to a PC that has Essbase Administration Services (EAS) properly installed and connected to an active Essbase server. You’ll want to perform the tasks we will be taking you through.
Before we begin
Before we get too deeply involved with the Essbase outline, we just wanted to be clear that the information and examples presented in this chapter assume that you have created your database using the BSO.
We devote most of the future chapter to explaining the BSO and the ASO options,
both their similarities and their differences.
So remember, the BSO is the flavor of this chapter.
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Building the Essbase Outline
[ 64 ]
The Essbase outline—the foundation
Think of the Essbase database outline as the air traffic controller of the database
or a planning and logistics manager or even a traffic cop. For those of you who are
relational database fans, you can think of an Essbase database outline as a logical
database model. It can be thought of as a tool that gives you a visual reference to
how the data is stored in the database and how the different elements relate to
each other. Think of the Essbase database outline as all of these things and more.
As the very foundation, the Essbase database outline is the framework or base
platform, upon which the entire database is built. If you remember, when you
created your first Essbase database in the previous chapter, a shell or empty
Essbase database outline was automatically created.
This newly created shell outline has no dimensions or members, does not contain
any data, and is just a place holder or starting point. Let us now learn about the
various components and features that make up an Essbase database outline and
then build one!
Dimensions and members
We have previously discussed that the Essbase database outline is comprised of
components called dimensions and members. To quickly review, remember that
the outline dimensions are best described as the categories of your data that is,
model year, calendar periods, and so on. For you die-hard relational database types,
dimensions loosely translate into the columns you use in your tables. Database outline
members are the children of the dimensions. The database members and dimensions
enjoy a hierarchical parent-child relationship with the dimensions at the highest level.
Dimensions are best used to describe the data in the data warehouse system.
Dimensions are the top-most members in the hierarchy. A dimension can represent
the summarized or consolidated data for all its children members. In the following
screenshot TOTAL VEHICLE is the parent dimension.
Members are children of the parent dimensions. A parent dimension can have
an infinite number of child members. The member can either store the data or
dynamically calculate the data upon request.
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The screenshot below shows the listing of the parent dimensions. The parent
dimensions can be considered the root dimension members as there are no higher
members in the hierarchical structure. The parent dimensions only have descendent
or children members. Look closely, the number in the braces, like the <4> indicates
the number of children under that dimension.
Take a look as we expand the TOTAL VEHICLE dimension. In the following
screenshot we see the TOTAL VEHICLE dimension expanded to reveal its
four child members:
Now you can clearly see the child members of the TOTAL VEHICLE dimension.
Notice how each child member has two of its own children as evidenced by the
<2> next to each member name.
In the following screenshot, you can see the TOTAL VEHICLE dimension
expanded completely:
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With the Total Vehicles dimension completely expanded, we see all of the child or
descendent members. We now know that we have reached the bottom level of the
dimension because there is no child indicator (<n>) next to the member names.
An Essbase outline dimension is the upper-most member in the
multidimensional hierarchical database structure. The dimension member
can have unlimited child members but has no parent member. The child
member can be a child member of the dimension parent and can also be
a parent or child to other members. Members, those of which are not at
the top level as dimension members, can have virtually unlimited child
members while at the same time being a child member themselves.
Outline members that share the same parent are called siblings. Essbase
is just one big happy family!
Outline member descriptors
Here, we have listed the Oracle Essbase database outline members' descriptors.
Please read this section carefully. Just about everything you do that pertains to
loading data, calculating data, and dimension building with data will depend
on your firm grasp of these key data relationship elements:
• Parent
• Child
• Siblings
• Ancestors
• Descendants
• Root
• Leaf
• Generation
• Level
Let's use the Time dimension as the outline example used to help in describing
the definitions for these member descriptors. Please note that the Time dimension
contains the calendar periods used in the Esscar system.
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• Parent: A Parent is an outline member which has a child member or many
children members below it. For example: QUARTER 1 is a parent of JAN,
FEB, and MAR.
• Child: A Child outline member is an outline member that has a parent.
For example: JAN, FEB, and MAR are the children of QUARTER 1.
• Siblings: Sibling outline members are members that are at the same level
in the outline and share the same parent. For example: JAN, FEB, and MAR
are siblings.
• Descendants: Descendant outline members are all members below a parent,
which include any children and their children. For example: QUARTER 1,
QUARTER 2, JAN, and APR are the descendants of YEAR.
• Ancestors: Ancestor outline members are all members preceding a particular
member, including the parent, the parent's parent, and so on. For example,
QUARTER 1 and YEAR are ancestors of JAN.
• Root: The Root outline member is the top-most branch of a member tree.
For example, YEAR is the root member for QUARTER 1, QUARTER 2, JAN
and APR. All upper-most outline members are the root members of their
respective dimension. To put it another way, the root member has no parent.
• Leaf: Leaf is an outline member that has no children. The leaf member is also
called the Level 0 member. For example: JAN, FEB, APR, and JUN are the
Leaf members or nodes or the lowest level member in its part of the outline.
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Generations and Levels
Although the previous member descriptor definitions are very important, you will find
that as you gain more experience, the use of the generation and level descriptors are by
far the most commonly used and the most useful method of referring where a member
is in the database outline. This is true for loading, calculating, and retrieving data.
The term Generation refers to the location of a member in a dimension relative to the
root member. The upper-most generation is the outline itself which is Generation 0.
Consider Generation 0 as the parent of the data dimensions. The root members are
the actual dimensions and are called Generation 1.
The Generation approach to traversing your database outline is a
top-down approach. For example, Generation 1 is the highest
level or the root level and the Generation 2 would be the next
level down towards the leaf node or member which is the bottom
member of the dimension.
Just like a family tree, the next level down in the outline from the Year level
(the Quarter level) is Generation 2 in this example.
In the example below, YEAR is Generation 1 (also called GEN 1), and Quarter 1,
Quarter 2, Quarter 3 and Quarter 4 are Generation 2 (GEN 2) whereas JAN,
FEB, MAR, APR, and so on, are Generation 3.
GENERATION 2 9 Quarter 1
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Level also refers to the location of a member in the outline dimension, but it's
counting starts from the leaf node all the way upto the root. The leaf node is called
Level 0, the parent of the leaf node is Level 1, and its parent is Level 2, and so
on until we reach the root member.
Looking at the example above, you can ask the question,
"In this outline, can the Quarter 4 member be considered
a Generation 2 member and a Level 1 member and can
the DEC member be considered a Generation 3 member
and a Level 0 member?" The answer is a resounding yes!
The Level approach to traversing your database outline
is a bottom-up approach. For example, the Level 0 is
the lowest level or the leaf node level. The Level 1 would
be the next level higher towards the root member.
In the example below, JAN, FEB, MAR, and APR are all Level 0. QUARTER 1, QUARTER
2, QUARTER 3, QUARTER 4 are Level 1 members, and YEAR is a Level 2 member.
LEVEL 2 Years
LEVEL 1 9 Quarter 1
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Types of dimensions
In Essbase, there are two types of dimensions, the first and most common dimension
type is the Standard dimension. The other less common dimension type is called an
Attribute dimension. Both are explained here.
Standard dimension
Standard dimensions are derived from the main business data components (or data
categories we described earlier) and are then defined in a database cube. Some of
the Standard dimensions in our example database are: TOTAL VEHICLES, MEASURES,
dimensions can be tagged as Accounts, Time, and Country types. Some dimensions
are not associated with any type of special dimension types and are considered
general dimensions.
Briefly, let's explore the different ways you can tag a Standard dimension and
their uses.
The Account dimension type
When you tag a dimension as an Account type, you are telling Essbase that this
dimension will be used for your financial measures or metrics.
Available to the Account dimension are several accounting specific tags such as
the Time Balance option that uses the Time dimension to calculate period specific
data or the Two Pass Calculation option which will calculate the data in two
passes when components of that data must be calculated first from the existing data.
The Time dimension type
The Time dimension type is the dimension where you define the periods used to
calculate and report your data. This would typically be the dimension where you
store calendar periods. The Time dimension also supports several of the Accounts
dimension functions.
The Country dimension type
A dimension tagged as a Country dimension allows you to analyze your data across
multiple countries, if you desire. You can also set the currency for each country to get
true and current financial data analysis for each local market defined in your database.
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No dimension type or general dimension
Not all dimensions need to have a specific identifier tag. You can always create
a general dimension that you can use for any variety of data descriptor purposes.
Most of your dimensions will be general dimensions.
The Currency Partition dimension type
This type of dimension is used for currency conversion in your database.
The database would contain all financial data represented in a base currency.
The Currency Partition dimension is used to allow local currencies from
other regions to be brought in from a separate Essbase database.
The Currency Partition dimension is specifically designed for currency
conversion applications and is not always necessary to achieve your desired
results. Careful preparatory investigation upfront is always recommended.
Below is a sample screenshot showing an outline containing dimensions that
are tagged with the various available dimension types. Once the dimensions are
properly set, you will see the dimension type listed in the database outline next
to the dimension name.
The specific dimension tags are for convenience and enhanced functionality. However,
many of these options were not available in earlier versions of Essbase so you would
have needed to code your own functionality.
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The Attribute dimension
There is a dimension type known as an Attribute dimension type. The Attribute
dimension is not a full blown standard dimension and in fact must be associated
with a standard dimension. The Attribute dimension allows you to analyze your
data with even finer granularity by adding data characteristics (for example, color)
to your Total Vehicle dimension.
If it is not an Attribute dimension type then it is
some form of Standard dimension.
Dense and Sparse dimensions
As we described before, the data stored in an Essbase database is stored in a manner
conceptually similar to that of a Rubik's Cube. Because of this structure, the folks at
Oracle have devised a method of defining your outline dimensions and their data
density to Essbase. Therefore, your database can be more efficient in the way it loads,
stores, calculates, and retrieves your data.
The distinction between Dense and Sparse dimensions allows Essbase to efficiently
handle large amounts of data that is not evenly spread across the data blocks. It
is this efficiency that allows Essbase to offer the slice and dice style of data access,
while still maintaining high performance for fast data processing and retrievals.
Correctly set Dense and Sparse dimension attributes have a
dramatic effect on overall memory usage and system performance!
• In a Sparse dimension, the data does not exist for the better
part of the member combinations. For example, all vehicles
may not be sold in all of the countries
• A Dense dimension has a very high percentage of available
data cells filled with data.
First of all, you will need to consider whether a database dimension is Dense
or Sparse in an Application|Database that has been created using the BSO. All
dimensions in an ASO database are Sparse by default. When you have an Essbase
database created using the BSO, Essbase allows you to describe your dimensions as
either Dense or Sparse with the following understanding. Some data cubes, created
roughly by dimension, are not fully populated with data. In fact, for the most part,
the typical Essbase multidimensional database's cube always has a relatively Sparse
concentration of data at the overall database level. It would be an extreme rarity to
find your data densely populating every available cell with a stored value.
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When you first start out, you can let Essbase automatically configure the Dense
and Sparse dimension settings in your database. You do this using the EAS Outline
Properties tab. Essbase will do this fairly well initially, based on the data already
existing in the database.
Notice in the preceding screenshot that there is an Auto configure option on the
outline properties screen. If set to true, this option will let Essbase automatically
set the Dense/Sparse settings of the dimensions in your database.
As time goes on and as both your knowledge of your system's data grows and your
experience with Essbase increases, you will find that you can usually do a better job
of configuring the Dense and Sparse settings yourself rather than let Essbase handle it.
You can, at any time, change the Dense and Sparse attribute of any dimension.
You will do this using the EAS at the database properties screen.
One of the best features of Essbase is the outline or database restructure. Anytime
you make a change to the database outline, you are offered the choice of saving the
changes when you attempt to close the outline. The restructure choices available are
Outline Only and Outline and Data.
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When you make changes to your database outline, the changes may also affect the
way the data itself is stored. Changes such as moving a member or changing a Dense
setting to a Sparse setting will always require you to perform an Outline and Data
restructure. When the restructure is called for, Essbase will actually perform what
could be best compared to in the relational world as database reorganization. All of
the existing data is unloaded and then reloaded into a structure that is most efficient
for the new database outline configuration and settings.
When Essbase is performing an Outline Only database restructure, the database
page files are not touched as only the database outline file is reorganized and resaved.
An Outline Only restructure is triggered by making simple changes to the database,
including adding or updating an alias table or adding or updating a member property.
When Essbase deems it necessary to restructure the entire database, it will completely
rebuild the database's page and index files. This type of database restructure is
sometimes referred to as a Dense restructure. What triggers a Dense restructure is
actually moving around the members in the database outline, adding new members
to the outline, or changing the Dense and Sparse setting on a dimension.
Very Important
When performing a database restructure, Essbase actually rebuilds
new temporary database page files from the existing page files. When
finished, Essbase will delete the old page files and rename the new ones.
Prior to any database restructure always make sure you have extra
storage on your server. If the database you are restructuring is 30GB and
you only have 20GB of space available Essbase will keep on going with
the restructure until the disc space runs out and crashes the server!
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As you can see in the preceding screenshot, most of your data will have Calendar
Periods associated with it, so it would most likely be tagged as a Dense dimension.
The Vehicles dimension would more than likely be tagged as Sparse. You may
want to tag the Vehicles dimension as Sparse because while you have vehicles for
sale in all markets and probably have vehicle sales for all calendar periods, you will
not have all vehicle models for sale in all markets. You may also not have sales for
all vehicle models in all calendar periods.
For example, not all of Esscar's vehicles sell in all markets listed in the outline.
The data is sparsely distributed across the data blocks. On the other hand, all of
the data in your database ties to the Scenario dimension, so that data is densely
populated across data blocks. You would set the Market dimension to Sparse
and the Scenario dimension to Dense.
Build your first outline
That's it! Your brain is just chocked full of Essbase database outline knowledge.
Let's build an Essbase database outline using the EAS.
Within EAS, perform the following tasks:
Double–click, to expand in the EAS, on ESSBASE Severs then Applications then
ESSCAR (Application) then ESSCAR (database) and finally Outline. The ESSCAR
database outline is opened in the Essbase Outline Editor as shown in screenshot
below. Remember, as we said before, this is basically a placeholder outline created
for you by Essbase when you created the new database.
Your job is to now build this outline into a fully functioning Essbase database outline
that will support a real database.
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The steps to add dimensions and members to an Essbase database outline are:
1. Begin by right-clicking on Outline, and then click on Add Child.
2. Enter CALENDAR PERIODS to name this new member and create
your first Essbase database dimension.
Remember, any child member that is added to the main outline is considered
a data dimension in the Essbase outline. When you right-click on the data
dimension, you will see an entirely new set of options. If your preference is to
left-click (right and left mouse click, assumes right-handed mouse operation)
you will activate an assortment of Easy Access Menu buttons where you can
choose the types of dimensions as shown in the following screenshot:
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Since CALENDAR PERIODS is supposed to be our time dimension, we will tag this
dimension as the Time dimension type. Right-click on the CALENDAR PERIODS,
click on Add Children, and enter Year 2009. To add another year, right-click on Year
2009, click on Add Sibling, and enter Year 2008 and so on. Keep going until you add
year members to Year 2006.
Following this same procedure, you can right-click on the year members you have
just added and now add quarter periods as children to them. Once you have the
quarter periods added (use the screenshot below as a guide) you will then add the
month members to the quarters. While this may seem to be an inefficient and tedious
task, it is necessary that you learn to be comfortable with manually editing an
Essbase database outline.
Never fear! Editing a database outline manually is not the only way to update it.
Shortly, we will explain the use of data Load Rules that can be used to load data into
the database and automatically update the outline. These automated processes can
be used for a variety of tasks from adding new members to the outline to performing
database maintenance.
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Member properties
Member properties are characteristics, set by you, that determine the behavior of
the data stored in your database. For example, it is quite natural to want to know
the value of sales for a quarter. If you set the consolidation property of each month
member to (+) and calculate the database, the calendar quarter value will be the sum
of the three child members under it which are the individual months. There is no
need to load data at the calendar quarter's level since you can calculate it from the
individual month's level.
There are also storage properties that Essbase uses to determine how the data is
stored in the database. The following is a detailed explanation of member properties
and their uses.
Member consolidations
When you define a new child member of a dimension, you need to tag that member
with a consolidation operator. A consolidation operator will tell Essbase how this
member will be calculated along with its sibling member(s) upto the parent member.
Get familiar with the term rolled up because you will hear that term a lot when
discussing how you are calculating your data. The term rolled up means summing
children members to a parent member. When you sum the months of a quarter
member, you are rolling up the months. Think of rolling up the same as adding up.
The default property setting is the addition (+) operator.
Very important!
Depending on the dimension selected and the method of calculation,
Essbase will either perform a top-down or a bottom-up calculation. What
this means is that when setting up your database outline, the physical
placement of members can be equally as important as the property settings.
This will be explained in more detail later in this section. Looking at the
Calendar Periods dimension, the path of calculation for Quarter
1 would be January then February, if (+) is selected as the operator for
February, add February to January then look at March, again if March is
tagged with the (+) operator, then add March to February which is already
the total of January and February. This is rolling up the data!
Valid consolidation operators
The proper setting of the database member consolidation operators is critical
to the correct calculation of your data. A complete list of the available member
consolidation operators with a brief explanation of their function is listed as follows:
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• Addition (+)—adds this member to the result of the previously calculated
sibling member calculation
• Subtraction (-)—multiplies the member by (-1) then adds the product
to the result of the previously calculated member.
• Multiplication (*)—multiplies this member by the result of the previously
calculated member
• Division (/)—divides the result of the previously calculated member
by this member
• Percent (%)—divides the previously calculated member result by this
member and multiples it by 100
• Exclude from consolidation (~)—do not consolidate (ignore) this member
• Never consolidate (^)—do not use this member in any consolidation in
any dimension
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For example:
In the above formula:
Member storage
When you create a member in Essbase, you need to tag the member with a storage
property on how the data is stored for this member. By default, when a member is
created, it is tagged as Store Data. You can change the member storage option in
Member Properties | Data Storage.
The different storage options available to you are explained as follows:
• Store Data: Stores the data value with the member. The data can be the result
of a calculation, data load from an external source, or an Essbase "Lock and
Send" directly from Microsoft Excel using the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft
Excel. The data is physically stored in the database.
• Dynamic Calc and Store: The first time the data is requested, Essbase will
dynamically calculate it and then store it with the member. Essbase will
automatically recalculate the data and update the stored values on the next
request for data if a component value used in the member formula changes.
At the first call for a dynamically calculated and stored member's data value,
the data is dynamically calculated and physically stored in its proper cell in
the database. Unless a component value of the now stored data value has
changed, the data is not dynamically calculated again.
• Dynamic Calc: Essbase does not physically store the calculated data value
at all and only calculates it on demand. This is a good option if database size
is an issue as it helps keep the database smaller. Some care must be exercised
because dynamic calculations tend to consume large amounts of resources.
Balance is the key here.
• Never Share: Does not allow Essbase to implicitly share this member. What
this means in Essbase is when you have a member that only has one child
member that member implicitly takes the value of the only child. There are
times when you do not want this to occur. You can still share this member
explicitly by creating another member of the same name and selecting
Shared Member as its storage option.
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• Label Only: Members you create as placeholders only. The Label Only
option is a way to help organize your database outline without affecting
database size. Label Only members do not contain any data. No data is
physically stored in this member.
• Shared Member: For convenience, you may want to have a member appear
in different groups take values from different groups or simply use a
member's data somewhere else in the outline. The Shared Member allows
you to do this with relative ease. Yes, the same effect could be achieved with
specific calculation coding, but that can be complex and confusing. Look at
the following screenshot to see how you would use a shared member:
In the following screenshot you will see how easy it is to set the outline member
properties using the EAS tool.
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Member formulas
One of the coolest things in Essbase is that you can create a formula which will be
attached to a member in the database outline. If the member is tagged as Dynamic
Calc, the formula will execute when the user is trying to retrieve the data for that
member. If the member is tagged as Store Data, the formula will execute when a
calculation script is executed against that member.
Member formulas can be constructed by using some of the available commands
and functions of which a few are listed here:
• Conditional coding functions like IF, ELSEIF, and ENDIF
• Boolean (true or false) functions like ISMBR, ISCHILD, and ISDESC
• Relationship functions like @LEV, @GEN, and @CURGEN
• Mathematical operators like +, -, *, and /
• Math functions like @ABS, @SUM, and @MOD
The steps to add a formula to the member TOTAL NET REVENUE are as follows:
1. Select the TOTAL NET REVENUE member and click on Edit the
formula for the selected member as shown in the following screenshot:
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2. Enter the formula as shown below in the formula editor. The formula states
that the member TOTAL NET REVENUE is calculated as GROSS REVENUE less
The member TOTAL NET REVENUE is tagged as Dynamic Calc. When a
database user executes a retrieve for the data stored in the TOTAL NET
REVENUE member, the TOTAL NET REVENUE value will be dynamically
3. As shown below in the Formula editor screen, once you have entered
the formula, you can click on Verify to verify it and then click on OK to
save the formula. It should be pointed out that the formula is only saved
in a temporary buffer until the database outline has been saved.
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After you have clicked OK in the Formula editor, you can see the new formula in
the Essbase outline next to the appropriate outline member. The following screenshot
shows the formula attached to the outline member TOTAL NET REVENUE:
Member alias
As the name implies, a member alias, is an alternate name for a database outline
member. This is a very useful feature for several reasons.
For instance, let's say there is an Esscar car dealership whose member name in the
database outline is Hood Esscar Best Dealers with the dealer ID code set up as
an alias (03030-USA). The dealership is purchased by a person named Robin and
he has decided to change the name of the dealership to Robin Hood Esscar Best
Dealers. This dealership, for all Esscar purposes is the same dealership, so a simple
outline change to the member name is all that is required while leaving the alias
the same to identify the dealer to the system.
As a best practice, it is always advisable, wherever possible, to load data using the
aliases and not the descriptions. If the aliases are left alone, any cosmetic naming
changes to the database outline will only consist of the outline change. If the aliases
are also changed, any special mappings must also be changed.
When constructing an Essbase database, it is always advisable for you
to plan appropriately and consistently. When setting up your outline,
you must decide if the member names will reflect the full text name of
the data element, or will you use alias tables for this purpose. Report
generation, data loading, and data calculation can depend heavily on
member names or aliases. To avoid confusion and simplify things, it is
best to develop a strategy on how to use member's names and aliases
and stick to it consistently!
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The steps on how to add an alias name to the outline member TOTAL NET REVENUE
properties are explained as follows:
1. From EAS, open the Esscar database outline.
2. Drill down to the member name GROSS REVENUE.
3. Right-click on the member name and click on Edit Properties, or click
the button Edit Properties for the selected member in the outline editor.
4. Under Aliases, default alias table, add the code TOTREV as shown in
the screenshot below.
5. Click OK.
6. That's it! You have just added an alias to the GROSS REVENUE member.
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Alias table
Another use of an outline alias table is as a cross-reference table when interfacing
with other systems. Experience has shown that even within the same company,
but in different departmental activities, it is not uncommon for a different system
to use a different name or code for the same model, unit, or part. Just like having a
conversion or cross-reference table in a relational database, you can add a new alias
table to your database outline any time.
A new alias table can contain the product names or codes as they are represented
in another system, yet they are aligned to the correct members in your system. For
example, if your system is part of the marketing activity and you receive data from
the finance activity (who by the way calls everything by a different name than you
do), you can execute a data load that specifically calls for and uses the Finance alias
table you have specially created to handle the differences in product names.
Build your first data rules file
Before we start building a data rules file, let us talk about the purpose of the
Essbase data rules file.
The Essbase data rules file is one of the smartest features available to you as an
Essbase database programmer! Whether you are using data with a rules file to
dynamically add members to your outline (dimension build setting), or loading
data into the database (data load setting), the Essbase data rules file can prove to
be an invaluable tool.
Data rule files can be used to maintain your Essbase database outline or load data
into your Essbase database. In this section, we will talk about using the data rules
file to update the Essbase dimensions. In the next chapter, we will talk about how
to use the data rules file to load data into your database or cube.
You can run your data load or dimension build data rules file with accompanying
data manually from the EAS tool or you can run it by executing an Essbase
Command or Essbase MaxL script.
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What are we talking about? Why use an Essbase data load rules file? Because we
want to make input data Essbase-friendly, of course. Here are some the reasons
why we use data rule files:
• Automatically cleanse the input data to filter out any errant values
• Remove the header and trailer from the input files
• Reject invalid data records
• Concatenate two fields into one field
• Dynamically add new members to the database outline
• Add aliases or update other member properties
• Transform or manipulate data
• Concatenate two fields or any other cleansing operations
• And many more
Data load rules files are something very special as you can see. You can practically
build a complete Essbase database outline from scratch using nothing more than
a properly configured data load rules file and your input data.
Next, we take you through the steps required to create a Dimension Build data
rules file.
Step 1: Start the Data Prep Editor
The Data Prep Editor is the tool with which you will create your custom Essbase
data load rules files. The tool is built right in to the already amazing Essbase
Administration Services tool.
1. In EAS, click on the File menu pick.
2. Select Editors and click on the Data Prep Editor or Click on New, on the
New dialog go to the Scripts tab and select Rules File and click on OK.
3. The Data Prep Editor will open as shown in the following figure.
4. The moment the Data Prep Editor is opened, the menu items in the EAS
will change.
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[ 88 ]
Step 2: Associate the Dimension Build
Rules file
In order for you to successfully validate the rules file, you need to associate the
rules to the database outline. This association of the rules file to the outline is saved,
however, Essbase will ask you to associate the rules file again when you open this
rules file the next time.
To associate an outline, open the Data Prep Editor again using EAS.
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Click on Options and click on Associate outline or click on the Associate button in
the Data Prep Editor.
Step 3: Open data load file or the SQL data
source file
To update the database outline using the rules file, we need to have a data source
file. To build a rules file, we need to acquire an exact representative sample of the
actual data in order to map the data to our Essbase database outline.
The data sources can be files like text (.txt) files, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets,
or from relational database sources using a SQL query defined in the load rule.
To open a data source file or SQL data source in EAS, with the Data Prep Editor open.
After you've clicked on File, you should see the options Open data file or Open SQL
shown as follows:
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In our example, we choose a Microsoft Excel file as our data source.
1. Click on the Open data file option
2. Select the file system and browse to the file (for example: c:\data\market
.xls) and the data in the excel file is as shown in the following screenshot:
3. Select the above excel file and click on OK. You will see the Data Prep
Editor as shown in the following screenshot:
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In this screenshot, the upper screen frame shows the data source file in its original
form. The lower screen frame shows how Essbase will interpret the data before
it gets loaded into your Essbase database.
In the example above, we discussed updating the outline from the input data
source file. In the next chapter, we will talk about how to import data using
the second method which is directly loaded from the RDBMS SQL Data Source.
Step 4: Set the Data Source Properties
While plenty of your data will be entered manually from user interaction, a good
deal of it will likely come from external systems. Before Essbase can process any
data file, we need to define the data to Essbase in the rules file.
Is the data in a comma separated file or tab delimited file? For some feeds, we need
to ignore the header records which are usually the first row in the input file. These
settings can be set in the Data Source Properties.
Delimiter: Data delimiters are used to separate individual fields in the data source.
The types of delimiters available in Essbase are given as follows:
• Comma: This is for a comma separated data source file.
• Tab: This is for a tab delimited data source file.
• All spaces: The fields will be delimited by empty white spaces.
• Custom: The common delimiter which is agreed with the source systems.
For example, colon (:) or any other single character.
• Column width: The data columns have specific widths. For example,
the rules file will separate the data into columns based on all columns
being ten characters in width.
To open an input data source file in EAS, with the Data Prep Editor open:
1. Click on Options, and then click on the Data Source Properties.
2. The first tab is the Delimiter tab as shown in the following screenshot:
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3. Select or create the appropriate data delimiter. The appropriate delimiter
is the character or set of characters that are used to separate the columns of
your data. Essbase offers you a few of the most common delimiters and gives
you the option of setting your own delimiters based on what is being used in
your data file.
Step 5: Set the View to Dimension build fields
In this step, we need to define if this rule is used for Dimension build fields view
or Data load fields view. By default, Data load field view is selected.
• Dimension build field: You will select this option when you are using the
rules file with your data file to add new members to the outline or to update
existing members in the outline.
• Data load field: This option is for loading data with a data load rules file
and will be discussed in more detail later.
To set the Dimension build fields view in EAS, with the Data Prep Editor open:
• Click on View and then select the checkbox Dimension build fields as
we are currently doing a dimension build. We will talk in-depth about
the Data load fields view in the next chapter.
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Step 6: Select Dimension build method
Build dimensions methods are basically used for adding, removing, or updating
a member, an alias, or a property of an Essbase outline member. These are defined
in the build rule files.
There are three ways you can build an Essbase outline:
• Generation reference
• Level reference
• Parent-child reference
Let us talk about how each method can be used to update the Essbase outline.
Generation reference
With the generation reference set, the data source should be arranged or organized
from top to bottom as it pertains to the database outline structure. We consider the
dimension name itself as Generation 1. Each record in the rules file contains the
parent name as Generation 1, the child names are Generation 2, children of the
child name are Generation 3, children of that child name are Generation 4, and
so on. For example: Year | Quarter | Month.
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Level reference
With the level reference set, the data source should be arranged or organized from the
leaf node or bottom level to the top level or the dimension name. We consider the leaf
node to be Level 0, the next record is called Level 1, the next record is Level 2, and
so on, until we reach the top dimension level. For example: Month | Quarter | Year.
Parent-child reference
In the parent-child reference, the parent is followed by the child. Each record will
have a parent and then its child. For example, the YEAR member is the parent and
the QUARTER member is the child. The QUARTER level is also a parent since its
child members are the months.
For this example, we have used the generation reference.
Motor City EssCar
Motown EssCar
Phord City EssCar
East Side EssCar
Midwest EssCar
Soldier Field EssCar
Capone EssCar
St. Valentines EssCar
As shown in the figure above, we can see two things:
• First, we see that the first record in the data file is a header record, which
usually describes something about the data file itself such as the column
names. This can be skipped by setting 1 in the Number of lines to skip in
the Header section of the Data Source Properties as shown in the screenshot.
Then click on OK.
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• Second, you can see that the data is starting from the top to the bottom,
meaning we are going from the Total Markets to all the way down to the
individual Dealer information. Remember, the best top-down data load
method is the generations setting. We will need to choose the generation
build method.
To choose the build dimension method, in EAS, with the Data Prep Editor open:
1. Click on Options, and then click on the Dimension Build Settings
2. Select the second tab which is the Dimension Build Settings, and you will
see the Dimension Build Settings screen as shown in the following screenshot:
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These are the actions you can do in the Dimension Build Settings:
• Select the Dimension Name: In this section, you can chose the dimension
name for which this rule is being built—in our example, we have chosen
Total Market as the dimension name
• Existing Members: If you are updating the outline quite often, you can
chose these options.
°° Allow Moves: This property should be set to true if you think
the member would move from one parent to another parent.
When this move happens, the data will also move along with the
member. If the parent of this member is a stored member, the roll
up information will show the incorrect number.
Let us say, in our example INDIANA is in the EAST region. Profit on
INDIANA is 1 million dollars, profit on EAST is 5 million dollars and
profit on WEST is 8 million dollars.
During our market reorganizing the top management decides that INDIANA
should be moved into the WEST region from the EAST region. After we run
the Market rules file with the corrected data file, the Market dimension is
updated with the new structure shown as follows:
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INDIANA moves to WEST along with its profit, but the EAST still shows 5
million dollars, and WEST still shows 8 million dollars. In order to show the
right numbers, the data needs to be recalculated as the parents WEST and
EAST are stored data. In our example, we will enable this property for the
Total Market member.
°° Allow property changes: This allows the rules file to update
the data storage properties, and consolidation operators.
For example, changing the Dynamic Calc setting to Dynamic
Calc and Store, or from (+) to (–) consolidation on a member.
If this option is disabled, the rules will not allow the member
properties to be updated. In our example, we will enable the
Allow property changes. And yes, in your data file, the column
that you designate as the member properties will actually contain
the characters used in the database outline editor to indicate the
specific properties. For example, if the member you are adding
will have a consolidation of add, there will be a plus character (+)
in the data. When this column is tagged as the member properties
column during the build, Essbase will set the consolidation
property to +.
°° Allow formula changes: This allows the rule file to update
the formula on a member, if a formula exists. If this property
is disabled, you will not be allowed to change the formula from
the rules file. In our example, we do not have a new property
for Total Market so we are not enabling this property.
• Select the Build method: This is where you specify which method is used
by this rules file to update the outline. There are three main methods in
this section from which you can choose. We have previously chosen the
Generation method as our source file is in the top to bottom hierarchical order.
• Member sorting: This property will set the sorting order while updating
the outline using this rule. This sorting is applied to all of the members
under this dimension.
These are the three sorting choices you can make:
°° None: No sorting order is selected
°° Ascending: Updates the outline in the ascending sort order
°° Descending: Updates the outline in the descending sort order
For our example, let's select the Ascending order (A to Z).
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• Member Update: There are two ways you can update members in the outline.
Either adding a new member to the outline when a new member is included
in the data file, or by completely replacing the outline with a new outline.
°° Merge: This will add new members into the outline whenever a
new member comes in with the data. New members are added in
alongside existing members.
°° Remove unspecified: This will delete all of the members in the
outline and update the outline with the new members specified
in the rules file and the accompanying data file.
Step 7: Format file
When necessary, Essbase allows you to manipulate or transform input data in
order to make the data Essbase-friendly. To open an input source file in EAS,
with the Data Prep Editor open:
1. Click on Options and then click on the Data Source Properties.
2. Go to second tab which is File Edits tab
These are things that you can edit in the input data file:
• Move: Changes the order of the fields in the input data. For example, if you
want to move Field 3 into Field 2's place, you can click on the Move button
and then move Field 3 up as shown and click on OK. Field 3 has now traded
positions with Field 2. This is helpful when ordering data for dimension
building purposes.
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If you change your mind, you can always delete (undo) the column that was
moved. Once you delete the moved column, it goes back to its original place.
• Join: Joins two or more fields to make a new unique column.
In the example below, we have joined Field 9 and Field 10 together:
• Split: Splits the field at a given number of characters into two fields.
In the following example, we split Field 12, which has the dealer code,
into two fields as shown:
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• Create Using Join: This function is used to join two or more fields to
create a new field.
In this example, we have joined the field containing the value of United
States of America and the field containing the value USA, into a new
field which looks like: United States of AmericaUSA, as shown in the
following screenshot:
• Create Using Text: Creates a new field based on the text you have entered.
This is particularly helpful when you need to make Essbase-friendly data
that is repeatedly sent from the same source.
As shown in the following example, a field is added between Field 6 and
Field 7 called US:
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Step 8: Associate fields with dimensions
Now that our source data file transformation is complete, we are ready to proceed
with the outline update. Before we update the outline, we need to set the Dimension
Build Properties, meaning we need to define the attributes of each column. In other
words, how Essbase will interpret the data in each column.
Since our market data source is to be a generation build method, let us define
each column and how the outline must be updated according to the data.
Open the Dimension Build Properties in EAS, with the Data Prep Editor open:
1. Click on Fields and then click on the Field Properties
2. Since this is Dimension build rule file, go to the tab Dimension
Build Properties
The following screenshot shows the Dimension build settings:
In the Dimension Build Properties screen, you need to define the dimension
name, and the corresponding field that the data will load to. Some of the
available options are Generation, Alias, Property, Level, Parent, and Child.
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You can also ignore a field by selecting the option Ignore field during dimension
build. There may be times when an entire column or field is not needed for you
to load the data into Essbase. For example, the file you are loading has a column
for cities in it. Your database outline is only set up for countries and states. Cities
are not needed so there is no need to even look at them.
In our example, the Field 1 input data field is the Generation 2 member name
(Generations always start from Generation 2 as the Generation 1 level is the
dimension name itself) and the next field will be the member alias.
Click on Field 1, then assign the Field Definition | Dimension as TOTAL MARKET,
in the Field | Type select Generation and in the Field | Number enter 2 and click OK.
The input data Field 1 is now set to load to Generation 2/Member Name. If you were
finished, you could click OK now, with more fields to define, you can simply click on
Next. Did you see how the cursor has automatically moved to Field 2. Select TOTAL
MARKET as the dimension name and click on Alias field type. When you select Alias
the Field | Number is set to Generation 2 as shown:
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Repeat the above steps by clicking on Next and choosing the Dimension name and
Field | Type until you reach the end of the file. The Generation number will be
incremented by one for each new field in the data that you define as a new member.
Finally, all of the fields in the input data file are defined in the Essbase rules file.
The rules file should look like this:
Step 9: Validate the Dimension Build rules file
Now that all of the input data fields are assigned to the appropriate outline members,
we need to validate the rules file against the database outline. With the rules file
open, click on the validate button (the quick select button says Validate when you
hover over it). The validate function validates if the rules file is properly defined for
the specific database outline. If the validate is successful, you will receive a validate
successful message. If the rules file is not properly defined to the database outline, you
will receive a message stating the validation was unsuccessful. One common example
of a rules file validation failing is if you have two fields defined as building members in
the same dimension. When you set the dimension build to use the generation method,
you must be careful that you define the fields correctly. The field that is going to build
Generation 2 members must be the only field set upto do so.
Upon successful rules file validation, click on File | Save and give the rule file
a name (preferably something meaningful but remember, upto 8 characters in
the name). The rules file can be saved on either the Essbase server or as a local file.
Where you save it depends on your specific architecture.
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Update your outline using a rules file
Now that you have completed your first rule file, you need to update the outline
using this rules file.
There are several ways you can update an outline using a data rules file and
a data file:
• Updating the outline from the EAS Outline Editor
• Executing MaxL commands
• Making your own API calls
• Running Essbase command scripts
We will discuss the first and second points now, and the third and fourth points
will be discussed with examples provided, in the next chapter.
Update your outline using the EAS Outline
One of the easiest ways the outline can be updated is manually by using
the EAS Outline Editor.
The steps to update the outline are:
1. In the EAS, open the Application | Database for which the outline
needs to be updated.
2. Double-click on the Outline, the outline editor is opened for editing.
3. Or, you can click on the Outline in the Menu option and then click on
the Update outline. The following screen will then be displayed:
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As you can see from the previous screen, you would be able to select either the
SQL data source or the Data Files. If you choose to select SQL, then you will need
to provide the SQL user name and SQL password.
1. We have a Microsoft Excel file as our data source so we have selected
the Data files option.
2. Click on the Find Data File. Browse through the directory and select
the data source file. You have the choice of a local file or a server file.
3. Click on the Find Rules File and select the rule file that you have built
and saved on the server.
4. For the error file, you can give a different error file path and name, or you
can use the default error file. If you think the error file already exists, please
select the option Overwrite. If not, you will get an error message.
5. Click on OK.
6. Essbase will load the data per the instructions in the rules file you selected.
If it is a dimension build rules file (as is this case), the outline itself will
be updated.
7. The outline will be updated, saved, and restructured. The new outline
is shown in the following screenshot:
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Update using MaxL Shell
In the earlier versions of Essbase, EssCmd (Essbase Command Script) was
widely used as the shell script of choice. In the newer versions of Essbase, Oracle
recommends using MaxL Shell scripts. Using the MaxL Shell statements, you will
be able to perform most of the Essbase functions like dimension building, importing
data, and calculating data.
A MaxL Shell script can be executed three different ways:
• Through the EAS editor
• From the DOS Command Line
• Shelled from within another scripting language
Executing MaxL from EAS editor
The steps to execute MaxL from EAS editor are:
1. Within EAS, click on File |Editor | MaxL Script Editor
2. The MaxL editor will be opened as shown in the screenshot below:
• In the MaxL editor, you can write a MaxL statement and then execute it.
MaxL is the multidimensional database access language for
Essbase analytic services. MaxL is an easy to use interface for
Essbase database administration.
The IMPORT DIMENSION statement would be used to build the outline. The syntax in
the example MaxL statement shows when we use a data file to update the dimension.
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Syntax of Import Dimension statement
We will show you some actual code that can be used in the MaxL editor to execute
database commands. As we will present in much greater detail later in this book,
MaxL is a command-based scripting language that you can use for automating
maintenance and routine tasks:
FROM (input data file information)
LOCAL | SERVER /* Location of the data file
FILE TYPE /* Type of data source whether a Text files, Excel File,
or Lotus File
FILE PATH ' Path of the file like c:/book/chapter3/rules/market.xls
USING (Information about the Rule File)
LOCAL | SERVER ' Location of the rule file
RULE FILE NAME ' Name of the rule file like Markt
ON ERROR APPEND TO (error File information)
ERROR File name ' Path for error file
' c:/book/DimError.log
The following screenshot shows the code that was entered into the EAS MaxL editor
and then executed by pressing the F5 button or clicking on the MaxL | Execute button:
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As shown in the previous screenshot, the script has executed without errors.
Let's modify the script to force an error message.
We have changed the reserve word database to data. This is a glaring syntax error
and will immediately generate an error message as shown in the following screenshot:
This script can also be saved with the extension .mxl for later use.
Executing MaxL from command prompt
You can use MaxL statements from the DOS command prompt as well.
The essmsh.exe file is located in the $Arborpath/bin which, in our case,
is C:\Oracle\AnalyticServices\bin.
From the command prompt, go to this directory and enter the word ESSMSH
as shown:
In the EAS editor, you need not log on to the Essbase server as EAS is already
connected to Essbase. When using the command prompt, you need to log in
to Essbase. Using the following syntax in a MaxL statement, you log in to the
Essbase server:
Login 'UserID' 'Password' on 'ServerName';
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The following is an example of logging in through the command line:
Now, that you are logged on to the Essbase server, you can execute any MaxL
statement using the command line to update the Essbase outline. The following
screenshot shows how you can achieve this. Notice how the syntax is very easy
to read. Almost like a spoken sentence.
Our Esscar outline is now updated with the new Market structure.
Hooray! You have built your first outline using an Essbase rules file and you have
also learned how to execute the script manually and also by using MaxL to run a
script that uses your load rule file.
Attribute dimensions
Attribute dimensions are dimensions associated with standard dimensions. Attribute
dimensions are useful in describing a standard dimension member's attributes. For
example, in our Esscar database, we have the Vehicles dimension. If we wanted
to differentiate between a two or four door car of the same model, we could use an
attribute dimension to accomplish this. We could also use an attribute dimension to
track color.
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Attribute dimensions are always dynamically calculated, which
means they do not store the data. This is always a benefit as they
do not affect the size or performance of the database.
Attribute dimensions must always be associated with a
standard dimension.
Earlier, we briefly saw the differences between standard dimensions and attribute
dimensions. Sometimes, your data has attributes that make it desirable to perform
further analysis on it. In the case of the Esscar Motor Company, it may be desirable
to track a certain vehicle model by its color. You may wish to compare how that model
sells in markets based on population size. Essbase database attribute dimensions can
help you with this type of analysis.
One of the most notable features of an attribute dimension is the fact that the entire
dimension is a dynamically calculated dimension. Previously, we told you about
dynamically calculated members in a standard outline. In an attribute dimension, all
members are dynamically calculated. What this means is that Essbase does not need
to store the data for an entire dimension! All of the data is calculated on the fly when
requested and goes away when the user is finished. This, as previously mentioned, is
a huge benefit when considering CPU performance and storage options.
Here are a few facts about attribute dimensions:
• An attribute dimension is a dimension that must be associated with a
standard dimension.
• An attribute dimension can only be associated with one standard dimension,
but a standard dimension can be associated with many attribute dimensions.
• An attribute dimension can only be associated with a Sparse standard
dimension. This is an important point.
To create an attribute dimension and associate it to a standard dimension, you need
to do the following:
1. Create a new dimension and tag it as an attribute dimension.
2. Next, create an association between this new attribute dimension and
the standard dimension you wish to track attributes from.
3. Add the zero level members to the attribute dimension that correspond
to the zero level members of the standard dimension.
4. Lastly, associate the members from the standard dimension to the zero
level attribute dimension members.
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As this is an advanced Essbase function, we have provided a high-level look at
attribute dimensions and their set up and use. For complete details, please refer
to the documentation which was provided when you purchased your version
of software.
The following screenshot shows the TOTAL VEHICLES dimension with the
new COLORS attribute dimension added:
User Defined Attributes (UDA)
An Essbase UDA is a descriptive word or tag about an outline member. Similar
to an alias, the main difference is that an alias may only be attached to one member.
A UDA can be attached to many members.
What the UDA offers is a way to simplify and make the ongoing operations of
your database more efficient.
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For example, because forecasting analytics is one of the most common uses for an
OLAP system, the users deal with time periods that fall into three distinct categories.
In any Essbase database outline, you will have historical time periods, actual time
periods, and forecast time periods. Typically, the data you have previously loaded
for historical time periods, and the data you just loaded for actual time periods, does
not need to be fully calculated since it is real data and does not need to be derived or
changed. On the other hand, your forecast data still needs to be calculated whenever
you make a change to a component piece of data. If you tagged your calendar
periods in the outline with UDAs of Forecast for the future periods, LatestActual for
the first month back, and History for all historical periods in the outline. If you move
the UDAs once a month to compensate for the new month in time, you could code
a calculation script that would never need to be updated since you would write the
script to calculate forecast periods by looking at the Forecast UDA.
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Some UDA rules to keep in mind:
• You can assign many UDAs to a single member, but you cannot assign the
same UDA to a member more than once.
• You can use the same UDA on many different members.
• A UDA cannot be the same name or word as a member name or alias name.
• UDAs cannot be used on Shared Members or members in an
attribute dimension.
• UDAs run with the dimension they were created in and can only be assigned
to other members in that same dimension.
• UDAs are member specific and only apply to the single member they are
attached to. Parents, children, and so on, of a member assigned a UDA are
not covered unless they also have the UDA assigned to them as well.
UDAs are added to the database outline members in much the same way as adding
an alias or updating any other outline member property. When adding a UDA to an
outline member, Essbase will display a list of UDAs available for the dimension in
which the member resides. If the desired UDA does not exist, you may simply add
it the first time.
Dynamic Time Series
Once again, Essbase gives us a feature so cool that it makes us wonder how we lived
without it! The Dynamic Time Series function is one of those features.
We can't think of anyone who wouldn't use this functionality. Likewise, we can't
think of anyone who wouldn't need this functionality.
What the Dynamic Time Series does for you is automatically calculate period-to-date
data based on your Time dimension. Using our example database for the Esscar Motor
Company, we see that it is probably a good idea to know our year-to-date vehicle
production, by both calendar year and model year. The Dynamic Time Series function
does this for you. You can easily calculate period-to-date data for any period as defined
in your Time dimension.
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In other words, Essbase can automatically calculate a cumulative number based on
how you have the Time dimension set up. If you want to track how many vehicles
you have built from the beginning of the year through the current month, the
Dynamic Time Series can do this for you. If you were to build 1,000 units in January
and 1,000 units in February, and 1,000 units in March, you would expect to see 1,000
units as your net number for each month's data pulled. But, if you want to know
the total units through each month, you would expect to see 1,000 for January, 2,000
for February, and 3,000 through March. This is what a period-to-date calculation will
give you.
The Dynamic Time Series member is actually created for you when you associate a
predefined Dynamic Time Series member with the appropriate outline Generation.
For example, to use the year-to-date Dynamic Time Series functionality, you would
associate a year member with the Generation 4 (month's level) Calendar Periods
dimension. When you request the data at the Dynamic Time Series member,
Essbase will automatically sum the Generation 4 level members within the given
year and return the results to you.
Essbase has provided the following predefined Dynamic Time Series functions.
As always, if you have a special need, there are plenty of calculation functions
available to allow you to code even the most complex custom calculation:
• H-T-D (History-to-date)
• Y-T-D (Year-to-date)
• S-T-D (Season-to-date)
• P-T-D (Period-to-date)
• Q-T-D (Quarter-to-date)
• M-T-D (Month-to-date)
• W-T-D (Week-to-date)
• D-T-D (Day-to-date)
Here is an important item to consider when coding Dynamic Time Series
functionality. Your Dynamic Time Series member can be associated with any
Generation in your time dimension, except the zero level Generation (you cannot
have months adding upto a month-to-date value).
The steps to add a Dynamic Time Series member to the Time dimension of
our Esscar database outline are:
1. In EAS, open the Esscar outline in the outline editor
2. Click on Outline | Dynamic Time Series.
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3. On the Dynamic Time Series screen, select Y-T-D and GEN 3 as shown
in the following screenshot:
4. Once you click OK, the outline will be updated to reflect to the changes
that you have made as shown in the following screenshot:
Shared members
Shared members are another great tool offered by Essbase to help you increase
your data and reporting versatility in a simple and extremely efficient manner.
In a nutshell, a shared member is another occurrence of an already existing member
in the outline. The shared member only stores a pointer to the existing outline
member, thereby giving serious space and processing efficiencies in the database.
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Building the Essbase Outline
[ 116 ]
The benefits do not end there either. What you can do is have the shared member
/original member be a child to many different parents. For example, if you have a
product that is available in several markets, you can organize your outline with the
child members as needed for each market. The shared member can appear in several
places simultaneously and be selectively calculated with relative ease.
In the preceding screenshot, notice how we have the individual vehicles located in
three different groups in the database outline. The vehicles under the Total Vehicles
parent are the original members and the vehicles located under Total US Vehicles
and Total Canada Vehicles are the shared members. By doing this, we can create
different group totals from the same pool of members in the outline.
There are only two main rules for Essbase shared members. You cannot tag a
member as a shared member unless the same member already exists as a non-shared
member and the shared members need to be the lowest members, or the Level 0
members, of their respective dimensions.
Well, that wraps up the chapter on the Essbase outline. We know you've been hit
with a lot of information upto this point. There is a lot to know about the Essbase
database outline.
You have learned how to add dimension level members to the database outline and
you've learned how to make decisions on how to best determine what categories of
your data best fit as Essbase database outline dimensions.
You have learned the myriad available properties that a database outline member
can have. For instance, how the child members consolidate their values to the parent
member, or do the individual members store data or have it dynamically calculated.
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Chapter 3
[ 117 ]
You have also learned that there are several ways to actually update an Essbase
database outline. You can perform any necessary task manually by using the
EAS, but you can also perform most routine tasks automatically by either using
a dimension build load process or by executing a MaxL command script.
You are now at a point where you should have a good hold on Essbase applications,
databases and outlines. You should also have a good understanding
of multidimensionality as it pertains to Oracle Essbase.
Going forward the amount of information presented to you will not decrease but
the use and/or purpose of the information will as what will be presented to you
now will assume you have a good base to build on.
The coming chapters will now be your guide to enhancing what you know while
at the same time enhancing your ability to efficiently maintain and support your
Essbase database whether it be loading data (many different methods shown in
next chapter), calculating data, or using your data.
In other words, by now, you know what to do. The rest of the book will show
you how to do it better and with more options!
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Loading Data into Essbase
You have learned how to perform an installation of Oracle Essbase on your server and client, and to install the Essbase Administration Services on your client as well. You have learned how to look at data in a multidimensional sense and make decisions on how to best build an Essbase database based on your data. You have also learned how to build an actual Essbase application and database, layout and build the database outline, and then experimented with some basic methods of
data loading and outline building.
In this chapter you will learn, hands-on, how to perform several methods of loading data into your Essbase database. You will also learn how to use the many optional data load settings and attributes that assist you with loading data into your Essbase database. Along with manually loading data, you will also learn how to automate data loads for repeated data loading from interfacing systems.
Most importantly, you will learn that no matter how seemingly incompatible or dirty the input data is, Essbase provides many tools and utility option settings that allow you to convert, transform, filter, and clean your input data. Using these tools' functionality your data can quickly and easily be made ready to load into your Essbase database.
A term you will become very familiar with is Essbase-friendly. Essbase-friendly data or, making your data Essbase-friendly, simply means fixing up any data intended for loading into your Essbase database in such a way that you successfully load the maximum amount of data with the fewest number of rejections.
Let's start making your data Essbase-friendly and then loading your friendly data into your Essbase database.
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[ 120 ]
Make your data Essbase-friendly
The reason this subject is something worth discussing here in Essbase is because
unlike traditional relational database packages, Oracle Essbase includes many
easy to use tools to quickly transform, alter, modify, or otherwise turn questionable
data into good, usable data that can be fully and correctly loaded into your Essbase
database. Creating Essbase-friendly data can be accomplished with a minimum
amount of effort and expense, both on the Essbase side and the data source side,
which is sure to please even the toughest business customer who no doubt is aware
of how creating an extract of data from a traditional system sometimes means a
lot of effort and even the writing of a complex program or two.
First, to make sure you understand, when loading data in Essbase the data must
contain a representative element of data for each dimension in the target Essbase
database's outline. For example, our Esscar database outline contains seven
dimensions, so the data you intend to load must contain an element for each
dimension plus the data value itself, for a total of eight elements of data. The
following figure shows you how your data would look in a perfect world:
Notice there are eight columns of data, one column for each dimension in the
Esscar database outline and the data value itself. Now, as mentioned, this would
be the perfect way to receive data from an outside source. It's too bad this is rarely
the case when receiving data from another department or business activity, even
within your own company. Heck, sometimes data from within the same company
is the most inconsistent.
In the real world, you are lucky when you get the bare minimum of the data
elements you need to satisfy your Essbase requirements from sources external
to your Essbase database. This is not a great concern most of the time with Essbase
and we'll tell you why, then we will take the rest of this chapter to show you how.
Essbase-friendly thoughts
Consider that you have constructed your Essbase database outline to be as flexible and
detailed as possible for your business customer. You know very well that you won't
always get clean data from an external system that will load right into your database.
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There are many reasons why you may not get data sent to you just the way you
would like it. First and foremost is the expense of writing a complex program to
extract the data from one system and pretty it up for the receiving system. Second,
it takes time to write such a program.
With Essbase, you have tools designed specifically to pretty up or make
Essbase-friendly, even some of the most objectionable data.
In other words, with the tools that Essbase provides you and a little bit of your own
creativity, there isn't much data out there that you would have a good reason to say
no to making Essbase-friendly.
Here is a real world example of making your data Essbase-friendly that shows just
what can be accomplished with very little effort. The data load rule you are about
to see was developed in less than two hours.
Essbase-friendly example
The following screenshot shows an input data file that has been opened in the Essbase
Data Prep Editor. The upper pane displays the data in its raw form and the lower pane
shows you what the data will look like to Essbase during the actual data load.
The first column in the raw data view is the month column in numeric format.
The second column in the raw data view is the calendar year in four digit format.
Unfortunately, our month/year values in the database outline are formatted as MMM
YYYY (for example, Jan 2009), with the month as a three character abbreviation then a
space then the four digit year. You will also need them all in one column.
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[ 122 ]
Next we join the month and year columns using the column join option in the
Data Source Properties screen as shown:
Observe how we told Essbase to join columns 1 and 2 into a new single column.
But wait, the date format is still wrong. What do we do next? Easy enough, all we
need to do now is set up the replace function to convert the date column into an
Essbase-friendly date format. Watch how easy it is:
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Notice in the Field Properties screen how we replace the wrongly formatted date
column with the correct format. There are other options as well depending on your
specific needs.
Finally, looking at the data in the first column, we see that what were once two
separate columns with the wrong date format is now one column of correctly
formatted data which will successfully load into our Esscar database. Total
development time for this column was about 15 minutes. This is how you make
your data Essbase-friendly!
Types of data sources
A typical data source for your Essbase database can contain many bits of
information. Unlike traditional relational databases, Essbase data sources can be
actual data values or they can be metadata. Because you can update your database
outline dynamically with the same data that you ultimately load, data sources in
Essbase take on a completely different meaning than in other types of systems.
When talking about data sources in Essbase, any of the following can be considered.
Type of data
The data loaded into Essbase can be of two types, one is to load the data into
the cube and the other is to update the outline of the cube:
• Data loads: These are the actual data values. This would be the numeric
value of one of the existing measures in the database. This type of Essbase
data source is usually the only usable type of data source in a traditional
relational database.
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[ 124 ]
• Dimension build loads: Information in the data that can actually be used
to update the outline's member names, member aliases, member attributes,
and more.
The Essbase data rules file can be used both as a data
load rules file, to load data values into the database and
also as a dimension build rules file, to update or add new
members to the database outline.
Types of files used for data loads
The data that is loaded into Essbase can come from different types of files like
Microsoft Excel files, Text files, Comma Separated files or directly from a relational
database. Let us talk about these file types and see how we can use each of them
in Essbase.
Microsoft Excel files
Microsoft Excel files can be used as data sources in a couple of ways. First, they can
be used to perform a "Lock and Send" of the data from the Microsoft Excel worksheet
directly into the Essbase database. A Microsoft Excel workbook can also be used as
an attached file or Linked Reporting Object (LRO).
Text files
There are two types of text files:
• Delimited text files: Delimited text files are files that use a certain character,
typically a comma or a semi-colon to delimit the data fields. This delimiter
is used by the Essbase load rule to determine where one data field ends and
another data field begins. Also, not all rows will be of the same length.
• Fixed column width text files: The fixed width type of text file has all rows of
data the exact same length. Also, all of the data fields are the same length and
in the same position and do not vary from row to row.
Essbase data export text files
One type of data source that loads without any intervention, in the form of data
manipulation, or even without the aid of an Essbase data load rule is the Essbase
database export text file. Essbase offers you the option of exporting the data from
your database into text files (some do this for database backup purposes). When
loading an Essbase exported file into an Essbase database with a similar outline,
Essbase can automatically interpret the data fields and determine how to correctly
load the data. This process is used in a database performance enhancing tip, which
we will talk about later in this book.
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Relational databases
We have saved the best for last! Without the time or expense of writing complicated
interfacing programs, Essbase allows you to create a data load rule that automatically
connects directly to an external relational database such as, Teradata or SQL Server,
just to name a few. Using a load rule with connection information specified, you
actually write an SQL query using the source database's own Structured Query
Language (SQL) commands. You can use this data source to build the outline itself
or to load the data values.
By now, you should be telling yourself just how cool you think
Essbase is and what did you ever do before you learned about it.
Data load methods
We have discussed the types of data you can load into your Essbase database.
We have also discussed how these types of data can be loaded as just the data
values themselves, or that they can be used to build your Essbase database outline
by dynamically adding dimension members and then loading the data values.
Here, we will discuss some of the various methods you can use to load data into
your Essbase database.
Data file freeform (no load rule)
This method is quite possibly the most worry free and easy way to load data into an
Essbase database. When you have a properly formatted (Essbase-friendly) data file,
all you need to do is drag-and-drop the file onto the EssCmd/MaxL executable files
or their desktop shortcuts. Essbase will automatically determine what delimiter you
are using and correctly load the data.
Here are just a few words of caution on using this data load method. The reason it is
so easy at the load step is because the harder work has already been done at the front
of this process to create an Essbase-friendly data source. If you were to create such a
program, it would need to construct your data source file in such a way as to match
the structure of the database outline. Each field, in every row of data in the file,
would need to contain a representative member from every dimension in the Essbase
database outline. The data in the file would also need to be ordered in the same order
as the members in the outline from top to bottom.
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[ 126 ]
Without a load rule, you do run the risk of either having an invalid character in one
of your data fields or an incorrect or missing member name included in a row of data.
When this happens, Essbase will successfully load the data file up until it reaches the
invalid row. At this time, the load will halt without loading the remainder of the data,
leaving you with an incomplete load.
To be honest, the best time to use this no load rule method of data loading is
when your data source file is created from an Essbase database data export.
Essbase export and import (no load rule)
This method is fantastic for extracting data from your Essbase cube and loading it
into another cube or just plain saving it off for backup. Start off with the EAS tool
and right-click on your database and select the Export… option to begin the export
of the desired data from the database.
Upon selecting the Export… option, you will be presented with a small Export
Database screen (seen in the next screenshot). On this screen, you have options
on how you want to export your data from the database. There are many reasons
why you will need to export data from your Essbase database (backup, send
downstream). However, in this case, the data is exported so that you can import
the data into another database or even into the same database at a later date.
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[ 127 ]
Because of this reason, you will do the following:
1. Give a name to your export file including an extension. When loading the
data, Essbase will only look for a file with a .txt extension, so it is always
best to add it now. Also, when exporting your data, Essbase will only
build files upto 2GB each. If your database is larger than 2GB, Essbase will
automatically create new files with the name you have chosen and append
the number of the file to each one, for example, EssCar01.txt, EssCar02.
txt, EssCar03.txt, and so on. Finally, very important, remember that
Essbase object names must be upto 8 characters. This means your file name
in this example must be upto 6 characters before Essbase appends the
number to it.
2. Next, your export options are self explanatory. Select the level of the data
you wish to export. If you are exporting the data for a complete restore,
then obviously you will select the All data option.
3. Finally, the Export in column format option is very important. If you
select this option, Essbase will export the data in a format compatible
with spreadsheet applications using field delimiters. If you do not select
this option, Essbase will export your data into a format that it will easily
recognize and will be able to load back into the database without a rules
file. The Export in column format is not supported in ASO cubes.
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[ 128 ]
Okay, that should get your data exported quite nicely. When you are ready to import
your data back into your database or into another database with a similar database
outline you will do the following:
1. On the selection screen provided, when you right-click on the database in
Essbase Administration Services, you will choose Load data… instead of
the Export… option you were instructed to choose earlier.
2. Once you have selected the Load data… option, you will be presented with
the following screen. It is in this screen that you define to Essbase how to
load a particular data file.
3. To load your newly exported data files, simply select the Data files radio
button, then select the Load data and Interactive checkboxes.
4. Next, click on the Find Data File button which will open a file selection
dialog box (seen in the following screenshot). Along the top, you will see
tabs that allow you to choose from locating your file in the server file system
or the analytic server file system. The data files can be on your local machine
or on the Essbase server. If your file is on the server and it is stored in the
Application|Database path, you should see this file in the Essbase Server
tab. If the file is on your local PC, you need to click on the File System
tab and search for the data file. Even if your data files are loaded onto the
Analytic server (Essbase server), it is best to use the File System tab and
select your data files through the operating systems file system.
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5. Once you have located and selected your file(s), you can click OK to return
to the previous screen.
If you hold down the Ctrl key, you can select
multiple data files in one operation.
6. In this case, we are not using a rules file, so there is no need to select the
Use rules checkbox. If you were to use a rules file (and this is a great method
to manually test load rules files), you would check the Use rules checkbox.
This in turn would allow you to click on the Find Rules File button, which
will open another file selection dialog box exactly like the one for data files
including the same choices and actions. You can add one or more data files
at the same time. Simply click on the Insert button to add another row like
the one shown here:
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[ 130 ]
7. Finally, you can accept the default output for the log which will be generated
by the data load or you can type a new path.
8. Click OK to load your data. There you have it! You have just loaded data
without a rules file.
Structured data load (load rule used)
In Essbase, you can create a load rule file to load data into an Essbase cube. In this
rule file, you need to define the data source. This data source can be a flat file or an
SQL query, you can also write the queries in the load rule. Using the rule file, you
can cleanse the data before it gets loaded into the cube. Let us quickly see the types
of the load rules file:
• Flat file load rule: As explained earlier in this chapter, and will be
demonstrated shortly, probably the most common method of loading data
into your Essbase database is by a data flat file and Essbase data load rule
method. Inside the data load rule, you define to Essbase what fields in the data
file relate to what dimensions in the database outline. The database load rule
is also where you can perform data transformations, data substitutions, data
manipulations, or pretty much any other task you need to perform to get your
data Essbase-friendly. Then either manually or automatically, you perform
a data load into your Essbase database using the data file and the load rule
created for it.
• Relational database SQL load rule: This data load method is essentially
identical to the flat file load rule method, except for one huge difference.
Instead of the input data contained in the form of a flat file, the data is
being selected directly from a relational database's table or tables. Real SQL
statements are used and an ODBC connection is used behind the scenes by
the load rule to connect to the relational database. After this, the creation
of the load rule is identical to the flat file method when it pertains to data
handling, and so on.
Microsoft Excel Lock and Send (no load rule)
This method is perhaps the quickest, down and dirty, method of loading data into
an Essbase database. While it is fast and easy, there are limitations and precautions.
Since Microsoft Excel is the natural front end for Oracle Essbase, they do work rather
seamlessly together. However, you do need to remember, that what you are doing
with a spreadsheet's "Lock and Send" function is updating existing data as there are
no provisions for adding new members to the database outline through Microsoft
Excel. Also, Essbase seems to have difficulty locking too many data cells when asked
by Microsoft Excel. Due to performance issues, you may want to consider splitting
spreadsheets that contain a considerable amount of rows.
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As this is typically how the business users will update the data, it is a more than
acceptable method. This method is also ideal for tweaking specific data values prior
to calculation.
Finally, this method is ideal for data validation when writing and executing new
Essbase calculation scripts. You can retrieve data into your spreadsheet, execute
your Essbase calculation script, and retrieve the data into another sheet to compare
the changes. If the results are not what you expected, then simply "Lock and Send"
the data in the first sheet back to the database, make adjustments to the calculation
script, and run it again, then retrieve the data once more to validate. The "Lock and
Send" method is explained in detail in the later chapters.
That was easy!
Building your first data load rules file
Actually, we should have said build your second data load rule file, as we have built
one rules file already. The first one you built, in the previous chapter, is a dimension
build rules file. Now, in this chapter, we are discussing how to load data into your
Essbase cube so this is a data load rules file.
In the previous section, we talked about how to load data without a data load rules
file. We will now learn how to cleanse the data, make the data Essbase-friendly and
then load the data into the Essbase using an Essbase data load rules file.
Once you have created a data load rules file, just like the dimension build rules
file, you can use it to manually load the data from the EAS or use EssCmd or MaxL
(Essbase scripting languages), to load the data into your Essbase database. You
can even write your own program that makes its own API call to load the data
into Essbase.
Here are some of the advantages of using the data load rules files:
• Makes the data Essbase-friendly
• Ignores the data fields that do not need to be loaded into Essbase
• Specifies whether to overwrite the existing data, add to existing data,
or subtract from existing data
• Trims out spaces
• Changes the scaling of decimal numbers
• Converts case from upper to lower and vice versa
• And much more
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Loading Data into Essbase
[ 132 ]
Next, we take you through the steps required to create a rules file you will use to
load data into your Essbase database. Always remember, no matter how you load
the data, through EAS, EssCmd or MaxL, or programmatically, you will always use
the same rules file in your load process. That's simple and convenient!
Step 1: Starting the Data Prep Editor
Follow the given steps to start the Data Prep Editor:
1. In EAS, click on the File menu pick.
2. Select Editors and click on the Data Prep Editor, or click on New, and from
the New dialog click the Scripts tab and select Rules File, then click on OK.
3. The Data Prep Editor will open as shown in the following screenshot.
4. Once the Data Prep Editor is opened, the menu items in EAS will change.
Step 2: Associating the data load rules file
In order for you to successfully validate the rules file to the database and outline
for which it is intended, you will need to associate the rules file to the correct
database outline. This association of the rules file to the database outline is saved
the first time. However, Essbase will ask you to associate the rules file again to the
proper database outline every time you reopen this rules file. You do not need to
re-associate the database outline if you do not wish to as the rules file will remember
the initial association.
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To associate your data load rules file to a database outline:
1. Again, using EAS, open the Data Prep Editor.
2. Click on Options | Associate Outline or click on the Associate button
in the Data Prep Editor.
Step 3: Opening data load file or the SQL
data source file
The source data which needs to be loaded into the Essbase cube can be a data file
(Comma separated files like a .txt file, or a .dat file) or a relational database which
can be retrieved using the relational databases own SQL statements. The following
screenshot shows the Esscar data in the relational database system (Oracle):
To open a data source file or SQL data source:
1. In EAS, open the Data Prep Editor.
2. Once you've clicked on File you should see the options Open Data File
or Open SQL.
In the previous chapter, you saw how to use the Data File. In this chapter,
we will see how we can achieve the same thing using the SQL data source:
1. Click on the Open SQL selection.
2. A new window will open asking you to select the Server name, Application
name, and Database name. Please select the appropriate names and click OK.
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[ 134 ]
3. You will see the Open SQL Data Sources window as shown in the
following screenshot:
As shown in the previous screenshot, you can write your own SQL query. However,
you are somewhat limited to what you can write. Here is how to write your own
SQL query:
1. SELECT, FROM, and WHERE are already declared.
This is a great feature for writing most queries, but if you are
unable to write any particularly complex queries, you can always
create an Essbase temporary table in your relational database that
contains everything you need (data values, columns, and so on).
Then, your data load rule SQL statement only needs to be a simple
SELECT <column names> FROM, WHERE….
2. Write your query and click on Retrieve.
3. Enter the SQL user ID and password and click on OK and you should
see the data populated as shown here:
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Step 4: Setting the View to Data Load Fields
As you recall, in the previous chapter we used the Rules File to update the database
outline. In this chapter, we are using, but this time, we are using it for loading data
into the Essbase database. Please select Data Load Field View in the Rules File.
By default Data Load Field View is selected.
To set the Data Load Field:
1. In EAS, open the Data Prep Editor.
2. Click on View and then select the checkbox Data Load Fields.
Step 5: Setting the Data Source Properties
As discussed in the previous chapter, the Data Source Properties are also the
same where you can set the column delimiter as Tab delimited or Comma delimited.
The input columns from a relational database are Tab delimited which is selected
by default.
To set the Data Source Properties:
1. In EAS, open the Data Prep Editor.
2. Click on Options and then click on Data Source Properties.
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[ 136 ]
3. The first tab is the Delimiter tab.
4. Select or create the appropriate data delimiter.
Step 6: Updating the Data Load Settings
With this load rule setting, you can tell Essbase how to load the new data into
the Essbase database and also, if necessary, how to load the new data in relation
to the data that already exists in the database. In some cases, you need to load on
a day-to-day basis. If there are adjustments to the data, how you will handle them?
In the rules file data load setting, you can tell Essbase how to load the data into
the Essbase cube, define the headers, flipping of the numeric signs, clear specific
data combinations, add to existing values, subtract from existing values, and so on.
Step 7: Setting the Data Load Values
To set the Data Load Values:
1. In EAS, open the Data Prep Editor.
2. Click on Options and then click on the Data Load Setting.
3. The first tab is the Data Load Values tab.
4. There are three things that can be achieved in this tab setting:
Data values, Sign flip, and Global select/reject Boolean.
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Data values
There are three options you can choose from for loading data into an Essbase
database as shown in the preceding screenshot.
• Overwrite existing values: Select this option if you want to load the new
data completely and overwrite the existing data in the database.
This will only overwrite the data included in the new feed. If
there is an existing value that is not included in the new data, it
will not be overwritten.
Let us say you are building or rebuilding your Essbase cube everyday.
On Monday, you loaded data into the database that shows revenue
generated as $40,000 and when you load new data on Tuesday the total
revenue generated to date as $60,000. So, when you loaded the new data into
the Essbase cube, the revenue from Monday's data feed is overwritten by
Tuesday's revenue data. By default, in Essbase, the setting is set to Overwrite
existing values.
• Add to existing values: Select this option if you want to add your data to
the existing data.
While this is a great feature, you must be very careful while using it. If
you ever need to reload the same data, due to an interruption or some
other issue, you need to restore the data to its original state before the
first instance of the load. Otherwise, you will add to the values again
resulting in erroneous data.
As in the example above, you are building data loads on a day-to-day basis.
You have a TOTAL VEHICLES SOLD member in your database outline. The
data load rules file you are using is set to Add to existing values. If the TOTAL
VEHICLES SOLD member on Monday is 100 units and Tuesday's data shows
20 more units sold, when you load this data the TOTAL VEHICLES SOLD will
get updated to 120 units (100 + 20) since you have set this data load rules
setting to Add to existing values.
• Subtract From existing values: Select this option if you want to subtract
the new data values from the existing data values.
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[ 138 ]
Let us say you have a member called TOTAL VEHICLES IN STOCK and when
you are loading data you need to subtract the daily sold quantity in the data
feed from the quantity that already exists in the TOTAL VEHICLES IN STOCK
member. If there are 1,000 units in the TOTAL VEHICLES IN STOCK member
and you sold 100 vehicles today, when you load the daily data the 100 sold
units will be subtracted from the 1,000 units in the TOTAL VEHICLES IN
STOCK member. This will leave 900 as the new value in the TOTAL VEHICLES
IN STOCK member.
Sign flip
Flipping the numeric sign is one of the features of the Essbase data load that can
be accomplished in the data load rule. Sometimes it is necessary for us to flip the
numeric sign of a set of values as they are being loaded into the database.
Consider that the basic profit calculation is Sales – Discounts = Profits. The
data elements you receive from the corporate finance department are all in positive
numbers. Sales and Costs are provided as positive numbers. Depending on how you
have your database outline structured and to keep things simple (simple is good)
for you to create a Profit member in your database outline, you would need it to
have two children. One child would be Sales and other would be Costs. When you
calculate the outline, the values would roll up correctly to a total Profit.
Another way would be to just have a Profit member to load the data values to and
use the Add to existing values setting so you would add a positive Sales value and
a negative Costs value to the Profit member as the data is being loaded. The only
drawback to this method is you would not have the component data handy and
loaded into the database in the event there are issues or questions with the data.
Debugging would also be more complicated as you would need to go back to the
input data for any validations.
There are two ways, during a data load to flip a numeric sign on a data value.
They are as follows:
1. Flip the numeric sign value based on an outline member UDA. For instance,
you can only flip the numeric sign on members that are tagged with the UDA
of Costs in the database outline. As you can see in the previous screenshot,
there is a UDA called NegSign. While we are doing the Dynamic Calc,
we check the UDA, if UDA is NegSign, we can do a negation. This is just
an example.
2. Arbitrarily flip the numeric sign on all data values in a particular column
or field by multiplying the number with a minus (-) sign.
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[ 139 ]
Clearing Data Combinations
Depending on the circumstances, it may be necessary for you to clear the existing
data values before loading the new data. To achieve this functionality you need to
set all of the members that need to be cleared in Clear Data Combinations tab of
the Data Load Settings.
This can be an extremely valuable setting when loading data that
may have holes in it. For example, you are loading data values for all
months of a particular calendar year, but the new data load has no data
values for the months of May and August, the result will be the old
values mixing in with the newly loaded values. This happens because
Essbase will only load or overwrite data values for specific values
received in the data. If no new data is received for the months of May
or August, the old data values will remain.
To set the Clear Data Combinations:
1. In EAS, open the Data Prep Editor.
2. Click on Options and then click on the Data Load Setting.
3. Click on the second tab, Clear Data Combinations tab.
In the Dimension list, double-click on the members you need to clear the data
and they will appear in the Combinations to clear as shown here:
If you are using Overwrite existing values, then Clear Data Combinations may
not be necessary as every time you load the data the old data will be cleared for
the values you receive. However, if you are using Add to existing values or Subtract
from existing values, you may need to clear the data values prior to the very first
data load to this scenario just to make sure all of the data has been cleared.
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[ 140 ]
Header Definition
As mentioned earlier, Essbase requires a representative of all of the dimensions
in the database outline to be included in the data you are attempting to load.
Obviously, this is not always possible or even practical. Never fear, the Essbase
data load rules file once again has turned this potential issue into a non-issue!
While creating the data load rules file, one of the first things you do is map the different
fields in the data to the appropriate dimensions the data will load to. If even one of the
dimensions is missing, you will get an error when you try to validate the Essbase data
load rules file. This is where the Header Definition function comes into play.
For example, the monthly file you receive from the marketing department contains
sales information for the company. The data values are always in U.S. dollars, but
there is no column or field in the data that specifically says US DOLLAR like you
have defined in the database outline. All you need to do is quickly and easily add
the US DOLLAR member in the Header Definition and Essbase will load data as
if every record in the file contains US DOLLAR data values.
To set the Header Definitions:
1. In EAS, open the Data Prep Editor.
2. Click on Options | Data Load Setting.
3. Specify US Dollar in the Header Definition tab as shown here:
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Step 8: Associating fields with Data Load
In order to correctly load the data into the Essbase cube, we need to map each field
in the data, using the data load rules file, to their specific database outline
dimensions. This way, while Essbase is loading the data into the database, the data
fields are correctly aligned to the right members in the database outline. Essbase
will only use the fields you have mapped in your data load rules file. If the data file
contains more fields than necessary, Essbase can simply ignore them if you have
them tagged as Ignore.
This is the key step while setting up the data load rules file.
To open the Data Field Properties:
1. In EAS, open the Data Prep Editor.
2. Click on Fields | Properties.
3. As shown below, Data Field Properties option has three tabs: Global
Properties, Data Load Properties, and Dimension Build Properties.
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[ 142 ]
Let us talk about the Global Properties and Data Load Properties as Dimension
Build Properties were already covered in an earlier chapter.
Global properties
As the term global applies to everything, in this context, global means both
the Dimension Build Properties and Data Load Properties.
These are the settings that can be used in the Global Properties tab:
1. Case: There are three types of Case present: Original, Lowercase, and
UpperCase. While updating the dimensions, you sometimes want all
of the members to be upper case or lower case, or it can be left as originally
sent in the data file. Original is selected by default. This is particularly
important when you are working with Essbase installed on a Unix platform
as it is case sensitive by default.
2. Prefix or Suffix: This is to add a prefix or suffix to the member so that
the member name is unique. You can add your own prefix or suffix.
3. Drop leading/trailing spaces: This is used to trim the member before it
gets loaded into database outline. This is selected by default.
4. Convert spaces to underscores: In the earlier versions of Essbase, spaces
were not allowed. Therefore, this property was used to convert spaces to
underscores. This is no longer a problem in newer versions of Essbase, but
this property setting is carried over to allow upgraded systems to continue
operation without major rework.
Data Load Properties
In the previous section, you learned how to set the global properties for your data
load or dimension build. In this section, you will learn how to add only the data load
field properties. Each field in the rule file can be an outline member, data member, or
data that can be ignored. In the Data Load Properties, we will define each field and
how it is related to the Essbase outline.
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The settings that can be set in the Data Load Properties tab are as follows:
1. Field name: This is where you map your data element to the outline member.
You are currently seeing MARKET_ID, which is the column name in the
relational database where our data is coming from. The outline member
name is different from this column name so you need to select the field name,
clear the information that already exists, and then double-click on the correct
outline dimension. You should then see the member name in the Field name
(wrapped with double quotes if you have space in the member name). If
you do not see the outline and its members, click on the Outline… button
to associate this rule to the correct Essbase database. Click the OK button to
complete this, or click the Next button to go to the next field.
2. Data field: The Data field can be defined in two ways, one is by defining
the field name like in step 1. If all of the data you are loading is for the
same value, Sales, then you can label this column as Sales. If this data value
column will represent values for more than one member, that is Sales and
Stocks, and the data source contains another column that identifies the data
member, then the data values column can be named only Data.
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[ 144 ]
As shown in the following screenshot, on field 7 we have defined the
Account dimension name, Total Revenue, and on field 8 we have defined
it as simply Data:
3. Ignore field during data load: For any fields that are not required to
successfully load the data from the file you have received, all you need
to do is check the Ignore field during data load option in the Data Load
Properties tab.
4. Scale: Depending on the size of your company or the size of the egos of the
company executives, you may find yourself gathering data that has been
scaled to varying degrees. Because of this, Essbase offers you the option to
scale your data as you load it. Typically, a busy executive may feel that the
number 10,500,000 is too large and bothersome to look at. So, he will ask
that his report have the data values scaled into the thousands (1/1000th).
This would give the report the presentation value of 10,500 which would
represent 10,500,000. To do this, select the Scale option and enter the
appropriate scaling value you wish to use on the data being loaded
(10, 100, 1,000, and so on).
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Repeat the steps above for all of the fields contained in the data source for which you
are creating the data load rule, until all of the fields are defined to Essbase.
Now that you have updated the property settings on all of the fields, it would be a
good idea to validate all of the field definitions and properties against your database
outline. In the very next step, we will see how to validate the data load rule file.
Step 9: Validating the data load rules file
In this step, we will validate the correctness of the definition that you have provided
to the rule file. Please make sure you validate after making changes to the rule file.
If there is any error, you will get errors while loading the data.
To validate the data load rules file:
1. In EAS, open the Data Prep Editor.
2. Click on the Validate button (last button on the Data Prep Editor window),
or you can click on Options and then click on Validate.
3. You should see a message, The rules file is correct for data loading, as
shown here:
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[ 146 ]
4. Let us actually remove the field definition for the Field6 (go to Field, then
Properties, then to Field 6 and remove the Field name) and now click on
the Validate button. You should see an error message stating Field6 is
not defined as shown here:
Step 10: Saving the data load rules file
Now that you have validated the data load rules file, and there are no errors, you
can save the rules file. Remember to use the proper Essbase 8 character naming
convention while saving the rules file. You can save the rules file in your local file
system or on the Essbase server using the Essbase file system. We prefer to save
all of the files on the Essbase server. The rule files will be saved with the .rul file
extension in Application|Database directory on the Essbase server.
Whatever place you choose to save your data load rules files, always
try to be consistent to make things easier. Consistently saving files in
the same location, or consistently naming Essbase database objects,
only makes sense and provides easier and less costly support.
To save the data load rules file with the Essbase default extension of .rul:
1. In EAS, open the Data Prep Editor.
2. Click on File | Save button to save the file.
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[ 147 ]
Loading data into your database
In the steps above, you learned how to create an Essbase data load rule. Now let
us learn how to use this data load rules file to actually load data into your Essbase
database. As with the Dimension Build, there are several ways to load data into
an Essbase database.
A few of the ways you can load data into an Essbase cube:
• Using the EAS Outline Editor
• Using EssCmd or MaxL script commands
• Using your own API calls
In the next few sections, let us discuss how you can achieve it using the EAS
and MaxL statements.
Using the EAS to load data into your
Essbase cube
Using EAS is the manual way of loading data into the cube. This method will
probably look very familiar because it is almost identical to the Import Data step
of the Export/Import Data process, which we discussed earlier in this chapter.
To load data into an Essbase database, using EAS:
1. Navigate to your Application|Database.
2. Then click on Actions | Load Data for "ESSCAR".
3. The Data Load screen will be opened as shown here:
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[ 148 ]
The different fields present on the previous screenshot are:
• Data Source Type: There are two types of data sources: Data File and SQL.
If you have a comma or tab delimited data source file, you need to select
Data File. If you are connecting to a relational database to use SQL
statements, you need to select SQL. We will be selecting SQL as we will
be loading the data from a relational database data source.
• Mode: There are three options in mode: Load only, Build only, or Both. Here,
you need to mention what you are going to do with this data source. Whether
it is used to load data only, update the database outline only, or used for both
database outline updates and data loads. Occasionally, as per our business
requirement, if a new member value arrives in the data file and does not
already exist in the Essbase database outline, you can specify Essbase to update
the outline with the new member value and then perform the data load. See
how smart Essbase is! This scenario can be achieved by selecting Both. In the
Esscar cube we want to load only the data, so we select Load only.
• Data Source (Data File): If you are using a data file instead of a relational
database data source, you may need to specify the location of the data source
file. The data source file can be on your Local System or on the Essbase Server.
To select a data file, click on the button Find Data File and follow the prompts.
Faster data loading
In case of extremely large data files, if possible, deliver the data file
to the Essbase server so the data load will process faster, since you
will eliminate the network response time from the load process.
• Rules File: If you have chosen the SQL option you must select a rules file
name, as your SQL is embedded in the data load rules file. To select the data
load rules file, click on the button Find Rules File and select the appropriate
data load rules file.
• Abort on Error: If this box is checked, the data load will abort on any data
load error. This is not always the best choice because, depending on where
the error is in the data, you may end up with a partial load.
• Error File: This allows you to specify the error file location. Remember,
there should not be any spaces in the path of the error file.
• Overwrite: When the checkbox is selected, the data load process will
overwrite the existing error file if any. If the named error file does not
already exist, Essbase will create a new error file.
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• SQL Username and Password: Here, you need to enter a valid username
and password for the relational database you will be connecting to. Since
we are using a relational database in this example, we need to provide a
valid username and password.
• Insert: This button in the data load form inserts another line so you can
define one more set of data load rules. This allows you certain flexibility as
it is sometimes necessary to load the same data source more than one time
to get the desired load results.
• Delete: This button in the data load form deletes the line that you have
selected. Remember, once you click on the Delete button, it will not prompt
you for confirmation, it will delete the line. Use carefully!
• Save: It will save information you have for future use. The file will be saved
in the standard XML format.
• Open: It will open the existing XML file.
• Execute in background: If this checkbox is selected, the data load will
execute in the background and you can perform other tasks in EAS.
• OK: Once you click on the OK button, the data load will commence using
data load rules file you selected. The data will be loaded into the Essbase
cube. If there are any errors loading the data, a warning message is displayed
in the Data Load pane that states the data was only partially loaded into your
Essbase database. The error log you have defined will contain information on
any rejected data values.
After you click on the OK button, the Data Load Results window will be opened
as shown here:
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[ 150 ]
Oops! There is a warning message indicating there was an issue with some of the
data and that some or all of the data did not load into your Essbase database. In
order to debug the issue, you need to look into the error file generated by the data
load process.
As you can see in the previous screenshot, the member name ES440 is not found
in the data base outline. This means this member does not exist in the database
outline. Just to be sneaky, we removed the alias for the 4 X 4 PICKUP member from
the outline on purpose to force this error. Essbase will attempt to load data into the
database using the actual member names or aliases. You can even select a specific
alias table to use.
Anytime if you see the Member Not Found in database message, it means this member
does not exist in the Essbase outline.
Let us add the alias code ES440 back into the outline and rerun the data load.
Hooray, we did it! As you can see in the following message, the data has successfully
loaded into your Essbase database without any error messages:
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[ 151 ]
Loading data using MaxL
By now, you must be familiar with the MaxL scripting language and its statements.
We used MaxL to update the Essbase outline in the previous chapter. As you know,
there are three ways you can execute a MaxL script. First, using EAS and the MaxL
editor, second, you can execute MaxL scripts from the Command Prompt, and third,
MaxL scripts can be executed from shell commands within another program.
Let's use the EAS and the MaxL editor to create a MaxL script and then execute
the script to load data into the Essbase database.
Steps to execute MaxL from the EAS editor:
1. Within EAS, Click on File|Editor | MaxL Script Editor.
2. The MaxL editor will open.
3. Import Database MaxL statement should be used to load data.
Syntax for the Import Database MaxL statement:
The various fields present in the MaxL statement are:
• DATA: We need to say data since we are loading data into the database.
• CONNECT AS <Database Username>: Please specify the user name here since
we are loading the data from the relational database.
• IDENTIFIED BY <Database password>: Specifies your database password.
• USING <LOCAL SERVER NAME>: Location of the rules file.
• RULES_FILE <RULE FILE NAME>: Name of the rule file like dSales.
• ON ERROR WRITE TO <PATH FOR ERROR FILE>: Error file information.
The Path for error file c:/book/dataload_chap4.err
The complete MaxL statement with correct syntax:
import database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' data
connect as 'hypuser' identified by 'password'
using server rules_file 'dSales'
on error write to c:/book/dataload_chap4.err
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[ 152 ]
Move the above syntax into the MaxL editor, and execute the MaxL statement.
The statement should run without any error messages being generated. The next
screenshot shows that the data has loaded successfully into the Essbase cube using a
MaxL script statement:
Now that you have successfully loaded the base data into your Essbase database,
we now need to calculate the data in order for the data to be rolled up in the
hierarchies described in the database outline. Parent values need to be summed
from children values. Derived values need to be calculated from the newly loaded
data component values.
All of this and more is performed using the Essbase calculation scripts, known
simply as Calcs. Calcs will be discussed in much greater detail in the next chapter,
but before we continue, let us quickly recap the differences between a Data Load and
a Dimension Build.
Data Load vs. Dimension Build
First, an Essbase data load is very similar to an Essbase dimension build. Second,
an Essbase data load is very different from an Essbase dimension build.
How can we make a contradictory statement like that? This is Essbase, that's how!
Remember, Essbase is an art, not a science.
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Loading data into an Essbase database is the process of loading specific data values
into your Essbase database, based on a predefined database outline. This predefined
database outline contains all of the necessary data attributes to organize the data into
a logical and recognizable format.
Building dimensions in an Essbase database outline is the process of loading data
as data attributes, instead of data values, into the database in the form of adding
new dimension members to the database outline. The missing data attributes in
the database outline that are contained in the data are added by the dimension
build process so that the accompanying data values can be loaded and not rejected.
Wow, who knew Essbase was such an easy to use and versatile tool when it came
to loading data and maintaining your outline?
Let's see, we have covered the how and why of making your data Essbase-friendly.
We have also learned what it means to make data Essbase-friendly and what you
need to do to make it so.
As if that wasn't enough, you've also learned all about what are referred to as data
sources for Essbase. You now know that a data source can be merely data values
you load into your Essbase database, based on a predefined database outline and
data attributes accompanying the data values.
You have learned about the various types of data sources, how Essbase deals with
them, and what you need to do to filter, manipulate, or cleanse them before use.
After all of that, we took all what you've learned about data and data sources and
applied it by creating your first data load rules in Oracle Essbase. You then used
that load rule to load some honest to goodness real data into your Esscar database.
That was easy, wasn’t it?
In the next chapter, we get into the handy dandy Essbase calculation script. This
small tool is pretty much singularly responsible for the vast differences between
Oracle Essbase and any typical relational database. Not only can you calculate
data on the fly, you create new data elements that are derived from component
data elements that exist in the database, without loading large amounts of data if
the results you want can be derived from the data already existing in your database.
Turn the page and let's get started on calcs!
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Calculating your Essbase Cube
Let's take a minute and review what we have completed so far. We now have a fully functioning Essbase operation set up. The server software is installed, the client software is installed, a real application and a database are built, and the database is loaded with data. It's all there and ready for the heart of the system. If the database outline is the foundation of an Essbase database then the calculation scripts are the heart of an Essbase database.
Although you can calculate both an ASO database and a BSO database, unless otherwise noted, the instructions in this chapter pertain primarily to the BSO.
In this chapter, you will learn about one of the most important pieces of functionality in Oracle Essbase. It is one of the main reasons why Oracle Essbase, with its cube technology is so vastly superior to any relational database when it comes to data analytics, analysis, and reporting. This important functionality is the Essbase database calculation.
To help you put the power of the Essbase database calculation to work for you, we will take you through the steps needed to be able to create and run an Essbase database calculation script. We will also show you the various types of database calculation scripts. Essbase database calculation scripts can be in the form
of an Essbase database calculation script file, a database member formula written in the database outline and executed by a database calculation script, or a database outline member formula executed by Essbase only when the data is needed (dynamically calculated member).
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[ 156 ]
One thing to keep in mind, some Oracle affiliates have offered a three day database
calculation class that only covers how to write Essbase effective database calculation
scripts. We have mixed feelings on the real value of such a class. With the information
we provide in this chapter, combined with a little patience, practice, and common
sense, there is absolutely no reason you cannot code your own robust database
calculation scripts.
Read on, to continue this exciting calculation journey.
Calculating your database
In any Essbase database, the data can be grouped into two distinct categories. First,
there is data that has been entered or loaded into the database. This data can be from
some type of data load from an external source or from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
with the Essbase add-in "Lock and Send" functionality.
Second, there is data that can be derived or calculated from the existing data
elements which were entered, loaded, or input into the database. This data can be
as simple as the total value at a parent level that has been added from the children
values. It can also be the result of a complex calculation that has taken advantage
of Essbase's extensive and powerful mathematical functions that are available to
you in the calculation function library.
As we explained in the previous chapter, the input or loaded data that resides
in your Essbase database can come from many and varied sources and, using
the wide array of data load tools and options, can be quickly and easily prepared
(made Essbase-friendly) and loaded into your Essbase database. This in itself is
reason enough to become an Essbase believer.
The Essbase calculation script
The Essbase data calculation script has the same characteristics as any other Essbase
file object. The script name can be no longer than eight characters and has a .csc
extension. The calculation script file is actually an ASCII text format and can be
opened and edited in any text editor.
The ideal way to create and edit an Essbase database calculation script is to use
the built-in Calculation Script Editor found in the EAS tool. The benefits of using
this provided tool includes reserve word coloring, much like the Microsoft Visual
Basic editor, and a comprehensive syntax checker. These features make creating
Essbase database calculation scripts a rather easy task.
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To access the Calculation Script Editor, in EAS and with the tree structure expanded
at the Application|Database you are working on, right-click on the Calculation
Scripts heading and then click on Create calculation script. This will open the
EAS database Calculation script editor. Follow these steps if you wish to create a
new database calculation script from scratch. If you have already created one or
more database calculation scripts and have stored them in the Essbase file system,
they will be listed under the Calculation Scripts branch (shown below) and all
you need to do to open the calculation script in the editor is to double-click the
calculation script name. When asked if you want to lock the file object, select Yes
to give yourself exclusive alter access to the script.
By default, Essbase will store your Essbase application file objects in the
Application|Database path set up by Essbase, unless you specify otherwise.
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Looking at the preceding screenshot, you should notice two things. First, you can see
how there are several different file types in the directory or folder and second, the
path of the folder.
The files are placed by default into this folder by Essbase. It is not always practical
to keep your calculation scripts, database page and index files, report scripts, and so
on, all together in the same folder. Practicality aside, this arrangement may not even
pass some installation's security and controls requirements. Luckily, Essbase allows
you to save these files in any location that works for you.
The next screenshot shows the Essbase database calculation script editor opened to
a blank and unsaved calculation script:
Essbase outline member formula
On any database member, there is the option to access the member's properties
(as previously shown). One of the options on the Member Properties screen is
the Formula tab. In the following screenshot, you will notice the member formula
editor looks very much like the database Calculation Script Editor. Except for an
occasional syntax difference, the member formulas you write for a database outline
member are identical to the code used to write a database calculation script.
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Member formulas can be written for all types of database outline members. The
method used to execute a member formula is the only thing different. Member
formulas can be executed when the database outline is calculated using the Calc
All command or when attached to a dynamically calculated member and the user
has requested data from that member.
For the script executed formula, you will set the Data Storage option to Store Data.
For the dynamically calculated member, you will set the Data Storage option to
Dynamic Calc or Dynamic Calc and Store.
Calculation types explained
As mentioned earlier in this chapter, there are three ways to calculate data in your
Essbase database. There is the infamous Essbase database calculation script, the
regular outline member formula, and the outline member formula written on a
member tagged as Dynamic Calc or Dynamic Calc and Store. We will now give
you an explanation of each calculation type along with its pros and cons.
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[ 160 ]
Calculation Scripts
Mentioned already, but only briefly, was the venerable Essbase database calculation
script. The database calculation script is an ASCII text file containing a series of
precise commands and functions which are used by Essbase to perform calculations
on the data stored in an Essbase database.
Essbase database calculation scripts are highly versatile and can be written, stored,
and executed in a variety of ways.
To write an Essbase database calculation script, known as a calc script or calc, the
easiest method is to use the Calculation Script Editor provided in EAS. This custom
editor provides many features for coding database outline member selections, syntax
checking, and function or command choices and their use.
The storing of an Essbase database calculation script is something that is entirely
upto you—as the programmer/administrator. When you use the EAS Calculation
script editor, it will default to saving the calculation script file object in the default
Essbase database file structure, which is basically the database folder on the server.
This is an acceptable place to leave the scripts, but it is not the best idea to allow
access to a secure folder on a database server to too many people.
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Again, executing an Essbase database calculation script can easily be performed
from just about anywhere. You can execute a calculation script manually through the
EAS tool, or through the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel (provided your ID has
calculation access), or programmatically using a shelled MaxL script or an API call.
The benefits of using a painstakingly written Essbase database calculation script
are that you can specify the exact subset of data you wish to calculate.
Believe it or not, as amazing as an Essbase database calculation script is, there are a
couple of drawbacks too. One drawback is that sometimes, because of all the power,
an Essbase calculation script can be difficult to control. What we mean is that we can
sometimes write a calc that will calculate too much data or take too long to execute.
Also, when you create data using an Essbase database calculation script, the newly
created data is created as stored data which can be a problem if you are creating
too much of it. These are minor concerns which will be handled as you acquire
more experience.
Stored data member formula
The outline member formula on a stored member is one way to create the data
values you need in an Essbase database. It is very simple and easy to write, what
can be thought of as a snippet of a full blown calculation script in the member
formula editor located on the Member Properties screen.
Outline member formulas on stored members are also easy to execute as they
may execute anytime when the dimension in which they reside is calculated.
Dynamic Calc and Dynamic Calc and Store
Dynamic Calc and Dynamic Calc and Store are database outline member property
settings. Like we told you in the previous section, data created by an Essbase
database calculation script is stored in the database. When you set the storage
properties on a database member in the Accounts dimension to Dynamic Calc
or Dynamic Calc and Store, the member formula will only execute when there is
a request for the data.
In the case of a dynamically calculated member, the resultant data is not stored in
the database, but is recreated every time there is another request for the data. With
a dynamic calc and store member, the data is created the first time there is a request,
then stored. On subsequent requests, the data will only be recreated if one of the
component values has changed or has been updated.
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These two data calculation options give you the benefit of always producing the
freshest data based on the component values. They also help keep the database size
small by not storing data or only small amounts of data. What we mean here is that
with the use of dynamic calc and dynamic calc and store members you can help keep
the size of your database smaller because you are not storing all of the possible data
values for these members. A dynamic calc member stores no data in the database
and a dynamic calc and store member only stores the data as it has been calculated.
Stored members will store all data every time as it has been loaded or calculated,
regardless of if anyone ever actually requests it from the database or not.
There are several ways to request data from an Essbase database which will trigger a
dynamic calc member to create data. One is by performing a Retrieve of data using the
Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel, another way is executing an Essbase report script.
Yes indeed, dynamically calculated data is a nice thing to have, but you must also be
careful with its use. While dynamically calculated data offers greater accuracy, it can
also be a performance hog depending on the amount of data being requested and the
status of the component data involved in the calculation.
A good rule of thumb for dynamically calculated data is to make
sure you never calculate data whose component values are also
dynamically calculated. This situation can cause drastic performance
issues by hogging large amounts of memory to perform all of the
necessary calculations.
Essbase calculation terminology
Yes, we're at it again! In the previous chapter, you learned a new term that was
related to data intended for loading into an Essbase database. That term was
In this chapter, there are more terms you need to learn so you can sound like an
Essbase professional and also impress your co-workers. The new terms you will
learn in this chapter are Essbase calculation-related terms.
In the following sections, we explain the Essbase calculation script commands so
it will be helpful for you to become familiar with the calculation jargon first.
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• Calc: You will use this word quite often. This is a very versatile word
since you will use it as a noun as well as verb. Calc is Essbase lingo for
any database calculation, but it can also describe a calculation action.
For example, you could say, "I have written a new calc for gross stock."
However, you could also say, "I need to calc the database." Both usages
are correct.
• Push down: This term is used to describe what happens when you use
a calculation function to populate the values of children members with
the values of their parents. The time for doing this would be when your
data is only loaded at the parent level but the same values should be
applied to the children members.
• Rollup: This term is used to describe what happens when you add or
sum the children members upto their parent level or it can mean the
parent level of a group of children. As with calc, this term can be used
as a noun or a verb. For example, "I'm writing a calc to rollup the regions
to the Total Region level." You could also say, "Total Region is the rollup
of the individual regions."
• Stomp-on: This is a good one and is mainly used to describe any data that
you have unintentionally whacked or overwritten with a calc script. There
are times when a parent member's value is not necessarily the rollup of its
children. If you execute a calc that inadvertently rolls up the children to the
parent, you have just stomped on the parent's data.
Because Essbase is an art and not a science and because this is a family book, there
are several other terms you can frequently hear around an Essbase installation. We
prefer that you learn these terms on your own.
Default database calculation script
While an Essbase database calculation script can be an extremely powerful tool, it
can also be used for more routine database calculating. Whether you need complex
calculations or outline rollups, a nice feature in your Essbase database toolbox is
the ability to assign a default calculation script to each database.
A Default Calc is a database calculation script you would typically find yourself
running repeatedly. To simplify your life, you set the script as the database's Default
Calc. As you can imagine, you can set the Default Calc to any database calculation
script you have created. By default, Essbase assigns the Calc All database function
as the Default Calc. The Calc All function, in simple terms, calculates your database
according to the outline member formulas and the consolidations you have specified
in your parent-child relationships.
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To set a calculation script to be your database's Default Calc, start by right-clicking
on your database name in EAS and selecting the Set | Default calculation….
You should now see the screen depicted below. As you can see, this screen
provides you with several choices regarding how to setting your database's default
calculation script.
The first choice you have is a radio button which, when selected, allows you to
choose any of the database calculation scripts you have written and stored with the
database within the Essbase file structure on your server. Calculation scripts stored
elsewhere cannot be chosen as the default calc.
If you select the second choice, Use calculation string, you can actually enter your
own small set of calculation commands in the text box provided. This is where you
will see the Calc All function set by Essbase as the database's Default Calc until you
decide to change it.
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Your Default Calc can be executed manually by selecting it from the available
choices on the screen that is displayed when you choose Execute calculation… from
the list of choices that appear after right-clicking on your database name in EAS.
You can also programmatically execute your Default Calc using the appropriate
command in your MaxL script or API call.
Calc All
The Calc All database calculation function can be executed in two different ways
but will perform the same function. You can code the Calc All function in a database
calculation script that is either executed manually or through a program. You can
also set Calc All to be your database's default calculation string.
The Calc All command tells the Essbase to calculate the database according to the
consolidations (parent-child rollups) and Store Data tagged member formulas that
are set up in the database outline and members' properties.
There are occasions when you will create an Essbase database outline that is fairly
simple and straight forward with regard to parent-child relationships. This database
is more than likely used for presentation and reporting purposes only and the users'
access is typically Read Only. With this type of arrangement, the only calculation that
needs to be performed is usually after a data load or database/outline restructure.
The Calc All command is perfect for this type of scenario.
When you initiate a Calc All function, Essbase attempts to determine the best order
of calculation for the database, so you must be careful to verify the results of a Calc
All. If your database requires complex or unusual calculations, you would be better
served using a specifically written calculation script.
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Very Important!
Since this is your first calculation function that you are learning
about, we should give you this tip right now. The correct syntax
for all calculation functional statements, in both scripts and
formulas, is to end the statement with a semi-colon (;). Some
statements are not required to end with a semi-colon, like
conditional statements (if, else, endif), but all actionable
statements are.
Calculate/Aggregate dimension
With an understanding of the Calc All function, we can now be comfortable
describing the two very useful and related database calculation script functions.
Where the Calc All function is used to calculate the entire database based on the
outline (consolidations and stored member formulas), the CALC DIM and AGG
functions are used to perform almost the same function with dimension level precision.
The CALC DIM function performs exactly like the Calc All function in that it will
execute calculations based on the database outline and Store Data tagged member
formulas, with one huge difference. In calculating, functionality is constrained to
only the database dimensions you list with this function. The following is an
example of how you would code a CALC DIM statement to calculate only the
Calendar Periods dimension.
To CALC DIM one dimension:
CALC DIM("Calendar Periods");
To CALC DIM more than one dimension in one command:
CALC DIM("Calendar Periods","Model Year","Market");
To make sure a specific order is followed:
CALC DIM("Market");
CALC DIM("Model Year");
CALC DIM("Calendar Periods");
The parameter section of this function can contain a comma separated list if you
wish to calculate more than one dimension.
If you need to ensure a specific order of calculation for the dimensions, it is best
to code individual CALC DIM statements containing only one dimension name
in the order you need them to be calculated for each dimension.
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Essbase Calc commands and functions
As discussed earlier, database calculations are very important features in the
Essbase world. For some situations, you may need to write complicated calculation
scripts, in other situations, they will be fairly simple. In order for you to become
proficient in writing calculation scripts you need to have an understanding of some
of the predefined commands and functions that can be used in an Essbase database
calculation script. Let's discuss some of the more commonly used commands and
functions in detail.
Data declarations
When you are writing some of the more complex calculation scripts, you will find it
necessary to manipulate the data while calculating. For manipulating the data, you
need to create variables.
In an Essbase calc, you can create temporary variables or global variables (also called
substitution variables, which are discussed in greater detail later in this chapter).
The temporary variables are only available when the calculation script is running
and they do not exist after the calculation script has completed. In order to use these
variables in a calculation script, you need to declare them.
It is always best to declare all of the variables you
will be using at the top of the calculation script.
There are two types of temporary variables that can be used in an Essbase database
calculation scripts:
• VAR: A variable containing only one value
• ARRAY: A one dimensional array declaration
The allowable naming convention for the VAR and ARRAY variables are similar to one
another, you can use alpha characters "a through z", numbers "0 through 9", and
special characters "$ (dollar sign), # (pound sign), and _ (underscore)". Remember,
you cannot use the & (ampersand) as this is reserved for the substitution variables.
VAR cRevenue;
VAR cRevenue = 10,000;
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The array size would be the total number of members in this dimension.
Control flow
Control functions control the flow of the data being calculated. As you will see,
some functions help select the data while some help restrict the selected data.
All in all, they are used to help you calculate your data quickly and efficiently.
When we talked earlier about Essbase database calculation control, we meant the FIX/
ENDFIX command. These are the control gate keepers of the database calculation script.
The FIX/ENDFIX commands are for use only in an Essbase database calculation
script. When you code a member formula, the formula only applies to the member
in which it is coded, hence, there is no need for FIX/ENDFIX commands.
Using Essbase's full complement of calculation functions and commands, for precise
calculation purposes, it hardly matters what your outline looks like, or how it is
laid out. In terms of dimension order, Sparse or Dense settings, whether or not
you have an Accounts or Time dimension, or pretty much any other way you have
your database set upto fit your own needs, the calculation script can be coded to
do exactly as you wish. With the FIX/ENDFIX command, you can zero in with razor
sharp precision on only the data values you wish to calculate.
When you employ a FIX/ENDFIX command you are telling Essbase to select a subset
of data from the database for calculating. In this way, you will not calculate too much
data at any given time. You also will not calculate data that you do not intend to
(the definition of Stomp-on).
What you will realize by using the FIX/ENDFIX command, besides the benefits
described above, is keeping your database calculation scripts running at
peak performance.
The FIX command selects data from the database by blocks. Due to this fact, and
also because you want to ensure the highest possible performance while executing
calculation scripts, it is recommended that wherever possible, you FIX only on
members that are in Sparse Dimension. When you FIX on a Dense Dimension,
Essbase needs to pull all of the data blocks affected by the FIX statement into the
system's memory, thus potentially affecting performance. This is because dense
members have a greater potential to populate across more blocks.
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Of course, you can fix on any database member(s) you wish, and sometimes you will
have no choice. However, if calculation script performance becomes an issue, this is
one of the first places to look to make improvements.
For example:
FIX(Sparse Dimension)
IF(Dense Dimension)
Any Calculation Function;
There is one caveat to this. Essbase will only FIX on members in blocks
that have been previously created. You can solve this by using the
CREATEBLOCKONEQ command in your calculation script. This command
will create the necessary missing blocks for your sparse members.
When you use the FIX/ENDFIX command, you are basically turning on, and then off,
the data filtering that you incorporated using the FIX/ENDFIX command in the first
place. In a typical calculation script, you may have many separate instances of
FIX/ENDFIX commands that enclose a wide variety of calculation functions. The
FIX/ENDFIX commands can also be nested inside one another, much like nested
IF/ENDIF statements. For every FIX statement, there must be a matching ENDFIX.
There is one critical thing you must know about nesting FIX/ENDFIX
commands. Never fix on one level of a dimension, then fix again on a
different level of that same dimension in a nested FIX command.
Always attempt to FIX to the specific level you intend to for a dimension in one
FIX command. The reason for this is because even though the next FIX command
is nested within the first FIX command it will still pull the entire dimension into
the calc pool for filtering. In the example of a bad implementation below, the first
FIX command will select all members from the Calendar Periods dimension.
The second FIX command will select all of the zero level members from the
Calendar Periods dimension. This will actually result in all members of the
Calendar Periods dimension being calculated.
Do not do this:
FIX("Calendar Periods")
FIX(@LEVMBRS("Calendar Periods",0))
Any Calculation Function;
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Do this instead:
FIX(@IDESCENDANTS("Calendar Periods" AND
@LEVMBRS("Calendar Periods",0))
Any Calculation Function;
In the following examples, we will show you how to narrow down the amount
of data you will calculate in your database for various scenarios.
Basic FIX and ENDFIX examples
To begin with, as mentioned earlier, FIX and ENDFIX commands can be nested. We
have also given you some tips regarding when to use the FIX and ENDFIX commands
and what to avoid when nesting them, like the same dimensions named in separate
FIX commands.
For starters, this is how you would code the simplest of FIX and ENDFIX commands:
FIX(@IDESCENDENTS("Calendar Periods"))
"Gross Stock" = "Production" – "Sales";
Notice how the FIX command has an area to list selection dimensions. Within the
parenthesis you can list multiple dimension names separated by commas, member
names, or a list of member functions that returns member names. There are also
functions that return members at specific levels in the outline. You can even use basic
structuring similar to a mathematical formula with AND/OR statements bracketed by
extra parenthesis.
In the example immediately above, notice how we are calculating the value for
Gross Stock for all Calendar Periods. If your database was extremely large, with
several years of historical data in it, this would be inefficient to always calculate the
entire Time dimension.
Now, suppose you added User Defined Attributes (UDAs) to the periods in the time
dimension and only wanted to calculate current periods? Here is what you would do:
1. Add UDAs of Historical, Current, and Forecast to the individual year
members and their children in the database outline. For example, if the
current calendar year is 2009, then 2009 and all of its children would have
the UDA of Current added to them in the outline. All years and their
children prior to 2009 would get the UDA of Historical. All years and their
children later than 2009 would get the UDA of Forecast added in the outline:
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2. Decide that you only want to calculate Gross Stock for the Current
and Forecast time periods.
3. Recode your FIX and ENDFIX command statements to look like this:
FIX(@UDA("Calendar Periods","Current") OR
@UDA("Calendar Periods","Forecast"))
"Gross Stock" = "Production" – "Sales";
Aren't FIX and ENDFIX commands the greatest?
Always remember with FIX and ENDFIX, you
want to Fix on Sparse dimensions and IF on
Dense dimensions.
Well there you have it! With the release of Essbase version 9.x we now have EXCLUDE
and ENDEXCLUDE commands to compliment the FIX and ENDFIX commands.
Now, without confusing you, we can tell you to consider the FIX and ENDFIX
commands as an include statement that tells Essbase what data to keep for calculating.
And, if including data proves difficult (and there are times it will), then you now have
the EXCLUDE and ENDEXCLUDE commands to tell Essbase what data to leave out when
selecting data for calculating. See examples in the next section.
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When we talked earlier about Essbase database calculation control, we meant the
FIX and ENDFIX commands. Well, we also mean the EXCLUDE and ENDEXCLUDE
commands. These commands complete the data control gate keeper job in the
Essbase database calculation script.
The EXCLUDE and ENDEXCLUDE command is only for use in an
Essbase database calculation script. When you code a member
formula, the formula applies only to the member in which it is coded,
there is no need for EXCLUDE and ENDEXCLUDE commands.
Because these database calculation commands are coded exactly like the FIX and
ENDFIX commands, we do not believe that we need to spend a great deal of time
explaining what should be obvious as far as the syntax is concerned.
Remember the following points while using the EXCLUDE/ENDEXCLUDE command:
• You can nest EXCLUDE and ENDEXCLUDE command statements. However,
make sure you only code arguments for a dimension in one EXCLUDE
statement no matter how many nested levels you have similar to the
FIX command.
• You can code many instances of EXCLUDE and ENDEXCLUDE commands in
the same calc script.
• You must have an ENDEXCLUDE for every occurrence of the EXCLUDE command.
• You do not need to end an EXCLUDE or ENDEXCLUDE statement with a
• You code a comma separated list of members or functions that return a list
of members between the parentheses on the EXCLUDE command.
• The EXCLUDE statement tells Essbase what data to leave out of the calculation.
To begin with, as mentioned earlier, EXCLUDE and ENDEXCLUDE commands
can be nested. We have also given you tips regarding when to use the EXCLUDE
and ENDEXCLUDE commands and what to avoid when nesting them, like the
same dimensions named in separate EXCLUDE commands.
For starters, this is how you would code the simplest of EXCLUDE/ENDEXCLUDE
"Gross Stock" = "Production" – "Sales";
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Notice how the EXCLUDE command has an area to list dimensions. Within the
parenthesis you can list dimension names separated by commas, member names,
or a list of member functions that return member names. There are also functions
that return members at specific levels in the outline. You can even use basic
structuring similar to a mathematical formula with AND/OR statements bracketed by
extra parenthesis.
In the example immediately above, notice how we are calculating the value for
Gross Stock for all markets except Canada.
There has not been a tremendous amount of feedback regarding the
use and performance of EXCLUDE and ENDEXCLUDE as they are new in
version 9.x. We can only assume that the EXCLUDE and ENDEXCLUDE
commands function exactly like the FIX and ENDFIX commands, except
to exclude the referenced data instead of including the referenced data.
Aren't EXCLUDE and ENDEXCLUDE commands the greatest as well?
In Essbase database calculation scripts, you may be required to perform certain
functional commands like Set functions, Cleardata functions, or the Datacopy
function that is used to copy data from one member to another member, all before
you start the execution of your database calculation.
SET command functions
SET command functions are used to tune the calculation and database factors
that affect calculation performance and are initially coded at the beginning of a
calculation script. SET commands stay in effect for the duration of the calc script
unless coded again mid-script.
Let's take a look at some of the widely used SET command functions:
• SET AGGMISSING ON/OFF: This command specifies if Essbase should turn
the consolidation of the # missing values ON or OFF. This is only applicable
to Sparse dimensions.
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• SET CACHE HIGH/DEFAULT/LOW/OFF/ALL: In the Essbase configuration file,
if you have specified values for the CALCCACHELOW, CALCCACHEHIGH, and
CALCCACHEDEFAULT, then when you run a database calculation script you
set the calculator memory cache to HIGH, LOW, or DEFAULT. When you preset
these values in the script (as needed), you can realize a better performance
while the script is executing.
The Essbase configuration file is stored in the Essbase program directory
on the server. This file can contain many entries for tweaks and adjustments
that help your Essbase system perform better. The Essbase Configuration
file is explained in more detail in Chapter 9 of this book.
Let us say the following are the settings for the calc cache in the Essbase
configuration file. Oops! We introduced a new term here. The Essbase
configuration file is new and we have not talked about it yet. Well, we
will discuss the configuration file in the coming chapters. However, for
now know that it is a file where you can set up your server settings and
adjustments which improve the overall performance of data loads
and data calcs.
Now, where were we? Oh yes, the server calc cache settings:
In the Calculation Script you have defined:
This command sets the calculator cache to 150,000,000 bytes.
This command sets the calculator cache to 100,000,000 bytes.
This command sets the calculator cache to 50,000,000 bytes.
• SET CALCTASKDIMS n: Specifies the number of Sparse dimensions that can
run in parallel, where n is maximum number of Sparse dimensions. This
command can help speed up the performance of a calculation script by
identifying tasks or transactions that can be run in parallel instead of serially.
In the above command, the last Sparse dimension is identified as the task
that can run in parallel.
• SET CALCPARALLEL n: Enables the calculation tasks to run in parallel, where
n is number of threads. The value of n can be 1 to 4 for 32 bit and 1 to 8 for 64
bit servers.
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The command above enables four threads to run in parallel. This means that
upto four threads can be used by the system to calculate the data instead of
the default one thread.
• SET FRMLBOTTOMUP ON/OFF: This command enables you to do bottom-up
calculation on the formulas. The command can help speed up the processing
of complex formulas on Sparse Dimensions when the associations and
dependencies are straight forward. When there are a lot of range type
functions used, there may be inconsistent results achieved.
• DATACOPY membername1 to membername2: This command copies data from
one member to another member.
This example above will copy the values in TOTAL REVENUE to BILLED
REVENUE across all levels.
DATACOPY "TOTAL REVENUE"->@LEVMBRS("Calendar Periods", 3) to
"BILLED REVENUE"->@LEVMBRS("Calendar Periods", 0);
This example above will copy TOTAL REVENUE from the YEARS level to
BILLED REVENUE at the month level.
In a database calculation script, member names which have a space in
them must be in double quotes. If there is no space in a member name,
there is no need to have a double quote.
It is not a bad idea to always wrap member names in double quotes,
whether they contain spaces or not. This makes them easily identifiable
when reading a calc script.
the blocks and sets "#missing" in the blocks. You need to clear blocks before
data refreshes to clear off all of the old data. Remember, this is not entirely
removing the blocks, these blocks still exist and when you do a data load it
will be a little slower. If a block had no data already, meaning it is already
#missing, it will be removed.
°° ALL: Clears and sets "#missing" to all data blocks.
°° UPPER: Clears and sets "#missing" to all of the consolidated
level blocks.
°° NON INPUT: Clears and sets "#missing" to all of the non-input
members, the members to which data is not directly loaded.
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°° DYNAMIC: Clears and sets "#missing" to all of the data which has
been created by a Dynamic Calc and Store member.
°° EMPTY: Removes all of the blocks which are already
"#missing" blocks.
• CLEARDATA MemberName: Removes all of the data for the member name
specified, replacing it with "#missing". The "#missing" symbol is Essbase
speak for null values.
The functions discussed above are just some of the more widely used calculation script
functions available to you. We will discuss more functions in the coming chapters.
In the Essbase database calculation script, like most other programming languages,
you can test data situations with conditional statements. Without a doubt, the IF
and ENDIF statements are the most common.
Ah yes, the IF and ENDIF commands, the partners to the FIX and ENDFIX commands.
As stated earlier in this chapter, these tools have been provided to allow you to write
high performing and efficient calculation scripts and to precisely calculate your data
without stomping on other data.
If the FIX and ENDFIX commands are the gate keeper of the data, the IF and ENDIF
commands are the ushers directing you (your data) to the correct seat. Just like the
IF and ENDIF commands in any programming language, the IF and ENDIF commands
you use in Essbase for calculating, perform conditional checking or testing of the data
to help decide if or how it gets calculated.
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Remember the FIX and ENDFIX commands are best used on Sparse
Dimension due to the physical construction of the Essbase cube. Well,
the opposite is recommended for the IF and ENDIF commands. Because
the IF statement needs to test every occurrence of the data brought to it,
it is best to use the IF and ENDIF commands against a Dense Dimension
because there will be fewer cells of data that need to be tested since the
original subset of data was pulled in as a Sparse Dimension.
For example:
FIX(Sparse Dimension)
IF(Dense Dimension)
Any Calculation Function;
Again, while this is not always possible, it is a good idea to follow this
recommendation whenever possible.
Just like the FIX and ENDFIX commands, the IF and ENDIF commands can be nested.
We have never been able to determine if there is a limit, but we have also never
hit a limit when coding either. For every IF statement, there must be a matching
ENDIF statement. When using ELSE or ELSEIF, you will still need one ENDIF for
every IF statement.
For example:
IF(Conditional Argument)
Any Calculation Function;
Or this:
IF(Conditional Argument)
IF(Conditional Argument)
Any Calculation Function;
ELSEIF(Conditional Argument)
Any Calculation Function;
Any Calculation Function;
Also, like the FIX and ENDFIX commands, the IF and ENDIF command statements
do not need to be terminated with a semi-colon. Only the actionable calculation
function statements need to be terminated by a semi-colon.
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Unlike the FIX and ENDFIX commands, the IF and ENDIF commands can be used
in Essbase calculation scripts as well as database outline member formulas.
Much like the FIX command, the IF command accepts a comma separated list
of conditional arguments, of which a full compliment is included in Essbase.
Always remember with IF and ENDIF, you
want to Fix on Sparse and IF on Dense.
As you know, Boolean tests are used to check for either a true or false condition.
In an Essbase calc script, you can make good use of the Boolean test functions.
Some of the more widely used Boolean functions are @ISUDA, @ISMBR, @ISLEV,
@ISGEN, @ISPARENT, @ISCHILD, and many more.
Some of the most widely used Boolean functions are discussed here:
• @ISMBR: This function is used to test if the current member being calculated
is a member specified by the parameter(s) entered into the function.
@ISMBR (membername, rangelist, mbrlist)
°° membername—a single member name
°° rangelist—a range of members returned by a member function
°° mbrlist—a comma separated list of members
@ISMBR("DETROIT")—returns true if the current member is DETROIT.
• @ISLEV: Returns true if the current member being calculated is in the same
level as the member specified in the @ISLEV parameter.
@ISLEV(dimname, levelname, level number)
@ISLEV("TOTAL CUSTOMER",0)—returns true if the current
member is in the zero level in the database outline.
• @ISCHILD(mbrname): Returns true if the current member is child of
the member specified in the @ISCHILD parameter.
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@ISCHILD("DETROIT")—returns true for all members that are children of
the DETROIT member.
These are just a few of the many Boolean functions that Essbase has provided to
you to allow for the increased performance of customized database calculations.
You should now have a good understanding on their use and the parameters
required to make them perform as designed.
Relationship functions
As you know, an Essbase cube is lot like a family. In fact, this is a family that has
a lot of relationships. The relationship functions are used to fetch data for the
current member position from a different member's position. The most widely
used relationship functions are @PARENTVAL and @ANCESTVAL.
• @PARENTVAL (dimension, membername): This function returns the value
of the parent of the current member being calculated for the listed member.
SALES for the parent of the current member.
This is the product structure of our Esscar Database:
If the current product member being calculated is "2 DOOR SEDAN",
then the output of this:
for the CARS outline member which is the parent of "2 DOOR SEDAN".
• @ANCESTVAL (dimension, genlevNum, [membername]): This function
returns the value of the parents, grandparents, great grandparents using
either the generation or level reference from the current member selected.
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If GenlevNum (the specific generation or level number) is:
°° > 0 then it is using Generation reference
°° <+ 0 then it is using Level reference
being calculated is the STINGER COUPE, then the returned member is
TOTAL SALES at the CARS level.
@PARENTVAL and @ANCESTVAL are used for one dimensional value swapping.
If you want to return values from another member based on multiple
dimensions, then you will use the @MDPARENTVAL and @MDANCSETVAL
functions. For more information, refer to the online technical reference
included with your EAS software.
@XREF: This function is used to reference data in another Essbase database.
The XREF requires you to define a location alias to another database. The
other database can be similar to the original database or should at least
have some similar dimensions.
@XREF(LOCATION ALIAS, [MEMBERLIST]): For more information,
refer to the online technical reference included with your EAS software.
LOCATION ALIAS—you need to set a location alias as shown in the
steps below.
MEMBER LIST—this is optional, you can give the list of the member
names for which you need the data.
The following are the easy steps required to create the very useful location alias:
1. In EAS, select your application and click on Action.
2. Select Edit and click on the Location Alias for "ESSCAR" (Your Application).
3. In the Location Aliases screen, give an Alias name. Select the Essbase
Server, Application, Database, User name, and Password and click on
the Test button.
4. Once you click on the Test button, it will verify your existence on that Server
or Application and the verified checkbox will be checked. Now, click on the
SET button to save the information as shown in the following screenshot.
5. You can click on the Delete button to delete an existing Location Alias.
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In calc scripts, you can use all of the routine arithmetic operators like +, -, *, /,
logical operators like =, >, >=, <=, ==, <>, !=, and cross dimensional operators
-> (minus sign with Greater than symbol). Since you are reading this book, we
assume that you are very familiar with Arithmetic and logical operators. Of course,
probably much better than we are!
Cross Dimensional Operator: This operator fetches the data by joining members of
different dimensions. You should only pick one member from each dimension. This
formula can be used in calc scripts and can also be used in outline member formulas.
For example:
"TOTAL REVENUE" -> "TOTAL VEHICLE" ->"YEAR 2009" – The output of this
command returns the Total Revenue for all Vehicles sold in the year 2009.
Basically, you have said, "Give me the TOTAL REVENUE value at the TOTAL VEHICLE
level at the YEAR 2009 level." All in one statement!
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In addition to the operators previously described, Essbase has provided you with
a comprehensive set of functions used to perform mathematical calculations in your
database calc script. These functions return values to the calculation data based upon
the specific mathematical function you have chosen. Some of the more widely used
mathematical functions are @SUM(), @AVERAGE(), and @VAR().
• @SUM(): This function is used to return the sum of the members in the
comma separated member list or the sum of the members returned from
a member function.
This means the sum of CHICAGO + DETROIT.
For more information, refer to the online technical reference included
with your EAS software.
• @VAR(): This function returns the variance (difference) between the two
members listed as parameters. The variance is calculated by subtracting
the first member from the second member.
• @VARPER(): This function is used to return the percent variance (percent
difference) between the two members listed. The percent values are
calculated by dividing the first member by the second member.
• @ROUND(): This function will round the value of the expression parameter to
the number specified by the NUMDIGITS parameter to the right of the decimal.
If the Sales value = 1000.926, then after rounding, it would be 1000.93.
Member set
Member set functions typically return a list of database outline members. Depending
on the function you have selected for use, it can dynamically generate a list of
members that are needed in the calculation. Member set functions are widely used
in conjunction with the FIX() statement to help specify a list of outline members
for calculation.
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Let's take a look at some of the commonly used member set functions:
• @CHILDREN(): Returns the list of all of the children of the member named
in the parameter.
Returns all members that are children of the member Detroit.
• @SIBLINGS(): Returns the list of all siblings (members at the same level
and with the same parent) for the member specified in the parameter.
Returns all siblings of the member Illinois.
Range (Financial)
In the Range functions, you can code a range of members as an argument. You can
then SUM or AVERAGE the range for a new value.
• @SUMRANGE(): Used to sum the values for a given range of members
where mbrname is the member which will contain the summed values.
Syntax :
@SUMRANGE(mbrname, Rangelist)
Returns the sum of Sales for all descendants of the year = 2009.
• @AVGRANGE(): Used to calculate the average values for a specified range.
As you remember in the @AVG function, we talked about SKIPNONE,
SKIPMISSING, SKIPZERO, and SKIPBOTH parameters and their purpose
holds true for the @AVGRANGE() function as well.
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Returns average Sales value for all sales in the 2009 periods. SKIPMISSING
will exclude any periods that contains a #missing (NULL) value.
• @NEXT() and @PRIOR(): As the functions' names imply, their use will either
the PRIOR value from a specified dimension or the NEXT value from a
specified dimension.
@NEXT(mbrname[, n, Rangelist])
@PRIOR(mbrname[, n, Rangelist])
For the @NEXT() function, the example returns Sales for the year member 2
periods ahead of the member currently being calculated. Likewise, for the
@PRIOR() function, it returns the Sales for the year member 2 periods ahead
of the member currently being calculated.
Forecasting functions can be used to estimate values for a certain period of time.
A couple of the forecasting functions available to you are @MOVAVG() and the
@MOVSUM() functions.
• @MOVAVG(): This function applies a moving n-term mean to an input data
set. Each term in the set is replaced by a trailing mean of n terms. @MOVAVG()
modifies a data set for smoothing purposes.
@MOVAVG(mbrName [, n [, XrangeList]])
In this example, the @MOVAVG() function smoothes sales data for the first
six months of the year on a three month term.
• @MOVSUM(): This function applies a moving sum to the specified
number of values in an input data set. @MOVSUM() modifies a data
set for smoothing purposes.
@MOVSUM (mbrName [, n [, XrangeList]])
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In this example, the @MOVSUM() function smoothes sales data for the first six
months of the year on a three month term.
Statistical functions are used to compute descriptive statistics. Some of the statistical
functions are @COUNT(), @RANK(), and @MEDIAN(), just to name a few.
• @COUNT: Returns the number of values available in the specified member list.
You have the option to exclude the #MISSING, ZEROS, BOTH, or NONE.
MEMBERLIST is a comma separated list of members or you can use any
of the provided member set functions.
This example will return the number of children of the CARS member that
have a value in the TOTAL REVENUE member.
• @RANK(): This function returns the rank of a specified member. The rank
of a value is equivalent to its position (its rank) in the sorted data set.
value is the position (rank) of the member who's value you wish to return
from expList.
In this example, we return the rank of products based on Sales as Essbase
loops through the member list returned by the @RANGE() function.
• @MEDIAN(): Returns the median (middle number) of the specified data
set (expList). Half of the numbers in the data set are larger than the median,
and half are smaller.
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This example returns the median (middle value) of the Product dimension
based on the value of Sales.
Date and Time
The date and time category only has one function, and it is new for Essbase
version 9.x. That function is called @TODATE().
@TODATE(): Coverts a date string into numbers of seconds elapsed
since midnight, January 1, 1970.
@TODATE (FormatString, date)
Format of String can either be "mm-dd-yyyy" or "dd-mm-yyyy".
Finally, we have a few miscellaneous calculation functions which do not belong in
any of the other categories. There are only three miscellaneous functions which are
• @CALCMODE(): This function tells the calc script how the formulas need to be
calculated. The @CALCMODE() function can tell Essbase to toggle between two
different calculation modes. First, you can toggle between CELL and BLOCK
modes, then, in a second statement, you can toggle between formulas being
calculated in TOPDOWN or BOTTOMUP modes.
What a handy function!
The two statements above will place Essbase in the CELL mode for
calculating and also calculate member formulas from the bottom up.
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• @CONCATENATE() and @SUBSTRING(): These functions are used to manipulate
the string values in member names as the calculation script is running.
°° @CONCATENATE(): This is used to concatenate to two given
strings. These strings can also be member names.
This example returns a string value of aWest which can be used elsewhere
for testing member names.
@SUBSTRING(): This is used to return string characters from
the specified string from given starting and ending positions.
°° STRING: Can be a String or a member name.
°° STARTING POSITION: The position from where you want to select
the first character of the substring. The first position in the string
is zero (0).
°° ENDING POSITION: The last position you wish to select for your
substring. If omitted, @SUBSTRING() will stop at the last character
in the string being evaluated.
In this example, the function returns the string value of TOTAL.
Order of calculation
By now, you have a good understanding of what an Essbase calculation is. You
have learned about a head-spinning number of database calculation functions and
commands. We now need to describe for you another one of those conceptual ideas
that Essbase is famous for.
As we've said many times before, Essbase is an art, not a science! The idea of how
to determine the order of calculation is made up of equal parts of scientific blah,
blah, blah about, "Well this is how Essbase is written so this is how it works",
and generous portions of, "I kept tweaking the script or the outline until I got
the results I needed."
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Isn't that great? How do I figure out something like that? Well, here is how
it's supposed to work:
1. During a CALC ALL database calculation, Essbase will calculate your
dimension tagged as Accounts first.
2. Next will be the dimension you have tagged as Time.
3. Then, Essbase will calculate the remaining Dense dimensions in the order
they appear in the EAS outline viewer (top to bottom).
4. Finally, Essbase will calculate the remaining Sparse dimensions again,
in the order they appear in the EAS outline viewer (top to bottom).
5. If you do not have a Time dimension or an Accounts dimension, Essbase
seems to calculate the Dense Dimension (top to bottom) first.
6. Then, Essbase will finish up with the Sparse dimensions (top to bottom).
Now, within each dimension, the order of calculation is supposed to work like this:
1. First, consolidations are performed as per the Member Properties settings
(formulas and rollups) for the level zero members of all of the branches in
the dimension currently being calculated.
2. The calculations continue rolling up the data to Level 1, then to Level 2,
and so on, until the entire dimension has been calculated.
Notice the different levels in the TOTAL MARKET dimension in the preceding
screenshot. On expanding the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA market, you see
the lowest or zero level members appear to be states. Then, next up are regions,
and finally the United States market itself. When we talk of rolling up data, this is
what we mean. The database outline is set up so the states add up into the regions
and the regions add upto the market.
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What's that you say? This ordering of calculation will never work for us because
we need to have the Model Year dimension and the Market dimension rolled up
first before we calculate the Accounts dimension. Plus we do not want to mess
with the ordering of the dimensions in the outline! What do we do?
Well, that is why you write yourself a custom Essbase database calculation
script and control the order of calculation exactly the way you want it.
Two-Pass Calc
Because of how Essbase stores the data and the order it is calculated, there is an
occasional need for this cool function.
You see, sometimes, a data component in the calculation of one data value has not
been calculated at the time the system needs it. This is because some component
pieces of data are dependent on other data values being calculated prior to their
use in another calculation. Essbase has recognized that the data may need to be
calculated once to produce the correct values at one level, and then the component
data is calculated again to produce the correct values at another level.
The option to set the Two-Pass attribute is only available on Outline members
in the Accounts dimension that are tagged as Dynamic Calc or Dynamic Calc
and Store.
As usual, Essbase has a good reason why this is available on Dynamic Calc and
Dynamic Calc and Store members. It is because when you write your own custom
database calculation script, you are in complete control of the order of calculation.
Dynamic calculation members also follow a slightly different methodology when
calculating than calculation scripts and database calculations. Dynamic calculation
members, in general, do not follow the dimension order of the outline as non-dynamic
database members do.
A good tip to remember when writing calcs is to pay close attention to,
and code for, the correct order the data needs to be calculated in.
For example, if you want to see how many total vehicles were sold in
a given market and across time (months, quarters, years), you want to
make sure you have rolled up sales across the Vehicles dimension as well
as the Market dimension, before you rollup the Calendar Periods
dimension. See how easy that is?
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In the following screenshot you can see how the vehicle totals are correct because
the vehicle dimension has already been calculated:
Jan 2009 Feb 2009 Mar 2009 Qtr 1 2009
2 Door Sedan
4 Door Sedan
4X2 Pickup
4X4 Pickup
Total Vehicles
Now that we have the sales rolled up in the vehicle dimension, we can now calculate
the Calendar Periods dimension which will roll up the values of the months to the
quarters, and then to the years. Can you imagine how the numbers would look if we
rolled up the Calendar Periods dimension first?
Jan 2009 Feb 2009 Mar 2009 Qtr 1 2009
2 Door Sedan
4 Door Sedan
4X2 Pickup
4X4 Pickup
Total Vehicles
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Looking at these examples can also give you a good idea of why it is so important
to correctly set up your dimensions with regards to the Dense and Sparse settings.
You can take solace in the fact that this only applies to BSO databases and there are
no Dense or Sparse considerations for ASO databases. ASO databases only contain
Sparse dimensions.
Using Substitution Variables
One of the coolest things in Essbase is the substitution variable. Substitution variables
are like global variables that can be defined once and then used anywhere in Essbase
you want to. The main use for substitution variables is to create a dynamic, easy to use
variable which will change with time. Each variable name will have a value associated
with it which can be changed (recreated), displayed or deleted.
For example, let's say you have a batch job that runs every day. In this daily job you
are loading data, calculating it, and creating a unit report for the current month.
Now, can you guess what should be the value of the substitution variable? You got
it, it is the Month value from the database time dimension. You set the value of the
time variable once and you can use it in the SQL statement in your data load rule
file. You can also use its value in the FIX statement in a calc script, and in an Essbase
database report script. When you code any one of these scripts, you use the name of
the substitution variable in the statement in place of the actual value.
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In Essbase, you can use substitution variables in the following places:
• Dimension Build or Data load Rules File (used in the SQL interface)
• Calculation Scripts
• Report Scripts
• Outline Formulas
• MDX Queries
• Partition Definitions
Substitution variables can be defined on a server level, application level, or database
level. These variables can be created using EAS, MaxL scripts, or using API calls and
Essbase EssCmd scripts.
Some rules while creating the variables are:
• The value of a substitution variable should not exceed 256 bytes or characters.
• The substitution variable value should not begin with the ampersand [&]
character, although all other characters are allowed.
• The user should have READ access to the application or database which
has the variable and should have ADMINISTRATOR access to read a
variable at the server level.
Substitution Variables using EAS
We have talked a lot about the substitution variable, let us now see how to create
a substitution variable using the EAS.
1. In EAS, scroll down to your Essbase server and select it.
2. Click on Actions | Variables | Variable for <YOUR SERVER NAME>.
3. You should see the New Variable screen as shown:
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4. For a Server level variable you need to select All Apps from the Application
drop box and all dbs from the database drop box.
5. For an Application Level variable you need to select your application
from the Application drop box.
6. For a Database Level variable, you first need to select your application
from the Application drop box and then select your database from the
Database drop box.
7. To give a Name to the variable, enter sCurMonth and set the Value
to 200801. Click OK.
8. The substitution variable is now created on the server. In order to view the
substitution variable, select your Server, Click on Actions | Edit | Variables.
You will see the Substitution Variables screen as shown:
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9. To edit a variable which is already created, on the Substitution Variables
screen, select the value on the variable you want to change, update the Value
and then click on the Set button.
10. To copy a variable, click on the Copy button and the Copy Substitution
Variables screen will be displayed (shown below). Select your Application
then Database from their respective drop-down boxes. Next, select the
Variable name checkbox, check on the Overwrite Exiting value and click OK.
To reference a substitution variable from your calc script, you must use the
substitution variable's name preceded by an ampersand (&).
Substitution Variables using MaxL
Now that you are familiar with how to create, drop, and copy a substitution variable
using the EAS, let us learn how we can set up a substitution variable at Application,
Database, and Server level using the MaxL statement.
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Steps to Execute MaxL from the EAS Editor:
1. Within EAS, click on File | Editor | MaxL Script Editor.
2. The MaxL editor will be opened.
3. Variables can be defined at the Server, Database, and Application level.
Create variables at the server level
Server level variables can be created by the use of ALTER statement.
• VARIABLE-NAME: Name of the variable
• STRING: Value for the variable
• Create Variable: alter system add variable 'varSystem' '200801';
• Edit Variable: alter system set variable 'varSystem' '200802';
• Delete Variable: alter system drop variable 'varSystem';
Create variables at the application level
Using the ALTER command at the application level, we can create, edit, or delete
a substitution variable.
• VARIABLE-NAME: Name of the variable
• STRING: Value for the variable
• Create Variable: alter application ESSCAR add variable 'varAppl'
• Edit Variable: alter application ESSCAR set variable 'varAppl'
• Delete Variable: alter application ESSCAR drop variable 'varAppl';
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Create variables at the database level
Using the ALTER command at the database level, we can create, edit, or delete
a variable.
• VARIABLE-NAME: Name of the variable
• STRING: Value for the variable
• Create Variable: alter database ESSCAR.ESSCAR add variable
• Edit Variable: alter application ESSCAR set variable
• Delete Variable: alter application ESSCAR drop variable
Using Maxl, if you want to create a variable which has a double
quote in it, define it as shown below:
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' add variable
'varDQ' '"TestDQ"';
Displaying the Substitution Variable and its value
To display a substitution variable, the display MaxL statement will be used.
display variable
variable name
on application APPLICATION-NAME
on database DATABASE-NAME
on system
all: Displays all existing substitution variables on the server.
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display variable all;
• variable name: Displays the variable with the Variable Name statement.
For Server level Variables, you should just give the Variable-Name statement,
for Application level variables, you should code Application-Name.
Variable-Name and for variables declared at the database level only, you
should code Application-Name.Database-Name.Variable-Name.
display variable 'VARSYSTEM';
display variable 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR'.'VARAppDB';
display variable 'ESSCAR'.'varAppl';
• on application: Displays all of the variables which are defined for
that application.
display variable on application 'ESSCAR';
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• on database: Displays all of the variables which are defined on the Database.
display variable on database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR';
Displaying the Substitution Variable in the
SQL editor
As we have discussed earlier, substitution variables can be used in most of the
Essbase editors or API programming statements.
We would quickly like to demonstrate how we can use the substitution variable
in the Essbase SQL interface. As you know, sometimes you are required to build a
cube only for a particular month and the month may vary depending on the user's
request. Instead of changing the SQL code for every request we can actually create
a varMonth variable and pass this variable in the SQL.
To call this variable in the SQL interface, you need to say &Substitution-variable
(@VarMonth) as shown:
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Check it out, you can use the substitution variable from the Calculation Script
Editor, or any other script or object that executes in Essbase.
Building your first Calculation Script
The name of this section gives you the impression that we will be discussing Essbase
database calculation scripts, exclusively. What you learn here is also about 95%
applicable to coding database outline member formulas as well. As mentioned earlier
in this chapter, aside from a few member set functions and the FIX and EXCLUDE
commands, almost everything that you can code in a database calculation script can
be coded in a database outline member formula.
To begin with, open the Calculation Script Editor in EAS by drilling down to your
Essbase database like Essbase Server | Application | Database, then right-clicking
on Calculation Scripts and then selecting the Create calculation script option. You
will now see the Calculation Script Editor as shown earlier in this chapter.
Take a close look at the editor itself. Notice the various options that help simplify the
calculation script writing process on the left side. First up is a checkbox allowing you
to view the database outline using the database outline member aliases instead of the
database outline member names. There is also a list box that allows you to select the
outline alias table, should you have more than one created for your database outline.
The next feature is a great help when writing a calculation script. What you see
under the alias table selection area is a simplified representation of the database
outline. When you click on an outline member, its name is placed in the script
wherever you placed the cursor.
Underneath the outline feature are two check boxes. If you check Insert arguments,
when you click on an argument, listed near the bottom it will place the calculation
argument into the calculation script wherever you place the cursor. If you check
the Enable Auto-completion, the editor will offer you the choice of automatically
completing the statements you are typing, much like a Microsoft Visual Basic editor.
Finally, at the bottom is a visual tree representation of all of the available database
calculation functions and commands. If you have the Insert arguments checkbox
checked, the editor will place the argument you click into your calculation script
wherever you have placed your cursor.
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Writing and saving a Calculation Script
For starters, we will begin by entering the example code we used earlier to
demonstrate the FIX and ENDFIX command. We will then save the file
(Essbase calculation script object).
As you can see above, we have entered a basic FIX statement wrapped around a
simple GROSS STOCK calculation where GROSS STOCK = PRODUCTION –
SALES. The way this calculation script is written, Essbase will calculate a value for
GROSS STOCK at descendents of the Calendar Periods level (all child members of
the Calendar Periods member). This is an actual executable database calculation
script which will really calculate a value for the GROSS STOCK member. It is also
an excellent calculation script that is perfect for illustrative purposes.
Members not selected by the FIX command are not included in the calculation.
Although very brief and simple, it is a valid and executable Essbase database
calculation script. We can now save this script to the server.
To save your database calculation script, do the following:
1. Make sure you are in EAS, then, simply click on File | Save.
2. A standard file save dialog box will open.
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3. You are given the option of selecting a file system to save your script to or
letting Essbase save the file in its own file system. EAS defaults to the Essbase
file system and for this and future examples, please allow Essbase to choose
the location of the file.
For most Essbase functionality including EssCmd, MaxL, and so on, the
Essbase command or function will look in the default location, which is
the Application or Database folder located on your analytic server for the
named calculation script. In most cases, all you need to provide is the name
of the calculation script instead of the complete location (path) of the object.
4. Give your calculation script a name, but remember, no more than
eight characters!
5. Click Save and your Essbase database calculation script is now saved
to the Essbase analytic server. Congratulations!
Now, get ready as we take this script and use it as an example of the many
different ways you can execute an Essbase database calculation script.
Executing your Calculation Scripts
After all that work, you do you would want to actually run your database calculation
script, don't you? Ha, of course you do!
Because the database calculation is such an important part of the entire Essbase
experience, Essbase provides you with many different methods for executing a
database calculation script. As you will learn, there are coding options that give you
great flexibility when you are automating the database calculation process. There is
also generous flexibility given too which allows users to execute database calculation
scripts without the time and expense of coding some elaborate process. The best
part is that you, the Essbase database administrator/programmer, can make the
determination as to the best method to employ for you particular situation.
Running Calculation Scripts manually
using EAS
EAS should be your best friend by now. This tool is your one-stop source of Essbase
administration tools. This is why it should be no surprise that after you have coded
your new Essbase database calculation script using the EAS tool, you can also
execute the script using the EAS tool. This ability facilitates effortless testing of
database calculation scripts or easy running of maintenance calculation scripts.
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There are several ways to execute a database calculation script from EAS.
For starters, if you have a script to run that you already know is ready to go
without changes, all you need to do is drill-down to the calculation script name
and right-click on it then select Execute….
A small dialog box will open which will contain the name of the script you have
selected with buttons to Cancel, get Help, or click OK to execute.
This dialog box will also offer you the choice to select Execute in the background.
If you select the Execute in the background option, Essbase will run the calculation
script in the background, thus freeing up the EAS tool and allowing you to work on
something else while the calculation script is running.
If you do not select the Execute in the background option, the EAS tool it will
continue to display the small Execute Calculation Script screen while the calculation
script is running and you will not be able to perform any tasks in this session of EAS
until the calculation script completes.
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The other method of executing a database calculation script through the EAS tool
is when you have the script itself opened in the Calculation Script Editor (shown
above). By opening the database calculation script in the editor you activate three
more ways to execute an Essbase database calculation script:
1. Click on the menu pick, Options | Execute Script.
2. Click on the button on the EAS toolbar that has the small downward
pointing arrow.
3. Press the F5 function key on your keyboard.
All three of these options perform the exact same task of executing the active
database calculation script currently opened in the Calculation Script Editor of
your EAS tool.
Something you must consider is when a calculation script is running against a
database, it is a good idea to refrain from attempting to perform database maintenance
or update tasks to the database itself. For example, if you make changes to the outline
and attempt to save the outline while a calc script is running, the outline save will fail
due to portions of the database being locked by the calculation process.
Running a Calculation Script using an
Essbase Command Script (EssCmd)
As discussed in previous chapters, Essbase offers you several coding options that
you can use to automate many Essbase tasks and functions. The Essbase Command
Script, or EssCmd, is one of these options.
The EssCmd is an ASCII text file that contains Essbase-specific commands. The
EssCmd database command script, like all Essbase objects, must be named using
no more than eight characters. The extension used is .scr.
The EAS tool does not provide an official editor for writing EssCmd scripts
so in Windows for example, you would use any text editor such as Notepad.
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We discuss in-depth task automation for your Essbase system in future chapters.
Here, we will show what a basic EssCmd script should look like to execute your
Gross Stock database calculation script.
What the EssCmd script looks like
The basic coding of an Essbase Command Script (EssCmd) is shown below.
We would enter the code for the EssCmd as shown and then save it as GrsStk.scr
on the Essbase analytic server in the Application or Database folder:
OUTPUT 1 "c:\Esscmd.log";
LOGIN "EssServerID" "EssID" "EssPass" "ESSCAR" "ESSCAR";
We will cover in-depth Essbase command scripts and how to write and use them in
a future chapter. In the meantime, for more information, refer to the online technical
reference included with your EAS software.
• The first command statement you see is the OUTPUT statement. This
statement, followed by the number 1 and a path and filename, tells Essbase
to begin logging the execution of this script and where to put the log.
• Next, the LOGIN statement, followed by a space separated list, will remotely
connect to the Essbase server. The list includes the server name or IP
Address, the Essbase ID, the password for the Essbase ID, the application
name you want to connect to, and the Essbase database name.
• Here is the command we are now using! The RUNCALC command statement
is followed by a number and the calculation script name. In this case, the
number 2 tells Essbase that the calculation script is an analytic server stored
Essbase object. The calc type is followed by the calculation script name.
• Next up is the OUTPUT statement again. This time, we have coded a 3 after
the command which tells Essbase to turn off the logging output.
• Finally, we code the LOGOUT and EXIT commands. The LOGOUT statement
disconnects the script from Essbase and the EXIT command exits the script
from the Essbase session.
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Well, now that you know how to code a basic Essbase Command Script, we will
describe the various methods for executing it. They are as follows:
1. EssCmd Drag and Drop: Your client software should have come with a file
called Esscmd.exe. If you have this file, it will be located wherever your
Essbase client software was installed. On a Windows machine, the path is
typically C:\Hyperion\AnalyticServices\bin. All you need to do is create
a desktop shortcut to this executable file, then drag any EssCmd.scr file onto
the shortcut and the script will execute. If you do not have the EssCmd.exe
file on your machine, you can always get it from the *\Essbase\Bin folder
on your Essbase analytic server.
2. DOS Command Line: All you need to do is navigate to the DOS command
prompt from your desktop. Then, type in a typical command line action at
the command prompt. This will tell Windows to run the EssCmd.exe with
the Gross Stock EssCmd script:
"esscmd.exe EssCmd.scr"
3. Shell Command in Code: You can easily use the Shell function in code
to run your EssCmd Essbase Command Scripts. The Shell function can be
used in languages like Microsoft Visual Basic or Microsoft Visual Basic for
Applications to name a few:
Shell "esscmd.exe EssCmd.scr", vbNormalFocus
If you register the EssCmd.exe on your PC, like you would register
any DLL using the regsvr32 function, you will be able to call the
EssCmd.exe in a command line or shell command without having
to include the entire path in the command.
This is particularly useful to know because the EssCmd.exe itself
only accepts paths with a length of upto 128 characters.
Running a Calculation Script using a
MaxL Script
Here we have another command scripting facility for you to use to automate
functionality in Essbase. The MaxL command script operates in much the same
way as the EssCmd script, although MaxL is supposed to be a much easier and
more efficient scripting language.
While the EssCmd scripting language has been around since the earliest versions
of Essbase, the MaxL scripting language was introduced in Essbase version 7.x.
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Running a calculation script using MaxL can be accomplished in three different
ways. The first method is through the EAS tool, from the MaxL Script Editor.
The second method is from the DOS command prompt, or command line execution.
The third method is to use the Shell command from a coding language like Microsoft
Visual Basic or Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications.
While we will explain how to use MaxL in-depth in a later chapter, we will give
you a basic explanation here. The code for a basic MaxL command script to run
a calculation looks like the following:
login 'UserID' 'Password' on 'ServerName';
execute calculation 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR'.'GRSSTK';
This code, when run from MaxL, will login to the Essbase server and then execute
the against the ESSCAR application/ESSCAR database.
To create a MaxL script file object, simply open the MaxL Script Editor in the
EAS tool by clicking the EDITORS menu pick, then clicking on MaxL Script Editor.
The MaxL Script Editor is shown as follows:
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After you enter the appropriate commands to execute your database calculation
script, you can save the MaxL script by clicking File | Save and giving a name to
your file object. Just like with the Calculation Script Editor, the default location the
EAS saves your MaxL file to is the Analytic Server | Application | Database folder.
Consequently, this is where the MaxL function will look for the file when you call it.
The MaxL command script file object is saved with an .mxl extension.
Now that you know how to code a basic MaxL Command Script, we will describe
the various methods for executing it:
• Through the EAS Tool: Just like executing a calculation script from the EAS
tool, you have virtually identical options for executing a MaxL script through
the EAS tool when the MaxL script editor is open.
i) Click the menu pick MAXL and then click Execute to run the MaxL
script currently open in the editor.
ii) Click on the button on the EAS toolbar that has the small downward
pointing arrow.
iii) Press the F5 function key on your keyboard.
• DOS Command Line: All you need to do is navigate to the DOS command
prompt from your desktop. The next step is to type in a typical command
line action at the command prompt. This will tell windows to run the
essmsh.exe with the Gross Stock MaxL script:
"essmsh.exe MaxL.mxl"
• Shell Command in Code: You can easily use the Shell function in code to
run your EssCmd. The Shell function can be used in languages like Microsoft
Visual Basic or Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications to name a few.
Shell "essmsh.exe MaxL.mxl", vbNormalFocus
If you register the essmsh.exe on your PC, like you would register
any DLL using the regsvr32 function, you will be able to call the
essmsh.exe in a command line or shell command without having
to include the entire path in the command.
This is particularly useful to know because the essmsh.exe itself only
accepts paths with a length of upto 128 characters.
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[ 208 ]
Running a Calculation Script using the
Essbase API
The Essbase API is a comprehensive set of tools that allow you, the Essbase
programmer/database administrator, to automate many Essbase tasks and
functions through code in several popular languages.
For the sake of consistency, our examples in this book will mainly focus on the use
of Microsoft Visual Basic, or COM+, in a Microsoft Windows environment. The
following is an example of the code required to execute the database
calculation script using a call to the Essbase API from Microsoft Visual Basic.
In your program, your typical Essbase calculation call would be in a sub-routine
like the following:
Declare Function EsbCalc Lib "ESBAPIN" (ByVal hCtx As Long, ByVal
Calculate As Integer, ByVal Script As String) As Long
Sub ESB_Calc ()
Dim sts As Long 'Essbase process return code
Dim Script As String 'Variable to hold calc script
Dim Calculate As Integer '1 = Yes, 0 = No
Dim ProcState As ESB_PROCSTATE_T ' Test if calc still running
Script = "CALC ALL;" 'Calculation script passed as a string up to
'64 KB in length
Calculate = ESB_YES 'Set API calc function to Yes meaning to
'Execute the calc script
sts = EsbCalc (hCtx, Calculate, Script) 'Actual call to the
'calculation function
sts = EsbGetProcessState (hCtx, ProcState) 'Test the process
Do Until ProcState.State = ESB_STATE_DONE
sts = EsbGetProcessState (hCtx, ProcState)
Loop 'Perform this loop until the calc script has completed
End Sub
What you see here is a basic VB sub-routine. We will explain it using the Essbase API
in greater detail later in this book, but to demonstrate the many ways to execute a
database calculation script it is necessary to go over this briefly:
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• You will notice how the first task performed is to declare the API function
in the program.
• Next, the variables are dimensioned.
• Set the Script variable to contain the actual calculation script. To simplify
matters, you can use the program to open your existing calculation script
and read it into the Script variable. A maximum length of 64KB is allowed.
• Set the Calculate variable to Yes, which for this command means to actually
calculate the data. Setting this variable to No would have Essbase validate
the calc script instead.
• Execute the EsbCalc function passing it the hCtx variable (context variable
explained later), the Calculate variable, and the Script variable. At the same
time placing the Essbase process return code into the sts variable.
• Finally, perform a loop that checks the state of the process until the
calculation script process has completed. This loop will hold up further
program executions until the calculation script has completed. The benefit of
this is that another routine in your program will not inadvertently grab data
that has not been calculated yet.
Running a Calculation Script from
Microsoft Excel
Yes, after all that, there are still a couple of ways to execute a calculation script
against your Essbase database!
Of course you would have had to assume that since Microsoft Excel is the natural
front end for an Essbase database, that there would be a way to fire off a calculation
script from it. Well, honestly, there are a couple ways you can do it.
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Running a Calculation Script through the
Essbase Add-In
When you install the Essbase Add-In for Microsoft Excel on your PC you get a new
menu pick on the standard menu bar called Essbase (you knew this already).
Provided your ID has Calculate access to the database you login to all you need to
do from Microsoft Excel is click on Essbase | Calculation....
Once you click on the Calculation… option from the Essbase menu, you will see
the following screen:
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On this screen, you are presented with a list of database calculation scripts that
your ID has access to run. You are also presented with buttons for the options to
Calculate, Cancel, and the option to access Help. It should be pretty obvious to you,
what each of these buttons will do when clicked!
Finally, there is a Stop button on this screen. While we never recommend stopping
a database calculation script, doing so by letting Essbase determine when it is safe,
is at least the best way. Keep in mind that Essbase will interrupt the calculation
script when it deems it is safe and this could leave your data partially calculated.
Also, Essbase has what is known as the point of no return where it will decide to
let the process complete rather than interrupt it.
Running a Calculation Script using Microsoft
Excel VBA
This example is only for Microsoft Excel Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).
Yes, it's true, you can code functionality in VBA almost exactly how it would be
done in Microsoft Visual Basic (VB), and if that is what you want to do, then see
the VB example.
The reason we get excited about this is because Essbase provides a full library
of functions for Microsoft Excel's VBA, including specific macro functions that
automate all of the menu choices contained in the Essbase Add-In for Microsoft Excel.
This is a nice feature is because the macros can quickly and easily be coded to allow for
RAD (Rapid Application Development) on your Essbase/Microsoft Excel project.
To begin with, much like declaring an API function in VB, you will need to declare
the macro function using the example below. This declaration statement can be
anywhere in your project:
Declare Function EssVCalculate Lib "essexcln.xll" (ByVal SheetName
As Variant, ByVal calcScript As Variant, ByVal synchronous As
Variant) As Long
The actual command you code in your sub-routine looks like the following statement:
Application.Run macro:=EssVCalculate(SheetName, calcScript,
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This command can be run at any time from your VBA program. The following
parameters are used by passing them to the function:
• SheetName: This is supposed to be the Microsoft Excel workbook worksheet
that was active at the time the EssVCalculate command was executed.
Essbase does not require the sheet name for this function, so you can simply
enter the vbEmpty verb.
• calcScript: This variable is the name of the database calculation script
you wish to run. If there is a drawback to using this function, it is that the
calculation script must reside in the default Application|Database folder
location on the analytic server. To run the default database calculation script,
assign the value of [Default] to the calcScript variable.
• synchronous: This tells Microsoft Excel whether to wait for the calculation
script to finish or not, before executing the next line of code in your
program. It is always a good idea to wait for the calc to complete, if you
may need the calculated data elsewhere in the program. Running a calc
with synchronous = True means the program will wait for the calc script
to complete before it resumes execution.
Whew! Knowing that the Essbase database calculation script (calc) is such an integral
part of the Essbase machine, are you surprised there are so many ways to execute it?
We didn't think so!
Yes, there was a lot to digest in this chapter! Essbase database calculations are very
complex and powerful tools. It takes time and experience to really get good at
writing a database calculation script and you may never meet someone who has the
nerve to introduce himself as an Essbase database calculation expert.
Like anything else, you now have a good foundation to build on. You know the
differences between member formulas and calc script functionality. You've learned
about the various ways you can accomplish a database calculation. You’ve also been
provided with some insights into the calc topic that can only be gotten from someone
who has laughed and cried over Essbase database calculations.
So go ahead and start building. Try to remember, at first, baby steps are good!
Up next, we cover actually using your Essbase database or cube for the purpose
which it was intended for; data analysis and reporting. What are you waiting for?!
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Using your Essbase Cube
Wow, after that last chapter on database calculation scripts, who could blame you if you wanted to take a break and try to fully digest just what it is that you learned back there!
Do you ever get the feeling that the information in this book is coming at you like a snowball rolling down a hill, with every chapter building onto the previous chapter, and your Essbase knowledge growing ever larger? Well, you're right! That is exactly what it is like.
After your little rest and once you realize that you are now proficient in writing and executing Essbase database calculation scripts, it's time to learn how to actually use your Essbase cube to present your data for analysis, report your data, and extract your data for export to downstream users and systems.
Using your Essbase database
So, here you have this nice Essbase database that you know how to load with data. You also know several different ways to calculate the data in the database once it
has been loaded.
Okay, what do you do with your Essbase database now? You can't cook dinner on it, can you? Maybe you can cook dinner on your Essbase database after all. It does have plenty of delicious ingredients. We're pretty sure though, that that's not what you really want to do with it.
There are lots of ways to use your Essbase database and the data contained in it. When we talk about using your Essbase database, we are talking about the real life uses for which it was intended. The Essbase database or cube, itself is just the vehicle used to collect, organize, and deliver the actual data. The data is the cargo in the cube that you've taken all this time upto now to handle properly.
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Using your Essbase Cube
[ 214 ]
How do you use your data in the real world
In the real world, you will have many different people using your Essbase database
and its accompanying data for many different reasons or purposes. Whether the
users of the database and its data are big shot executives, data analysts, or simply
an IT support person charged with ensuring a consistent and reliable feed of data
to a downstream system, they all require a smooth running system that delivers
the data as needed.
Ad hoc data
As the name implies, ad hoc data is your on the fly retrieval and interpretation of
the data in your Essbase database. This type of data usage is one of Essbase's biggest
strengths. As we will explain in greater detail in Chapter 7, the Essbase Add-in for
Microsoft Excel can and will be one of your most useful and used Essbase tools.
By simply starting the Microsoft Excel program on your PC, with the Essbase
add-in installed, you have the ability to quickly and easily create useful and
informative spreadsheets. With a little more experience, there is no reason why you
wouldn't be able to also create very professional looking reports quickly and easily.
No matter the Essbase add-in skill level, you can be assured that at any given time
someone, somewhere, may need to quickly pull some data from your Essbase cube.
This simply cannot be done with traditional databases.
Canned reporting
Canned reports are used with a little more forethought than ad hoc reports are
however, they can be pulled anytime the user decides they need to be refreshed.
When we talk of canned reports, we mean pre-created reports or system generated
report templates, usually in Microsoft Excel worksheet format, that the user can
refresh with new data whenever they see fit.
One thing you'll never get tired of seeing in this book is the fact that a system created
with Oracle Essbase and Microsoft Excel is an amazingly easy to use and equally
easy to develop system. You can use the superb programming abilities already
included in Microsoft Excel VBA to develop easy to use, yet powerful, reporting
functionality. One method of this is the canned reports method. Another method is
the Essbase report script.
The Essbase report script is a script that is generated as a by-product of the Essbase
Query Designer which you access through the Essbase add-in. This script can be
pasted into a Microsoft Excel worksheet and retrieved to populate the data into a
respectable looking report.
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Another method is the reporting of your data using the MDX query language that
has been included with Oracle Essbase since version 7.x. MDX queries can be written
in a similar way to an SQL query and executed in batch or through the EAS MDX
query editor screens.
Export data
What always happens when you have a good system with good data, which is
in demand by other departments in your company? Why, it seems as though
everybody has to get some of it loaded into their own system, that's what happens.
If there is anything that could be remotely described as a drawback to an Essbase
system, it would be the data exporting functionality. Where traditional RDBMS
systems allow the selection of data for export to meet almost limitless criteria,
the Essbase method is a bit less robust.
First of all, instead of an interfacing system establishing a connection with your
database and fetching data into something like a recordset or a cursor, with Essbase,
you are limited to using an Essbase report script and extracting the required data
into a flat file. The flat file can then be sent to the downstream system so they can
load it into their tables as needed. Unfortunately, the selection arguments available
when building an Essbase report script are somewhat limited. We'll get more into
report scripts in a moment!
Forecast analysts
The forecast analyst is one person who takes full advantage of Essbase's unique data
calculating abilities. For starters, a forecast analyst wants to see what the data looks
like out into the future. When we say "future" we mean future periods based on what
is most commonly tagged as the Time dimension in the database outline.
The forecast analyst has data which, on a period to period basis, is dependent on
the previous period's numbers. Consider that a Gross Stock number for the current
month is the result of the prior month's Gross Stock number, plus the current month's
production (units produced), less the current month's sales (units sold). If we would
like to know the resulting Gross Stock numbers for the next six months, all we need
to do is update the forecasted sales numbers and the forecasted production numbers
in the database, run a small database calculation script, and we now have forecasted
Gross Stock numbers.
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[ 216 ]
This type of data analysis can be performed over and over with the results
repeatedly retrieved into the same Microsoft Excel worksheet until the forecast
analyst is satisfied with the resulting data.
In the preceding screenshot, notice how changing just one Sales value has affected
all of the future Gross Stock values. All you had to do was send back the new value,
calculate your data, and then retrieve into your worksheet. You literally get your
results immediately. Just try that with a typical relational database.
Better still, you could add a member formula to the Gross Stock
member and tag it as a Dynamic Calc member. Then all you would
need to do is send the data back and retrieve the new values.
Planning analysts
Planning analysts perform many of the same data analysis tasks as forecasting
analysts, but there are some noticeable differences.
Because of Essbase's dynamic data calculating abilities, Essbase is the perfect tool
for planning analysts who not only need to look at forecasted data like a forecast
analyst, but also need to look at several versions of forecasted data and the variances
between them. With a Scenario dimension in your Essbase database outline, you can
enter different forecast data for the same time periods at the same time. You can then
calculate the data and almost immediately look at several different strategies for your
business' planning activity.
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How is that for results? As you can see in the previous figure, a planning analyst
can easily see three or more different scenarios that represent the same market
conditions, yet allow differing factors to display long term effects.
Budget analysts
Yes, most of these different analysts seem like they perform somewhat similar
tasks. That is true for the most part and budget analysts are not very different
from the others, at least in terms of procedure.
An Essbase database is ideal for a budget analyst, as it is for most any type of
data analyst. Essbase's ability to dynamically calculate large amounts of data
is a key factor in the successful budget analyst's job to provide the company's
decision makers with powerful, accurate data. It is this data that helps them
make intelligent business decisions.
The primary job of the budget analyst is to combine the data created by the
planning and forecast analysts with actual historical data to establish baseline
data. This baseline data will be used to gauge the company's performance going
forward against the actual data as it occurs and the forecasted data as planned.
Good, accurate data can have an effect on the very course a company travels. By
using the wide assortment of analytical calculation commands in conjunction with
the unparalleled flexibility of the Essbase database outline, a good budget analyst
can create reports that show:
• How the company actually performed compared to the long range
budget forecast
• How the company continues to perform compared to the monthly
revised forecast and the long term budget forecast
• How the company needs to perform to meet its goals and objectives
Hey, they don't call it business intelligence for nothing!
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Using your Essbase Cube
[ 218 ]
Financial analysts
Okay, these are the guys you need to watch out for. What the financial analyst does
is take in everything all of the other analysts do and crunch it into money numbers.
It seems as though a financial analyst in a company typically carries a lot of weight.
Well, lucky for you and for your programming in Essbase.
Once again, Essbase comes through for you and your customer. Essbase provides
a full complement of financial calculation functions which will satisfy the most
discriminating number cruncher. From such computations as compound interest,
discounts, and growth, you can be sure that the financial picture of your company
is in good hands.
The real target users of your Essbase data
As an IT person you may ask, "Why do I need to know who the Essbase data
user is?" Well, because of the usefulness and versatility of your Essbase data to
the decision makers in the company, the real end-user of your Essbase data is
usually an executive or some other big shot. In fact, you may not even know it,
but the data in a typical Essbase database system usually shows up in reports
that are used at the highest levels of the company.
Your job is to make these people happy. Thankfully, Essbase makes your job
easy in so many ways.
Ways to extract your Essbase data
There are many different ways to extract data from an Essbase database. We have
described several of them at different times in this book, depending on the topic
being covered. For the sake of organization, we will list the various methods of
extracting data from your Essbase database here:
• Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel: It seems like we can't say enough about
this particular tool. Designed to work seamlessly with the world's most
popular spreadsheet program, the Essbase add-in is the tool of choice of data
analysts everywhere. Yes, you can pull data out of your Essbase database with
the add-in and load up an Excel worksheet. Even though Microsoft Excel has
a limit of 65,536 rows through the 2003 version and many more rows available
in Microsoft Excel 2007, it seems that Essbase can have a hard time handling
spreadsheets that contain more than 1,000 rows. Performance rapidly degrades
and you can even experience timeouts. We highly recommend that you pay
attention to this and at the first signs of trouble with large spreadsheets, you
split them into smaller subset spreadsheets.
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[ 219 ]
• Oracle Smart View: This tool is separate from the Essbase add-in and in fact,
must be purchased as a separate component to be used with the Essbase suite
of applications. As will be discussed at great length in the Appendix, Smart
View is a dynamic data retrieval tool that allows the user to pull data directly
from an Essbase database into any of the Microsoft Office components. This
allows for the creation of Microsoft PowerPoint presentations that never need
data updating as fresh data can be retrieved in real time into the slides. The
same holds true for Microsoft Outlook emails and Microsoft Word documents.
Oh yes, and it also works with Microsoft Excel.
• Essbase Query Designer: This tool is a part of the Essbase add-in and
is a menu pick from the Essbase menu in Microsoft Excel. The Essbase
Query Designer tool allows you to create simple to complex Essbase
queries. This is accomplished through the use of an easy to use visual
query wizard. The saved query can be opened and retrieved in Microsoft
Excel to return your data.
• Essbase Report Script: The Essbase report script will be discussed in great
detail in the next section. An Essbase report script can be created from
scratch as an ASCII text file or conveniently, a report script can be created
by Essbase, as a by-product of the Query Designer function. Essbase
report scripts can be executed within a Microsoft Excel worksheet, Essbase
command script or MaxL script, or from an Essbase API call.
• Essbase MDX Query Language: Essbase MDX can be easily described as
a structured query language for multidimensional databases. MDX queries
for the most part use simple and easy to understand statements to extract
data from your Essbase database. MDX queries can be executed in much
the same manner as Essbase report scripts or MaxL scripts.
All of the above mentioned methods are used to report or extract the data that is in
your Essbase database or cube. Some of the above mentioned tools go beyond the
scope of the Microsoft Excel add-in and can be used by the other Microsoft Office
products as well like Oracle Smart View. The Essbase add-in is the most complete
tool in terms of functionality and ease of use. Included with the Essbase Add-in for
Microsoft Excel is the Essbase Query Designer (EQD), which allows you to visually
design custom reports from Essbase. The downside to the EQD is that
the reports are only usable in Microsoft Excel.
The Essbase report script can be used to run reports from a batch program and
automatically send a morning report to key persons. While the formatting can be
orderly, the report is still an ASCII based report without the pretty colors or graphs.
And then there's MDX, which is a nice option, but the scripts do tend to require
a bit of maintenance. However, the resultant output is in a very usable format.
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[ 220 ]
The Essbase Report Script
Just like other Essbase file objects, Essbase database report scripts are actually ASCII
text file objects with an extension of .rep. As with other similar Essbase file objects,
they must also follow the same naming convention of upto 8 characters, and the
directory path must not contain any spaces.
An Essbase report script may be stored anywhere in the file system, but is considered
to be in its default location when saved into the database folder on the analytic
server, much the same as a database calculation script. The benefit of storing the
report script file objects in their default location comes when you are coding an API
or EssCmd function, you only need to mention the name of the report script and not
the fully qualified path to that particular object.
Okay, so what exactly is an Essbase report script? Well, an Essbase report script
is an ASCII text file that contains commands or instructions for data retrieval,
formatting, and output that Essbase uses to extract data from an Essbase cube into
either a formatted report or an ASCII text flat file that can be sent to downstream
systems as a data feed.
While report scripts are certainly capable of creating reports, hence the name,
an Essbase report script is more than likely used to extract data into flat files.
Most Essbase users seem to prefer reports created in Microsoft Excel as opposed
to free standing plain paper reports.
Although most report scripts are created to extract data from
a database for export to other systems, a properly written
Essbase report script can be pasted into a blank Microsoft
Excel worksheet and then retrieved. Essbase will interpret the
commands and dump the data into the worksheet.
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How to create an Essbase Report Script
There are three ways to create an Essbase report script. Because a report script is
really an ASCII text file with a .rep extension, the first way to create one would
be to open a new text file in any text editor and begin typing the report script
commands. We really do not recommend this method as you would have to be
highly skilled in the Essbase report script area. A text editor like Notepad that is
included with Windows, is best suited for editing an already existing report script.
To access a complete listing of all available Report Writer commands, get to your
EAS screen and click Help | Information Map | Technical Reference | Report
Writer Commands. Here you will find an overview as well as each report writer
command function explained with coding examples. This information is included
with your EAS installation.
The second way to create an Essbase report script is to use the Essbase report script
editor supplied with the EAS. The report script editor can be accessed in much the
same way as accessing the calculation script editor.
You should know this drill by now. In EAS, drill-down to the database for which
you wish to create an Essbase report script.
Double-click on the database name to expand the selections and right-click on the
report scripts heading. The set of options displayed will offer you the choice of
editing an existing report script or creating a new one. Selecting either choice will
open the Essbase report script editor.
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[ 222 ]
The use of the built-in Report Script Editor is exactly like the Calculation Script
Editor described in detail in Chapter 5. As shown in the following screenshot,
the Report Script Editor window is divided into three basic sections:
Just like the Calculation Script Editor, the upper left section of the Report Script
Editor contains a smaller version of the outline editor. This section allows you to
drill-down to desired members. When you click on a desired member in the outline
representation, the member name will automatically be pasted into the script editor
where you have the cursor placed. This reduces typing effort and also the potential for
typographical errors in your script caused by misspelled command or function names.
The lower left section of the editor contains a listing of all of the report script
commands and functions. Just like the Calculation script editor, when you click
a desired command or function, it is pasted into your script at the position of
the cursor.
Finally, the third and best method of creating an Essbase report script is to
use the Essbase Query Designer function contained in the Essbase Add-in
for Microsoft Excel.
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We actually recommend this as the primary method of report script creation while
keeping the other two methods for editing existing scripts.
We will discuss the Essbase Query Designer in-depth in the next chapter. So, for
now, we will go over just briefly why we like this method.
For starters, the Essbase Query Designer allows you to visually select database outline
members you wish to include in your report or extract. It also allows you to decide the
placement of the column members and the row members. While the resultant query is
designed to be used with a Microsoft Excel worksheet, when you save the query, you
also have the option of having Query Designer create an Essbase report script from the
parameters and selection criteria you specified in your query.
With very little modification, an automatically generated Essbase report script can
be executed from EssCmd scripts, API calls, or MaxL command scripts.
Another benefit of using the Query Designer to generate a report script is that it will
properly code complex functionality for you. Therefore, there are no elusive syntax
errors for you to debug.
Report script commands and functions
Well, just like the calculation scripts, there are several different categories of Essbase
report script commands and instructions. Unlike the calculation commands and
functions, the report script commands and instructions basically deal with data
selection and formatting.
As we said earlier, the arsenal of data selection commands and instructions is perhaps
not the most robust when compared to the specific commands available to a user of
SQL for instance. This can occasionally result in more data than is required being
returned. This is hardly an issue that is worth fretting over.
We will list for you here the complete report script command and instruction
categories. For each category, we will give examples of a couple of the most commonly
used commands or instructions. For a complete list of all Essbase report script
commands and instructions, please refer to the EAS Online Help that is supplied with
each installation of EAS.
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[ 224 ]
Report layout commands
The report layout commands tell Essbase how you are setting up your report page
with regards to what members will be row members and what members will be
column members. Some members will also be page members, where their attribute
applies to all of the data selected and does not need to be represented in either a row
or column.
The syntax of these members is discussed below:
<COLUMN(comma separated dimension list)
<COLUMN("Calendar Periods", "Scenario")
This example will place members from the Calendar Periods and
Scenario dimensions into the report output as column members.
<ROW(comma separated dimension list)
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<ROW("Total Vehicles", "Model Year")
This example will place members from the Total Vehicles and Model Year
dimensions into the report output as row members.
<PAGE(comma separated dimension list)
<PAGE (Market)
This example will place members from the Market dimension into the report
output as page members.
Data range commands
The data range commands are a good example of the limitations in data selection we
mentioned earlier. As of this writing, there are only three commands available to you.
After you look at the coding examples, you will see why we spoke of limitations.
<BOTTOM ([<rowgroupDimension>,]<rows>, <column>)
<BOTTOM (100, @DATACOL(2))
With the BOTTOM command, the returned data is sorted in descending order by
the data values and the bottom number of rows, as specified by parameter two
for the column specified in parameter three is returned.
In the example, the bottom 100 rows of data would be sorted according to
the values in data column number two.
The TOP command is identical, but returns the top number of rows specified.
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[ 226 ]
Data ordering command
Yes, it says data ordering command because there is only one command. Although
this command has a name similar to a command used in relational databases, the
difference, and to some a limitation, is that the data returned by the Essbase report
script is ordered by data value columns only. Columns that contain metadata or
member names, cannot be sorted using this command, since only columns containing
numeric data values are considered for ordering.
<ORDERBY ( [<rowgroupDimension>,] <column> [<direction>]{,<column>
This example will sort the rows of data returned with the member name of Sales
on data column one in descending order (data value order):
Member selection and sorting commands
To compensate for the limitations we mentioned previously, Essbase provides us with
several dozen member selection and sorting commands. You have already seen many
of these commands in the previous chapter on calculation scripts and they perform
the same functions. The only difference is that the syntax for the report script
commands is different than it is for the calculation and member formula commands.
Here are a few examples so you can get the idea.
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[ 227 ]
<CHILDREN "Calendar Periods"
This example will return data rows for all children of the Calendar Periods
member, but no data for the Calendar Periods member itself. Notice we said
member when Calendar Periods is actually a dimension too. We did this to show
you that in this command, you can enter any member name that has its own children
and want only to return its children.
Keep in mind that Essbase will do exactly as you instruct it to do. When you say to
return the children of the Calendar Periods dimension, you will get the Quarter
values. Other dimensions not mentioned will be at the highest level unless specified.
<ICHILDREN "Calendar Periods"
This example will return data rows for all of the children of the Calendar Periods
member and for the Calendar Periods member itself. Notice that here too we said
member when Calendar Periods is actually a dimension as well. We did this to
show you that in this command, you can enter any member name that has its own
children and want to return those children and their parent.
Format commands
The format commands tell Essbase how your report output will look. Unless
otherwise specified in the command itself, these commands can be used multiple
times in a script, and will only affect the rows of data returned by other commands
that are written after the format commands in the script.
There are many more of these formatting commands available to you. Some have
almost overlapping abilities, so they can be somewhat confusing. If you are using
your report script to extract data for a flat file, you will not need too many of these
formatting commands. If you are trying to create really fancy looking reports, you
will need plenty of practice and patience.
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[ 228 ]
This example will return numeric data rows with no commas delineating
the numbers for values over 999.
This example will return numeric data rows with commas delineating
the numbers for values over 999.
{ WIDTH number [ column1 [ column2 [ columnN ] ] ] }
{ WIDTH 20 }
This example will truncate all column widths to 20 spaces wide, regardless
of their actual width.
Column or row calculation
While these are some pretty cool commands, we recommend that you be very careful
with their use. As you must know by now, we have repeatedly stated the benefits of
Essbase's dynamic data calculating abilities and there is no arguing that.
When you use these row and column calculation commands, you are artificially
creating data that does not actually exist in the Essbase database.
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We say to be cautious because if there is ever a question about the report script
generated data, it will not always be the easiest to track down or debug. Again,
nice functionality, but use it very carefully.
All calculation commands must be enclosed in
curly braces as shown.
{CALCULATE COLUMN "newColumn" = expression }
{CALCULATE COLUMN "Actual YTD" = 1 + 2}
This example will create a new column called Actual YTD which will be the sum
across of columns 1 and 2. Again, if the Actual YTD value does not exist in Essbase,
it may be difficult to debug the data displayed on the report, unless you are
intimately familiar with the report script itself.
This command must be used in the script prior to coding the CALCULATE COLUMN
command to turn on the column's calculating ability.
This command must be used in the script after coding the CALCULATE COLUMN
command to turn off the column's calculating ability.
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[ 230 ]
Member names and aliases
This set of commands allows you to pick and choose what member alias tables to use
for the display of member names. Again, if you are extracting the data from Essbase
with your report script simply for flat file export purposes, you do not need to worry
much about member names.
This command tells Essbase to output the data from this point forward in the script
using the member names from the Display alias table. All rows of data returned will
have member alias names that are stored in the Display alias table.
Building your first Essbase report script
Hopefully your brain hasn't fallen out yet. There's still so much to do. We are now
going to build a simple Essbase report script from scratch. As described previously,
navigate your way to the Essbase Report Script Editor in your EAS console.
Go ahead and open a new and empty Report Script. Click on File | Save and let
Essbase save your report script in the default location with the name of test.rep.
The first thing we need to know is the comment identifier. In any Essbase report
script, a double forward slash // tells Essbase to ignore that line. This is how you
begin a comment line. The double forward slash must begin in column 1 of the
file with multiple rows all beginning with the //.
For example, a single line comment would look like this:
// This is a comment line.
A comment block with multiple lines would look like this:
// This is a comment block.
// It has several lines in it
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[ 231 ]
Also, it must be noted that if you are using a report script to create an actual report
which will be printed and viewed by others, then your report script can be long and
complicated and perform several tasks at once. If you recall, we mentioned earlier
that some types of commands can be used more than once is a script. Well, the
exclamation point is the delimiter that tells Essbase that a series of commands is over,
and the next set of commands begins a new part of the report. You also end a report
script with !, also known as a bang. This lets Essbase know it has finished.
Of course, if you're using the report script to generate a flat file extract to ship
downstream somewhere, then you will only use ! once and only at the end of
the report script.
Let's begin writing our simple Essbase report script. If you have your Esscar database
outline set up the way we instructed you earlier in this book, you should be able to
code the test.rep report script exactly as shown. Please enter into the report script
editor the following code and comments:
//Define page members
<PAGE ("Total Market","METRIC")
//Define column members
<COLUMN ("Calendar Periods")
//Define row members
<ROW ("Total Vehicles")
//Select specific members to include in report Sales
<CHILDREN "Total Market"
<CHILDREN "Calendar Periods"
<CHILDREN "Total Vehicles"
// Always end your script with a !
Now, if you execute this simple script, you will get a report file that when opened
looks like this:
United States Sales Model Year
2009 2010
======== ========
2 Door Sedan 20,400 40,800
4 Door Sedan 20,400 40,800
4X2 Pickup 20,400 40,800
4X4 Pickup 20,400 40,800
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[ 232 ]
Canada Sales Model Year
2009 2010
======== ========
2 Door Sedan 20,400 40,800
4 Door Sedan 20,400 40,800
4X2 Pickup 20,400 40,800
4X4 Pickup 20,400 40,800
Mexico Sales Model Year
2009 2010
======== ========
2 Door Sedan 20,400 40,800
4 Door Sedan 20,400 40,800
4X2 Pickup 20,400 40,800
4X4 Pickup 20,400 40,800
Not too shabby for an amateur, eh? Notice that the output actually looks fairly
presentable and professional and we haven't even taken advantage of any of the real
report script functionality. Now look at what happens to the output when we add a
few commands to the same report script that turns it from a report file into a flat file.
First, you will notice this line added to the top of the report script file:
//ESS_LOCALE English_UnitedStates.Latin1@Binary
It is just a comment line added by Essbase to identify what language setting is being
used by the system so you do not attempt to run with the wrong setting. You can
delete the line, but Essbase will put it back again the next time you open and save
the report script through the Essbase report script editor.
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[ 233 ]
//ESS_LOCALE English_UnitedStates.Latin1@Binary
//This block of commands will turn a report script that create a
//report into a report script that creates an ASCII text flat file.
//If you look closely you should be able to recognize what some of
//the commands will do. For instance, the first one will suppress
//the page heading if any. The second command will suppress any
//column headings. The third command will suppress any page feeds that
//would have been sent to the printer had this been a multiple
//page report
//This line tells Essbase how to set up the output data. For example,
//the first command tells Essbase to Tab delimit the output data
<SETUP {TabDelimit} {decimal v} {IndentGen -5} <ACCON <SYM <END
//Define page members
<PAGE ("Total Market","METRIC")
//Define column members
<COLUMN ("Calendar Periods")
//Define row members
<ROW ("Total Vehicles")
//Select specific members to include in report
<CHILDREN "Total Market"
<CHILDREN "Calendar Periods"
<CHILDREN "Total Vehicles"
//Always end your script with a !
We have not altered the original script in any way except to add the commands we
explained at the top of the script. When we execute the same script now, we get
vastly different output results that are more suitable for a data extract than a report.
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[ 234 ]
2 Door Sedan 20400 40800
4 Door Sedan 20400 40800
4X2 Pickup 20400 40800
4X4 Pickup 20400 40800
2 Door Sedan 20400 40800
4 Door Sedan 20400 40800
4X2 Pickup 20400 40800
4X4 Pickup 20400 40800
2 Door Sedan 20400 40800
4 Door Sedan 20400 40800
4X2 Pickup 20400 40800
4X4 Pickup 20400 40800
With a little rearranging of the row and column commands, we could easily add
the Model Year, Market, and Sales member names to the rows of data, so each
row in the output file would contain all of the necessary data attributes.
Yes, there is a lot to learn when it comes to Essbase but it doesn't need to frighten
you. Like we said about the calculation scripts in the previous chapter, take baby
steps, and practice.
Executing your report scripts
Now that you have created your own report script, pat yourself on the back
and tell yourself that you are going to be a good and successful Essbase
administrator/developer. You have overcome the difficult part which is creating
the report script. Now comes the easy part, running the report script.
Just like executing an Essbase database calculation script, Essbase offers several
methods for executing a database report script.
Some of the ways that you can run Essbase database report scripts are:
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• Run reports from EAS
• Run reports using EssCmd
• Run reports using MaxL
• Run reports using API calls (as discussed in Chapter 8)
Run reports using EAS
Upto now you have learned many tasks that an Essbase developer or administrator
can do through EAS. Running report scripts is just one more better example of how
you can effectively use EAS. Like we discussed running calc scripts from EAS before,
there are also many ways to execute report scripts from EAS.
From EAS, drill-down to your Application | Database | Report Scripts and you
will see your report script test. Right-click on the test report script and then click
on the Execute button as shown:
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[ 236 ]
Once you click the Execute button a dialog box will open which asks if you want
to execute the script in the background and send the results to the Console or to
the Printer. You can also specify if you want to send the retrieved results to an
output file. Isn't this the coolest feature? You can then send this output file to your
customers to tell them that your data load and calc are completed and here is what
your data now looks like. The output file can be .rpt or .txt file. These are the
two options that are provided through EAS. If you wish to save an output file, just
provide an output file path and file name and click OK, as shown and the report
will then be executed:
There are also other ways you can execute a report script from within EAS. For
instance, you can open a report script and then click on the Execute button of the
Report menu or you can click on Options | Execute in the EAS menu or by pressing
the F5 button on your keyboard.
Running a report script using an Essbase
command script
As we have discussed in previous chapters about being able to execute calculation
scripts using Essbase command scripts, you are also able to run database report
scripts from an EssCmd as well. When you run a report from an EssCmd, you
have the option to save the output in an ASCII text file or a formatted report file.
EssCmd Syntax:
RUNREPT numeric reportscript outputfile
• numeric (possible 1, 2, or 3)—specifies the physical location of
the report script.
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i) Local/Client based report script.
ii) Remote/Server report script.
iii) Specifies that the file is not an Essbase default object and you need
to provide the fully qualified path with the name of the report script.
• reportscript—name of the report script. This parameter will depend on
the numeric value chosen for the first parameter.
• Outputfile—fully qualified name and path for the output file. If no path
is specified, Essbase will place the file in the default database folder.
OUTPUT 1 "c:\EsscmdReport.log";
LOGIN "EssServerID" "EssID" "EssPass" "ESSCAR" "ESSCAR";
RUNREPT 2 "test" "c:/book/test.dat"
Once you have executed the above EssCmd at the DOS prompt (as shown in the
following screenshot), the output data will be saved in the text file called test.dat,
which will be created in the path described. As you can see, we have created a file
with a .dat extension, instead of creating an .rpt or .txt file. We just want to make
you aware that when you are saving an output file from an EssCmd, you are not
obligated to use any particular file extension and may choose any one you wish.
Upon the execution of the command, you will see the return code in the form of
sts (Status code). If sts is 0, that means there is no error. If the return code is not
zero, it will provide you an error message as shown:
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[ 238 ]
Running calc using a MaxL script
How can we forget MaxL? There is no way we can forget MaxL. MaxL is the new
generation of command scripting language used by Essbase. If you look closely
at the MaxL statements, you will see that they are very close to your typical SQL
statements. Since you will be exporting data, you will use the EXPORT MaxL
statement to run the report script.
script name TO DATA_FILE output data file name.
export database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' using server report_file 'Test' to
data_file 'c:/book/test.rpt';
This code, when executed from MaxL, will execute the Test.rep against the
ESSCAR application/ESSCAR database.
To create a MaxL script file object, simply open the MaxL Script Editor in the EAS
tool by clicking the Editors menu pick, then click on MaxL Script Editor. The MaxL
Script Editor is shown in the following screenshot:
You can execute the script by clicking on the Execute Script button on the MaxL menu
or on the EAS | Execute on the EAS menu or press F5 to execute the script. Once the
script is executed, you will see the validation_6.rpt file in the location specified.
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[ 239 ]
Previewing data in EAS
Until now you have used EAS to create users, update the outline, load data, calculate
the data, and so forth. You will now see how EAS can also be used to preview the data
in an Essbase cube. You can preview data for both aggregate storage and block storage
databases. You can preview the data in spreadsheet format or in HTML format.
Here are the steps to preview data in EAS:
1. In EAS, select the database and click on Actions | Preview data or right-click
on the database and select Preview data.
2. On the right side of the EAS frame, you will see the Data Preview Grid
screen with two tabs, a Cubeview tab and a Properties tab as shown here:
Here, you can see there are two tabs, one is for the Cubeview and other tab is for the
Properties. The Cubeview is the view that shows the data and is always defaulted to
the Dimension level view. In order for you to look at the lower levels, you will need
to drill-down. The properties for the Cubeview can be set in the Properties tab.
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[ 240 ]
In the Cubeview, you are provided with a Tool bar which allows you to drill-down,
retrieve data, and have an HTML view of data. The following is an example of the
tool bar. For an explanation of each button available to you, simply hover over the
button with the mouse.
When the member selection button is clicked, the standard member selection
screen will be displayed as shown in the following screenshot:
In the Member Selection screen (shown above), you can see that all of the members
are in the usual tree format. You also have the ability to Find… the members and
also to see the Member Info… for a selected member. There are options for you to
Select All of the members at one time and to Add specific members to your selection
rules. Using Member Info…, you will get the dimension name of the member, the
Generation number and Level number of the selected member and you can also
see the Member Formula if any. You can also view the member names by alias by
checking the Use Aliases checkbox.
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When you click the Preferences button, you open the Preferences screen. In the
Preferences screen (shown below), you can set the preferences for the current cube
view. You can set up the number of Undo steps and also format the Member cells
and Data cells by clicking on the Format Cells tab. The Format Cells checkbox is
checked by default.
Selecting this tab in the Cubeview screen allows you to set up the data formatting
properties for the current cube view grid. These properties are only applicable to
the current session and cannot be saved. Some of the properties that can be set are
as follows:
• Drill level: When you perform a drill-down on the data, you can choose
whether you want to do a drill-down to the Next level, Bottom level, or
Sibling Level. By default, the drill level is set to Next level.
• You can choose to Suppress Zeros, Suppress Missing and Suppress
Underscores from being displayed in your report.
• Selecting Display Alias Names will display member names using the
alias table selected by you.
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[ 242 ]
• On the bottom of the Properties screen you will see two buttons, Refresh and
Save. The Refresh button retrieves the last saved properties and refreshes the
Properties screen with them, and the Save button will save the properties you
have updated for this session. The next screenshot shows the Properties screen:
Well, we have certainly covered a lot of ground, especially in the last couple of
chapters. By now you should have a good understanding of the what, when, how,
and who, when it comes to installing, designing, building, loading, and now using
an Essbase database system.
Next up, we cover the incredible Oracle Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel. If ever
there was a super tool, this is it! The Essbase add-in, seamlessly installed in your
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program, gives the user one of the most powerful
tools for data analytics available today. Nowhere else can you start with a blank
spreadsheet and end up creating, updating, calculating, analyzing, and reporting
data. All of this in just minutes, without ever leaving your seat. Wow!
Oh, and because we want you to be right there on top of the world of Essbase, we
are also including a full section in the Appendix on Oracle Smart View. Although
not a replacement for the Essbase add-in, Smart View has many similar qualities,
as well as many new and exciting features.
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Getting the most out of the Microsoft Excel Add-in
In the real world it is no secret that a very large percentage of data and financial analysts do their jobs using Microsoft Excel. It is also no secret that a very large percentage of these same analysts actually like Microsoft Excel very much and
enjoy using it.
This is probably why, after you tell them that they can continue to use Microsoft Excel to do their jobs even with the addition of Essbase, you will see a large smile spread across their faces. Just wait until you tell them they can continue to use Microsoft Excel but can now perform complex data analytics and create professional looking reports by taking advantage of the easy to install and use Essbase add-in. Our guess is that you will be peeling them off of the ceiling.
Get ready, because after all of the prior instruction, it is now time to actually learn how to use Essbase and the Essbase add-in to connect to the Essbase database, analyze data, modify or create data, create reports, run database calculation scripts, use the really cool Query Designer function included in the add-in, and a whole lot more.
Reporting with the Microsoft Excel Add-in
Assuming you have the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel installed on your PC you will see the Essbase menu pick available on the main Microsoft Excel menu toolbar.
If you read how to install the add-in but did not do it, please install it now for you will need it in this chapter.
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Getting the most out of the Microsoft Excel Add-in
[ 244 ]
If you have installed the add-in but do not see the Essbase menu pick there is no
need to re-install the add-in. Occasionally the Essbase add-in will not load when
you open a new instance of Microsoft Excel. If this happens you can simply re-load
the add-in by following the steps below.
Steps to reload the Essbase Add-in into Microsoft Excel:
1. In Microsoft Excel, with at least the default blank workbook open, navigate
to the Add-Ins screen by clicking on Tools | Add-Ins in Microsoft Excel
version 2003 and earlier or by clicking Add-Ins directly in Microsoft Excel
version 2007.
2. From the Add-Ins screen select the Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server DLL
(non-Unicode) by checking it's box and click on OK.
3. You should see the Essbase menu pick as the add-in loads and now you
are again ready to use Microsoft Excel for Essbase reporting.
If, in the Add-In selection screen, you do not see the Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server
DLL(non Unicode) add-in, then follow these steps to locate the add-in xll file:
1. Click on the Browse button on the Add-Ins screen.
2. Browse to where you have the Essbase add-in installed. Typically
this file will be in your local drive in a path similar to: C:\Hyperion\
3. Select the essexcln.xll file and click OK.
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4. In the Add-Ins screen you should see the Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server
DLL(non Unicode) selected. Now click OK on the Add-Ins screen.
5. You should see Essbase menu in Microsoft Excel as shown in the
following screenshot:
That's it! You now have the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel installed, loaded,
and ready to use.
When you click on the Essbase menu pick from Microsoft Excel's main toolbar you
will have approximately two dozen choices. There are a couple of choices that we
feel must be explained without regard to the order of their appearance on the menu.
However, for the most part we will be starting at the top and working our way to
the bottom of the menu.
The Essbase menu looks like the following screenshot with all of the choices
available. Please note that the order in which they appear is somewhat different
than the order in which we will be discussing them.
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[ 246 ]
Connecting to Essbase
Obviously, connecting to the Essbase database is one of the first tasks you should
perform. Otherwise there isn't much you can do, except the regular old, boring
Microsoft Excel tasks. To establish a connection to the appropriate Essbase database,
simply follow the steps here.
Connecting to Essbase from Microsoft Excel
What could be easier than connecting to your Essbase database right from your
favorite data analysis tool? Does it get any better? Once you become familiar with
the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel and all of its myriad features, we just know
you will agree.
1. From the Microsoft Excel main menu bar click on Essbase | Connect….
2. The Essbase System Login screen will appear as shown:
3. Enter the appropriate Server name, your Username, and the Password
assigned to your ID. Once completed, click OK.
4. If your password has expired, the system will inform you of that fact and allow
you to choose a new password. You may also change your password at any
time by clicking on the Change Password button after any successful login.
5. Once you have entered the correct password, you will then be shown
the list of Essbase Application/Database that your ID login has access
to on the server you selected.
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6. Select the Application/Database you wish to work with and click on OK.
The active Microsoft Excel worksheet is now connected to the Application/
Database you selected. You are ready to go to work with Essbase on
this worksheet.
In Microsoft Excel, once you have logged into an Application|Database,
Essbase will automatically connect any other worksheets in the same
Microsoft Excel workbook to the Application|Database you logged into,
on the first worksheet.
If you need to connect different sheets in the same workbook to different
Application|Databases, you will need to activate those sheets and
perform another Essbase | Connect… as needed.
Some of the buttons present in the previous screenshot are explained as follows:
• Change Password: Allows you to change your password whenever you
deem necessary. After entering a valid user ID and password, the button
will become active and allow you to use this function.
• Update: Refreshes the database list in your login screen. If for some reason
a database was offline when you first connected you would not see it in
the login screen. Use the Update button to refresh the list.
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• Note: This is a note that resides with the Essbase database and is also called
a Database Note. This note can contain information left by the administrator
about the current state of the database and its data. This can be a very useful
feature for the end-users or current production support staff.
Disconnecting from Essbase
There are three main reasons to get very familiar with this function:
1. Once you are working with Essbase, your connections will remain open, even
if you close the Microsoft Excel workbook. The connections to the Essbase
server are only terminated when you close Microsoft Excel or explicitly
disconnecting each sheet manually or with code. To avoid potential connection
issues, it is always advisable to disconnect all Microsoft Excel worksheets when
you are finished with them.
2. If you need to retrieve data into the same sheet from a different database,
it is good to disconnect it first before you connect it to another database.
3. The Essbase Disconnect screen is the best way to monitor what sheets
are connected to what Application|Databases and even servers. It is not
uncommon to have multiple sheets in the same workbook connected to
databases from different applications across different servers.
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To disconnect a worksheet from a database perform the following steps:
1. From the Microsoft Excel main menu click on Essbase | Disconnect….
2. At the disconnect screen you will see a listing of all of the Microsoft Excel
worksheets that have active connections to Essbase Application|Databases.
3. Select the sheet which you want to disconnect and click on the Disconnect
button. The connection for that worksheet will be terminated.
4. Click on the Close button to close the Essbase Disconnect screen.
5. As with any Essbase screen, the Help button when clicked, will provide
help information about the current screen and its functions.
Launching the Essbase Query Designer
Although included in the Essbase add-in, this menu choice almost qualifies as
its own reporting tool. The Essbase Query Designer (EQD) is quite powerful,
therefore we have dedicated a full section to it later in this chapter.
To launch the EQD, simply click Essbase | Query Designer….
Retrieving data from Essbase
In one way this can be a dual function task. If you perform an Essbase | Retrieve
and are not logged into a database, Essbase will automatically bring up the Essbase
login screen and allow you to connect to an Application|Database of your choice
before you continue.
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Also, if you perform a retrieve on an empty worksheet, Essbase will do a generic
retrieve that brings in all of the high level database dimensions and drops them on
the Microsoft Excel worksheet (as shown in the following screenshot). You can now
take this generic retrieve and by performing various Essbase spreadsheet functions,
like the Zoom In or the Pivot, you will have yourself a fine looking report in no time.
Quite possibly the Retrieve add-in function will be the Essbase function you use
most often. When you click Essbase | Retrieve, Essbase will populate the active
Microsoft Excel worksheet with data, fresh from the database. Many times there
will be data loads or database calculations occurring throughout the day and you
will always want to make sure you are looking at the latest and greatest version
of the data. A simple Essbase | Retrieve takes care of it for you.
Setting the add-in spreadsheet options
Here is a vital piece of the Essbase add-in. Setting the Essbase add-in options
correctly can dramatically affect how you and the add-in perform. The options
screen contains four tabs containing user settable options that affect the add-in's
behavior at the individual worksheet level and also global options, which affect
the add-in's behavior at the Microsoft Excel level. Access these screens by clicking
Essbase | Options….
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As shown in the previous screenshot, the Essbase Options screen on the Display
tab contains settings that affect how Essbase will display your data. The settings
on this tab are sheet level settings and only affect the Microsoft Excel worksheet
that was active when the options screen was opened and the settings applied.
You can select a different sheet in the workbook and set different options for it.
Display tab
The first group of available options is the Indentation setting. The Indentation
setting is a row heading setting and only affects how the row members' names
are justified in their rows. The available settings are explained here:
• None: All data retrieved will maintain the same column justification
• Subitems: The children members of a parent would indent on the report
• Totals: Parent members would be indented
Only one of these options can be selected at a time.
The next option group is the Suppress options. Here you can tell Essbase what
values or lack of values you wish to prevent from showing up on the report:
• #Missing Rows: These are Essbase NULL values
• Zero Rows: This means the entire row of data has zero values
• Underscore Characters: This could be rows that contain invalid data values
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You can choose one, all, or none of the Suppress options.
Next up are the Cells options. Here you have four choices that you can
choose between:
1. Use Styles: This option will use any styles that have been defined for
this member in Essbase
2. Adjust Columns: This option when checked, will automatically adjust
the Microsoft Excel columns to fit the member names being retrieved
3. Auto Sort Row: This option tells Essbase to sort the member data according
to the structure of the database outline and is only available if you have the
Free Form setting checked
4. Repeat Member Labels: This setting will populate every row of the
retrieved data with the member name or label
In the Replacement section of the Essbase Options screen, you have two choices:
1. #Missing Label: This allows you to tell Essbase what value to substitute
for null values that are returned in your report
2. #No Access Label: This allows you to substitute a value in cells that you
do not have the proper access to view
In the Aliases section, you have the choices of:
1. Use Aliases: This option will return the data using the member names
stored in an alias table. If you select this option, the Alias table combo-box
is available for you to choose the alias table from.
2. Use Both Member Names and Aliases for Row Dimensions: This setting
will fill two columns as row headers with both the member names and the
names stored in the selected alias table.
The Query Designer option will only affect you if you are using EQD. If checked,
it will apply the sheet options to the resultant report created from an Essbase query.
Lastly, the Dynamic Time Series option, when checked, allows you to choose
the last date from the time dimension to be used in dynamic time calculations.
As you can see in the next screenshot, we have indented the sub or children items by
checking the Indent SubItems selection, the columns are automatically adjusted to
fit the column names by checking the Adjust Columns checkbox, and the #Missing
and Zero values have been suppressed because only the calendar periods with data
have been displayed. You can tell this because the value for Quarter 1 is the same as
the value to 2009. If there were values for the subsequent calendar periods, the total
for 2009 would be different than the Quarter 1 2009 value.
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Zoom tab
The functions found on this tab are page or sheet level options that aid the user
in quickly drilling up or down to desired levels of data.
The first section on the Zoom tab allows you to control how the add-in reacts when
you use the Zoom In function. You may be wondering what zoom in and zoom out
means? As you all know, on a camera there is a function that allows you to zoom in
on your subject. What does it do? It will give you a closer look at the object for which
you are trying to take a picture. In a similar way, when we use the Zoom In function
in Essbase, its gives you a closer look at the data by drilling down either one level
down or several levels down. There is an entire range of choices but you are allowed
only one at a time.
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Your Zoom In choices are explained as follows:
• Next Level: The zoom will go to the next level down from the selected
member from which you zoomed.
• All Levels: The zoom will go all the way down to the bottom
of the dimension and include all of the levels in-between.
• Bottom Level: This option will skip all intermediate levels and return
only the lowest level from the dimension that was zoomed on.
The rest of the choices are self-explanatory here and perform similarly.
The Member Retention section gives you options that tell Essbase what to do
with the member(s) that you selected for your zoom:
• Include Selection: This will zoom from the selected member to the
level determined by the previous set of options and also include the
selected member.
• Within Selected Group: When checked, the add-in will keep all members
if they are from the same logical group as the selected zoom member.
• Remove Unselected Groups: This will not return the members that are not
in a selected group. Be careful with this one because you can lose members
from your report and may need to start over.
The Hybrid Analysis option allows you to look at lower levels of data that is available
in the back-end relational database and not in your Essbase database. The outline
members are tagged as Enable Hybrid Analysis. In order to know which members are
hybrid analysis enabled you need to check the option Enable Hybrid Analysis. Unless
you are intimately familiar with your outline, this is probably best left unchecked.
In the Sampling section, you can type an integer from 1 to 100 which will tell Essbase
what percentage of the retrievable data to use when returning zoom data. Unless
your zooms are causing you memory or performance issues you can leave this at 100.
Mode tab
The Mode tab allows the user to select the mode that Essbase will use to deliver the
data to the Microsoft Excel worksheet. There is also an option on this tab that allows
the user to control the read access mode that Essbase will use against the data while
a user is connected to a database and is actively retrieving data.
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The Retrieval section of this tab allows you to tell Essbase how you want to
configure your Microsoft Excel worksheet for retrieves:
• Advanced Interpretation: This choice allows you to layout your spreadsheet
any way you like, as long as you are following the basic Essbase rules for
report formatting with regard to row and column member placement.
• Free Form: This option will try to determine the best way to layout your
report and it may not be the format you like. Also, this option allows you
to check the Template Retrieve option, which will allow you to enter
Essbase report script commands directly onto the spreadsheet for retrieval.
The center section is the Update Mode option. Be careful with this option because
when checked, if you have the proper database permissions, Essbase will exclusively
lock all of the data cells and/or blocks that contain the data represented in your
spreadsheet, whether you used it for data Retrieves or data Sends. The blocks will
remain locked by you until you perform an Essbase | Unlock using the spreadsheet
you originally locked the cells with. When the cells or blocks are exclusively locked
by you, other users or processes cannot access the locked data and will fail.
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In the next screenshot you see a spreadsheet with data from an Essbase database. If
you perform a data retrieve with the Update Mode box checked, all of the data blocks
that contain any piece of the data represented by the sheet would remain exclusively
locked in the database by your ID. For example, the Sales, Production, and Gross
Stock for the U.S. market, for model year 2009, for the months of July 2009 through
December 2009, would be locked. Until unlocked by you, any attempts to read or
update these data values, either by another user or a calculation script, would fail.
If you no longer have the spreadsheet that you used to lock the data blocks and cells,
you will need the database administrator to unlock the cells for you.
The third section is the Formula Preservation section. This section contains options
that tell Essbase how to treat Microsoft Excel formulas embedded in the cells of
the spreadsheet:
• Retain on Retrieval: If checked Essbase will keep the formula, even if there
is data available in the database for this cell
• Retain on Keep and Remove Only: This setting tells Essbase to keep any
Microsoft Excel formulas that are included during the use of a Keep Only
or Remove Only function.
The Mode tab contains options that are worksheet level and
may not apply across all open workbooks.
Global tab
As the name of this tab implies, the options set here apply globally to all Essbase
related activity within Microsoft Excel on the current machine. There is an
assortment of option types here, from mouse button control to error messaging
and Essbase session logging.
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It is always good to check your Essbase Options
before beginning any serious work just to make sure
they are set the way you like them.
The first section on this tab is the Mouse Actions option:
• Limit to Connected Sheets: Will tell Essbase to apply the Mouse Actions
option settings to only the Microsoft Excel worksheets that are connected
to an Essbase database.
• Enable Secondary Button: Gives your mouse Essbase functionality options
while right-clicking.
• Enable Double-Clicking: This gives you Essbase drill-down capability right
in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet cell. You simply double-click a member
and it will perform a Zoom In. If you also check the Enable Linked Object
Browsing option, Essbase will open a Linked Object dialog box, if a cell you
double-click has a linked object.
The Memory section allows you to enable the Flashback function. This performs
exactly like an undo. You only get one Flashback but it can be a lifesaver. You will
want to keep this option checked.
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The Display Save Dialog in the Member Select section, when checked, will open
a dialog box that allows you to save your member selections, so you do not need
to go through reselecting them if you need to recreate your report.
Next up is the Mode section. Here you can choose the option of Navigate without
Data. This will allow you to layout your report and retrieve into it to see how it
works without waiting for the actual data. This can be particularly helpful if you
have large amounts of data or many dynamically calculated members.
Display Messages contains error reporting options. Essbase logs everything you do
in the system logs, so it is really upto you how much information you wish to receive
while you are working in Microsoft Excel. Your choices range from there being
virtually no error messaging (not a good idea), to having a small alert box appear with
a message for everything you do (also not a good idea). The best option is the Errors
option which will only bother you if there are fatal errors in what you are trying to do.
Also, there no need to check the Display Unknown Members option because Essbase
will tell you if you are trying to retrieve data into a member that does not exist.
In the Log File section you have two options:
• Route Messages to Log File: This option will often create large log files
on your client and is not very helpful or necessary
• Purge Log File Every Session: A good idea so you do not create huge,
system slowing log files on your client.
Lastly, the Add-Ins button allows you to load custom Essbase add-ins. These can
be API calls, custom coded functions, or any other repeated functionality that has
an add-in format.
Selecting Essbase members for your query
This menu pick is probably the next most used tool after the options screens.
The Essbase Member Selection screen allows you to quickly and easily set up
and populate Microsoft Excel worksheets with your Essbase data.
The basics for this tool are simple. First, make sure you are logged into the
appropriate Essbase Application|Database. Second, always remember to select
the cell on the Microsoft Excel worksheet where you want the member data to
begin populating with your member selections. Third, always remember that you
can only select members from one dimension at a time with the Essbase member
selection tool.
Select the cell on the worksheet where you want to begin populating report criteria
data. To load the Essbase Member Selection screen click Essbase | Member
Selection… from the Microsoft Excel main menu toolbar.
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Looking at the preceding screenshot, you will see in the upper left area of the screen
a Dimension list box. You may select the dimension from which you wish to select
members from this list box. The dimension name will then be placed in the Members
area of the screen where you can click on it to drill down to the levels you need to
be at.
If the cell you have selected on the Microsoft Excel worksheet
already contains the name of a dimension or member, the
dimension name will automatically be displayed in the
Members area of the Member Selection screen.
When you click to select a member you can move it to the Rules section of the
screen by clicking the Add button. Or you can simply double-click the member itself.
Below Members section of the screen are four buttons. The Find button allows you
to search the database outline if you are unsure of where a member is in the outline.
This function also allows pattern searches so you only need to know part of the
name. This is very useful for large dynamically built outlines.
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The Expand to Descendents button will do just that. It will drill-down on the member
you have selected and expand your view all the way to the zero level members. The
Clear button will clear your selections and the Member Information button, when
clicked, will open a small display window containing information such as UDAs,
and so on, as shown in the following screenshot:
Finally, on the bottom of the left side of the Member Selection screen are the options
for setting the View Method. By now, you should be able to recognize the different
choices. For simplicity's sake we will stick with the By Member Name setting.
On the right side of the Member Selection screen is the Rules section. This is where
the members you select are moved to so you can verify your selections or apply
advanced selection rules to the members.
Once again, Essbase is full of little tricks that make your life easier. If you remember,
from the prior screenshot, the METRIC dimension is shown in the Members area of
the screen. The four children of METRIC are also shown because the view has been
expanded to show this. Let's say you want all four children selected and moved to
the Rules section of the screen. You could accomplish this in several ways:
• Double-click each individual member to move it to the Rules section
• Hold down the Ctrl key and click on each individual member to highlight
it, then click the Add button
• Double-click the METRIC member to move it to the Rules section,
then apply advanced selection rules
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Let's go for the third option from the above choices. Double-click the METRIC
member to move it to the Rules section of the Member Selection screen.
Then right-click to open a small advanced selection rules menu as shown:
Notice the choices you are offered. You can pick from All Children, All Children
and Member, and more. The one we want to see now is the Subset option. Please
click on Subset… to open the Subset Dialog box.
It is in this Subset Dialog box that you can really narrow down the member selection
criteria. You can use AND/OR operators and parenthesis, as well as pointing to level
names, generation names, or any combination.
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When you are finished defining your selection rules, you may click the Preview
button on the Subset Dialog box, or click OK to return to the Essbase Member
Selection screen where there is also a Preview button.
Looking at the above screenshot of the Member Preview screen, you can see that the
selection rule defined in the Subset Dialog box returns the four zero level members
of the METRIC dimension.
Continuing with the Member Selection screen, on the far right side, in addition
to the Preview button are an Open and a Save button. Believe it or not, for your
convenience, Essbase allows you to save your selections for repeated use. When
saving a selection rule you must follow the usual naming conventions for Essbase
file objects and limit the file name upto 8 characters. When opening a saved selection
rule make sure you have the Microsoft Excel worksheet cell selected before you open
the Member Selection screen, open the desired saved selection rule file and click
OK. It's that simple!
The four buttons immediately under the Rules pane are for selection manipulation
while the selected members are still in the Rules pane. You have the options of
moving members up or down to change the order in which they are displayed
on your worksheet. You also have the options of removing erroneously selected
members or removing all of the selected members if it's easier to just begin again.
Finally, there are the Output Options checkboxes. These options affect the way
Essbase drops the selected members onto the Microsoft Excel worksheet.
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If you decide to display your member names using Essbase member aliases, you
will also have the option of choosing which alias table to use. Simply check the
Use Aliases box.
If you choose to Suppress Shared Members, Essbase will not return any members
that would normally be returned by your selection if they are tagged as Shared
Members in the database outline. This option is only available if you are viewing
the outline in Level or Generation mode.
If the Place Down the Sheet checkbox is checked, Essbase will place the selected
members downward vertically, beginning with the active cell on the worksheet. If
the box is unchecked Essbase will place the selected members horizontally across
the worksheet from left to right, beginning with the active cell.
If you check the Insert List Before Active Cell box, Essbase will place the selected
members opposite of how they would be placed with the preceding option.
Using the Keep Only function
The Essbase | Keep Only function is really great. When you click this function,
Essbase will automatically keep all members on the sheet, that are in the same
dimension as the members in the selected cells on the worksheet.
This function is perfect if you have selected all cars and pickup trucks for your initial
report. You have the zero level members of the Total Vehicles dimension as your
row header values, as shown in the previous screenshot. If you decide to only show
cars (Sedans) on the report, then select the cells with the car member names in them,
and click Essbase | Keep Only. You can also select multiple rows at the same time
and click on Keep Only. The report now only contains data for cars as shown in the
following screenshot:
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Using the Remove Only function
After just reading about the Essbase | Keep Only function it should be pretty
obvious what the Essbase | Remove Only function does.
The Remove Only function removes only the members you have selected on your
Microsoft Excel worksheet. If we look at the example in the Keep Only function, we
see that Essbase removed all unselected members of a row or column in the worksheet.
Remove Only will only remove the members that are selected. Therefore, to keep all
of the 4 door car data as in the example above, you would select the 2 Door Sedan and
click on Essbase | Remove Only. This will remove the 2 Door Sedan, leaving you
behind the data for the 4 Door Sedan as shown in the following screenshot:
Zooming in on your data
Here is a nice function to get familiar with. Before we explain how this function
works, please remember the setting of the Essbase Options screens where there
are options to set the Zoom function's behavior.
To use the Essbase | Zoom In function simply select any parent level members of
a dimension listed on your Microsoft Excel worksheet and click Essbase | Zoom In.
It's that easy.
Let's say your Essbase Options for the Zoom functions are set to Bottom Level and
Keep Selection. You select the Total Vehicles member on your worksheet and click
on Essbase | Zoom In. Your sheet now has all of the Zero level members from the
Total Vehicles dimension, as well as the Total Vehicles member itself as shown in
the following screenshot:
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Essbase | Zoom In is a nice, convenient way to add new members to your report
without a lot of effort.
Zooming out on your data
Perhaps you have noticed a pattern here. We have a pair of functions that basically
perform similar, but opposite tasks. The Essbase | Zoom Out function performs
exactly the opposite task as the Essbase | Zoom In function.
Once again, how you have your Essbase Options set for the zoom function,
will determine how Zoom Out behaves.
If you have your Zoom options set to Next Level and you select a Zero Level member
on your worksheet, then click Essbase | Zoom Out, and Essbase will replace the
selected member with the member next up in the outline. Typically this would be
a Parent member of the selected member. As seen in the following screenshot, if
you select Pickup truck and click on Essbase | Zoom Out, you update the Microsoft
Excel sheet with the parent level member of the Pickup, which in this case is the Total
Vehicles member as shown:
Pivot Essbase members on your spreadsheet
The Essbase | Pivot function is another nice tool in your toolbox. This function
pivots members that you have placed on your worksheet as row headers upto
columns headers and vice versa. To use this function all you need to do is to select,
for instance, a group of row members and then click Essbase | Pivot and Essbase
will pivot them upto be column members.
Another handy task that Pivot will perform for you is to transpose column or row
members with another column or row grouping. You will need to have the secondary
mouse button functionality enabled in your Essbase | Options for this to work.
With the secondary mouse button enabled just click and hold on the member you
want to swap and drag it on top of the member you want to swap with. While you
are not actually clicking the Essbase | Pivot for this functionality Essbase considers
it to be a part of the pivot functionality.
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Flashback: The Essbase Add-in Undo
Flashback is your Essbase undo function. To use this functionality you need to have
the Enable Flashback option checked in the Essbase | Options.
Immediately after using most of the available Essbase functions in the Essbase add-in,
and especially after an Essbase | Retrieve, if you are not happy with the results of the
task you just executed, all you need to do is click on Essbase | Flashback to reset your
worksheet back to the way it was prior to the most recent task you performed.
Sadly, you only get one flashback, but it can be a life saver.
We have found that one of the best times to have the flashback
functionality is right after this unfortunate event.
You have just spent a bit of time setting up your worksheet, just the
way you want it. You have the row members and the column members
set up. You click Essbase | Retrieve and the sheet re-arranges itself
and wrecks your entire layout. What happened? Well, more than
likely, you have the Essbase Mode options set to Free Form instead
of Advanced Interpretation.
Not to worry though, just click Essbase | Flashback and all of your
hard work is restored back to the way it was before your little mishap.
Didn't we say, it's a good idea to always double-check your Essbase |
Options prior to getting heavily involved in your work?
Locking the data and retrieving
This function is exactly like the Essbase | Retrieve function with one huge
difference. On top of retrieving the data into your Microsoft Excel worksheet,
when clicked, this function will also lock all of the data blocks relative to the
member information on the worksheet.
You need to be careful with Essbase | Retrieve & Lock, because the locked blocks will
remain locked by your ID, until you unlock them with the Essbase | Unlock function.
If there are other users of the system that may need to access data locked by you and
your worksheet, they will be unable to access it until it is unlocked by you. Also, any
background processes, like database calculations or report scripts, will fail when they
cannot access the locked data.
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Locking the data
We wonder if you can't guess what this function does.
Well, when you click Essbase | Lock, Essbase locks all of the data blocks in the
database that are needed to represent the data on your Microsoft Excel worksheet.
Again, be careful as the data will remain locked by your ID until you unlock it
by clicking on Essbase | Unlock.
Essbase will remember a database lock, even if you logout of the
system. You will either need to remove the lock yourself or have
an administrator manually remove the database lock using the
EAS tool.
Unlocking the locked data
The Essbase | Unlock function is used to unlock data blocks in the database
that have been locked by you.
Always remember, the Essbase | Unlock function will only unlock
data blocks for the data represented on the immediately active
Microsoft Excel worksheet. If you have other data blocks that have
been locked by you, you will need to open the worksheet you used
to lock them and use it to unlock the locked cells.
Sending your data to the database
This function sends data back to the database. In a relational database this would
be known as an Insert or an Update.
To insert or update data in an Essbase database it is as easy as pulling data into your
formatted Microsoft Excel worksheet by performing an Essbase | Retrieve, then
adding new values or updating existing values. When finished, perform an Essbase
| Send to save the new values to the database.
It is very important to note that the actual steps to use the Essbase | Send function
are follows:
1. Perform an Essbase | Lock. Essbase will not write to data blocks that are
not previously locked.
2. Perform an Essbase | Send. The only time that Essbase will automatically
unlock the data cells you have locked is after an Essbase | Send.
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Running a database calculation
To be able to make use of the Essbase | Calculation function, your Essbase ID must
at least have calculation privileges on the database you are connected to. If you do
have the proper database permissions, when you click Essbase | Calculation, you
will see the small screen shown here:
This little screen is actually pretty useful. On top of showing you your current
database connection and a little state of the database message, you are allowed to
select the specific calculation script you wish to execute and you can click Calculate
to run it.
There is a Cancel button which will close the small screen without executing any
calc scripts. There is also a Stop Calc button that allows you to attempt to halt
an executing database calculation script. The reason we say the Stop Calc button
attempts to halt the calculation script is because Essbase determines when it is a
good and safe time to halt an executing database calculation script.
There is also what is known as the point of no return, where Essbase will decide if
it is safer to complete the execution of the calculation script rather than interrupt it.
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Retrieving your sheet without data
This is a nice little function, especially if you're just setting up a worksheet and
do not really need to look at the resultant data. It is also good if you are worried
about large queries and system performance. When you retrieve a worksheet
with the Essbase | Navigate Without Data function turned on your query will
perform exactly as it is supposed to, except that it will not return any data to
the spreadsheet. For instance, if you perform an Essbase | Zoom In, the sheet
will update as far as the member names being displayed, but no data values
will be returned.
To use Essbase | Navigate Without Data simply click it. The function toggles back
and forth when clicked and is either on or off as indicated by a check mark next to
the function name on the Essbase menu, as shown in the following screenshot:
Most of the other functions are one time uses so they do not need an indicator letting
you know whether they are active or not. In the case of the Essbase | Navigate
Without Data function, if it is active you will see a little orange box with a check
mark in it next to the function name in the left margin of the Essbase add-in menu.
Click the function name again to turn it off.
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Zooming in on sample data
This function allows you to return only sample subsets of the actual data that a
retrieve may return. The Essbase | Sample Data (Zoom In) function depends on
how you have two Essbase | Options set. First, is the sampling percentage setting
on the Zoom tab of the Essbase | Options screen. Whatever percentage this is set to
is the amount of data which will be returned when you Zoom In using this function.
How much you Zoom In is determined by the Zoom setting, also on the Zoom tab of
the Essbase | Options screen.
For example, if you click on a member name on your spreadsheet and then click
the Sample Data (Zoom In) function, your data will be returned as follows: Let's
say there are 200 children members under the member you selected for the Sample
Data (Zoom In) function and your Zoom In function is set to Bottom Level, and
your Sampling setting is set to 100%. This Zoom In will return all 200 children
members into your spreadsheet.
Let's now say that you have the Zoom In function still set to Bottom Level but this
time you have the Sampling setting set to 10%. This Zoom In will only return the
first 20 children members into your spreadsheet. These 20 members are 10% of the
200 that are available.
The Sample Data (Zoom In) function works very well for Zoom Ins on particularly
large dimensions if you are just checking the data and do not need to see all of it.
Linking objects to your data
In Essbase it is possible to link an object, such as a file object, to a specific data cell
in the database. This object can contain information or explanations on or about
the data or it can be whatever you want it to be.
The Essbase | Linked Objects… command displays the Linked Objects Browser
dialog box. The Linked Objects Browser allows you to create or access linked
objects and displays the objects currently linked to the data cell you have selected.
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You cannot create linked objects for member combinations containing attributes.
Also, you cannot use the Linked Objects Browser dialog box in Free Form mode.
Creating graphical data representations
When you click on Essbase | Visualize & Explore… it will launch the Hyperion
Visual Explorer (HVE). This option does require a separate license but is about as
close to an off-the-shelf data dashboard as you can get.
The HVE helps you explore and analyze data in an Essbase database. But more
specifically, it provides an easy to use interface for creating graphical summaries and
reports of your data in a highly interactive user interface. These graphical summaries
answer questions about market totals, scenario versus scenario comparisons, regional
rankings, and buying trends. You can answer with visual representation, any questions
there may be regarding the data stored in your company's Essbase databases. The
results are high impact and impressive. The biggest difference between the Microsoft
Excel add-in and HVE is the Microsoft Excel add-in uses the traditional native
connection, where as the HVE uses the specialized multidimensional database query
language known as MDX. We will explain MDX in greater detail in a future chapter.
Best of all you will look like a hero using this tool and no one but you will know
how easy it was to use.
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[ 272 ]
Using the currency conversion tool
To use the Essbase | Currency Report… function you must purchase a separate
license for the Essbase currency conversion tool. Unless you have extensive currency
conversion needs there are ways to create financial data without it.
The Essbase | Currency Report… function enables you to perform ad hoc currency
conversions during data retrieval. When you select Essbase | Currency Report…
the Essbase Currency Report dialog box is displayed. If you have implemented
a currency conversion application you can use the Currency Report command to
dynamically perform currency retrievals and currency conversions.
Custom Microsoft Excel workbook reporting
The Essbase | Cascade… command allows you to replicate Microsoft Excel
worksheets using member combinations. You can have retrieved data flow across
multiple Microsoft Excel worksheets in the same Microsoft Excel workbook, or you
can create multiple cascaded Microsoft Excel workbooks stored in different locations.
When you select Essbase | Cascade… the Essbase Cascade Options dialog box
is displayed.
The Essbase Cascade Options dialog box has three tabs that allow you to set
the formatting and storage options for the cascaded reports you will create:
• Cascade Information: On this tab, you select what outline members
you want to cascade on and the zoom level you wish to zoom to.
• Destination Options: On this tab, you can choose where to store the
newly created Microsoft Excel workbooks.
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[ 273 ]
There are options for either opening existing files or overwriting them
with new ones. You can make your choices as to creating worksheets in
a workbook or creating new workbooks themselves.
Finally, there are naming options for you to take advantage of, including
prefix and suffix designations, to be used while naming your workbooks.
• Format Options: This tab allows you to choose your workbook
formatting options.
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[ 274 ]
The formatting options include choosing whether to copy the existing
workbook formatting, adding custom page headers and footers,
suppressing rows that don't contain data from your reports, and including
a table of contents with each workbook.
A final word on the Essbase add-in
After reading all of this you can see that the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel is
an incredibly powerful tool. The only thing more amazing than how powerful the
Essbase add-in really is is how easy it is to use.
Except for a few functions which require a bit of practice to become good at, every
function included in the Essbase add-in is intuitive and has comprehensive help that
is readily available.
It's also a good idea to keep in mind that as seamless as the add-in is with Microsoft
Excel, the Essbase add-in can be controlled that seamlessly using Microsoft Excel's
built-in and powerful Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). You can create powerful
applications quickly and easily with nothing more than a basic Essbase installation
and Microsoft Excel.
Using the Essbase Query Designer
The EQD is a wonderful tool within a tool that allows you to set up reports and
spreadsheets with the aid of an easy to use visual interface tool. Once you have
a query designed just the way you want it you can save it off and use it over and
over again to retrieve your data.
As mentioned earlier, one huge side benefit of the EQD is that when saving your
custom designed query, you have the option to tell the EQD to also save the query
as an Essbase report script file. Like we mentioned in the previous chapter, this
option lets you utilize the powerful and easy to use data selection functionality
of the EQD to create complicated and specific report scripts as well. Apart from
the complicated selection criteria, you can also sort the data in either ascending
or descending order, rank your data, and also filter your data based on your own
needs. It is with these report scripts and a little editing that you will find yourself
in possession of complex data extraction abilities which will allow you to feed
data to downstream systems efficiently and reliably.
Where do I find the Essbase Query Designer
The EQD can be found as a selection on the Essbase add-in menu pick that is added
to the Microsoft Excel menu toolbar when you install the add-in as shown:
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As you can see, finding and accessing the EQD was easy enough. By clicking on the
Query Designer… selection you are presented with the primary EQD screen shown
as follows:
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[ 276 ]
One look at the preceding screenshot and you will see that while the EQD is a very
powerful tool, it is also a very user-friendly tool. Oracle has made great strides in
creating tools that are intuitive and packed with instructions and help.
Now, looking at the previous screenshot, you see the screen is divided into three
panes. Each pane has its own purpose.
• The upper-right pane will always contain information, tips, or even
step-by-step instructions, pertinent to the area of the EQD you are currently in.
• The lower-right pane, on the main screen, contains brief instructions on how
to open a new query. The lower-right pane on other screens accepts input
from you as you build your query. In other words, it is in this area that you
make your selections.
• The left pane is your organizational pane and it shows you information about
the entire scope of your current Microsoft Excel session. For instance the left
pane shows you, in tree format similar to the Essbase Administration Services,
what workbooks you have open, what worksheets are available to you in
each workbook, and important database outline dimension and member
information relative to the queries you are building and the Microsoft Excel
workbooks you are building them in.
The active Microsoft Excel workbook that was open is selected in the left pane
when you start the EQD. Anytime you select a workbook in the left pane it will
display the initial, or main EQD screen.
The three other EQD screens are displayed based on what selection you have
made in the left pane.
• By clicking on any worksheet available to EQD, a tree view is displayed
in the query information screen as shown in the following screenshot:
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The query information screen contains information about the query itself
like its name, location, the database connection, and so on.
• The next screen in the EQD is the Messages and Confirmations screen.
This screen allows input from you in the form of checkbox selections.
The selections on the Messages and Confirmations screen can be
very helpful depending on how you select them. As you can see in
the preceding screenshot, the selections on the Messages and
Confirmations screen are fairly intuitive.
For example, the very first checkbox, Dimension move deletes member
selection rules, will remove member selection rules on a dimension
if you move it from a row member to a column member or vice versa,
when checked.
Likewise, the second selection, Dimension move deletes sorting
and filtering rules, will remove any sorting and/or filtering rules on
a dimension if you move it from a column member to a row member
or vice versa, when checked.
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[ 278 ]
When you read through the rest of the choices you will see they offer similar
choices that you can select, depending on how comfortable you are using the
EQD. For the most part the Messages and Confirmations selections give you
the option of message boxes popping up asking for confirmation when you
are attempting to perform a function in the query designer.
• There is the query help screen which is shown below. Again, this screen is
divided into three panes, as are the rest of the EQD screens. When you click
on the Help icon in the left pane, the screen will change to the Help screen.
Referring to the usual upper-right pane on the screen, you will see tips on
how to use the EQD help. In the lower-right pane are two buttons. These
buttons offer you the choice between stepping through an EQD tutorial or
activating the EQD online help. This screen is pretty much an intuitive screen
that you can best learn how to use by exploring on your own.
Creating a query with Essbase Query Designer
Essbase queries are associated with individual worksheets in a Microsoft Excel
workbook. This is not to say that a query cannot be used in several worksheets, it's
just that the development of a query must be associated with an individual worksheet.
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From any of the EQD screens all you need to do to begin a query is to right-click with
your mouse on any worksheet listed in any workbook that is displayed in the left or
organizational pane of any of the EQD screens. When you right-click on an available
worksheet it will display a menu as seen in the following screenshot:
From this menu you will be offered several selections. If you click on New, you
will be offered three options:
• Create a new Microsoft Excel workbook
• Insert a new worksheet into the active Microsoft Excel workbook
• Create a new Query
There are also options to Select Active Sheet, which selects the active worksheet
in the workbook. You can choose to Open Query, Retrieve data into the active
worksheet, or most importantly, Connect or Disconnect to and from the desired
Essbase database. If you are already logged in to Essbase through the active
workbook, there is no need to login again through EQD.
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[ 280 ]
Make sure you are logged in one way or another then select New | Query to begin
creating your Essbase query. The following screenshot shows how the designer will
look when you are actually creating or editing an Essbase query:
Notice how your EQD screen has changed. There are still three panes common to
all EQD screens, but while the left pane is still the organizational screen and the
upper-right pane is still the tips and tutorial pane, the lower-right pane now displays
a relational view of your database's dimensions. Essbase will drop in place the
database dimensions as it thinks they should be. Obviously you will set up your
query the way you want to.
There are three sections involved with setting up a query which are identical to
how the dimensions are selected when setting up an Essbase Report Script.
Remember, when saving an Essbase query created with EQD, you can
also have Essbase save a matching Essbase report script at the same
time. This can be a huge help in the creation of a quickly needed Report
Script which will need little, if any, additional editing to be used as
described at length in the previous chapter.
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[ 281 ]
Page dimensions
Page dimensions are members that only need to be mentioned once on the page
header and the resultant report will only contain data for that member. For example,
if you were to place the member Canada from the Total Market dimension as a page
dimension, all of the data in the report will be for the Canada market.
Row dimensions
Row dimensions are members that populate the report's row headings. For example,
if you wanted to create a report that has all of the vehicles listed on the left as row
headings, you would drag-and-drop the Total Vehicles dimension tile from the Page
Dimension section to the Row Dimension section and tell it to extract the children
of the Total Vehicles dimension.
Depending on your other choices, the resultant report will contain data displayed
with the individual vehicles listed as row headings.
Column dimensions
Just like the row dimensions, column dimensions are the members you use for the
column headings on your report. For example, a common way to set up a report that
shows a year's worth of data is to have the individual months placed horizontally
across the top of the columns. What you would do is drag-and-drop the Calendar
Periods dimension tile into the Column Dimensions section and setup the rule that
selects the desired range of months you need.
Sample query
By looking at the previous screenshot you will see that if you were to retrieve
data based on the default dimension placement, you would not get a very
informative report.
For starters, the page dimensions listed are Total Vehicles, Total Market, and Model
Year. Without any changes this will give you a report where all of the data returned
would be at the Total Vehicle, Total Market, and total Model Year level. Not a very
granular report to say the least. The fact that the Measures dimension is placed in
the Row Dimensions section and the Calendar Periods dimension is placed in the
Column Dimensions section, is the only thing saving this query.
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[ 282 ]
What if we wanted a report that showed us two years of data for all of the vehicles
Esscar builds, for all of the markets Esscar sells in, and the most current model years.
Here is what we would do:
1. Rearrange the dimension tiles into the sections (as shown in the following
screenshot). Also, notice how the left pane now shows the database dimensions
listed under the active worksheet that you are creating the query in.
2. We now define selection rules to the dimensions so they return the data we
want. Let's begin with the Page Dimensions. Double-click on the METRIC
tile in the Page Dimensions section to move to the member selection and
selection rules screen. This screen is the same as the screen shown in the
previous screenshot. However, now the lower-right pane is divided into two
sections, the Members section and the Selection Rules section. Notice how
the Members section displays the name of the dimension you double-clicked
and all of the children members. Double-click the Gross Stock member to
place it in the Selection Rules section.
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[ 283 ]
3. Next, click on the Calendar Periods dimension listed under the Column
heading in the left pane. This will populate the Members section with
the Calendar Periods dimension and its immediate children, which are
the YEAR's members.
4. Double-click on each year member to have it placed into the Selection
Rules section of the screen.
5. Right-click on each of the year members. Here you are offered a small menu
with available member selection rule criteria. The various member selection
rules criteria are as follows:
i) New Member Filter: Brings you to a new area in the EQD screens
where you are allowed to refine your data selection criteria by Level
or Generation and also add And and Or clauses.
ii) Preview…: When clicked, Preview… brings up a small window
which will display all database outline members which will be
selected by the current rule set.
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[ 284 ]
iii) Select >: This option allows you to select a definite rule, such
as all children of the given member or all descendents of a
given member.
iv) Delete Selection Rule: By clicking this option you will delete
the currently selected member selection rule.
v) Delete All Rules: By clicking this option you will delete all
rules for the active query and need to start over adding rules.
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6. Select New Member Filter as this option can give you the most control when
filtering outline members. Notice how the lower right pane of the EQD screen
changes again. This time you are allowed to create a member selection rule
based on where the members are in the outline. You can choose between Level
selection and Generation selection and also can use And or Or clauses as well.
7. In this case we will select Level 0 members for our criteria, which will return
to us all of the month members for the years we have selected.
Once you have made your selection(s) click on one of the YEAR members in
the left pane to return your screen to the previous configuration. In the next
screenshot, you will notice that the lower-right pane has the Members section
and the Selection Rules section.
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[ 286 ]
Notice in the Selection Rules section how the selected YEAR members
now have the member selection rule you applied to them.
8. Just to verify that the EQD has the correct members selected simply right-click
on either one of the year members in the Selection Rules section and click on
Preview…. You will see the following screenshot, showing you exactly which
members will be selected in this query using the rules you have defined.
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9. Well, we have our Page Dimensions and Column Dimensions set up.
All we need to do now is set up the Row Dimensions. Looking at the
organizational pane, pay attention to how we have the dimensions that are
selected as the Row Dimensions arranged. We want to create a report that
contains row information for the individual Markets, then the individual
Model Years, and finally the individual Vehicles. We do not want to display
any data at the total levels for the Row Dimensions. Using what you have
already learned about Essbase, you know that you want the data to appear
top-down in the organizational pane, much like the database outlines. Thus,
we want the Total Market dimension first, then underneath it we want the
Model Year dimension, and lastly we want the Total Vehicles dimension.
10. Begin row selection by clicking on the Total Market dimension in the left
pane of the screen. This will place the Total Market dimension into the
Members section of the lower-right pane.
11. Double-click on the Total Market dimension to place it into the Selection
Rules section of the member selection pane.
12. Right-click on the Total Market dimension in the Selection Rules section
and choose Select then Children. This will give you all of the children of the
Total Market dimension without giving you the Total Market member itself.
13. Now do the same as in the previous three steps for the Model Year and Total
Vehicles dimensions.
14. Once completed your query should look like the following screenshot:
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15. Now to test your query you simply right-click on the Microsoft Excel
worksheet that you are designing the query under and click on Apply Query.
The data with the layout you defined will be pulled into the Microsoft Excel
worksheet. Remember to also save your query with the same rules as any
Essbase file object. You now have a reusable query that you can use anytime
by simply opening through EQD and running it.
16. Oh yes when you save the query, Essbase saves it with an .eqd extension
and at the same time saves the query as the equivalent Essbase report script
with a .rep file extension. The actual query can only be opened by the EQD
but the report script can be opened by any ASCII text editor and modified
for use with any report script execution method described earlier.
Report script by-product
Previously, we explained the Essbase report script and its usefulness as a reporting
tool or as a method of creating extract data from your Essbase database. A desirable
and welcome by-product of an Essbase query created with the EQD is a matching
Essbase report script.
One of the easiest ways to create an Essbase report script is to use the EQD to
design what you would like your report or extract file to look like, then use the
simultaneously generated report script file to use and modify as needed. This
is your basic Essbase report script:
// This Report Script was generated by the Essbase Query Designer
<SETUP { TabDelimit } { decimal 13 } { IndentGen -5 } <ACCON <SYM
<COLUMN("Calendar Periods")
<ROW("Total Market","Model Year","Total Vehicles")
// Page Members
// Selection rules and output options for dimension: METRIC
"Gross Stock"
// Column Members
// Selection rules and output options for dimension: Calendar
<Link ((<LEV("Calendar Periods", "Lev0,Calendar Periods")) AND (
<Link ((<LEV("Calendar Periods", "Lev0,Calendar Periods")) AND (
// Row Members
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// Selection rules and output options for dimension: Total Market
<Link (<CHILD("Total Market"))
// Selection rules and output options for dimension: Model Year
<Link (<CHILD("Model Year"))
// Selection rules and output options for dimension: Total Vehicles
<Link (<CHILD("Total Vehicles"))
// End of Report
In this case, we see by looking at the script, that the page dimension is the METRIC
dimension, the column dimension is the Calendar Periods dimension, and the
row dimensions are Total Market, Model Year, and Total Vehicles. This will give
us a report where the column headings are members from the Calendar Periods
dimension, the row headings will be members from the Total Market, Model Year,
and Total Vehicles dimensions.
Reading further we also see that since the page dimension is the METRIC dimension,
the exact member used is the Gross Stock member.
Continuing down we see that the column headers will be the zero level members
of the Calendar Periods dimension and the children of 2009 and 2010.
Lastly, the row headings will consist specifically of the children of Total Market,
the children of Model Year, and the children of Total Vehicles.
You can execute this script in Microsoft Excel by simply pasting the code directly
into a Microsoft Excel worksheet or you can execute it from an Essbase command
script or a MaxL script or even an Essbase API call.
Now any modifications can easily be made to a script that you know works perfectly.
As with all of the other Essbase features that we have gone over in this book, the
EQD is intuitive and easy to use. We highly recommend you take the time to play
with it and create many queries.
Always pay attention to the informational pane on the EQD screens as it will
always adjust to the area you are working in and provide pertinent tips and help.
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[ 290 ]
Well, there you have it! In this chapter we have learned how you can generate
reports using the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel or Visual Explorer or Essbase
Query Designer, as well as the capabilities of each type of reporting. What we
recommend now is to just start playing with the add-in. Try creating custom data
sheets by first performing simple retrieves. Then, as you become more comfortable
and confident, you can begin setting up advanced row and column headings by
using the double-click and pivoting functions or by using the fully functional Essbase
Member Selection tool to populate your spreadsheet's row and column headings.
Once you've become adept at setting up good looking spreadsheets and reports,
you can start playing around with retrieving data into your sheets, then Locking
and Sending the data back to the database.
Next up, is how to automate your Essbase database system. We will show you
an assortment of functionality options included in your Essbase package that
allow you to automate routine tasks, from the very basic and menial, to the large
and complex. You can turn everyday chores into automatically running batch jobs
that do everything from dynamically adding dimension members to the database
outline, to loading and calculation data, to actually building presentation and
analysis cubes.
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Automating your Essbase Cube
If you've made it this far and you're still coherent, congratulations! Upto now there has been a tremendous amount of information for you to absorb, all of it necessary. With all that we have presented to you to this point you should be able to take your Essbase journey from a complete installation to a fully functioning Essbase database.
Complimenting your fully functioning Essbase database is your knowledge of the many ways to load and calculate the data in your Essbase database. You also have a good understanding of how to utilize the powerful Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel, allowing you to interact with your database and the data contained in it.
In this chapter you will learn that many of the routine tasks required to keep
your Essbase system functioning at its best can be automated. Further, many
of the routine administrative tasks can be automated and the functionality then provided to your business customers so they can perform for themselves many
of the administrative duties that pertain to their business operations. Some of
these types of tasks include adding new users, granting permissions, executing
data loads, and running database calculations.
This chapter is divided into three main sections and each section speaks to a
different method that can be used to automate Essbase functions and commands.
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[ 292 ]
In the first section, we discuss the Essbase command scripts, or Ess-Commands, or
simply EssCmds. The Essbase command scripting functionality is a holdover from
the very earliest versions of Essbase and was rumored to be phased out completely
in Essbase versions higher than version 9.x. We have since found out that Essbase
version 11.x will now contain EssCmd functionality to give you more time to
convert your scripts to the newer MaxL scripting language. The new MaxL scripting
language has replaced EssCmd and provides superior functionality and ease of use.
Although we are covering Essbase command scripts here we recommend you use
the new MaxL scripting language and the Essbase API instead, especially if you are
developing a new system.
The second section is where we discuss the Essbase MaxL scripting language
which has been developed to not only replace the aging Essbase command
scripting language, but also offer enhanced functionality while providing less
cryptic and easier to use command words.
In the third section, we discuss the Essbase Application Programming Interface or
API. The Essbase API has evolved over the successive versions into a very powerful
set of tools for the developer. What top of the line application package does not
include a complete array of API tools? You just have to figure that Essbase would
have one of the best available.
The Essbase API can be accessed from Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications,
known as VBA, and included with all Microsoft Office components. The API
can also be accessed from Visual Basic and COM+ applications, and the API can
also be accessed from Java programs. All in all it is a very versatile and extremely
useful tool to have in your Essbase toolbox!
Essbase command scripts (EssCmd)
EssCmd is a command-line Essbase interface that can perform operations interactively
through a command-line window or through a batch or script file. EssCmd operates
independently of any other Essbase analytic services interface, including the EAS tool,
the Essbase add-in, or any custom-built application programs.
The Essbase command scripting language, affectionately known as Ess-Command or
just EssCmd, is a highly functional set of tools that are used to automate many tasks
in the world of Essbase. Although EssCmd has been phased out in the latest versions
of Essbase it's still a good idea that you become familiar with EssCmd and what
you can do with it. If you ever inherit an existing system that is still using an older
version of Essbase chances are that it will have lots of EssCmds in use.
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For starters an Essbase command script file object is actually an ASCII text file with
a file extension of .scr. As with all Essbase objects you must follow the naming
conventions we have previously discussed.
All Essbase file objects can be named using upto 8 characters,
can have no spaces in the name, and must be located in a
folder or directory path that does not contain spaces.
Creating an Essbase command script
There is only one way to create a usable EssCmd. Because an EssCmd file object
is actually an ASCII text file you can open any text editor and begin entering
commands. The text editor is also how you would modify an existing Essbase
command script.
Although there is no formal EssCmd script editor supplied with Essbase there is
comprehensive help included in the online help that is supplied with the EAS tool.
To access this excellent EssCmd resource simply click Help | Information Map
to open your web browser and bring up the following screenshot:
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[ 294 ]
From the Essbase Administration Services Information Map screen, click
the Technical Reference link under the Reference column, to bring up the
following screenshot:
On the Technical Reference Overview screen you will see help topics listed for most
of the technical aspects of Essbase, its peripheral functions, and its services. From this
screen you can click on the EssCmd link to access step-by-step instructions on how
to create, edit, and execute an Essbase command script.
Begin by opening a blank text file and saving it with the .scr file extension.
Please use these files with caution. In a Windows-based
system, a file with the .scr extension is usually associated
with a screensaver file type.
When opening an EssCmd file, it is best to open your text
editor and use the File | Open method to open an Essbase
command script.
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EssCmd commands and categories
There are over 120 distinct EssCmd commands that do everything from running
report scripts and calculation scripts to database outline maintenance and security.
The following screenshot shows a complete listing of available EssCmd commands:
The command list can be rather intimidating to look at but we assure you that all
of the EssCmd commands are easily understandable and simple to use. To help you
become familiar with the commands and their function, Essbase also groups them
by category.
The basic categories of the EssCmd commands are as follows:
• Using EssCmd: These commands are used to log in and out of EssCmd, view
command lists, pause EssCmd execution, and direct command script output.
• Application and database administration: These commands are used
to perform database creations and routine administration, and to get
information about existing applications and databases.
• User/Group security: Use these commands to perform user ID and
access group maintenance and administration.
• Security filters and locks: These commands can list, copy, and
rename database security access filters, and also remove database locks.
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• Database objects: These commands are used to list database objects and
their lock statuses, if any. Also, you can copy and rename database objects,
and view or remove URLs, cell notes, or database partitions linked to
the database.
• Outline/Attribute information: Use these commands to view outline
member information, member attribute information, current attribute
naming specifications, and to view the outline paging information.
• Dimension building: This group of commands can be used to build
one or more dimensions from data files or SQL sources. You can
build multiple dimensions incrementally and decide how you want
the database restructured after the dimension build is complete.
• Data loading, clearing, and exporting: Use these commands to load
your data from files or from individual records or to clear all data
from a database or to export and import data to and from text files.
• Calculating: These commands can be used to run calc scripts, execute
one or more calc strings, run or change the default database calculation,
and view information about calcs associated with outline members.
• Reporting: Use these commands to execute report scripts or to run one
or more report strings individually.
• Partitioning: This group of commands can be used to load or unload
data from a database partition or even produce a text file version of a
partition mapping.
• Outline synchronization: These commands are actually used in conjunction
with partitioned databases to keep the target database outline synchronized
with changes made to the source database outline.
• Error and log handling: Use these commands to set conditional or
unconditional error branching from EssCmd scripts, redirection of process
information output, specifying what level of detail messages are displayed
in, and clearing the application log file when necessary.
• Currency conversion information: These commands are used to get
information about currency databases linked to the currently selected database.
• Location aliases: These commands manage location aliases used in a
distributed analytic services environment. Location aliases are names
that are used in place of server addresses, applications, databases, user IDs,
and passwords.
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• Substitution variables: Use these commands to manage any substitution
variables. Substitution variables are placeholders for information that
changes regularly. Use them in calc scripts, report scripts, and the
spreadsheet add-in to avoid hard coding.
• Aliases: These commands manage and, display the values of alias tables
for database outlines. Alias tables contain a listing of member names and
their alternate names, or aliases.
• Integrity and performance: These commands are used to check database
statistics and validate databases against possible corruption.
• Backing up: Use these commands to place one or more
Application|Databases into Read Only mode in preparation for archiving
or backup.
Well, there you have it! In a nutshell you have all of the Essbase command script
categories. For complete details on how to code each function and what task it
performs please refer to the Essbase Administration Services Information Map
that you access from the EAS Help menu pick. There you will find a complete
command list with specific details on how to code each function.
Coding a basic EssCmd
Even though you should no longer be writing new Essbase command scripts we
would remiss if we did not at least go over the basics. The following instructions
will guide you through writing a basic Essbase command script so you will have
at least a working knowledge level in case you need it.
Always remember EssCmd logging
First and foremost, in any EssCmd script is the inclusion of script logging. A good
output log is invaluable for helping to debug any problems.
The first line in any EssCmd script should be the OUTPUT command. This command
toggles on or off the script logging and also allows you to specify where to put the
log as shown here:
OUTPUT 1 "c:\EssCmd.log"; /* The 1 specifies turning job log output
on and then you code the log's location */
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Connecting to an Essbase server
Obviously, you will need to be connected to an Essbase server to perform any tasks
or functions. In EssCmd there are two ways to login to the server. If your script will
only be accessing one specific Essbase database you can code your login command
as follows:
LOGIN ServerName userID Password appName dbName;
This command will log you into a specific Essbase Application|Database, and you will
need to log out before you can connect to another Application|Database. The appName
and dbName parameters are optional however, and if you plan on performing tasks
against several Application|Databases you would login like this:
LOGIN hostNode userName password;
SELECT appName dbName;
The term hostNode refers to the specific server name or IP address of the Essbase
server you wish to connect to.
Using the LOGIN then SELECT method to login allows you to change the
Application|Database at any time in your script by using another occurrence
of the SELECT command.
Your EssCmd script should now look like this:
OUTPUT 1 "c:\EssCmd.log"; /* The 1 specifies turning job log output
on and then you code the logs location */
LOGIN hostNode userName password; /* Connect to Essbase server */
SELECT appName dbName; /* Connect to specific application/database */
What about error checking
Before we go too much further, we should stress the importance of error checking.
Lucky for us the EssCmd library includes an IFERROR command that acts as a GOTO
for errors. This can be very important if the next command in a script is dependent
on the successful completion of the previous command. Having your script halt
execution on an error can prevent all kinds of grief.
It is a good idea to follow all commands in the script with the IFERROR command
and you can add your error checking as shown:
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
:ERROR /* Script skips to here and resumes execution */
EXIT; /* In this case we exit the script */
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Once you have added your error checking, your fledgling script should look like
the script below:
OUTPUT 1 "c:\EssCmd.log"; /* The 1 specifies turning job log output
on and then you code the log's
location */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
LOGIN hostNode userName password; /* Connect to Essbase server */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
SELECT appName dbName; /* Connect to specific application|database */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
*** Add functional commands here ***
OUTPUT 3; /* Turns off script logging */
LOGOUT; /* Logs out the script and exits */
:ERROR /* On an error the script branches to here and
resumes execution */
EXIT; /* In this case we exit the script */
Adding some functional commands
So now you have an EssCmd script that when executed, will turn on logging, log in
to a specified Essbase server, select a specified Essbase Application|Database, turn
off logging, and log out, all the while checking for errors in the command execution.
You now need to add some commands to the script which will actually do some work!
How about if we load a specific Essbase application and database into memory? We
will then run the default calculation script against that database. Next, we will unload
the database and the application from server memory to conserve system resources.
And finally, we will log out and the script will terminate.
To the example script above, we want to add the following commands:
LOADAPP appName; /* Loads the specified application into memory */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
LOADDB appName dbName; /* Loads the specified database into memory */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
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CALCDEFAULT; /* Executes the default calculation on the selected
database */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
UNLOADDB appName dbName; /* Unloads the specified database
from memory */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
UNLOADAPP appName; /* Unloads the specified application from memory */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
Now, let's add these lines to the rest of the script and see what a complete EssCmd
script looks like.
The finished script
Here is what your EssCmd script should look like with all of the commands added.
It is ready to execute and in the next section, we will discuss the ways to execute an
Essbase Command script.
OUTPUT 1 "c:\EssCmd.log"; /* The 1 specifies turning job log output
on and then you code the log's
location */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
LOGIN hostNode userName password; /* Connect to Essbase server */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
SELECT appName dbName; /* Connect to specific application/database */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
LOADAPP appName; /* Loads the specified application into memory */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
LOADDB appName dbName; /* Loads the specified database into memory */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
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CALCDEFAULT; /* Executes the default calculation on the selected
database */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
UNLOADDB appName dbName; /* Unloads the specified database
from memory */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
UNLOADAPP appName; /* Unloads the specified application from memory */
IFERROR "ERROR"; /* On an error the script will branch to the
"ERROR" line */
OUTPUT 3; /* Turns off script logging */
LOGOUT; /* Logs out the script and exits */
:ERROR /* Script branches to here and resumes execution on error */
OUTPUT 3; /* Turns off script logging */
EXIT; /* In this case we exit the script */
Remember, all command lines must end with a semi-colon. If you wish to add
comments to the script, you would follow the example below using a /* to begin a
comment and a */ to end a comment:
/* This is an EssCmd comment line */
Executing an EssCmd
There are two easy ways to execute Essbase Commands. First, there is the interactive
command line processing where you are logging in and executing commands from
the DOS command prompt. Second, is the batch processing method, where you
actually launch a batch job from either your desktop PC or on an application server.
Let's continue and learn a little bit more about each method.
EssCmd processing from command prompt
Interactive Essbase command prompt mode lets you interactively enter commands
at the EssCmd command line and receive short responses. Interactive command line
mode is convenient and preferable for short operations that require few commands,
no checking for information on the fly, and little error checking.
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In interactive mode you manually enter commands on the command line and
respond to returned prompts. This is useful when you are performing simple tasks
that require few commands. If you are performing more complex tasks that require
many commands as well as error handling, consider creating an EssCmd script file
to run in a batch job. To launch the EssCmd command line application simply open
a DOS command line window and enter the fully qualified path and file name for
the esscmd.exe as shown in the following screenshot:
If you have Essbase installed on a Windows client you can register
the esscmd.exe file as you would a DLL. The registration process
alerts you that is has failed yet it still registers the executable.
The benefit here is that you can now call the esscmd.exe by its
name only. No extension or path needs to be included. This makes
starting a command line session easier and if you register it on your
application server as well, then it makes coding batch jobs and shell
commands easier too.
Once you have entered the esscmd.exe command in the command line screen
you will see the following:
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You now have opened the Essbase Command Mode Interface. At the command
prompt, you can begin entering commands. We suppose the first thing you should
do is log in to an Essbase analytic server or else you will just sit there.
You enter your commands exactly as you would type them into an EssCmd script
file as illustrated previously in this chapter. Also, remember to always terminate
a command line with a semi-colon, just as is required in an EssCmd script file.
EssCmd processing in batch mode
Essbase command batch processing mode lets you automate your routine analytic
services maintenance and diagnostic tasks for the server, applications, and databases.
You can write a script or batch file and run it from the command line. Or you can call
a script from a batch job and run it fully automated.
Batch processing mode is convenient if you frequently use a particular series of
repeated commands or if your tasks require many commands and the ability to
test for processing errors.
A batch file is an operating system file that can call EssCmd scripts and can also
include operating system commands. You can use one batch file to run multiple
sessions of EssCmd. This can be a licensing consideration since multiple EssCmd
connections connected through the same EssCmd session count as only one license
port, thereby saving on potentially expensive system licensing.
You can run a batch file on the analytic server from the operating system command
prompt and the file is processed by the operating system. On Windows and Windows
NT systems, batch files have .bat file extensions. These files can also be scheduled to
run automatically from the Task Scheduler, thus fully automating your processes.
To run an Essbase EssCmd script from the DOS command line prompt, simply
enter the fully qualified path to the EssCmd script file as shown:
The line above will execute the EssCmd script file named Batch.SCR.
To have a batch file execute an Essbase EssCmd script, you would place a line
like the following line in a .bat file and execute the batch file:
Well there you have it! You may be wondering why such a relatively easy to use
set of powerful tools would be getting phased out but just wait until you read the
next section on Essbase MaxL scripts. The MaxL scripts are replacing the Essbase
command scripts and are a more powerful, easier to use, intuitive, and interactive
scripting tool for Essbase.
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[ 304 ]
Essbase MaxL scripts
MaxL is a Multidimensional Access Language developed for Essbase analytics. MaxL,
as it is known, is a powerful scripting tool developed for the system administrator of
Essbase to perform administrative tasks from the creation of a new user, to adding
new security filters, to updating the database outline, to importing data, to executing
calculation scripts, and finally to the deletion of a database or an application.
These tasks are very important to do, but remember, if you make a mistake in one
of these scripts your entire database cube and all of the data can be lost. Please use
extreme caution while executing MaxL statements.
MaxL statements are case sensitive and must always end with a semi-colon.
MaxL supports most of the tasks and functions that you can perform in the EssCmd
scripting language and it also supports all of the new functionalities that have been
added to the newer versions of Essbase. EssCmd is used extensively in the older
versions of Essbase and MaxL is highly recommended for the newer versions of
Essbase. EssCmd does not support some of the newer features like ASO and Essbase
database security filters.
The MaxL scripting language uses a statement construct syntax which has its
own grammar. Every MaxL statement consists of verbs and objects.
Some of the verbs used in a typical MaxL statement are:
• Alter
• Create
• Display
• Drop
• Execute
• Import
• Export
• Grant
• Query
• Refresh
Some of the objects used in a MaxL statement are:
• Application
• Database
• Dimensions
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• Calculation
• Data
• Filter
• Location Alias
• Aggregate Build
• Aggregate Process
• Calculation
• Outline
• Partitions
• Tablespace
• Session
The following screenshot shows you the list of all of the available MaxL statements:
Let's walk through some of the MaxL statements which will be used in the
day-to-day life of an Essbase administrator.
Logging on to the Essbase server
Obviously, the first step that is required to use MaxL is to log on to the Essbase
server. Here is a step-by-step demonstration of how to log on to an Essbase analytic
server using MaxL statements.
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<USERNAME> /* enter your user name or batch id */
Identified by
<PASSWORD> /* enter your password or batch password */
<HOSTNAME> /*enter the server name */
Code Sample:
login <USERNAME> identified by <PASSWORD> on <HOSTNAME>;
Guess what? You have just written your first MaxL statement. Did we say something
new here? Well, we have learned a little bit about a few MaxL statements in earlier
chapters of this book, but here we are discussing MaxL for the sole purpose of learning
how to use the MaxL scripting language and all of the benefits these commands can
bring to the Essbase administrator.
Working with an Essbase application in MaxL
As a part of your weekly or monthly maintenance, you may have routine tasks to
perform on the application level. Guess what? You can easily execute repetitive tasks
using the MaxL scripting language. A word of caution, the user who performs these
MaxL actions should have System Designer access or higher.
At the application level you can do some very important actions with MaxL. You can
create a new application on the analytic server or you can create a copy of an existing
application. You can also alter an application, display an application, and finally
even drop an application. Let us see how we can use each of these actions in
a MaxL script.
Creating an application
Using the MaxL scripting language you can either create a new application or copy
an existing application. You may wonder why we would need to create an application
by using a MaxL script. Well we may need to create a yearly MaxL job which requires
you to copy an existing application to a new application as a backup, but also you will
need to create a new application to replace the old application for the new year's cycle.
Both of these tasks, creating a new application and copying an existing application can
be done using the MaxL Create statement as shown in the syntax and code sample
as follows:
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create application 'Application_Name' type 'Mode' as 'Application_
Name ' comment 'Comment-String';
'Application_Name': Name of the new application should be upto 8 characters
long as with all Essbase database objects.
type: Indicates whether this application is to be Unicode or not with the default
being is non-Unicode mode. Unicode is a system of assigning a unique number to
each character regardless of the language or platform. When a database is created
using the Unicode convention, users from all parts of the globe, using all different
character sets can use your Essbase system without worry of data corruption.
As 'Application_name' [optional]: Name of the existing application which
will be copied to the new application.
comment 'Comment-String' [optional: This is a comment which is given to
the application and can be viewed in the application properties screen.
Example 1: In the following example, we are creating a new application. Since we
did not mention the Unicode mode, by default, it will be created as a non-Unicode
Create application ESSCARNW comment 'New Esscar Application';
Example 2: In the next example, we are creating a new application which is same
as the existing application and will be for the purpose of an application backup.
Create application ESSCARBK as ESSCAR comment 'Back up of Esscar
Now that you have seen how we can create an application using a MaxL statement,
let us see how we can use the alter application statement in MaxL.
Altering the application
With the alter statement, you can set the properties for an application, add, modify,
or drop a substitution variable, load or unload an application, enable or disable
application start up commands, add an application comment, or clear an application
log file.
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Keep the following screenshot in mind when you are looking at the MaxL alter
application command examples that follow. For reference, whatever that is
performed in the script can also be performed through the Application Properties
screen accessed through the EAS tool.
Let's look at a few more commonly used alter statements.
Using the SET properties statement
You can set an application's properties using the alter and set statements. Some
of the set commands are:
• set minimum permission: Grants all authorized users a minimum
application permissions level which is valid for all of the databases under
this application. This command directly corresponds to the Minimum access
level setting in the Application Properties screen on the General tab.
alter application <App-Name> set minimum permission <READ |
Code Sample:
alter application 'ESSCAR' set minimum permission read;
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• set lock_timeout after: This is the maximum time a user can maintain
a database lock if idle. The default lock time out is 60 minutes.
alter application <App-Name> set lock_timeout after integer
Code Sample:
alter application 'ESSCAR' set lock_timeout after 75 minutes;
• set max_lro_file_size: You can set a maximum file size of an LRO.
This can be either unlimited, or you can specify a file size.
alter application <App-Name> set max_lro_file_size
Code Sample:
alter application 'ESSCAR' set max_lro_file_size 32768b;
This code sets the maximum LRO file size to 32KB.
• set type unicode_mode: You can convert a non-Unicode into a
Unicode mode.
Remember, you cannot convert a Unicode application
to a non-Unicode application. However, you can
convert a non-Unicode application to Unicode.
alter application <App-Name> set type unicode_mode;
Code Sample:
alter application 'ESSCAR' set type unicode_mode;
Using load/unload database
These commands will load and unload the databases into or out of system memory.
alter application <App-Name> load database <Db-Name>;
alter application <App-Name> unload database <Db-Name>;
Code Sample:
alter application 'ESSCAR' load database 'ESSCAR';
alter application 'ESSCAR' unload database 'ESSCAR';
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Clear application log
A good practice for an Essbase administrator would be to clear the application log as
often as possible. If the application log file is allowed to get too large users, a marked
decrease in system performance is seen. The good news for the Essbase administrator
is that there is no need to log on to the Essbase server through EAS to clear the log
file. The system administrator can write a MaxL script and use it to clear the log file
on a weekly basis. Be sure to back up the log file for audit trails according to your
company's standards.
alter application <App-Name> clear logfile;
Enable/Disable start up/auto startup
In an application's properties you can set the application to start whenever the
Essbase server is started or you can start an application at the first user request
to log on. These properties can be set by the administrator with a MaxL command.
startup /* Allow user to start Application */
If startup is enabled, the users can start the application upon log on. If startup
is set to disabled, the users will not be able to log on, if the application is not
already started.
alter application <App-Name> enable startup;
alter application <App-Name> disbale startup;
autostartup /* Start Application when Essbase Analytical Server
starts */
If autostartup is enabled, the application will start as soon as the Essbase analytic
server is started. If autostartup is disabled, the application will not start when
the Essbase analytic server is started.
alter application <App-Name> enable autostartup;
alter application <App-Name> disable autostartup;
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The MaxL alter statements are some of the more commonly used MaxL statements.
Do not let this give you any indication as to the usefulness of every single available
MaxL command. You may go for years and never use a command that someone else
uses every day. As an Essbase administrator it is upto you to decide what works best
in your individual situation.
Display application
This statement displays all of the information about all of the applications on
the server or you can specify a specific application.
display application all;
display application <app-name>;
Drop application
The drop application command will drop an empty application. To remove an
application that has databases in it, use the cascade option and if some of the objects
are locked, then you can use the force option.
drop application <App-Name> cascade;
drop application <App-Name>cascade force;
Working with an Essbase database from MaxL
In the Database MaxL object, you can use the same verbs like Alter, Create, Display,
and Drop as you have used in the alter application statements, but these are at the
database level.
Just like the MaxL statements that are used for altering an Essbase application,
there are many MaxL commands that are used to alter an Essbase database as well.
And, just like the application level MaxL commands, the database level commands
directly correspond to the settings available to you through the EAS tool.
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As you are reading through the examples we have used in the following section,
keep in mind the details from the following screenshot that shows the Database
Properties screen.
Let's see how each of these MaxL verbs will be used in the Essbase database object.
Creating or replacing a database
Using a MaxL statement you can create a new standard database or a new
currency database. With the create statement you can also make a copy of
an existing database.
This statement is for a standard Essbase database:
create database <app-name.db-name>;
This statement is for a currency Essbase database:
create currency database <app-name.db-name>;
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Code Sample:
create database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSNEW';
replace database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSBKP' as 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR';
create database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSBKP' as 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR';
Altering a database
Just like the application alter command there is an alter command for the databases.
How about we walk through some of the more commonly used ALTER commands?
Enable/Disable commands
These MaxL commands are used to enable or disable some of the more commonly
updated Essbase database properties.
This syntax shows how to enable/disable Essbase database properties:
alter database <Dbs-name> enable | disable two_pass_calc |
aggregate_missing | startup | autostartup | compression >;
Code Sample:
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' enable autostartup;
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' enable two_pass_calc;
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' disable startup;
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' disable aggregate_missing;
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' enable autostartup;
Archive commands
An Essbase database can be archived to a file. These MaxL commands are used for
archiving a database. Use the begin archive to file to begin the archive export
and end archive to end the archive export of the database. We will talk more about
archiving in the next chapter.
alter database <db-name> begin archive to file <File-name>;
alter database end archive;
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Set commands
In MaxL, you can also use the set commands. Some of the most widely used set
commands are retrieve_buffer_size, data_cache_size, index_cache_size,
currency_conversion minimum permission, compression, lock_timeout,
implicit_commit_after n blocks, and many more.
Some syntax and code samples are listed below for the set commands.
alter database <Db-name> set <SET-COMMAND>;
Code Sample:
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' set data_cache_size 4096;
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' set retrieve_buffer_size 15360;
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' set currency_database
'ESSCAR'.'ESSCURR'; /* This links a Standard database to its
currency database */
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' set compression zlib;
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' set note 'DATA IS UPATED on
Reset database
In MaxL, you can clear the data, LRO objects, and the entire outline in one single
statement. Use extreme caution while using this command as there is no undo
function to save you.
alter database <Db-Name> reset <all | data>;
Code Sample:
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' reset all;
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' reset data;
Rename database
Using the alter statement, you can also rename the database to a new name.
alter database <Db-name> rename to <new Db-name>;
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Code Sample:
alter database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' rename to 'ESSCARN';
These are some of the commands that you can perform using the ALTER database.
Display database
With MaxL you can display all of the pertinent information about a database in one
easy command.
display database <all | Db-Name | on application App-name>;
Code Sample:
display database;
display database all;
display database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR';
Drop database
This command is used to delete Essbase databases and if a database has some of
its objects locked, then also use the FORCE parameter to unlock those objects.
drop database <Db-Name>;
Code Sample:
drop database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSNEW';
drop database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSNEW' force;
Working with data in MaxL
With MaxL statements you can also import data into an Essbase database or export
data from the Essbase database to a text file. These two statements are powerful
statements and are very widely used.
The import statement not only imports data into the Essbase cube, it is also used t
o update dimensions in the outline.
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import database <app-name>.<db-name>
data | dimension: data is used when we are loading data into the cube. Use
dimension for updating dimension in the outline.
connect as <Database Username>: Since we are loading the data from a relational
database, please specify the user name here.
IDENTIFIED BY <Database password): Specify your relational database password.
USING (Information about the Rules File)
LOCAL | SERVER: Location of the rules file
RULE FILE NAME: Name of the rule file
ON ERROR APPEND TO (error File information)
ERROR FILE NAME: Path for error file C:/book/dataload.err
Code Sample:
import database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' data
connect as 'hypuser' identified by 'password'
using server rules_file 'dSales'
on error write to 'C:/book/dataload.err';
The export MaxL statement is used to export the level 0 data, all of the data, or just
the input data from the Essbase cube into a text file. This function is mainly used for
data retention as per company policy or backing up critical data.
export database <app-name>.<db-name>;
all | level 0 | input: all indicates all levels of data, level 0 indicates only leaf
node data which excludes the aggregated data, and input indicates only input data.
data in columns to data_file <File-name>;
Code Sample:
export database 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR' all data to data_file 'C:/book/
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Working with database calculations in MaxL
Using MaxL you can also create database calculation files, display the list of calc files,
drop calc files, and execute calc files.
Create calculation
MaxL statements let you create a new calc file or copy an existing calc file from
another application on the server.
create calculation <Calc-name> <Calc-string | as calc-name>
Code Sample:
Upon execution of the above code a new calc script named ESSCALC will be created
within the ESSCAR application.
Display calculation
The display MaxL statement will display the calculation scripts on the
analytic server.
display calculation <all | <Calc-name> | on application <App-name>
| on database <Db-Name>>;
Code Sample:
display calculation all;
display calculation on application 'ESSCAR';
Execute calculation
The execute calculation MaxL statement will run the specified calc script.
execute calculation < Calc-name > | Calc-name on database Db-String
| Calc – String on Db-Name | default.;
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Code Sample:
execute calculation 'ESSBCAR'.'ESSCAR'.'ESSCALC';
execute calculation 'CALC DIM(PRODCTS,MARKET)' on 'ESSACAR'.'ESSCAR';
Drop calculation
The drop calculation MaxL statement will delete the existing named calc script.
drop calculation < Calc-name >;
Code Sample:
drop calculation 'ESSCAR'.'ESSCAR'.'ESSCALC';
Working with user privileges in MaxL
Using MaxL statements, the database administrator can create, edit, display, drop,
and grant privileges to user IDs.
The basic accesses you can grant to a user ID are the same as defined in either
the application properties or the database properties.
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Looking at the previous screenshot you can see the choices provided to you for
default access to the Essbase applications or databases. The only difference is if you
set the access at the application level, the user will have the selected level of access
for all databases within the application. If you grant this same level of access at the
database level the ID will have this level of access only at the database level for
which it was given.
Create user
Using the MaxL statement, you can create a new user, assign a default password,
and associate the user with a database access group.
create user <user-name> identified by <password> as <EXISTING
USERNAME> | member of group <group-name>;
Code Sample:
create user essuser identified by essinit member of group esssales;
Alter user
The alter MaxL statement lets the administrator edit a user such as: change the
group, remove the user from a group, enable the password, disable the password,
and reset the user.
alter user <user-name> add to group <Group-name>; /* Adds an
existing user to an access group */
alter user <user-name> remove from group <Group-name>; /* Removes
an existing user from an access group */
alter user <user-name> rename to <new user-name>; /* Renames an
existing user to a new user name */
alter user <user-name> enable; /* Reactivate the user's ID */
alter user <user-name> disable; /* Disable the user ID */
alter user <user-name> set_password <new-password>; /* Set a new
password for a specified user ID */
alter user <user-name> set_password_reset_days <integer> days | none
| immediate | exact; /* Set the password time to live in days */
alter user <user-name> reset; /* This statement resets the user
ID. If the user ID is locked then it will be unlocked.
Unsuccessful password attempts will set to 0 */
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Code Sample:
alter user 'HYPUSER' add to group ESSPROFIT;
alter user 'HYPUSER" RESET;
Display user
The display user MaxL statement will display the user information like username,
last logon date, enables, and password reset days remaining.
display user all | <User-name> | in group (all | <Group-name>);
Code Sample:
display user all;
display user in group all;
display user in group ESSPROFIT;
Drop user
The drop user MaxL statement will delete the existing user.
drop user <user-name>;
Code Sample:
drop user ESSUSER;
Grant user
The grant user MaxL statement will grant permissions to the user.
| FILTER <Filter-name> | EXECUTE <Calc-name> TO <User-name> | <Groupname>;
Code Sample:
grant user administrator to Sarma;
grant user no_access to Joe;
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Working at the System level with MaxL
The database administrator is sometimes required to clear the Essbase log, unload
all the application from the memory, or kill a process which is running. All of these
statements can also be performed by the system MaxL statement. The system MaxL
statement has only two actions to alter or display information.
Alter system properties
Using the alter system MaxL statement, you will be able to load and unload
an application on the server, clear the Essbase log file, set invalid login limit, set
password reset days, enable/disable Unicode, log out all or a specific user session.
These changes are all updated at the analytic server level.
Let's see some of the alter system statements in use.
alter system load application all | <App-Name>;
alter system unload application all | <App-Name>;
alter system clear logfile;
alter system logout session all | <Session-id> | by user <User-name>
| on application <App-Name> | on database <Db-Name>;
alter system enable unicode;
alter system disable unicode;
Code Sample:
alter system load application 'ESSCAR';
alter system logout session by user 'SARMA';
Display system properties
The display system MaxL statement displays the information about
the Essbase server.
display system version | ports_in_use | expost_directory
| license_info;
Code Sample:
display system all;
display system ports_in_use;
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[ 322 ]
Substitution variables
Substitution variables can also be updated by using MaxL statements and
commands. The following commands adding, updating, and dropping the
substitution variables can be at the application, database, or the server level.
• add variable: This is used to create a new Substitution Variable.
Adding variables at Application level—these can be accessed by only
the application specified.
alter application <App-Name> add variable <variable-Name>
Adding variables at Database level—these can be accessed by only
the database specified.
alter database <App-Name>.<db-name> add variable
<variable-Name> <variable-value>;
Adding variables at the System level – these can be accessed by all of
the applications that reside on the Essbase server
alter system add variable <variable-Name> <variable-value>;
Code Samples:
alter application 'ESSCAR' add variable 'sCurrMonth' '200902';
alter database 'ESSCAR'. 'ESSCAR' add variable 'sCurrMonth'
alter system add variable 'sCurrMonth' '200902';
• set variable: This is used to update the value of an existing Substitution
Variable. If the variable is not defined, then use add variable first to create
a new Substitution Variable.
Setting variables at the application level
alter application <App-Name> set variable <variable-Name>
Setting variables at the database level
alter database <App-Name>.<db-name> set variable <variable-Name>
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Setting variables at the System level
alter system set variable <variable-Name> <variable-value>;
Code Samples:
alter application 'ESSCAR' set variable 'sCurrMonth' '200902';
alter database 'ESSCAR'. 'ESSCAR' set variable 'sCurrMonth'
alter system set variable 'sCurrMonth' '200902';
• drop variable: This command is used to delete an existing
Substitution Variable.
Drop a substitution variable at the Application level
alter application <App-Name> drop variable <variable-Name>;
Drop a substitution variable at the Database level
alter database <App-Name>.<db-name> drop variable
Drop a substitution variable at the System level
alter system drop variable <variable-Name>;
Code Samples:
alter application 'ESSCAR' drop variable 'sCurrMonth';
alter database 'ESSCAR'. 'ESSCAR' drop variable 'sCurrMonth';
alter system drop variable 'sCurrMonth';
Executing a MaxL statement
Now that you have learned how powerful the MaxL statements are, let's see how
we can execute the statements. The MaxL statements can be written in any text
editor like Windows Notepad and you then save the file with the .mxl extension.
How do we run a MaxL statement? There are a couple of ways this can
be accomplished. They are as follows:
• Run MaxL from the command prompt using the MaxL shell
• Executing a MaxL statement from the MaxL editor in EAS
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Executing MaxL from Command Prompt
When you install the Essbase client, by default, the MaxL shell executable is provided
and is named essmsh.exe. This executable will be located in the bin folder of the
Oracle client home install folder, typically as shown:
The extension for a MaxL file is .mxl, and the files are ASCII text files, which you
can write statements and edit in any common text editor like Windows Notepad.
To execute your script you go to the bin folder path and fire off the MaxL script
as shown below.
Open a blank Notepad text file and type in these MaxL statements:
spool on to 'C:\book\MaxlOutput.txt'; /* This sends all the Maxl
outputs to the File
mentioned */
login hypuser password on localhost; /* Log in to the Essbase
Server */
create application 'EsscarN'; /* This Step creates the
Application called EsscarN */
create database 'EsscarN'.'EsscarN' as 'Esscar'.'Esscar';
/* This creates the copy of the Database Esscar and new Database name
is EsscarN */
alter database 'EsscarN'.'EsscarN' reset data;
/* This statement will clear all the Pre-existing data */
alter database 'EsscarN'.'EsscarN' set variable 'sCurrMonth' '200902';
/* Sets a variable called sCurrMonth */
import database 'EsscarN'.'EsscarN' data connect as 'hypuser'
identified by 'password' using server rules_file 'dSales' on error
write to 'C:/book/dataload.err'; /* This statement loads the
data into the Cube */
logout; /* logs out users session */
exit; /* Exits from Maxl */
Save the file with the.mxl extension then open the Command Prompt and run
your MaxL script from the prompt as shown in the following screenshot.
If you type ESSMSH in the command prompt and the MaxL prompt
does not show up, then go to the Environment Variables and add
the path below:
After you add this into the path, you will be able to run MaxL from
anywhere in the DOS prompt.
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Oops! There is an error and it looks like we have a wrong password in there.
But if there is an error message this is how you will see the error message.
Now let us change the password and rerun the script.
In the previous screenshot, you can now see that the script ran successfully without
any error messages. In the next section let us see how we can do the same while
using the EAS tool.
Executing MaxL from EAS
The EAS comes with plenty of tools and utilities. Believe it or not EAS also has a
MaxL editor where you can type all of the MaxL statements and execute the MaxL
scripts. In the EAS MaxL editor you do not need to specify the login commands as
you are already logged onto the Essbase analytic server through EAS.
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Here are the steps to execute MaxL from the EAS MaxL editor:
1. Within EAS, click on File | Editor | MaxL Script Editor. The MaxL script
editor will be opened.
2. The import database MaxL statement should be used to load the data,
as shown in the following screenshot:
This is how you can execute your MaxL scripts from within EAS. In the next section
we will discuss how you can make use of the powerful Essbase API to write highly
functional backend programs for your Essbase applications.
Essbase Application Programming
Interface (API)
The Essbase Application Programming Interface or API, is a programmatic interface
between your client or your application server and the Essbase analytic server.
The Essbase analytic server manages the transfer of data between client and analytic
server or the application server and analytic server over your network.
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Using programs coded by you to make calls to functions within the Essbase API, data
or results are returned from the Essbase servers you are connected to. The Essbase API
contains much of the same functionality that the Essbase software included with your
system contains.
Typically you don't need to be concerned with where the physical Essbase server
machine is located on the network when writing a program that uses API calls.
Locating the server and transferring the data, is all handled by the API through
TCP/IP connections.
Installing the Essbase API
The API functionality is automatically installed and available to clients and application
servers from the Essbase analytic server when you install the Essbase analytic software
on your server.
To install the API software on a client machine, you simply need to make sure the
API selection is checked during your routine installation of the Essbase add-in. If
the desktop machine in question has the Essbase add-in already installed, but not
the Essbase API libraries, you can perform a complete reinstallation of the Essbase
add-in without harming your current add-in installation. When you get to the
installation step where it asks if you want to perform a routine or custom installation,
select Custom. Then, on the next screen, select only the Essbase API.
For application server installation, the process for older versions would be just like
the steps for a client PC for the API only. Simply perform a custom installation and
select only the Essbase API for installation. Newer versions of Essbase (6.x and higher)
are shipped with an Essbase Runtime Client which will install all of the required API
libraries onto the target machine and support Essbase API functionality.
You now have the Essbase API on all of the machines in your network and can
begin programming Essbase functions from the Essbase API.
What you should know to use the
Essbase API
As you are already aware, this entire book is intended for use by IT professionals
that have at least some level of experience and understanding of database usage and
programming. Basic programming knowledge and experience with object-oriented
programming is required to really understand how to code effective programs that
take full advantage of the Essbase API functionality.
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There are three distinct sets of API programming libraries for your programming
convenience. There is a full Visual Basic library of API functionality, a full C library
of API functionality, and a full Java function library as well.
For the sake of consistency throughout this book and the usability in Microsoft Excel
VBA, we will discuss the Visual Basic or VB API library of functions. Complete
documentation can be found in the online technical reference included with and
accessible from the EAS tool.
Oracle Essbase also supports a complete Java API framework with a vast array of
predefined packages and functions that allow the Essbase installation to exist on a
distributed server environment that supports a full web-based application. Custom
functions and controls are also supported. In order to run the Java API you need to
install the Hyperion provider services. Much more information about the Java API
can be found in the N-tier Application Programming Interface guide included with
your Oracle Essbase installation package.
Remember that COM+ objects are written in VB code, and
any API functionality can be written into one as easily as
into a formal Visual Basic program.
The benefit of COM+ objects is that their functionality can
be available on a server to support client calls, as well as
web-based calls.
What functions are available in the
Essbase API
There is a vast array of functionality available in the Essbase API. In the easily
available Essbase API documentation the API functions are divided into two
functional group categories.
The first category is the Visual Basic Main API group of functions. These
functions perform tasks that you would perform during day-to-day operations.
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As you can see from the previous list, the main API functions offer quite an assortment
of functions that can make your life easier. There are functions for setting all kinds of
application and database properties and attributes. There are functions for database
maintenance and user maintenance. There are even file functions, security functions,
and database object functions. There are also many database related functions.
The second category of Essbase API functions is the Visual Basic Outline API group
of functions. As the name suggests, this category of API functions is more specifically
targeted to the Essbase database outline.
From the previous list you can see that the Outline API functions allows you specific
Essbase database outline functionality.
With the combined functionality of both API categories written into a comprehensive
enough of a program that you can practically build, populate, and use an Essbase
application/database without ever touching the actual EAS tool.
Essbase API programming tips
A good coding style to adopt when writing code in any programming language is
the indented or nested coding style. This style is recommended the world over for
writing easy to follow written code instructions. The indented or nested coding style
allows for easier debugging and enhancing of your code, now and in the future. The
nested coding style also helps ensure that you will remember to follow the opening
of a function with the closing of a function.
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Essbase nested coding style examples
Here is a representative example of the nested coding style and the obvious benefits
of employing such a method or style.
Begin action 1
Begin action 2
Begin action 3
Perform action 3
End action 3
Begin action 4
Perform action 4
End action 4
End action 2
End action 1
This example should illustrate nicely why the nested style is the preferable code
writing style. The next example will now put the previous example into Essbase
functionality context so it makes sense for you. Most Essbase API functions usually
must be started or opened and after completion of the task they must be ended
or closed.
Initialize the API
Login to a server
Connect to a database
Open a database outline
Browse the outline
Close the outline
Open a report
Modify & save the report
Close the report
Disconnect from a database
Logout from the server
Terminate the API
Typically, the group of Essbase API calls or functions illustrated in the previous
example would be embedded in a VB subroutine so that it would actually look
more like this:
Sub BrowseOutlineAlterReport()
Initialize the API
Login to a server
Connect to a database
Open a database outline
Browse the outline
Close the outline
Open a report
Modify & save the report
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Close the report
Disconnect from a database
Logout from the server
Terminate the API
End Sub
As you can see each Essbase API call has an ending or terminating call that must
be executed when the desired function has completed.
Many code editors support the nested coding style by automatically
indenting the next line of written code to the same indentation
as the previous line making nested code writing even easier. The
Visual Basic editor supports nested code writing and Oracle Essbase
recommends you use the nested coding style when coding Essbase
API functions.
Essbase API function declarations
For your convenience your Essbase package comes with a VB code module that has
all of the Essbase API functions and declarations already coded for you. All you need
to do is add the module to your VB/VBA/COM+ project then start coding the API
calls and functions. The file's name is esb32.bas and is a wonderful time saver.
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As you can see in the previous screenshot, the Essbase supplied API declaration
module includes all of the necessary global variables and other API related
structures, as well as all of the API function calls. What a nice thing to have!
How to code an API function
In the following example, we will code an Essbase API function that returns
database information into an Essbase private type structure named DBINFO:
Sub GetDataBaseInfo(Appname as String, DBName as String)
'Pass Application name and Database name to VB subroutine
Dim sts as ESB_STS_T 'Dimension return code variable
Dim hCtx as ESB_HCTX_T 'Dimension API handle context
Dim DbInfo as ESB_DBINFO_T 'Dimension DB information variable
sts = EsbGetDatabaseInfo (hCtx, Appname, DBName, DbInfo) 'Execute
'API function
If sts = ESB_STS_NOERR ' Test API function return code
Call DisplayDatabaseInformation 'Branch to new subroutine on
'satisfactory return code
End If
End Sub
After a successful call to the Essbase API EsbGetDatabaseInfo function, the DbInfo
structure will be populated with a variety of database information for the database
that was passed to the function. The following is an example of the variable structure
showing what database information is returned.
ElapsedDbTime As Long 'Elapsed database time
DataFileCacheSetting As Long 'Data File Cache size database
DataFileCacheSize As Long
DataCacheSetting As Long
DataCacheSize As Long 'run-time size of the Data cache
IndexCacheSetting As Long
IndexCacheSize As Long 'size of the Index cache
IndexPageSetting As Long
IndexPageSize As Long 'run-time size of an Index Page
nDims As Long 'number of dimensions
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AppName As String * ESB_APPNAMELEN 'application name
Name As String * ESB_DBNAMELEN 'database name
Country As String * ESB_MBRNAMELEN 'country dimension
Time As String * ESB_MBRNAMELEN 'time dimension
Category As String * ESB_MBRNAMELEN 'category dimension
Type As String * ESB_MBRNAMELEN 'type dimension
CrPartition As String * ESB_MBRNAMELEN 'curr partition member
DbType As Integer ' Database Type
Status As Integer 'database load status
nConnects As Integer 'number of users
nLocks As Integer 'number of blocks locked
Data As Integer 'data loaded flag
End Type
There sure is a lot of information passed back from this call. Now do you remember
back a little bit that the variable name used in this API call is DbInfo? Yes, the
variable DbInfo, dimensioned using the variable structure above, now contains all
of the data that is listed in the ESB_DBINFO_T structure.
To read any of the information returned in this structure, the steps are very easy.
For instance, if you want to read how many users are connected to the database you
returned the information from just code: variable = DbInfo.nConnects and your
variable will now contain the number of users connected to the database. You can
also use DbInfo.nConnects elsewhere in your program depending on how you
dimensioned it.
Essbase API code sample blocks
It seems that for most good programmers, the only difference between programming
languages is the syntax of the code itself. Let's face it, logic is logic, and If means
If and End If means End If in all programming languages. The syntax may vary
though, as we've all seen End If or End-If or ENDIF.
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[ 334 ]
You have probably sensed that Oracle has created quite a product with Essbase and
you are correct. You have probably also gotten the idea that Oracle is very thorough
and has prepared well written and easy to understand system documentation. Well,
we'd have to say you are correct once again. The following is a picture of a typical
API function reference found in the Oracle Essbase API Reference that can be found
online or accessed through the EAS tool.
The following example is an exact representation of how the Essbase API Function
Reference looks, when accessed through EAS. It also looks very similar when
accessed through the Internet.
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As you can see from the actual Essbase API Reference images, the guidance and
instructions are very helpful. You get a complete explanation of the function and
tasks it can perform. You get an example showing exactly how to code the function.
Many times we will just copy and paste the example into an actual subroutine and
modify as needed. You also get information on any special requirements the function
may have. For instance the Init function must be performed before any other
Essbase API function. Best of all you get a list of any related functions that are either
required to accompany the subject function or are similar and may be a better fit for
what you are trying to accomplish.
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The sample API subroutine explained
What we will do now is take the VB subroutine from the previous example
and show you how it would look in a real program.
Sub BrowseOutlineAlterReport()
ESB_Init 'Initialize the API
ESB_Login(Server, UserID, Password, hInst) 'Login to server
ESB_SetActive(hCtx, ApName, DbName) 'Connect to a database
ESB_OtlOpenOutline 'Open a database outline
ESB_OtlRestructure 'Restructure the outline
ESB_OtlCloseOutline 'Close the outline
ESB_ClearActive 'Disconnect from a database
ESB_Logout 'Logout from the server
ESB_Term 'Terminate the API
End Sub
You have just completed our instruction for the Essbase API section of this chapter.
We know that you now feel confident that you can take advantage of the Essbase
API functionality and make your life a lot easier.
Because the Essbase API functions execute on the
analytic server, the same tasks or functions that could
be performed through EAS or the Microsoft Excel add-in
will almost always execute substantially faster than on
the client.
Systems built with extensive use of automated Essbase API functionality are usually
more reliable since there is no need for a human to be in there messing things up.
This same reason also seems to make the automated systems more stable as well.
All in all, it is better to plan for the long haul and do some of the hard work up front
in terms of writing code. This method of system development does nothing but keep
paying you back with long term dividends.
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Well that should just about put you over the top. You have a system built with the
best multidimensional OLAP software available and now it's nearing a lights out
operation with you automating the majority of your routine database maintenance
and administration tasks. How can you contain yourself?
As with the other chapters in this book we can honestly tell you that even if this
book were one thousand pages long, we would be barely scratching the surface of
the knowledge and experience you can gain from plain old tinkering around with
Essbase. Do yourself a real favor and play!
Next up in Chapter 9, is a comprehensive array of Essbase system tips and tricks.
These items will help you when it comes to performance tuning your application,
database and server configuration, memory management for server and client and
much more.
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Advanced Techniques
Well here we are at a place in this book where the information being presented to you is not so much mandatory as it is optional, and it can be used as needed. In actuality, the default settings with your Essbase installation are perfectly adequate for most applications. It is only when your needs start to expand beyond the ordinary that you will find yourself looking for ways to tweak your Essbase system performance.
In this chapter you will find a variety of database and system settings and adjustments that will help you keep your Essbase database running at top performance.
While we highly recommend that you actually read this entire chapter the first time through, it can also be used as a handy reference if and when you feel you may need to enhance your current system's performance or make improvements that will allow for trouble free growth in your system.
Performance tuning your database
Unlike many of the more typical relational database applications, Essbase has many more database administrator options that can drastically affect the performance and reliability of your Essbase database system.
Perhaps it's time to repeat what we've said before, "Essbase is an art, not a science." There, we'll let that sink in a little bit.
What we mean by the previous and often repeated statement is that most of
the time your experience and good judgment can be far more valuable when
giving consideration to tuning your Essbase database than any stale old list of
hard-coded formulas.
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[ 340 ]
When you actually get to tuning your system always keep in mind that what you
read here, learn from others, or even glean from Oracle system documentation, is
in most cases to be taken as guidelines for your own individual situation.
The actual actions you'll be performing, when you are tuning your database, are
items like adjusting several optional cache sizes through both the EAS and in the
Essbase system configuration file or Essbase.cfg. You may also be taking steps
to alter the order of the dimensions in the database outline.
We know this isn't really performance related but it is very important! If
there were anything that could be considered as a weakness anywhere
in Essbase, it would be the Essbase security file or Essbase.sec.
Because this file is more or less open all the time for system I/O
operations, there is a high potential for the file to become corrupted
in the event of a power outage or other serious event.
If you do encounter a situation where the server needs to be rebooted
unexpectedly, we highly recommend that before you restart the server
or the Essbase service, you make a backup copy of the Essbase.sec
file. The file itself can be found in the Essbase\bin folder.
The shape of your database outline
What are they talking about when we refer to the shape of an Essbase outline?
How can an Essbase database outline have a shape? Well conceptually every
Essbase database outline has a shape. What you want to be concerned with is
what shape your outline has.
Believe it or not, the shape of your outline is one of the most important considerations
for overall database performance, but it is still a guideline. There will be times when
this guideline simply will not work for you.
Everyone knows what an hourglass looks like, right? An hourglass is wide at the
ends and narrow in the middle. Well in most cases, you want your Essbase database
outline to have the shape of an hourglass, really.
The hourglass outline
Here is what we mean by all of this shape nonsense. The shape is determined by
the size and storage type of the dimensions in the Essbase database outline. It is
generally recognized in the Essbase community that the optimal arrangement for
your database outline is as follows:
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• Largest Dense dimensions Ñ Most members
• Smallest Dense dimensions Ñ Least members
• Smallest aggregating Sparse dimensions Ñ Least members and
usual consolidations
• Largest aggregating Sparse dimensions Ñ Most members and
usual consolidations
• Non-aggregating Sparse dimensions Ñ Can have many or few
members but little to no consolidations
By looking at the following screenshot, you will see the recommended dimension
structure, as seen in the EAS Database Properties screen:
Notice how even with relatively few members, the database outline has the
dimensions structured as recommended, wide at the ends and narrow in the
middle. Just like an hourglass.
The reason for this is the same as was given in Chapter 5 on calculation scripts. The
structure of the database is extremely important to the functioning of the database.
What the hourglass shape will tend to do is help keep the database block size down
to manageable levels for optimal performance during calculations and data loads.
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While this database outline shape methodology will work for most situations,
there are times when it will not. For example, in a large parts database, you may
need to place your parts dimension last, regardless of the fact that it may have many
parent/child consolidations.
Database block size
As previously mentioned, database block size is an important and integral part of
overall database performance. From calculating the database, to retrieving data into
a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, bigger data blocks in an Essbase database usually
mean slower performance. Of course, the number and type of dimensions directly
affect the database data block size.
The suggested ideal database data block size is between 50KB and 200KB. The
really ideal block size is less than 100KB or in the 50KB to 80KB range. The number
of dense dimensions in the database greatly affects the data block size, so the ideal
recommended number of data dimensions in an Essbase database should be from
5 to 7. Of course, there are times when these recommendations are just not possible,
but most applications will fit within these parameters.
Looking at the previous screenshot you can see the Statistics page of the Database
Properties screen from the EAS tool. This screen tells you all there is to know about
your database data block set up. It will be on this screen you will verify if the changes
you have made to your Essbase outline have actually helped with block size, block
usage, or block density.
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Database configuration settings
There are many database caches and settings available to help you with optimizing
your database.
As you know, optimally storing your data is the job of a properly configured
database outline. A properly configured outline can also have an effect on
calculation performance, data load performance, and data retrieval performance.
Data retrieval buffers
When it comes to loading, retrieving, calculating, and extracting your data,
performance optimizing is the job of caches and buffers. During reporting, data
retrieval cache and buffer settings are used to obtain optimal retrievals of the data.
One pair of settings that you cannot go wrong with is the Data retrieval buffers
settings, found on the General tab of the Database Properties screen (seen below).
The memory used by these buffers is only allocated when an Essbase retrieve is
executed from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or when an Essbase report script is
executed. Because of this you can increase the retrieval buffer and the retrieval sort
buffer sizes until you get the results you need, all the way upto the maximum size of
100,000 KB, which is 100MB. Best of all you will not rob the system of memory when
they are not in use. These data cache settings are particularly useful when you are
reporting on or retrieving larger amounts of dynamically calculated data.
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Data cache settings
On the Caches tab of the Database Properties screen (seen below), you will find
an assortment of database cache settings that are configurable by the administrator
through EAS.
The first option, Cache memory locking, will actually retain the memory needed for
the database caches at all times. In order to set the Cache memory locking to true, you
should use the Direct I/O memory setting on the Storage tab. The Direct I/O setting
uses the memory set by the File Cache and does not consume Essbase server memory
when not in use. By default, this is set to false. While this may give slight improvement
during data loads, we have never noticed any real difference in day-to-day operations
by checking this option. You may as well let the system enjoy the use of the memory
until it is needed by one of these caches.
One thing you will notice about Essbase is that it is certainly not bashful. Essbase
will almost always use as much of the system resources that you allow.
For the Index cache setting, you might as well use the maximum of 10240KB, which
is 10MB. The Index cache setting sets the size of the buffer that is used to hold index
page files in memory. The system will only grab this extra memory when it needs it
and it will certainly use it, especially during large data loads.
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The Data file cache setting is the size of the buffer used to load the database page files
into memory. This setting is only relevant if you have your database set to Direct I/O.
Buffered I/O is the default and on all but the largest of data loads has tweaking this
setting made any noticeable difference. The Data file cache setting can be set as large
as the combined total size of all of the database page files. On a 30GB database setting,
the page file cache size may not be practical, or even possible, especially if you only
have 16 GB of system RAM!
For the Data cache setting, it is usually fine left where it is at the default setting of
3072KB. The recommended maximum size is 0.125 times the size of the Data file
cache setting. Only change this setting if you are experiencing performance issues
and have many concurrent users accessing the database.
The Index page setting is a static number and cannot be set by you. Oracle
has determined that 8KB is sufficient for a database index page size.
For better performance, Oracle advises to keep all of
the databases set to use Buffered I/O or Direct I/O,
and not a combination of both settings on the same
physical server.
Data load and storage settings
We will now briefly cover the available options for optimizing your system's data
loading and data storage capabilities. As is always recommended, the default
settings are in most cases, more than adequate, so you should make any changes
carefully and test each one fully to determine if the change is warranted or not.
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On the Transactions tab of Database Properties screen (seen in the previous
screenshot), you will see options for Committed access and Uncommitted access.
If you select Committed access Essbase will hold all of the data blocks involved in
a transaction until the changes or updates are committed to the system. This can be
a problem for you because Essbase will keep duplicates of the data blocks until the
time they are committed and you will temporarily need double the actual space that
you really need for data storage. Essbase does this in case of the need for a rollback.
The default setting for transactional access is Uncommitted access. As is true with
most Essbase settings, the default setting in this case is more than adequate for most
systems, and the default setting of 3000 for Commit Blocks works well too. Even in
larger systems, we haven't been able to notice measurable differences when playing
with this setting.
The 3000 Commit Blocks setting means that Essbase will commit or make permanent
updates to data blocks for three thousand data blocks at a time. This means that
if a calculation is interrupted, for example, that all of the work upto the point
of interruption will not be lost. All work that has completed, in 3000 data block
increments, will actually be saved to the database.
Finally, on the Storage tab of the Database Properties screen (seen above), we
are allowed to configure the data loading I/O method and the data compression
for storage.
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As usual, the default Essbase setting for data load I/O, Buffered I/O, is more than
adequate for most data load operations. Buffered I/O takes advantage of the file
cache settings discussed earlier and only in cases where there is an extremely large
amount of data to load will it be noticeable that the system needs to swap in and out
of virtual memory.
The Direct I/O setting is best for extremely large data loads. Direct I/O bypasses the
cache and accesses system memory directly. If your system has lots of extra memory
available, this option can provide a real boost to the data loading performance.
Data compression can also be a factor in system performance and once again Essbase
has several options for you. Obviously, the No Compression setting can be the
quickest for I/O because there is no extra process time required to compress or
uncompress the data as it is read. This is not recommended at all because the size of
even an average database would grow to unmanageable proportions very quickly.
Can you guess what the best all-around compression setting is? Yes, it is the Essbase
default setting for Bitmap encoding, what else? Overall, this setting uses space the
most efficiently when compared to other available compression types and has a
lower than average I/O cost as well.
Essbase does offer Run-Length encoding as well, and this setting may be preferable
for databases that have very low block density. Of course, you will need to do some
experimenting to see if this type of data compression is right for your situation.
Lastly, Essbase offers you the choice of ZLIB compression. ZLIB compression can
be useful if the density of your data blocks is extremely high. Again, you will need
to experiment with this setting.
Partitioning databases
If you are at all familiar with database terminology, you know that partitioning
a database, either relational or multidimensional, is almost always done as a
performance consideration. In the relational database world, you are usually taking
one very large database and partitioning it into smaller, more manageable databases.
In the Essbase multidimensional world, there are several reasons for partitioning:
• To split a large, cumbersome database into smaller, more manageable
pieces or slices
• To create, in one database, selected pieces or slices of data from several
similar but unrelated databases
• To provide a consolidated look at an overall enterprise process
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• To control data level security more effectively
• To increase system performance when retrieving high use data
Partitioning databases is a very real method of improving performance.
You must be very careful not to get carried away and have too many
source databases included in your partitioned target database. Essbase
will load into memory all source databases in a transparent partition
and this can actually have a negative effect on system performance!
Essbase offers three types of database partitioning options. They are:
• Replicated: A replicated database partition copies a portion of the
source database to be stored in a target database. Users can access the
target database as if it were the source. The database administrator must
occasionally refresh the target database from the source database.
• Transparent: A transparent partition allows users to manipulate their data
that is stored in a target database as if it were part of the actual source
database. The remote data is retrieved from the source database each time
the users of the target database request it. Write backs to the target database
also flow through back to the source database.
• Linked: A linked partition enables users to navigate from one data value in
one database to a subset of the data in another database. The two databases
may contain very different outlines.
As you can see there are three very different partitioning methods available to you
with your Essbase system. This may sound tired by now, but truly, even partitioning
your databases is something that is really only needed on the largest of systems.
Partitioning is a valid performance tuning consideration for sure but its use should
be governed more by your Essbase knowledge and experience than by any sort of
formula that says if your database is this size it should do this or that.
Let us consider the first scenario, where the database is large and cumbersome and
you need to split the data. In this scenario we have 5 years worth of data in the
database. For the earliest 3 years of the data, the users do not need to use it on a
day-to-day basis for analysis but only need it once in a while. This scenario seems to
be best suited for the transparent partition where we partition the data by the time
dimension. We are going to have the Current and Prior years in one cube and the
remaining 3 years in a different cube. Let us call the Current and Prior year cube our
ESSCAR cube and the Prior cube the ESSCARP cube. Current and Prior year data
will be loaded into the ESSCAR and the prior 3 year's data will be loaded into the
ESSCARP cube. In this example, the ESSCARP database or cube is the source data
and ESSCAR database is the target database. Now, let's see step-by-step how we set
up the transparent partition.
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1. Using EAS, open the ESSCAR application and expand the ESSCAR database.
Select the Partitions menu pick and then click on the Action | Create new
partition on "ESSCAR". You will then see the Create Partition for Block
Storage Application screen as shown below.
On the Type tab, select the Partition type. In this case select, Transparent
partition and then click on the Connection tab.
2. On the Connection tab, you will need to enter the information about the
server, source database, target database, username, and password. We
suggest that for current separation of duties policies, you create a separate
batch id for this process. In the source database, we have selected EsscarP
as target database and Esscar as the source database.
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3. Click on the Areas tab to link members between the target and the source.
On this screen, you can add data selection information in three different
methods that we describe here:
i) Use member selection tool: If you double-click on the Source
heading, or the Target heading you will see the Area Mapping
Member Selection screen where you can select the source outline
members and the target database outline members for which you
want to map together.
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ii) Use text editor: In the text editor screen, you can type in the source
or target member names. You can also select the Show Cell Count
checkbox which will help you validate your database outline
selections by allowing you to verify matching cell counts between
the source and target database outlines. Verifying that the cell counts
match is how Essbase determines you have correctly defined the slice
of data that is to be used by the source and target databases. If the cell
counts do not match there is reason to believe you have a data
mismatch and will need to re-examine your data mappings.
iii) Use inline editing: Inline editing allows you to enter more than one
member name to map between the source and target members as
shown in the following screenshot:
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4. On the Mappings tab you can mention the member name if the outline
contains different member names or the same member name with different
names. The source and the target members can be defined in this screen.
5. After you have completed the four steps to set up a partition definition,
you can click on the Validate button. If you have successfully set up your
partition you will see a message box saying your partition is valid and you
can then save the partition. If there is an error it will prompt you with an
error message as shown in the following screenshot:
The error message in the previous screenshot says that the area mappings are
incomplete. You must go back and click on the Areas tab and correct the error
by ensuring you have matching source and target partition definitions and
then you can click on the Save button. If there are no errors the partition will
then be saved and you will be able to make use of the partitions. To create a
Replicated partition or a Linked partition you would follow these same steps.
Analytic server configuration file
This is the big one! The essbase.cfg file is where most of your advanced techniques
will come into play. The essbase.cfg file is an ASCII text file and can be edited
using any standard text editing tool. Found on the Essbase analytic server in the
essbase\bin folder, the heart and soul of your performance tuning will be in there.
In fact, many of the performance tuning settings the you will set through the EAS
will have a counterpart setting in the essbase.cfg file.
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A word to the wise:
Always make a backup copy of the essbase.cfg file before you
make any changes to it. The essbase.cfg file is a critical system
file used by the Essabse analytic server, and there are entries in there
that affect whether the service will start or not. Just in case.
First of all, there are literally dozens of optional statements that can be used in the
essbase.cfg file as shown in the screenshot below. However, do not be alarmed,
if you do not have each of the available statements represented in the essbase.cfg
file. As usual, Essbase has a default setting for almost all of them.
That is quite an impressive list of configuration settings. You may even recognize
some of them based upon our earlier discussions. Keep in mind that the essbase.
cfg file can contains settings that have no real effect on system performance
management, but they do set configurations for other aspects of system control.
The proper syntax and use of each statement can be found in the Essbase Technical
Reference, but we will show you a few of the more important ones.
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Following we have an example of an actual essbase.cfg file. As you can see, you
can place comments anywhere in the file by beginning the line with a semi-colon.
Multiple comment lines require each line to begin with a semi-colon. Statement
lines are simply the statement itself, followed by a space, then the parameter. The
statement line itself does not need to be terminated by a period or semi-colon as
other scripts in Essbase need to.
Although it does not say this is mandatory anywhere in the Essbase documentation,
we have always kept the statement entries in the essbase.cfg file all uppercase so
there is no confusion as to what character is what.
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; Begin Essbase configuration file for the ESSCAR server
; Dynamic calc support for the ESSCAR application
; due to large numbers of members being dynamically calculated
; Sets the max number of error rows to be written from
; any single data load or process
; Allows the use of DIRECT I/O when possible
; Sets the number of blocks locked by a database calculation
; and corresponds to the setting in the calc script itself
; Sets the delay time and number of retries allowed for a connection
; to the analytic server
; Allows the use of a database calculator cache
; Sets the size of the calculator cache for high, default and low
; cache sizes. Use of cache size determined in calc script
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; Sets up the analytic server to use multiple threading during
; data loads
; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Configuration categories
As you can see, making entries into the essbase.cfg file is a relatively easy task.
However, making good entries is where your Essbase knowledge and experience
pays off.
The following is a listing of the configuration categories and their general usefulness:
• Ports and connections: Most of these settings are obviously to help your
Analytic Server manage itself on the network and with other components.
• Logging and error handling: These settings help Essbase determine things
like the level of detail in an output log or the maximum number of lines
written during a process.
• Calculation: The calculation settings category has many settings that help
with system performance, mainly during calculation execution.
• Hybrid analysis: These settings do more for the configuration of Essbase's
interaction between itself and a backend relational database. This type of
data querying is known as hybrid analysis.
• Query management: These settings help with the special needs of
installations that make use of partitioned databases and heavy hybrid
analysis methods. There is not a lot here for overall system performance.
• Memory management: Now, here is a good category! We like this one so
much that we have given it its own separate section in this chapter. A definite
positive impact on system performance can be gleaned from these settings.
• Data import/export: Like the category name indicates, you can help improve
the overall performance of your data loading and data exporting processes.
• Miscellaneous: While some of these settings will end up being necessary for
your own installation, there really isn't any performance enhancing settings
in the miscellaneous category.
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Configuration settings to consider
Here are a few essbase.cfg file settings you should consider using when first
having concerns about system performance.
Always remember, you can add a new statement to the
essbase.cfg file at any time by simply opening it in any text
editor. After you have added or removed the necessary statement,
you save and close the file.
The new settings will take effect the next time the Essbase service
is started or restarted on the server.
Ports and connections
In this section, we will talk about the server agent threads, net delays, and
agent delays. These settings, added to the Essbase server configuration file,
can help improve the performance of your system as well as to help improve
the network connectivity:
• AGENTTHREADS: Specifies how many threads the server may spawn
for connections. If you have a low number of paid licenses, you would
set this setting a little higher than average. The default is five for
maximum performance.
• AGENTDELAY: The higher you set this setting the longer the Essbase service
will wait to process requests from connections. Obviously, the higher the
AGENTTHREADS setting, the higher you should set this setting.
• AGTSVRCONNECTIONS: Specifies the maximum number of concurrent
connections to the analytic server. A lower number usually means faster
system response time.
• NETDELAY: Specifies the delay in milliseconds, of how long the analytic
server will wait between retries on failed network requests.
• NETRETRYCOUNT: Specifies the number of times the analytic server will
retry a failed network request.
Logging and error handling
In this section, we will talk about how you can set the limits for data load errors
as well as the level of detail captured in the output error messages.
• DATAERRORLIMIT: Specifies the maximum number of rows written to
the log for individual processes. The default is 1,000 and the maximum
is 65,000. Your experience will help you decide how much information
you need in the log.
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• AGENTLOGMESSAGELEVEL: Specifies to Essbase what level of detail is to be
written to system logs. The more knowledgeable you become, the less
information you will require to monitor your system, thereby keeping the
logs smaller and improving system performance.
Here we will talk about the settings that will best help improve the run-time and
overall performance of your Essbase calculation scripts.
• CALCCACHE: Tells the analytic server whether to use a calculator cache. When
set to true, you can also set the CALCCACHELOW, CALCCACHEDEFAULT, and
CALCCACHEHIGH settings that can be used in any database calculation scripts.
• CALCLOCKBLOCK: Specifies how many data blocks Essbase will lock at one
time during a calculation. There are mixed feelings on the setting because
a higher number of locked blocks seems like it would finish faster, but does
more and smaller chunks actually finish quicker? This is where testing and
experience come into play.
• DYNCALCCACHEONLY: Specifies to the analytic server if Essbase can use
memory outside of the dynamic calc memory to complete its tasks. This may
not be a good idea because Essbase may tend to wait if allowed for more
memory causing the process to actually slow down.
• CALCPARALLEL: This specifies how many parallel threads are allowed at one
time while calculating the data. Essbase recommends that the maximum
number of parallel threads be one less than the total number of processors on
your server. For example, if your server has 8 processors you would code 7
as your maximum number of threads to use.
°° For 32 bit: Block storage option, you can select between 1 to 4
°° For 64 bit: Block storage option, you can select between 1 to 8
°° For Aggregate Storage option, you can select in between 1 to 8
with 2 being the default.
• EXCLUSIVECALC: This specifies if concurrent calculations are allowed on
the same database.
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• UPDATECALC: This specifies if intelligent calc is turned on or off by default.
Data import/export
In this section we will walk through the settings you can use to improve the
system's performance while loading data into your cube or while extracting
data from your cube.
• DLSINGLETHREADPERSTAGE: This setting tells Essbase to use Single Thread
or use the number of threads specified in the DLTHREADSPREPARE and
DLTHREADSWRITE. This can be set for an individual application or for the
entire analytic server.
• DLTHREADSPREPARE: This setting tells Essbase how many threads to prepare
to use for a data load. This is a definite performance enhancer and it is
recommended you specify a number that is one less than the total number
of processors on your server.
• DLTHREADSWRITE: This setting is used with the DLTHREADSPREPARE setting
and specifies the number of threads to actually use during a data load. Again,
the number should be one less than the number of processors on your server.
Code Sample:
In the above example, DLSINGLETHREADPERSTAGE is set to TRUE, so this tells
the Essbase server to use a single thread for the Esscar application for data
loading and the DLTHREADPREPARE and DLTHREADSWRITE will not used.
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In the above example, DLSINGLETHREADPERSTAGE is set to FALSE, so this tells the
Essbase server not to use single threaded data loading on the Esscar application
and the DLTHREADPREPARE and DLTHREADSWRITE settings are used.
These settings will improve the performance of the Essbase data loads.
Well, there you have it. What was going to be a little bit about the essbase.cfg
file has turned into quite a long-winded affair. That's okay, because there is a lot
to know, and a lot that can have a positive effect on your operations.
Memory management
Oh look, here is more information that could be in the essbase.cfg section. Yes,
that is true, but memory management is probably the most important task you can
perform to keep your Essbase system running smoothly and efficiently.
It's no secret that everything in life is a give and take. With Essbase, it gives you
unparalleled capacity for slicing and dicing large amounts of data, all the while
performing real time calculations on the fly. What Essbase takes for this is unbelievably
large amounts of memory to deliver this functionality with anywhere near acceptable
response times.
Before we talk about some of the essbase.cfg settings you can use to help control
your system's memory usage we want to discuss a few other things you can do:
1. Make sure all of your applications and databases are set to only start when
there is a request for data and not when the analytic service starts. For every
started database, Essbase will reserve the memory necessary for that database
and there will be that much less memory available for the rest of the system.
2. Create a small job that will run periodically and stop applications and
databases that are not actively in use, because in Essbase, once the
application or database is started, the only thing that stops it is a server
shutdown, the administrator, or by a command from a script or job.
3. Monitor and adjust all caches and buffer settings, since they all use memory.
4. Make judicious use of the config.mem file located in the ArborPath\Bin
folder. This file allows you to set a maximum amount of memory to be used by
either specific applications or by all applications on the server. If an application
uses its maximum allotment of memory, it will either shutdown or slow way
down and attempt to process with what it has. This is a very important setting
because you do not want one application sucking all of the memory out of the
system and halting the other databases and their processes.
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One of the single largest users of system memory is the database
outline itself. By its very nature, the larger the outline, the more
server memory is consumed just to load the database into memory.
We highly advise using extreme care in determining the data
elements and data categories you will use for your database outline.
Fewer dimensions are always preferable to more dimensions. For
every new dimension in the outline the potential size of the data and
the actual size of the outline grow exponentially. It is always better to
have fewer dimensions with lots of members, than it is to have more
dimensions with less members. Think about it!
essbase.cfg memory settings
Let's now take a look at those essbase.cfg memory specific settings that will
directly affect the performance of your Essbase system:
• MULTIPLEBITMAPMEMCHECK: Tells analytic services to enforce the size limit
for the amount of memory that is used for the calculator cache when analytic
services selects the multiple bitmap cache option.
• VLBREPORT: Tells Essbase to dynamically determine the retrieval buffer
size, between 100KB and 10MB, for retrievals from databases without
Dynamic Calc, Attribute, or Dynamic Time Series members. This memory
is only used when needed, so it does not take away from continuous
system resource availability.
• TRIGMAXMEMSIZE: This setting tells Essbase how much memory it can use to
perform the trigger function. While the triggering function is a great feature,
it can be very memory intensive at the expense of other system operations.
This memory is reserved by the application that has the trigger set up and is
no longer available to the rest of the server.
• SSPROCROWLIMIT: Controls the maximum number of spreadsheet rows
analytic services processes on an individual user spreadsheet request from
Microsoft Excel. The default is 250,000, which is extraordinarily high for
a spreadsheet request. You do not want a spreadsheet retrieval slowing
down your entire server, so we recommend starting with 5,000 rows, and
increasing as needed from there.
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• CALCLIMITFORMULARECURSION: Now here is a little known setting. What it
does is prevent the server from executing calculation scripts that perform
recursive operations deeper than the system specified number of 31 levels.
If you add this setting to the essbase.cfg file with a TRUE parameter, the
system will enforce the 31 level rules. If you add this setting with a FALSE
parameter, there will be no limit, and a lowly database calculation script
could actually be responsible for bringing down your analytic server. Try
explaining that to your boss! Besides, rarely do you code a calculation script
that even uses half that many levels.
• DATACACHESIZE: This sets the data cache size for all of the new databases
that are created on the server. This cache holds the data blocks in memory.
This cache setting is not applied to all of the existing databases that are
already created on the server. The data cache size can be specified in Bytes (B),
Kilobytes (K), Megabytes (M), or Gigabytes (G). This will take place after
the analytical service is restarted or after the server reboot.
n is an integer value in B, K, M, or G
Code Sample:
This sets the data cache size to 4 Megabytes for all new databases that are
created after the service is restarted with this setting.
• DATAFILECACHESIZE: This sets the data file cache size for all of the new
databases that are created on the server. This cache holds the data files in
the memory. The data file cache size can be specified in Bytes (B), Kilobytes
(K), Megabytes (M), or Gigabytes (G). This will take place after the analytic
service is restarted or after a server reboot.
n is an integer value in B, K, M, or G
Code Sample:
This sets the data file cache size to 400 Megabytes for all of the new databases
that are created after the service is restarted to have a data file cache size
of 400 MB.
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[ 362 ]
• INDEXCACHESIZE: This sets the index cache size for all of the new databases
that are created on the server. This cache holds the index pages in the
memory. The index cache size can also be specified in Bytes (B), Kilobytes
(K), Megabytes (M), or Gigabytes (G). Again, this setting will take effect
after the analytic service is restarted or after a server reboot.
n is an integer value in B, K, M, or G
Code Sample:
This sets the index cache size to 400 Megabytes for all new databases that
are created after the service is restarted.
Well, that wraps it up for the system memory and its management. We know
you've heard this before, but here it goes. Always buy the most memory you can
afford at the time you are purchasing it. If you believe you will do fine with 32 GB,
then buy 64GB.
Goodness, you must be an Essbase expert by now! No, there is no such thing
as an Essbase expert. In real life, maybe an Essbase Guru would most accurately
describe someone who is more proficient with Essbase than others.
By now, we believe that you now realize that Essbase is not all about reading
and memorizing recommended settings and sizes, but instead Essbase is more
about using what resources you have available to you to get the job done. A Guru
is someone who possesses far more than just the so-called technical knowledge.
A Guru is also someone who possesses intelligence and wisdom.
Yes, someone could create a test for Essbase to gauge your overall technical
knowledge, but what really counts is your good judgment based on your experience.
Figuring out how to accomplish the same task several different ways based on the
situation is how you advertise your Essbase Guru-ability (is that even a word).
Here is an example of Essbase Guru-ability. Consider that you are a reasonably capable
technical person who now has Essbase knowledge added to his repertoire of skills. You
are performing a large data load from a relational database (we're talking Gigabytes). It
seems like the load is taking much too long to complete. What do you do?
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Well, you know that a multi-threaded process will execute faster than a
single-threaded process. You also know that there are specific data load settings
that you can use in the essbase.cfg file that may help alleviate this performance
issue. Then, you remember that you read about the DLSINGLETHREADSPERSTAGE,
DLTHREADSPREPARE, and DLTHREADSWRITE settings that can be coded in the
essbase.cfg file. These settings allow you to set up your data loads to use
multiple-threading while processing. You quickly make the appropriate entries
in the essbase.cfg file, restart your server, and start your data load process
again. You are now amazed and happy that the data load processes to completion
significantly faster.
Just remember these now familiar words on your long and exciting Essbase journey,
"Essbase is an art, not a science."
Next up, we jump into a discussion on a relatively new database structure concept.
First rolled out with Hyperion Essbase version 7.x, the Aggregate Storage Option
(ASO) is an option that is gaining considerable ground as a means to provide your
business customer with superior system performance, while still delivering the
expected Essbase level of data quantity, quality, and integrity.
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Essbase Analytics Option
Welcome to the exciting world of Essbase Analytics known as the Aggregate Storage Option (ASO).
In the first nine chapters of this book, we have taken you from being a competent IT professional that is an Essbase novice, to that same competent IT professional who is now a capable Essbase programmer/administrator as well. All along this journey, we've been using the Block Storage Option (BSO) database architecture.
We have presented all of the instructions, teachings, and examples based on the
BSO, in Essbase. All of the efficient methods of processing, performance tuning,
and database design have been geared towards using the BSO. In fact, prior to Essbase version 7.x, your only option was the use of the BSO architecture for building Essbase applications.
Well, now you're ready to take everything one step further. You see, the BSO architecture used by Essbase is the original database architecture as the behind the scenes method of data storage in an Essbase database. Remember, we have already discussed that the block construction can be conceptually compared to a Rubik's Cube for how the data is stored in the cells of a data block, like the cells of color on
a Rubik's Cube. The ASO method is entirely different.
Let's learn all about the ASO which is now also used to store data in an Essbase database. We will learn exactly what ASO is, how it works, and when to use ASO instead of BSO. We will explain the use of the special industry standard multidimensional data query language known as MDX that is employed by Essbase, and is particularly effective with ASO. Finally, we'll go over the pros and cons of ASO and BSO.
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What is ASO
ASO is Essbase's alternative to the sometimes cumbersome BSO method of storing
data in an Essbase database. In fact, it is BSO that is exactly what makes Essbase
a superior OLAP analytical tool but it is also the BSO that can occasionally be a
detriment to the level of system performance demanded in today's business world.
In a BSO database, all data is stored, except for dynamically calculated members.
All data consolidations and parent-child relationships in the database outline are
stored as well. While the block storage method is quite efficient from a data to size
ratio perspective, a BSO database can require large amounts of overhead to deliver
the retrieval performance demanded by the business customer.
The ASO database efficiently stores not only zero level data, but can also store
aggregated hierarchical data with the understandings that stored hierarchies can
only have the no-consolidation (~) or the addition (+) operator assigned to them
and the no-consolidation (~) operator can only be used underneath Label Only
members. Outline member consolidations are performed on the fly using dynamic
calculations and only at the time of the request for data. This is the main reason
why ASO is a valuable option worth consideration when building an Essbase
system for your customer.
Because of the simplified levels of data stored in the ASO database, a more simplified
method of storing the physical data on the disk can also be used. It is this simplified
storage method which can help result in higher performance for the customer.
Your choice of one database type over the other will always depend on balancing
the customer's needs with the server's physical capabilities, along with the volume
of data. These factors must be given equal consideration
Creating an aggregate storage
Believe it or not, creating an ASO Essbase application and database is as easy as
creating a BSO application and database. In case you have forgotten how to do it
from the information we've given you in earlier chapters, all you need to do is
follow these simple steps:
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1. Right-click on the server name in your EAS console for the server
on which you want to create your ASO application.
2. Select Create application | Using aggregate storage as shown in
the following screenshot:
3. Click on Using aggregate storage and that's it. The rest of the steps are
easy to follow and basically the same as for a BSO application.
To create an ASO application and database, you follow virtually the same steps
as you do to create a BSO application and database. However, there are some
important differences, and here we list a few:
• A BSO database outline can be converted into an Aggregate Storage database
outline, but an Aggregate Storage database outline cannot be converted into
a Block Storage database outline.
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Steps to convert a BSO application into an ASO application:
°° Open the BSO outline that you wish to convert, select the Essbase
database and click on the File | Wizards | Aggregate Storage
Outline Conversion option. You will see the first screen Select
Source Outline. The source of the outline can be in a file system
or on the Essbase Server. In this case, we have selected the OTL
from the Essbase Server and then click Next as shown in the
following screenshot:
°° In the Next screen, the conversion wizard will verify the
conversion and display a message that the conversion has
completed successfully. Click Next.
°° Here, Essbase prompts you to select the destination of the ASO
outline. If you have not yet created an ASO application, you
can click on the Create Aggregate Storage Application on the
bottom-right corner of the screen as shown in the next screenshot:
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Enter the Application and the Database name and click on OK. Your new
ASO application is created, now click on Finish. Your BSO application is now
converted into an ASO application. You may still need to tweak the ASO
application settings and outline members to be the best fit for your needs.
• In an ASO database, all dimensions are Sparse so there is no need to
try to determine the best Dense/Sparse settings as you would do with
a BSO database.
• Although Essbase recommends that you only have one Essbase database
in an Essbase application, you can create more than one database per
application when you are using the BSO. When you create an ASO
application, Essbase will only allow one database per application.
There is quite a bit to know about ASO but have no fear, with all that you know about
Essbase and how to design and build an Essbase system, it will seem easy for you.
Keep reading for more valuable information on the ASO for things like, when it is
a good time to use ASO, or how do you query ASO databases effectively, or even
what are the differences between ASO and BSO. If you understand the differences,
you can then understand the benefits.
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Dimensions can have one or more hierarchies of the members. Included with your
installation of Essbase, you get the sample ASO application called ASOsamp to use
as a guide when learning about ASO.
In ASO, there are two types of hierarchies:
• Stored hierarchies
• Dynamic hierarchies
An outline dimension in an ASO database can have any number of members and
these members can only be set as either stored members or dynamic members.
They can even have both of the hierarchies. In order to set the dimension to have
both types of hierarchies, you need to enable Multiple Hierarchies Enabled. If no
hierarchy is defined, then by default it is tagged as Stored hierarchy.
To enable multiple hierarchies, follow these steps:
1. Right-click on the dimension or member name you wish to enable
the multiple hierarchies on. Click on Edit member properties….
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[ 371 ]
2. On the Member Properties screen, under the Hierarchy section,
select Hierarchies Enabled from the Hierarchy list box:
Stored hierarchies
Using Stored hierarchies, the data is aggregated based on the outline structure.
The data aggregation and data retrieval is faster. There are a few restrictions
when using Stored hierarchies:
• Stored hierarchies cannot have member formulas.
• Stored hierarchies can have the no-consolidation (~) operator for Label-only
members. A member that is label only is merely in the outline as a place holder
or to be informational and does not store data. A good example of this is our
Calendar Periods dimension. While the root member Calendar Periods is
useful to have for information, the data would make no sense rolled upto
this level.
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Dynamic hierarchies
Using Dynamic hierarchies, the data is not aggregated but is calculated at the time
of the data retrieval. Since the data is calculated at the time of retrieve, the response
time for the output is longer. The account dimension is always tagged as Dynamic
hierarchies and you cannot change the account dimension to stored hierarchy. The
advantages of the Dynamic hierarchies are:
• Dynamic hierarchies can have formulas.
• Dynamic hierarchies can have any consolidation operator.
The following screenshot shows an example of how the Dynamic and Stored
hierarchies are used in the sample ASO database. In the sample ASO database's
case, you can see that the Time dimension has MultipleHierarchies Enabled:
Outline paging
This is one major difference between a Block Storage application and an Aggregate
Storage application that provides a noticeable boost in performance. Unlike a BSO
application, where the database outline must be loaded into memory as a single
element, the database outlines in ASO databases are created and stored in what
can be considered a page-able format. This means that instead of Essbase loading
the entire database outline into memory, the page-able outline can be loaded into
memory either one page or section at a time. This can free up resources and can help
make data retrieval and data aggregations faster by reducing the amount of memory
consumed by large database outlines.
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There is no need for complex calculation scripts in an ASO database. Now, you may
be wondering how the data gets aggregated without performing any calculated
aggregation? How fast will my data get retrieved? In an ASO database, the data gets
loaded only into the level 0 (leaf node) cells. When the user attempts to retrieve data at
a level higher than the zero level, the data is dynamically aggregated. Also, remember
a good portion of this aggregated data is not physically stored in the database. As the
database size increases, the dynamic aggregation consumes more time. In order to
improve the database performance, you may need to pre-aggregate the data.
MDX query language
So is now a good time to spring a new scripting language on you? Of course it is!
Okay, so it's not really a whole new language, it's just a piece of the MaxL scripting
language we haven't gone over with you yet.
You may recall how we've gone over the MaxL scripting language previously.
Well, the MaxL scripting language actually has two pieces. These MaxL pieces
are known as MaxL DDL for Data Definition Language, which is the piece you
are already familiar with and MaxL MDX for Multidimensional Expressions.
Why have we not explained something like MDX in-depth already? The reason
is that while the DDL piece of MaxL contains many powerful functions that are
written in relatively easy to understand syntax and it can easily replace the Essbase
Command scripting language (EssCmd) as your primary tool for automating database
maintenance and support processes, the MDX piece of MaxL is more of a data
querying language. Yes, MDX is very powerful as is DDL, but its usefulness can be
debated since there are several other methods of querying data in Essbase that are
just as effective and easier or more convenient to use. The Essbase Reports scripting
language with the aid of the Essbase Query Designer, is one example that comes to
mind as an effective data querying tool. MDX also supports the XML for Analysis
MDX however, has its place and its place is where it is best suited. The place
for MDX is querying ASO Essbase databases.
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[ 374 ]
MDX functions for ASO
As we said earlier, the MDX data query language is a useful tool in its own right.
In most cases, the MDX language has equivalent functions for each member set
function found in the Essbase Calculation Script language or the Essbase report
script language. The following screenshot shows the complete list of MDX data
query functions available:
Now, look at the functions listed here. They look like a hybrid between
Essbase member selection functions and typical SQL functions found in
any relational database.
Unfortunately, after all of the hard work we've been through getting you to think
and act like an Essbase programmer/administrator, we don't want you to slip back
into the relational way of thinking. This is only acceptable when querying an ASO
database, because it is indeed set up somewhat similar to a relational database in
terms of data structure.
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Take a close look at the functions, most of them are intuitive as to their function and
you will also notice a complete array of functions that are suspiciously similar to the
column functions in relational SQL. Again, this is because an ASO database does not
store the complete set of data like a BSO database does. ASO only physically stores
the data at the lowest levels and is a lot like a relational database where you depend
heavily on functions such as SUM, MAX, and ABS to massage the data as it is delivered
to you.
MDX function examples
Here, we will show you the same data query function twice. One will be in the
format used by the Essbase Calculation Script language and the other example will
be in the MDX data query language. The reason for this is to illustrate how vastly
different each language is.
The @ANCEST function is a very commonly used function. In an Essbase database,
where the data is stored at all levels, you can easily ask for the ancestor member. In
an ASO database however, the data in most cases is dynamically calculated, so you
have to ask for it in a different way so Essbase can interpret your request properly.
• Essbase Calculation Script
@ANCEST (dimName, genLevNum, [ mbrName])
• MDX Query Language
The command above assumes you are keying off of the member currently
selected. What will be returned is the value of Sales from the ancestor of
the member in the product dimension and the Generation level 2.
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MDX query syntax
To make querying an ASO database more relational and SQL like, you can actually
write your queries like you would in a relational database using SQL.
Looking at the following examples, you can see that the SELECT statement is almost
identical to that of a query written in SQL. Because the data is stored similarly, the
query language is similar. That way, you won't forget when you're querying an
Essbase BSO database or an Essbase ASO database.
Typical MDX query structure:
SELECT [<member_name>,[ <member_name>]]
FROM [<Essbase_database_name>]]
WHERE [<dimension_name.member_name>
[, <dimension_name.member_name>]]
SELECT Sales,Stocks
WHERE Calendar Periods.June, Model Year.2010
Typical SQL Query Structure
SELECT column_name>[, <column_name>...]
FROM table_name
WHERE value = value [and value = value]
SELECT Sales, Stocks
WHERE Month = June and ModelYear = 2010
Well, this should put you in a good place for querying an ASO database. The Essbase
Technical Reference included and installed with the EAS on your client PC contains all
of the information you need on the actual query functions and member set functions.
As with everything else in this book, the only way you will get proficient is to play
around in the database.
Executing an MDX query
Now, here is a question that is begging to be asked. How do we execute an
MDX query?
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The answer is easy enough. You execute an MDX query in exactly the same fashion
as you execute any MaxL statement. Remember, both DDL and MDX are really
MaxL scripts. The only difference between MaxL DDL and MaxL MDX is the editor
used through the EAS tool.
In the previous screenshot, we showed you the MDX editor that you can access from
the EAS tool by clicking on the Editors menu selection and then selecting MDX.
When you are using the MDX editor, you have the same nice features as the other
editors that are included in the EAS tool. It is through the editor that you can also
execute your MDX statements.
The other way to execute your MDX statements is through the command line prompt.
This is exactly like you were shown earlier in this book for the MaxL DDL statements.
Honestly, if it wasn't for the major outline differences between an ASO database
and a BSO database, you could travel through your entire Essbase career and not
really need the MDX piece of MaxL. Because the ASO database structure can
actually be at least conceptually compared with a relational database more than
a multidimensional database, it's a good idea to get friendly with MDX.
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[ 378 ]
Tuples and Sets
A Tuple is a collection of members from different dimensions that represent a slice
of data from the database. A tuple can contain one member from each dimension.
A tuple should be wrapped in parentheses when written. In theory, each cell in the
Essbase cube is defined by a tuple with one member from each dimension. A single
member is also considered a tuple.
A tuple is an easy way to describe a slice of data from an Essbase database.
A correctly written tuple can contain very few actual words, but can describe
a large amount of data.
Here is an example of a tuple:
(Total Market. United States)
The tuple above will return all data at the Total Market level for the United States.
Null Dimensions or Null member
references are not valid tuples.
Sets are an ordered collection of tuples. A set can be empty, have one tuple,
or it can have more than one tuple. Duplicates of tuples are allowed. Sets
are enclosed in curly brackets.
Here is an example of a set:
{CALENDER PERIOD.2008}—defines one Tuple
{CALENDER PERIOD.2008, CALENDER PERIOD.2007}—defines sets of two Tuples
Pros and cons of ASO and BSO
As you have seen earlier in the chapter, there are some differences between the ASO
and the BSO. Even though there are differences, we would like the reporting output
to be the same and the analyst who is running the report should not even know to
which type of database he is connected. Let us take some time to look at a few of
the pros and cons between these two types of databases.
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Pros and cons of BSO
The Essbase BSO is the original format of the Essbase database technology. The BSO
is also the mainstay for Essbase as it offers robust, full-featured functionality. Here
we will describe what we feel are some of the positive features of the BSO as well
as some of the not so positive features for you.
Listed below are just a few high-level features that we feel makes the Essbase BSO
a good choice:
• Several databases stored in one application.
• No reserved names for application and database names.
• Account dimension supports all types of calculations and attribute members.
• Calculation scripts are supported.
• Uncomplicated write back ability.
• Formulas are allowed in all dimensions with no restrictions.
• Outline changes do not automatically clear data values, even if a data source
is used to both modify members and load values. Therefore, incremental data
loads are supported for all outlines.
• Currency conversion is supported.
Listed below are a few high-level features that we feel you may need to be wary
of when using the Essbase BSO:
• For better performance, the outline dimensions must be defined as Dense
or Sparse, based on data density, which can sometimes be difficult to get
exactly right.
• Database calculation—calculation script or outline consolidation.
• Calculation order will need to be defined in the calc scripts and is
predetermined in a default outline calculation.
• Unrestricted write back ability which can be dangerous if care is not exercised.
• No automatic update to values after data load. Necessary calculation
scripts need to be specially executed, including any default calculations.
• Sometimes requires large amounts of resources.
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Pros and cons of ASO
The ASO is fast becoming the standard for extra large Essbase databases. Where
the need for high speed data retrieval for reporting and analysis can eclipse the
need for full-featured functionality, ASO fills in nicely. Here we will describe
what we feel are some of the positive features of the ASO as well as some of the
not so positive features for you.
Listed below are just a few high-level features that we feel makes the Essbase ASO
a good choice:
• Easy optimization, massive data scalability, reduced disk space, and
upto 100 times faster.
• Database creation is accomplished by either migrating a BSO outline or
defined as new after application creation.
• Outline dimensions will not need to be designated as dense or sparse.
• Outline is validated every time a database is started.
• Database calculation or aggregation of the database can be predefined
by defining aggregate views.
• Calculation order is not relevant for database calculation, but is relevant
for dynamic calculation formulas.
• Limited write back ability.
• At the end of a data load, if aggregation exists, the values in aggregation
are recalculated and updated automatically.
• Aggregate storage database outlines are page-able. This feature significantly
reduces memory usage for very large database outlines.
Listed below are a few high-level features that we feel you may need to be wary
of when using the Essbase ASO:
• Aggregate storage applications have some limitations that do not apply to
block storage applications with regard to consolidations, calculations, and
overall robust functionality.
• Can store only one database per application.
• Names reserved for table spaces cannot be used as application
or database names.
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• Accounts dimension does not support time balance members and association
of attribute dimensions.
• On non-account dimensions, there are restrictions on label only members and
dynamic time series members. Members tagged as dynamic hierarchies have
no restrictions on the consolidation settings. Stored hierarchy members can
only be tagged as label only or (+) addition.
• Non-account dimensions support only consolidation operator (+) addition
• Calculation scripts are not supported.
• Formulas are allowed only on account dimension members and allowed
with certain restrictions.
• Only Level 0 cells whose values do not depend on formulas in the outline
are loaded.
• Data values are cleared each time the outline is structurally changed.
Therefore, incremental data loads are only supported for outlines that
do not change.
• Currency conversion is not supported without the use of special MDX
queries. This method can have a negative effect on performance.
As you can see, there are some substantial differences and some very good reasons to
use one type of database over another. To give you our idea of the ideal application of
ASO and BSO, read below:
• ASO Database: The ASO database is ideal for dynamically built Essbase
cubes that are usually Read Only and used for reporting, presentation, and
analysis. This type of database would also tend to have a rather large outline
where at least one dimension has a significant amount of members. A parts
dimension or product dimension comes to mind.
Behind this ASO database would be a large BSO parent Essbase database,
from which the dynamic ASO databases are built on the fly.
• BSO Database: The BSO database is ideal for virtually any size cube, but
where performance is not necessarily the number one priority. Accuracy
and completeness of data would be the main consideration.
The BSO database is ideal as the large parent database where users from
many different departments can trigger jobs which will dynamically build
ASO reporting cubes on an as needed basis. The typical BSO database is
ideally suited for financial analysis applications.
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Of course, these are just one possibility or scenario. The beauty of Essbase is that you
can do most anything with it. Heck, you could easily have a large Oracle relational
database as the backend data source for your ASO cubes.
The possibilities are endless!
We hope you have found the information in this chapter as fun, exciting, and useful
as we have. As we've said repeatedly throughout this book, it should be no wonder
to you why Oracle Essbase is the number one data analytics tool in the world! It's
almost as though Essbase is a product that is never finished, because just when you
think it can't get any better, it gets even better!
You should now have a good understanding of the two very different but
complimentary Essbase database architectures. The BSO is the old standby
foundation in the world of Essbase, and the ASO is the streamlined speedster.
The differences in many cases between ASO and BSO are minor, but their affect
can be dramatic. The BSO utilizes the standard data block method of storing data,
while the ASO uses the aggregate method. The BSO is built for rugged and robust
computing and analysis. The ASO is built for high speed, high volume data analysis
and reporting.
We're sure you see by now that whether you use ASO, BSO, or both together,
you can be confident you have made the right choice.
Yes, there are several imitators out there. There are some that are even pushing their
product for free. We are confident you will agree with us that when all is said and
done, Essbase is the clearly superior tool. Read on in fact, for an introduction to some
of the new components available in what is now a suite of Essbase applications.
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Essbase System 9 Components
Here we are at the last chapter of this outstanding book. It has taken ten, occasionally long, chapters to get you to a point where you are proficient and capable in the exciting world of Oracle Essbase.
A lot has changed with Essbase since the early days back in the 1990's. Essbase itself has grown and flourished into the world's leading OLAP analytic software and now includes all of the bells and whistles you'd expect and more.
The purpose of this chapter is to go over some exciting new additions to the Essbase family. No longer is it just Essbase, the multidimensional OLAP database. The future of Essbase, beginning with Essbase version 9.x, is now Essbase System 9.
Essbase System 9 is now a suite of analytical applications or components of which Essbase is the cornerstone. Some of the components enhance the overall abilities of the suite and some are targeted more to specific computing purposes.
Overview of System 9 components
When Oracle purchased Hyperion and several other companies, they set out to organize their product catalog and bring together a standardized naming convention as well as standardized software versioning. The Essbase suite of tools and applications is no exception as Essbase version 9.x has become Essbase System 9, and there never really was a commercially released Essbase version 8.x. Oracle now has plans to further integrate the Essbase suite of tools and components into their product catalog and we'll just need to wait and see how this plays out with version 11 and beyond.
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[ 384 ]
What we are giving you in this chapter is a high level look at each new Essbase tool
or component and also a slightly lower level look at the hot new additions to the
Essbase family. Not to detract from any of the other Essbase family members, but
the new Oracle Smart View, for one, is an awesome tool to have in your toolbox.
Essbase Analytic Services (Essbase agent)
The term Essbase analytic services, while commonly thought to refer to the Essbase
suite of applications, actually refers to the common Essbase system structure that is
built around the Essbase analytic database engine technology.
We know this sounds confusing, but here is how it works. In your Essbase toolbox,
you can have many different tools. Some of them are optional and can be added at
an additional expense and some of them must be included from the beginning for
proper system installation. No matter what tools you want to add to your Essbase
toolbox, the Essbase agent or Essbase analytic services must be included and it is
the cornerstone of the Essbase suite of applications.
The Essbase agent is what you install on your server in order to make it an Essbase
analytic server. The Essbase agent is what you use to build, deploy, and maintain
your Essbase databases.
In a nutshell, Essbase analytic services is the heart and soul of your Essbase system.
Essbase Planning
Also known as Hyperion Planning or even Oracle Planning, Essbase Planning is
a centralized Microsoft Excel and web-based planning and forecasting tool that
combines data from various internal business activities such as finance, marketing,
and so on, into one integrated tool. Planning uses the data to provide a closer
look at the company's overall business operations and helps improve the forecast
predictability accuracy.
Planning makes use of Essbase in an ingenious way. The data for each business
activity is stored in its own custom Essbase database or cube. Several business
activities can share the same cube and have their own set of dimensions and
members. Therefore, Essbase must be started and running in the background so
Planning can access the cubes. The various Planning functions are then supported
by Planning's seamless accessing of the data from the Essbase cubes and by using
the stored business rule feature to apply the customer defined business rules to the
data for planning and analysis purposes.
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[ 385 ]
The storing of complex business rules to facilitate proper analysis of the data is a
huge benefit of Oracle Planning and is accomplished within the module by utilizing
a small space on a relational database such as an Oracle or SQL server database.
With the aid of pre-packaged process modules, Essbase Planning can also greatly
shorten the length of time typically required for budget and forecast cycles, thus
lowering the total cost of ownership for this product.
Essbase analytics
It's funny, but the word analytics is being tossed about rather often these days.
Pretty much anything you do with OLAP or multidimensional database tools,
can be termed analytics.
In Essbase however, Essbase analytics, to some, usually refers to Essbase's other
database engine, the ASO database engine. The reason given for this is that the
typical Essbase ASO database is primarily used for presentation, analysis, and
reporting which are all analytic functions. The Essbase BSO database, while
analytic itself, can also be considered transactional as well.
The Essbase analytics nickname dates back to the advent of the ASO database
architecture when all you had was the BSO architecture. The new ASO architecture
was the analytic tool.
Yes, it's funny how Essbase is an analytical package and inside that package is
an analytic piece but that's just how it is.
Try not to get hung up on the terminology here though. When considering your
options, you need to look at all of the same things you have always looked at. How
large will the system be? What are the business customer's requirements? What type
of system am I building here?
When you answer these questions, it will matter less what you call what you are
doing than choosing the right tools.
Hyperion Application Link/Oracle
Application Link
The name pretty much says it all. Hyperion Application Link is a suite of ETL tools
that allows the user or programmer to integrate Oracle products, like Essbase, with
other third party software packages, especially transactional database packages.
Hyperion Application Link (HAL) can integrate all of your data loading and ETL
functions into one place and offer improved performance.
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[ 386 ]
When gathering data for your Essbase application, you may encounter data from
many different sources. HAL allows you to set up a link to your favorite Oracle
database using an ODBC connection. HAL will also allow you to load data from
conveniently delivered flat files too. In fact, you can usually accomplish just about
all of your data loading needs for your Essbase System 9 installation by using HAL.
Oracle Business Rules
This tool can be a tremendous time saver. The Oracle Business Rules tool allows
the programmer to create, store, execute, and manage complex business rules as
specified by the business customer and as it relates to the business process and the
data. All of this is accomplished by using an easy to understand user interface with
graphical depictions of the various elements that go into a rule.
Imagine a business process that dictates the values for next month's sales
commitments as follows:
• If the actual sales for the prior month are not received by the 15th of the
current month, then the committed sales for the current month are to equal
the sales number that was forecasted from the prior month.
• If the actual sales for the prior month are received by the 15th, then the
number used for the current month's committed sales will be equal to the
prior month actual sales * 1.15.
This is just one example of a business rule being automatically executed against
the data for the users of the system. There are endless possibilities on how to make
good use of this tool.
The advantages of the Oracle Business Rules tool are clear, especially in today's
fast-paced business world where static structures in data load and calculation
scripts need almost continual modifying. With the Hyperion Business Rules tool,
the dynamic nature of the business can more effectively be supported with the
creation of minimal maintenance dynamic rules.
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Chapter 11
[ 387 ]
Oracle Reports
Oracle Reports is a powerful new tool for creating reports that presents complex
financial analytic data in an easy to read, professional looking, graphical format.
The reports you create can contain many elements such as colorful charts, graphs,
and even text box objects.
Creating reports is quick and easy and objects embedded in one report can be
linked to appear in another report.
Essbase Shared Services
Essbase Shared Services or Shared Services is a component of Oracle's Essbase
Foundation Services. Shared Services is a standardized infrastructure framework
that facilitates the deployment of other Essbase System 9 components and also
simplifies the ongoing system maintenance of those components.
Shared Services provides a central framework for creating and maintaining users.
It can also be used for managing user security across all Oracle Essbase modules,
including external authentication.
One nice feature of Shared Services is that you can build your applications for easy
user ID set up and maintenance. If you are able to use external authentication or
network authentication, where Essbase allows the network to authenticate the user
ID, your password maintenance is all but eliminated and a user who has access to
the network can also access any Essbase application that you have given him or her
access to. If you plan to use Essbase authentication, the user ID is authenticated by
the Essbase analytic server at login time.
Finally, Essbase Shared Services provides the capability of managing the migration
of components from your test environments to your production environments.
You perform the development and testing in the Dev environment and then use
the Shared Services tool to copy the objects to the Prod environment.
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Essbase System 9 Components
[ 388 ]
Oracle Essbase Provider Services
Oracle Essbase Provider Services is a middle tier data source provider between
an Essbase Server and Smart view, XMLA, and/or Java API. The following figure
shows the Provider Services architecture:
Client Tier
XMLA Clients
Middle Tier
Hyperion Provider
Database Tier
As you can see, Provider Services is a three-tiered architecture. One of the other special
features is that you can configure Oracle Provider Services from the EAS tool. When
you are working with Smart View for Microsoft Office, you will have the option of
selecting Oracle Provider Services to connect to the Essbase analytic server.
Essbase Smart Office
Essbase Smart Office or more commonly known as Essbase Smart Space, is a unique
new tool in the world of real-time analytic analysis and reporting.
The most amazing feature of Essbase Smart Office is that it offers the first
gadget-based user interface. Smart Office consists of a set of configurable gadgets
that run on the business customer's PC desktop and provide continuous access to
financial, operational, and performance related data. Additionally, Smart Office
contains a toolkit that can be used for creating additional gadgets and data services
that constantly keep the user upto date.
The following screenshot says it all for this tool. Can you imagine how happy your
customers will be with this scene on their desktop? You will probably have many
new co-workers which will call you friend.
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[ 389 ]
Here comes the awesome part. Smart Office can also act like a sort of desktop
instant messenger tool or collaboration tool, where users can notify one another
on the fly of changes in business processes, task completions, or anything else that
can affect their performance.
Oracle Essbase Financial Reporting
This tool can be easily compared to a conductor in an orchestra. With it's easy to use,
user friendly graphical user interface, Oracle Essbase Financial Reporting gets high
grades on its usability factor.
While advanced users will enjoy the intuitive, quick and easy, drag-and-drop
method for creating impressive reports, even the most computer illiterate users
can produce high level, executive quality reports with just a little practice.
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[ 390 ]
Take a look at the following screenshot to see an example of how easy and intuitive
using Oracle Essbase Financial Reporting really is:
On top of the reporting capabilities, Oracle Financial Reporting also has functionality
that allows the user to schedule batch report generation, distribute reports, and
divert reports to a holding area. Then, to complete the process, Oracle Financial
Reporting can be used to send notifications to specified recipients when their reports
are ready.
Smart View for Microsoft Office
As you know, Oracle Essbase comes with an Add-in tool designed to be used in
Microsoft Excel. It is this add-in that is one of Essbase's biggest strengths and also
makes all of the various data analysts very happy.
Oracle, being the industry leader that they are, did not stop with the Essbase Add-in
for Microsoft Excel. Oracle realized that in addition to making the data analysts very
happy, it would probably be a good idea to make the flashy sales people and the big
shot executives very happy as well.
With Essbase version 9.x and higher, Oracle has introduced a new product called
Smart View. Oracle Essbase Smart View, simply put, is like an Essbase Add-In for
the entire Microsoft Office suite of applications.
In today's world of on demand this and real time that, just imagine a tool that allows
you to go into a meeting with your beautifully prepared Microsoft PowerPoint
presentation that itself is now directly connected to the Essbase database. Your
presentation will always have up-to-the-second and accurate data. Also, imagine that
you need to send a quick email to your team alerting them to some data condition
that needs immediate attention. Well, your email can also connect directly to the
database and will contain up-to-the-second data.
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[ 391 ]
In the following screenshot, you can see how Smart View will dynamically update
values in a Microsoft Excel object embedded in a Microsoft Word document. You
can do this with PowerPoint and Outlook email as well.
Wait, there's more. No more trying to hastily update Microsoft Word documents in a
pinch either. You guessed it, embedded into your document is a dynamic connection
to your Essbase database.
Oracle Smart View also works effortlessly with Microsoft Excel.
As you can see, the Oracle Essbase family is about as complete as one could possibly
want or need it to be. It seems that if there is ever a need that is unfulfilled in the
Business Intelligence arena, Oracle will fill it and fill it better than anyone else.
One stop shopping has never been true than it is with Oracle. Whatever your
Business Intelligence, OLAP, or Analytic computing needs, there is an Oracle
Essbase product that will satisfy your requirements better than any other product.
When multiple products are used together as part of the Essbase System, they are
truly unbeatable.
Just remember, it all started with Essbase and Essbase is still the OLAP, Business
Intelligence, and Analytic foundation today.
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A New Essbase Companion—Oracle Smart View
As you know, Oracle Essbase comes with an add-in tool designed to be used in Microsoft Excel. It is this add-in that is one of Essbase's biggest strengths. As you
also know, it is this add-in that makes all of the various data analysts very happy
as well.
Oracle, being the industry leader, they are, did not stop with the Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel. They realized that in addition to making the data analysts happy, it would probably be a good idea to make the flash and dash executives happy as well.
Oracle has introduced, with Essbase version 9.x, a new product called Smart View. Oracle Smart View, simply put, is like an Essbase Add-in for the entire Microsoft Office suite of applications.
In today's world of on demand this and real time that, just imagine a tool that allows you to go into a meeting with your beautifully prepared Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that is directly connected to the Essbase database. Your presentation will always have up-to-the-second and accurate data. Also imagine that you need to send a quick email to your team alerting them to some data condition that needs immediate attention. Well, your email can also connect directly to the Essbase database and will contain upto the second data!
Wait, there's more! No more trying to hastily update Microsoft Word documents in a pinch either. You guessed it, embedded into your document is a dynamic connection to the Essbase database!
Oh, and in case you are wondering, Oracle Smart View works effortlessly with Microsoft Excel too! Does it get any better than this?
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A New Essbase Companion—Oracle Smart View
[ 394 ]
Smart View is like having your cake and being able to eat it too! Now, let's jump in
and see how we can make the best use of Oracle Smart View for reporting your data.
Reporting with Oracle Smart View
The installation of Smart View is very easy. Along with Oracle Smart View, you
will also need to install Oracle Shared Services, formerly the Oracle Hub, or Oracle
Provider Services. Smart View can be used with all Oracle products, such as Essbase,
Oracle Planning, and Financial Reporting.
When installing Oracle Smart View in Microsoft Excel, there is no need to uninstall the
Essbase Add-In, you can simply install right on top of it. After Smart View is installed
you should see an Hyperion menu pick on the main toolbar in Microsoft Excel, this
will be in addition to the Essbase menu pick. You should now also see the Hyperion
menu pick on the toolbars for Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and on any of
the other Microsoft Office components you have installed on your computer.
By clicking on the Hyperion menu pick added to your toolbar, you see a listing
of the entire menu available to you as shown in the following screenshot:
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[ 395 ]
Adding a data source with the connection
Before you can even begin to retrieve data from your Essbase database or through
your Oracle Planning module, you will need to define a data source to Smart View
for each connection. This needs to be done individually for each Microsoft Office
application in which you will be using Smart View.
To add a data source, click on Hyperion | Connection Manager.
You will then be asked to connect using either Shared Services Provider or URL
Provider. In this example, we have chosen URL Provider and in the next screen
you see a list box with several URL locations.
In the list box, you will see Hyperion Provider and Hyperion Reporting and Analysis.
To connect to Essbase, Oracle Planning, or Oracle Financial Management use URL
Provider and for Financial Reporting, Production Reporting, or Web Analysis use
Hyperion Reporting and Analysis. Since we are connecting to Essbase, we have
selected URL Provider.
For URL Location, you need to provide the location where Hyperion Provider
is actually running. If your Hyperion Provider is installed on your client, then
it would be running on your localhost and you need to provide the URL address.
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[ 396 ]
For Essbase, the default URL location is:
For Oracle Planning, the default URL location is:
Once the Provider and URL Location are entered, please click on the Next button
to proceed.
On the next screen you will see the Essbase server. When you click on the server
the system will prompt you to enter your Essbase user name and password to
connect to the Essbase server as shown in the following screenshot:
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[ 397 ]
After you have entered your user ID and password click on the Connect button
and in the next screen you will see a list of the available applications and databases
on the Essbase server. Select the application and database to which you want to
establish the connection and click on Next.
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[ 398 ]
On the next screen, you will be prompted to enter a Name and Description for
the data source. When you have entered this information click on the Finish button
and you are now done. You have successfully added a new data source for Smart
View. To connect to this data source click on the Connect button as shown in the
following screenshot:
In order to establish a connection to the Essbase server, you will be asked to enter your
user name and password. Once you have entered the correct information, you can click
on the Connect button and you will be successfully connected to the Essbase cube. You
are now ready for happy reporting. The following screenshot shows the connection
manager after the connection is established:
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[ 399 ]
If you have the Essbase Add-in installed on the same PC, we need to remove
the Enable Double-Clicking option from the Essbase | Options | Global tab
in Microsoft Excel.
Steps to update the Essbase Add-in option:
1. Open Microsoft Excel and click on Essbase | Options.
2. Click on the Global tab.
3. Uncheck the Enable Double-Clicking checkbox.
4. Click on OK.
The next screenshot shows the Essbase | Options | Global tab and I assume you
are quite familiar with this screen, as we have discussed it in the add-in section of
this book:
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[ 400 ]
Retrieving data using Smart View in
Microsoft Excel
Now that you have established a connection with the Essbase server, you are ready
to retrieve data. With Smart View, you can generate reports using the Free Form or
you can do your own Ad-Hoc reporting. Using the Free Form reporting option, like
we talked about for the Microsoft Excel Add-in, you can define the row and column
member names and click on the Hyperion | Refresh button and you will see the
data as shown in the following screenshot:
If you notice in the previous figure, you see a small box called [Book1]Sheet that
is nothing but a POV (Point of View). The POV has all of the page dimension
information for the data you are currently looking at. Right now, you are viewing
data for TOTAL MARKET and you decide that you would like to see the data at
a specific market level. On the POV screen, you can click on the TOTAL MARKET
drop-down box and then click on the … and you will see the following Member
Selection screen:
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[ 401 ]
In the Member Selection screen, you can see all of the available members for the
dimension you have selected listed in the Members list box (which is on the left
hand part of the Member Selection screen) and you can see all of the members you
have selected in the Selection list box (right-hand side of the Member Selection
screen). In the Member Selection screen, you can also select different dimensions by
clicking on the Dimension drop-down list. You can also set Filters for the members
you have selected to narrow your selection further. The filter can be at the Children,
Descendants, Level, or Generation of the member you have selected.
In this example, we have filtered the selection by the Generation and displayed the
report of all of the members in Generation 5. Select all returned members by clicking
on the select all button and then click on the add button to add the members
into the selection list. Click on OK to return back to Microsoft Excel.
On the Microsoft Excel sheet, click the refresh button on the POV. The data will
then be refreshed.
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[ 402 ]
As you can see in the selection above, we have selected three members from the
market dimension. This will not report the data in three separate sheets, but the
members are stored in the POV and you can change the member in the POV
anytime and click on the refresh button to refresh the data.
The Free Form reporting is the same as the Free Form reporting that we have talked
about previously in the chapter on the Essbase Add-In. However, the difference is
that in Smart View, you will have a POV selection through which you can change
your other member selections. In the next section, we will learn little more about the
POV Manager.
POV Manager
You can also report the data in Microsoft Excel using the POV Manager. Once you
have established a connection to the Essbase database, click on Hyperion | POV
Manager. The POV Manager screen will be opened and you will see two folders,
one is called Active and the other is called Saved.
If you click on the Active folder you will see the current active connections. If you
are connected to two data sources you will see two connection names in the Active
folder. If you select a connection now in the right side of the POV Manager, you
will have two selections, one is the Connection and the other is POV (seen in the
following screenshot). In the Connection block you will see information about the
data source that this connection is associated with and in the POV block you will
see all of the dimension information along with the default members selected. On
the POV block the left side is the dimension information and right-hand side is the
selected member information. If you double-click a member in the POV, the Member
Selection screen will be displayed and you can change the member information.
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[ 403 ]
In the Saved folder, you have a folder which has the same name as the Microsoft
Excel workbook name and inside that folder there are three folders called Sheet
1, Sheet 2, and Sheet 3. These folders correspond with the number of sheets in
your workbook. Inside each individual sheet folder you can save the connection
information and POV for that sheet. Once you save the Microsoft Excel file the
connection information is also saved and this can be used by the business user
to save and then share their queries with other users.
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A New Essbase Companion—Oracle Smart View
[ 404 ]
Submitting data and calc scripts in Smart View
Like the "Lock and Send" data update method in the Essbase Add-in, you can also
send data to the Essbase database by clicking on the Hyperion | Submit Data
button. Let's say we have a member called Dealer Adjustments in our Measures
dimension and we allow the business analysts to enter adjustments to this member
using Microsoft Excel. All they need to do is click on Submit Data to send the
data to the Essbase database. The moment the business analyst enters the January
2009 Dealer Adjustments data in Microsoft Excel, the spreadsheet cell shows the
information in yellow, indicating that this information has been edited and needs
to be sent to the server, as shown in the next screenshot:
The moment the user clicks on the Hyperion | Submit Data, the information
is submitted to the Essbase database as shown:
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[ 405 ]
As you can see from the previous screenshot, the data is submitted to the
database server but the data has not been rolled upto its parent which is TOTAL
DISCOUNTS. In order to roll up the data, you need to execute a calc script.
Click on the Hyperion | Calculation Options | Calculate and you will see
the calculation scripts screen as shown:
In this screen you can see all of the available Calculation Scripts for the Essbase
database you are connected to. In this case we select the default calc and click on
Launch. When the Calc has completed, the data is rolled upto the higher parent
levels. If you run the report for the TOTAL DISCOUNTS now, you will see the
data is rolled up as shown in the following screenshot:
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[ 406 ]
Using Smart View in other Microsoft Office
This is one of the coolest features in Smart View. When you install Smart View, it will
be integrated into all of the Microsoft Office products loaded on your PC. If you open
Microsoft Word you will see a Hyperion menu item, open Microsoft PowerPoint and
you will see a Hyperion menu pick, what the heck, you will even see the Hyperion
menu pick in your Microsoft Outlook mail program.
Let's say you are meeting with the Finance Director monthly, to show how good or
bad the company is doing in the current market. This is never a fun task. Chances are
you will create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. With Smart View, all you need
to do is just click to refresh the data every month and you will get the most current
data from the Essbase database into your presentation.
Let's see how we can do this in Smart View. There are a couple of ways to do it.
You can copy the data point from Microsoft Excel and paste it into the Microsoft
PowerPoint presentation or just create a new data point in the Microsoft
PowerPoint presentation. It's that easy!
1. First, explore how we can do it by copying the Data Points from Microsoft
Excel to Microsoft PowerPoint.
2. Select the cell whose data point you want to copy and click on Hyperion
| Copy Data Points.
3. Open the Microsoft PowerPoint in the menu item and click on Hyperion
| Paste Data Points.
You will now see a message on the Microsoft PowerPoint screen saying NEED
REFRESH as shown in the following screenshot:
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[ 407 ]
If you look closely at the previous screenshot, you will see the connection detail
which tells you all of the information about the members that are chosen for this
Data Point. Since your connection is already established in Microsoft Excel, you
do not need to reconnect in Microsoft PowerPoint. In order to see the new data,
click on Hyperion | Refresh, you will see the data in Microsoft PowerPoint
(as seen below) and you are now ready for the meeting.
Another way of calling the Essbase data from other Microsoft Office products
is by using the Smart Tags option. These Smart Tags are turned off by default
but you can always turn them on.
On the Tools menu, click on the Auto Correct Options, and then click on the
Smart Tags tab and select the Label Text with Smart Tags checkbox to enable
the Smart Tags.
Now that the Smart Tags are enabled, let's modify our Microsoft PowerPoint
presentation to show the data by Market. In Microsoft PowerPoint, just enter
SmartView and you will see a small i on the top of the Smart View as shown
in the following screenshot:
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A New Essbase Companion—Oracle Smart View
[ 408 ]
Click on the "i" tag and then click on the Functions | Connection Name (Esscar)
| HsGetValue option. This function is used to return a data point for all of the
members you have selected. Upon clicking on this, you will see a Member Selection
screen where you can make all of the selections as shown in the next screenshot:
Click on OK after you have made all of the selections you need and you will
see the data pulled into your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (as seen below):
Well that wraps it up for Hyperion Smart View. With the already outstanding
Essbase Add-in for Microsoft Excel and now the addition of Smart View there
is virtually no limit to what you can do in the world of Business Intelligence.
Stay tuned as Oracle has even more new and exciting products coming down
the pipe.
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@ANCEST function 375
@ANCESTVAL (dimension, genlevNum, [membername]) 180
@ANCESTVAL (dimension, genlevNum, [membername]) function 180
@AVGRANGE() function 183
@CALCMODE() function 186
@CHILDREN() function 183
@CONCATENATE() function 187
@COUNT function 185
@ISCHILD(mbrname) function 178
@ISLEV function 178
@ISMBR function 178
@MEDIAN() function 185
@MOVAVG() function 184
@NEXT() function 184
@PARENTVAL (dimension, membername) function 179
@PRIOR () function 184
@RANK function 185
@ROUND() function 182
@SIBLINGS() function 183
@SUBSTRING() function 187
@SUM() function 182
@SUMRANGE() function 183
@TODATE() function 186
@VAR() function 182
@VARPER() function 182
account dimension type, standard dimension 70
add-in spreadsheet options, setting
about 250, 251
display tab 251, 252
global tab 256-258
mode tab 254-256
zoom tab 253, 254
addition (+) operator 79
AGENTDELAY, essbase.cfg file settings 356
AGENTLOGMESSAGELEVEL, essbase.cfg file settings 357
AGENTTHREADS, essbase.cfg file settings 356
Aggregate Storage Option. See ASO
AGTSVRCONNECTIONS, essbase.cfg file settings 356
alias table, member alias 86
alter statement 307
alter system statement 321
alter user 319, 320
analytic server, configuration file
calculation, settings 355
configuration, categories 355
data import/export, settings 355
essbase.cfg file 352-354
hybrid analysis, settings 355
logging and error handling, settings 355
memory management, settings 355
miscellaneous, settings 355
ports and connections, settings 355, 356
query management, settings 355
settings 355
ancestors, outline member descriptors 67
application properties, Essbase
about 45
getting, ways 45
minimum access level 46
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[ 410 ]
security 46
startup section 46
about 39, 366, 380
aggregate storage application/database,
creating 366-369
and BSO, differences 372
cons 380, 381
database 381
dynamic hierarchies 370, 372
hierarchies 370
MDX functions 374
multiple hierarchies, enabling 370
pros 380
stored hierarchies 370, 371
ASO database
about 366
aggregation 373
outline paging 372
ASOsamp 370
attribute dimensions
about 72, 109
creating 110
facts 110
Block Storage Option. See BSO
boolean functions
@ISCHILD(mbrname) 179
@ISLEV 178
@ISMBR 178
about 40-42
about 366
aggregate storage application/database,
creating 367, 368
and ASO, differences 372
cons 379
database 381
pros 379
BSO database 366
caches tab, Essbase database 55
Calc All, database calculation function 165
CALCCACHE, essbase.cfg file settings 357
calc commands and functions
about 167
boolean function 178
conditionals 176
control flow 168
data declarations 167, 168
date and time function 186
forecasting function 184
functional 173
math 182
member set 183
member set function 182
miscellaneous calculation function 186
operators 181
range (financial) function 183, 184
relationship function 179, 180
statistical function 185
CALC DIM function 166
essbase.cfg memory settings 361
CALCLOCKBLOCK, essbase.cfg file
settings 357
CALCPARALLEL, essbase.cfg file settings
calculate/aggregate dimension 166
calculation 187, 189
calculation, essbase.cfg file settings
calculation function 268
calculation script
about 156-158
building 199
Calc command 163
commands 163
EssCmd script 204, 205
executing, Essbase command script (Ess-
Cmd) used 203
executing manually, EAS used 203
push down command 163
rollup command 163
running, Essbase API used 208, 209
running, from Microsoft Excel 209
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[ 411 ]
running manually, EAS used 201, 202
running, MaxL script used 205-207
running, Microsoft Excel VBA used 211
running, through Essbase Add-in 210, 211
saving 200, 201
stomp-on command 163
writing 200
calculation script, executing
calculation script running, Essbase API
used 208, 209
calculation script running, Essbase
Command Script (EssCmd) used 203
calculation script running, from Microsoft
Excel 209
calculation script running manually, EAS
used 201, 202, 203
calculation script running, MaxL script
used 205, 207
calculation script running, Microsoft Excel
VBA used 211, 212
calculation script, running through Essbase
Add-in 210, 211
calculation types
about 159
calculation scripts 160, 161
dynamic calc 161, 162
dynamic calc and store 161, 162
stored data member formula 161
Calendar Periods dimension 33
child, outline member descriptors 67
components, Essbase database
calculation scripts 49
database load rules files 50
database outline 48
Linked Reporting Objects (LRO) 48
partitions 48
report scripts 50
IF/ENDIF command 176-178
connection manager
data source, adding 395-398
control flow
ENDEXCLUDE command 172
ENDFIX command 168, 169
EXCLUDE command 171
FIX command 168, 169
FIX/ENDFIX, examples 170, 171
country dimension type, standard
dimension 70
create calculation 317
create user 319
Cubeview 240
currency database, Essbase database 47
currency partition dimension type, standard
dimension 71
Currency Report… function 272
currency tab, Essbase database 57
calculating 156
partitioning 347, 348
performance tuning 339, 340
database calculation script
ARRAY, temporary variables 167
temporary variables 167
VA, temporary variables 167
database calculation script. See also
calculation script
database configuration settings
data cache settings 344, 345
data load and storage settings 345-347
data retrieval buffers 343
database partitioning, options
about 347, 348
linked database partition 348
replicated database partition 348
transparent database partition 348
DATACACHESIZE, essbase.cfg memory
settings 361
data calculation, MaxL
calculation, creating 317
calculation, displaying 317
calculation, dropping 318
calculation, executing 317
data delimiters 91
DATAERRORLIMIT, essbase.cfg file settings
data export text files 124
memory settings 361
data file freeform (no load rule), data load
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[ 412 ]
method 125, 126
data import/export, essbase.cfg file settings
data load
versus dimension build 152, 153
data load, file types
data export text files 124
excel files 124
text files 124
data loading, EAS used
Abort on Error 148
Data Source (Data File) 148
data source, types 148
Delete 149
Error File 148
Execute in background 149
fields 148
Insert 149
mode 148
OK 149
Open 149
Overwrite 148
Rules File 148
Save 149
SQL Username and Password 149
data, loading in Essbase database
EAS used 147, 148, 150
MaxL used 151, 152
data load methods
data file freeform (no load rule) 125, 126
Essbase export and import (no load rule)
excel lock and send (no load rule) 130
structured data load (load rule used) 130
data load rules file
advantages 131
associating 132
building 131
Data Load Settings, updating 136
Data Load Values, setting 136
Data Prep Editor, starting steps 132
Data Source Properties, setting 135, 136
fields, associating with Data Load
Properties 141, 142
opening 133, 134
saving 146
SQL data source file, opening 133, 134
validating 145
View to Data Load Fields, setting 135
Data Load Settings, updating
data combinations, clearing 139
header definition 140
data load, types
data loads 123
dimension build loads 124
Data Load Values, setting
Data values 137, 138
Sign flip 138
Data Prep Editor, starting with 87
data, previewing in EAS
Cubeview 240, 241
properties 241, 242
steps 239
data requirements, Essbase database
determining 32-34
data rules file, building
about 86, 87
data load file, opening 89-91
data prep editor, starting 87
data source properties, setting 91
dimension build method, selecting 93
dimension build rules file, associating 88
dimension build rules file, validating 103,
fields, associating with dimensions 101-103
format file 98-100
SQL data source file, opening 89-91
view to dimension build fields, setting 92
data source, types
data file 148
data loads 123
dimension build loads 124
SQL 148
data storage options, Essbase database
database building, benefits 38
determining 35-37
Essbase cube 35
Essbase data cell 35
in traditional relational database 36
date and time function
@TODATE() function 186
dense dimension 72
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[ 413 ]
descendants, outline member descriptors 67
dimension build
versus data load 152, 153
dimension build field 92
dimension build settings, steps
build method, selecting 97
dimension name, selecting 96
existing members 96, 97
member, sorting 97
member, updating 98
merging 98
remove unspecified 98
about 64
types 70
dimensions tab, Essbase database 54
dimensions, types
attribute dimension 72
dense dimension 72
sparse dimension 72
standard dimension 70
display calculation 317
display system statement 321
display tab, Essbase options
aliases section, 252
aliases section, use aliases 252
cells options, adjust columns 252
cells options, auto sort row 252
cells options, repeat member labels 252
cells options, use styles 252
indentation setting, none 251
indentation setting, subitems 251
indentation setting, totals 251
query designer option 252
replacement section, #missing label 252
replacement section, #no access label 252
suppress options, #missing rows 251
suppress options, underscore
characters 251
suppress options, zero rows 251
display user 320
division (/) operator 79
essbase.cfg file settings 358
DLTHREADSPREPARE, essbase.cfg file
settings 358
DLTHREADSWRITE, essbase.cfg file settings
drop calculation 318
drop user 320
dynamic calc and store 161, 162
dynamic hierarchies, ASO 372
Dynamic Time Series function
about 113
D-T-D (Day-to-date) 114
H-T-D (History-to-date) 114
M-T-D (Month-to-date) 114
P-T-D (Period-to-date) 114
Q-T-D (Quarter-to-date) 114
S-T-D (Season-to-date) 114
W-T-D (Month-to-date) 114
Y-T-D (Year-to-date) 114
DYNCALCCACHEONLY, essbase.cfg file
settings 357
about 20, 31
data previewing, steps 239
installing 20-22
starting 23, 24
used for data loading 147-150
ENDEXCLUDE command 172
ENDFIX command 168-170
End User License Agreement. See EULA
about 274
messages and confirmations screen 277, 278
query, creating with 278
screens 276, 277
searching for 274-277
EQD, query creating
column dimensions 281
page dimensions 281
Report Script, by-product 288, 289
row dimensions 281
sample query 281-288
calculation function 268
Cascade… command 272
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[ 414 ]
cascade options, dialog box 272-274
currency conversion tool, using 272
Currency Report… function 272
database calculation, running 268
data calculation script 156-158
data, locking 267
data rules files 86
data, sending to database 267
default database calculation script 163-165
default URL location 396
dimension, types 70
Dynamic Time Series 113-115
graphical data representations, creating 271
Hyperion Visual Explorer (HVE) 271
Keep Only function, using 263
linked objects browser 270, 271
linked objects… command 270
lock function 267
navigate without data function 269
outline member formula 158
Pivot function 265
Remove Only function, using 264
retrieve function 266
retrieve & lock function 266
sample data (zoom in) function 270
send function 267
sheet, retrieving without data 269
UDA 111
unlock function 267
zoom in function 264, 265
zoom out function 265
Essbase 7.x
duplicate member names, allowing 50, 51
Essbase add-in
about 274
add-in spreadsheet options, setting 250, 251
add-in xll file, locating 244, 245
data, retrieving from database 249, 250
Essbase, connecting to 246
Essbase, connecting to from Microsoft Excel
247, 248
Essbase, disconnecting from 248, 249
Essbase member, selecting for query 258
Essbase Query Designer (EQD), launching
flashback 266
installing, for Microsoft Excel 25, 26, 27
reporting with, Microsoft Excel add-in 243,
Essbase Administration Services. See EAS
Essbase agent. See Essbase Analytic
Essbase Analytics 385
Essbase Analytics. See also BSO
Essbase Analytic server
installing 13
installing, steps 14-19
Windows installation, minimum
requirements 13
Essbase Analytic Services 384
Essbase API
about 326
calculation script, running 208, 209
functions 328, 329
installing 327
necessities 327, 328
programming, tips 329
Visual Basic Main API function group 328
Visual Basic Outline API functions 329
Essbase API, programming tips
about 329
API function, coding 332, 333
Essbase API code, sample blocks 333-335
Essbase API function, declarations 331, 332
Essbase nested coding style, examples 330,
sample API subroutine 336
Essbase application
creating 43-45
properties 45
types 38
Essbase application, MaxL
application, altering 307, 308
application, creating 306, 307
application, displaying 311
application log, clearing 310
drop application command 311
load/unload database, using 309
SET properties statement, using 308, 309
start up/auto startup, disabling 310, 311
start up/auto startup, enabling 310, 311
working with 306
Essbase Application Programming Interface.
See Essbase API
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[ 415 ]
Essbase applications, types
ASO 39
BSO 40, 41
Unicode applications 42
Essbase ASO. See ASO
Essbase BSO. See BSO
Essbase calculation script commands
calc 163
push down 163
rollup 163
stomp-on 163
Essbase cascade options, dialog box
cascade information 272
destination options 272
format options 273, 274
Essbase cell 36
essbase.cfg file
about 352-355
configuration, categories 355
configuration, settings 356-359
essbase.cfg, memory settings
Essbase Command Script
calculation script, running 203
coding 204
DOS command line 205
EssCmd drag and drop 205
shell command in code 205
Essbase Command Script. See also EssCmd
Essbase command scripts. See EssCmd
Essbase cube 35
Essbase cube. See also Essbase database
Essbase data
Ad hoc data 214
analyst, planning 216, 217
canned reporting 214, 215
data, exporting 215
forecast analyst 215, 216
target users 218
using 214
Essbase database
budget analysts 217
calculating 156
components 47
creating 51-53
data, loading 147
data load, types 123
data requirements, determining 32-35
data sources, types 123
data, types 123
financial analysts 218
using 213
Essbase database, creating
caches tab 55
currency tab 57
dimensions tab 54
general tab 53
modifications tab 58
statistics tab 54, 55
storage tab 56, 57
transactions tab 56
Essbase database, MaxL
commands, archiving 313
commands, setting 314
database, altering 313
database, creating 312, 313
database, displaying 315
database, dropping 315
database, renaming 314
database, reseting 314
MaxL commands, disabling 313
MaxL commands, enabling 313
working with 311, 312
Essbase database outline
database block size 342
hourglass outline 340-342
shape 340
Essbase database outline, building
about 75
members/dimensions, adding steps 76, 77
Essbase databases, types
currency database 47
normal (non-currency) database 47
Essbase data cell 36, 37
Essbase export and import (no load rule),
data load method 126-130
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[ 416 ]
Essbase-friendly data
about 120, 121
example 121-123
Essbase MaxL scripts 304
Essbase Member Selection screen 258-263
Essbase options
display tab 251
Essbase outline 64
Essbase outline dimension 66
Essbase outline, updating methods
generation reference 93
level reference 94
parent-child reference 94
Essbase Planning 384, 385
Essbase Query Designer. See EQD
Essbase Report Script
about 220
building 230-234
creating, ways 221-223
executing 234
Report Script commands and functions 223
Essbase Report Script, executing
calc running, MaxL script used 238
report running, EAS used 235, 236
report running, Essbase command script
used 236, 237
Essbase shared members
rules 116
Essbase Shared Services 387
Essbase Smart Office 388
Essbase Smart Space. See Essbase Smart
Essbase System 9 Components. See System
9 Components
Essbase users, types
database designer 60
developer type account 58
groups tab 59
supervisor account 58
ESSCAR database outline 75
Esscar Motor Company 31
about 292
coding 297
commands, categories 295
creating 293, 294
EssCmd, categories
aliases 297
application and database administration
backing up 297
calculating 296
currency conversion information 296
database objects 296
data loading, clearing, and exporting 296
dimension building 296
error and log handling 296
integrity and performance 297
location aliases 296
outline/attribute information 296
outline synchronization 296
partitioning 296
reporting 296
security filters and locks 295
substitution variables 297
user/group security 295
EssCmd, coding
error checking 298, 299
Essbase server, connecting to 298
EssCmd logging 297
finished script 300, 301
functional commands, adding 299, 300
EssCmd, executing ways
processing, from command prompt 301-303
processing, in batch mode 303
Ess-Commands. See EssCmd
excel files 124
Excel Lock and Send (no load rule), data
load method 131
EXCLUDE command 172
Exclude from Consolidation (~) operator 79
EXCLUSIVECALC, essbase.cfg file settings
execute calculation 317
export data, MaxL 316
fields, associating with Data Load Properties
Data Load Properties 142-145
global properties 142
FIX command 168-170
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[ 417 ]
flashback, Essbase add-in undo command
flat file load rule 130
forecasting function
@MOVAVG() function 184
@MOVSUM() function 184
general dimension type, standard dimension
general tab, Essbase database 53
generation 68
generation 0 68
generation 1 68
generation 2 68
generation reference 93
global tab, Essbase options
display messages section 258
log file section, purge log file every session
log file section, route messages to log file
member select section, display save dialog
memory section, enable flashback function
mode section, navigate without data 258
mouse actions option, enable double-clicking
mouse actions option, enable secondary
button 257
mouse actions option, limit to connected
sheets 257
grant user 320
HAL 385
hierarchies, ASO 371
HVE 271
Hyperion Application Link. See HAL
Hyperion Essbase Query Designer. See
Hyperion Essbase - System 9, release 9.3.1
installing 14-19
Hyperion Planning. See Essbase Planning
Hyperion Provider 395
Hyperion Visual Explorer. See HVE
import data, MaxL 315
INDEXCACHESIZE, essbase.cfg memory
settings 362
Essbase add-in, for Microsoft Excel 25, 26
Essbase Administration Services 20-22
Essbase Analytic server 13-19
Join 99
Keep Only function 263
leaf, outline member descriptors 67
level 69
level reference 94
linked objects browser 270, 271
linked partition 48
Linked Reporting Objects. See LRO
load rules file, types
flat file load rule 130
relational database SQL load rule 130
Lock and Send method 40
lock function 267
logging and error handling, essbase.cfg file
LRO 48
market dimension 75
math functions
@ROUND() function 182
@SUM() function 182
@VAR() function 182
@VARPER() function 182
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[ 418 ]
about 304
MaxLapplication, altering 307
MaxLapplication, creating 306, 307
CONNECT AS <Database Username> field
database calculation, working with 317
data, working with 315, 316
DATA field 151
fields 151
Essbase application, working with 306
Essbase database, working with 311, 312
Essbase server, logging on to 305
IDENTIFIED BY <Database password>
field 151
ERROR FILE> field 151
statement, executing 323
substitution variables 322, 323
system level, working at 321
user privileges, working with 318, 320
used for data loading 151
MaxL script
calculation script, running 206, 207
executing, DOS command line 207
executing, shell command in code 207
executing, through the EAS tool 207
methods 207
MaxL script. See also Essbase MaxL scripts
MaxL statement. See also MaxL
about 304
alter statement 307
alter system statement 321
alter user 319
create calculation 317
create user 319
displaY calculation 317
display system statement 321
display user 320
drop calculation 318
drop user 320
execute calculation 317
executing 323
export data 316
grant user 320
import data 315
list 305
objects 304
verbs 304
MaxL statement, executing
from command prompt 324, 325
from EAS 325
MDX query language
about 373
MDX functions, examples 375
MDX functions, for ASO 374
MDX query, executing 376, 377
MDX query, syntax 376
sets 378
tuples 378
MDX query language, syntax
Typical MDX query structure 376
Typical SQL query structure 376
Measures dimension 33
member alias
about 84, 85
alias table 86
member consolidations 78
member formulas 82-84
member properties
about 78, 158
member alias 84, 85
member consolidations 78
member formulas 82- 84
member storage 80, 81
valid consolidation operators 78, 80
members 64
member set function
@CHILDREN() function 183
@SIBLINGS() function 183
member storage
about 80
storage options 80
member storage, options
dynamic calc 80
dynamic calc and store 80
label only 81
never share 80
shared member 81
store data 80
memory management
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[ 419 ]
about 359, 360
essbase.cfg, memory settings 360-362
Microsoft Excel
calculation script, running 209, 211
Microsoft Excel add-in
add-in spreadsheet options, setting 250, 251
add-in xll file, locating 244, 245
calculation function 268
Cascade… command 272
currency conversion tool, using 272
Currency Report… function 272
data, retrieving from Essbase 249, 250
data, sending to database 267
Essbase add-in 274
Essbase add-in, reloading 244
Essbase cascade options, dialog box 272-
Essbase, connecting to 246
Essbase, connecting to from Microsoft Excel
247, 248
Essbase, disconnecting from 248
Essbase members, selecting for query 258-
Essbase Query Designer (EQD), launching
flashback, Essbase add-in undo command
graphical data representations, creating 271
Keep Only function, using 263
lock function 267
navigate without data function 269
Pivot function 265
Remove Only function, using 264
reporting with 243
retrieve function 266
retrieve & lock function 266
send function 267
unlock function 267
worksheet, disconnecting from database
zoom in function 264, 265
zoom out function 265
Microsoft Excel VBA
calcScript parameter 212
calculation script, running 211
parameters 212
SheetName parameter 212
synchronous parameter 212
miscellaneous function
about 186
@CALCMODE() function 186
function 187
mode tab, Essbase options
formula preservation section, keep only or
remove only 256
formula preservation section, retain on keep
and remove only 256
formula preservation section, retain on
retrieval 256
mode section, update mode 255
retrieval section, advanced interpretation
retrieval section, free form 255
modifications tab, Essbase database 58
Multidimensional Access Language. See
cfg memory settings 360
multiplication (*) operator 79
navigate without data function 269
NETDELAY, essbase.cfg file settings 356
NETRETRYCOUNT, essbase.cfg file settings
network setup
developer client 29
end-user pc 29
Essbase server 28
raw data 28
Never Consolidate (^) operator 79
no dimension type, standard dimension 71
Non-Unicode applications 42, 43
normal (non-currency) database, Essbase
database 47
OLAP analytical solutions
and traditional data analysis applications,
differences 31, 32
Online Analytical Processing. See OLAP
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[ 420 ]
cross dimensional operator 181
Oracle Application Link 385
Oracle Business Rules
about 386
advantages 386
Oracle Essbase 32
Oracle Essbase Financial Reporting 389, 390
Oracle Essbase Provider Services 388
Oracle Planning
default URL location 396
Oracle Planning. See also Essbase Planning
Oracle Reports 387
Oracle Smart View
about 394
calc data, submitting 404, 405
data, retrieving using Smart View in Microsoft
Excel 400, 401
data source, adding with connection manager
data, submitting 404
Essbase Add-In option, updating steps 399
POV Manager 402, 403
using, in other Microsoft Office products
Outline and Data restructure 73, 74
outline member descriptors
about 66
ancestors 67
child 67
descendants 67
leaf 67
parent 67
root 67
siblings 67
outline menber formula 159
Outline Only restructure 73, 74
outline, updating
EAS editor used 104, 105
MaxL Shell used 106
rule file used 104
outline updating, MaxL Shell used
import dimension statement, syntax 108
MaxL executing, from command prompt
108, 109
MaxL executing, from EAS editor 106
parent-child reference 94
parent, outline member descriptors 67
partitions, Essbase
linked partition 48
replicated partition 48
transparent partition 48
percent (%) operator 79
Pivot function 265
Point of View. See POV Manager
ports and connections, essbase.cfg file settings
POV Manager 402, 403
properties 241, 242
query designer option, display tab 252
creating, with query designer 278
range (financial) function
about 183
@AVGRANGE() function 183
@NEXT() function 184
@PRIOR () function 184
@SUMRANGE() function 183
relational database SQL load rule 130
relationship functions
@ANCESTVAL (dimension, genlevNum,
[membername]) 179
@PARENTVAL (dimension, membername)
Remove Only function 264
replicated partition 48
Report Script
commands and functions 223
executing 234
Report Script commands and functions
column or row calculation 228, 229
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[ 421 ]
data ordering command 226
data range commands 225
format commands 227, 228
member name and aliases 230
member selection 226, 227
report layout commands 224, 225
sorting commands 226, 227
retrieve & lock function 266
rolled up 78
root, outline member descriptors 67
sample data (zoom in) function 270
scenario dimension 34, 75
send function 267
SET command functions
about 173
CLEARDATA MemberName 176
DATACOPY membername1 to membername2
SET commands
set lock_timeout after 309
set max_lro_file_size 309
set minimum permission 308
set type unicode_mode 309
sets 378
shared members 115
Shared Services. See Essbase Shared
siblings, outline member descriptors 67
Smart View
for Microsoft Office 390, 391
Smart View. See also Oracle Smart View
sparse dimension 72
Split 99
SSPROCROWLIMIT, essbase.cfg memory
settings 360
standard dimension
about 70
account dimension type 70
country dimension type 70
currency partition dimension type 71
general dimension type 71
no dimension type 71
time dimension type 70
statistical function
@COUNT() function 185
@MEDIAN() function 185
@RANK() function 185
statistics tab, Essbase database 54, 55
storage tab, Essbase database 56, 57
stored hierarchies, ASO 371
structured data load (load rule used), data
load method 130
substitution variable
about 191, 322, 323
creating, EAS used 192-194
EAS used 192
rules, for creating 192
using 192
substitution variable, MaxL used
about 194
displaying 196, 197
displaying, in SQL editor 198, 199
variable, creating at application level 195
variable, creating at database level 196
variable, creating at server level 195
subtraction (-) operator 79
System 9 components
about 383, 384
Essbase Analytics 385
Essbase Analytic Services 384
Essbase Planning 384, 385
Essbase Shared Services 387
Essbase Smart Office 388, 389
Hyperion Application Link 385
Microsoft Office, smart view for 390, 391
Oracle Application Link 385
Oracle Business Rules 386
Oracle Essbase Financial Reporting 389, 390
Oracle Essbase Provider Services 388
Oracle Reports 387
system level, MaxL
alter system, properties 321
display system, properties 321
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[ 422 ]
text files
delimited text files 124
fixed column width text files 124
Time dimension 66
Time dimension, EssCar database outline
Dynamic Time Series member, adding 114
time dimension type, standard dimension
Total Customer dimension 34
Total Market dimension 35
Total Vehicles dimension 33, 65, 66
traditional data analysis applications
and OLAP analytical solutions, differences
31, 32
transactions tab, Essbase database 56
transparent database partition, setting up
transparent partition 48
TRIGMAXMEMSIZE, essbase.cfg memory
settings 360
tuple 378
Two-pass Calc 189-191
about 111-113
rules 113
Unicode applications 42, 43
unlock function 267
UPDATECALC, essbase.cfg file settings
User Defined Attributes. See UDA
user privileges, MaxL
user, altering 319, 320
user, creating 319
user, displaying 320
user, dropping 320
user, granting 320
working with 318, 319
valid consolidation operators
addition (+) operator 79
division (/) operator 79
multiplication (*) operator 79
Never Consolidate (^) operator 79
percent (%) operator 79
subtraction (-) operator 79
valid consolidation operators (~)
Exclude from Consolidation (~) operator 79
Visual Basic Main API group, functions
328, 329
Visual Basic Outline API functions 329
VLBREPORT, essbase.cfg memory settings
worksheet, Microsoft, Excel add-in 249
XMLA 373
XML for Analysis. See XMLA
zoom in function 264, 265
zoom out function 265
zoom tab, Essbase options
hybrid analysis option, enable hybrid
analysis 254
member retention section, include section
member retention section, remove unselected
groups 254
member retention section, within selected
group 254
sampling section 254
zoom in section, all levels 254
zoom in section, bottom level 254
zoom in section, next level 254
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